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Abdelrahman Mosaab, Awab, Ibraheem, Mahmoud.

Arwa, Hla, and Rodayna 1

Animals shelter reflection

Abdelrahman Mosaab, Awab, Ibraheem, Mahmoud. Arwa, Hla, and Rodayna
Mrs. Samar Motaz
English Language Arts
October 10, 2023
We are a group of animal activists and we interview different people to tell us about their

opinions about animal rights. According to the interviews, all of them seem to agree about

animal rights and how anti-animal cruelty should be spread. According to one of the interviews,

street animals should be put into shelters as they can harm humans physically, and humans can

harm them. They also said that animals on Earth have souls just like humans and that they have

the absolute rights to live peacefully on earth just like us. According to an interview, they said

that animals kept as pets at home are mostly thrown on the streets mostly because it is a big

responsibility for them. Therefore, they are abused every day in the streets. In another interview,

it states that they had a friend that had a dog that is always kept in their garden and is not taken

for walks. They encouraged their friend to give them more walks, but nothing happens.

Sometimes, not giving dogs walks can have a big impact on their psychological health. This

explains that not only that animals are abused physically, they are abused mentally as well. In

conclusion, the people we interviewed all agree that animal cruelty should be stopped because

they have souls, and have the right to live on earth peacefully just like humans.

We went to an animal shelter and we have come up with our own opinions about animal

cruelty. When we went to the animal shelter, we saw different conditions and different types of

injuries that dogs had. It was heartbreaking to see the poor conditions of the dogs there. Some of

them had stitches, broken limbs, and other poor conditions. The owner of the animal shelter said

that these dogs were all abused, and that most of them were thrown away on the streets by their
Abdelrahman Mosaab, Awab, Ibraheem, Mahmoud. Arwa, Hla, and Rodayna 2

owners because they thought that it was a big responsibility, or their dogs became sick so the

responsibility became larger. That is why our goal is to raise awareness about animal cruelty. and

to make sure people have more mercy towards them.


Q1. What do you think about animal rights? Do you think animals deserve to have rights
Q2. How do you view animals amongst humans? Do you think they superior or inferior beings?
Q3. If you had a pet one day, how would you treat them? If you already have one how do you
treat them?
Q4. What is considered animal abuse in your point of view? Do you tolerate it?
Q6. Do you like the way animals are treated in today’s society, If not what do you want to
change about our treatment to animals?
Q7. Do you think that animals are aware of their actions towards us? Do you think they mean to
hurt us in some of their actions?
Q8. How do you spot a mistreated animal (example: a poisoned dog or a cat who’s been abused
by their owner constantly), What do they act like?
Q9. Do you think homeless dogs and cats have the right to steal food from people whenever they
feel hungry and why?
Q10. Will society benefit more if we got rid of all street dogs and cats? If not why would it not
benefit society?
Abdelrahman Mosaab, Awab, Ibraheem, Mahmoud. Arwa, Hla, and Rodayna 3
Abdelrahman Mosaab, Awab, Ibraheem, Mahmoud. Arwa, Hla, and Rodayna 4

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