2015F Shipbuilding & Naval Architecture Research Group Proposal_2

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Date: October 28, 2015

Name of Principal Researchers
Mr. Joseph N. Mante, Chairperson, Shipbuilding and Naval Architecture Group.
Mr. Daniel V. K. Domeh. Shipbuilding and Naval Architecture Group.

Profile of principal researchers

Daniel V. K. Domeh
Assistant Lecturer, Department of Marine Engineering: - MPhil. Mechanical Engineering
(Thermal Power and Fluid Engineering), University of Mines and Technology (UMaT), Ghana
(2013-2016). MSc. Maritime Engineering Science/Naval Architecture, University of
Southampton, United Kingdom, (2011-2012). BSc. Marine Engineering, Regional Maritime
University (RMU), (2004-2008)

Joseph N. Mante
Principal Lecturer, Marine Engineering Department: – Shipbuilding and Naval Architecture
Research Group. MSc. Maritime Education & Training (Marine Engineering). Class One
Engineer (Unlimited), UK (1979). Thirty years of teaching and industrial experience in the
maritime industry.

Research question
Development of an Urban Water Transport System by Sea between Tema & Accra.

Relevance of research as related to RMU mission and contribution to academic knowledge

It is expected that results from this research will create the awareness and inform stakeholders of
the contribution that a water transportation system along the coast can make towards the:
• Mass transit of goods and passengers between Tema & Accra.
• Reduction in overall operating costs on the national economy.
• Reduction in greenhouse gases.
• Reduction of stress on users and passengers.
The implementation of such a transport system, will make RMU the first institution to introduce
transportation by sea into Ghana and the West Africa Sub-region. This could result in the
establishment of a centre of excellence in water transport at the RMU, which will attract projects
and funding from both governmental and non-governmental agencies such as the Ministry of
Tourism and shipping companies.

Problem Definition
• Passenger and freight transport in Ghana, is dominated by road transport.
• Transportation by train is available but on a limited scale and irregular.
• Available freight and passenger transport services between Tema and Accra is not
matched by existing infrastructure. This has resulted in:
o Traffic congestions.
o Increase in travel times.
o Frequent damage to roads between the two locations.

Research Questions

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• How can the sea contribute to reducing the pressure on the Accra-Tema Beach road and
Accra-Tema Motorway?
• Does Ghana have the necessary logistics and systems to promote water transport system?
• What is the public level of interest in water transport system?

Aim & Objectives

• The research aims at promoting water transportation as alternative to traveling by road or
rail through:
o Detailed investigations and feasibility studies on transportation by sea between
Tema and Accra.
o Design of a Water Taxi/Bus system to that effect.
o Development of landing ports at way points and main terminals on the route.
• On completion the research will come up with a cost estimate for the implementation of
such a system.

Expected Outcome
• Inform stakeholders of the contribution coastal water transport, can make towards
realization of a more efficient urban transport system;
• Explain the impact such a system could have on emission of greenhouse gases;
• Inform stakeholders of the influence the system will have on job creation.

Methodology and Proposed Timelines

1. Questionnaire administering and interviewing to ascertain the commercial viability of
water transportation system between Tema and Accra - 6 months.
2. Questionnaire administering and interviewing to ascertain both technical and human
resource capacity in managing such a transportation system - 6 months.
3. Desk-top study, interviewing and experimentation to identify the suitable marine vehicles
to be employed and the routes of operation - 6 months.
4. Detailed design of landing sites - 6 months.

Intended Ways of Disseminating Research Findings

1. Periodic report presentations to project financiers.
2. Presentations at local and international conferences.
3. Publication of articles in the RMU Journal and other international journals.

Total Estimated Cost

Nine Thousand, Six Hundred and Eighty-One US Dollars ($9861.00).

Other sources of funding (confirmed and/or expected)

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Details of Internal Collaborating Researcher(s)

Name Faculty Department Academic qualification Academic

1 Mrs. Ankoma Say Maritime Port and Shipping MSc. Port Management Lecturer
2 Mr. Jonas Aryee Maritime Port and Shipping MSc. Transport and Maritime Assistant
Studies Economics Lecturer
4 Mr. Francis Obeng Engineering Marine Engineering MSc. Ship Structures Assistant
5 Mr. Michael Ahiafokpor Engineering Marine Engineering HND. Mechanical Engineering Technician
(Plant Option)

Details of External Collaborating Researcher(s)

Name Institution Academic qualification Academic rank

1 Mr. Napoleon Addison Accra Institute of Technology (AIT) MSc. Physical Oceanography Lecturer

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Research Proposal Budget Form

Details of Estimated Cost

1. Equipment (exceeding US$ 500)

Unit cost No. of Total Price
SN Item
($) units ($)
1 Rental of tug 50/hour 30 hours 1500.00
Rafos float/Acoustic Doppler current profiler
2 5000 1 5000.00
Total equipment cost ($) 6500.00
*The RMU Research Dept. has budgeted for the purchase of these items

2. Materials and supplies (not exceeding US$ 500)

Unit cost No. of Total Price
SN Item
($) units ($)
1 Echo sounder 500.00 1 500.00

2 Stationery 50.00

Total materials and supplies cost ($) 550.00

3. Man-hours and data costs

Unit cost No. of Total
SN Item
($) units Price ($)
1 Questionnaire administering 5 500 600.00

2 Interviewing 5 200 600.00

3 Data processing 5 50 200.00

4 Experimental measurements 7 50 350.00

5 CAD drawing of landing sites 250.00 1 200.00

Total Man-hours and data cost ($) 1950.00

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Research Proposal Budget Form

4. Travel (To collect processed questionnaires)

Mode of Cost per No. of No. of
SN Destination Price
travel trip($) persons trips
1 Accra Bus 5.00 2 4 40.00

2 Tema Bus 10.00 2 6 120.00

Total travel cost ($) 160.00

5. Accommodation
Cost Per Night
SN Place No. of persons No. of nights Total

Total accommodation cost 0.00

6. Miscellaneous
SN Item Unit cost ($) No. of units Total Price ($)

1 Printing 0.25 200 50.00

2 Photocopying 0.02 500 10.00

Total miscellaneous cost ($) 60.00

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Research Proposal Budget Form


1 Equipment (exceeding US$ 500) 6500.00

2 Materials and supplies (not exceeding US$ 500) 550.00

3 Man-hours and data costs 1950.00

4 Travel (To collect processed questionnaires) 160.00

5 Accommodation 0.00

6 Miscellaneous 60.00 9220.00

Contingency (5%) ($) 461.00

FINAL COST ($) 9681.00

Comment (s) on Researcher’s ability to
conduct research:

Signature: Signature:

Date: Date:

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