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Evening and Morning - George H.

In this time of spiritual visitation God would remind His people over and over
again that He is consistently seeking to draw them into direct, unhindered union
with Himself, that through them He might reveal His glory unto the nations.
Whenever forms of truth, and religious structures and systems are emphasized,
the people of God are invariably bogged-down in human contrivances that will
eventually lead them nowhere. Proper doctrines and methods and structures
we will always require, but God wants us to know that the structure of His
Church is just as much an outgrowth of the Law of Life (and therefore just as
much subject to change), as is the case in any other living thing that He has
created. If there is LIFE, then there must needs be GROWTH, and CHANGE,
and TRANSFORMATION--otherwise God's purpose in imparting that life has
not been fulfilled.
This is the particular emphasis of this writing, and one that we believe is very
needful in this hour. God is doing a NEW THING in the earth, and man's
attempt to re-establish some religious structure of the past, useful as it may
have been in another day, is vain and futile. Truth is unchangeable... as
unchangeable as the Living Christ, who is indeed the Way, the Truth, and the
Life. But Truth has been planted in the earth, to CHANGE the people of God,
and to lead them forward and upward into the ever-unfolding desires of His own
This writing has been out of print for several years now; but with the help of
God's people we are able to send it forth again, believing that it will bring new
vision and illumination to many.
-- April, 1979 -- The Author --

Chapter 1 - Unfolding Revelation

Table of Contents

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