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Max! Student’s Book 1 Alfred Lee Jill Marie Fairall School Publishers Carine ty er Ra Ti) feecuty “Conversation about iste, litres eoperence : tied schol Mille ed The indefinite aicles sexpestence expenence + Long and short Long ane short vowel soe Conerstionabeut —Tallingabeut te = ¥ahaut Taw i abottime alling about pDagtnonge reormates ee Comaraponahout |-Comyersationatthe una between Niew —- Chineuecuiure The pat unpletanse visting sforeign bun sap and The Saiog forge ‘country Tolling about cxeure ‘country (chong Berner doe ‘end Then ong and whet ll a Coevéristen abent —Ceneravanabot Wat ad/ourHomes The future Future tine favre | fae faba elem aoe? Amibtion wal What wll Foal —Taling abon Rte sGongta bee 20308 te + Present continuo Senvouete “Conversation about -Commgrtation abot Why Heiter = Exting Pabits eet ang a SSaacbig fi Geed for - Melty ood en Wty Healthy allie send eating yee Snacking nGood jor haba yu. Consonants Konversationabout -Conversationaeut - WhatiGoadt about —- Spat, The past coatiwous sarriming swireringiva river Swrening? Smimeg andthe part spe People nsebnstes vicic) > wactes ——————t box —ebone jose + lice + Some rout thal end in ota es: tue cha ero — heroes pots Leptin i ep ‘toot = teeth + The pura form of nods fut ene in consonant + (earned by acing fe: stony —e stones baby» hates * Thepplural formvof nouns that end Infor As formed changing te #inta west tate = ives ott > ive nha “> chets raf __. rots Qiwrite tne pura! torm of these nouns in the right hanes: ra, > Fadi, vraich day trary gas fx torrata hose fax pony ty crash seat toot tet aes coxntry sandiwich dock tava ty pe shat hat ty f] " a ENeT mantels [ivvrtethe ptcral form of these nouns (Decree the mistakes and conrect them: ay = meri booms pos mans is baby = vol = bones foots potatoes ths wi = rsh = stoy = val pte mows videos, teeth Correct the SpeLing Of these plurals’ 10 sheeps Baie (cers trots can you ha Heat Mowe to make tenet ual ores of singular cdeftable runs, In thes diction there ave sore cevpresions that lft you te the uncountable nours, fn the sme way you se the entitle nouns: you reer to a speciic ‘quantity oF number, {Ep Fain the spaces wrth Words from the box You may vse a ‘word moee than once, ote an oie oece (inn tf Fh = ‘Va oS 1A of aoace. 2A of water, aA ef matches, oA owe. SA of howers., 6A at paper 7A of soap. aA cof milk. oA of chocolate 1A of information. mat reat. 1A of toothpaste. WBA st wc, MA of tuna. isa of news. Q) choose the correct answer: | tought three boxnsbotes/ganaes of erik estetay ‘Wold you like a bunchvspocnfulglass of water? | sus have my tea wath a buepiecwspcont of sugar Lots tuy a bowtuoatin of sardines, ‘Could you had me a baisheettice of pape, pla? Dorr forge! to buy tnvbow/ter of matches when yeu po srorene. What a lovely tbe/tervounch of flaws! 8: 1 rover have mone than two sices/iteseots of meat for furen 9 I havea iterybarpoir of shoes that need rsaing, 10 Susie gave her sister 3 tube/tar/spoonts of chocolate this morning, 11 Would you Fike a Rezy drink? Mo, thanks. Fe jst hi canytaribon. 1 Would you bike to taste my sandwich? Here's a tube. 13 om going shopping tay fora bartubeynate of toothpaste 308 2 baevtubevnctes of soap. 114 Than at for that bgmetapiece of advoe. rely helped me a tat. aves ae Ce ee ee ee ee Hi Dee, Hin are you coma? How te evetyone ln your fil? | ape you areal! OR. aver ear ree You since st eth guess ou‘ busy ath a lsd of tut for your waeks of exams. min the ‘sara boat ve been having ests fox a courte of cays oy, My in Is abo Bo ROW UD WRT oa i cepts on thd coming eh? | hep yout be over wth yu ees By the Se yOu soon, Teeny Begin by saying you haver?tspchen in a wile and ask thern questions about th ite lke “How's ye fteily?", “What's new at school?” or “at work?” Update them on what's been going an in your fe ately Yeu ecu so tSseuss eurent events ‘Ask it you can get together some tre. (Coe with a "See you son”, *Love ot” ar something Hi that Be sincom. Write rom the heart. ret make sil up. That makes the e-mail pointes! Jn your workbook, write an emai te your friend asking him or ber when he or sho is next in town. | Seventh proces world otjfemmréek, a load over your Kaci Iie. You are not uch yore, but you Wi have ta look up to tose eighin-gracers. So what i a sevwni-pracer to da? 1 Look at the tig picture How/mary iges you have to study? How mich hme? Hf you hag 50 pages fo,cover in 10 weeks, then, thats only one page a.night on weakest you 2am ust to prepare forearms. Look at the chapter, unit or section you are Smucyg, fone ofthe best anganisatinas fret t Wat are the tities, headings and Subncings? Are thore bold-typed or unerined words? Tresor fe hey words wits them daw a5 they wll help soe what th materials about 2 Dont exam, Anyone who has overtaken a Best balone brews (hat 99.99% of the pressure gets ten offi you study ahead of time; you caret think clearly if you are under pressuntstd, encugh, you ca eal ead geting sae Ad weered, Ard you can move ata steacher pace —B0 minutes ineight is easier to hardie thar 5 hours the night ator. Byte Week Deon the exam, youll have: rel everything at Mast once and youl be prepared! 2 Set up a study stadiurn. ces nat have to be an ack stadium, just an area ‘tere you can leave your notes, you d your dictionary: some whom you aw pencits ormortabie and where there is ita cist TV or kx music! ton. That means no an worl card good friends, even if it takes 2 while, Social ites hard pecially with people who swap trends ike football With good friends, you can roe of worries. Hf you doe get on try to got to know them better: these things take time, And is pertect lax, work hard and be don't be too picky: na tr 5 Got involved in extracurricular activities. Sametimes students avoid these art coe, Instead of tening to the sch ‘activity, ry t you hat you really enjoy 6 i you are pe 12 bullied, then do something about it Tabs an adult ean af problem. Even corething really small, bait hurts yox, you should tell your aeootst they caro or you #0 they will be abte to help, 7” y8u do not hava much self-esteem, you have to work on ‘youtsoll, Everyone. thas something good about then athletic, good Yooking etc, Laok at the bright side of things, ‘Atwaays be positive and hope and keep going. Work “in. pairs. Discuss with your partner the pe advantages and disadvantages of: Moving toa new schoo! Homework Exams School rules and regulations ‘ ub ent iM AS

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