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p Solve This MyLab IT® grader

Cyber Security Flyer and Mail Merge

You have been asked to modify a flyer that announces an upcoming cyber-security presentation
to highlight National Cyber Security Awareness Month. Additionally, you have been told to mail
the flyer to some key community members. You will use Mail Merge and other features of
Microsoft Word to complete this task.

You will use the following skills as you complete this activity:

• Apply Artistic Effect • Create Custom Bullets

• Insert Shapes • Use Mail Merge

• Apply Page Borders


1. Open TIA_Ch12_Start and save as TIA_Ch12_LastFirst.

2. Scroll to page 2. Select the image at the top left of the page, click the Picture Tools Format
tab, click Artistic Effects in the Adjust group, and then click the Photocopy effect.

3. Click the Insert tab, click Shapes in the Illustrations group, and then click Rectangle from
the Rectangles group. Place the cursor in the top left image and draw a rectangle. In the Size
group, modify the size to be 2.2” high and 4.1” wide. Using the arrow keys on the keyboard,
nudge the rectangle in any direction so that it is centered within the image.

4. Change the Shape Fill color of the rectangle to Blue, Accent 5, Lighter 60%. Type October
is, press Enter, then type National Cyber Security Awareness Month. Change the font to
Century Gothic, and change the font color to Black, Text 1. Then change the font size of
the first line to 14, and the remaining text to 28. Click the Paragraph dialog box launcher,
then change Spacing Before to 12 pt, and Line spacing: At: to .85.

5. With the text box still selected, click the Drawing Tools Format tab, click Shape Effects in
the Shape Styles group, then select Soft Edges, 5 point.

6. Select Cyber Security Presentation (upper right corner of page 2). Change the font to
Britannic Bold and the font color to Dark Red in the Standard Colors group.

7. Select the first set of bullets, click the Bullets arrow in the Paragraph group, click Define
New Bullet, and then click Picture. Click Browse next to From a File and select
TIA_Ch12_Image1 from your student data files location. Select the second set of bullets and
repeat the process to define a new bullet using TIA_Ch12_Image2.

8. Click the Design tab, then click Page Borders in the Page Background group. Click Box in
the Setting section, and then click the triple line in the Style section. Ensure that Whole
document displays in the Apply to: box.

9. On Page 1, select National Cyber Security Awareness Month! Click WordArt in the Text
group on the Insert tab, select Fill: Blue, Accent color 1; Shadow. Click the Text Fill
arrow, then click Dark Red in the Standard Colors group.

10. In the second paragraph, beginning with You are invited, bold Springer Auditorium, October
22, from 12 – 2:30 PM and change the font color to Dark Red in the Standard Colors group.

11. On the Mailings tab, click Start Mail Merge in the Start Mail Merge group, select Letters.
Click Select Recipients and click Use an Existing List. Navigate to the student data files
and select TIA_Ch12_MailList. Ensure Sheet1 is selected, then click OK.

12. Click Edit Recipient List in the Start Mail Merge group, click the City header to sort the
addresses by city, then uncheck the two records from Elk Grove Village. Click OK.

13. Place the insertion point at the beginning of the first paragraph, beginning with We are all
living. In the Write & Insert Fields group, click Address Block. Ensure Joshua Randall Jr. is
selected in the Specify address elements section and accept all other default settings. Click
OK. Press Enter.

14. Place the insertion point at the beginning of the first paragraph, beginning with We are all
living. In the Write & Insert Fields group, click Greeting Line, then in the Greeting line

format section, ensure that Dear displays in the first box, select Joshua in the second box,
and ensure a comma displays in the third box. Click OK. Press Enter.

15. Click Preview Results and click Next Record several times to advance through the letters.

16. Select the recipient and address lines. On the Home tab, click No Spacing in the Styles
group. Click at the end of the zip code and press Enter.

16. Save the file and submit based on your instructor’s directions.

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