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Harry Potter - Making Inferences (Yellow)

Total questions: 12
Worksheet time: 8mins
Instructor name: Mrs. Laura Smith


RL 5.1.2
I​ can quote accurately
from a literary text to
support an inference I
have made from the text.

What inference can be made from this passage?

a) Harry and Ron don't have much experience with dragons. b) The dragon is shiny.
c) Harry and Ron have studied dragons for years. d) Harry and Ron love the outdoors.

What explicit evidence from the text helps the reader make the inference that Ron and Harry don't have much experience
with dragons?
Choose all that apply.

a) The green, scaly back of the dragon shimmered in the b) Ron approached the dragon and felt the heat, but kept
sunlight. getting closer.
c) Harry shouted, "Ron, get away from him!"

What inference can be made from this passage?

a) Hermione's classmates were angry with her and shot spells b) Hermione has good instincts.
at her.
c) Hermione would be a good track runner.

Which explicit evidence from the text BEST supports the inference that Hermione has good instincts?
Choose ALL that apply.

a) She had a sinking feeling deep inside her. b) She heard a noise coming from the wall in front of her.
c) She knew she had to run.


What can you infer from this passage?

a) The Dursleys were respectful to each other. b) Harry loved the Dursleys.
c) Harry resented the Dursleys.
Which evidence from the text BEST helps the reader infer that Harry resents the Dursleys?
Choose ALL that apply.

a) He wished he'd never met the Dursleys. b) He wished his Mom and Dad had lived when he was a
c) They pretended he didn't exist.


What inference can be made from this passage?

a) Dumbledore was angry with Harry. b) Harry and Dumbledore hate each other.
c) Dumbledore understands Harry's many emotions.

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