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1.1 Background of the Study

The education sector is a vital component of every society, as it plays a

significant role in shaping the future of the nation. Business studies are an

essential aspect of secondary school education, and teachers in this sector play a

crucial role in imparting knowledge and skills. The level of commitment and

job performance exhibited by teachers is often influenced by their job

satisfaction and motivation. Teachers' job satisfaction is a critical factor that

affects their job commitment and performance.

Teachers are professional educators with the main task of educating,

teaching, guiding, directing, training Setiawan, Junaedi, and Chandra (2021) to

assess and evaluate students. Teachers are often used as role models and even

become figures of self-identification. Job satisfaction and motivation are very

important to continuing growth of educational system in Nigeria and around the

world. Motivation plays an important role in the schools because it increases the

productivity and goals can be achieved in an efficient way and also motivation

takes part in the vital role for teachers because it helps to achieve target goals in

an efficient way. Teacher motivation is very important since it improves the

skills and knowledge of teachers seeing as it directly influences the students

achievement Mustafa and Othman, (2010). Teachers with high levels of

satisfaction can improve their performance. Werang (2014), Yusuf (2016) and

Widayati et al (2020) proved that there was a positive and significant effect

between job satisfactions on teacher performance. Job satisfaction takes an

essential part in the organizational performance because if in schools, the

teachers do not have sufficient motivation then there is less performance which

directly affects the students knowledge and also the education system.

The relevance of job satisfaction and motivation are very crucial to the

long-term growth of any educational system around the world. They probably

rank alongside professional knowledge and skills, center competencies,

educational resources and strategies as the veritable determinants of educational

success and performance. Professional knowledge, skills and center

competencies occur when one feels effective in one’s behavior. In other words,

professional knowledge, skills and competencies can be seen when one is taking

on and mastering challenging tasks directed at educational success and

performance Filak and Sheldon (2003). The above factors are closely similar to

efficacy, and of course it is well known that many teachers lose or fail to

develop self-efficacy within educational settings Dweck (1999). In addition,

needs satisfaction and motivation to work are very essential in the lives of

teachers because they form the fundamental reason for working in life. While
almost every teacher works in order to satisfy his or her needs in life, he or she

constantly agitates for need satisfaction.

Job satisfaction in this context is the ability of the teaching job to meet

teachers’ needs and improve their job/teaching performance. However, it is

assumed that teachers’ agitations and demands are beyond the resources of the

Ministry of Education or the government. As a result, the government in Nigeria

and the Nigerian Union of Teachers (NUT) are in a constant stand-off over the

increase in salaries, benefits, and improvements in working conditions of

teachers. The federal and state governments have argued that the present

economic realities in the country cannot sustain the demanded increase in

salaries, benefits, and improvements in working conditions. Specifically they

argue that teachers’ demands are beyond the government resources. However,

the teachers need motivation to work efficiently and also to enhance their ability

and knowledge. Organizations performance is made visible through the

activities it conducts to achieve, its mission. Outputs and their effects are the

most observable aspects of an organization's performance (Anderson and

Carden (1999). Hence, it is essential to examine the “influence of motivation

and job satisfaction on commitment and job performance of secondary school

business teachers in Sabon-gari Local Government of Kaduna State”.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

The level of job satisfaction and motivation has a direct impact on

teachers' commitment and performance. This study aims to investigate the

influence of motivation and job satisfaction on commitment and job

performance of secondary school business teachers in Sabon-gari Local

Government of Kaduna State.

1.3 Research Objectives

The study aims to achieve the following objectives;

1. to determine the level of job satisfaction among secondary school business

teachers in Sabon Gari Local Government.

2. to assess the level of motivation among secondary school business teachers

in Sabon Gari Local Government.

3. to examine the influence of job satisfaction and motivation on the

commitment of secondary school business teachers in Sabon Gari Local


1.3 Research Questions

1. What is the level of job satisfaction among secondary school business

teachers in Sabon Gari Local Government?

2. How motivated are secondary school business teachers in Sabon Gari Local

3. To what extent do job satisfaction and motivation influence the commitment

of secondary school business teachers in Sabon Gari Local Government?

1.4 Significance of the Study

The study will provide insight into the influence of job satisfaction and

motivation on secondary school business teachers' commitment and job

performance. The findings of this study will help policy-makers and

stakeholders to formulate policies and strategies that will improve teacher’s job

satisfaction and motivation. It will also help identify influence of motivation

and job satisfaction on commitment and job performance of secondary school

business teachers in Sabon-gari Local Government of Kaduna State, thereby

addressing the challenges faced by teachers in this sector.

1.5 Delimitation of the Study

The study is delimited to secondary school business teachers in Sabon

Gari Local Government, Kaduna State. The research focuses on the influence of

motivation and job satisfaction on commitment and job performance of

secondary school business teachers in Sabon-gari Local Government of Kaduna



This chapter reviewed literatures related to the study, the review was

done under the following:


2.1 Theoretical Framework

2.2 Conceptual Framework

2.2.1 Concept of Teacher Performance

2.2.2 Concept of Commitment

2.2.4 Concept of Motivation

2.2.5 Concept of Job Satisfaction

2.2.6 Effect of Commitment on Job Satisfaction

2.2.7 Effect of Motivation on Job Satisfaction

2.4 Summary of Related Literature

2.1 Theoretical Framework

Several factors are believed to influence a person’s desire to perform

work or behave in a certain way. The need-based theories explained these

desires; they explained motivation primarily as a phenomenon that occurs

intrinsically, or within an individual. We can widely recognize one need-based

theorist and his theory: Herzberg's Two-Factor.

The theoretical framework for this study is based on Herzberg's Two-

Factor Theory, which suggests that job satisfaction and job dissatisfaction are

two independent factors that affect motivation and job performance. The

hygiene factors (salary, working conditions, job security, and relationships with

colleagues) lead to job dissatisfaction, while the motivators (achievement,

recognition, work itself, and personal growth) lead to job satisfaction and


2.2 Conceptual Framework

2.2.1 Concept of Teacher Performance

Teacher performance according to Rachmawati (2013) is the teacher's

ability and effort to carry out learning tasks as well as possible in planning
teaching programs, implementing learning activities, and evaluating learning

outcomes. The teacher's performance achieved must be based on professional

ability standards while carrying out their obligations as a teacher at school.

Supardi (2016) states that "teacher performance is the ability of a teacher to

carry out learning tasks at school and is responsible for students who are under

his guidance by increasing the achievement or learning outcomes of his

students". As for teacher performance indicators, according to the regulation of

the State Minister for Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform No.

16/2009 namely pedagogic, personality, social and professional.

Concept of Commitment

The teacher's commitment to teaching is the teacher's most important

determination to show sincerity and direct all abilities professionally in carrying

out tasks at school. The aspects seen from this commitment are caring,

responsibility, and loyalty in teaching. Teachers need to have a high

commitment to actualize their potential. Organizational commitment has an

important role in improving teacher performance Napitupulu, Sudarno, and

Junaedi (2021). Commitment is needed in all aspects of life, both in

organizational life and social life. Teachers who have a good commitment are

expected to be able to provide the best and maximum for their

organization/school, so as to produce optimal performance for the school.

Teachers with good commitment in carrying out the rules that have been set and
have high responsibility. According to Meyer and Allen (2002), commitment

indicators are: affective commitment, continuance commitment, normative

commitment, obligation/debt and ability to appreciate.

Concept of Motivation

Motivation according to Mangkunegara (2016) suggests that motivation is a

condition or energy that drives employees who are directed or directed to

achieve the company's organizational goals. Flippo in Hasibuan (2016)

"motivation is a skill, in directing employees and organizations to want to work

successfully, so that the wishes of employees and organizational goals are

simultaneously achieved. Hamzah (2018) the term motivation comes from the

word motive which can be interpreted as a strength within the individual, which

causes the individual to act or act. Motives cannot be observed directly, but can

be interpreted in their behavior, in the form of stimulation, encouragement, or

power generation for the emergence of a certain behavior.

Based on the definitions according to the experts above, it can be

concluded that employee motivation is encouragement from within and from

outside a person to take an action to achieve a predetermined goal in an

organization. According to Maslow, Robbins and Judge (2008), motivational

indicators are: physiology, security, social, appreciation and self-actualization.

Concept of Job Satisfaction

Job satisfaction is the level of pleasure a person feels for his role or work

in an organization. The level of individual satisfaction that they get rewarded

fairly from various aspects of the work situation of the organization where they

work. So job satisfaction concerns the psychology of the individual in the

organization, which is caused by the circumstances he feels from his


Based on the definitions that have been put forward by several expert

opinions, it can be concluded that job satisfaction is an individual's feeling of

satisfaction or pleasure towards work which is the result of a subjective

assessment of aspects of work which include satisfaction with the work itself,

salary received, opportunity for promotion and career development, quality of

supervisors and relationships with colleagues. There are 5 indicators of job

satisfaction according to Robbins and Judge (2013), namely: the work itself

(work itself), rewards (pay), promotion (promotion), supervision (supervision)

and co-workers (coworkers). The Effect of Commitment on Job Satisfaction

Schermerhorn, Hunt, Osborn and Uhl-Bien stated organizational commitment of

an individual's loyalty to the organization. Individuals with high organizational

commitment identify very strongly with the organization and feel proud to

consider themselves as members of Wibowo (2016).

Teachers who are unable to obtain satisfaction in their work will lead to

negative attitudes and behavior Renaldo, Andi, Nur, Junaedi, and Panjaitan,
(2021) which will lead to decreased motivation during the teaching process,

whereas teachers who are satisfied can work well, enthusiastically, and excel.

This is supported by the results of research conducted by Anita Tresia Samosir

(2020) showing that there is a positive and significant effect of teacher

commitment on teacher job satisfaction at the Bina Agung Medan Education

Foundation. However, it is different from the results of research conducted by

Ridwan Baraba, Esti Margiyanti Wijayanti (2014) with the result that

organizational commitment has a negative and insignificant effect on job

satisfaction of Muhammadiyah Purworejo University employees.

Effect of Commitment on Job Satisfaction

Darmawan (2016) explained that job satisfaction is positively and

significantly influenced by commitment. Another research conducted by

Dahliani, Hari, and Fitria (2022) also has the similar result. They stated that

organizational commitment has a positive effect and significant on job


The Effect of Motivation on Job Satisfaction

Sutrisno (2013) theory of satisfaction that is if the needs and satisfaction

are increasingly fulfilled, the motivation to work will also be better. With the

increase in teacher performance Renaldo, Sudarno, et al. (2021), it will provide

satisfaction to the school, so that the school can provide appropriate rewards for
outstanding teachers. A person's relationship with his work is very basic and

therefore a person's attitude towards his work is very likely to determine

satisfaction or dissatisfaction in work. This is in line with the research results of

Edi Sugiono, Suryono Effendi and Bahtiar Alwan (2021), namely motivation

has a positive and significant effect on job satisfaction of teachers business

education teachers.

The Effect of Organizational Commitment on Teacher Performance

Organizational commitment has a positive and significant effect on

teacher performance. The better the organizational commitment leads to the

higher the teacher performance and vice versa, the lower the organizational

commitment will have an impact on the decline of teacher performance

Prasetyono and Ramdayana (2020). In addition Hartini et al. (2021) explained

that teacher performance is positively and significantly influenced by

organizational commitment. Suwardi and Utomo (2011) one indication of low

organizational commitment can be seen from the high absenteeism and tardiness

in an organization.

The Effect of Job Satisfaction on Teacher Performance

Werang (2014) explained that job satisfaction has a positive and significant

effect on teacher performance. Yusuf (2016) explained that teacher performance

is positively and significantly influenced by job satisfaction. Furthermore,

another research conducted by Widayati et al. 2020 proved the similar result

stating that job satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on teacher

performance. On the other hand, a different result was presented by Pala'langan

(2020) stating that job satisfaction does not have a significant effect on teacher

performance. Ratnasari et al. (2021) explained that job satisfaction has no

significant effect on teacher performance. Another research implemented by

Hafni, Budiyanto, and Suhermin (2022) also proved that job satisfaction does

not have a significant effect on teacher performance.

Summary of Related Literature

Various research studies have indicated a strong correlation between job

satisfaction and teacher retention, which further supports the significance of job

satisfaction in the teaching profession. Studies have also emphasized the

relationship between teacher motivation and job performance, with highly

motivated teachers exhibiting higher energy, commitment, and enthusiasm

towards their job, which translates into better performance.

In summary, this literatures review highlights the significant role of job

satisfaction and motivation on teacher commitment and job performance. A

satisfied and motivated teacher is likely to exhibit high levels of job

commitment and perform their job duties effectively. This information will

enable gathering data on the relationship between these variables.



This chapter described the methodology used in the study. This chapter

has the following headings:

3.1 Research Design

3.2 Population of the Study

3.3 Sample Size and Sampling Procedures

3.4 Instrument for Data Collection

3.4.1 Validity of the Instrument

3.4.2 Pilot Study

3.4.3 Reliability of the Instrument

3.5 Procedure for Data Collection

3.6 Procedure for Data Analysis

3.1 Research Design

This research study employed survey design in investigating Influence of

motivation and job satisfaction on commitment and job performance of

secondary school business teachers in Sabon-gari Local Government. Survey

was used in this study due to the population to be covered. According to

Akuezuilo and Agu (2002), a survey research method is one in which a group of

people or item is studied by collecting and analyzing data from only a few

people or items considered to be representative of the entire group. However, in

survey research, the sample selected is normally large while the variables

studied are limited.

3.2 Population of the Study

A research population is the total collection of subject or elements about

which the study intends to make inference and draw conclusions. However, in

research, population refers to the total number of the target group, items,

elements, events or objects intended to be studied. Research population

determines the focus of the investigation, it can also be seen as the group about

which the research is interested in gaining information and drawing conclusion.

Thus, the population of this study consists of the 50 business teachers in Sabon-

gari Local Government, Kaduna State.

3.3 Sample Size and Sampling Procedure

For the purpose of this research work, the researcher decided to use the

entire population as sample because of its small size. Mohammed (2005)

recommended that when a population is small, it can be used as sample. The

total population for the study stood at 50. Thus; the sample size was made of

business teachers in Sabon-gari local Government, Kaduna State.

3.4 Instrument for Data Collection

This study used questionnaire which. The reason for designing

questionnaire is that it is an effective means of measuring the behavior,

attitudes, preferences, opinions and intentions of relatively large numbers of

subjects more cheaply and quickly than other methods. The questionnaire was

also administered using a four likert scale type questionnaire of strongly agreed,

agreed, disagreed and strongly disagreed was used to ease the analysis, all the

strongly agreed and agreed were grouped as agreed as agreed while the

disagreed and strongly disagreed were grouped as disagreed. The instrument for

data collection will be scaled as follows; i.e. (4 + 3 + 2 + 1 = 10/4 = 2.5).

Decision Rule:

A mean score of 2.5 and above is considered as agreed while a mean score

below 2.5 is considered as disagreed.

3.4.1 Validity of the Instrument

Validity is a judgement based on various types of evidence. Thus, the

types of validity we have are: content validity, face validity and construct

validity. For the purpose of this study, content validity was used because it

refers to the extent to which a measure represents all facets of a given construct

and the appropriateness of the measuring instruments. Content validity of the

instrument was subject to scrutiny by the researcher’s supervisor and other

experts in Business Education Section of the Department of Vocational and

Technical Education, A.B.U. Zaria. The experts critically examine the

instrument with respect to its content, adequacy and fitness. The opinion,

criticism, and suggestions these experts were incorporated into the construction

of the final instrument.

3.4.2 Pilot Study

A pilot testing was conducted where questionnaire was administered to

fifty business teachers in Sabon-gari Local Government, Kaduna State.

3.4.3 Reliability of the Instrument

Reliability refers to a degree to which a test consistently measure

whatever it is measuring. Reliability is the stability or dependability of an

instrument or procedure in order to obtain information. Reliability therefore

means that whatever is done should be done consistently. The more reliable a

test, the more confidence we can have that result obtained from the test are
essentially the same. The instrument is said to be reliable based on the nature

and type of questions asked. When answered properly, it will provide reliable

information which justifies the reliability of the instrument.

3.5 Procedure for Data Collection

Due to the administration of instrument for data collection to the

respondents, a letter collected by the researcher of introduction from the

department of vocational and technical education, Ahmadu Bello University,

Zaria. The researcher presented the letter to both the Head of Section, Business

Education Section, A.B.U. Zaria, for permission to conduct the research.

There are several instrument that can be used in obtaining adequate and

reliable data. Therefore, this study will use secondary and primary sources of

data collection. The secondary data were obtained from journals and

publications. While the primary data were obtained through questionnaire.

Kolthori (2004) a questionnaire is a define order or a form or set of forms. The

questionnaire is mailed to respondents who are expected to read and understand

the questions and write down the reply in the specimens for the purpose in the

questionnaire itself. The respondents have to answer the question on their own.

To while (2002), A questionnaire is regarded as a series of questions each one

providing a number of alternative answer from which the respondents can

Closed ended type of questionnaire was used which allows respondent to

make a choice of possible answer. The questionnaire would be administered by

the researcher to be respondent which is expected to correctly fill and returned

it. Therefore the questionnaire was drafted out carefully and also designed,

presented and edited to ensure that the questions are not ambiguous.

3.6 Procedure for Data Analysis

The research question will be answered using mean and standard

deviation. A likert scale of four levels (strongly agree, strongly disagree and

disagree). The researcher set the range value for either agree or disagree of

items or research question at 2.5. Item or research question that scored 2.5 and

above was considered effective for the study while item or research question

that scored below 2.5 was considered ineffective for the study.

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