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Bryant 1 Whitney A.

Bryant Caruso ENGL 1101 31 October 2011 Genre Defense These considerations speak a persuasive language to every reflecting and virtuous mind, and exhibit the continuance of the union as a primary object of Patriotic desire. Is there a doubt, whether a common government can embrace so large a sphere? Let experience solve it. To listen to mere speculation in such a case were criminal. We are authorized to hope, that a proper organization of the whole, with the auxiliary agency of governments for the respective subdivisions, will afford a happy issue to the experiment, George Washington proclaimed (Washington, par. 14). In 1796 President George Washington delivered a powerful Farewell Address to the US congress, affirming that he would step down as the first president of the US. This speech contains a great deal of wisdom and significance, but the only problem with this great speech is that no one listened. In order for someone to listen to the points of this speech, I used the genre of a parody/satire for my re-creation. Im creating a speech through Transformers to the US to remind them of the things that Washington said, hoping that it will create an impact or a great change in current issues of the world. Im positive that this genre will convey my message because many people dont know anything about Washingtons farewell address, and if I use Transformers something that is really popular among people, more audiences will find out the significance of the speech, just by an ad-on scene. My project will portray the main message of Washingtons address, and will appeal to the Transformers audience, and many more people. It will be both
Comment [BC5]: This sentence is quite informal. Watch how much you use yourself and conversational language. Comment [BC2]: Addressing yourself and the assignment Comment [BC3]: You already did. Comment [BC1]: More than 4 lines of text should be in a block quote.

Comment [BC4]: Take this out.

Bryant 2 amusing and a little funny, because Im using a transformer to depict the message of one of the most famous and memorable presidents in the history of the US. Comparing both people and both worlds will definitely capture the attention of a broad audience. When you think of a parody or a satire you think of something original that is being mocked or mimicked. A parody is an imitation of the style of a particular writer, artist, or genre with deliberate exaggeration for comic effect. (parody) A satire is the use of irony, sarcasm, ridicule, or the like, in exposing, denouncing, or deriding vice, folly, etc. (satire) The first thing that a viewer of a parody would automatically think of before beginning to watch or review it, is what he or she knows about the original text used. So if someone was to create a new movie in 2012 that was a parody of the I LOVE LUCY SHOW, they would spontaneously contemplate on the many episodes of the show that they watched, and what they already know about the character Lucy. They would definitely be ready to hear the most famous line, Lucy! Im home! Because it is original, and once something is being re-created from a great original text or piece, it is pertinent that the main character or theme is used in the recreation. One thing that the audience does not expect is for the parody or satire to be
Comment [BC8]: Use normal text and quotation marks. Comment [BC7]: Include short quotes within your paragraphs, rather than separating them out. Also, you may not need these quotes. Most people already understand the concept of a pardoy/satire. Comment [BC6]: Eliminate all instances of you.

exactly the same as the original idea, if it shows to be exactly the same it would not be considered mocked or a parody at all. Many parodies bend the rules just a little in re-creating an original idea. For my particular parody, I mock my original text the farewell address, and I re-create it through a powerful speech by the famous Optimus Prime. But I bend the rules a little by not making everything comical, I just use the ideas that I am familiar with from the speech and the Transformers movie to give the
Comment [BC9]: Try giving the information in this paragraph as you talk about your ideas. Right now, your reader might be lost as to why you are including this information now.

Bryant 3 message to a different type audience. The purpose of a parody is to mock something, so I do complete the main feature of this genre chosen. I used this genre to emphasize the ideas that I wanted to reveal by using a similar situation. Optimus Prime, who is the main character of my parody, is one of the main character in the three famous movies Transformers, Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, and lastly Transformers: Dark of the Moon. Optimus is the leader of the Autobots, a good crime fighting team who deliberately protect the humans from the evil transformers the Decepticons. In my parody I am mocking the character of Optimus, by making him give a farewell speech similar to Washingtons. He will use the main pointers used by Washington, but they will be applied to the characters of the movie transformers, rather than the audience of the US congress. Along with President George Washington, Optimus Prime is also a great leader who needed to be acknowledged. Transformers, a series of movies that is loved by the children, teen and adult audiences can be used to appeal and deliver a message to a wider audience. There are many advantages and disadvantages to the choosing of this genre. Advantages of this genre is the speech is shown through a Microsoft PowerPoint, just so pictures and sound can be added to make it more realistic. Other advantages of this genre are, most people have at least heard of the George Washingtons speech, so when they began to hear the re-creation of the speech, they will be familiar with the parody and how the speech was mocked. Also advantages goes to the choosing of Transformers as a usage for the parody. Everyone has heard of these movies, whether they are completely in love with them, or they completely hate them. All advantages of this genre give this new re-creation a boost, and it will deliver the speech so that it is more clear and understandable.
Comment [BC14]: Is this sentence necessary? Comment [BC13]: This sounds as though you are writing from the assignment sheet. Reformat this sentence to allow yourself to state your ideas more clearly. Comment [BC12]: You begin with the idea of the main character and how he relates to the speech, but you end with the idea of the movies. Be sure each sentence in your paragraph contributes to the same idea. Comment [BC11]: Movie titles shoud be italicized. Comment [BC10]: This sentence reads as you saying that you did what you were supposed to do. Instead, go about defending the decisions you made.

Bryant 4 But in general, for every benefit there is always a disadvantage, and for every blessing there is a curse. One main disadvantage to this re-creation is the form of the parody. The form that I use for the parody is a speech. Although I have a power point with pictures, themes, and sound clips no one wants to read a full speech. People would rather watch a movie, YouTube video or an episode than sit down and read the paper. Making the speech into a wonderful power point was purposed to make the re-creation interesting, even though it was still just a speech. In conclusion, this original text of George Washingtons farewell address is very important, formal, and clear, and the purpose of a re-creation is to enhance something, make it more memorable, or even to change the original feel of the original piece. My re-creation speech gives you a better idea of what George Washington says by appealing to a different audience through Transformers, a genre of action, adventure, and sci-fi. The main purpose of this project is to show the importance of the original text, and to show how the US has pushed the majority of this advice to the side. It was also re-created to bring about a change in the US now, and to demonstrate what we need to get back to, as a nation and a government.
Comment [BC15]: Whitney, You talk about the purpose of your re-creation overall, why transformers, and why Optimus Prime, but you leave out details of the speech. You obviously spent a great deal of time working on the speech. Include pieces of the speech in your defense as you go about talking about why you had Optimus say certain things to appeal to certain audiences. Also, work on the wording you use to form your sentences. Many of your sentences are less clear, just because of their formatting. Work toward a smoother prose. Im looking forward to seeing your revision in the portfolio! -Ms. C

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