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A typical example of a simultaneity trouble is that of simultaneous exchange of secrets,

Of which agreement signing is a unique case. The placing for a simultaneous alternate

Of secrets and techniques consists of events, every preserving a “secret.” The intention is to execute

Protocol such that if both parties comply with it successfully, then at termination every will keep

Its counterpart’s secret, and anyways (even though one celebration cheats) the first party will

Hold the second one birthday celebration’s secret if and handiest if the second birthday celebration
holds the first birthday celebration’s

Secret. Perfectly simultaneous exchange of secrets and techniques can be carried out most effective
if we assume

The life of 0.33 events that are relied on to some extent. In truth, simultaneous

Alternate of secrets and techniques can without problems be carried out the use of the lively
participation of a trusted

1/3 birthday celebration: each celebration sends its secret to the trusted third party (the usage of a
relaxed channel).

The 0.33 birthday party, on receiving both secrets and techniques, sends the first party’s mystery to
the second

Celebration and the second one party’s secret to the first party. There are issues with this


1. The solution calls for the active participation of an “outside” birthday celebration in all instances
(i.e., also

In case each parties are honest). We observe that different solutions requiring milder styles of

Participation of outside events do exist.

2. The answer calls for the life of a totally depended on 0.33 entity. In a few applications,

Such an entity does now not exist. Despite the fact that, inside the sequel we will speak the trouble

1.1. CRYPTOGRAPHY: principal topics

Of implementing a trusted 0.33 birthday party by way of a fixed of customers with an honest
majority (despite the fact that

The identity of the honest customers isn't acknowledged).

Secure Implementation of Functionalities and relied on events

A unique kind of protocol hassle is concerned with the cozy implementation of

Functionalities. To be greater unique, we speak the trouble of evaluating a characteristic of nearby
inputs each of which is held via a distinct person. An illustrative and

Motivating example is vote casting, in which the feature is majority, and the nearby enter

Held through user A is a unmarried bit representing the vote of person A (e.g., “seasoned” or “con”).

Loosely speakme, a protocol for securely evaluating a selected characteristic ought to satisfy the


• privateness: No celebration can “benefit statistics” on the input of different events, beyond what's

Deduced from the value of the function.

• Robustness: No birthday celebration can “influence” the price of the function, past the have an
effect on

Exerted by deciding on its personal enter.

It is once in a while required that those situations maintain with admire to “small” (e.g., minority)
coalitions of parties (rather than unmarried events).

Truly, if one of the users is understood to be completely straightforward, then there exists a

Easy way to the hassle of comfortable evaluation of any function. Each user truely

Sends its enter to the relied on party (using a comfy channel), who, upon receiving all

Inputs, computes the feature, sends the outcome to all customers, and erases all intermediate
computations (along with the inputs obtained) from its memory. Clearly, it's far

Unrealistic to anticipate that a party can be relied on to such an extent (e.g., that it will

Voluntarily erase what it has “discovered”). Though, the problem of imposing

Comfortable characteristic evaluation reduces to the problem of implementing a relied on


It seems that a trusted party may be applied by way of a hard and fast of users with an honest
majority (even supposing the identity of the honest customers isn't always recognized). That is
indeed a

Fundamental bring about this area, and plenty of chapter 7, with a purpose to appear within the 2nd

Volume of this paintings, may be committed to formulating and proving it (as well as variations

Of it).

Zero-knowledge as a Paradigm

A major tool inside the creation of cryptographic protocols is the idea of zeroknowledge proof
systems and the fact that zero-information evidence structures exist for all

Languages in N P (furnished that one-manner features exist). Loosely talking, a zeroknowledge

evidence yields not anything however the validity of the declaration. Zero-knowledge proofs

Offer a tool for “forcing” events to observe a given protocol properly.

To demonstrate the role of zero-know-how proofs, consider a setting wherein a celebration,

Referred to as Alice, upon receiving an encrypted message from Bob, is to ship Carol the

Least substantial little bit of the message. Sincerely, if Alice sends simplest the (least massive)

Bit (of the message), then there is no manner for Carol to recognize Alice did now not cheat.

Alice may want to show that she did now not cheat with the aid of revealing to Carol the entire
message as

Well as its decryption key, but that might yield statistics some distance beyond what had been


Required. A far better idea is to allow Alice increase the bit she sends Carol with a

0-know-how evidence that this bit is indeed the least full-size little bit of the message. We

Stress that the foregoing announcement is of the “N P kind” (since the evidence detailed earlier

Can be correctly established), and consequently the life of 0-expertise proofs for

N P-statements means that the foregoing announcement may be proved with out revealing

Whatever past its validity.

The point of interest of chapter 4, dedicated to zero-know-how proofs, is at the foregoing end result

(i.e., the construction of 0-expertise proofs for any N P-assertion). In addition,

We shall recollect severa variations and factors of the belief of zero-understanding proofs

And their results at the applicability of this notion.

1.2. Some background from opportunity theory

Chance plays a imperative function in cryptography. Specifically, probability is vital

As a way to allow a dialogue of facts or loss of statistics (i.e., secrecy). We

Anticipate that the reader is acquainted with the basic notions of opportunity principle. On this

Section, we merely present the probabilistic notations that are used in the course of this ebook

And three beneficial probabilistic inequalities.

1.2.1. Notational Conventions

For the duration of this entire book we will talk to best discrete opportunity distributions.

Typically, the opportunity space includes the set of all strings of a sure length

, fascinated about uniform opportunity distribution. That is, the pattern area is the set

Of all -bit-lengthy strings, and every such string is assigned possibility degree 2−

Traditionally, capabilities from the sample area to the reals are referred to as random variables.

Abusing trendy terminology, we permit ourselves to use the time period random variable also

While regarding capabilities mapping the pattern area into the set of binary strings.

We frequently do now not specify the possibility space, but alternatively talk directly approximately

Variables. As an instance, we may additionally say that X is a random variable assigned values in

The set of all strings, in order that Pr[X = 00] = 1

Four and Pr[X = 111] = 3

Four . (any such random

Variable can be defined over the sample space {zero, 1}2, so that X(11) = 00 and X(00) =

X(01) = X(10) = 111.) In most cases the chance space includes all strings of

A particular duration. Commonly, these strings represent random picks made by means of some

Randomized system (see next section), and the random variable is the output of the


A way to examine Probabilistic Statements. All our probabilistic statements consult with

Functions of random variables which can be described ahead. Typically, we will write

Pr[ f (X) = 1], wherein X is a random variable described in advance (and f is a function).

An critical convention is that all occurrences of a given image in a probabilistic

Assertion talk to the same (specific) random variable. Therefore, if B(·, ·) is a Boolean

Expression depending on variables and X is a random variable, then Pr[B(X, X)]

Denotes the chance that B(x, x) holds whilst x is chosen with probabilitypr[X = x].


1.2. A few historical past FROM possibility principle


Pr[B(X, X)] =

Pr[X = x] · χ(B(x, x))

Where χ is a trademark feature, in order that χ(B) = 1 if event B holds, and equals 0 otherwise. As an
instance, for every random variable X, we've Pr[X = X] = 1. We strain

That if one needs to discuss the opportunity that B(x, y) holds when x and y are selected

Independently with the same opportunity distribution, then one needs to outline two impartial
random variables, each with the identical chance distribution. Hence, if X and
Y are impartial random variables, then Pr[B(X, Y )] denotes the probability that

B(x, y) holds while the pair (x, y) is chosen with possibility Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y].


Pr[B(X, Y )] =


Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y] · χ(B(x, y))

As an example, for every impartial random variables, X and Y , we've

Pr[X = Y ] = 1 simplest if both X and Y are trivial (i.e., assign the entire chance

Mass to a unmarried string).

Regular Random Variables. Throughout this complete book, Un denotes a random variable uniformly
dispensed over the set of strings of duration n. Namely,Pr[Un =α] equals

2−n if α ∈ {0, 1}n, and equals zero in any other case. Further, we will sometimes use

Random variables (arbitrarily) distributed over {0, 1}n or {0, 1}

L(n) for some function l :

N→N. Such random variables are typically denoted through Xn, Yn, Zn, and many others. We
pressure that in

A few instances Xn is distributed over{zero, 1}n, while in others it's far allotted over{0, 1}


For some characteristic l(·), that's usually a polynomial. Every other type of random variable,

The output of a randomized algorithm on a set input, is mentioned in section 1.three.

1.2.2. Three Inequalities

The subsequent probabilistic inequalities could be very useful inside the path of this book.

All inequalities discuss with random variables which are assigned actual values. The maximum
primary inequality is the Markov inequality, which asserts that for random variables with

Bounded maximum or minimal values, some relation have to exist between the deviation of a value
from the expectancy of the random variable and the opportunity that the

Random variable is assigned this price. Particularly, letting E(X) def

V Pr[X =v] · v

Denote the expectation of the random variable X, we've the following:

Markov Inequality: allow X be a non-poor random variable and v a actual

Wide variety. Then

Pr[X ≥ v] ≤


Equivalently, Pr[X ≥ r · E(X)] ≤ 1




E(X) =

Pr[X = x] · x

Pr[X = x] · 0 +


Pr[X = x] · v

= Pr[X ≥ v] · v

The claim follows.

The Markov inequality is typically used in cases in which one knows very little about

The distribution of the random variable; it suffices to know its expectation and at least

One bound on the range of its values. See Exercise 1.

Using Markov’s inequality, one gets a “possibly stronger” bound for the deviation

Of a random variable from its expectation. This bound, called Chebyshev’s inequality, is useful
provided one has additional knowledge concerning the random variable

(specifically, a good upper bound on its variance). For a random variable X of finite

Expectation, we denote by Var(X) def

= E[(X − E(X))2] the variance of X and observe

That Var(X) = E(X2) − E(X)


Chebyshev’s Inequality: Let X be a random variable, and δ > zero. Then

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] ≤



Evidence: We define a random variable Y def

= (X − E(X))2 and apply the Markov

Inequality. We get

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] = Pr[(X − E(X))2 ≥ δ2

E[(X − E(X))2]


And the claim follows.

Chebyshev’s inequality is particularly beneficial for evaluation of the mistake opportunity of

Approximation through repeated sampling. It suffices to count on that the samples are picked

In a pairwise-independent manner.

Corollary (Pairwise-unbiased Sampling): permit X1, X2,..., Xn be pairwiseindependent random

variables with the equal expectation, denotedµ, and the identical

Variance, denoted σ2. Then, for each ε > zero,


I=1 Xi





The Xi’s are called pairwise-independent if for each i = j and all a and b, it holds

That Pr[Xi = a ∧ X j = b] equals Pr[Xi = a] · Pr[X j = b].


1.2. A few history FROM possibility principle

Proof: define the random variables Xi


= Xi − E(Xi). Note that the Xi’s are

Pairwise-unbiased and each has 0 expectation. Making use of Chebyshev’s inequality to the random
variable described by way of the sumn



N , and the use of the linearity

Of the expectancy operator, we get






Var n





I=1 Xi

Ε2 · n2

Now (again the usage of the linearity of E)






1≤i= j≤n

E[ Xi X j]

By way of the pairwise independence of the Xi’s, we get E[Xi X j] = E[Xi] · E[X j], and

The use of E[Xi] = 0, we get



 = n · σ2

The corollary follows.

The usage of pairwise-independent sampling, the mistake probability within the approximation

Is reducing linearly with the wide variety of pattern points. The use of absolutely independent

Sampling factors, the mistake opportunity inside the approximation may be proven to decrease

Exponentially with the number of pattern points. (The random variables X1, X2,..., Xn

Are said to be completely unbiased if for each series a1, a2,..., an it holds that


I=1Xi = ai] equals n

I=1 Pr[Xi = ai].) Chance bounds helping the foregoing assertion are given subsequent. The primary
sure, normally called the Chernoff

Sure, issues 0-1 random variables (i.e., random variables which are assigned values

Of both 0 or 1).

Chernoff bound: permit p ≤ 1

2 , and let X1, X2,..., Xn be unbiased zero-1 random

Variables, in order that Pr[Xi = 1] = p for every i. Then for all ε, zero < ε ≤ p(1 − p),

We have


I=1 Xi


< 2 · e− ε2

2p(1−p) ·n

We shall commonly practice the sure with a regular p ≈ 1

2 . In this example, n unbiased

Samples provide an approximation that deviates by means of ε from the expectancy with probability

This is exponentially decreasing with ε2n. Such an approximation is called an (ε, δ)-

Approximation and can be executed the use of n = O(ε−2 · log(1/δ)) pattern factors. It's far

Important to understand that the sufficient quantity of pattern points is polynomially

Related to ε−1 and logarithmically related to δ−1. So using poly(n) many samples, the



Blunders chance (i.e., δ) can be made negligible (as a feature in n), however the accuracy of

The estimation (i.e., ε) may be bounded above only with the aid of any fixed polynomial fraction

Can't be made negligible).2 We strain that the dependence of the number of samples

On ε isn't always better than in the case of pairwise-unbiased sampling; the advantage of
Completely independent samples lies most effective within the dependence of the range of samples
on δ. Simultaneity troubles

A typical example of a simultaneity trouble is that of simultaneous exchange of secrets,

Of which agreement signing is a unique case. The placing for a simultaneous alternate

Of secrets and techniques consists of events, every preserving a “secret.” The intention is to execute

Protocol such that if both parties comply with it successfully, then at termination every will keep

Its counterpart’s secret, and anyways (even though one celebration cheats) the first party will

Hold the second one birthday celebration’s secret if and handiest if the second birthday celebration
holds the first birthday celebration’s

Secret. Perfectly simultaneous exchange of secrets and techniques can be carried out most effective
if we assume

The life of 0.33 events that are relied on to some extent. In truth, simultaneous

Alternate of secrets and techniques can without problems be carried out the use of the lively
participation of a trusted

1/3 birthday celebration: each celebration sends its secret to the trusted third party (the usage of a
relaxed channel).

The 0.33 birthday party, on receiving both secrets and techniques, sends the first party’s mystery to
the second

Celebration and the second one party’s secret to the first party. There are issues with this


1. The solution calls for the active participation of an “outside” birthday celebration in all instances
(i.e., also

In case each parties are honest). We observe that different solutions requiring milder styles of

Participation of outside events do exist.

2. The answer calls for the life of a totally depended on 0.33 entity. In a few applications,

Such an entity does now not exist. Despite the fact that, inside the sequel we will speak the trouble

1.1. CRYPTOGRAPHY: principal topics

Of implementing a trusted 0.33 birthday party by way of a fixed of customers with an honest
majority (despite the fact that

The identity of the honest customers isn't acknowledged).

Secure Implementation of Functionalities and relied on events

A unique kind of protocol hassle is concerned with the cozy implementation of

Functionalities. To be greater unique, we speak the trouble of evaluating a characteristic of nearby
inputs each of which is held via a distinct person. An illustrative and

Motivating example is vote casting, in which the feature is majority, and the nearby enter

Held through user A is a unmarried bit representing the vote of person A (e.g., “seasoned” or “con”).

Loosely speakme, a protocol for securely evaluating a selected characteristic ought to satisfy the


• privateness: No celebration can “benefit statistics” on the input of different events, beyond what's

Deduced from the value of the function.

• Robustness: No birthday celebration can “influence” the price of the function, past the have an
effect on

Exerted by deciding on its personal enter.

It is once in a while required that those situations maintain with admire to “small” (e.g., minority)
coalitions of parties (rather than unmarried events).

Truly, if one of the users is understood to be completely straightforward, then there exists a

Easy way to the hassle of comfortable evaluation of any function. Each user truely

Sends its enter to the relied on party (using a comfy channel), who, upon receiving all

Inputs, computes the feature, sends the outcome to all customers, and erases all intermediate
computations (along with the inputs obtained) from its memory. Clearly, it's far

Unrealistic to anticipate that a party can be relied on to such an extent (e.g., that it will

Voluntarily erase what it has “discovered”). Though, the problem of imposing

Comfortable characteristic evaluation reduces to the problem of implementing a relied on


It seems that a trusted party may be applied by way of a hard and fast of users with an honest
majority (even supposing the identity of the honest customers isn't always recognized). That is
indeed a

Fundamental bring about this area, and plenty of chapter 7, with a purpose to appear within the 2nd

Volume of this paintings, may be committed to formulating and proving it (as well as variations

Of it).

Zero-knowledge as a Paradigm

A major tool inside the creation of cryptographic protocols is the idea of zeroknowledge proof
systems and the fact that zero-information evidence structures exist for all

Languages in N P (furnished that one-manner features exist). Loosely talking, a zeroknowledge

evidence yields not anything however the validity of the declaration. Zero-knowledge proofs

Offer a tool for “forcing” events to observe a given protocol properly.

To demonstrate the role of zero-know-how proofs, consider a setting wherein a celebration,

Referred to as Alice, upon receiving an encrypted message from Bob, is to ship Carol the

Least substantial little bit of the message. Sincerely, if Alice sends simplest the (least massive)

Bit (of the message), then there is no manner for Carol to recognize Alice did now not cheat.

Alice may want to show that she did now not cheat with the aid of revealing to Carol the entire
message as

Well as its decryption key, but that might yield statistics some distance beyond what had been


Required. A far better idea is to allow Alice increase the bit she sends Carol with a

0-know-how evidence that this bit is indeed the least full-size little bit of the message. We

Stress that the foregoing announcement is of the “N P kind” (since the evidence detailed earlier

Can be correctly established), and consequently the life of 0-expertise proofs for

N P-statements means that the foregoing announcement may be proved with out revealing

Whatever past its validity.

The point of interest of chapter 4, dedicated to zero-know-how proofs, is at the foregoing end result

(i.e., the construction of 0-expertise proofs for any N P-assertion). In addition,

We shall recollect severa variations and factors of the belief of zero-understanding proofs

And their results at the applicability of this notion.

1.2. Some background from opportunity theory

Chance plays a imperative function in cryptography. Specifically, probability is vital

As a way to allow a dialogue of facts or loss of statistics (i.e., secrecy). We

Anticipate that the reader is acquainted with the basic notions of opportunity principle. On this

Section, we merely present the probabilistic notations that are used in the course of this ebook

And three beneficial probabilistic inequalities.

1.2.1. Notational Conventions

For the duration of this entire book we will talk to best discrete opportunity distributions.

Typically, the opportunity space includes the set of all strings of a sure length

, fascinated about uniform opportunity distribution. That is, the pattern area is the set

Of all -bit-lengthy strings, and every such string is assigned possibility degree 2−

Traditionally, capabilities from the sample area to the reals are referred to as random variables.

Abusing trendy terminology, we permit ourselves to use the time period random variable also

While regarding capabilities mapping the pattern area into the set of binary strings.

We frequently do now not specify the possibility space, but alternatively talk directly approximately

Variables. As an instance, we may additionally say that X is a random variable assigned values in

The set of all strings, in order that Pr[X = 00] = 1

Four and Pr[X = 111] = 3

Four . (any such random

Variable can be defined over the sample space {zero, 1}2, so that X(11) = 00 and X(00) =

X(01) = X(10) = 111.) In most cases the chance space includes all strings of

A particular duration. Commonly, these strings represent random picks made by means of some

Randomized system (see next section), and the random variable is the output of the


A way to examine Probabilistic Statements. All our probabilistic statements consult with

Functions of random variables which can be described ahead. Typically, we will write

Pr[ f (X) = 1], wherein X is a random variable described in advance (and f is a function).

An critical convention is that all occurrences of a given image in a probabilistic

Assertion talk to the same (specific) random variable. Therefore, if B(·, ·) is a Boolean

Expression depending on variables and X is a random variable, then Pr[B(X, X)]

Denotes the chance that B(x, x) holds whilst x is chosen with probabilitypr[X = x].


1.2. A few historical past FROM possibility principle


Pr[B(X, X)] =

Pr[X = x] · χ(B(x, x))

Where χ is a trademark feature, in order that χ(B) = 1 if event B holds, and equals 0 otherwise. As an
instance, for every random variable X, we've Pr[X = X] = 1. We strain

That if one needs to discuss the opportunity that B(x, y) holds when x and y are selected

Independently with the same opportunity distribution, then one needs to outline two impartial
random variables, each with the identical chance distribution. Hence, if X and
Y are impartial random variables, then Pr[B(X, Y )] denotes the probability that

B(x, y) holds while the pair (x, y) is chosen with possibility Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y].


Pr[B(X, Y )] =


Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y] · χ(B(x, y))

As an example, for every impartial random variables, X and Y , we've

Pr[X = Y ] = 1 simplest if both X and Y are trivial (i.e., assign the entire chance

Mass to a unmarried string).

Regular Random Variables. Throughout this complete book, Un denotes a random variable uniformly
dispensed over the set of strings of duration n. Namely,Pr[Un =α] equals

2−n if α ∈ {0, 1}n, and equals zero in any other case. Further, we will sometimes use

Random variables (arbitrarily) distributed over {0, 1}n or {0, 1}

L(n) for some function l :

N→N. Such random variables are typically denoted through Xn, Yn, Zn, and many others. We
pressure that in

A few instances Xn is distributed over{zero, 1}n, while in others it's far allotted over{0, 1}


For some characteristic l(·), that's usually a polynomial. Every other type of random variable,

The output of a randomized algorithm on a set input, is mentioned in section 1.three.

1.2.2. Three Inequalities

The subsequent probabilistic inequalities could be very useful inside the path of this book.

All inequalities discuss with random variables which are assigned actual values. The maximum
primary inequality is the Markov inequality, which asserts that for random variables with

Bounded maximum or minimal values, some relation have to exist between the deviation of a value
from the expectancy of the random variable and the opportunity that the

Random variable is assigned this price. Particularly, letting E(X) def

V Pr[X =v] · v

Denote the expectation of the random variable X, we've the following:

Markov Inequality: allow X be a non-poor random variable and v a actual

Wide variety. Then

Pr[X ≥ v] ≤


Equivalently, Pr[X ≥ r · E(X)] ≤ 1




E(X) =

Pr[X = x] · x

Pr[X = x] · 0 +


Pr[X = x] · v

= Pr[X ≥ v] · v

The claim follows.

The Markov inequality is typically used in cases in which one knows very little about

The distribution of the random variable; it suffices to know its expectation and at least

One bound on the range of its values. See Exercise 1.

Using Markov’s inequality, one gets a “possibly stronger” bound for the deviation

Of a random variable from its expectation. This bound, called Chebyshev’s inequality, is useful
provided one has additional knowledge concerning the random variable

(specifically, a good upper bound on its variance). For a random variable X of finite

Expectation, we denote by Var(X) def

= E[(X − E(X))2] the variance of X and observe

That Var(X) = E(X2) − E(X)


Chebyshev’s Inequality: Let X be a random variable, and δ > zero. Then

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] ≤



Evidence: We define a random variable Y def

= (X − E(X))2 and apply the Markov

Inequality. We get

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] = Pr[(X − E(X))2 ≥ δ2

E[(X − E(X))2]


And the claim follows.

Chebyshev’s inequality is particularly beneficial for evaluation of the mistake opportunity of

Approximation through repeated sampling. It suffices to count on that the samples are picked

In a pairwise-independent manner.

Corollary (Pairwise-unbiased Sampling): permit X1, X2,..., Xn be pairwiseindependent random

variables with the equal expectation, denotedµ, and the identical

Variance, denoted σ2. Then, for each ε > zero,


I=1 Xi





The Xi’s are called pairwise-independent if for each i = j and all a and b, it holds

That Pr[Xi = a ∧ X j = b] equals Pr[Xi = a] · Pr[X j = b].


1.2. A few history FROM possibility principle

Proof: define the random variables Xi


= Xi − E(Xi). Note that the Xi’s are

Pairwise-unbiased and each has 0 expectation. Making use of Chebyshev’s inequality to the random
variable described by way of the sumn



N , and the use of the linearity

Of the expectancy operator, we get






Var n





I=1 Xi

Ε2 · n2

Now (again the usage of the linearity of E)






1≤i= j≤n

E[ Xi X j]

By way of the pairwise independence of the Xi’s, we get E[Xi X j] = E[Xi] · E[X j], and

The use of E[Xi] = 0, we get



 = n · σ2

The corollary follows.

The usage of pairwise-independent sampling, the mistake probability within the approximation

Is reducing linearly with the wide variety of pattern points. The use of absolutely independent

Sampling factors, the mistake opportunity inside the approximation may be proven to decrease

Exponentially with the number of pattern points. (The random variables X1, X2,..., Xn

Are said to be completely unbiased if for each series a1, a2,..., an it holds that


I=1Xi = ai] equals n

I=1 Pr[Xi = ai].) Chance bounds helping the foregoing assertion are given subsequent. The primary
sure, normally called the Chernoff

Sure, issues 0-1 random variables (i.e., random variables which are assigned values

Of both 0 or 1).

Chernoff bound: permit p ≤ 1

2 , and let X1, X2,..., Xn be unbiased zero-1 random

Variables, in order that Pr[Xi = 1] = p for every i. Then for all ε, zero < ε ≤ p(1 − p),

We have


I=1 Xi


< 2 · e− ε2

2p(1−p) ·n

We shall commonly practice the sure with a regular p ≈ 1

2 . In this example, n unbiased

Samples provide an approximation that deviates by means of ε from the expectancy with probability

This is exponentially decreasing with ε2n. Such an approximation is called an (ε, δ)-

Approximation and can be executed the use of n = O(ε−2 · log(1/δ)) pattern factors. It's far

Important to understand that the sufficient quantity of pattern points is polynomially

Related to ε−1 and logarithmically related to δ−1. So using poly(n) many samples, the



Blunders chance (i.e., δ) can be made negligible (as a feature in n), however the accuracy of

The estimation (i.e., ε) may be bounded above only with the aid of any fixed polynomial fraction

Can't be made negligible).2 We strain that the dependence of the number of samples

On ε isn't always better than in the case of pairwise-unbiased sampling; the advantage of
Completely independent samples lies most effective within the dependence of the range of samples
on δ.

Simultaneity troubles

A typical example of a simultaneity trouble is that of simultaneous exchange of secrets,

Of which agreement signing is a unique case. The placing for a simultaneous alternate

Of secrets and techniques consists of events, every preserving a “secret.” The intention is to execute

Protocol such that if both parties comply with it successfully, then at termination every will keep

Its counterpart’s secret, and anyways (even though one celebration cheats) the first party will

Hold the second one birthday celebration’s secret if and handiest if the second birthday celebration
holds the first birthday celebration’s

Secret. Perfectly simultaneous exchange of secrets and techniques can be carried out most effective
if we assume

The life of 0.33 events that are relied on to some extent. In truth, simultaneous

Alternate of secrets and techniques can without problems be carried out the use of the lively
participation of a trusted

1/3 birthday celebration: each celebration sends its secret to the trusted third party (the usage of a
relaxed channel).

The 0.33 birthday party, on receiving both secrets and techniques, sends the first party’s mystery to
the second

Celebration and the second one party’s secret to the first party. There are issues with this


1. The solution calls for the active participation of an “outside” birthday celebration in all instances
(i.e., also

In case each parties are honest). We observe that different solutions requiring milder styles of

Participation of outside events do exist.

2. The answer calls for the life of a totally depended on 0.33 entity. In a few applications,

Such an entity does now not exist. Despite the fact that, inside the sequel we will speak the trouble

1.1. CRYPTOGRAPHY: principal topics

Of implementing a trusted 0.33 birthday party by way of a fixed of customers with an honest
majority (despite the fact that

The identity of the honest customers isn't acknowledged).

Secure Implementation of Functionalities and relied on events

A unique kind of protocol hassle is concerned with the cozy implementation of

Functionalities. To be greater unique, we speak the trouble of evaluating a characteristic of nearby

inputs each of which is held via a distinct person. An illustrative and

Motivating example is vote casting, in which the feature is majority, and the nearby enter

Held through user A is a unmarried bit representing the vote of person A (e.g., “seasoned” or “con”).

Loosely speakme, a protocol for securely evaluating a selected characteristic ought to satisfy the


• privateness: No celebration can “benefit statistics” on the input of different events, beyond what's

Deduced from the value of the function.

• Robustness: No birthday celebration can “influence” the price of the function, past the have an
effect on

Exerted by deciding on its personal enter.

It is once in a while required that those situations maintain with admire to “small” (e.g., minority)
coalitions of parties (rather than unmarried events).

Truly, if one of the users is understood to be completely straightforward, then there exists a

Easy way to the hassle of comfortable evaluation of any function. Each user truely

Sends its enter to the relied on party (using a comfy channel), who, upon receiving all

Inputs, computes the feature, sends the outcome to all customers, and erases all intermediate
computations (along with the inputs obtained) from its memory. Clearly, it's far

Unrealistic to anticipate that a party can be relied on to such an extent (e.g., that it will

Voluntarily erase what it has “discovered”). Though, the problem of imposing

Comfortable characteristic evaluation reduces to the problem of implementing a relied on


It seems that a trusted party may be applied by way of a hard and fast of users with an honest
majority (even supposing the identity of the honest customers isn't always recognized). That is
indeed a

Fundamental bring about this area, and plenty of chapter 7, with a purpose to appear within the 2nd

Volume of this paintings, may be committed to formulating and proving it (as well as variations

Of it).

Zero-knowledge as a Paradigm

A major tool inside the creation of cryptographic protocols is the idea of zeroknowledge proof
systems and the fact that zero-information evidence structures exist for all

Languages in N P (furnished that one-manner features exist). Loosely talking, a zeroknowledge

evidence yields not anything however the validity of the declaration. Zero-knowledge proofs
Offer a tool for “forcing” events to observe a given protocol properly.

To demonstrate the role of zero-know-how proofs, consider a setting wherein a celebration,

Referred to as Alice, upon receiving an encrypted message from Bob, is to ship Carol the

Least substantial little bit of the message. Sincerely, if Alice sends simplest the (least massive)

Bit (of the message), then there is no manner for Carol to recognize Alice did now not cheat.

Alice may want to show that she did now not cheat with the aid of revealing to Carol the entire
message as

Well as its decryption key, but that might yield statistics some distance beyond what had been


Required. A far better idea is to allow Alice increase the bit she sends Carol with a

0-know-how evidence that this bit is indeed the least full-size little bit of the message. We

Stress that the foregoing announcement is of the “N P kind” (since the evidence detailed earlier

Can be correctly established), and consequently the life of 0-expertise proofs for

N P-statements means that the foregoing announcement may be proved with out revealing

Whatever past its validity.

The point of interest of chapter 4, dedicated to zero-know-how proofs, is at the foregoing end result

(i.e., the construction of 0-expertise proofs for any N P-assertion). In addition,

We shall recollect severa variations and factors of the belief of zero-understanding proofs

And their results at the applicability of this notion.

1.2. Some background from opportunity theory

Chance plays a imperative function in cryptography. Specifically, probability is vital

As a way to allow a dialogue of facts or loss of statistics (i.e., secrecy). We

Anticipate that the reader is acquainted with the basic notions of opportunity principle. On this

Section, we merely present the probabilistic notations that are used in the course of this ebook

And three beneficial probabilistic inequalities.

1.2.1. Notational Conventions

For the duration of this entire book we will talk to best discrete opportunity distributions.

Typically, the opportunity space includes the set of all strings of a sure length

, fascinated about uniform opportunity distribution. That is, the pattern area is the set

Of all -bit-lengthy strings, and every such string is assigned possibility degree 2−

Traditionally, capabilities from the sample area to the reals are referred to as random variables.

Abusing trendy terminology, we permit ourselves to use the time period random variable also

While regarding capabilities mapping the pattern area into the set of binary strings.

We frequently do now not specify the possibility space, but alternatively talk directly approximately

Variables. As an instance, we may additionally say that X is a random variable assigned values in

The set of all strings, in order that Pr[X = 00] = 1

Four and Pr[X = 111] = 3

Four . (any such random

Variable can be defined over the sample space {zero, 1}2, so that X(11) = 00 and X(00) =

X(01) = X(10) = 111.) In most cases the chance space includes all strings of

A particular duration. Commonly, these strings represent random picks made by means of some

Randomized system (see next section), and the random variable is the output of the


A way to examine Probabilistic Statements. All our probabilistic statements consult with

Functions of random variables which can be described ahead. Typically, we will write

Pr[ f (X) = 1], wherein X is a random variable described in advance (and f is a function).

An critical convention is that all occurrences of a given image in a probabilistic

Assertion talk to the same (specific) random variable. Therefore, if B(·, ·) is a Boolean

Expression depending on variables and X is a random variable, then Pr[B(X, X)]

Denotes the chance that B(x, x) holds whilst x is chosen with probabilitypr[X = x].


1.2. A few historical past FROM possibility principle


Pr[B(X, X)] =

Pr[X = x] · χ(B(x, x))

Where χ is a trademark feature, in order that χ(B) = 1 if event B holds, and equals 0 otherwise. As an
instance, for every random variable X, we've Pr[X = X] = 1. We strain

That if one needs to discuss the opportunity that B(x, y) holds when x and y are selected
Independently with the same opportunity distribution, then one needs to outline two impartial
random variables, each with the identical chance distribution. Hence, if X and

Y are impartial random variables, then Pr[B(X, Y )] denotes the probability that

B(x, y) holds while the pair (x, y) is chosen with possibility Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y].


Pr[B(X, Y )] =


Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y] · χ(B(x, y))

As an example, for every impartial random variables, X and Y , we've

Pr[X = Y ] = 1 simplest if both X and Y are trivial (i.e., assign the entire chance

Mass to a unmarried string).

Regular Random Variables. Throughout this complete book, Un denotes a random variable uniformly
dispensed over the set of strings of duration n. Namely,Pr[Un =α] equals

2−n if α ∈ {0, 1}n, and equals zero in any other case. Further, we will sometimes use

Random variables (arbitrarily) distributed over {0, 1}n or {0, 1}

L(n) for some function l :

N→N. Such random variables are typically denoted through Xn, Yn, Zn, and many others. We
pressure that in

A few instances Xn is distributed over{zero, 1}n, while in others it's far allotted over{0, 1}


For some characteristic l(·), that's usually a polynomial. Every other type of random variable,

The output of a randomized algorithm on a set input, is mentioned in section 1.three.

1.2.2. Three Inequalities

The subsequent probabilistic inequalities could be very useful inside the path of this book.

All inequalities discuss with random variables which are assigned actual values. The maximum
primary inequality is the Markov inequality, which asserts that for random variables with

Bounded maximum or minimal values, some relation have to exist between the deviation of a value
from the expectancy of the random variable and the opportunity that the

Random variable is assigned this price. Particularly, letting E(X) def

V Pr[X =v] · v

Denote the expectation of the random variable X, we've the following:

Markov Inequality: allow X be a non-poor random variable and v a actual

Wide variety. Then

Pr[X ≥ v] ≤


Equivalently, Pr[X ≥ r · E(X)] ≤ 1




E(X) =

Pr[X = x] · x

Pr[X = x] · 0 +


Pr[X = x] · v

= Pr[X ≥ v] · v

The claim follows.

The Markov inequality is typically used in cases in which one knows very little about

The distribution of the random variable; it suffices to know its expectation and at least

One bound on the range of its values. See Exercise 1.

Using Markov’s inequality, one gets a “possibly stronger” bound for the deviation

Of a random variable from its expectation. This bound, called Chebyshev’s inequality, is useful
provided one has additional knowledge concerning the random variable

(specifically, a good upper bound on its variance). For a random variable X of finite

Expectation, we denote by Var(X) def

= E[(X − E(X))2] the variance of X and observe

That Var(X) = E(X2) − E(X)

Chebyshev’s Inequality: Let X be a random variable, and δ > zero. Then

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] ≤



Evidence: We define a random variable Y def

= (X − E(X))2 and apply the Markov

Inequality. We get

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] = Pr[(X − E(X))2 ≥ δ2

E[(X − E(X))2]


And the claim follows.

Chebyshev’s inequality is particularly beneficial for evaluation of the mistake opportunity of

Approximation through repeated sampling. It suffices to count on that the samples are picked

In a pairwise-independent manner.

Corollary (Pairwise-unbiased Sampling): permit X1, X2,..., Xn be pairwiseindependent random

variables with the equal expectation, denotedµ, and the identical

Variance, denoted σ2. Then, for each ε > zero,


I=1 Xi





The Xi’s are called pairwise-independent if for each i = j and all a and b, it holds

That Pr[Xi = a ∧ X j = b] equals Pr[Xi = a] · Pr[X j = b].


1.2. A few history FROM possibility principle

Proof: define the random variables Xi


= Xi − E(Xi). Note that the Xi’s are

Pairwise-unbiased and each has 0 expectation. Making use of Chebyshev’s inequality to the random
variable described by way of the sumn



N , and the use of the linearity

Of the expectancy operator, we get





Var n





I=1 Xi

Ε2 · n2

Now (again the usage of the linearity of E)






1≤i= j≤n

E[ Xi X j]

By way of the pairwise independence of the Xi’s, we get E[Xi X j] = E[Xi] · E[X j], and

The use of E[Xi] = 0, we get



 = n · σ2

The corollary follows.

The usage of pairwise-independent sampling, the mistake probability within the approximation

Is reducing linearly with the wide variety of pattern points. The use of absolutely independent

Sampling factors, the mistake opportunity inside the approximation may be proven to decrease

Exponentially with the number of pattern points. (The random variables X1, X2,..., Xn

Are said to be completely unbiased if for each series a1, a2,..., an it holds that


I=1Xi = ai] equals n

I=1 Pr[Xi = ai].) Chance bounds helping the foregoing assertion are given subsequent. The primary
sure, normally called the Chernoff

Sure, issues 0-1 random variables (i.e., random variables which are assigned values

Of both 0 or 1).

Chernoff bound: permit p ≤ 1

2 , and let X1, X2,..., Xn be unbiased zero-1 random

Variables, in order that Pr[Xi = 1] = p for every i. Then for all ε, zero < ε ≤ p(1 − p),

We have


I=1 Xi


< 2 · e− ε2

2p(1−p) ·n

We shall commonly practice the sure with a regular p ≈ 1

2 . In this example, n unbiased

Samples provide an approximation that deviates by means of ε from the expectancy with probability

This is exponentially decreasing with ε2n. Such an approximation is called an (ε, δ)-

Approximation and can be executed the use of n = O(ε−2 · log(1/δ)) pattern factors. It's far

Important to understand that the sufficient quantity of pattern points is polynomially

Related to ε−1 and logarithmically related to δ−1. So using poly(n) many samples, the



Blunders chance (i.e., δ) can be made negligible (as a feature in n), however the accuracy of

The estimation (i.e., ε) may be bounded above only with the aid of any fixed polynomial fraction

Can't be made negligible).2 We strain that the dependence of the number of samples

On ε isn't always better than in the case of pairwise-unbiased sampling; the advantage of
Completely independent samples lies most effective within the dependence of the range of samples
on δ.

Simultaneity troubles

A typical example of a simultaneity trouble is that of simultaneous exchange of secrets,

Of which agreement signing is a unique case. The placing for a simultaneous alternate

Of secrets and techniques consists of events, every preserving a “secret.” The intention is to execute

Protocol such that if both parties comply with it successfully, then at termination every will keep

Its counterpart’s secret, and anyways (even though one celebration cheats) the first party will

Hold the second one birthday celebration’s secret if and handiest if the second birthday celebration
holds the first birthday celebration’s

Secret. Perfectly simultaneous exchange of secrets and techniques can be carried out most effective
if we assume

The life of 0.33 events that are relied on to some extent. In truth, simultaneous

Alternate of secrets and techniques can without problems be carried out the use of the lively
participation of a trusted

1/3 birthday celebration: each celebration sends its secret to the trusted third party (the usage of a
relaxed channel).

The 0.33 birthday party, on receiving both secrets and techniques, sends the first party’s mystery to
the second

Celebration and the second one party’s secret to the first party. There are issues with this


1. The solution calls for the active participation of an “outside” birthday celebration in all instances
(i.e., also

In case each parties are honest). We observe that different solutions requiring milder styles of

Participation of outside events do exist.

2. The answer calls for the life of a totally depended on 0.33 entity. In a few applications,

Such an entity does now not exist. Despite the fact that, inside the sequel we will speak the trouble

1.1. CRYPTOGRAPHY: principal topics

Of implementing a trusted 0.33 birthday party by way of a fixed of customers with an honest
majority (despite the fact that

The identity of the honest customers isn't acknowledged).

Secure Implementation of Functionalities and relied on events

A unique kind of protocol hassle is concerned with the cozy implementation of

Functionalities. To be greater unique, we speak the trouble of evaluating a characteristic of nearby

inputs each of which is held via a distinct person. An illustrative and

Motivating example is vote casting, in which the feature is majority, and the nearby enter

Held through user A is a unmarried bit representing the vote of person A (e.g., “seasoned” or “con”).

Loosely speakme, a protocol for securely evaluating a selected characteristic ought to satisfy the


• privateness: No celebration can “benefit statistics” on the input of different events, beyond what's

Deduced from the value of the function.

• Robustness: No birthday celebration can “influence” the price of the function, past the have an
effect on

Exerted by deciding on its personal enter.

It is once in a while required that those situations maintain with admire to “small” (e.g., minority)
coalitions of parties (rather than unmarried events).

Truly, if one of the users is understood to be completely straightforward, then there exists a

Easy way to the hassle of comfortable evaluation of any function. Each user truely

Sends its enter to the relied on party (using a comfy channel), who, upon receiving all

Inputs, computes the feature, sends the outcome to all customers, and erases all intermediate
computations (along with the inputs obtained) from its memory. Clearly, it's far

Unrealistic to anticipate that a party can be relied on to such an extent (e.g., that it will

Voluntarily erase what it has “discovered”). Though, the problem of imposing

Comfortable characteristic evaluation reduces to the problem of implementing a relied on


It seems that a trusted party may be applied by way of a hard and fast of users with an honest
majority (even supposing the identity of the honest customers isn't always recognized). That is
indeed a

Fundamental bring about this area, and plenty of chapter 7, with a purpose to appear within the 2nd

Volume of this paintings, may be committed to formulating and proving it (as well as variations

Of it).

Zero-knowledge as a Paradigm

A major tool inside the creation of cryptographic protocols is the idea of zeroknowledge proof
systems and the fact that zero-information evidence structures exist for all

Languages in N P (furnished that one-manner features exist). Loosely talking, a zeroknowledge

evidence yields not anything however the validity of the declaration. Zero-knowledge proofs
Offer a tool for “forcing” events to observe a given protocol properly.

To demonstrate the role of zero-know-how proofs, consider a setting wherein a celebration,

Referred to as Alice, upon receiving an encrypted message from Bob, is to ship Carol the

Least substantial little bit of the message. Sincerely, if Alice sends simplest the (least massive)

Bit (of the message), then there is no manner for Carol to recognize Alice did now not cheat.

Alice may want to show that she did now not cheat with the aid of revealing to Carol the entire
message as

Well as its decryption key, but that might yield statistics some distance beyond what had been


Required. A far better idea is to allow Alice increase the bit she sends Carol with a

0-know-how evidence that this bit is indeed the least full-size little bit of the message. We

Stress that the foregoing announcement is of the “N P kind” (since the evidence detailed earlier

Can be correctly established), and consequently the life of 0-expertise proofs for

N P-statements means that the foregoing announcement may be proved with out revealing

Whatever past its validity.

The point of interest of chapter 4, dedicated to zero-know-how proofs, is at the foregoing end result

(i.e., the construction of 0-expertise proofs for any N P-assertion). In addition,

We shall recollect severa variations and factors of the belief of zero-understanding proofs

And their results at the applicability of this notion.

1.2. Some background from opportunity theory

Chance plays a imperative function in cryptography. Specifically, probability is vital

As a way to allow a dialogue of facts or loss of statistics (i.e., secrecy). We

Anticipate that the reader is acquainted with the basic notions of opportunity principle. On this

Section, we merely present the probabilistic notations that are used in the course of this ebook

And three beneficial probabilistic inequalities.

1.2.1. Notational Conventions

For the duration of this entire book we will talk to best discrete opportunity distributions.

Typically, the opportunity space includes the set of all strings of a sure length

, fascinated about uniform opportunity distribution. That is, the pattern area is the set

Of all -bit-lengthy strings, and every such string is assigned possibility degree 2−

Traditionally, capabilities from the sample area to the reals are referred to as random variables.

Abusing trendy terminology, we permit ourselves to use the time period random variable also

While regarding capabilities mapping the pattern area into the set of binary strings.

We frequently do now not specify the possibility space, but alternatively talk directly approximately

Variables. As an instance, we may additionally say that X is a random variable assigned values in

The set of all strings, in order that Pr[X = 00] = 1

Four and Pr[X = 111] = 3

Four . (any such random

Variable can be defined over the sample space {zero, 1}2, so that X(11) = 00 and X(00) =

X(01) = X(10) = 111.) In most cases the chance space includes all strings of

A particular duration. Commonly, these strings represent random picks made by means of some

Randomized system (see next section), and the random variable is the output of the


A way to examine Probabilistic Statements. All our probabilistic statements consult with

Functions of random variables which can be described ahead. Typically, we will write

Pr[ f (X) = 1], wherein X is a random variable described in advance (and f is a function).

An critical convention is that all occurrences of a given image in a probabilistic

Assertion talk to the same (specific) random variable. Therefore, if B(·, ·) is a Boolean

Expression depending on variables and X is a random variable, then Pr[B(X, X)]

Denotes the chance that B(x, x) holds whilst x is chosen with probabilitypr[X = x].


1.2. A few historical past FROM possibility principle


Pr[B(X, X)] =

Pr[X = x] · χ(B(x, x))

Where χ is a trademark feature, in order that χ(B) = 1 if event B holds, and equals 0 otherwise. As an
instance, for every random variable X, we've Pr[X = X] = 1. We strain

That if one needs to discuss the opportunity that B(x, y) holds when x and y are selected
Independently with the same opportunity distribution, then one needs to outline two impartial
random variables, each with the identical chance distribution. Hence, if X and

Y are impartial random variables, then Pr[B(X, Y )] denotes the probability that

B(x, y) holds while the pair (x, y) is chosen with possibility Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y].


Pr[B(X, Y )] =


Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y] · χ(B(x, y))

As an example, for every impartial random variables, X and Y , we've

Pr[X = Y ] = 1 simplest if both X and Y are trivial (i.e., assign the entire chance

Mass to a unmarried string).

Regular Random Variables. Throughout this complete book, Un denotes a random variable uniformly
dispensed over the set of strings of duration n. Namely,Pr[Un =α] equals

2−n if α ∈ {0, 1}n, and equals zero in any other case. Further, we will sometimes use

Random variables (arbitrarily) distributed over {0, 1}n or {0, 1}

L(n) for some function l :

N→N. Such random variables are typically denoted through Xn, Yn, Zn, and many others. We
pressure that in

A few instances Xn is distributed over{zero, 1}n, while in others it's far allotted over{0, 1}


For some characteristic l(·), that's usually a polynomial. Every other type of random variable,

The output of a randomized algorithm on a set input, is mentioned in section 1.three.

1.2.2. Three Inequalities

The subsequent probabilistic inequalities could be very useful inside the path of this book.

All inequalities discuss with random variables which are assigned actual values. The maximum
primary inequality is the Markov inequality, which asserts that for random variables with

Bounded maximum or minimal values, some relation have to exist between the deviation of a value
from the expectancy of the random variable and the opportunity that the

Random variable is assigned this price. Particularly, letting E(X) def

V Pr[X =v] · v

Denote the expectation of the random variable X, we've the following:

Markov Inequality: allow X be a non-poor random variable and v a actual

Wide variety. Then

Pr[X ≥ v] ≤


Equivalently, Pr[X ≥ r · E(X)] ≤ 1




E(X) =

Pr[X = x] · x

Pr[X = x] · 0 +


Pr[X = x] · v

= Pr[X ≥ v] · v

The claim follows.

The Markov inequality is typically used in cases in which one knows very little about

The distribution of the random variable; it suffices to know its expectation and at least

One bound on the range of its values. See Exercise 1.

Using Markov’s inequality, one gets a “possibly stronger” bound for the deviation

Of a random variable from its expectation. This bound, called Chebyshev’s inequality, is useful
provided one has additional knowledge concerning the random variable

(specifically, a good upper bound on its variance). For a random variable X of finite

Expectation, we denote by Var(X) def

= E[(X − E(X))2] the variance of X and observe

That Var(X) = E(X2) − E(X)

Chebyshev’s Inequality: Let X be a random variable, and δ > zero. Then

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] ≤



Evidence: We define a random variable Y def

= (X − E(X))2 and apply the Markov

Inequality. We get

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] = Pr[(X − E(X))2 ≥ δ2

E[(X − E(X))2]


And the claim follows.

Chebyshev’s inequality is particularly beneficial for evaluation of the mistake opportunity of

Approximation through repeated sampling. It suffices to count on that the samples are picked

In a pairwise-independent manner.

Corollary (Pairwise-unbiased Sampling): permit X1, X2,..., Xn be pairwiseindependent random

variables with the equal expectation, denotedµ, and the identical

Variance, denoted σ2. Then, for each ε > zero,


I=1 Xi





The Xi’s are called pairwise-independent if for each i = j and all a and b, it holds

That Pr[Xi = a ∧ X j = b] equals Pr[Xi = a] · Pr[X j = b].


1.2. A few history FROM possibility principle

Proof: define the random variables Xi


= Xi − E(Xi). Note that the Xi’s are

Pairwise-unbiased and each has 0 expectation. Making use of Chebyshev’s inequality to the random
variable described by way of the sumn



N , and the use of the linearity

Of the expectancy operator, we get





Var n





I=1 Xi

Ε2 · n2

Now (again the usage of the linearity of E)






1≤i= j≤n

E[ Xi X j]

By way of the pairwise independence of the Xi’s, we get E[Xi X j] = E[Xi] · E[X j], and

The use of E[Xi] = 0, we get



 = n · σ2

The corollary follows.

The usage of pairwise-independent sampling, the mistake probability within the approximation

Is reducing linearly with the wide variety of pattern points. The use of absolutely independent

Sampling factors, the mistake opportunity inside the approximation may be proven to decrease

Exponentially with the number of pattern points. (The random variables X1, X2,..., Xn

Are said to be completely unbiased if for each series a1, a2,..., an it holds that


I=1Xi = ai] equals n

I=1 Pr[Xi = ai].) Chance bounds helping the foregoing assertion are given subsequent. The primary
sure, normally called the Chernoff

Sure, issues 0-1 random variables (i.e., random variables which are assigned values

Of both 0 or 1).

Chernoff bound: permit p ≤ 1

2 , and let X1, X2,..., Xn be unbiased zero-1 random

Variables, in order that Pr[Xi = 1] = p for every i. Then for all ε, zero < ε ≤ p(1 − p),

We have


I=1 Xi


< 2 · e− ε2

2p(1−p) ·n

We shall commonly practice the sure with a regular p ≈ 1

2 . In this example, n unbiased

Samples provide an approximation that deviates by means of ε from the expectancy with probability

This is exponentially decreasing with ε2n. Such an approximation is called an (ε, δ)-

Approximation and can be executed the use of n = O(ε−2 · log(1/δ)) pattern factors. It's far

Important to understand that the sufficient quantity of pattern points is polynomially

Related to ε−1 and logarithmically related to δ−1. So using poly(n) many samples, the



Blunders chance (i.e., δ) can be made negligible (as a feature in n), however the accuracy of

The estimation (i.e., ε) may be bounded above only with the aid of any fixed polynomial fraction

Can't be made negligible).2 We strain that the dependence of the number of samples

On ε isn't always better than in the case of pairwise-unbiased sampling; the advantage of
Completely independent samples lies most effective within the dependence of the range of samples
on δ.

Simultaneity troubles

A typical example of a simultaneity trouble is that of simultaneous exchange of secrets,

Of which agreement signing is a unique case. The placing for a simultaneous alternate

Of secrets and techniques consists of events, every preserving a “secret.” The intention is to execute

Protocol such that if both parties comply with it successfully, then at termination every will keep

Its counterpart’s secret, and anyways (even though one celebration cheats) the first party will

Hold the second one birthday celebration’s secret if and handiest if the second birthday celebration
holds the first birthday celebration’s

Secret. Perfectly simultaneous exchange of secrets and techniques can be carried out most effective
if we assume

The life of 0.33 events that are relied on to some extent. In truth, simultaneous

Alternate of secrets and techniques can without problems be carried out the use of the lively
participation of a trusted

1/3 birthday celebration: each celebration sends its secret to the trusted third party (the usage of a
relaxed channel).

The 0.33 birthday party, on receiving both secrets and techniques, sends the first party’s mystery to
the second

Celebration and the second one party’s secret to the first party. There are issues with this


1. The solution calls for the active participation of an “outside” birthday celebration in all instances
(i.e., also

In case each parties are honest). We observe that different solutions requiring milder styles of

Participation of outside events do exist.

2. The answer calls for the life of a totally depended on 0.33 entity. In a few applications,

Such an entity does now not exist. Despite the fact that, inside the sequel we will speak the trouble

1.1. CRYPTOGRAPHY: principal topics

Of implementing a trusted 0.33 birthday party by way of a fixed of customers with an honest
majority (despite the fact that

The identity of the honest customers isn't acknowledged).

Secure Implementation of Functionalities and relied on events

A unique kind of protocol hassle is concerned with the cozy implementation of

Functionalities. To be greater unique, we speak the trouble of evaluating a characteristic of nearby

inputs each of which is held via a distinct person. An illustrative and

Motivating example is vote casting, in which the feature is majority, and the nearby enter

Held through user A is a unmarried bit representing the vote of person A (e.g., “seasoned” or “con”).

Loosely speakme, a protocol for securely evaluating a selected characteristic ought to satisfy the


• privateness: No celebration can “benefit statistics” on the input of different events, beyond what's

Deduced from the value of the function.

• Robustness: No birthday celebration can “influence” the price of the function, past the have an
effect on

Exerted by deciding on its personal enter.

It is once in a while required that those situations maintain with admire to “small” (e.g., minority)
coalitions of parties (rather than unmarried events).

Truly, if one of the users is understood to be completely straightforward, then there exists a

Easy way to the hassle of comfortable evaluation of any function. Each user truely

Sends its enter to the relied on party (using a comfy channel), who, upon receiving all

Inputs, computes the feature, sends the outcome to all customers, and erases all intermediate
computations (along with the inputs obtained) from its memory. Clearly, it's far

Unrealistic to anticipate that a party can be relied on to such an extent (e.g., that it will

Voluntarily erase what it has “discovered”). Though, the problem of imposing

Comfortable characteristic evaluation reduces to the problem of implementing a relied on


It seems that a trusted party may be applied by way of a hard and fast of users with an honest
majority (even supposing the identity of the honest customers isn't always recognized). That is
indeed a

Fundamental bring about this area, and plenty of chapter 7, with a purpose to appear within the 2nd

Volume of this paintings, may be committed to formulating and proving it (as well as variations

Of it).

Zero-knowledge as a Paradigm

A major tool inside the creation of cryptographic protocols is the idea of zeroknowledge proof
systems and the fact that zero-information evidence structures exist for all

Languages in N P (furnished that one-manner features exist). Loosely talking, a zeroknowledge

evidence yields not anything however the validity of the declaration. Zero-knowledge proofs
Offer a tool for “forcing” events to observe a given protocol properly.

To demonstrate the role of zero-know-how proofs, consider a setting wherein a celebration,

Referred to as Alice, upon receiving an encrypted message from Bob, is to ship Carol the

Least substantial little bit of the message. Sincerely, if Alice sends simplest the (least massive)

Bit (of the message), then there is no manner for Carol to recognize Alice did now not cheat.

Alice may want to show that she did now not cheat with the aid of revealing to Carol the entire
message as

Well as its decryption key, but that might yield statistics some distance beyond what had been


Required. A far better idea is to allow Alice increase the bit she sends Carol with a

0-know-how evidence that this bit is indeed the least full-size little bit of the message. We

Stress that the foregoing announcement is of the “N P kind” (since the evidence detailed earlier

Can be correctly established), and consequently the life of 0-expertise proofs for

N P-statements means that the foregoing announcement may be proved with out revealing

Whatever past its validity.

The point of interest of chapter 4, dedicated to zero-know-how proofs, is at the foregoing end result

(i.e., the construction of 0-expertise proofs for any N P-assertion). In addition,

We shall recollect severa variations and factors of the belief of zero-understanding proofs

And their results at the applicability of this notion.

1.2. Some background from opportunity theory

Chance plays a imperative function in cryptography. Specifically, probability is vital

As a way to allow a dialogue of facts or loss of statistics (i.e., secrecy). We

Anticipate that the reader is acquainted with the basic notions of opportunity principle. On this

Section, we merely present the probabilistic notations that are used in the course of this ebook

And three beneficial probabilistic inequalities.

1.2.1. Notational Conventions

For the duration of this entire book we will talk to best discrete opportunity distributions.

Typically, the opportunity space includes the set of all strings of a sure length

, fascinated about uniform opportunity distribution. That is, the pattern area is the set

Of all -bit-lengthy strings, and every such string is assigned possibility degree 2−

Traditionally, capabilities from the sample area to the reals are referred to as random variables.

Abusing trendy terminology, we permit ourselves to use the time period random variable also

While regarding capabilities mapping the pattern area into the set of binary strings.

We frequently do now not specify the possibility space, but alternatively talk directly approximately

Variables. As an instance, we may additionally say that X is a random variable assigned values in

The set of all strings, in order that Pr[X = 00] = 1

Four and Pr[X = 111] = 3

Four . (any such random

Variable can be defined over the sample space {zero, 1}2, so that X(11) = 00 and X(00) =

X(01) = X(10) = 111.) In most cases the chance space includes all strings of

A particular duration. Commonly, these strings represent random picks made by means of some

Randomized system (see next section), and the random variable is the output of the


A way to examine Probabilistic Statements. All our probabilistic statements consult with

Functions of random variables which can be described ahead. Typically, we will write

Pr[ f (X) = 1], wherein X is a random variable described in advance (and f is a function).

An critical convention is that all occurrences of a given image in a probabilistic

Assertion talk to the same (specific) random variable. Therefore, if B(·, ·) is a Boolean

Expression depending on variables and X is a random variable, then Pr[B(X, X)]

Denotes the chance that B(x, x) holds whilst x is chosen with probabilitypr[X = x].


1.2. A few historical past FROM possibility principle


Pr[B(X, X)] =

Pr[X = x] · χ(B(x, x))

Where χ is a trademark feature, in order that χ(B) = 1 if event B holds, and equals 0 otherwise. As an
instance, for every random variable X, we've Pr[X = X] = 1. We strain

That if one needs to discuss the opportunity that B(x, y) holds when x and y are selected
Independently with the same opportunity distribution, then one needs to outline two impartial
random variables, each with the identical chance distribution. Hence, if X and

Y are impartial random variables, then Pr[B(X, Y )] denotes the probability that

B(x, y) holds while the pair (x, y) is chosen with possibility Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y].


Pr[B(X, Y )] =


Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y] · χ(B(x, y))

As an example, for every impartial random variables, X and Y , we've

Pr[X = Y ] = 1 simplest if both X and Y are trivial (i.e., assign the entire chance

Mass to a unmarried string).

Regular Random Variables. Throughout this complete book, Un denotes a random variable uniformly
dispensed over the set of strings of duration n. Namely,Pr[Un =α] equals

2−n if α ∈ {0, 1}n, and equals zero in any other case. Further, we will sometimes use

Random variables (arbitrarily) distributed over {0, 1}n or {0, 1}

L(n) for some function l :

N→N. Such random variables are typically denoted through Xn, Yn, Zn, and many others. We
pressure that in

A few instances Xn is distributed over{zero, 1}n, while in others it's far allotted over{0, 1}


For some characteristic l(·), that's usually a polynomial. Every other type of random variable,

The output of a randomized algorithm on a set input, is mentioned in section 1.three.

1.2.2. Three Inequalities

The subsequent probabilistic inequalities could be very useful inside the path of this book.

All inequalities discuss with random variables which are assigned actual values. The maximum
primary inequality is the Markov inequality, which asserts that for random variables with

Bounded maximum or minimal values, some relation have to exist between the deviation of a value
from the expectancy of the random variable and the opportunity that the

Random variable is assigned this price. Particularly, letting E(X) def

V Pr[X =v] · v

Denote the expectation of the random variable X, we've the following:

Markov Inequality: allow X be a non-poor random variable and v a actual

Wide variety. Then

Pr[X ≥ v] ≤


Equivalently, Pr[X ≥ r · E(X)] ≤ 1




E(X) =

Pr[X = x] · x

Pr[X = x] · 0 +


Pr[X = x] · v

= Pr[X ≥ v] · v

The claim follows.

The Markov inequality is typically used in cases in which one knows very little about

The distribution of the random variable; it suffices to know its expectation and at least

One bound on the range of its values. See Exercise 1.

Using Markov’s inequality, one gets a “possibly stronger” bound for the deviation

Of a random variable from its expectation. This bound, called Chebyshev’s inequality, is useful
provided one has additional knowledge concerning the random variable

(specifically, a good upper bound on its variance). For a random variable X of finite

Expectation, we denote by Var(X) def

= E[(X − E(X))2] the variance of X and observe

That Var(X) = E(X2) − E(X)

Chebyshev’s Inequality: Let X be a random variable, and δ > zero. Then

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] ≤



Evidence: We define a random variable Y def

= (X − E(X))2 and apply the Markov

Inequality. We get

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] = Pr[(X − E(X))2 ≥ δ2

E[(X − E(X))2]


And the claim follows.

Chebyshev’s inequality is particularly beneficial for evaluation of the mistake opportunity of

Approximation through repeated sampling. It suffices to count on that the samples are picked

In a pairwise-independent manner.

Corollary (Pairwise-unbiased Sampling): permit X1, X2,..., Xn be pairwiseindependent random

variables with the equal expectation, denotedµ, and the identical

Variance, denoted σ2. Then, for each ε > zero,


I=1 Xi





The Xi’s are called pairwise-independent if for each i = j and all a and b, it holds

That Pr[Xi = a ∧ X j = b] equals Pr[Xi = a] · Pr[X j = b].


1.2. A few history FROM possibility principle

Proof: define the random variables Xi


= Xi − E(Xi). Note that the Xi’s are

Pairwise-unbiased and each has 0 expectation. Making use of Chebyshev’s inequality to the random
variable described by way of the sumn



N , and the use of the linearity

Of the expectancy operator, we get





Var n





I=1 Xi

Ε2 · n2

Now (again the usage of the linearity of E)






1≤i= j≤n

E[ Xi X j]

By way of the pairwise independence of the Xi’s, we get E[Xi X j] = E[Xi] · E[X j], and

The use of E[Xi] = 0, we get



 = n · σ2

The corollary follows.

The usage of pairwise-independent sampling, the mistake probability within the approximation

Is reducing linearly with the wide variety of pattern points. The use of absolutely independent

Sampling factors, the mistake opportunity inside the approximation may be proven to decrease

Exponentially with the number of pattern points. (The random variables X1, X2,..., Xn

Are said to be completely unbiased if for each series a1, a2,..., an it holds that


I=1Xi = ai] equals n

I=1 Pr[Xi = ai].) Chance bounds helping the foregoing assertion are given subsequent. The primary
sure, normally called the Chernoff

Sure, issues 0-1 random variables (i.e., random variables which are assigned values

Of both 0 or 1).

Chernoff bound: permit p ≤ 1

2 , and let X1, X2,..., Xn be unbiased zero-1 random

Variables, in order that Pr[Xi = 1] = p for every i. Then for all ε, zero < ε ≤ p(1 − p),

We have


I=1 Xi


< 2 · e− ε2

2p(1−p) ·n

We shall commonly practice the sure with a regular p ≈ 1

2 . In this example, n unbiased

Samples provide an approximation that deviates by means of ε from the expectancy with probability

This is exponentially decreasing with ε2n. Such an approximation is called an (ε, δ)-

Approximation and can be executed the use of n = O(ε−2 · log(1/δ)) pattern factors. It's far

Important to understand that the sufficient quantity of pattern points is polynomially

Related to ε−1 and logarithmically related to δ−1. So using poly(n) many samples, the



Blunders chance (i.e., δ) can be made negligible (as a feature in n), however the accuracy of

The estimation (i.e., ε) may be bounded above only with the aid of any fixed polynomial fraction

Can't be made negligible).2 We strain that the dependence of the number of samples

On ε isn't always better than in the case of pairwise-unbiased sampling; the advantage of
Completely independent samples lies most effective within the dependence of the range of samples
on δ.

Simultaneity troubles

A typical example of a simultaneity trouble is that of simultaneous exchange of secrets,

Of which agreement signing is a unique case. The placing for a simultaneous alternate

Of secrets and techniques consists of events, every preserving a “secret.” The intention is to execute

Protocol such that if both parties comply with it successfully, then at termination every will keep

Its counterpart’s secret, and anyways (even though one celebration cheats) the first party will

Hold the second one birthday celebration’s secret if and handiest if the second birthday celebration
holds the first birthday celebration’s

Secret. Perfectly simultaneous exchange of secrets and techniques can be carried out most effective
if we assume

The life of 0.33 events that are relied on to some extent. In truth, simultaneous

Alternate of secrets and techniques can without problems be carried out the use of the lively
participation of a trusted

1/3 birthday celebration: each celebration sends its secret to the trusted third party (the usage of a
relaxed channel).

The 0.33 birthday party, on receiving both secrets and techniques, sends the first party’s mystery to
the second

Celebration and the second one party’s secret to the first party. There are issues with this


1. The solution calls for the active participation of an “outside” birthday celebration in all instances
(i.e., also

In case each parties are honest). We observe that different solutions requiring milder styles of

Participation of outside events do exist.

2. The answer calls for the life of a totally depended on 0.33 entity. In a few applications,

Such an entity does now not exist. Despite the fact that, inside the sequel we will speak the trouble

1.1. CRYPTOGRAPHY: principal topics

Of implementing a trusted 0.33 birthday party by way of a fixed of customers with an honest
majority (despite the fact that

The identity of the honest customers isn't acknowledged).

Secure Implementation of Functionalities and relied on events

A unique kind of protocol hassle is concerned with the cozy implementation of

Functionalities. To be greater unique, we speak the trouble of evaluating a characteristic of nearby

inputs each of which is held via a distinct person. An illustrative and

Motivating example is vote casting, in which the feature is majority, and the nearby enter

Held through user A is a unmarried bit representing the vote of person A (e.g., “seasoned” or “con”).

Loosely speakme, a protocol for securely evaluating a selected characteristic ought to satisfy the


• privateness: No celebration can “benefit statistics” on the input of different events, beyond what's

Deduced from the value of the function.

• Robustness: No birthday celebration can “influence” the price of the function, past the have an
effect on

Exerted by deciding on its personal enter.

It is once in a while required that those situations maintain with admire to “small” (e.g., minority)
coalitions of parties (rather than unmarried events).

Truly, if one of the users is understood to be completely straightforward, then there exists a

Easy way to the hassle of comfortable evaluation of any function. Each user truely

Sends its enter to the relied on party (using a comfy channel), who, upon receiving all

Inputs, computes the feature, sends the outcome to all customers, and erases all intermediate
computations (along with the inputs obtained) from its memory. Clearly, it's far

Unrealistic to anticipate that a party can be relied on to such an extent (e.g., that it will

Voluntarily erase what it has “discovered”). Though, the problem of imposing

Comfortable characteristic evaluation reduces to the problem of implementing a relied on


It seems that a trusted party may be applied by way of a hard and fast of users with an honest
majority (even supposing the identity of the honest customers isn't always recognized). That is
indeed a

Fundamental bring about this area, and plenty of chapter 7, with a purpose to appear within the 2nd

Volume of this paintings, may be committed to formulating and proving it (as well as variations

Of it).

Zero-knowledge as a Paradigm

A major tool inside the creation of cryptographic protocols is the idea of zeroknowledge proof
systems and the fact that zero-information evidence structures exist for all

Languages in N P (furnished that one-manner features exist). Loosely talking, a zeroknowledge

evidence yields not anything however the validity of the declaration. Zero-knowledge proofs
Offer a tool for “forcing” events to observe a given protocol properly.

To demonstrate the role of zero-know-how proofs, consider a setting wherein a celebration,

Referred to as Alice, upon receiving an encrypted message from Bob, is to ship Carol the

Least substantial little bit of the message. Sincerely, if Alice sends simplest the (least massive)

Bit (of the message), then there is no manner for Carol to recognize Alice did now not cheat.

Alice may want to show that she did now not cheat with the aid of revealing to Carol the entire
message as

Well as its decryption key, but that might yield statistics some distance beyond what had been


Required. A far better idea is to allow Alice increase the bit she sends Carol with a

0-know-how evidence that this bit is indeed the least full-size little bit of the message. We

Stress that the foregoing announcement is of the “N P kind” (since the evidence detailed earlier

Can be correctly established), and consequently the life of 0-expertise proofs for

N P-statements means that the foregoing announcement may be proved with out revealing

Whatever past its validity.

The point of interest of chapter 4, dedicated to zero-know-how proofs, is at the foregoing end result

(i.e., the construction of 0-expertise proofs for any N P-assertion). In addition,

We shall recollect severa variations and factors of the belief of zero-understanding proofs

And their results at the applicability of this notion.

1.2. Some background from opportunity theory

Chance plays a imperative function in cryptography. Specifically, probability is vital

As a way to allow a dialogue of facts or loss of statistics (i.e., secrecy). We

Anticipate that the reader is acquainted with the basic notions of opportunity principle. On this

Section, we merely present the probabilistic notations that are used in the course of this ebook

And three beneficial probabilistic inequalities.

1.2.1. Notational Conventions

For the duration of this entire book we will talk to best discrete opportunity distributions.

Typically, the opportunity space includes the set of all strings of a sure length

, fascinated about uniform opportunity distribution. That is, the pattern area is the set

Of all -bit-lengthy strings, and every such string is assigned possibility degree 2−

Traditionally, capabilities from the sample area to the reals are referred to as random variables.

Abusing trendy terminology, we permit ourselves to use the time period random variable also

While regarding capabilities mapping the pattern area into the set of binary strings.

We frequently do now not specify the possibility space, but alternatively talk directly approximately

Variables. As an instance, we may additionally say that X is a random variable assigned values in

The set of all strings, in order that Pr[X = 00] = 1

Four and Pr[X = 111] = 3

Four . (any such random

Variable can be defined over the sample space {zero, 1}2, so that X(11) = 00 and X(00) =

X(01) = X(10) = 111.) In most cases the chance space includes all strings of

A particular duration. Commonly, these strings represent random picks made by means of some

Randomized system (see next section), and the random variable is the output of the


A way to examine Probabilistic Statements. All our probabilistic statements consult with

Functions of random variables which can be described ahead. Typically, we will write

Pr[ f (X) = 1], wherein X is a random variable described in advance (and f is a function).

An critical convention is that all occurrences of a given image in a probabilistic

Assertion talk to the same (specific) random variable. Therefore, if B(·, ·) is a Boolean

Expression depending on variables and X is a random variable, then Pr[B(X, X)]

Denotes the chance that B(x, x) holds whilst x is chosen with probabilitypr[X = x].


1.2. A few historical past FROM possibility principle


Pr[B(X, X)] =

Pr[X = x] · χ(B(x, x))

Where χ is a trademark feature, in order that χ(B) = 1 if event B holds, and equals 0 otherwise. As an
instance, for every random variable X, we've Pr[X = X] = 1. We strain

That if one needs to discuss the opportunity that B(x, y) holds when x and y are selected
Independently with the same opportunity distribution, then one needs to outline two impartial
random variables, each with the identical chance distribution. Hence, if X and

Y are impartial random variables, then Pr[B(X, Y )] denotes the probability that

B(x, y) holds while the pair (x, y) is chosen with possibility Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y].


Pr[B(X, Y )] =


Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y] · χ(B(x, y))

As an example, for every impartial random variables, X and Y , we've

Pr[X = Y ] = 1 simplest if both X and Y are trivial (i.e., assign the entire chance

Mass to a unmarried string).

Regular Random Variables. Throughout this complete book, Un denotes a random variable uniformly
dispensed over the set of strings of duration n. Namely,Pr[Un =α] equals

2−n if α ∈ {0, 1}n, and equals zero in any other case. Further, we will sometimes use

Random variables (arbitrarily) distributed over {0, 1}n or {0, 1}

L(n) for some function l :

N→N. Such random variables are typically denoted through Xn, Yn, Zn, and many others. We
pressure that in

A few instances Xn is distributed over{zero, 1}n, while in others it's far allotted over{0, 1}


For some characteristic l(·), that's usually a polynomial. Every other type of random variable,

The output of a randomized algorithm on a set input, is mentioned in section 1.three.

1.2.2. Three Inequalities

The subsequent probabilistic inequalities could be very useful inside the path of this book.

All inequalities discuss with random variables which are assigned actual values. The maximum
primary inequality is the Markov inequality, which asserts that for random variables with

Bounded maximum or minimal values, some relation have to exist between the deviation of a value
from the expectancy of the random variable and the opportunity that the

Random variable is assigned this price. Particularly, letting E(X) def

V Pr[X =v] · v

Denote the expectation of the random variable X, we've the following:

Markov Inequality: allow X be a non-poor random variable and v a actual

Wide variety. Then

Pr[X ≥ v] ≤


Equivalently, Pr[X ≥ r · E(X)] ≤ 1




E(X) =

Pr[X = x] · x

Pr[X = x] · 0 +


Pr[X = x] · v

= Pr[X ≥ v] · v

The claim follows.

The Markov inequality is typically used in cases in which one knows very little about

The distribution of the random variable; it suffices to know its expectation and at least

One bound on the range of its values. See Exercise 1.

Using Markov’s inequality, one gets a “possibly stronger” bound for the deviation

Of a random variable from its expectation. This bound, called Chebyshev’s inequality, is useful
provided one has additional knowledge concerning the random variable

(specifically, a good upper bound on its variance). For a random variable X of finite

Expectation, we denote by Var(X) def

= E[(X − E(X))2] the variance of X and observe

That Var(X) = E(X2) − E(X)

Chebyshev’s Inequality: Let X be a random variable, and δ > zero. Then

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] ≤



Evidence: We define a random variable Y def

= (X − E(X))2 and apply the Markov

Inequality. We get

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] = Pr[(X − E(X))2 ≥ δ2

E[(X − E(X))2]


And the claim follows.

Chebyshev’s inequality is particularly beneficial for evaluation of the mistake opportunity of

Approximation through repeated sampling. It suffices to count on that the samples are picked

In a pairwise-independent manner.

Corollary (Pairwise-unbiased Sampling): permit X1, X2,..., Xn be pairwiseindependent random

variables with the equal expectation, denotedµ, and the identical

Variance, denoted σ2. Then, for each ε > zero,


I=1 Xi





The Xi’s are called pairwise-independent if for each i = j and all a and b, it holds

That Pr[Xi = a ∧ X j = b] equals Pr[Xi = a] · Pr[X j = b].


1.2. A few history FROM possibility principle

Proof: define the random variables Xi


= Xi − E(Xi). Note that the Xi’s are

Pairwise-unbiased and each has 0 expectation. Making use of Chebyshev’s inequality to the random
variable described by way of the sumn



N , and the use of the linearity

Of the expectancy operator, we get





Var n





I=1 Xi

Ε2 · n2

Now (again the usage of the linearity of E)






1≤i= j≤n

E[ Xi X j]

By way of the pairwise independence of the Xi’s, we get E[Xi X j] = E[Xi] · E[X j], and

The use of E[Xi] = 0, we get



 = n · σ2

The corollary follows.

The usage of pairwise-independent sampling, the mistake probability within the approximation

Is reducing linearly with the wide variety of pattern points. The use of absolutely independent

Sampling factors, the mistake opportunity inside the approximation may be proven to decrease

Exponentially with the number of pattern points. (The random variables X1, X2,..., Xn

Are said to be completely unbiased if for each series a1, a2,..., an it holds that


I=1Xi = ai] equals n

I=1 Pr[Xi = ai].) Chance bounds helping the foregoing assertion are given subsequent. The primary
sure, normally called the Chernoff

Sure, issues 0-1 random variables (i.e., random variables which are assigned values

Of both 0 or 1).

Chernoff bound: permit p ≤ 1

2 , and let X1, X2,..., Xn be unbiased zero-1 random

Variables, in order that Pr[Xi = 1] = p for every i. Then for all ε, zero < ε ≤ p(1 − p),

We have


I=1 Xi


< 2 · e− ε2

2p(1−p) ·n

We shall commonly practice the sure with a regular p ≈ 1

2 . In this example, n unbiased

Samples provide an approximation that deviates by means of ε from the expectancy with probability

This is exponentially decreasing with ε2n. Such an approximation is called an (ε, δ)-

Approximation and can be executed the use of n = O(ε−2 · log(1/δ)) pattern factors. It's far

Important to understand that the sufficient quantity of pattern points is polynomially

Related to ε−1 and logarithmically related to δ−1. So using poly(n) many samples, the



Blunders chance (i.e., δ) can be made negligible (as a feature in n), however the accuracy of

The estimation (i.e., ε) may be bounded above only with the aid of any fixed polynomial fraction

Can't be made negligible).2 We strain that the dependence of the number of samples

On ε isn't always better than in the case of pairwise-unbiased sampling; the advantage of
Completely independent samples lies most effective within the dependence of the range of samples
on δ.

Simultaneity troubles

A typical example of a simultaneity trouble is that of simultaneous exchange of secrets,

Of which agreement signing is a unique case. The placing for a simultaneous alternate

Of secrets and techniques consists of events, every preserving a “secret.” The intention is to execute

Protocol such that if both parties comply with it successfully, then at termination every will keep

Its counterpart’s secret, and anyways (even though one celebration cheats) the first party will

Hold the second one birthday celebration’s secret if and handiest if the second birthday celebration
holds the first birthday celebration’s

Secret. Perfectly simultaneous exchange of secrets and techniques can be carried out most effective
if we assume

The life of 0.33 events that are relied on to some extent. In truth, simultaneous

Alternate of secrets and techniques can without problems be carried out the use of the lively
participation of a trusted

1/3 birthday celebration: each celebration sends its secret to the trusted third party (the usage of a
relaxed channel).

The 0.33 birthday party, on receiving both secrets and techniques, sends the first party’s mystery to
the second

Celebration and the second one party’s secret to the first party. There are issues with this


1. The solution calls for the active participation of an “outside” birthday celebration in all instances
(i.e., also

In case each parties are honest). We observe that different solutions requiring milder styles of

Participation of outside events do exist.

2. The answer calls for the life of a totally depended on 0.33 entity. In a few applications,

Such an entity does now not exist. Despite the fact that, inside the sequel we will speak the trouble

1.1. CRYPTOGRAPHY: principal topics

Of implementing a trusted 0.33 birthday party by way of a fixed of customers with an honest
majority (despite the fact that

The identity of the honest customers isn't acknowledged).

Secure Implementation of Functionalities and relied on events

A unique kind of protocol hassle is concerned with the cozy implementation of

Functionalities. To be greater unique, we speak the trouble of evaluating a characteristic of nearby

inputs each of which is held via a distinct person. An illustrative and

Motivating example is vote casting, in which the feature is majority, and the nearby enter

Held through user A is a unmarried bit representing the vote of person A (e.g., “seasoned” or “con”).

Loosely speakme, a protocol for securely evaluating a selected characteristic ought to satisfy the


• privateness: No celebration can “benefit statistics” on the input of different events, beyond what's

Deduced from the value of the function.

• Robustness: No birthday celebration can “influence” the price of the function, past the have an
effect on

Exerted by deciding on its personal enter.

It is once in a while required that those situations maintain with admire to “small” (e.g., minority)
coalitions of parties (rather than unmarried events).

Truly, if one of the users is understood to be completely straightforward, then there exists a

Easy way to the hassle of comfortable evaluation of any function. Each user truely

Sends its enter to the relied on party (using a comfy channel), who, upon receiving all

Inputs, computes the feature, sends the outcome to all customers, and erases all intermediate
computations (along with the inputs obtained) from its memory. Clearly, it's far

Unrealistic to anticipate that a party can be relied on to such an extent (e.g., that it will

Voluntarily erase what it has “discovered”). Though, the problem of imposing

Comfortable characteristic evaluation reduces to the problem of implementing a relied on


It seems that a trusted party may be applied by way of a hard and fast of users with an honest
majority (even supposing the identity of the honest customers isn't always recognized). That is
indeed a

Fundamental bring about this area, and plenty of chapter 7, with a purpose to appear within the 2nd

Volume of this paintings, may be committed to formulating and proving it (as well as variations

Of it).

Zero-knowledge as a Paradigm

A major tool inside the creation of cryptographic protocols is the idea of zeroknowledge proof
systems and the fact that zero-information evidence structures exist for all

Languages in N P (furnished that one-manner features exist). Loosely talking, a zeroknowledge

evidence yields not anything however the validity of the declaration. Zero-knowledge proofs
Offer a tool for “forcing” events to observe a given protocol properly.

To demonstrate the role of zero-know-how proofs, consider a setting wherein a celebration,

Referred to as Alice, upon receiving an encrypted message from Bob, is to ship Carol the

Least substantial little bit of the message. Sincerely, if Alice sends simplest the (least massive)

Bit (of the message), then there is no manner for Carol to recognize Alice did now not cheat.

Alice may want to show that she did now not cheat with the aid of revealing to Carol the entire
message as

Well as its decryption key, but that might yield statistics some distance beyond what had been


Required. A far better idea is to allow Alice increase the bit she sends Carol with a

0-know-how evidence that this bit is indeed the least full-size little bit of the message. We

Stress that the foregoing announcement is of the “N P kind” (since the evidence detailed earlier

Can be correctly established), and consequently the life of 0-expertise proofs for

N P-statements means that the foregoing announcement may be proved with out revealing

Whatever past its validity.

The point of interest of chapter 4, dedicated to zero-know-how proofs, is at the foregoing end result

(i.e., the construction of 0-expertise proofs for any N P-assertion). In addition,

We shall recollect severa variations and factors of the belief of zero-understanding proofs

And their results at the applicability of this notion.

1.2. Some background from opportunity theory

Chance plays a imperative function in cryptography. Specifically, probability is vital

As a way to allow a dialogue of facts or loss of statistics (i.e., secrecy). We

Anticipate that the reader is acquainted with the basic notions of opportunity principle. On this

Section, we merely present the probabilistic notations that are used in the course of this ebook

And three beneficial probabilistic inequalities.

1.2.1. Notational Conventions

For the duration of this entire book we will talk to best discrete opportunity distributions.

Typically, the opportunity space includes the set of all strings of a sure length

, fascinated about uniform opportunity distribution. That is, the pattern area is the set

Of all -bit-lengthy strings, and every such string is assigned possibility degree 2−

Traditionally, capabilities from the sample area to the reals are referred to as random variables.

Abusing trendy terminology, we permit ourselves to use the time period random variable also

While regarding capabilities mapping the pattern area into the set of binary strings.

We frequently do now not specify the possibility space, but alternatively talk directly approximately

Variables. As an instance, we may additionally say that X is a random variable assigned values in

The set of all strings, in order that Pr[X = 00] = 1

Four and Pr[X = 111] = 3

Four . (any such random

Variable can be defined over the sample space {zero, 1}2, so that X(11) = 00 and X(00) =

X(01) = X(10) = 111.) In most cases the chance space includes all strings of

A particular duration. Commonly, these strings represent random picks made by means of some

Randomized system (see next section), and the random variable is the output of the


A way to examine Probabilistic Statements. All our probabilistic statements consult with

Functions of random variables which can be described ahead. Typically, we will write

Pr[ f (X) = 1], wherein X is a random variable described in advance (and f is a function).

An critical convention is that all occurrences of a given image in a probabilistic

Assertion talk to the same (specific) random variable. Therefore, if B(·, ·) is a Boolean

Expression depending on variables and X is a random variable, then Pr[B(X, X)]

Denotes the chance that B(x, x) holds whilst x is chosen with probabilitypr[X = x].


1.2. A few historical past FROM possibility principle


Pr[B(X, X)] =

Pr[X = x] · χ(B(x, x))

Where χ is a trademark feature, in order that χ(B) = 1 if event B holds, and equals 0 otherwise. As an
instance, for every random variable X, we've Pr[X = X] = 1. We strain

That if one needs to discuss the opportunity that B(x, y) holds when x and y are selected
Independently with the same opportunity distribution, then one needs to outline two impartial
random variables, each with the identical chance distribution. Hence, if X and

Y are impartial random variables, then Pr[B(X, Y )] denotes the probability that

B(x, y) holds while the pair (x, y) is chosen with possibility Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y].


Pr[B(X, Y )] =


Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y] · χ(B(x, y))

As an example, for every impartial random variables, X and Y , we've

Pr[X = Y ] = 1 simplest if both X and Y are trivial (i.e., assign the entire chance

Mass to a unmarried string).

Regular Random Variables. Throughout this complete book, Un denotes a random variable uniformly
dispensed over the set of strings of duration n. Namely,Pr[Un =α] equals

2−n if α ∈ {0, 1}n, and equals zero in any other case. Further, we will sometimes use

Random variables (arbitrarily) distributed over {0, 1}n or {0, 1}

L(n) for some function l :

N→N. Such random variables are typically denoted through Xn, Yn, Zn, and many others. We
pressure that in

A few instances Xn is distributed over{zero, 1}n, while in others it's far allotted over{0, 1}


For some characteristic l(·), that's usually a polynomial. Every other type of random variable,

The output of a randomized algorithm on a set input, is mentioned in section 1.three.

1.2.2. Three Inequalities

The subsequent probabilistic inequalities could be very useful inside the path of this book.

All inequalities discuss with random variables which are assigned actual values. The maximum
primary inequality is the Markov inequality, which asserts that for random variables with

Bounded maximum or minimal values, some relation have to exist between the deviation of a value
from the expectancy of the random variable and the opportunity that the

Random variable is assigned this price. Particularly, letting E(X) def

V Pr[X =v] · v

Denote the expectation of the random variable X, we've the following:

Markov Inequality: allow X be a non-poor random variable and v a actual

Wide variety. Then

Pr[X ≥ v] ≤


Equivalently, Pr[X ≥ r · E(X)] ≤ 1




E(X) =

Pr[X = x] · x

Pr[X = x] · 0 +


Pr[X = x] · v

= Pr[X ≥ v] · v

The claim follows.

The Markov inequality is typically used in cases in which one knows very little about

The distribution of the random variable; it suffices to know its expectation and at least

One bound on the range of its values. See Exercise 1.

Using Markov’s inequality, one gets a “possibly stronger” bound for the deviation

Of a random variable from its expectation. This bound, called Chebyshev’s inequality, is useful
provided one has additional knowledge concerning the random variable

(specifically, a good upper bound on its variance). For a random variable X of finite

Expectation, we denote by Var(X) def

= E[(X − E(X))2] the variance of X and observe

That Var(X) = E(X2) − E(X)

Chebyshev’s Inequality: Let X be a random variable, and δ > zero. Then

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] ≤



Evidence: We define a random variable Y def

= (X − E(X))2 and apply the Markov

Inequality. We get

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] = Pr[(X − E(X))2 ≥ δ2

E[(X − E(X))2]


And the claim follows.

Chebyshev’s inequality is particularly beneficial for evaluation of the mistake opportunity of

Approximation through repeated sampling. It suffices to count on that the samples are picked

In a pairwise-independent manner.

Corollary (Pairwise-unbiased Sampling): permit X1, X2,..., Xn be pairwiseindependent random

variables with the equal expectation, denotedµ, and the identical

Variance, denoted σ2. Then, for each ε > zero,


I=1 Xi





The Xi’s are called pairwise-independent if for each i = j and all a and b, it holds

That Pr[Xi = a ∧ X j = b] equals Pr[Xi = a] · Pr[X j = b].


1.2. A few history FROM possibility principle

Proof: define the random variables Xi


= Xi − E(Xi). Note that the Xi’s are

Pairwise-unbiased and each has 0 expectation. Making use of Chebyshev’s inequality to the random
variable described by way of the sumn



N , and the use of the linearity

Of the expectancy operator, we get





Var n





I=1 Xi

Ε2 · n2

Now (again the usage of the linearity of E)






1≤i= j≤n

E[ Xi X j]

By way of the pairwise independence of the Xi’s, we get E[Xi X j] = E[Xi] · E[X j], and

The use of E[Xi] = 0, we get



 = n · σ2

The corollary follows.

The usage of pairwise-independent sampling, the mistake probability within the approximation

Is reducing linearly with the wide variety of pattern points. The use of absolutely independent

Sampling factors, the mistake opportunity inside the approximation may be proven to decrease

Exponentially with the number of pattern points. (The random variables X1, X2,..., Xn

Are said to be completely unbiased if for each series a1, a2,..., an it holds that


I=1Xi = ai] equals n

I=1 Pr[Xi = ai].) Chance bounds helping the foregoing assertion are given subsequent. The primary
sure, normally called the Chernoff

Sure, issues 0-1 random variables (i.e., random variables which are assigned values

Of both 0 or 1).

Chernoff bound: permit p ≤ 1

2 , and let X1, X2,..., Xn be unbiased zero-1 random

Variables, in order that Pr[Xi = 1] = p for every i. Then for all ε, zero < ε ≤ p(1 − p),

We have


I=1 Xi


< 2 · e− ε2

2p(1−p) ·n

We shall commonly practice the sure with a regular p ≈ 1

2 . In this example, n unbiased

Samples provide an approximation that deviates by means of ε from the expectancy with probability

This is exponentially decreasing with ε2n. Such an approximation is called an (ε, δ)-

Approximation and can be executed the use of n = O(ε−2 · log(1/δ)) pattern factors. It's far

Important to understand that the sufficient quantity of pattern points is polynomially

Related to ε−1 and logarithmically related to δ−1. So using poly(n) many samples, the



Blunders chance (i.e., δ) can be made negligible (as a feature in n), however the accuracy of

The estimation (i.e., ε) may be bounded above only with the aid of any fixed polynomial fraction

Can't be made negligible).2 We strain that the dependence of the number of samples

On ε isn't always better than in the case of pairwise-unbiased sampling; the advantage of
Completely independent samples lies most effective within the dependence of the range of samples
on δ.

Simultaneity troubles

A typical example of a simultaneity trouble is that of simultaneous exchange of secrets,

Of which agreement signing is a unique case. The placing for a simultaneous alternate

Of secrets and techniques consists of events, every preserving a “secret.” The intention is to execute

Protocol such that if both parties comply with it successfully, then at termination every will keep

Its counterpart’s secret, and anyways (even though one celebration cheats) the first party will

Hold the second one birthday celebration’s secret if and handiest if the second birthday celebration
holds the first birthday celebration’s

Secret. Perfectly simultaneous exchange of secrets and techniques can be carried out most effective
if we assume

The life of 0.33 events that are relied on to some extent. In truth, simultaneous

Alternate of secrets and techniques can without problems be carried out the use of the lively
participation of a trusted

1/3 birthday celebration: each celebration sends its secret to the trusted third party (the usage of a
relaxed channel).

The 0.33 birthday party, on receiving both secrets and techniques, sends the first party’s mystery to
the second

Celebration and the second one party’s secret to the first party. There are issues with this


1. The solution calls for the active participation of an “outside” birthday celebration in all instances
(i.e., also

In case each parties are honest). We observe that different solutions requiring milder styles of

Participation of outside events do exist.

2. The answer calls for the life of a totally depended on 0.33 entity. In a few applications,

Such an entity does now not exist. Despite the fact that, inside the sequel we will speak the trouble

1.1. CRYPTOGRAPHY: principal topics

Of implementing a trusted 0.33 birthday party by way of a fixed of customers with an honest
majority (despite the fact that

The identity of the honest customers isn't acknowledged).

Secure Implementation of Functionalities and relied on events

A unique kind of protocol hassle is concerned with the cozy implementation of

Functionalities. To be greater unique, we speak the trouble of evaluating a characteristic of nearby

inputs each of which is held via a distinct person. An illustrative and

Motivating example is vote casting, in which the feature is majority, and the nearby enter

Held through user A is a unmarried bit representing the vote of person A (e.g., “seasoned” or “con”).

Loosely speakme, a protocol for securely evaluating a selected characteristic ought to satisfy the


• privateness: No celebration can “benefit statistics” on the input of different events, beyond what's

Deduced from the value of the function.

• Robustness: No birthday celebration can “influence” the price of the function, past the have an
effect on

Exerted by deciding on its personal enter.

It is once in a while required that those situations maintain with admire to “small” (e.g., minority)
coalitions of parties (rather than unmarried events).

Truly, if one of the users is understood to be completely straightforward, then there exists a

Easy way to the hassle of comfortable evaluation of any function. Each user truely

Sends its enter to the relied on party (using a comfy channel), who, upon receiving all

Inputs, computes the feature, sends the outcome to all customers, and erases all intermediate
computations (along with the inputs obtained) from its memory. Clearly, it's far

Unrealistic to anticipate that a party can be relied on to such an extent (e.g., that it will

Voluntarily erase what it has “discovered”). Though, the problem of imposing

Comfortable characteristic evaluation reduces to the problem of implementing a relied on


It seems that a trusted party may be applied by way of a hard and fast of users with an honest
majority (even supposing the identity of the honest customers isn't always recognized). That is
indeed a

Fundamental bring about this area, and plenty of chapter 7, with a purpose to appear within the 2nd

Volume of this paintings, may be committed to formulating and proving it (as well as variations

Of it).

Zero-knowledge as a Paradigm

A major tool inside the creation of cryptographic protocols is the idea of zeroknowledge proof
systems and the fact that zero-information evidence structures exist for all

Languages in N P (furnished that one-manner features exist). Loosely talking, a zeroknowledge

evidence yields not anything however the validity of the declaration. Zero-knowledge proofs
Offer a tool for “forcing” events to observe a given protocol properly.

To demonstrate the role of zero-know-how proofs, consider a setting wherein a celebration,

Referred to as Alice, upon receiving an encrypted message from Bob, is to ship Carol the

Least substantial little bit of the message. Sincerely, if Alice sends simplest the (least massive)

Bit (of the message), then there is no manner for Carol to recognize Alice did now not cheat.

Alice may want to show that she did now not cheat with the aid of revealing to Carol the entire
message as

Well as its decryption key, but that might yield statistics some distance beyond what had been


Required. A far better idea is to allow Alice increase the bit she sends Carol with a

0-know-how evidence that this bit is indeed the least full-size little bit of the message. We

Stress that the foregoing announcement is of the “N P kind” (since the evidence detailed earlier

Can be correctly established), and consequently the life of 0-expertise proofs for

N P-statements means that the foregoing announcement may be proved with out revealing

Whatever past its validity.

The point of interest of chapter 4, dedicated to zero-know-how proofs, is at the foregoing end result

(i.e., the construction of 0-expertise proofs for any N P-assertion). In addition,

We shall recollect severa variations and factors of the belief of zero-understanding proofs

And their results at the applicability of this notion.

1.2. Some background from opportunity theory

Chance plays a imperative function in cryptography. Specifically, probability is vital

As a way to allow a dialogue of facts or loss of statistics (i.e., secrecy). We

Anticipate that the reader is acquainted with the basic notions of opportunity principle. On this

Section, we merely present the probabilistic notations that are used in the course of this ebook

And three beneficial probabilistic inequalities.

1.2.1. Notational Conventions

For the duration of this entire book we will talk to best discrete opportunity distributions.

Typically, the opportunity space includes the set of all strings of a sure length

, fascinated about uniform opportunity distribution. That is, the pattern area is the set

Of all -bit-lengthy strings, and every such string is assigned possibility degree 2−

Traditionally, capabilities from the sample area to the reals are referred to as random variables.

Abusing trendy terminology, we permit ourselves to use the time period random variable also

While regarding capabilities mapping the pattern area into the set of binary strings.

We frequently do now not specify the possibility space, but alternatively talk directly approximately

Variables. As an instance, we may additionally say that X is a random variable assigned values in

The set of all strings, in order that Pr[X = 00] = 1

Four and Pr[X = 111] = 3

Four . (any such random

Variable can be defined over the sample space {zero, 1}2, so that X(11) = 00 and X(00) =

X(01) = X(10) = 111.) In most cases the chance space includes all strings of

A particular duration. Commonly, these strings represent random picks made by means of some

Randomized system (see next section), and the random variable is the output of the


A way to examine Probabilistic Statements. All our probabilistic statements consult with

Functions of random variables which can be described ahead. Typically, we will write

Pr[ f (X) = 1], wherein X is a random variable described in advance (and f is a function).

An critical convention is that all occurrences of a given image in a probabilistic

Assertion talk to the same (specific) random variable. Therefore, if B(·, ·) is a Boolean

Expression depending on variables and X is a random variable, then Pr[B(X, X)]

Denotes the chance that B(x, x) holds whilst x is chosen with probabilitypr[X = x].


1.2. A few historical past FROM possibility principle


Pr[B(X, X)] =

Pr[X = x] · χ(B(x, x))

Where χ is a trademark feature, in order that χ(B) = 1 if event B holds, and equals 0 otherwise. As an
instance, for every random variable X, we've Pr[X = X] = 1. We strain

That if one needs to discuss the opportunity that B(x, y) holds when x and y are selected
Independently with the same opportunity distribution, then one needs to outline two impartial
random variables, each with the identical chance distribution. Hence, if X and

Y are impartial random variables, then Pr[B(X, Y )] denotes the probability that

B(x, y) holds while the pair (x, y) is chosen with possibility Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y].


Pr[B(X, Y )] =


Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y] · χ(B(x, y))

As an example, for every impartial random variables, X and Y , we've

Pr[X = Y ] = 1 simplest if both X and Y are trivial (i.e., assign the entire chance

Mass to a unmarried string).

Regular Random Variables. Throughout this complete book, Un denotes a random variable uniformly
dispensed over the set of strings of duration n. Namely,Pr[Un =α] equals

2−n if α ∈ {0, 1}n, and equals zero in any other case. Further, we will sometimes use

Random variables (arbitrarily) distributed over {0, 1}n or {0, 1}

L(n) for some function l :

N→N. Such random variables are typically denoted through Xn, Yn, Zn, and many others. We
pressure that in

A few instances Xn is distributed over{zero, 1}n, while in others it's far allotted over{0, 1}


For some characteristic l(·), that's usually a polynomial. Every other type of random variable,

The output of a randomized algorithm on a set input, is mentioned in section 1.three.

1.2.2. Three Inequalities

The subsequent probabilistic inequalities could be very useful inside the path of this book.

All inequalities discuss with random variables which are assigned actual values. The maximum
primary inequality is the Markov inequality, which asserts that for random variables with

Bounded maximum or minimal values, some relation have to exist between the deviation of a value
from the expectancy of the random variable and the opportunity that the

Random variable is assigned this price. Particularly, letting E(X) def

V Pr[X =v] · v

Denote the expectation of the random variable X, we've the following:

Markov Inequality: allow X be a non-poor random variable and v a actual

Wide variety. Then

Pr[X ≥ v] ≤


Equivalently, Pr[X ≥ r · E(X)] ≤ 1




E(X) =

Pr[X = x] · x

Pr[X = x] · 0 +


Pr[X = x] · v

= Pr[X ≥ v] · v

The claim follows.

The Markov inequality is typically used in cases in which one knows very little about

The distribution of the random variable; it suffices to know its expectation and at least

One bound on the range of its values. See Exercise 1.

Using Markov’s inequality, one gets a “possibly stronger” bound for the deviation

Of a random variable from its expectation. This bound, called Chebyshev’s inequality, is useful
provided one has additional knowledge concerning the random variable

(specifically, a good upper bound on its variance). For a random variable X of finite

Expectation, we denote by Var(X) def

= E[(X − E(X))2] the variance of X and observe

That Var(X) = E(X2) − E(X)

Chebyshev’s Inequality: Let X be a random variable, and δ > zero. Then

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] ≤



Evidence: We define a random variable Y def

= (X − E(X))2 and apply the Markov

Inequality. We get

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] = Pr[(X − E(X))2 ≥ δ2

E[(X − E(X))2]


And the claim follows.

Chebyshev’s inequality is particularly beneficial for evaluation of the mistake opportunity of

Approximation through repeated sampling. It suffices to count on that the samples are picked

In a pairwise-independent manner.

Corollary (Pairwise-unbiased Sampling): permit X1, X2,..., Xn be pairwiseindependent random

variables with the equal expectation, denotedµ, and the identical

Variance, denoted σ2. Then, for each ε > zero,


I=1 Xi





The Xi’s are called pairwise-independent if for each i = j and all a and b, it holds

That Pr[Xi = a ∧ X j = b] equals Pr[Xi = a] · Pr[X j = b].


1.2. A few history FROM possibility principle

Proof: define the random variables Xi


= Xi − E(Xi). Note that the Xi’s are

Pairwise-unbiased and each has 0 expectation. Making use of Chebyshev’s inequality to the random
variable described by way of the sumn



N , and the use of the linearity

Of the expectancy operator, we get





Var n





I=1 Xi

Ε2 · n2

Now (again the usage of the linearity of E)






1≤i= j≤n

E[ Xi X j]

By way of the pairwise independence of the Xi’s, we get E[Xi X j] = E[Xi] · E[X j], and

The use of E[Xi] = 0, we get



 = n · σ2

The corollary follows.

The usage of pairwise-independent sampling, the mistake probability within the approximation

Is reducing linearly with the wide variety of pattern points. The use of absolutely independent

Sampling factors, the mistake opportunity inside the approximation may be proven to decrease

Exponentially with the number of pattern points. (The random variables X1, X2,..., Xn

Are said to be completely unbiased if for each series a1, a2,..., an it holds that


I=1Xi = ai] equals n

I=1 Pr[Xi = ai].) Chance bounds helping the foregoing assertion are given subsequent. The primary
sure, normally called the Chernoff

Sure, issues 0-1 random variables (i.e., random variables which are assigned values

Of both 0 or 1).

Chernoff bound: permit p ≤ 1

2 , and let X1, X2,..., Xn be unbiased zero-1 random

Variables, in order that Pr[Xi = 1] = p for every i. Then for all ε, zero < ε ≤ p(1 − p),

We have


I=1 Xi


< 2 · e− ε2

2p(1−p) ·n

We shall commonly practice the sure with a regular p ≈ 1

2 . In this example, n unbiased

Samples provide an approximation that deviates by means of ε from the expectancy with probability

This is exponentially decreasing with ε2n. Such an approximation is called an (ε, δ)-

Approximation and can be executed the use of n = O(ε−2 · log(1/δ)) pattern factors. It's far

Important to understand that the sufficient quantity of pattern points is polynomially

Related to ε−1 and logarithmically related to δ−1. So using poly(n) many samples, the



Blunders chance (i.e., δ) can be made negligible (as a feature in n), however the accuracy of

The estimation (i.e., ε) may be bounded above only with the aid of any fixed polynomial fraction

Can't be made negligible).2 We strain that the dependence of the number of samples

On ε isn't always better than in the case of pairwise-unbiased sampling; the advantage of
Completely independent samples lies most effective within the dependence of the range of samples
on δ.

Simultaneity troubles

A typical example of a simultaneity trouble is that of simultaneous exchange of secrets,

Of which agreement signing is a unique case. The placing for a simultaneous alternate

Of secrets and techniques consists of events, every preserving a “secret.” The intention is to execute

Protocol such that if both parties comply with it successfully, then at termination every will keep

Its counterpart’s secret, and anyways (even though one celebration cheats) the first party will

Hold the second one birthday celebration’s secret if and handiest if the second birthday celebration
holds the first birthday celebration’s

Secret. Perfectly simultaneous exchange of secrets and techniques can be carried out most effective
if we assume

The life of 0.33 events that are relied on to some extent. In truth, simultaneous

Alternate of secrets and techniques can without problems be carried out the use of the lively
participation of a trusted

1/3 birthday celebration: each celebration sends its secret to the trusted third party (the usage of a
relaxed channel).

The 0.33 birthday party, on receiving both secrets and techniques, sends the first party’s mystery to
the second

Celebration and the second one party’s secret to the first party. There are issues with this


1. The solution calls for the active participation of an “outside” birthday celebration in all instances
(i.e., also

In case each parties are honest). We observe that different solutions requiring milder styles of

Participation of outside events do exist.

2. The answer calls for the life of a totally depended on 0.33 entity. In a few applications,

Such an entity does now not exist. Despite the fact that, inside the sequel we will speak the trouble

1.1. CRYPTOGRAPHY: principal topics

Of implementing a trusted 0.33 birthday party by way of a fixed of customers with an honest
majority (despite the fact that

The identity of the honest customers isn't acknowledged).

Secure Implementation of Functionalities and relied on events

A unique kind of protocol hassle is concerned with the cozy implementation of

Functionalities. To be greater unique, we speak the trouble of evaluating a characteristic of nearby

inputs each of which is held via a distinct person. An illustrative and

Motivating example is vote casting, in which the feature is majority, and the nearby enter

Held through user A is a unmarried bit representing the vote of person A (e.g., “seasoned” or “con”).

Loosely speakme, a protocol for securely evaluating a selected characteristic ought to satisfy the


• privateness: No celebration can “benefit statistics” on the input of different events, beyond what's

Deduced from the value of the function.

• Robustness: No birthday celebration can “influence” the price of the function, past the have an
effect on

Exerted by deciding on its personal enter.

It is once in a while required that those situations maintain with admire to “small” (e.g., minority)
coalitions of parties (rather than unmarried events).

Truly, if one of the users is understood to be completely straightforward, then there exists a

Easy way to the hassle of comfortable evaluation of any function. Each user truely

Sends its enter to the relied on party (using a comfy channel), who, upon receiving all

Inputs, computes the feature, sends the outcome to all customers, and erases all intermediate
computations (along with the inputs obtained) from its memory. Clearly, it's far

Unrealistic to anticipate that a party can be relied on to such an extent (e.g., that it will

Voluntarily erase what it has “discovered”). Though, the problem of imposing

Comfortable characteristic evaluation reduces to the problem of implementing a relied on


It seems that a trusted party may be applied by way of a hard and fast of users with an honest
majority (even supposing the identity of the honest customers isn't always recognized). That is
indeed a

Fundamental bring about this area, and plenty of chapter 7, with a purpose to appear within the 2nd

Volume of this paintings, may be committed to formulating and proving it (as well as variations

Of it).

Zero-knowledge as a Paradigm

A major tool inside the creation of cryptographic protocols is the idea of zeroknowledge proof
systems and the fact that zero-information evidence structures exist for all

Languages in N P (furnished that one-manner features exist). Loosely talking, a zeroknowledge

evidence yields not anything however the validity of the declaration. Zero-knowledge proofs
Offer a tool for “forcing” events to observe a given protocol properly.

To demonstrate the role of zero-know-how proofs, consider a setting wherein a celebration,

Referred to as Alice, upon receiving an encrypted message from Bob, is to ship Carol the

Least substantial little bit of the message. Sincerely, if Alice sends simplest the (least massive)

Bit (of the message), then there is no manner for Carol to recognize Alice did now not cheat.

Alice may want to show that she did now not cheat with the aid of revealing to Carol the entire
message as

Well as its decryption key, but that might yield statistics some distance beyond what had been


Required. A far better idea is to allow Alice increase the bit she sends Carol with a

0-know-how evidence that this bit is indeed the least full-size little bit of the message. We

Stress that the foregoing announcement is of the “N P kind” (since the evidence detailed earlier

Can be correctly established), and consequently the life of 0-expertise proofs for

N P-statements means that the foregoing announcement may be proved with out revealing

Whatever past its validity.

The point of interest of chapter 4, dedicated to zero-know-how proofs, is at the foregoing end result

(i.e., the construction of 0-expertise proofs for any N P-assertion). In addition,

We shall recollect severa variations and factors of the belief of zero-understanding proofs

And their results at the applicability of this notion.

1.2. Some background from opportunity theory

Chance plays a imperative function in cryptography. Specifically, probability is vital

As a way to allow a dialogue of facts or loss of statistics (i.e., secrecy). We

Anticipate that the reader is acquainted with the basic notions of opportunity principle. On this

Section, we merely present the probabilistic notations that are used in the course of this ebook

And three beneficial probabilistic inequalities.

1.2.1. Notational Conventions

For the duration of this entire book we will talk to best discrete opportunity distributions.

Typically, the opportunity space includes the set of all strings of a sure length

, fascinated about uniform opportunity distribution. That is, the pattern area is the set

Of all -bit-lengthy strings, and every such string is assigned possibility degree 2−

Traditionally, capabilities from the sample area to the reals are referred to as random variables.

Abusing trendy terminology, we permit ourselves to use the time period random variable also

While regarding capabilities mapping the pattern area into the set of binary strings.

We frequently do now not specify the possibility space, but alternatively talk directly approximately

Variables. As an instance, we may additionally say that X is a random variable assigned values in

The set of all strings, in order that Pr[X = 00] = 1

Four and Pr[X = 111] = 3

Four . (any such random

Variable can be defined over the sample space {zero, 1}2, so that X(11) = 00 and X(00) =

X(01) = X(10) = 111.) In most cases the chance space includes all strings of

A particular duration. Commonly, these strings represent random picks made by means of some

Randomized system (see next section), and the random variable is the output of the


A way to examine Probabilistic Statements. All our probabilistic statements consult with

Functions of random variables which can be described ahead. Typically, we will write

Pr[ f (X) = 1], wherein X is a random variable described in advance (and f is a function).

An critical convention is that all occurrences of a given image in a probabilistic

Assertion talk to the same (specific) random variable. Therefore, if B(·, ·) is a Boolean

Expression depending on variables and X is a random variable, then Pr[B(X, X)]

Denotes the chance that B(x, x) holds whilst x is chosen with probabilitypr[X = x].


1.2. A few historical past FROM possibility principle


Pr[B(X, X)] =

Pr[X = x] · χ(B(x, x))

Where χ is a trademark feature, in order that χ(B) = 1 if event B holds, and equals 0 otherwise. As an
instance, for every random variable X, we've Pr[X = X] = 1. We strain

That if one needs to discuss the opportunity that B(x, y) holds when x and y are selected
Independently with the same opportunity distribution, then one needs to outline two impartial
random variables, each with the identical chance distribution. Hence, if X and

Y are impartial random variables, then Pr[B(X, Y )] denotes the probability that

B(x, y) holds while the pair (x, y) is chosen with possibility Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y].


Pr[B(X, Y )] =


Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y] · χ(B(x, y))

As an example, for every impartial random variables, X and Y , we've

Pr[X = Y ] = 1 simplest if both X and Y are trivial (i.e., assign the entire chance

Mass to a unmarried string).

Regular Random Variables. Throughout this complete book, Un denotes a random variable uniformly
dispensed over the set of strings of duration n. Namely,Pr[Un =α] equals

2−n if α ∈ {0, 1}n, and equals zero in any other case. Further, we will sometimes use

Random variables (arbitrarily) distributed over {0, 1}n or {0, 1}

L(n) for some function l :

N→N. Such random variables are typically denoted through Xn, Yn, Zn, and many others. We
pressure that in

A few instances Xn is distributed over{zero, 1}n, while in others it's far allotted over{0, 1}


For some characteristic l(·), that's usually a polynomial. Every other type of random variable,

The output of a randomized algorithm on a set input, is mentioned in section 1.three.

1.2.2. Three Inequalities

The subsequent probabilistic inequalities could be very useful inside the path of this book.

All inequalities discuss with random variables which are assigned actual values. The maximum
primary inequality is the Markov inequality, which asserts that for random variables with

Bounded maximum or minimal values, some relation have to exist between the deviation of a value
from the expectancy of the random variable and the opportunity that the

Random variable is assigned this price. Particularly, letting E(X) def

V Pr[X =v] · v

Denote the expectation of the random variable X, we've the following:

Markov Inequality: allow X be a non-poor random variable and v a actual

Wide variety. Then

Pr[X ≥ v] ≤


Equivalently, Pr[X ≥ r · E(X)] ≤ 1




E(X) =

Pr[X = x] · x

Pr[X = x] · 0 +


Pr[X = x] · v

= Pr[X ≥ v] · v

The claim follows.

The Markov inequality is typically used in cases in which one knows very little about

The distribution of the random variable; it suffices to know its expectation and at least

One bound on the range of its values. See Exercise 1.

Using Markov’s inequality, one gets a “possibly stronger” bound for the deviation

Of a random variable from its expectation. This bound, called Chebyshev’s inequality, is useful
provided one has additional knowledge concerning the random variable

(specifically, a good upper bound on its variance). For a random variable X of finite

Expectation, we denote by Var(X) def

= E[(X − E(X))2] the variance of X and observe

That Var(X) = E(X2) − E(X)

Chebyshev’s Inequality: Let X be a random variable, and δ > zero. Then

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] ≤



Evidence: We define a random variable Y def

= (X − E(X))2 and apply the Markov

Inequality. We get

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] = Pr[(X − E(X))2 ≥ δ2

E[(X − E(X))2]


And the claim follows.

Chebyshev’s inequality is particularly beneficial for evaluation of the mistake opportunity of

Approximation through repeated sampling. It suffices to count on that the samples are picked

In a pairwise-independent manner.

Corollary (Pairwise-unbiased Sampling): permit X1, X2,..., Xn be pairwiseindependent random

variables with the equal expectation, denotedµ, and the identical

Variance, denoted σ2. Then, for each ε > zero,


I=1 Xi





The Xi’s are called pairwise-independent if for each i = j and all a and b, it holds

That Pr[Xi = a ∧ X j = b] equals Pr[Xi = a] · Pr[X j = b].


1.2. A few history FROM possibility principle

Proof: define the random variables Xi


= Xi − E(Xi). Note that the Xi’s are

Pairwise-unbiased and each has 0 expectation. Making use of Chebyshev’s inequality to the random
variable described by way of the sumn



N , and the use of the linearity

Of the expectancy operator, we get





Var n





I=1 Xi

Ε2 · n2

Now (again the usage of the linearity of E)






1≤i= j≤n

E[ Xi X j]

By way of the pairwise independence of the Xi’s, we get E[Xi X j] = E[Xi] · E[X j], and

The use of E[Xi] = 0, we get



 = n · σ2

The corollary follows.

The usage of pairwise-independent sampling, the mistake probability within the approximation

Is reducing linearly with the wide variety of pattern points. The use of absolutely independent

Sampling factors, the mistake opportunity inside the approximation may be proven to decrease

Exponentially with the number of pattern points. (The random variables X1, X2,..., Xn

Are said to be completely unbiased if for each series a1, a2,..., an it holds that


I=1Xi = ai] equals n

I=1 Pr[Xi = ai].) Chance bounds helping the foregoing assertion are given subsequent. The primary
sure, normally called the Chernoff

Sure, issues 0-1 random variables (i.e., random variables which are assigned values

Of both 0 or 1).

Chernoff bound: permit p ≤ 1

2 , and let X1, X2,..., Xn be unbiased zero-1 random

Variables, in order that Pr[Xi = 1] = p for every i. Then for all ε, zero < ε ≤ p(1 − p),

We have


I=1 Xi


< 2 · e− ε2

2p(1−p) ·n

We shall commonly practice the sure with a regular p ≈ 1

2 . In this example, n unbiased

Samples provide an approximation that deviates by means of ε from the expectancy with probability

This is exponentially decreasing with ε2n. Such an approximation is called an (ε, δ)-

Approximation and can be executed the use of n = O(ε−2 · log(1/δ)) pattern factors. It's far

Important to understand that the sufficient quantity of pattern points is polynomially

Related to ε−1 and logarithmically related to δ−1. So using poly(n) many samples, the



Blunders chance (i.e., δ) can be made negligible (as a feature in n), however the accuracy of

The estimation (i.e., ε) may be bounded above only with the aid of any fixed polynomial fraction

Can't be made negligible).2 We strain that the dependence of the number of samples

On ε isn't always better than in the case of pairwise-unbiased sampling; the advantage of
Completely independent samples lies most effective within the dependence of the range of samples
on δ.

Simultaneity troubles

A typical example of a simultaneity trouble is that of simultaneous exchange of secrets,

Of which agreement signing is a unique case. The placing for a simultaneous alternate

Of secrets and techniques consists of events, every preserving a “secret.” The intention is to execute

Protocol such that if both parties comply with it successfully, then at termination every will keep

Its counterpart’s secret, and anyways (even though one celebration cheats) the first party will

Hold the second one birthday celebration’s secret if and handiest if the second birthday celebration
holds the first birthday celebration’s

Secret. Perfectly simultaneous exchange of secrets and techniques can be carried out most effective
if we assume

The life of 0.33 events that are relied on to some extent. In truth, simultaneous

Alternate of secrets and techniques can without problems be carried out the use of the lively
participation of a trusted

1/3 birthday celebration: each celebration sends its secret to the trusted third party (the usage of a
relaxed channel).

The 0.33 birthday party, on receiving both secrets and techniques, sends the first party’s mystery to
the second

Celebration and the second one party’s secret to the first party. There are issues with this


1. The solution calls for the active participation of an “outside” birthday celebration in all instances
(i.e., also

In case each parties are honest). We observe that different solutions requiring milder styles of

Participation of outside events do exist.

2. The answer calls for the life of a totally depended on 0.33 entity. In a few applications,

Such an entity does now not exist. Despite the fact that, inside the sequel we will speak the trouble

1.1. CRYPTOGRAPHY: principal topics

Of implementing a trusted 0.33 birthday party by way of a fixed of customers with an honest
majority (despite the fact that

The identity of the honest customers isn't acknowledged).

Secure Implementation of Functionalities and relied on events

A unique kind of protocol hassle is concerned with the cozy implementation of

Functionalities. To be greater unique, we speak the trouble of evaluating a characteristic of nearby

inputs each of which is held via a distinct person. An illustrative and

Motivating example is vote casting, in which the feature is majority, and the nearby enter

Held through user A is a unmarried bit representing the vote of person A (e.g., “seasoned” or “con”).

Loosely speakme, a protocol for securely evaluating a selected characteristic ought to satisfy the


• privateness: No celebration can “benefit statistics” on the input of different events, beyond what's

Deduced from the value of the function.

• Robustness: No birthday celebration can “influence” the price of the function, past the have an
effect on

Exerted by deciding on its personal enter.

It is once in a while required that those situations maintain with admire to “small” (e.g., minority)
coalitions of parties (rather than unmarried events).

Truly, if one of the users is understood to be completely straightforward, then there exists a

Easy way to the hassle of comfortable evaluation of any function. Each user truely

Sends its enter to the relied on party (using a comfy channel), who, upon receiving all

Inputs, computes the feature, sends the outcome to all customers, and erases all intermediate
computations (along with the inputs obtained) from its memory. Clearly, it's far

Unrealistic to anticipate that a party can be relied on to such an extent (e.g., that it will

Voluntarily erase what it has “discovered”). Though, the problem of imposing

Comfortable characteristic evaluation reduces to the problem of implementing a relied on


It seems that a trusted party may be applied by way of a hard and fast of users with an honest
majority (even supposing the identity of the honest customers isn't always recognized). That is
indeed a

Fundamental bring about this area, and plenty of chapter 7, with a purpose to appear within the 2nd

Volume of this paintings, may be committed to formulating and proving it (as well as variations

Of it).

Zero-knowledge as a Paradigm

A major tool inside the creation of cryptographic protocols is the idea of zeroknowledge proof
systems and the fact that zero-information evidence structures exist for all

Languages in N P (furnished that one-manner features exist). Loosely talking, a zeroknowledge

evidence yields not anything however the validity of the declaration. Zero-knowledge proofs
Offer a tool for “forcing” events to observe a given protocol properly.

To demonstrate the role of zero-know-how proofs, consider a setting wherein a celebration,

Referred to as Alice, upon receiving an encrypted message from Bob, is to ship Carol the

Least substantial little bit of the message. Sincerely, if Alice sends simplest the (least massive)

Bit (of the message), then there is no manner for Carol to recognize Alice did now not cheat.

Alice may want to show that she did now not cheat with the aid of revealing to Carol the entire
message as

Well as its decryption key, but that might yield statistics some distance beyond what had been


Required. A far better idea is to allow Alice increase the bit she sends Carol with a

0-know-how evidence that this bit is indeed the least full-size little bit of the message. We

Stress that the foregoing announcement is of the “N P kind” (since the evidence detailed earlier

Can be correctly established), and consequently the life of 0-expertise proofs for

N P-statements means that the foregoing announcement may be proved with out revealing

Whatever past its validity.

The point of interest of chapter 4, dedicated to zero-know-how proofs, is at the foregoing end result

(i.e., the construction of 0-expertise proofs for any N P-assertion). In addition,

We shall recollect severa variations and factors of the belief of zero-understanding proofs

And their results at the applicability of this notion.

1.2. Some background from opportunity theory

Chance plays a imperative function in cryptography. Specifically, probability is vital

As a way to allow a dialogue of facts or loss of statistics (i.e., secrecy). We

Anticipate that the reader is acquainted with the basic notions of opportunity principle. On this

Section, we merely present the probabilistic notations that are used in the course of this ebook

And three beneficial probabilistic inequalities.

1.2.1. Notational Conventions

For the duration of this entire book we will talk to best discrete opportunity distributions.

Typically, the opportunity space includes the set of all strings of a sure length

, fascinated about uniform opportunity distribution. That is, the pattern area is the set

Of all -bit-lengthy strings, and every such string is assigned possibility degree 2−

Traditionally, capabilities from the sample area to the reals are referred to as random variables.

Abusing trendy terminology, we permit ourselves to use the time period random variable also

While regarding capabilities mapping the pattern area into the set of binary strings.

We frequently do now not specify the possibility space, but alternatively talk directly approximately

Variables. As an instance, we may additionally say that X is a random variable assigned values in

The set of all strings, in order that Pr[X = 00] = 1

Four and Pr[X = 111] = 3

Four . (any such random

Variable can be defined over the sample space {zero, 1}2, so that X(11) = 00 and X(00) =

X(01) = X(10) = 111.) In most cases the chance space includes all strings of

A particular duration. Commonly, these strings represent random picks made by means of some

Randomized system (see next section), and the random variable is the output of the


A way to examine Probabilistic Statements. All our probabilistic statements consult with

Functions of random variables which can be described ahead. Typically, we will write

Pr[ f (X) = 1], wherein X is a random variable described in advance (and f is a function).

An critical convention is that all occurrences of a given image in a probabilistic

Assertion talk to the same (specific) random variable. Therefore, if B(·, ·) is a Boolean

Expression depending on variables and X is a random variable, then Pr[B(X, X)]

Denotes the chance that B(x, x) holds whilst x is chosen with probabilitypr[X = x].


1.2. A few historical past FROM possibility principle


Pr[B(X, X)] =

Pr[X = x] · χ(B(x, x))

Where χ is a trademark feature, in order that χ(B) = 1 if event B holds, and equals 0 otherwise. As an
instance, for every random variable X, we've Pr[X = X] = 1. We strain

That if one needs to discuss the opportunity that B(x, y) holds when x and y are selected
Independently with the same opportunity distribution, then one needs to outline two impartial
random variables, each with the identical chance distribution. Hence, if X and

Y are impartial random variables, then Pr[B(X, Y )] denotes the probability that

B(x, y) holds while the pair (x, y) is chosen with possibility Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y].


Pr[B(X, Y )] =


Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y] · χ(B(x, y))

As an example, for every impartial random variables, X and Y , we've

Pr[X = Y ] = 1 simplest if both X and Y are trivial (i.e., assign the entire chance

Mass to a unmarried string).

Regular Random Variables. Throughout this complete book, Un denotes a random variable uniformly
dispensed over the set of strings of duration n. Namely,Pr[Un =α] equals

2−n if α ∈ {0, 1}n, and equals zero in any other case. Further, we will sometimes use

Random variables (arbitrarily) distributed over {0, 1}n or {0, 1}

L(n) for some function l :

N→N. Such random variables are typically denoted through Xn, Yn, Zn, and many others. We
pressure that in

A few instances Xn is distributed over{zero, 1}n, while in others it's far allotted over{0, 1}


For some characteristic l(·), that's usually a polynomial. Every other type of random variable,

The output of a randomized algorithm on a set input, is mentioned in section 1.three.

1.2.2. Three Inequalities

The subsequent probabilistic inequalities could be very useful inside the path of this book.

All inequalities discuss with random variables which are assigned actual values. The maximum
primary inequality is the Markov inequality, which asserts that for random variables with

Bounded maximum or minimal values, some relation have to exist between the deviation of a value
from the expectancy of the random variable and the opportunity that the

Random variable is assigned this price. Particularly, letting E(X) def

V Pr[X =v] · v

Denote the expectation of the random variable X, we've the following:

Markov Inequality: allow X be a non-poor random variable and v a actual

Wide variety. Then

Pr[X ≥ v] ≤


Equivalently, Pr[X ≥ r · E(X)] ≤ 1




E(X) =

Pr[X = x] · x

Pr[X = x] · 0 +


Pr[X = x] · v

= Pr[X ≥ v] · v

The claim follows.

The Markov inequality is typically used in cases in which one knows very little about

The distribution of the random variable; it suffices to know its expectation and at least

One bound on the range of its values. See Exercise 1.

Using Markov’s inequality, one gets a “possibly stronger” bound for the deviation

Of a random variable from its expectation. This bound, called Chebyshev’s inequality, is useful
provided one has additional knowledge concerning the random variable

(specifically, a good upper bound on its variance). For a random variable X of finite

Expectation, we denote by Var(X) def

= E[(X − E(X))2] the variance of X and observe

That Var(X) = E(X2) − E(X)

Chebyshev’s Inequality: Let X be a random variable, and δ > zero. Then

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] ≤



Evidence: We define a random variable Y def

= (X − E(X))2 and apply the Markov

Inequality. We get

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] = Pr[(X − E(X))2 ≥ δ2

E[(X − E(X))2]


And the claim follows.

Chebyshev’s inequality is particularly beneficial for evaluation of the mistake opportunity of

Approximation through repeated sampling. It suffices to count on that the samples are picked

In a pairwise-independent manner.

Corollary (Pairwise-unbiased Sampling): permit X1, X2,..., Xn be pairwiseindependent random

variables with the equal expectation, denotedµ, and the identical

Variance, denoted σ2. Then, for each ε > zero,


I=1 Xi





The Xi’s are called pairwise-independent if for each i = j and all a and b, it holds

That Pr[Xi = a ∧ X j = b] equals Pr[Xi = a] · Pr[X j = b].


1.2. A few history FROM possibility principle

Proof: define the random variables Xi


= Xi − E(Xi). Note that the Xi’s are

Pairwise-unbiased and each has 0 expectation. Making use of Chebyshev’s inequality to the random
variable described by way of the sumn



N , and the use of the linearity

Of the expectancy operator, we get





Var n





I=1 Xi

Ε2 · n2

Now (again the usage of the linearity of E)






1≤i= j≤n

E[ Xi X j]

By way of the pairwise independence of the Xi’s, we get E[Xi X j] = E[Xi] · E[X j], and

The use of E[Xi] = 0, we get



 = n · σ2

The corollary follows.

The usage of pairwise-independent sampling, the mistake probability within the approximation

Is reducing linearly with the wide variety of pattern points. The use of absolutely independent

Sampling factors, the mistake opportunity inside the approximation may be proven to decrease

Exponentially with the number of pattern points. (The random variables X1, X2,..., Xn

Are said to be completely unbiased if for each series a1, a2,..., an it holds that


I=1Xi = ai] equals n

I=1 Pr[Xi = ai].) Chance bounds helping the foregoing assertion are given subsequent. The primary
sure, normally called the Chernoff

Sure, issues 0-1 random variables (i.e., random variables which are assigned values

Of both 0 or 1).

Chernoff bound: permit p ≤ 1

2 , and let X1, X2,..., Xn be unbiased zero-1 random

Variables, in order that Pr[Xi = 1] = p for every i. Then for all ε, zero < ε ≤ p(1 − p),

We have


I=1 Xi


< 2 · e− ε2

2p(1−p) ·n

We shall commonly practice the sure with a regular p ≈ 1

2 . In this example, n unbiased

Samples provide an approximation that deviates by means of ε from the expectancy with probability

This is exponentially decreasing with ε2n. Such an approximation is called an (ε, δ)-

Approximation and can be executed the use of n = O(ε−2 · log(1/δ)) pattern factors. It's far

Important to understand that the sufficient quantity of pattern points is polynomially

Related to ε−1 and logarithmically related to δ−1. So using poly(n) many samples, the



Blunders chance (i.e., δ) can be made negligible (as a feature in n), however the accuracy of

The estimation (i.e., ε) may be bounded above only with the aid of any fixed polynomial fraction

Can't be made negligible).2 We strain that the dependence of the number of samples

On ε isn't always better than in the case of pairwise-unbiased sampling; the advantage of
Completely independent samples lies most effective within the dependence of the range of samples
on δ.

Simultaneity troubles

A typical example of a simultaneity trouble is that of simultaneous exchange of secrets,

Of which agreement signing is a unique case. The placing for a simultaneous alternate

Of secrets and techniques consists of events, every preserving a “secret.” The intention is to execute

Protocol such that if both parties comply with it successfully, then at termination every will keep

Its counterpart’s secret, and anyways (even though one celebration cheats) the first party will

Hold the second one birthday celebration’s secret if and handiest if the second birthday celebration
holds the first birthday celebration’s

Secret. Perfectly simultaneous exchange of secrets and techniques can be carried out most effective
if we assume

The life of 0.33 events that are relied on to some extent. In truth, simultaneous

Alternate of secrets and techniques can without problems be carried out the use of the lively
participation of a trusted

1/3 birthday celebration: each celebration sends its secret to the trusted third party (the usage of a
relaxed channel).

The 0.33 birthday party, on receiving both secrets and techniques, sends the first party’s mystery to
the second

Celebration and the second one party’s secret to the first party. There are issues with this


1. The solution calls for the active participation of an “outside” birthday celebration in all instances
(i.e., also

In case each parties are honest). We observe that different solutions requiring milder styles of

Participation of outside events do exist.

2. The answer calls for the life of a totally depended on 0.33 entity. In a few applications,

Such an entity does now not exist. Despite the fact that, inside the sequel we will speak the trouble

1.1. CRYPTOGRAPHY: principal topics

Of implementing a trusted 0.33 birthday party by way of a fixed of customers with an honest
majority (despite the fact that

The identity of the honest customers isn't acknowledged).

Secure Implementation of Functionalities and relied on events

A unique kind of protocol hassle is concerned with the cozy implementation of

Functionalities. To be greater unique, we speak the trouble of evaluating a characteristic of nearby

inputs each of which is held via a distinct person. An illustrative and

Motivating example is vote casting, in which the feature is majority, and the nearby enter

Held through user A is a unmarried bit representing the vote of person A (e.g., “seasoned” or “con”).

Loosely speakme, a protocol for securely evaluating a selected characteristic ought to satisfy the


• privateness: No celebration can “benefit statistics” on the input of different events, beyond what's

Deduced from the value of the function.

• Robustness: No birthday celebration can “influence” the price of the function, past the have an
effect on

Exerted by deciding on its personal enter.

It is once in a while required that those situations maintain with admire to “small” (e.g., minority)
coalitions of parties (rather than unmarried events).

Truly, if one of the users is understood to be completely straightforward, then there exists a

Easy way to the hassle of comfortable evaluation of any function. Each user truely

Sends its enter to the relied on party (using a comfy channel), who, upon receiving all

Inputs, computes the feature, sends the outcome to all customers, and erases all intermediate
computations (along with the inputs obtained) from its memory. Clearly, it's far

Unrealistic to anticipate that a party can be relied on to such an extent (e.g., that it will

Voluntarily erase what it has “discovered”). Though, the problem of imposing

Comfortable characteristic evaluation reduces to the problem of implementing a relied on


It seems that a trusted party may be applied by way of a hard and fast of users with an honest
majority (even supposing the identity of the honest customers isn't always recognized). That is
indeed a

Fundamental bring about this area, and plenty of chapter 7, with a purpose to appear within the 2nd

Volume of this paintings, may be committed to formulating and proving it (as well as variations

Of it).

Zero-knowledge as a Paradigm

A major tool inside the creation of cryptographic protocols is the idea of zeroknowledge proof
systems and the fact that zero-information evidence structures exist for all

Languages in N P (furnished that one-manner features exist). Loosely talking, a zeroknowledge

evidence yields not anything however the validity of the declaration. Zero-knowledge proofs
Offer a tool for “forcing” events to observe a given protocol properly.

To demonstrate the role of zero-know-how proofs, consider a setting wherein a celebration,

Referred to as Alice, upon receiving an encrypted message from Bob, is to ship Carol the

Least substantial little bit of the message. Sincerely, if Alice sends simplest the (least massive)

Bit (of the message), then there is no manner for Carol to recognize Alice did now not cheat.

Alice may want to show that she did now not cheat with the aid of revealing to Carol the entire
message as

Well as its decryption key, but that might yield statistics some distance beyond what had been


Required. A far better idea is to allow Alice increase the bit she sends Carol with a

0-know-how evidence that this bit is indeed the least full-size little bit of the message. We

Stress that the foregoing announcement is of the “N P kind” (since the evidence detailed earlier

Can be correctly established), and consequently the life of 0-expertise proofs for

N P-statements means that the foregoing announcement may be proved with out revealing

Whatever past its validity.

The point of interest of chapter 4, dedicated to zero-know-how proofs, is at the foregoing end result

(i.e., the construction of 0-expertise proofs for any N P-assertion). In addition,

We shall recollect severa variations and factors of the belief of zero-understanding proofs

And their results at the applicability of this notion.

1.2. Some background from opportunity theory

Chance plays a imperative function in cryptography. Specifically, probability is vital

As a way to allow a dialogue of facts or loss of statistics (i.e., secrecy). We

Anticipate that the reader is acquainted with the basic notions of opportunity principle. On this

Section, we merely present the probabilistic notations that are used in the course of this ebook

And three beneficial probabilistic inequalities.

1.2.1. Notational Conventions

For the duration of this entire book we will talk to best discrete opportunity distributions.

Typically, the opportunity space includes the set of all strings of a sure length

, fascinated about uniform opportunity distribution. That is, the pattern area is the set

Of all -bit-lengthy strings, and every such string is assigned possibility degree 2−

Traditionally, capabilities from the sample area to the reals are referred to as random variables.

Abusing trendy terminology, we permit ourselves to use the time period random variable also

While regarding capabilities mapping the pattern area into the set of binary strings.

We frequently do now not specify the possibility space, but alternatively talk directly approximately

Variables. As an instance, we may additionally say that X is a random variable assigned values in

The set of all strings, in order that Pr[X = 00] = 1

Four and Pr[X = 111] = 3

Four . (any such random

Variable can be defined over the sample space {zero, 1}2, so that X(11) = 00 and X(00) =

X(01) = X(10) = 111.) In most cases the chance space includes all strings of

A particular duration. Commonly, these strings represent random picks made by means of some

Randomized system (see next section), and the random variable is the output of the


A way to examine Probabilistic Statements. All our probabilistic statements consult with

Functions of random variables which can be described ahead. Typically, we will write

Pr[ f (X) = 1], wherein X is a random variable described in advance (and f is a function).

An critical convention is that all occurrences of a given image in a probabilistic

Assertion talk to the same (specific) random variable. Therefore, if B(·, ·) is a Boolean

Expression depending on variables and X is a random variable, then Pr[B(X, X)]

Denotes the chance that B(x, x) holds whilst x is chosen with probabilitypr[X = x].


1.2. A few historical past FROM possibility principle


Pr[B(X, X)] =

Pr[X = x] · χ(B(x, x))

Where χ is a trademark feature, in order that χ(B) = 1 if event B holds, and equals 0 otherwise. As an
instance, for every random variable X, we've Pr[X = X] = 1. We strain

That if one needs to discuss the opportunity that B(x, y) holds when x and y are selected
Independently with the same opportunity distribution, then one needs to outline two impartial
random variables, each with the identical chance distribution. Hence, if X and

Y are impartial random variables, then Pr[B(X, Y )] denotes the probability that

B(x, y) holds while the pair (x, y) is chosen with possibility Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y].


Pr[B(X, Y )] =


Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y] · χ(B(x, y))

As an example, for every impartial random variables, X and Y , we've

Pr[X = Y ] = 1 simplest if both X and Y are trivial (i.e., assign the entire chance

Mass to a unmarried string).

Regular Random Variables. Throughout this complete book, Un denotes a random variable uniformly
dispensed over the set of strings of duration n. Namely,Pr[Un =α] equals

2−n if α ∈ {0, 1}n, and equals zero in any other case. Further, we will sometimes use

Random variables (arbitrarily) distributed over {0, 1}n or {0, 1}

L(n) for some function l :

N→N. Such random variables are typically denoted through Xn, Yn, Zn, and many others. We
pressure that in

A few instances Xn is distributed over{zero, 1}n, while in others it's far allotted over{0, 1}


For some characteristic l(·), that's usually a polynomial. Every other type of random variable,

The output of a randomized algorithm on a set input, is mentioned in section 1.three.

1.2.2. Three Inequalities

The subsequent probabilistic inequalities could be very useful inside the path of this book.

All inequalities discuss with random variables which are assigned actual values. The maximum
primary inequality is the Markov inequality, which asserts that for random variables with

Bounded maximum or minimal values, some relation have to exist between the deviation of a value
from the expectancy of the random variable and the opportunity that the

Random variable is assigned this price. Particularly, letting E(X) def

V Pr[X =v] · v

Denote the expectation of the random variable X, we've the following:

Markov Inequality: allow X be a non-poor random variable and v a actual

Wide variety. Then

Pr[X ≥ v] ≤


Equivalently, Pr[X ≥ r · E(X)] ≤ 1




E(X) =

Pr[X = x] · x

Pr[X = x] · 0 +


Pr[X = x] · v

= Pr[X ≥ v] · v

The claim follows.

The Markov inequality is typically used in cases in which one knows very little about

The distribution of the random variable; it suffices to know its expectation and at least

One bound on the range of its values. See Exercise 1.

Using Markov’s inequality, one gets a “possibly stronger” bound for the deviation

Of a random variable from its expectation. This bound, called Chebyshev’s inequality, is useful
provided one has additional knowledge concerning the random variable

(specifically, a good upper bound on its variance). For a random variable X of finite

Expectation, we denote by Var(X) def

= E[(X − E(X))2] the variance of X and observe

That Var(X) = E(X2) − E(X)

Chebyshev’s Inequality: Let X be a random variable, and δ > zero. Then

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] ≤



Evidence: We define a random variable Y def

= (X − E(X))2 and apply the Markov

Inequality. We get

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] = Pr[(X − E(X))2 ≥ δ2

E[(X − E(X))2]


And the claim follows.

Chebyshev’s inequality is particularly beneficial for evaluation of the mistake opportunity of

Approximation through repeated sampling. It suffices to count on that the samples are picked

In a pairwise-independent manner.

Corollary (Pairwise-unbiased Sampling): permit X1, X2,..., Xn be pairwiseindependent random

variables with the equal expectation, denotedµ, and the identical

Variance, denoted σ2. Then, for each ε > zero,


I=1 Xi





The Xi’s are called pairwise-independent if for each i = j and all a and b, it holds

That Pr[Xi = a ∧ X j = b] equals Pr[Xi = a] · Pr[X j = b].


1.2. A few history FROM possibility principle

Proof: define the random variables Xi


= Xi − E(Xi). Note that the Xi’s are

Pairwise-unbiased and each has 0 expectation. Making use of Chebyshev’s inequality to the random
variable described by way of the sumn



N , and the use of the linearity

Of the expectancy operator, we get





Var n





I=1 Xi

Ε2 · n2

Now (again the usage of the linearity of E)






1≤i= j≤n

E[ Xi X j]

By way of the pairwise independence of the Xi’s, we get E[Xi X j] = E[Xi] · E[X j], and

The use of E[Xi] = 0, we get



 = n · σ2

The corollary follows.

The usage of pairwise-independent sampling, the mistake probability within the approximation

Is reducing linearly with the wide variety of pattern points. The use of absolutely independent

Sampling factors, the mistake opportunity inside the approximation may be proven to decrease

Exponentially with the number of pattern points. (The random variables X1, X2,..., Xn

Are said to be completely unbiased if for each series a1, a2,..., an it holds that


I=1Xi = ai] equals n

I=1 Pr[Xi = ai].) Chance bounds helping the foregoing assertion are given subsequent. The primary
sure, normally called the Chernoff

Sure, issues 0-1 random variables (i.e., random variables which are assigned values

Of both 0 or 1).

Chernoff bound: permit p ≤ 1

2 , and let X1, X2,..., Xn be unbiased zero-1 random

Variables, in order that Pr[Xi = 1] = p for every i. Then for all ε, zero < ε ≤ p(1 − p),

We have


I=1 Xi


< 2 · e− ε2

2p(1−p) ·n

We shall commonly practice the sure with a regular p ≈ 1

2 . In this example, n unbiased

Samples provide an approximation that deviates by means of ε from the expectancy with probability

This is exponentially decreasing with ε2n. Such an approximation is called an (ε, δ)-

Approximation and can be executed the use of n = O(ε−2 · log(1/δ)) pattern factors. It's far

Important to understand that the sufficient quantity of pattern points is polynomially

Related to ε−1 and logarithmically related to δ−1. So using poly(n) many samples, the



Blunders chance (i.e., δ) can be made negligible (as a feature in n), however the accuracy of

The estimation (i.e., ε) may be bounded above only with the aid of any fixed polynomial fraction

Can't be made negligible).2 We strain that the dependence of the number of samples

On ε isn't always better than in the case of pairwise-unbiased sampling; the advantage of
Completely independent samples lies most effective within the dependence of the range of samples
on δ.

Simultaneity troubles

A typical example of a simultaneity trouble is that of simultaneous exchange of secrets,

Of which agreement signing is a unique case. The placing for a simultaneous alternate

Of secrets and techniques consists of events, every preserving a “secret.” The intention is to execute

Protocol such that if both parties comply with it successfully, then at termination every will keep

Its counterpart’s secret, and anyways (even though one celebration cheats) the first party will

Hold the second one birthday celebration’s secret if and handiest if the second birthday celebration
holds the first birthday celebration’s

Secret. Perfectly simultaneous exchange of secrets and techniques can be carried out most effective
if we assume

The life of 0.33 events that are relied on to some extent. In truth, simultaneous

Alternate of secrets and techniques can without problems be carried out the use of the lively
participation of a trusted

1/3 birthday celebration: each celebration sends its secret to the trusted third party (the usage of a
relaxed channel).

The 0.33 birthday party, on receiving both secrets and techniques, sends the first party’s mystery to
the second

Celebration and the second one party’s secret to the first party. There are issues with this


1. The solution calls for the active participation of an “outside” birthday celebration in all instances
(i.e., also

In case each parties are honest). We observe that different solutions requiring milder styles of

Participation of outside events do exist.

2. The answer calls for the life of a totally depended on 0.33 entity. In a few applications,

Such an entity does now not exist. Despite the fact that, inside the sequel we will speak the trouble

1.1. CRYPTOGRAPHY: principal topics

Of implementing a trusted 0.33 birthday party by way of a fixed of customers with an honest
majority (despite the fact that

The identity of the honest customers isn't acknowledged).

Secure Implementation of Functionalities and relied on events

A unique kind of protocol hassle is concerned with the cozy implementation of

Functionalities. To be greater unique, we speak the trouble of evaluating a characteristic of nearby

inputs each of which is held via a distinct person. An illustrative and

Motivating example is vote casting, in which the feature is majority, and the nearby enter

Held through user A is a unmarried bit representing the vote of person A (e.g., “seasoned” or “con”).

Loosely speakme, a protocol for securely evaluating a selected characteristic ought to satisfy the


• privateness: No celebration can “benefit statistics” on the input of different events, beyond what's

Deduced from the value of the function.

• Robustness: No birthday celebration can “influence” the price of the function, past the have an
effect on

Exerted by deciding on its personal enter.

It is once in a while required that those situations maintain with admire to “small” (e.g., minority)
coalitions of parties (rather than unmarried events).

Truly, if one of the users is understood to be completely straightforward, then there exists a

Easy way to the hassle of comfortable evaluation of any function. Each user truely

Sends its enter to the relied on party (using a comfy channel), who, upon receiving all

Inputs, computes the feature, sends the outcome to all customers, and erases all intermediate
computations (along with the inputs obtained) from its memory. Clearly, it's far

Unrealistic to anticipate that a party can be relied on to such an extent (e.g., that it will

Voluntarily erase what it has “discovered”). Though, the problem of imposing

Comfortable characteristic evaluation reduces to the problem of implementing a relied on


It seems that a trusted party may be applied by way of a hard and fast of users with an honest
majority (even supposing the identity of the honest customers isn't always recognized). That is
indeed a

Fundamental bring about this area, and plenty of chapter 7, with a purpose to appear within the 2nd

Volume of this paintings, may be committed to formulating and proving it (as well as variations

Of it).

Zero-knowledge as a Paradigm

A major tool inside the creation of cryptographic protocols is the idea of zeroknowledge proof
systems and the fact that zero-information evidence structures exist for all

Languages in N P (furnished that one-manner features exist). Loosely talking, a zeroknowledge

evidence yields not anything however the validity of the declaration. Zero-knowledge proofs
Offer a tool for “forcing” events to observe a given protocol properly.

To demonstrate the role of zero-know-how proofs, consider a setting wherein a celebration,

Referred to as Alice, upon receiving an encrypted message from Bob, is to ship Carol the

Least substantial little bit of the message. Sincerely, if Alice sends simplest the (least massive)

Bit (of the message), then there is no manner for Carol to recognize Alice did now not cheat.

Alice may want to show that she did now not cheat with the aid of revealing to Carol the entire
message as

Well as its decryption key, but that might yield statistics some distance beyond what had been


Required. A far better idea is to allow Alice increase the bit she sends Carol with a

0-know-how evidence that this bit is indeed the least full-size little bit of the message. We

Stress that the foregoing announcement is of the “N P kind” (since the evidence detailed earlier

Can be correctly established), and consequently the life of 0-expertise proofs for

N P-statements means that the foregoing announcement may be proved with out revealing

Whatever past its validity.

The point of interest of chapter 4, dedicated to zero-know-how proofs, is at the foregoing end result

(i.e., the construction of 0-expertise proofs for any N P-assertion). In addition,

We shall recollect severa variations and factors of the belief of zero-understanding proofs

And their results at the applicability of this notion.

1.2. Some background from opportunity theory

Chance plays a imperative function in cryptography. Specifically, probability is vital

As a way to allow a dialogue of facts or loss of statistics (i.e., secrecy). We

Anticipate that the reader is acquainted with the basic notions of opportunity principle. On this

Section, we merely present the probabilistic notations that are used in the course of this ebook

And three beneficial probabilistic inequalities.

1.2.1. Notational Conventions

For the duration of this entire book we will talk to best discrete opportunity distributions.

Typically, the opportunity space includes the set of all strings of a sure length

, fascinated about uniform opportunity distribution. That is, the pattern area is the set

Of all -bit-lengthy strings, and every such string is assigned possibility degree 2−

Traditionally, capabilities from the sample area to the reals are referred to as random variables.

Abusing trendy terminology, we permit ourselves to use the time period random variable also

While regarding capabilities mapping the pattern area into the set of binary strings.

We frequently do now not specify the possibility space, but alternatively talk directly approximately

Variables. As an instance, we may additionally say that X is a random variable assigned values in

The set of all strings, in order that Pr[X = 00] = 1

Four and Pr[X = 111] = 3

Four . (any such random

Variable can be defined over the sample space {zero, 1}2, so that X(11) = 00 and X(00) =

X(01) = X(10) = 111.) In most cases the chance space includes all strings of

A particular duration. Commonly, these strings represent random picks made by means of some

Randomized system (see next section), and the random variable is the output of the


A way to examine Probabilistic Statements. All our probabilistic statements consult with

Functions of random variables which can be described ahead. Typically, we will write

Pr[ f (X) = 1], wherein X is a random variable described in advance (and f is a function).

An critical convention is that all occurrences of a given image in a probabilistic

Assertion talk to the same (specific) random variable. Therefore, if B(·, ·) is a Boolean

Expression depending on variables and X is a random variable, then Pr[B(X, X)]

Denotes the chance that B(x, x) holds whilst x is chosen with probabilitypr[X = x].


1.2. A few historical past FROM possibility principle


Pr[B(X, X)] =

Pr[X = x] · χ(B(x, x))

Where χ is a trademark feature, in order that χ(B) = 1 if event B holds, and equals 0 otherwise. As an
instance, for every random variable X, we've Pr[X = X] = 1. We strain

That if one needs to discuss the opportunity that B(x, y) holds when x and y are selected
Independently with the same opportunity distribution, then one needs to outline two impartial
random variables, each with the identical chance distribution. Hence, if X and

Y are impartial random variables, then Pr[B(X, Y )] denotes the probability that

B(x, y) holds while the pair (x, y) is chosen with possibility Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y].


Pr[B(X, Y )] =


Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y] · χ(B(x, y))

As an example, for every impartial random variables, X and Y , we've

Pr[X = Y ] = 1 simplest if both X and Y are trivial (i.e., assign the entire chance

Mass to a unmarried string).

Regular Random Variables. Throughout this complete book, Un denotes a random variable uniformly
dispensed over the set of strings of duration n. Namely,Pr[Un =α] equals

2−n if α ∈ {0, 1}n, and equals zero in any other case. Further, we will sometimes use

Random variables (arbitrarily) distributed over {0, 1}n or {0, 1}

L(n) for some function l :

N→N. Such random variables are typically denoted through Xn, Yn, Zn, and many others. We
pressure that in

A few instances Xn is distributed over{zero, 1}n, while in others it's far allotted over{0, 1}


For some characteristic l(·), that's usually a polynomial. Every other type of random variable,

The output of a randomized algorithm on a set input, is mentioned in section 1.three.

1.2.2. Three Inequalities

The subsequent probabilistic inequalities could be very useful inside the path of this book.

All inequalities discuss with random variables which are assigned actual values. The maximum
primary inequality is the Markov inequality, which asserts that for random variables with

Bounded maximum or minimal values, some relation have to exist between the deviation of a value
from the expectancy of the random variable and the opportunity that the

Random variable is assigned this price. Particularly, letting E(X) def

V Pr[X =v] · v

Denote the expectation of the random variable X, we've the following:

Markov Inequality: allow X be a non-poor random variable and v a actual

Wide variety. Then

Pr[X ≥ v] ≤


Equivalently, Pr[X ≥ r · E(X)] ≤ 1




E(X) =

Pr[X = x] · x

Pr[X = x] · 0 +


Pr[X = x] · v

= Pr[X ≥ v] · v

The claim follows.

The Markov inequality is typically used in cases in which one knows very little about

The distribution of the random variable; it suffices to know its expectation and at least

One bound on the range of its values. See Exercise 1.

Using Markov’s inequality, one gets a “possibly stronger” bound for the deviation

Of a random variable from its expectation. This bound, called Chebyshev’s inequality, is useful
provided one has additional knowledge concerning the random variable

(specifically, a good upper bound on its variance). For a random variable X of finite

Expectation, we denote by Var(X) def

= E[(X − E(X))2] the variance of X and observe

That Var(X) = E(X2) − E(X)

Chebyshev’s Inequality: Let X be a random variable, and δ > zero. Then

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] ≤



Evidence: We define a random variable Y def

= (X − E(X))2 and apply the Markov

Inequality. We get

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] = Pr[(X − E(X))2 ≥ δ2

E[(X − E(X))2]


And the claim follows.

Chebyshev’s inequality is particularly beneficial for evaluation of the mistake opportunity of

Approximation through repeated sampling. It suffices to count on that the samples are picked

In a pairwise-independent manner.

Corollary (Pairwise-unbiased Sampling): permit X1, X2,..., Xn be pairwiseindependent random

variables with the equal expectation, denotedµ, and the identical

Variance, denoted σ2. Then, for each ε > zero,


I=1 Xi





The Xi’s are called pairwise-independent if for each i = j and all a and b, it holds

That Pr[Xi = a ∧ X j = b] equals Pr[Xi = a] · Pr[X j = b].


1.2. A few history FROM possibility principle

Proof: define the random variables Xi


= Xi − E(Xi). Note that the Xi’s are

Pairwise-unbiased and each has 0 expectation. Making use of Chebyshev’s inequality to the random
variable described by way of the sumn



N , and the use of the linearity

Of the expectancy operator, we get





Var n





I=1 Xi

Ε2 · n2

Now (again the usage of the linearity of E)






1≤i= j≤n

E[ Xi X j]

By way of the pairwise independence of the Xi’s, we get E[Xi X j] = E[Xi] · E[X j], and

The use of E[Xi] = 0, we get



 = n · σ2

The corollary follows.

The usage of pairwise-independent sampling, the mistake probability within the approximation

Is reducing linearly with the wide variety of pattern points. The use of absolutely independent

Sampling factors, the mistake opportunity inside the approximation may be proven to decrease

Exponentially with the number of pattern points. (The random variables X1, X2,..., Xn

Are said to be completely unbiased if for each series a1, a2,..., an it holds that


I=1Xi = ai] equals n

I=1 Pr[Xi = ai].) Chance bounds helping the foregoing assertion are given subsequent. The primary
sure, normally called the Chernoff

Sure, issues 0-1 random variables (i.e., random variables which are assigned values

Of both 0 or 1).

Chernoff bound: permit p ≤ 1

2 , and let X1, X2,..., Xn be unbiased zero-1 random

Variables, in order that Pr[Xi = 1] = p for every i. Then for all ε, zero < ε ≤ p(1 − p),

We have


I=1 Xi


< 2 · e− ε2

2p(1−p) ·n

We shall commonly practice the sure with a regular p ≈ 1

2 . In this example, n unbiased

Samples provide an approximation that deviates by means of ε from the expectancy with probability

This is exponentially decreasing with ε2n. Such an approximation is called an (ε, δ)-

Approximation and can be executed the use of n = O(ε−2 · log(1/δ)) pattern factors. It's far

Important to understand that the sufficient quantity of pattern points is polynomially

Related to ε−1 and logarithmically related to δ−1. So using poly(n) many samples, the



Blunders chance (i.e., δ) can be made negligible (as a feature in n), however the accuracy of

The estimation (i.e., ε) may be bounded above only with the aid of any fixed polynomial fraction

Can't be made negligible).2 We strain that the dependence of the number of samples

On ε isn't always better than in the case of pairwise-unbiased sampling; the advantage of
Completely independent samples lies most effective within the dependence of the range of samples
on δ.

Simultaneity troubles

A typical example of a simultaneity trouble is that of simultaneous exchange of secrets,

Of which agreement signing is a unique case. The placing for a simultaneous alternate

Of secrets and techniques consists of events, every preserving a “secret.” The intention is to execute

Protocol such that if both parties comply with it successfully, then at termination every will keep

Its counterpart’s secret, and anyways (even though one celebration cheats) the first party will

Hold the second one birthday celebration’s secret if and handiest if the second birthday celebration
holds the first birthday celebration’s

Secret. Perfectly simultaneous exchange of secrets and techniques can be carried out most effective
if we assume

The life of 0.33 events that are relied on to some extent. In truth, simultaneous

Alternate of secrets and techniques can without problems be carried out the use of the lively
participation of a trusted

1/3 birthday celebration: each celebration sends its secret to the trusted third party (the usage of a
relaxed channel).

The 0.33 birthday party, on receiving both secrets and techniques, sends the first party’s mystery to
the second

Celebration and the second one party’s secret to the first party. There are issues with this


1. The solution calls for the active participation of an “outside” birthday celebration in all instances
(i.e., also

In case each parties are honest). We observe that different solutions requiring milder styles of

Participation of outside events do exist.

2. The answer calls for the life of a totally depended on 0.33 entity. In a few applications,

Such an entity does now not exist. Despite the fact that, inside the sequel we will speak the trouble

1.1. CRYPTOGRAPHY: principal topics

Of implementing a trusted 0.33 birthday party by way of a fixed of customers with an honest
majority (despite the fact that

The identity of the honest customers isn't acknowledged).

Secure Implementation of Functionalities and relied on events

A unique kind of protocol hassle is concerned with the cozy implementation of

Functionalities. To be greater unique, we speak the trouble of evaluating a characteristic of nearby

inputs each of which is held via a distinct person. An illustrative and

Motivating example is vote casting, in which the feature is majority, and the nearby enter

Held through user A is a unmarried bit representing the vote of person A (e.g., “seasoned” or “con”).

Loosely speakme, a protocol for securely evaluating a selected characteristic ought to satisfy the


• privateness: No celebration can “benefit statistics” on the input of different events, beyond what's

Deduced from the value of the function.

• Robustness: No birthday celebration can “influence” the price of the function, past the have an
effect on

Exerted by deciding on its personal enter.

It is once in a while required that those situations maintain with admire to “small” (e.g., minority)
coalitions of parties (rather than unmarried events).

Truly, if one of the users is understood to be completely straightforward, then there exists a

Easy way to the hassle of comfortable evaluation of any function. Each user truely

Sends its enter to the relied on party (using a comfy channel), who, upon receiving all

Inputs, computes the feature, sends the outcome to all customers, and erases all intermediate
computations (along with the inputs obtained) from its memory. Clearly, it's far

Unrealistic to anticipate that a party can be relied on to such an extent (e.g., that it will

Voluntarily erase what it has “discovered”). Though, the problem of imposing

Comfortable characteristic evaluation reduces to the problem of implementing a relied on


It seems that a trusted party may be applied by way of a hard and fast of users with an honest
majority (even supposing the identity of the honest customers isn't always recognized). That is
indeed a

Fundamental bring about this area, and plenty of chapter 7, with a purpose to appear within the 2nd

Volume of this paintings, may be committed to formulating and proving it (as well as variations

Of it).

Zero-knowledge as a Paradigm

A major tool inside the creation of cryptographic protocols is the idea of zeroknowledge proof
systems and the fact that zero-information evidence structures exist for all

Languages in N P (furnished that one-manner features exist). Loosely talking, a zeroknowledge

evidence yields not anything however the validity of the declaration. Zero-knowledge proofs
Offer a tool for “forcing” events to observe a given protocol properly.

To demonstrate the role of zero-know-how proofs, consider a setting wherein a celebration,

Referred to as Alice, upon receiving an encrypted message from Bob, is to ship Carol the

Least substantial little bit of the message. Sincerely, if Alice sends simplest the (least massive)

Bit (of the message), then there is no manner for Carol to recognize Alice did now not cheat.

Alice may want to show that she did now not cheat with the aid of revealing to Carol the entire
message as

Well as its decryption key, but that might yield statistics some distance beyond what had been


Required. A far better idea is to allow Alice increase the bit she sends Carol with a

0-know-how evidence that this bit is indeed the least full-size little bit of the message. We

Stress that the foregoing announcement is of the “N P kind” (since the evidence detailed earlier

Can be correctly established), and consequently the life of 0-expertise proofs for

N P-statements means that the foregoing announcement may be proved with out revealing

Whatever past its validity.

The point of interest of chapter 4, dedicated to zero-know-how proofs, is at the foregoing end result

(i.e., the construction of 0-expertise proofs for any N P-assertion). In addition,

We shall recollect severa variations and factors of the belief of zero-understanding proofs

And their results at the applicability of this notion.

1.2. Some background from opportunity theory

Chance plays a imperative function in cryptography. Specifically, probability is vital

As a way to allow a dialogue of facts or loss of statistics (i.e., secrecy). We

Anticipate that the reader is acquainted with the basic notions of opportunity principle. On this

Section, we merely present the probabilistic notations that are used in the course of this ebook

And three beneficial probabilistic inequalities.

1.2.1. Notational Conventions

For the duration of this entire book we will talk to best discrete opportunity distributions.

Typically, the opportunity space includes the set of all strings of a sure length

, fascinated about uniform opportunity distribution. That is, the pattern area is the set

Of all -bit-lengthy strings, and every such string is assigned possibility degree 2−

Traditionally, capabilities from the sample area to the reals are referred to as random variables.

Abusing trendy terminology, we permit ourselves to use the time period random variable also

While regarding capabilities mapping the pattern area into the set of binary strings.

We frequently do now not specify the possibility space, but alternatively talk directly approximately

Variables. As an instance, we may additionally say that X is a random variable assigned values in

The set of all strings, in order that Pr[X = 00] = 1

Four and Pr[X = 111] = 3

Four . (any such random

Variable can be defined over the sample space {zero, 1}2, so that X(11) = 00 and X(00) =

X(01) = X(10) = 111.) In most cases the chance space includes all strings of

A particular duration. Commonly, these strings represent random picks made by means of some

Randomized system (see next section), and the random variable is the output of the


A way to examine Probabilistic Statements. All our probabilistic statements consult with

Functions of random variables which can be described ahead. Typically, we will write

Pr[ f (X) = 1], wherein X is a random variable described in advance (and f is a function).

An critical convention is that all occurrences of a given image in a probabilistic

Assertion talk to the same (specific) random variable. Therefore, if B(·, ·) is a Boolean

Expression depending on variables and X is a random variable, then Pr[B(X, X)]

Denotes the chance that B(x, x) holds whilst x is chosen with probabilitypr[X = x].


1.2. A few historical past FROM possibility principle


Pr[B(X, X)] =

Pr[X = x] · χ(B(x, x))

Where χ is a trademark feature, in order that χ(B) = 1 if event B holds, and equals 0 otherwise. As an
instance, for every random variable X, we've Pr[X = X] = 1. We strain

That if one needs to discuss the opportunity that B(x, y) holds when x and y are selected
Independently with the same opportunity distribution, then one needs to outline two impartial
random variables, each with the identical chance distribution. Hence, if X and

Y are impartial random variables, then Pr[B(X, Y )] denotes the probability that

B(x, y) holds while the pair (x, y) is chosen with possibility Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y].


Pr[B(X, Y )] =


Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y] · χ(B(x, y))

As an example, for every impartial random variables, X and Y , we've

Pr[X = Y ] = 1 simplest if both X and Y are trivial (i.e., assign the entire chance

Mass to a unmarried string).

Regular Random Variables. Throughout this complete book, Un denotes a random variable uniformly
dispensed over the set of strings of duration n. Namely,Pr[Un =α] equals

2−n if α ∈ {0, 1}n, and equals zero in any other case. Further, we will sometimes use

Random variables (arbitrarily) distributed over {0, 1}n or {0, 1}

L(n) for some function l :

N→N. Such random variables are typically denoted through Xn, Yn, Zn, and many others. We
pressure that in

A few instances Xn is distributed over{zero, 1}n, while in others it's far allotted over{0, 1}


For some characteristic l(·), that's usually a polynomial. Every other type of random variable,

The output of a randomized algorithm on a set input, is mentioned in section 1.three.

1.2.2. Three Inequalities

The subsequent probabilistic inequalities could be very useful inside the path of this book.

All inequalities discuss with random variables which are assigned actual values. The maximum
primary inequality is the Markov inequality, which asserts that for random variables with

Bounded maximum or minimal values, some relation have to exist between the deviation of a value
from the expectancy of the random variable and the opportunity that the

Random variable is assigned this price. Particularly, letting E(X) def

V Pr[X =v] · v

Denote the expectation of the random variable X, we've the following:

Markov Inequality: allow X be a non-poor random variable and v a actual

Wide variety. Then

Pr[X ≥ v] ≤


Equivalently, Pr[X ≥ r · E(X)] ≤ 1




E(X) =

Pr[X = x] · x

Pr[X = x] · 0 +


Pr[X = x] · v

= Pr[X ≥ v] · v

The claim follows.

The Markov inequality is typically used in cases in which one knows very little about

The distribution of the random variable; it suffices to know its expectation and at least

One bound on the range of its values. See Exercise 1.

Using Markov’s inequality, one gets a “possibly stronger” bound for the deviation

Of a random variable from its expectation. This bound, called Chebyshev’s inequality, is useful
provided one has additional knowledge concerning the random variable

(specifically, a good upper bound on its variance). For a random variable X of finite

Expectation, we denote by Var(X) def

= E[(X − E(X))2] the variance of X and observe

That Var(X) = E(X2) − E(X)

Chebyshev’s Inequality: Let X be a random variable, and δ > zero. Then

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] ≤



Evidence: We define a random variable Y def

= (X − E(X))2 and apply the Markov

Inequality. We get

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] = Pr[(X − E(X))2 ≥ δ2

E[(X − E(X))2]


And the claim follows.

Chebyshev’s inequality is particularly beneficial for evaluation of the mistake opportunity of

Approximation through repeated sampling. It suffices to count on that the samples are picked

In a pairwise-independent manner.

Corollary (Pairwise-unbiased Sampling): permit X1, X2,..., Xn be pairwiseindependent random

variables with the equal expectation, denotedµ, and the identical

Variance, denoted σ2. Then, for each ε > zero,


I=1 Xi





The Xi’s are called pairwise-independent if for each i = j and all a and b, it holds

That Pr[Xi = a ∧ X j = b] equals Pr[Xi = a] · Pr[X j = b].


1.2. A few history FROM possibility principle

Proof: define the random variables Xi


= Xi − E(Xi). Note that the Xi’s are

Pairwise-unbiased and each has 0 expectation. Making use of Chebyshev’s inequality to the random
variable described by way of the sumn



N , and the use of the linearity

Of the expectancy operator, we get





Var n





I=1 Xi

Ε2 · n2

Now (again the usage of the linearity of E)






1≤i= j≤n

E[ Xi X j]

By way of the pairwise independence of the Xi’s, we get E[Xi X j] = E[Xi] · E[X j], and

The use of E[Xi] = 0, we get



 = n · σ2

The corollary follows.

The usage of pairwise-independent sampling, the mistake probability within the approximation

Is reducing linearly with the wide variety of pattern points. The use of absolutely independent

Sampling factors, the mistake opportunity inside the approximation may be proven to decrease

Exponentially with the number of pattern points. (The random variables X1, X2,..., Xn

Are said to be completely unbiased if for each series a1, a2,..., an it holds that


I=1Xi = ai] equals n

I=1 Pr[Xi = ai].) Chance bounds helping the foregoing assertion are given subsequent. The primary
sure, normally called the Chernoff

Sure, issues 0-1 random variables (i.e., random variables which are assigned values

Of both 0 or 1).

Chernoff bound: permit p ≤ 1

2 , and let X1, X2,..., Xn be unbiased zero-1 random

Variables, in order that Pr[Xi = 1] = p for every i. Then for all ε, zero < ε ≤ p(1 − p),

We have


I=1 Xi


< 2 · e− ε2

2p(1−p) ·n

We shall commonly practice the sure with a regular p ≈ 1

2 . In this example, n unbiased

Samples provide an approximation that deviates by means of ε from the expectancy with probability

This is exponentially decreasing with ε2n. Such an approximation is called an (ε, δ)-

Approximation and can be executed the use of n = O(ε−2 · log(1/δ)) pattern factors. It's far

Important to understand that the sufficient quantity of pattern points is polynomially

Related to ε−1 and logarithmically related to δ−1. So using poly(n) many samples, the



Blunders chance (i.e., δ) can be made negligible (as a feature in n), however the accuracy of

The estimation (i.e., ε) may be bounded above only with the aid of any fixed polynomial fraction

Can't be made negligible).2 We strain that the dependence of the number of samples

On ε isn't always better than in the case of pairwise-unbiased sampling; the advantage of
Completely independent samples lies most effective within the dependence of the range of samples
on δ.

Simultaneity troubles

A typical example of a simultaneity trouble is that of simultaneous exchange of secrets,

Of which agreement signing is a unique case. The placing for a simultaneous alternate

Of secrets and techniques consists of events, every preserving a “secret.” The intention is to execute

Protocol such that if both parties comply with it successfully, then at termination every will keep

Its counterpart’s secret, and anyways (even though one celebration cheats) the first party will

Hold the second one birthday celebration’s secret if and handiest if the second birthday celebration
holds the first birthday celebration’s

Secret. Perfectly simultaneous exchange of secrets and techniques can be carried out most effective
if we assume

The life of 0.33 events that are relied on to some extent. In truth, simultaneous

Alternate of secrets and techniques can without problems be carried out the use of the lively
participation of a trusted

1/3 birthday celebration: each celebration sends its secret to the trusted third party (the usage of a
relaxed channel).

The 0.33 birthday party, on receiving both secrets and techniques, sends the first party’s mystery to
the second

Celebration and the second one party’s secret to the first party. There are issues with this


1. The solution calls for the active participation of an “outside” birthday celebration in all instances
(i.e., also

In case each parties are honest). We observe that different solutions requiring milder styles of

Participation of outside events do exist.

2. The answer calls for the life of a totally depended on 0.33 entity. In a few applications,

Such an entity does now not exist. Despite the fact that, inside the sequel we will speak the trouble

1.1. CRYPTOGRAPHY: principal topics

Of implementing a trusted 0.33 birthday party by way of a fixed of customers with an honest
majority (despite the fact that

The identity of the honest customers isn't acknowledged).

Secure Implementation of Functionalities and relied on events

A unique kind of protocol hassle is concerned with the cozy implementation of

Functionalities. To be greater unique, we speak the trouble of evaluating a characteristic of nearby

inputs each of which is held via a distinct person. An illustrative and

Motivating example is vote casting, in which the feature is majority, and the nearby enter

Held through user A is a unmarried bit representing the vote of person A (e.g., “seasoned” or “con”).

Loosely speakme, a protocol for securely evaluating a selected characteristic ought to satisfy the


• privateness: No celebration can “benefit statistics” on the input of different events, beyond what's

Deduced from the value of the function.

• Robustness: No birthday celebration can “influence” the price of the function, past the have an
effect on

Exerted by deciding on its personal enter.

It is once in a while required that those situations maintain with admire to “small” (e.g., minority)
coalitions of parties (rather than unmarried events).

Truly, if one of the users is understood to be completely straightforward, then there exists a

Easy way to the hassle of comfortable evaluation of any function. Each user truely

Sends its enter to the relied on party (using a comfy channel), who, upon receiving all

Inputs, computes the feature, sends the outcome to all customers, and erases all intermediate
computations (along with the inputs obtained) from its memory. Clearly, it's far

Unrealistic to anticipate that a party can be relied on to such an extent (e.g., that it will

Voluntarily erase what it has “discovered”). Though, the problem of imposing

Comfortable characteristic evaluation reduces to the problem of implementing a relied on


It seems that a trusted party may be applied by way of a hard and fast of users with an honest
majority (even supposing the identity of the honest customers isn't always recognized). That is
indeed a

Fundamental bring about this area, and plenty of chapter 7, with a purpose to appear within the 2nd

Volume of this paintings, may be committed to formulating and proving it (as well as variations

Of it).

Zero-knowledge as a Paradigm

A major tool inside the creation of cryptographic protocols is the idea of zeroknowledge proof
systems and the fact that zero-information evidence structures exist for all

Languages in N P (furnished that one-manner features exist). Loosely talking, a zeroknowledge

evidence yields not anything however the validity of the declaration. Zero-knowledge proofs
Offer a tool for “forcing” events to observe a given protocol properly.

To demonstrate the role of zero-know-how proofs, consider a setting wherein a celebration,

Referred to as Alice, upon receiving an encrypted message from Bob, is to ship Carol the

Least substantial little bit of the message. Sincerely, if Alice sends simplest the (least massive)

Bit (of the message), then there is no manner for Carol to recognize Alice did now not cheat.

Alice may want to show that she did now not cheat with the aid of revealing to Carol the entire
message as

Well as its decryption key, but that might yield statistics some distance beyond what had been


Required. A far better idea is to allow Alice increase the bit she sends Carol with a

0-know-how evidence that this bit is indeed the least full-size little bit of the message. We

Stress that the foregoing announcement is of the “N P kind” (since the evidence detailed earlier

Can be correctly established), and consequently the life of 0-expertise proofs for

N P-statements means that the foregoing announcement may be proved with out revealing

Whatever past its validity.

The point of interest of chapter 4, dedicated to zero-know-how proofs, is at the foregoing end result

(i.e., the construction of 0-expertise proofs for any N P-assertion). In addition,

We shall recollect severa variations and factors of the belief of zero-understanding proofs

And their results at the applicability of this notion.

1.2. Some background from opportunity theory

Chance plays a imperative function in cryptography. Specifically, probability is vital

As a way to allow a dialogue of facts or loss of statistics (i.e., secrecy). We

Anticipate that the reader is acquainted with the basic notions of opportunity principle. On this

Section, we merely present the probabilistic notations that are used in the course of this ebook

And three beneficial probabilistic inequalities.

1.2.1. Notational Conventions

For the duration of this entire book we will talk to best discrete opportunity distributions.

Typically, the opportunity space includes the set of all strings of a sure length

, fascinated about uniform opportunity distribution. That is, the pattern area is the set

Of all -bit-lengthy strings, and every such string is assigned possibility degree 2−

Traditionally, capabilities from the sample area to the reals are referred to as random variables.

Abusing trendy terminology, we permit ourselves to use the time period random variable also

While regarding capabilities mapping the pattern area into the set of binary strings.

We frequently do now not specify the possibility space, but alternatively talk directly approximately

Variables. As an instance, we may additionally say that X is a random variable assigned values in

The set of all strings, in order that Pr[X = 00] = 1

Four and Pr[X = 111] = 3

Four . (any such random

Variable can be defined over the sample space {zero, 1}2, so that X(11) = 00 and X(00) =

X(01) = X(10) = 111.) In most cases the chance space includes all strings of

A particular duration. Commonly, these strings represent random picks made by means of some

Randomized system (see next section), and the random variable is the output of the


A way to examine Probabilistic Statements. All our probabilistic statements consult with

Functions of random variables which can be described ahead. Typically, we will write

Pr[ f (X) = 1], wherein X is a random variable described in advance (and f is a function).

An critical convention is that all occurrences of a given image in a probabilistic

Assertion talk to the same (specific) random variable. Therefore, if B(·, ·) is a Boolean

Expression depending on variables and X is a random variable, then Pr[B(X, X)]

Denotes the chance that B(x, x) holds whilst x is chosen with probabilitypr[X = x].


1.2. A few historical past FROM possibility principle


Pr[B(X, X)] =

Pr[X = x] · χ(B(x, x))

Where χ is a trademark feature, in order that χ(B) = 1 if event B holds, and equals 0 otherwise. As an
instance, for every random variable X, we've Pr[X = X] = 1. We strain

That if one needs to discuss the opportunity that B(x, y) holds when x and y are selected
Independently with the same opportunity distribution, then one needs to outline two impartial
random variables, each with the identical chance distribution. Hence, if X and

Y are impartial random variables, then Pr[B(X, Y )] denotes the probability that

B(x, y) holds while the pair (x, y) is chosen with possibility Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y].


Pr[B(X, Y )] =


Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y] · χ(B(x, y))

As an example, for every impartial random variables, X and Y , we've

Pr[X = Y ] = 1 simplest if both X and Y are trivial (i.e., assign the entire chance

Mass to a unmarried string).

Regular Random Variables. Throughout this complete book, Un denotes a random variable uniformly
dispensed over the set of strings of duration n. Namely,Pr[Un =α] equals

2−n if α ∈ {0, 1}n, and equals zero in any other case. Further, we will sometimes use

Random variables (arbitrarily) distributed over {0, 1}n or {0, 1}

L(n) for some function l :

N→N. Such random variables are typically denoted through Xn, Yn, Zn, and many others. We
pressure that in

A few instances Xn is distributed over{zero, 1}n, while in others it's far allotted over{0, 1}


For some characteristic l(·), that's usually a polynomial. Every other type of random variable,

The output of a randomized algorithm on a set input, is mentioned in section 1.three.

1.2.2. Three Inequalities

The subsequent probabilistic inequalities could be very useful inside the path of this book.

All inequalities discuss with random variables which are assigned actual values. The maximum
primary inequality is the Markov inequality, which asserts that for random variables with

Bounded maximum or minimal values, some relation have to exist between the deviation of a value
from the expectancy of the random variable and the opportunity that the

Random variable is assigned this price. Particularly, letting E(X) def

V Pr[X =v] · v

Denote the expectation of the random variable X, we've the following:

Markov Inequality: allow X be a non-poor random variable and v a actual

Wide variety. Then

Pr[X ≥ v] ≤


Equivalently, Pr[X ≥ r · E(X)] ≤ 1




E(X) =

Pr[X = x] · x

Pr[X = x] · 0 +


Pr[X = x] · v

= Pr[X ≥ v] · v

The claim follows.

The Markov inequality is typically used in cases in which one knows very little about

The distribution of the random variable; it suffices to know its expectation and at least

One bound on the range of its values. See Exercise 1.

Using Markov’s inequality, one gets a “possibly stronger” bound for the deviation

Of a random variable from its expectation. This bound, called Chebyshev’s inequality, is useful
provided one has additional knowledge concerning the random variable

(specifically, a good upper bound on its variance). For a random variable X of finite

Expectation, we denote by Var(X) def

= E[(X − E(X))2] the variance of X and observe

That Var(X) = E(X2) − E(X)

Chebyshev’s Inequality: Let X be a random variable, and δ > zero. Then

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] ≤



Evidence: We define a random variable Y def

= (X − E(X))2 and apply the Markov

Inequality. We get

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] = Pr[(X − E(X))2 ≥ δ2

E[(X − E(X))2]


And the claim follows.

Chebyshev’s inequality is particularly beneficial for evaluation of the mistake opportunity of

Approximation through repeated sampling. It suffices to count on that the samples are picked

In a pairwise-independent manner.

Corollary (Pairwise-unbiased Sampling): permit X1, X2,..., Xn be pairwiseindependent random

variables with the equal expectation, denotedµ, and the identical

Variance, denoted σ2. Then, for each ε > zero,


I=1 Xi





The Xi’s are called pairwise-independent if for each i = j and all a and b, it holds

That Pr[Xi = a ∧ X j = b] equals Pr[Xi = a] · Pr[X j = b].


1.2. A few history FROM possibility principle

Proof: define the random variables Xi


= Xi − E(Xi). Note that the Xi’s are

Pairwise-unbiased and each has 0 expectation. Making use of Chebyshev’s inequality to the random
variable described by way of the sumn



N , and the use of the linearity

Of the expectancy operator, we get





Var n





I=1 Xi

Ε2 · n2

Now (again the usage of the linearity of E)






1≤i= j≤n

E[ Xi X j]

By way of the pairwise independence of the Xi’s, we get E[Xi X j] = E[Xi] · E[X j], and

The use of E[Xi] = 0, we get



 = n · σ2

The corollary follows.

The usage of pairwise-independent sampling, the mistake probability within the approximation

Is reducing linearly with the wide variety of pattern points. The use of absolutely independent

Sampling factors, the mistake opportunity inside the approximation may be proven to decrease

Exponentially with the number of pattern points. (The random variables X1, X2,..., Xn

Are said to be completely unbiased if for each series a1, a2,..., an it holds that


I=1Xi = ai] equals n

I=1 Pr[Xi = ai].) Chance bounds helping the foregoing assertion are given subsequent. The primary
sure, normally called the Chernoff

Sure, issues 0-1 random variables (i.e., random variables which are assigned values

Of both 0 or 1).

Chernoff bound: permit p ≤ 1

2 , and let X1, X2,..., Xn be unbiased zero-1 random

Variables, in order that Pr[Xi = 1] = p for every i. Then for all ε, zero < ε ≤ p(1 − p),

We have


I=1 Xi


< 2 · e− ε2

2p(1−p) ·n

We shall commonly practice the sure with a regular p ≈ 1

2 . In this example, n unbiased

Samples provide an approximation that deviates by means of ε from the expectancy with probability

This is exponentially decreasing with ε2n. Such an approximation is called an (ε, δ)-

Approximation and can be executed the use of n = O(ε−2 · log(1/δ)) pattern factors. It's far

Important to understand that the sufficient quantity of pattern points is polynomially

Related to ε−1 and logarithmically related to δ−1. So using poly(n) many samples, the



Blunders chance (i.e., δ) can be made negligible (as a feature in n), however the accuracy of

The estimation (i.e., ε) may be bounded above only with the aid of any fixed polynomial fraction

Can't be made negligible).2 We strain that the dependence of the number of samples

On ε isn't always better than in the case of pairwise-unbiased sampling; the advantage of
Completely independent samples lies most effective within the dependence of the range of samples
on δ.

Simultaneity troubles

A typical example of a simultaneity trouble is that of simultaneous exchange of secrets,

Of which agreement signing is a unique case. The placing for a simultaneous alternate

Of secrets and techniques consists of events, every preserving a “secret.” The intention is to execute

Protocol such that if both parties comply with it successfully, then at termination every will keep

Its counterpart’s secret, and anyways (even though one celebration cheats) the first party will

Hold the second one birthday celebration’s secret if and handiest if the second birthday celebration
holds the first birthday celebration’s

Secret. Perfectly simultaneous exchange of secrets and techniques can be carried out most effective
if we assume

The life of 0.33 events that are relied on to some extent. In truth, simultaneous

Alternate of secrets and techniques can without problems be carried out the use of the lively
participation of a trusted

1/3 birthday celebration: each celebration sends its secret to the trusted third party (the usage of a
relaxed channel).

The 0.33 birthday party, on receiving both secrets and techniques, sends the first party’s mystery to
the second

Celebration and the second one party’s secret to the first party. There are issues with this


1. The solution calls for the active participation of an “outside” birthday celebration in all instances
(i.e., also

In case each parties are honest). We observe that different solutions requiring milder styles of

Participation of outside events do exist.

2. The answer calls for the life of a totally depended on 0.33 entity. In a few applications,

Such an entity does now not exist. Despite the fact that, inside the sequel we will speak the trouble

1.1. CRYPTOGRAPHY: principal topics

Of implementing a trusted 0.33 birthday party by way of a fixed of customers with an honest
majority (despite the fact that

The identity of the honest customers isn't acknowledged).

Secure Implementation of Functionalities and relied on events

A unique kind of protocol hassle is concerned with the cozy implementation of

Functionalities. To be greater unique, we speak the trouble of evaluating a characteristic of nearby

inputs each of which is held via a distinct person. An illustrative and

Motivating example is vote casting, in which the feature is majority, and the nearby enter

Held through user A is a unmarried bit representing the vote of person A (e.g., “seasoned” or “con”).

Loosely speakme, a protocol for securely evaluating a selected characteristic ought to satisfy the


• privateness: No celebration can “benefit statistics” on the input of different events, beyond what's

Deduced from the value of the function.

• Robustness: No birthday celebration can “influence” the price of the function, past the have an
effect on

Exerted by deciding on its personal enter.

It is once in a while required that those situations maintain with admire to “small” (e.g., minority)
coalitions of parties (rather than unmarried events).

Truly, if one of the users is understood to be completely straightforward, then there exists a

Easy way to the hassle of comfortable evaluation of any function. Each user truely

Sends its enter to the relied on party (using a comfy channel), who, upon receiving all

Inputs, computes the feature, sends the outcome to all customers, and erases all intermediate
computations (along with the inputs obtained) from its memory. Clearly, it's far

Unrealistic to anticipate that a party can be relied on to such an extent (e.g., that it will

Voluntarily erase what it has “discovered”). Though, the problem of imposing

Comfortable characteristic evaluation reduces to the problem of implementing a relied on


It seems that a trusted party may be applied by way of a hard and fast of users with an honest
majority (even supposing the identity of the honest customers isn't always recognized). That is
indeed a

Fundamental bring about this area, and plenty of chapter 7, with a purpose to appear within the 2nd

Volume of this paintings, may be committed to formulating and proving it (as well as variations

Of it).

Zero-knowledge as a Paradigm

A major tool inside the creation of cryptographic protocols is the idea of zeroknowledge proof
systems and the fact that zero-information evidence structures exist for all

Languages in N P (furnished that one-manner features exist). Loosely talking, a zeroknowledge

evidence yields not anything however the validity of the declaration. Zero-knowledge proofs
Offer a tool for “forcing” events to observe a given protocol properly.

To demonstrate the role of zero-know-how proofs, consider a setting wherein a celebration,

Referred to as Alice, upon receiving an encrypted message from Bob, is to ship Carol the

Least substantial little bit of the message. Sincerely, if Alice sends simplest the (least massive)

Bit (of the message), then there is no manner for Carol to recognize Alice did now not cheat.

Alice may want to show that she did now not cheat with the aid of revealing to Carol the entire
message as

Well as its decryption key, but that might yield statistics some distance beyond what had been


Required. A far better idea is to allow Alice increase the bit she sends Carol with a

0-know-how evidence that this bit is indeed the least full-size little bit of the message. We

Stress that the foregoing announcement is of the “N P kind” (since the evidence detailed earlier

Can be correctly established), and consequently the life of 0-expertise proofs for

N P-statements means that the foregoing announcement may be proved with out revealing

Whatever past its validity.

The point of interest of chapter 4, dedicated to zero-know-how proofs, is at the foregoing end result

(i.e., the construction of 0-expertise proofs for any N P-assertion). In addition,

We shall recollect severa variations and factors of the belief of zero-understanding proofs

And their results at the applicability of this notion.

1.2. Some background from opportunity theory

Chance plays a imperative function in cryptography. Specifically, probability is vital

As a way to allow a dialogue of facts or loss of statistics (i.e., secrecy). We

Anticipate that the reader is acquainted with the basic notions of opportunity principle. On this

Section, we merely present the probabilistic notations that are used in the course of this ebook

And three beneficial probabilistic inequalities.

1.2.1. Notational Conventions

For the duration of this entire book we will talk to best discrete opportunity distributions.

Typically, the opportunity space includes the set of all strings of a sure length

, fascinated about uniform opportunity distribution. That is, the pattern area is the set

Of all -bit-lengthy strings, and every such string is assigned possibility degree 2−

Traditionally, capabilities from the sample area to the reals are referred to as random variables.

Abusing trendy terminology, we permit ourselves to use the time period random variable also

While regarding capabilities mapping the pattern area into the set of binary strings.

We frequently do now not specify the possibility space, but alternatively talk directly approximately

Variables. As an instance, we may additionally say that X is a random variable assigned values in

The set of all strings, in order that Pr[X = 00] = 1

Four and Pr[X = 111] = 3

Four . (any such random

Variable can be defined over the sample space {zero, 1}2, so that X(11) = 00 and X(00) =

X(01) = X(10) = 111.) In most cases the chance space includes all strings of

A particular duration. Commonly, these strings represent random picks made by means of some

Randomized system (see next section), and the random variable is the output of the


A way to examine Probabilistic Statements. All our probabilistic statements consult with

Functions of random variables which can be described ahead. Typically, we will write

Pr[ f (X) = 1], wherein X is a random variable described in advance (and f is a function).

An critical convention is that all occurrences of a given image in a probabilistic

Assertion talk to the same (specific) random variable. Therefore, if B(·, ·) is a Boolean

Expression depending on variables and X is a random variable, then Pr[B(X, X)]

Denotes the chance that B(x, x) holds whilst x is chosen with probabilitypr[X = x].


1.2. A few historical past FROM possibility principle


Pr[B(X, X)] =

Pr[X = x] · χ(B(x, x))

Where χ is a trademark feature, in order that χ(B) = 1 if event B holds, and equals 0 otherwise. As an
instance, for every random variable X, we've Pr[X = X] = 1. We strain

That if one needs to discuss the opportunity that B(x, y) holds when x and y are selected
Independently with the same opportunity distribution, then one needs to outline two impartial
random variables, each with the identical chance distribution. Hence, if X and

Y are impartial random variables, then Pr[B(X, Y )] denotes the probability that

B(x, y) holds while the pair (x, y) is chosen with possibility Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y].


Pr[B(X, Y )] =


Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y] · χ(B(x, y))

As an example, for every impartial random variables, X and Y , we've

Pr[X = Y ] = 1 simplest if both X and Y are trivial (i.e., assign the entire chance

Mass to a unmarried string).

Regular Random Variables. Throughout this complete book, Un denotes a random variable uniformly
dispensed over the set of strings of duration n. Namely,Pr[Un =α] equals

2−n if α ∈ {0, 1}n, and equals zero in any other case. Further, we will sometimes use

Random variables (arbitrarily) distributed over {0, 1}n or {0, 1}

L(n) for some function l :

N→N. Such random variables are typically denoted through Xn, Yn, Zn, and many others. We
pressure that in

A few instances Xn is distributed over{zero, 1}n, while in others it's far allotted over{0, 1}


For some characteristic l(·), that's usually a polynomial. Every other type of random variable,

The output of a randomized algorithm on a set input, is mentioned in section 1.three.

1.2.2. Three Inequalities

The subsequent probabilistic inequalities could be very useful inside the path of this book.

All inequalities discuss with random variables which are assigned actual values. The maximum
primary inequality is the Markov inequality, which asserts that for random variables with

Bounded maximum or minimal values, some relation have to exist between the deviation of a value
from the expectancy of the random variable and the opportunity that the

Random variable is assigned this price. Particularly, letting E(X) def

V Pr[X =v] · v

Denote the expectation of the random variable X, we've the following:

Markov Inequality: allow X be a non-poor random variable and v a actual

Wide variety. Then

Pr[X ≥ v] ≤


Equivalently, Pr[X ≥ r · E(X)] ≤ 1




E(X) =

Pr[X = x] · x

Pr[X = x] · 0 +


Pr[X = x] · v

= Pr[X ≥ v] · v

The claim follows.

The Markov inequality is typically used in cases in which one knows very little about

The distribution of the random variable; it suffices to know its expectation and at least

One bound on the range of its values. See Exercise 1.

Using Markov’s inequality, one gets a “possibly stronger” bound for the deviation

Of a random variable from its expectation. This bound, called Chebyshev’s inequality, is useful
provided one has additional knowledge concerning the random variable

(specifically, a good upper bound on its variance). For a random variable X of finite

Expectation, we denote by Var(X) def

= E[(X − E(X))2] the variance of X and observe

That Var(X) = E(X2) − E(X)

Chebyshev’s Inequality: Let X be a random variable, and δ > zero. Then

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] ≤



Evidence: We define a random variable Y def

= (X − E(X))2 and apply the Markov

Inequality. We get

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] = Pr[(X − E(X))2 ≥ δ2

E[(X − E(X))2]


And the claim follows.

Chebyshev’s inequality is particularly beneficial for evaluation of the mistake opportunity of

Approximation through repeated sampling. It suffices to count on that the samples are picked

In a pairwise-independent manner.

Corollary (Pairwise-unbiased Sampling): permit X1, X2,..., Xn be pairwiseindependent random

variables with the equal expectation, denotedµ, and the identical

Variance, denoted σ2. Then, for each ε > zero,


I=1 Xi





The Xi’s are called pairwise-independent if for each i = j and all a and b, it holds

That Pr[Xi = a ∧ X j = b] equals Pr[Xi = a] · Pr[X j = b].


1.2. A few history FROM possibility principle

Proof: define the random variables Xi


= Xi − E(Xi). Note that the Xi’s are

Pairwise-unbiased and each has 0 expectation. Making use of Chebyshev’s inequality to the random
variable described by way of the sumn



N , and the use of the linearity

Of the expectancy operator, we get





Var n





I=1 Xi

Ε2 · n2

Now (again the usage of the linearity of E)






1≤i= j≤n

E[ Xi X j]

By way of the pairwise independence of the Xi’s, we get E[Xi X j] = E[Xi] · E[X j], and

The use of E[Xi] = 0, we get



 = n · σ2

The corollary follows.

The usage of pairwise-independent sampling, the mistake probability within the approximation

Is reducing linearly with the wide variety of pattern points. The use of absolutely independent

Sampling factors, the mistake opportunity inside the approximation may be proven to decrease

Exponentially with the number of pattern points. (The random variables X1, X2,..., Xn

Are said to be completely unbiased if for each series a1, a2,..., an it holds that


I=1Xi = ai] equals n

I=1 Pr[Xi = ai].) Chance bounds helping the foregoing assertion are given subsequent. The primary
sure, normally called the Chernoff

Sure, issues 0-1 random variables (i.e., random variables which are assigned values

Of both 0 or 1).

Chernoff bound: permit p ≤ 1

2 , and let X1, X2,..., Xn be unbiased zero-1 random

Variables, in order that Pr[Xi = 1] = p for every i. Then for all ε, zero < ε ≤ p(1 − p),

We have


I=1 Xi


< 2 · e− ε2

2p(1−p) ·n

We shall commonly practice the sure with a regular p ≈ 1

2 . In this example, n unbiased

Samples provide an approximation that deviates by means of ε from the expectancy with probability

This is exponentially decreasing with ε2n. Such an approximation is called an (ε, δ)-

Approximation and can be executed the use of n = O(ε−2 · log(1/δ)) pattern factors. It's far

Important to understand that the sufficient quantity of pattern points is polynomially

Related to ε−1 and logarithmically related to δ−1. So using poly(n) many samples, the



Blunders chance (i.e., δ) can be made negligible (as a feature in n), however the accuracy of

The estimation (i.e., ε) may be bounded above only with the aid of any fixed polynomial fraction

Can't be made negligible).2 We strain that the dependence of the number of samples

On ε isn't always better than in the case of pairwise-unbiased sampling; the advantage of
Completely independent samples lies most effective within the dependence of the range of samples
on δ.

Simultaneity troubles

A typical example of a simultaneity trouble is that of simultaneous exchange of secrets,

Of which agreement signing is a unique case. The placing for a simultaneous alternate

Of secrets and techniques consists of events, every preserving a “secret.” The intention is to execute

Protocol such that if both parties comply with it successfully, then at termination every will keep

Its counterpart’s secret, and anyways (even though one celebration cheats) the first party will

Hold the second one birthday celebration’s secret if and handiest if the second birthday celebration
holds the first birthday celebration’s

Secret. Perfectly simultaneous exchange of secrets and techniques can be carried out most effective
if we assume

The life of 0.33 events that are relied on to some extent. In truth, simultaneous

Alternate of secrets and techniques can without problems be carried out the use of the lively
participation of a trusted

1/3 birthday celebration: each celebration sends its secret to the trusted third party (the usage of a
relaxed channel).

The 0.33 birthday party, on receiving both secrets and techniques, sends the first party’s mystery to
the second

Celebration and the second one party’s secret to the first party. There are issues with this


1. The solution calls for the active participation of an “outside” birthday celebration in all instances
(i.e., also

In case each parties are honest). We observe that different solutions requiring milder styles of

Participation of outside events do exist.

2. The answer calls for the life of a totally depended on 0.33 entity. In a few applications,

Such an entity does now not exist. Despite the fact that, inside the sequel we will speak the trouble

1.1. CRYPTOGRAPHY: principal topics

Of implementing a trusted 0.33 birthday party by way of a fixed of customers with an honest
majority (despite the fact that

The identity of the honest customers isn't acknowledged).

Secure Implementation of Functionalities and relied on events

A unique kind of protocol hassle is concerned with the cozy implementation of

Functionalities. To be greater unique, we speak the trouble of evaluating a characteristic of nearby

inputs each of which is held via a distinct person. An illustrative and

Motivating example is vote casting, in which the feature is majority, and the nearby enter

Held through user A is a unmarried bit representing the vote of person A (e.g., “seasoned” or “con”).

Loosely speakme, a protocol for securely evaluating a selected characteristic ought to satisfy the


• privateness: No celebration can “benefit statistics” on the input of different events, beyond what's

Deduced from the value of the function.

• Robustness: No birthday celebration can “influence” the price of the function, past the have an
effect on

Exerted by deciding on its personal enter.

It is once in a while required that those situations maintain with admire to “small” (e.g., minority)
coalitions of parties (rather than unmarried events).

Truly, if one of the users is understood to be completely straightforward, then there exists a

Easy way to the hassle of comfortable evaluation of any function. Each user truely

Sends its enter to the relied on party (using a comfy channel), who, upon receiving all

Inputs, computes the feature, sends the outcome to all customers, and erases all intermediate
computations (along with the inputs obtained) from its memory. Clearly, it's far

Unrealistic to anticipate that a party can be relied on to such an extent (e.g., that it will

Voluntarily erase what it has “discovered”). Though, the problem of imposing

Comfortable characteristic evaluation reduces to the problem of implementing a relied on


It seems that a trusted party may be applied by way of a hard and fast of users with an honest
majority (even supposing the identity of the honest customers isn't always recognized). That is
indeed a

Fundamental bring about this area, and plenty of chapter 7, with a purpose to appear within the 2nd

Volume of this paintings, may be committed to formulating and proving it (as well as variations

Of it).

Zero-knowledge as a Paradigm

A major tool inside the creation of cryptographic protocols is the idea of zeroknowledge proof
systems and the fact that zero-information evidence structures exist for all

Languages in N P (furnished that one-manner features exist). Loosely talking, a zeroknowledge

evidence yields not anything however the validity of the declaration. Zero-knowledge proofs
Offer a tool for “forcing” events to observe a given protocol properly.

To demonstrate the role of zero-know-how proofs, consider a setting wherein a celebration,

Referred to as Alice, upon receiving an encrypted message from Bob, is to ship Carol the

Least substantial little bit of the message. Sincerely, if Alice sends simplest the (least massive)

Bit (of the message), then there is no manner for Carol to recognize Alice did now not cheat.

Alice may want to show that she did now not cheat with the aid of revealing to Carol the entire
message as

Well as its decryption key, but that might yield statistics some distance beyond what had been


Required. A far better idea is to allow Alice increase the bit she sends Carol with a

0-know-how evidence that this bit is indeed the least full-size little bit of the message. We

Stress that the foregoing announcement is of the “N P kind” (since the evidence detailed earlier

Can be correctly established), and consequently the life of 0-expertise proofs for

N P-statements means that the foregoing announcement may be proved with out revealing

Whatever past its validity.

The point of interest of chapter 4, dedicated to zero-know-how proofs, is at the foregoing end result

(i.e., the construction of 0-expertise proofs for any N P-assertion). In addition,

We shall recollect severa variations and factors of the belief of zero-understanding proofs

And their results at the applicability of this notion.

1.2. Some background from opportunity theory

Chance plays a imperative function in cryptography. Specifically, probability is vital

As a way to allow a dialogue of facts or loss of statistics (i.e., secrecy). We

Anticipate that the reader is acquainted with the basic notions of opportunity principle. On this

Section, we merely present the probabilistic notations that are used in the course of this ebook

And three beneficial probabilistic inequalities.

1.2.1. Notational Conventions

For the duration of this entire book we will talk to best discrete opportunity distributions.

Typically, the opportunity space includes the set of all strings of a sure length

, fascinated about uniform opportunity distribution. That is, the pattern area is the set

Of all -bit-lengthy strings, and every such string is assigned possibility degree 2−

Traditionally, capabilities from the sample area to the reals are referred to as random variables.

Abusing trendy terminology, we permit ourselves to use the time period random variable also

While regarding capabilities mapping the pattern area into the set of binary strings.

We frequently do now not specify the possibility space, but alternatively talk directly approximately

Variables. As an instance, we may additionally say that X is a random variable assigned values in

The set of all strings, in order that Pr[X = 00] = 1

Four and Pr[X = 111] = 3

Four . (any such random

Variable can be defined over the sample space {zero, 1}2, so that X(11) = 00 and X(00) =

X(01) = X(10) = 111.) In most cases the chance space includes all strings of

A particular duration. Commonly, these strings represent random picks made by means of some

Randomized system (see next section), and the random variable is the output of the


A way to examine Probabilistic Statements. All our probabilistic statements consult with

Functions of random variables which can be described ahead. Typically, we will write

Pr[ f (X) = 1], wherein X is a random variable described in advance (and f is a function).

An critical convention is that all occurrences of a given image in a probabilistic

Assertion talk to the same (specific) random variable. Therefore, if B(·, ·) is a Boolean

Expression depending on variables and X is a random variable, then Pr[B(X, X)]

Denotes the chance that B(x, x) holds whilst x is chosen with probabilitypr[X = x].


1.2. A few historical past FROM possibility principle


Pr[B(X, X)] =

Pr[X = x] · χ(B(x, x))

Where χ is a trademark feature, in order that χ(B) = 1 if event B holds, and equals 0 otherwise. As an
instance, for every random variable X, we've Pr[X = X] = 1. We strain

That if one needs to discuss the opportunity that B(x, y) holds when x and y are selected
Independently with the same opportunity distribution, then one needs to outline two impartial
random variables, each with the identical chance distribution. Hence, if X and

Y are impartial random variables, then Pr[B(X, Y )] denotes the probability that

B(x, y) holds while the pair (x, y) is chosen with possibility Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y].


Pr[B(X, Y )] =


Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y] · χ(B(x, y))

As an example, for every impartial random variables, X and Y , we've

Pr[X = Y ] = 1 simplest if both X and Y are trivial (i.e., assign the entire chance

Mass to a unmarried string).

Regular Random Variables. Throughout this complete book, Un denotes a random variable uniformly
dispensed over the set of strings of duration n. Namely,Pr[Un =α] equals

2−n if α ∈ {0, 1}n, and equals zero in any other case. Further, we will sometimes use

Random variables (arbitrarily) distributed over {0, 1}n or {0, 1}

L(n) for some function l :

N→N. Such random variables are typically denoted through Xn, Yn, Zn, and many others. We
pressure that in

A few instances Xn is distributed over{zero, 1}n, while in others it's far allotted over{0, 1}


For some characteristic l(·), that's usually a polynomial. Every other type of random variable,

The output of a randomized algorithm on a set input, is mentioned in section 1.three.

1.2.2. Three Inequalities

The subsequent probabilistic inequalities could be very useful inside the path of this book.

All inequalities discuss with random variables which are assigned actual values. The maximum
primary inequality is the Markov inequality, which asserts that for random variables with

Bounded maximum or minimal values, some relation have to exist between the deviation of a value
from the expectancy of the random variable and the opportunity that the

Random variable is assigned this price. Particularly, letting E(X) def

V Pr[X =v] · v

Denote the expectation of the random variable X, we've the following:

Markov Inequality: allow X be a non-poor random variable and v a actual

Wide variety. Then

Pr[X ≥ v] ≤


Equivalently, Pr[X ≥ r · E(X)] ≤ 1




E(X) =

Pr[X = x] · x

Pr[X = x] · 0 +


Pr[X = x] · v

= Pr[X ≥ v] · v

The claim follows.

The Markov inequality is typically used in cases in which one knows very little about

The distribution of the random variable; it suffices to know its expectation and at least

One bound on the range of its values. See Exercise 1.

Using Markov’s inequality, one gets a “possibly stronger” bound for the deviation

Of a random variable from its expectation. This bound, called Chebyshev’s inequality, is useful
provided one has additional knowledge concerning the random variable

(specifically, a good upper bound on its variance). For a random variable X of finite

Expectation, we denote by Var(X) def

= E[(X − E(X))2] the variance of X and observe

That Var(X) = E(X2) − E(X)

Chebyshev’s Inequality: Let X be a random variable, and δ > zero. Then

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] ≤



Evidence: We define a random variable Y def

= (X − E(X))2 and apply the Markov

Inequality. We get

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] = Pr[(X − E(X))2 ≥ δ2

E[(X − E(X))2]


And the claim follows.

Chebyshev’s inequality is particularly beneficial for evaluation of the mistake opportunity of

Approximation through repeated sampling. It suffices to count on that the samples are picked

In a pairwise-independent manner.

Corollary (Pairwise-unbiased Sampling): permit X1, X2,..., Xn be pairwiseindependent random

variables with the equal expectation, denotedµ, and the identical

Variance, denoted σ2. Then, for each ε > zero,


I=1 Xi





The Xi’s are called pairwise-independent if for each i = j and all a and b, it holds

That Pr[Xi = a ∧ X j = b] equals Pr[Xi = a] · Pr[X j = b].


1.2. A few history FROM possibility principle

Proof: define the random variables Xi


= Xi − E(Xi). Note that the Xi’s are

Pairwise-unbiased and each has 0 expectation. Making use of Chebyshev’s inequality to the random
variable described by way of the sumn



N , and the use of the linearity

Of the expectancy operator, we get





Var n





I=1 Xi

Ε2 · n2

Now (again the usage of the linearity of E)






1≤i= j≤n

E[ Xi X j]

By way of the pairwise independence of the Xi’s, we get E[Xi X j] = E[Xi] · E[X j], and

The use of E[Xi] = 0, we get



 = n · σ2

The corollary follows.

The usage of pairwise-independent sampling, the mistake probability within the approximation

Is reducing linearly with the wide variety of pattern points. The use of absolutely independent

Sampling factors, the mistake opportunity inside the approximation may be proven to decrease

Exponentially with the number of pattern points. (The random variables X1, X2,..., Xn

Are said to be completely unbiased if for each series a1, a2,..., an it holds that


I=1Xi = ai] equals n

I=1 Pr[Xi = ai].) Chance bounds helping the foregoing assertion are given subsequent. The primary
sure, normally called the Chernoff

Sure, issues 0-1 random variables (i.e., random variables which are assigned values

Of both 0 or 1).

Chernoff bound: permit p ≤ 1

2 , and let X1, X2,..., Xn be unbiased zero-1 random

Variables, in order that Pr[Xi = 1] = p for every i. Then for all ε, zero < ε ≤ p(1 − p),

We have


I=1 Xi


< 2 · e− ε2

2p(1−p) ·n

We shall commonly practice the sure with a regular p ≈ 1

2 . In this example, n unbiased

Samples provide an approximation that deviates by means of ε from the expectancy with probability

This is exponentially decreasing with ε2n. Such an approximation is called an (ε, δ)-

Approximation and can be executed the use of n = O(ε−2 · log(1/δ)) pattern factors. It's far

Important to understand that the sufficient quantity of pattern points is polynomially

Related to ε−1 and logarithmically related to δ−1. So using poly(n) many samples, the



Blunders chance (i.e., δ) can be made negligible (as a feature in n), however the accuracy of

The estimation (i.e., ε) may be bounded above only with the aid of any fixed polynomial fraction

Can't be made negligible).2 We strain that the dependence of the number of samples

On ε isn't always better than in the case of pairwise-unbiased sampling; the advantage of
Completely independent samples lies most effective within the dependence of the range of samples
on δ.

Simultaneity troubles

A typical example of a simultaneity trouble is that of simultaneous exchange of secrets,

Of which agreement signing is a unique case. The placing for a simultaneous alternate

Of secrets and techniques consists of events, every preserving a “secret.” The intention is to execute

Protocol such that if both parties comply with it successfully, then at termination every will keep

Its counterpart’s secret, and anyways (even though one celebration cheats) the first party will

Hold the second one birthday celebration’s secret if and handiest if the second birthday celebration
holds the first birthday celebration’s

Secret. Perfectly simultaneous exchange of secrets and techniques can be carried out most effective
if we assume

The life of 0.33 events that are relied on to some extent. In truth, simultaneous

Alternate of secrets and techniques can without problems be carried out the use of the lively
participation of a trusted

1/3 birthday celebration: each celebration sends its secret to the trusted third party (the usage of a
relaxed channel).

The 0.33 birthday party, on receiving both secrets and techniques, sends the first party’s mystery to
the second

Celebration and the second one party’s secret to the first party. There are issues with this


1. The solution calls for the active participation of an “outside” birthday celebration in all instances
(i.e., also

In case each parties are honest). We observe that different solutions requiring milder styles of

Participation of outside events do exist.

2. The answer calls for the life of a totally depended on 0.33 entity. In a few applications,

Such an entity does now not exist. Despite the fact that, inside the sequel we will speak the trouble

1.1. CRYPTOGRAPHY: principal topics

Of implementing a trusted 0.33 birthday party by way of a fixed of customers with an honest
majority (despite the fact that

The identity of the honest customers isn't acknowledged).

Secure Implementation of Functionalities and relied on events

A unique kind of protocol hassle is concerned with the cozy implementation of

Functionalities. To be greater unique, we speak the trouble of evaluating a characteristic of nearby

inputs each of which is held via a distinct person. An illustrative and

Motivating example is vote casting, in which the feature is majority, and the nearby enter

Held through user A is a unmarried bit representing the vote of person A (e.g., “seasoned” or “con”).

Loosely speakme, a protocol for securely evaluating a selected characteristic ought to satisfy the


• privateness: No celebration can “benefit statistics” on the input of different events, beyond what's

Deduced from the value of the function.

• Robustness: No birthday celebration can “influence” the price of the function, past the have an
effect on

Exerted by deciding on its personal enter.

It is once in a while required that those situations maintain with admire to “small” (e.g., minority)
coalitions of parties (rather than unmarried events).

Truly, if one of the users is understood to be completely straightforward, then there exists a

Easy way to the hassle of comfortable evaluation of any function. Each user truely

Sends its enter to the relied on party (using a comfy channel), who, upon receiving all

Inputs, computes the feature, sends the outcome to all customers, and erases all intermediate
computations (along with the inputs obtained) from its memory. Clearly, it's far

Unrealistic to anticipate that a party can be relied on to such an extent (e.g., that it will

Voluntarily erase what it has “discovered”). Though, the problem of imposing

Comfortable characteristic evaluation reduces to the problem of implementing a relied on


It seems that a trusted party may be applied by way of a hard and fast of users with an honest
majority (even supposing the identity of the honest customers isn't always recognized). That is
indeed a

Fundamental bring about this area, and plenty of chapter 7, with a purpose to appear within the 2nd

Volume of this paintings, may be committed to formulating and proving it (as well as variations

Of it).

Zero-knowledge as a Paradigm

A major tool inside the creation of cryptographic protocols is the idea of zeroknowledge proof
systems and the fact that zero-information evidence structures exist for all

Languages in N P (furnished that one-manner features exist). Loosely talking, a zeroknowledge

evidence yields not anything however the validity of the declaration. Zero-knowledge proofs
Offer a tool for “forcing” events to observe a given protocol properly.

To demonstrate the role of zero-know-how proofs, consider a setting wherein a celebration,

Referred to as Alice, upon receiving an encrypted message from Bob, is to ship Carol the

Least substantial little bit of the message. Sincerely, if Alice sends simplest the (least massive)

Bit (of the message), then there is no manner for Carol to recognize Alice did now not cheat.

Alice may want to show that she did now not cheat with the aid of revealing to Carol the entire
message as

Well as its decryption key, but that might yield statistics some distance beyond what had been


Required. A far better idea is to allow Alice increase the bit she sends Carol with a

0-know-how evidence that this bit is indeed the least full-size little bit of the message. We

Stress that the foregoing announcement is of the “N P kind” (since the evidence detailed earlier

Can be correctly established), and consequently the life of 0-expertise proofs for

N P-statements means that the foregoing announcement may be proved with out revealing

Whatever past its validity.

The point of interest of chapter 4, dedicated to zero-know-how proofs, is at the foregoing end result

(i.e., the construction of 0-expertise proofs for any N P-assertion). In addition,

We shall recollect severa variations and factors of the belief of zero-understanding proofs

And their results at the applicability of this notion.

1.2. Some background from opportunity theory

Chance plays a imperative function in cryptography. Specifically, probability is vital

As a way to allow a dialogue of facts or loss of statistics (i.e., secrecy). We

Anticipate that the reader is acquainted with the basic notions of opportunity principle. On this

Section, we merely present the probabilistic notations that are used in the course of this ebook

And three beneficial probabilistic inequalities.

1.2.1. Notational Conventions

For the duration of this entire book we will talk to best discrete opportunity distributions.

Typically, the opportunity space includes the set of all strings of a sure length

, fascinated about uniform opportunity distribution. That is, the pattern area is the set

Of all -bit-lengthy strings, and every such string is assigned possibility degree 2−

Traditionally, capabilities from the sample area to the reals are referred to as random variables.

Abusing trendy terminology, we permit ourselves to use the time period random variable also

While regarding capabilities mapping the pattern area into the set of binary strings.

We frequently do now not specify the possibility space, but alternatively talk directly approximately

Variables. As an instance, we may additionally say that X is a random variable assigned values in

The set of all strings, in order that Pr[X = 00] = 1

Four and Pr[X = 111] = 3

Four . (any such random

Variable can be defined over the sample space {zero, 1}2, so that X(11) = 00 and X(00) =

X(01) = X(10) = 111.) In most cases the chance space includes all strings of

A particular duration. Commonly, these strings represent random picks made by means of some

Randomized system (see next section), and the random variable is the output of the


A way to examine Probabilistic Statements. All our probabilistic statements consult with

Functions of random variables which can be described ahead. Typically, we will write

Pr[ f (X) = 1], wherein X is a random variable described in advance (and f is a function).

An critical convention is that all occurrences of a given image in a probabilistic

Assertion talk to the same (specific) random variable. Therefore, if B(·, ·) is a Boolean

Expression depending on variables and X is a random variable, then Pr[B(X, X)]

Denotes the chance that B(x, x) holds whilst x is chosen with probabilitypr[X = x].


1.2. A few historical past FROM possibility principle


Pr[B(X, X)] =

Pr[X = x] · χ(B(x, x))

Where χ is a trademark feature, in order that χ(B) = 1 if event B holds, and equals 0 otherwise. As an
instance, for every random variable X, we've Pr[X = X] = 1. We strain

That if one needs to discuss the opportunity that B(x, y) holds when x and y are selected
Independently with the same opportunity distribution, then one needs to outline two impartial
random variables, each with the identical chance distribution. Hence, if X and

Y are impartial random variables, then Pr[B(X, Y )] denotes the probability that

B(x, y) holds while the pair (x, y) is chosen with possibility Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y].


Pr[B(X, Y )] =


Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y] · χ(B(x, y))

As an example, for every impartial random variables, X and Y , we've

Pr[X = Y ] = 1 simplest if both X and Y are trivial (i.e., assign the entire chance

Mass to a unmarried string).

Regular Random Variables. Throughout this complete book, Un denotes a random variable uniformly
dispensed over the set of strings of duration n. Namely,Pr[Un =α] equals

2−n if α ∈ {0, 1}n, and equals zero in any other case. Further, we will sometimes use

Random variables (arbitrarily) distributed over {0, 1}n or {0, 1}

L(n) for some function l :

N→N. Such random variables are typically denoted through Xn, Yn, Zn, and many others. We
pressure that in

A few instances Xn is distributed over{zero, 1}n, while in others it's far allotted over{0, 1}


For some characteristic l(·), that's usually a polynomial. Every other type of random variable,

The output of a randomized algorithm on a set input, is mentioned in section 1.three.

1.2.2. Three Inequalities

The subsequent probabilistic inequalities could be very useful inside the path of this book.

All inequalities discuss with random variables which are assigned actual values. The maximum
primary inequality is the Markov inequality, which asserts that for random variables with

Bounded maximum or minimal values, some relation have to exist between the deviation of a value
from the expectancy of the random variable and the opportunity that the

Random variable is assigned this price. Particularly, letting E(X) def

V Pr[X =v] · v

Denote the expectation of the random variable X, we've the following:

Markov Inequality: allow X be a non-poor random variable and v a actual

Wide variety. Then

Pr[X ≥ v] ≤


Equivalently, Pr[X ≥ r · E(X)] ≤ 1




E(X) =

Pr[X = x] · x

Pr[X = x] · 0 +


Pr[X = x] · v

= Pr[X ≥ v] · v

The claim follows.

The Markov inequality is typically used in cases in which one knows very little about

The distribution of the random variable; it suffices to know its expectation and at least

One bound on the range of its values. See Exercise 1.

Using Markov’s inequality, one gets a “possibly stronger” bound for the deviation

Of a random variable from its expectation. This bound, called Chebyshev’s inequality, is useful
provided one has additional knowledge concerning the random variable

(specifically, a good upper bound on its variance). For a random variable X of finite

Expectation, we denote by Var(X) def

= E[(X − E(X))2] the variance of X and observe

That Var(X) = E(X2) − E(X)

Chebyshev’s Inequality: Let X be a random variable, and δ > zero. Then

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] ≤



Evidence: We define a random variable Y def

= (X − E(X))2 and apply the Markov

Inequality. We get

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] = Pr[(X − E(X))2 ≥ δ2

E[(X − E(X))2]


And the claim follows.

Chebyshev’s inequality is particularly beneficial for evaluation of the mistake opportunity of

Approximation through repeated sampling. It suffices to count on that the samples are picked

In a pairwise-independent manner.

Corollary (Pairwise-unbiased Sampling): permit X1, X2,..., Xn be pairwiseindependent random

variables with the equal expectation, denotedµ, and the identical

Variance, denoted σ2. Then, for each ε > zero,


I=1 Xi





The Xi’s are called pairwise-independent if for each i = j and all a and b, it holds

That Pr[Xi = a ∧ X j = b] equals Pr[Xi = a] · Pr[X j = b].


1.2. A few history FROM possibility principle

Proof: define the random variables Xi


= Xi − E(Xi). Note that the Xi’s are

Pairwise-unbiased and each has 0 expectation. Making use of Chebyshev’s inequality to the random
variable described by way of the sumn



N , and the use of the linearity

Of the expectancy operator, we get





Var n





I=1 Xi

Ε2 · n2

Now (again the usage of the linearity of E)






1≤i= j≤n

E[ Xi X j]

By way of the pairwise independence of the Xi’s, we get E[Xi X j] = E[Xi] · E[X j], and

The use of E[Xi] = 0, we get



 = n · σ2

The corollary follows.

The usage of pairwise-independent sampling, the mistake probability within the approximation

Is reducing linearly with the wide variety of pattern points. The use of absolutely independent

Sampling factors, the mistake opportunity inside the approximation may be proven to decrease

Exponentially with the number of pattern points. (The random variables X1, X2,..., Xn

Are said to be completely unbiased if for each series a1, a2,..., an it holds that


I=1Xi = ai] equals n

I=1 Pr[Xi = ai].) Chance bounds helping the foregoing assertion are given subsequent. The primary
sure, normally called the Chernoff

Sure, issues 0-1 random variables (i.e., random variables which are assigned values

Of both 0 or 1).

Chernoff bound: permit p ≤ 1

2 , and let X1, X2,..., Xn be unbiased zero-1 random

Variables, in order that Pr[Xi = 1] = p for every i. Then for all ε, zero < ε ≤ p(1 − p),

We have


I=1 Xi


< 2 · e− ε2

2p(1−p) ·n

We shall commonly practice the sure with a regular p ≈ 1

2 . In this example, n unbiased

Samples provide an approximation that deviates by means of ε from the expectancy with probability

This is exponentially decreasing with ε2n. Such an approximation is called an (ε, δ)-

Approximation and can be executed the use of n = O(ε−2 · log(1/δ)) pattern factors. It's far

Important to understand that the sufficient quantity of pattern points is polynomially

Related to ε−1 and logarithmically related to δ−1. So using poly(n) many samples, the



Blunders chance (i.e., δ) can be made negligible (as a feature in n), however the accuracy of

The estimation (i.e., ε) may be bounded above only with the aid of any fixed polynomial fraction

Can't be made negligible).2 We strain that the dependence of the number of samples

On ε isn't always better than in the case of pairwise-unbiased sampling; the advantage of
Completely independent samples lies most effective within the dependence of the range of samples
on δ.

Simultaneity troubles

A typical example of a simultaneity trouble is that of simultaneous exchange of secrets,

Of which agreement signing is a unique case. The placing for a simultaneous alternate

Of secrets and techniques consists of events, every preserving a “secret.” The intention is to execute

Protocol such that if both parties comply with it successfully, then at termination every will keep

Its counterpart’s secret, and anyways (even though one celebration cheats) the first party will

Hold the second one birthday celebration’s secret if and handiest if the second birthday celebration
holds the first birthday celebration’s

Secret. Perfectly simultaneous exchange of secrets and techniques can be carried out most effective
if we assume

The life of 0.33 events that are relied on to some extent. In truth, simultaneous

Alternate of secrets and techniques can without problems be carried out the use of the lively
participation of a trusted

1/3 birthday celebration: each celebration sends its secret to the trusted third party (the usage of a
relaxed channel).

The 0.33 birthday party, on receiving both secrets and techniques, sends the first party’s mystery to
the second

Celebration and the second one party’s secret to the first party. There are issues with this


1. The solution calls for the active participation of an “outside” birthday celebration in all instances
(i.e., also

In case each parties are honest). We observe that different solutions requiring milder styles of

Participation of outside events do exist.

2. The answer calls for the life of a totally depended on 0.33 entity. In a few applications,

Such an entity does now not exist. Despite the fact that, inside the sequel we will speak the trouble

1.1. CRYPTOGRAPHY: principal topics

Of implementing a trusted 0.33 birthday party by way of a fixed of customers with an honest
majority (despite the fact that

The identity of the honest customers isn't acknowledged).

Secure Implementation of Functionalities and relied on events

A unique kind of protocol hassle is concerned with the cozy implementation of

Functionalities. To be greater unique, we speak the trouble of evaluating a characteristic of nearby

inputs each of which is held via a distinct person. An illustrative and

Motivating example is vote casting, in which the feature is majority, and the nearby enter

Held through user A is a unmarried bit representing the vote of person A (e.g., “seasoned” or “con”).

Loosely speakme, a protocol for securely evaluating a selected characteristic ought to satisfy the


• privateness: No celebration can “benefit statistics” on the input of different events, beyond what's

Deduced from the value of the function.

• Robustness: No birthday celebration can “influence” the price of the function, past the have an
effect on

Exerted by deciding on its personal enter.

It is once in a while required that those situations maintain with admire to “small” (e.g., minority)
coalitions of parties (rather than unmarried events).

Truly, if one of the users is understood to be completely straightforward, then there exists a

Easy way to the hassle of comfortable evaluation of any function. Each user truely

Sends its enter to the relied on party (using a comfy channel), who, upon receiving all

Inputs, computes the feature, sends the outcome to all customers, and erases all intermediate
computations (along with the inputs obtained) from its memory. Clearly, it's far

Unrealistic to anticipate that a party can be relied on to such an extent (e.g., that it will

Voluntarily erase what it has “discovered”). Though, the problem of imposing

Comfortable characteristic evaluation reduces to the problem of implementing a relied on


It seems that a trusted party may be applied by way of a hard and fast of users with an honest
majority (even supposing the identity of the honest customers isn't always recognized). That is
indeed a

Fundamental bring about this area, and plenty of chapter 7, with a purpose to appear within the 2nd

Volume of this paintings, may be committed to formulating and proving it (as well as variations

Of it).

Zero-knowledge as a Paradigm

A major tool inside the creation of cryptographic protocols is the idea of zeroknowledge proof
systems and the fact that zero-information evidence structures exist for all

Languages in N P (furnished that one-manner features exist). Loosely talking, a zeroknowledge

evidence yields not anything however the validity of the declaration. Zero-knowledge proofs
Offer a tool for “forcing” events to observe a given protocol properly.

To demonstrate the role of zero-know-how proofs, consider a setting wherein a celebration,

Referred to as Alice, upon receiving an encrypted message from Bob, is to ship Carol the

Least substantial little bit of the message. Sincerely, if Alice sends simplest the (least massive)

Bit (of the message), then there is no manner for Carol to recognize Alice did now not cheat.

Alice may want to show that she did now not cheat with the aid of revealing to Carol the entire
message as

Well as its decryption key, but that might yield statistics some distance beyond what had been


Required. A far better idea is to allow Alice increase the bit she sends Carol with a

0-know-how evidence that this bit is indeed the least full-size little bit of the message. We

Stress that the foregoing announcement is of the “N P kind” (since the evidence detailed earlier

Can be correctly established), and consequently the life of 0-expertise proofs for

N P-statements means that the foregoing announcement may be proved with out revealing

Whatever past its validity.

The point of interest of chapter 4, dedicated to zero-know-how proofs, is at the foregoing end result

(i.e., the construction of 0-expertise proofs for any N P-assertion). In addition,

We shall recollect severa variations and factors of the belief of zero-understanding proofs

And their results at the applicability of this notion.

1.2. Some background from opportunity theory

Chance plays a imperative function in cryptography. Specifically, probability is vital

As a way to allow a dialogue of facts or loss of statistics (i.e., secrecy). We

Anticipate that the reader is acquainted with the basic notions of opportunity principle. On this

Section, we merely present the probabilistic notations that are used in the course of this ebook

And three beneficial probabilistic inequalities.

1.2.1. Notational Conventions

For the duration of this entire book we will talk to best discrete opportunity distributions.

Typically, the opportunity space includes the set of all strings of a sure length

, fascinated about uniform opportunity distribution. That is, the pattern area is the set

Of all -bit-lengthy strings, and every such string is assigned possibility degree 2−

Traditionally, capabilities from the sample area to the reals are referred to as random variables.

Abusing trendy terminology, we permit ourselves to use the time period random variable also

While regarding capabilities mapping the pattern area into the set of binary strings.

We frequently do now not specify the possibility space, but alternatively talk directly approximately

Variables. As an instance, we may additionally say that X is a random variable assigned values in

The set of all strings, in order that Pr[X = 00] = 1

Four and Pr[X = 111] = 3

Four . (any such random

Variable can be defined over the sample space {zero, 1}2, so that X(11) = 00 and X(00) =

X(01) = X(10) = 111.) In most cases the chance space includes all strings of

A particular duration. Commonly, these strings represent random picks made by means of some

Randomized system (see next section), and the random variable is the output of the


A way to examine Probabilistic Statements. All our probabilistic statements consult with

Functions of random variables which can be described ahead. Typically, we will write

Pr[ f (X) = 1], wherein X is a random variable described in advance (and f is a function).

An critical convention is that all occurrences of a given image in a probabilistic

Assertion talk to the same (specific) random variable. Therefore, if B(·, ·) is a Boolean

Expression depending on variables and X is a random variable, then Pr[B(X, X)]

Denotes the chance that B(x, x) holds whilst x is chosen with probabilitypr[X = x].


1.2. A few historical past FROM possibility principle


Pr[B(X, X)] =

Pr[X = x] · χ(B(x, x))

Where χ is a trademark feature, in order that χ(B) = 1 if event B holds, and equals 0 otherwise. As an
instance, for every random variable X, we've Pr[X = X] = 1. We strain

That if one needs to discuss the opportunity that B(x, y) holds when x and y are selected
Independently with the same opportunity distribution, then one needs to outline two impartial
random variables, each with the identical chance distribution. Hence, if X and

Y are impartial random variables, then Pr[B(X, Y )] denotes the probability that

B(x, y) holds while the pair (x, y) is chosen with possibility Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y].


Pr[B(X, Y )] =


Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y] · χ(B(x, y))

As an example, for every impartial random variables, X and Y , we've

Pr[X = Y ] = 1 simplest if both X and Y are trivial (i.e., assign the entire chance

Mass to a unmarried string).

Regular Random Variables. Throughout this complete book, Un denotes a random variable uniformly
dispensed over the set of strings of duration n. Namely,Pr[Un =α] equals

2−n if α ∈ {0, 1}n, and equals zero in any other case. Further, we will sometimes use

Random variables (arbitrarily) distributed over {0, 1}n or {0, 1}

L(n) for some function l :

N→N. Such random variables are typically denoted through Xn, Yn, Zn, and many others. We
pressure that in

A few instances Xn is distributed over{zero, 1}n, while in others it's far allotted over{0, 1}


For some characteristic l(·), that's usually a polynomial. Every other type of random variable,

The output of a randomized algorithm on a set input, is mentioned in section 1.three.

1.2.2. Three Inequalities

The subsequent probabilistic inequalities could be very useful inside the path of this book.

All inequalities discuss with random variables which are assigned actual values. The maximum
primary inequality is the Markov inequality, which asserts that for random variables with

Bounded maximum or minimal values, some relation have to exist between the deviation of a value
from the expectancy of the random variable and the opportunity that the

Random variable is assigned this price. Particularly, letting E(X) def

V Pr[X =v] · v

Denote the expectation of the random variable X, we've the following:

Markov Inequality: allow X be a non-poor random variable and v a actual

Wide variety. Then

Pr[X ≥ v] ≤


Equivalently, Pr[X ≥ r · E(X)] ≤ 1




E(X) =

Pr[X = x] · x

Pr[X = x] · 0 +


Pr[X = x] · v

= Pr[X ≥ v] · v

The claim follows.

The Markov inequality is typically used in cases in which one knows very little about

The distribution of the random variable; it suffices to know its expectation and at least

One bound on the range of its values. See Exercise 1.

Using Markov’s inequality, one gets a “possibly stronger” bound for the deviation

Of a random variable from its expectation. This bound, called Chebyshev’s inequality, is useful
provided one has additional knowledge concerning the random variable

(specifically, a good upper bound on its variance). For a random variable X of finite

Expectation, we denote by Var(X) def

= E[(X − E(X))2] the variance of X and observe

That Var(X) = E(X2) − E(X)

Chebyshev’s Inequality: Let X be a random variable, and δ > zero. Then

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] ≤



Evidence: We define a random variable Y def

= (X − E(X))2 and apply the Markov

Inequality. We get

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] = Pr[(X − E(X))2 ≥ δ2

E[(X − E(X))2]


And the claim follows.

Chebyshev’s inequality is particularly beneficial for evaluation of the mistake opportunity of

Approximation through repeated sampling. It suffices to count on that the samples are picked

In a pairwise-independent manner.

Corollary (Pairwise-unbiased Sampling): permit X1, X2,..., Xn be pairwiseindependent random

variables with the equal expectation, denotedµ, and the identical

Variance, denoted σ2. Then, for each ε > zero,


I=1 Xi





The Xi’s are called pairwise-independent if for each i = j and all a and b, it holds

That Pr[Xi = a ∧ X j = b] equals Pr[Xi = a] · Pr[X j = b].


1.2. A few history FROM possibility principle

Proof: define the random variables Xi


= Xi − E(Xi). Note that the Xi’s are

Pairwise-unbiased and each has 0 expectation. Making use of Chebyshev’s inequality to the random
variable described by way of the sumn



N , and the use of the linearity

Of the expectancy operator, we get





Var n





I=1 Xi

Ε2 · n2

Now (again the usage of the linearity of E)






1≤i= j≤n

E[ Xi X j]

By way of the pairwise independence of the Xi’s, we get E[Xi X j] = E[Xi] · E[X j], and

The use of E[Xi] = 0, we get



 = n · σ2

The corollary follows.

The usage of pairwise-independent sampling, the mistake probability within the approximation

Is reducing linearly with the wide variety of pattern points. The use of absolutely independent

Sampling factors, the mistake opportunity inside the approximation may be proven to decrease

Exponentially with the number of pattern points. (The random variables X1, X2,..., Xn

Are said to be completely unbiased if for each series a1, a2,..., an it holds that


I=1Xi = ai] equals n

I=1 Pr[Xi = ai].) Chance bounds helping the foregoing assertion are given subsequent. The primary
sure, normally called the Chernoff

Sure, issues 0-1 random variables (i.e., random variables which are assigned values

Of both 0 or 1).

Chernoff bound: permit p ≤ 1

2 , and let X1, X2,..., Xn be unbiased zero-1 random

Variables, in order that Pr[Xi = 1] = p for every i. Then for all ε, zero < ε ≤ p(1 − p),

We have


I=1 Xi


< 2 · e− ε2

2p(1−p) ·n

We shall commonly practice the sure with a regular p ≈ 1

2 . In this example, n unbiased

Samples provide an approximation that deviates by means of ε from the expectancy with probability

This is exponentially decreasing with ε2n. Such an approximation is called an (ε, δ)-

Approximation and can be executed the use of n = O(ε−2 · log(1/δ)) pattern factors. It's far

Important to understand that the sufficient quantity of pattern points is polynomially

Related to ε−1 and logarithmically related to δ−1. So using poly(n) many samples, the



Blunders chance (i.e., δ) can be made negligible (as a feature in n), however the accuracy of

The estimation (i.e., ε) may be bounded above only with the aid of any fixed polynomial fraction

Can't be made negligible).2 We strain that the dependence of the number of samples

On ε isn't always better than in the case of pairwise-unbiased sampling; the advantage of
Completely independent samples lies most effective within the dependence of the range of samples
on δ.

Simultaneity troubles

A typical example of a simultaneity trouble is that of simultaneous exchange of secrets,

Of which agreement signing is a unique case. The placing for a simultaneous alternate

Of secrets and techniques consists of events, every preserving a “secret.” The intention is to execute

Protocol such that if both parties comply with it successfully, then at termination every will keep

Its counterpart’s secret, and anyways (even though one celebration cheats) the first party will

Hold the second one birthday celebration’s secret if and handiest if the second birthday celebration
holds the first birthday celebration’s

Secret. Perfectly simultaneous exchange of secrets and techniques can be carried out most effective
if we assume

The life of 0.33 events that are relied on to some extent. In truth, simultaneous

Alternate of secrets and techniques can without problems be carried out the use of the lively
participation of a trusted

1/3 birthday celebration: each celebration sends its secret to the trusted third party (the usage of a
relaxed channel).

The 0.33 birthday party, on receiving both secrets and techniques, sends the first party’s mystery to
the second

Celebration and the second one party’s secret to the first party. There are issues with this


1. The solution calls for the active participation of an “outside” birthday celebration in all instances
(i.e., also

In case each parties are honest). We observe that different solutions requiring milder styles of

Participation of outside events do exist.

2. The answer calls for the life of a totally depended on 0.33 entity. In a few applications,

Such an entity does now not exist. Despite the fact that, inside the sequel we will speak the trouble

1.1. CRYPTOGRAPHY: principal topics

Of implementing a trusted 0.33 birthday party by way of a fixed of customers with an honest
majority (despite the fact that

The identity of the honest customers isn't acknowledged).

Secure Implementation of Functionalities and relied on events

A unique kind of protocol hassle is concerned with the cozy implementation of

Functionalities. To be greater unique, we speak the trouble of evaluating a characteristic of nearby

inputs each of which is held via a distinct person. An illustrative and

Motivating example is vote casting, in which the feature is majority, and the nearby enter

Held through user A is a unmarried bit representing the vote of person A (e.g., “seasoned” or “con”).

Loosely speakme, a protocol for securely evaluating a selected characteristic ought to satisfy the


• privateness: No celebration can “benefit statistics” on the input of different events, beyond what's

Deduced from the value of the function.

• Robustness: No birthday celebration can “influence” the price of the function, past the have an
effect on

Exerted by deciding on its personal enter.

It is once in a while required that those situations maintain with admire to “small” (e.g., minority)
coalitions of parties (rather than unmarried events).

Truly, if one of the users is understood to be completely straightforward, then there exists a

Easy way to the hassle of comfortable evaluation of any function. Each user truely

Sends its enter to the relied on party (using a comfy channel), who, upon receiving all

Inputs, computes the feature, sends the outcome to all customers, and erases all intermediate
computations (along with the inputs obtained) from its memory. Clearly, it's far

Unrealistic to anticipate that a party can be relied on to such an extent (e.g., that it will

Voluntarily erase what it has “discovered”). Though, the problem of imposing

Comfortable characteristic evaluation reduces to the problem of implementing a relied on


It seems that a trusted party may be applied by way of a hard and fast of users with an honest
majority (even supposing the identity of the honest customers isn't always recognized). That is
indeed a

Fundamental bring about this area, and plenty of chapter 7, with a purpose to appear within the 2nd

Volume of this paintings, may be committed to formulating and proving it (as well as variations

Of it).

Zero-knowledge as a Paradigm

A major tool inside the creation of cryptographic protocols is the idea of zeroknowledge proof
systems and the fact that zero-information evidence structures exist for all

Languages in N P (furnished that one-manner features exist). Loosely talking, a zeroknowledge

evidence yields not anything however the validity of the declaration. Zero-knowledge proofs
Offer a tool for “forcing” events to observe a given protocol properly.

To demonstrate the role of zero-know-how proofs, consider a setting wherein a celebration,

Referred to as Alice, upon receiving an encrypted message from Bob, is to ship Carol the

Least substantial little bit of the message. Sincerely, if Alice sends simplest the (least massive)

Bit (of the message), then there is no manner for Carol to recognize Alice did now not cheat.

Alice may want to show that she did now not cheat with the aid of revealing to Carol the entire
message as

Well as its decryption key, but that might yield statistics some distance beyond what had been


Required. A far better idea is to allow Alice increase the bit she sends Carol with a

0-know-how evidence that this bit is indeed the least full-size little bit of the message. We

Stress that the foregoing announcement is of the “N P kind” (since the evidence detailed earlier

Can be correctly established), and consequently the life of 0-expertise proofs for

N P-statements means that the foregoing announcement may be proved with out revealing

Whatever past its validity.

The point of interest of chapter 4, dedicated to zero-know-how proofs, is at the foregoing end result

(i.e., the construction of 0-expertise proofs for any N P-assertion). In addition,

We shall recollect severa variations and factors of the belief of zero-understanding proofs

And their results at the applicability of this notion.

1.2. Some background from opportunity theory

Chance plays a imperative function in cryptography. Specifically, probability is vital

As a way to allow a dialogue of facts or loss of statistics (i.e., secrecy). We

Anticipate that the reader is acquainted with the basic notions of opportunity principle. On this

Section, we merely present the probabilistic notations that are used in the course of this ebook

And three beneficial probabilistic inequalities.

1.2.1. Notational Conventions

For the duration of this entire book we will talk to best discrete opportunity distributions.

Typically, the opportunity space includes the set of all strings of a sure length

, fascinated about uniform opportunity distribution. That is, the pattern area is the set

Of all -bit-lengthy strings, and every such string is assigned possibility degree 2−

Traditionally, capabilities from the sample area to the reals are referred to as random variables.

Abusing trendy terminology, we permit ourselves to use the time period random variable also

While regarding capabilities mapping the pattern area into the set of binary strings.

We frequently do now not specify the possibility space, but alternatively talk directly approximately

Variables. As an instance, we may additionally say that X is a random variable assigned values in

The set of all strings, in order that Pr[X = 00] = 1

Four and Pr[X = 111] = 3

Four . (any such random

Variable can be defined over the sample space {zero, 1}2, so that X(11) = 00 and X(00) =

X(01) = X(10) = 111.) In most cases the chance space includes all strings of

A particular duration. Commonly, these strings represent random picks made by means of some

Randomized system (see next section), and the random variable is the output of the


A way to examine Probabilistic Statements. All our probabilistic statements consult with

Functions of random variables which can be described ahead. Typically, we will write

Pr[ f (X) = 1], wherein X is a random variable described in advance (and f is a function).

An critical convention is that all occurrences of a given image in a probabilistic

Assertion talk to the same (specific) random variable. Therefore, if B(·, ·) is a Boolean

Expression depending on variables and X is a random variable, then Pr[B(X, X)]

Denotes the chance that B(x, x) holds whilst x is chosen with probabilitypr[X = x].


1.2. A few historical past FROM possibility principle


Pr[B(X, X)] =

Pr[X = x] · χ(B(x, x))

Where χ is a trademark feature, in order that χ(B) = 1 if event B holds, and equals 0 otherwise. As an
instance, for every random variable X, we've Pr[X = X] = 1. We strain

That if one needs to discuss the opportunity that B(x, y) holds when x and y are selected
Independently with the same opportunity distribution, then one needs to outline two impartial
random variables, each with the identical chance distribution. Hence, if X and

Y are impartial random variables, then Pr[B(X, Y )] denotes the probability that

B(x, y) holds while the pair (x, y) is chosen with possibility Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y].


Pr[B(X, Y )] =


Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y] · χ(B(x, y))

As an example, for every impartial random variables, X and Y , we've

Pr[X = Y ] = 1 simplest if both X and Y are trivial (i.e., assign the entire chance

Mass to a unmarried string).

Regular Random Variables. Throughout this complete book, Un denotes a random variable uniformly
dispensed over the set of strings of duration n. Namely,Pr[Un =α] equals

2−n if α ∈ {0, 1}n, and equals zero in any other case. Further, we will sometimes use

Random variables (arbitrarily) distributed over {0, 1}n or {0, 1}

L(n) for some function l :

N→N. Such random variables are typically denoted through Xn, Yn, Zn, and many others. We
pressure that in

A few instances Xn is distributed over{zero, 1}n, while in others it's far allotted over{0, 1}


For some characteristic l(·), that's usually a polynomial. Every other type of random variable,

The output of a randomized algorithm on a set input, is mentioned in section 1.three.

1.2.2. Three Inequalities

The subsequent probabilistic inequalities could be very useful inside the path of this book.

All inequalities discuss with random variables which are assigned actual values. The maximum
primary inequality is the Markov inequality, which asserts that for random variables with

Bounded maximum or minimal values, some relation have to exist between the deviation of a value
from the expectancy of the random variable and the opportunity that the

Random variable is assigned this price. Particularly, letting E(X) def

V Pr[X =v] · v

Denote the expectation of the random variable X, we've the following:

Markov Inequality: allow X be a non-poor random variable and v a actual

Wide variety. Then

Pr[X ≥ v] ≤


Equivalently, Pr[X ≥ r · E(X)] ≤ 1




E(X) =

Pr[X = x] · x

Pr[X = x] · 0 +


Pr[X = x] · v

= Pr[X ≥ v] · v

The claim follows.

The Markov inequality is typically used in cases in which one knows very little about

The distribution of the random variable; it suffices to know its expectation and at least

One bound on the range of its values. See Exercise 1.

Using Markov’s inequality, one gets a “possibly stronger” bound for the deviation

Of a random variable from its expectation. This bound, called Chebyshev’s inequality, is useful
provided one has additional knowledge concerning the random variable

(specifically, a good upper bound on its variance). For a random variable X of finite

Expectation, we denote by Var(X) def

= E[(X − E(X))2] the variance of X and observe

That Var(X) = E(X2) − E(X)

Chebyshev’s Inequality: Let X be a random variable, and δ > zero. Then

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] ≤



Evidence: We define a random variable Y def

= (X − E(X))2 and apply the Markov

Inequality. We get

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] = Pr[(X − E(X))2 ≥ δ2

E[(X − E(X))2]


And the claim follows.

Chebyshev’s inequality is particularly beneficial for evaluation of the mistake opportunity of

Approximation through repeated sampling. It suffices to count on that the samples are picked

In a pairwise-independent manner.

Corollary (Pairwise-unbiased Sampling): permit X1, X2,..., Xn be pairwiseindependent random

variables with the equal expectation, denotedµ, and the identical

Variance, denoted σ2. Then, for each ε > zero,


I=1 Xi





The Xi’s are called pairwise-independent if for each i = j and all a and b, it holds

That Pr[Xi = a ∧ X j = b] equals Pr[Xi = a] · Pr[X j = b].


1.2. A few history FROM possibility principle

Proof: define the random variables Xi


= Xi − E(Xi). Note that the Xi’s are

Pairwise-unbiased and each has 0 expectation. Making use of Chebyshev’s inequality to the random
variable described by way of the sumn



N , and the use of the linearity

Of the expectancy operator, we get





Var n





I=1 Xi

Ε2 · n2

Now (again the usage of the linearity of E)






1≤i= j≤n

E[ Xi X j]

By way of the pairwise independence of the Xi’s, we get E[Xi X j] = E[Xi] · E[X j], and

The use of E[Xi] = 0, we get



 = n · σ2

The corollary follows.

The usage of pairwise-independent sampling, the mistake probability within the approximation

Is reducing linearly with the wide variety of pattern points. The use of absolutely independent

Sampling factors, the mistake opportunity inside the approximation may be proven to decrease

Exponentially with the number of pattern points. (The random variables X1, X2,..., Xn

Are said to be completely unbiased if for each series a1, a2,..., an it holds that


I=1Xi = ai] equals n

I=1 Pr[Xi = ai].) Chance bounds helping the foregoing assertion are given subsequent. The primary
sure, normally called the Chernoff

Sure, issues 0-1 random variables (i.e., random variables which are assigned values

Of both 0 or 1).

Chernoff bound: permit p ≤ 1

2 , and let X1, X2,..., Xn be unbiased zero-1 random

Variables, in order that Pr[Xi = 1] = p for every i. Then for all ε, zero < ε ≤ p(1 − p),

We have


I=1 Xi


< 2 · e− ε2

2p(1−p) ·n

We shall commonly practice the sure with a regular p ≈ 1

2 . In this example, n unbiased

Samples provide an approximation that deviates by means of ε from the expectancy with probability

This is exponentially decreasing with ε2n. Such an approximation is called an (ε, δ)-

Approximation and can be executed the use of n = O(ε−2 · log(1/δ)) pattern factors. It's far

Important to understand that the sufficient quantity of pattern points is polynomially

Related to ε−1 and logarithmically related to δ−1. So using poly(n) many samples, the



Blunders chance (i.e., δ) can be made negligible (as a feature in n), however the accuracy of

The estimation (i.e., ε) may be bounded above only with the aid of any fixed polynomial fraction

Can't be made negligible).2 We strain that the dependence of the number of samples

On ε isn't always better than in the case of pairwise-unbiased sampling; the advantage of
Completely independent samples lies most effective within the dependence of the range of samples
on δ.

Simultaneity troubles

A typical example of a simultaneity trouble is that of simultaneous exchange of secrets,

Of which agreement signing is a unique case. The placing for a simultaneous alternate

Of secrets and techniques consists of events, every preserving a “secret.” The intention is to execute

Protocol such that if both parties comply with it successfully, then at termination every will keep

Its counterpart’s secret, and anyways (even though one celebration cheats) the first party will

Hold the second one birthday celebration’s secret if and handiest if the second birthday celebration
holds the first birthday celebration’s

Secret. Perfectly simultaneous exchange of secrets and techniques can be carried out most effective
if we assume

The life of 0.33 events that are relied on to some extent. In truth, simultaneous

Alternate of secrets and techniques can without problems be carried out the use of the lively
participation of a trusted

1/3 birthday celebration: each celebration sends its secret to the trusted third party (the usage of a
relaxed channel).

The 0.33 birthday party, on receiving both secrets and techniques, sends the first party’s mystery to
the second

Celebration and the second one party’s secret to the first party. There are issues with this


1. The solution calls for the active participation of an “outside” birthday celebration in all instances
(i.e., also

In case each parties are honest). We observe that different solutions requiring milder styles of

Participation of outside events do exist.

2. The answer calls for the life of a totally depended on 0.33 entity. In a few applications,

Such an entity does now not exist. Despite the fact that, inside the sequel we will speak the trouble

1.1. CRYPTOGRAPHY: principal topics

Of implementing a trusted 0.33 birthday party by way of a fixed of customers with an honest
majority (despite the fact that

The identity of the honest customers isn't acknowledged).

Secure Implementation of Functionalities and relied on events

A unique kind of protocol hassle is concerned with the cozy implementation of

Functionalities. To be greater unique, we speak the trouble of evaluating a characteristic of nearby

inputs each of which is held via a distinct person. An illustrative and

Motivating example is vote casting, in which the feature is majority, and the nearby enter

Held through user A is a unmarried bit representing the vote of person A (e.g., “seasoned” or “con”).

Loosely speakme, a protocol for securely evaluating a selected characteristic ought to satisfy the


• privateness: No celebration can “benefit statistics” on the input of different events, beyond what's

Deduced from the value of the function.

• Robustness: No birthday celebration can “influence” the price of the function, past the have an
effect on

Exerted by deciding on its personal enter.

It is once in a while required that those situations maintain with admire to “small” (e.g., minority)
coalitions of parties (rather than unmarried events).

Truly, if one of the users is understood to be completely straightforward, then there exists a

Easy way to the hassle of comfortable evaluation of any function. Each user truely

Sends its enter to the relied on party (using a comfy channel), who, upon receiving all

Inputs, computes the feature, sends the outcome to all customers, and erases all intermediate
computations (along with the inputs obtained) from its memory. Clearly, it's far

Unrealistic to anticipate that a party can be relied on to such an extent (e.g., that it will

Voluntarily erase what it has “discovered”). Though, the problem of imposing

Comfortable characteristic evaluation reduces to the problem of implementing a relied on


It seems that a trusted party may be applied by way of a hard and fast of users with an honest
majority (even supposing the identity of the honest customers isn't always recognized). That is
indeed a

Fundamental bring about this area, and plenty of chapter 7, with a purpose to appear within the 2nd

Volume of this paintings, may be committed to formulating and proving it (as well as variations

Of it).

Zero-knowledge as a Paradigm

A major tool inside the creation of cryptographic protocols is the idea of zeroknowledge proof
systems and the fact that zero-information evidence structures exist for all

Languages in N P (furnished that one-manner features exist). Loosely talking, a zeroknowledge

evidence yields not anything however the validity of the declaration. Zero-knowledge proofs
Offer a tool for “forcing” events to observe a given protocol properly.

To demonstrate the role of zero-know-how proofs, consider a setting wherein a celebration,

Referred to as Alice, upon receiving an encrypted message from Bob, is to ship Carol the

Least substantial little bit of the message. Sincerely, if Alice sends simplest the (least massive)

Bit (of the message), then there is no manner for Carol to recognize Alice did now not cheat.

Alice may want to show that she did now not cheat with the aid of revealing to Carol the entire
message as

Well as its decryption key, but that might yield statistics some distance beyond what had been


Required. A far better idea is to allow Alice increase the bit she sends Carol with a

0-know-how evidence that this bit is indeed the least full-size little bit of the message. We

Stress that the foregoing announcement is of the “N P kind” (since the evidence detailed earlier

Can be correctly established), and consequently the life of 0-expertise proofs for

N P-statements means that the foregoing announcement may be proved with out revealing

Whatever past its validity.

The point of interest of chapter 4, dedicated to zero-know-how proofs, is at the foregoing end result

(i.e., the construction of 0-expertise proofs for any N P-assertion). In addition,

We shall recollect severa variations and factors of the belief of zero-understanding proofs

And their results at the applicability of this notion.

1.2. Some background from opportunity theory

Chance plays a imperative function in cryptography. Specifically, probability is vital

As a way to allow a dialogue of facts or loss of statistics (i.e., secrecy). We

Anticipate that the reader is acquainted with the basic notions of opportunity principle. On this

Section, we merely present the probabilistic notations that are used in the course of this ebook

And three beneficial probabilistic inequalities.

1.2.1. Notational Conventions

For the duration of this entire book we will talk to best discrete opportunity distributions.

Typically, the opportunity space includes the set of all strings of a sure length

, fascinated about uniform opportunity distribution. That is, the pattern area is the set

Of all -bit-lengthy strings, and every such string is assigned possibility degree 2−

Traditionally, capabilities from the sample area to the reals are referred to as random variables.

Abusing trendy terminology, we permit ourselves to use the time period random variable also

While regarding capabilities mapping the pattern area into the set of binary strings.

We frequently do now not specify the possibility space, but alternatively talk directly approximately

Variables. As an instance, we may additionally say that X is a random variable assigned values in

The set of all strings, in order that Pr[X = 00] = 1

Four and Pr[X = 111] = 3

Four . (any such random

Variable can be defined over the sample space {zero, 1}2, so that X(11) = 00 and X(00) =

X(01) = X(10) = 111.) In most cases the chance space includes all strings of

A particular duration. Commonly, these strings represent random picks made by means of some

Randomized system (see next section), and the random variable is the output of the


A way to examine Probabilistic Statements. All our probabilistic statements consult with

Functions of random variables which can be described ahead. Typically, we will write

Pr[ f (X) = 1], wherein X is a random variable described in advance (and f is a function).

An critical convention is that all occurrences of a given image in a probabilistic

Assertion talk to the same (specific) random variable. Therefore, if B(·, ·) is a Boolean

Expression depending on variables and X is a random variable, then Pr[B(X, X)]

Denotes the chance that B(x, x) holds whilst x is chosen with probabilitypr[X = x].


1.2. A few historical past FROM possibility principle


Pr[B(X, X)] =

Pr[X = x] · χ(B(x, x))

Where χ is a trademark feature, in order that χ(B) = 1 if event B holds, and equals 0 otherwise. As an
instance, for every random variable X, we've Pr[X = X] = 1. We strain

That if one needs to discuss the opportunity that B(x, y) holds when x and y are selected
Independently with the same opportunity distribution, then one needs to outline two impartial
random variables, each with the identical chance distribution. Hence, if X and

Y are impartial random variables, then Pr[B(X, Y )] denotes the probability that

B(x, y) holds while the pair (x, y) is chosen with possibility Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y].


Pr[B(X, Y )] =


Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y] · χ(B(x, y))

As an example, for every impartial random variables, X and Y , we've

Pr[X = Y ] = 1 simplest if both X and Y are trivial (i.e., assign the entire chance

Mass to a unmarried string).

Regular Random Variables. Throughout this complete book, Un denotes a random variable uniformly
dispensed over the set of strings of duration n. Namely,Pr[Un =α] equals

2−n if α ∈ {0, 1}n, and equals zero in any other case. Further, we will sometimes use

Random variables (arbitrarily) distributed over {0, 1}n or {0, 1}

L(n) for some function l :

N→N. Such random variables are typically denoted through Xn, Yn, Zn, and many others. We
pressure that in

A few instances Xn is distributed over{zero, 1}n, while in others it's far allotted over{0, 1}


For some characteristic l(·), that's usually a polynomial. Every other type of random variable,

The output of a randomized algorithm on a set input, is mentioned in section 1.three.

1.2.2. Three Inequalities

The subsequent probabilistic inequalities could be very useful inside the path of this book.

All inequalities discuss with random variables which are assigned actual values. The maximum
primary inequality is the Markov inequality, which asserts that for random variables with

Bounded maximum or minimal values, some relation have to exist between the deviation of a value
from the expectancy of the random variable and the opportunity that the

Random variable is assigned this price. Particularly, letting E(X) def

V Pr[X =v] · v

Denote the expectation of the random variable X, we've the following:

Markov Inequality: allow X be a non-poor random variable and v a actual

Wide variety. Then

Pr[X ≥ v] ≤


Equivalently, Pr[X ≥ r · E(X)] ≤ 1




E(X) =

Pr[X = x] · x

Pr[X = x] · 0 +


Pr[X = x] · v

= Pr[X ≥ v] · v

The claim follows.

The Markov inequality is typically used in cases in which one knows very little about

The distribution of the random variable; it suffices to know its expectation and at least

One bound on the range of its values. See Exercise 1.

Using Markov’s inequality, one gets a “possibly stronger” bound for the deviation

Of a random variable from its expectation. This bound, called Chebyshev’s inequality, is useful
provided one has additional knowledge concerning the random variable

(specifically, a good upper bound on its variance). For a random variable X of finite

Expectation, we denote by Var(X) def

= E[(X − E(X))2] the variance of X and observe

That Var(X) = E(X2) − E(X)

Chebyshev’s Inequality: Let X be a random variable, and δ > zero. Then

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] ≤



Evidence: We define a random variable Y def

= (X − E(X))2 and apply the Markov

Inequality. We get

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] = Pr[(X − E(X))2 ≥ δ2

E[(X − E(X))2]


And the claim follows.

Chebyshev’s inequality is particularly beneficial for evaluation of the mistake opportunity of

Approximation through repeated sampling. It suffices to count on that the samples are picked

In a pairwise-independent manner.

Corollary (Pairwise-unbiased Sampling): permit X1, X2,..., Xn be pairwiseindependent random

variables with the equal expectation, denotedµ, and the identical

Variance, denoted σ2. Then, for each ε > zero,


I=1 Xi





The Xi’s are called pairwise-independent if for each i = j and all a and b, it holds

That Pr[Xi = a ∧ X j = b] equals Pr[Xi = a] · Pr[X j = b].


1.2. A few history FROM possibility principle

Proof: define the random variables Xi


= Xi − E(Xi). Note that the Xi’s are

Pairwise-unbiased and each has 0 expectation. Making use of Chebyshev’s inequality to the random
variable described by way of the sumn



N , and the use of the linearity

Of the expectancy operator, we get





Var n





I=1 Xi

Ε2 · n2

Now (again the usage of the linearity of E)






1≤i= j≤n

E[ Xi X j]

By way of the pairwise independence of the Xi’s, we get E[Xi X j] = E[Xi] · E[X j], and

The use of E[Xi] = 0, we get



 = n · σ2

The corollary follows.

The usage of pairwise-independent sampling, the mistake probability within the approximation

Is reducing linearly with the wide variety of pattern points. The use of absolutely independent

Sampling factors, the mistake opportunity inside the approximation may be proven to decrease

Exponentially with the number of pattern points. (The random variables X1, X2,..., Xn

Are said to be completely unbiased if for each series a1, a2,..., an it holds that


I=1Xi = ai] equals n

I=1 Pr[Xi = ai].) Chance bounds helping the foregoing assertion are given subsequent. The primary
sure, normally called the Chernoff

Sure, issues 0-1 random variables (i.e., random variables which are assigned values

Of both 0 or 1).

Chernoff bound: permit p ≤ 1

2 , and let X1, X2,..., Xn be unbiased zero-1 random

Variables, in order that Pr[Xi = 1] = p for every i. Then for all ε, zero < ε ≤ p(1 − p),

We have


I=1 Xi


< 2 · e− ε2

2p(1−p) ·n

We shall commonly practice the sure with a regular p ≈ 1

2 . In this example, n unbiased

Samples provide an approximation that deviates by means of ε from the expectancy with probability

This is exponentially decreasing with ε2n. Such an approximation is called an (ε, δ)-

Approximation and can be executed the use of n = O(ε−2 · log(1/δ)) pattern factors. It's far

Important to understand that the sufficient quantity of pattern points is polynomially

Related to ε−1 and logarithmically related to δ−1. So using poly(n) many samples, the



Blunders chance (i.e., δ) can be made negligible (as a feature in n), however the accuracy of

The estimation (i.e., ε) may be bounded above only with the aid of any fixed polynomial fraction

Can't be made negligible).2 We strain that the dependence of the number of samples

On ε isn't always better than in the case of pairwise-unbiased sampling; the advantage of
Completely independent samples lies most effective within the dependence of the range of samples
on δ.

Simultaneity troubles

A typical example of a simultaneity trouble is that of simultaneous exchange of secrets,

Of which agreement signing is a unique case. The placing for a simultaneous alternate

Of secrets and techniques consists of events, every preserving a “secret.” The intention is to execute

Protocol such that if both parties comply with it successfully, then at termination every will keep

Its counterpart’s secret, and anyways (even though one celebration cheats) the first party will

Hold the second one birthday celebration’s secret if and handiest if the second birthday celebration
holds the first birthday celebration’s

Secret. Perfectly simultaneous exchange of secrets and techniques can be carried out most effective
if we assume

The life of 0.33 events that are relied on to some extent. In truth, simultaneous

Alternate of secrets and techniques can without problems be carried out the use of the lively
participation of a trusted

1/3 birthday celebration: each celebration sends its secret to the trusted third party (the usage of a
relaxed channel).

The 0.33 birthday party, on receiving both secrets and techniques, sends the first party’s mystery to
the second

Celebration and the second one party’s secret to the first party. There are issues with this


1. The solution calls for the active participation of an “outside” birthday celebration in all instances
(i.e., also

In case each parties are honest). We observe that different solutions requiring milder styles of

Participation of outside events do exist.

2. The answer calls for the life of a totally depended on 0.33 entity. In a few applications,

Such an entity does now not exist. Despite the fact that, inside the sequel we will speak the trouble

1.1. CRYPTOGRAPHY: principal topics

Of implementing a trusted 0.33 birthday party by way of a fixed of customers with an honest
majority (despite the fact that

The identity of the honest customers isn't acknowledged).

Secure Implementation of Functionalities and relied on events

A unique kind of protocol hassle is concerned with the cozy implementation of

Functionalities. To be greater unique, we speak the trouble of evaluating a characteristic of nearby

inputs each of which is held via a distinct person. An illustrative and

Motivating example is vote casting, in which the feature is majority, and the nearby enter

Held through user A is a unmarried bit representing the vote of person A (e.g., “seasoned” or “con”).

Loosely speakme, a protocol for securely evaluating a selected characteristic ought to satisfy the


• privateness: No celebration can “benefit statistics” on the input of different events, beyond what's

Deduced from the value of the function.

• Robustness: No birthday celebration can “influence” the price of the function, past the have an
effect on

Exerted by deciding on its personal enter.

It is once in a while required that those situations maintain with admire to “small” (e.g., minority)
coalitions of parties (rather than unmarried events).

Truly, if one of the users is understood to be completely straightforward, then there exists a

Easy way to the hassle of comfortable evaluation of any function. Each user truely

Sends its enter to the relied on party (using a comfy channel), who, upon receiving all

Inputs, computes the feature, sends the outcome to all customers, and erases all intermediate
computations (along with the inputs obtained) from its memory. Clearly, it's far

Unrealistic to anticipate that a party can be relied on to such an extent (e.g., that it will

Voluntarily erase what it has “discovered”). Though, the problem of imposing

Comfortable characteristic evaluation reduces to the problem of implementing a relied on


It seems that a trusted party may be applied by way of a hard and fast of users with an honest
majority (even supposing the identity of the honest customers isn't always recognized). That is
indeed a

Fundamental bring about this area, and plenty of chapter 7, with a purpose to appear within the 2nd

Volume of this paintings, may be committed to formulating and proving it (as well as variations

Of it).

Zero-knowledge as a Paradigm

A major tool inside the creation of cryptographic protocols is the idea of zeroknowledge proof
systems and the fact that zero-information evidence structures exist for all

Languages in N P (furnished that one-manner features exist). Loosely talking, a zeroknowledge

evidence yields not anything however the validity of the declaration. Zero-knowledge proofs
Offer a tool for “forcing” events to observe a given protocol properly.

To demonstrate the role of zero-know-how proofs, consider a setting wherein a celebration,

Referred to as Alice, upon receiving an encrypted message from Bob, is to ship Carol the

Least substantial little bit of the message. Sincerely, if Alice sends simplest the (least massive)

Bit (of the message), then there is no manner for Carol to recognize Alice did now not cheat.

Alice may want to show that she did now not cheat with the aid of revealing to Carol the entire
message as

Well as its decryption key, but that might yield statistics some distance beyond what had been


Required. A far better idea is to allow Alice increase the bit she sends Carol with a

0-know-how evidence that this bit is indeed the least full-size little bit of the message. We

Stress that the foregoing announcement is of the “N P kind” (since the evidence detailed earlier

Can be correctly established), and consequently the life of 0-expertise proofs for

N P-statements means that the foregoing announcement may be proved with out revealing

Whatever past its validity.

The point of interest of chapter 4, dedicated to zero-know-how proofs, is at the foregoing end result

(i.e., the construction of 0-expertise proofs for any N P-assertion). In addition,

We shall recollect severa variations and factors of the belief of zero-understanding proofs

And their results at the applicability of this notion.

1.2. Some background from opportunity theory

Chance plays a imperative function in cryptography. Specifically, probability is vital

As a way to allow a dialogue of facts or loss of statistics (i.e., secrecy). We

Anticipate that the reader is acquainted with the basic notions of opportunity principle. On this

Section, we merely present the probabilistic notations that are used in the course of this ebook

And three beneficial probabilistic inequalities.

1.2.1. Notational Conventions

For the duration of this entire book we will talk to best discrete opportunity distributions.

Typically, the opportunity space includes the set of all strings of a sure length

, fascinated about uniform opportunity distribution. That is, the pattern area is the set

Of all -bit-lengthy strings, and every such string is assigned possibility degree 2−

Traditionally, capabilities from the sample area to the reals are referred to as random variables.

Abusing trendy terminology, we permit ourselves to use the time period random variable also

While regarding capabilities mapping the pattern area into the set of binary strings.

We frequently do now not specify the possibility space, but alternatively talk directly approximately

Variables. As an instance, we may additionally say that X is a random variable assigned values in

The set of all strings, in order that Pr[X = 00] = 1

Four and Pr[X = 111] = 3

Four . (any such random

Variable can be defined over the sample space {zero, 1}2, so that X(11) = 00 and X(00) =

X(01) = X(10) = 111.) In most cases the chance space includes all strings of

A particular duration. Commonly, these strings represent random picks made by means of some

Randomized system (see next section), and the random variable is the output of the


A way to examine Probabilistic Statements. All our probabilistic statements consult with

Functions of random variables which can be described ahead. Typically, we will write

Pr[ f (X) = 1], wherein X is a random variable described in advance (and f is a function).

An critical convention is that all occurrences of a given image in a probabilistic

Assertion talk to the same (specific) random variable. Therefore, if B(·, ·) is a Boolean

Expression depending on variables and X is a random variable, then Pr[B(X, X)]

Denotes the chance that B(x, x) holds whilst x is chosen with probabilitypr[X = x].


1.2. A few historical past FROM possibility principle


Pr[B(X, X)] =

Pr[X = x] · χ(B(x, x))

Where χ is a trademark feature, in order that χ(B) = 1 if event B holds, and equals 0 otherwise. As an
instance, for every random variable X, we've Pr[X = X] = 1. We strain

That if one needs to discuss the opportunity that B(x, y) holds when x and y are selected
Independently with the same opportunity distribution, then one needs to outline two impartial
random variables, each with the identical chance distribution. Hence, if X and

Y are impartial random variables, then Pr[B(X, Y )] denotes the probability that

B(x, y) holds while the pair (x, y) is chosen with possibility Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y].


Pr[B(X, Y )] =


Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y] · χ(B(x, y))

As an example, for every impartial random variables, X and Y , we've

Pr[X = Y ] = 1 simplest if both X and Y are trivial (i.e., assign the entire chance

Mass to a unmarried string).

Regular Random Variables. Throughout this complete book, Un denotes a random variable uniformly
dispensed over the set of strings of duration n. Namely,Pr[Un =α] equals

2−n if α ∈ {0, 1}n, and equals zero in any other case. Further, we will sometimes use

Random variables (arbitrarily) distributed over {0, 1}n or {0, 1}

L(n) for some function l :

N→N. Such random variables are typically denoted through Xn, Yn, Zn, and many others. We
pressure that in

A few instances Xn is distributed over{zero, 1}n, while in others it's far allotted over{0, 1}


For some characteristic l(·), that's usually a polynomial. Every other type of random variable,

The output of a randomized algorithm on a set input, is mentioned in section 1.three.

1.2.2. Three Inequalities

The subsequent probabilistic inequalities could be very useful inside the path of this book.

All inequalities discuss with random variables which are assigned actual values. The maximum
primary inequality is the Markov inequality, which asserts that for random variables with

Bounded maximum or minimal values, some relation have to exist between the deviation of a value
from the expectancy of the random variable and the opportunity that the

Random variable is assigned this price. Particularly, letting E(X) def

V Pr[X =v] · v

Denote the expectation of the random variable X, we've the following:

Markov Inequality: allow X be a non-poor random variable and v a actual

Wide variety. Then

Pr[X ≥ v] ≤


Equivalently, Pr[X ≥ r · E(X)] ≤ 1




E(X) =

Pr[X = x] · x

Pr[X = x] · 0 +


Pr[X = x] · v

= Pr[X ≥ v] · v

The claim follows.

The Markov inequality is typically used in cases in which one knows very little about

The distribution of the random variable; it suffices to know its expectation and at least

One bound on the range of its values. See Exercise 1.

Using Markov’s inequality, one gets a “possibly stronger” bound for the deviation

Of a random variable from its expectation. This bound, called Chebyshev’s inequality, is useful
provided one has additional knowledge concerning the random variable

(specifically, a good upper bound on its variance). For a random variable X of finite

Expectation, we denote by Var(X) def

= E[(X − E(X))2] the variance of X and observe

That Var(X) = E(X2) − E(X)

Chebyshev’s Inequality: Let X be a random variable, and δ > zero. Then

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] ≤



Evidence: We define a random variable Y def

= (X − E(X))2 and apply the Markov

Inequality. We get

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] = Pr[(X − E(X))2 ≥ δ2

E[(X − E(X))2]


And the claim follows.

Chebyshev’s inequality is particularly beneficial for evaluation of the mistake opportunity of

Approximation through repeated sampling. It suffices to count on that the samples are picked

In a pairwise-independent manner.

Corollary (Pairwise-unbiased Sampling): permit X1, X2,..., Xn be pairwiseindependent random

variables with the equal expectation, denotedµ, and the identical

Variance, denoted σ2. Then, for each ε > zero,


I=1 Xi





The Xi’s are called pairwise-independent if for each i = j and all a and b, it holds

That Pr[Xi = a ∧ X j = b] equals Pr[Xi = a] · Pr[X j = b].


1.2. A few history FROM possibility principle

Proof: define the random variables Xi


= Xi − E(Xi). Note that the Xi’s are

Pairwise-unbiased and each has 0 expectation. Making use of Chebyshev’s inequality to the random
variable described by way of the sumn



N , and the use of the linearity

Of the expectancy operator, we get





Var n





I=1 Xi

Ε2 · n2

Now (again the usage of the linearity of E)






1≤i= j≤n

E[ Xi X j]

By way of the pairwise independence of the Xi’s, we get E[Xi X j] = E[Xi] · E[X j], and

The use of E[Xi] = 0, we get



 = n · σ2

The corollary follows.

The usage of pairwise-independent sampling, the mistake probability within the approximation

Is reducing linearly with the wide variety of pattern points. The use of absolutely independent

Sampling factors, the mistake opportunity inside the approximation may be proven to decrease

Exponentially with the number of pattern points. (The random variables X1, X2,..., Xn

Are said to be completely unbiased if for each series a1, a2,..., an it holds that


I=1Xi = ai] equals n

I=1 Pr[Xi = ai].) Chance bounds helping the foregoing assertion are given subsequent. The primary
sure, normally called the Chernoff

Sure, issues 0-1 random variables (i.e., random variables which are assigned values

Of both 0 or 1).

Chernoff bound: permit p ≤ 1

2 , and let X1, X2,..., Xn be unbiased zero-1 random

Variables, in order that Pr[Xi = 1] = p for every i. Then for all ε, zero < ε ≤ p(1 − p),

We have


I=1 Xi


< 2 · e− ε2

2p(1−p) ·n

We shall commonly practice the sure with a regular p ≈ 1

2 . In this example, n unbiased

Samples provide an approximation that deviates by means of ε from the expectancy with probability

This is exponentially decreasing with ε2n. Such an approximation is called an (ε, δ)-

Approximation and can be executed the use of n = O(ε−2 · log(1/δ)) pattern factors. It's far

Important to understand that the sufficient quantity of pattern points is polynomially

Related to ε−1 and logarithmically related to δ−1. So using poly(n) many samples, the



Blunders chance (i.e., δ) can be made negligible (as a feature in n), however the accuracy of

The estimation (i.e., ε) may be bounded above only with the aid of any fixed polynomial fraction

Can't be made negligible).2 We strain that the dependence of the number of samples

On ε isn't always better than in the case of pairwise-unbiased sampling; the advantage of
Completely independent samples lies most effective within the dependence of the range of samples
on δ.

Simultaneity troubles

A typical example of a simultaneity trouble is that of simultaneous exchange of secrets,

Of which agreement signing is a unique case. The placing for a simultaneous alternate

Of secrets and techniques consists of events, every preserving a “secret.” The intention is to execute

Protocol such that if both parties comply with it successfully, then at termination every will keep

Its counterpart’s secret, and anyways (even though one celebration cheats) the first party will

Hold the second one birthday celebration’s secret if and handiest if the second birthday celebration
holds the first birthday celebration’s

Secret. Perfectly simultaneous exchange of secrets and techniques can be carried out most effective
if we assume

The life of 0.33 events that are relied on to some extent. In truth, simultaneous

Alternate of secrets and techniques can without problems be carried out the use of the lively
participation of a trusted

1/3 birthday celebration: each celebration sends its secret to the trusted third party (the usage of a
relaxed channel).

The 0.33 birthday party, on receiving both secrets and techniques, sends the first party’s mystery to
the second

Celebration and the second one party’s secret to the first party. There are issues with this


1. The solution calls for the active participation of an “outside” birthday celebration in all instances
(i.e., also

In case each parties are honest). We observe that different solutions requiring milder styles of

Participation of outside events do exist.

2. The answer calls for the life of a totally depended on 0.33 entity. In a few applications,

Such an entity does now not exist. Despite the fact that, inside the sequel we will speak the trouble

1.1. CRYPTOGRAPHY: principal topics

Of implementing a trusted 0.33 birthday party by way of a fixed of customers with an honest
majority (despite the fact that

The identity of the honest customers isn't acknowledged).

Secure Implementation of Functionalities and relied on events

A unique kind of protocol hassle is concerned with the cozy implementation of

Functionalities. To be greater unique, we speak the trouble of evaluating a characteristic of nearby

inputs each of which is held via a distinct person. An illustrative and

Motivating example is vote casting, in which the feature is majority, and the nearby enter

Held through user A is a unmarried bit representing the vote of person A (e.g., “seasoned” or “con”).

Loosely speakme, a protocol for securely evaluating a selected characteristic ought to satisfy the


• privateness: No celebration can “benefit statistics” on the input of different events, beyond what's

Deduced from the value of the function.

• Robustness: No birthday celebration can “influence” the price of the function, past the have an
effect on

Exerted by deciding on its personal enter.

It is once in a while required that those situations maintain with admire to “small” (e.g., minority)
coalitions of parties (rather than unmarried events).

Truly, if one of the users is understood to be completely straightforward, then there exists a

Easy way to the hassle of comfortable evaluation of any function. Each user truely

Sends its enter to the relied on party (using a comfy channel), who, upon receiving all

Inputs, computes the feature, sends the outcome to all customers, and erases all intermediate
computations (along with the inputs obtained) from its memory. Clearly, it's far

Unrealistic to anticipate that a party can be relied on to such an extent (e.g., that it will

Voluntarily erase what it has “discovered”). Though, the problem of imposing

Comfortable characteristic evaluation reduces to the problem of implementing a relied on


It seems that a trusted party may be applied by way of a hard and fast of users with an honest
majority (even supposing the identity of the honest customers isn't always recognized). That is
indeed a

Fundamental bring about this area, and plenty of chapter 7, with a purpose to appear within the 2nd

Volume of this paintings, may be committed to formulating and proving it (as well as variations

Of it).

Zero-knowledge as a Paradigm

A major tool inside the creation of cryptographic protocols is the idea of zeroknowledge proof
systems and the fact that zero-information evidence structures exist for all

Languages in N P (furnished that one-manner features exist). Loosely talking, a zeroknowledge

evidence yields not anything however the validity of the declaration. Zero-knowledge proofs
Offer a tool for “forcing” events to observe a given protocol properly.

To demonstrate the role of zero-know-how proofs, consider a setting wherein a celebration,

Referred to as Alice, upon receiving an encrypted message from Bob, is to ship Carol the

Least substantial little bit of the message. Sincerely, if Alice sends simplest the (least massive)

Bit (of the message), then there is no manner for Carol to recognize Alice did now not cheat.

Alice may want to show that she did now not cheat with the aid of revealing to Carol the entire
message as

Well as its decryption key, but that might yield statistics some distance beyond what had been


Required. A far better idea is to allow Alice increase the bit she sends Carol with a

0-know-how evidence that this bit is indeed the least full-size little bit of the message. We

Stress that the foregoing announcement is of the “N P kind” (since the evidence detailed earlier

Can be correctly established), and consequently the life of 0-expertise proofs for

N P-statements means that the foregoing announcement may be proved with out revealing

Whatever past its validity.

The point of interest of chapter 4, dedicated to zero-know-how proofs, is at the foregoing end result

(i.e., the construction of 0-expertise proofs for any N P-assertion). In addition,

We shall recollect severa variations and factors of the belief of zero-understanding proofs

And their results at the applicability of this notion.

1.2. Some background from opportunity theory

Chance plays a imperative function in cryptography. Specifically, probability is vital

As a way to allow a dialogue of facts or loss of statistics (i.e., secrecy). We

Anticipate that the reader is acquainted with the basic notions of opportunity principle. On this

Section, we merely present the probabilistic notations that are used in the course of this ebook

And three beneficial probabilistic inequalities.

1.2.1. Notational Conventions

For the duration of this entire book we will talk to best discrete opportunity distributions.

Typically, the opportunity space includes the set of all strings of a sure length

, fascinated about uniform opportunity distribution. That is, the pattern area is the set

Of all -bit-lengthy strings, and every such string is assigned possibility degree 2−

Traditionally, capabilities from the sample area to the reals are referred to as random variables.

Abusing trendy terminology, we permit ourselves to use the time period random variable also

While regarding capabilities mapping the pattern area into the set of binary strings.

We frequently do now not specify the possibility space, but alternatively talk directly approximately

Variables. As an instance, we may additionally say that X is a random variable assigned values in

The set of all strings, in order that Pr[X = 00] = 1

Four and Pr[X = 111] = 3

Four . (any such random

Variable can be defined over the sample space {zero, 1}2, so that X(11) = 00 and X(00) =

X(01) = X(10) = 111.) In most cases the chance space includes all strings of

A particular duration. Commonly, these strings represent random picks made by means of some

Randomized system (see next section), and the random variable is the output of the


A way to examine Probabilistic Statements. All our probabilistic statements consult with

Functions of random variables which can be described ahead. Typically, we will write

Pr[ f (X) = 1], wherein X is a random variable described in advance (and f is a function).

An critical convention is that all occurrences of a given image in a probabilistic

Assertion talk to the same (specific) random variable. Therefore, if B(·, ·) is a Boolean

Expression depending on variables and X is a random variable, then Pr[B(X, X)]

Denotes the chance that B(x, x) holds whilst x is chosen with probabilitypr[X = x].


1.2. A few historical past FROM possibility principle


Pr[B(X, X)] =

Pr[X = x] · χ(B(x, x))

Where χ is a trademark feature, in order that χ(B) = 1 if event B holds, and equals 0 otherwise. As an
instance, for every random variable X, we've Pr[X = X] = 1. We strain

That if one needs to discuss the opportunity that B(x, y) holds when x and y are selected
Independently with the same opportunity distribution, then one needs to outline two impartial
random variables, each with the identical chance distribution. Hence, if X and

Y are impartial random variables, then Pr[B(X, Y )] denotes the probability that

B(x, y) holds while the pair (x, y) is chosen with possibility Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y].


Pr[B(X, Y )] =


Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y] · χ(B(x, y))

As an example, for every impartial random variables, X and Y , we've

Pr[X = Y ] = 1 simplest if both X and Y are trivial (i.e., assign the entire chance

Mass to a unmarried string).

Regular Random Variables. Throughout this complete book, Un denotes a random variable uniformly
dispensed over the set of strings of duration n. Namely,Pr[Un =α] equals

2−n if α ∈ {0, 1}n, and equals zero in any other case. Further, we will sometimes use

Random variables (arbitrarily) distributed over {0, 1}n or {0, 1}

L(n) for some function l :

N→N. Such random variables are typically denoted through Xn, Yn, Zn, and many others. We
pressure that in

A few instances Xn is distributed over{zero, 1}n, while in others it's far allotted over{0, 1}


For some characteristic l(·), that's usually a polynomial. Every other type of random variable,

The output of a randomized algorithm on a set input, is mentioned in section 1.three.

1.2.2. Three Inequalities

The subsequent probabilistic inequalities could be very useful inside the path of this book.

All inequalities discuss with random variables which are assigned actual values. The maximum
primary inequality is the Markov inequality, which asserts that for random variables with

Bounded maximum or minimal values, some relation have to exist between the deviation of a value
from the expectancy of the random variable and the opportunity that the

Random variable is assigned this price. Particularly, letting E(X) def

V Pr[X =v] · v

Denote the expectation of the random variable X, we've the following:

Markov Inequality: allow X be a non-poor random variable and v a actual

Wide variety. Then

Pr[X ≥ v] ≤


Equivalently, Pr[X ≥ r · E(X)] ≤ 1




E(X) =

Pr[X = x] · x

Pr[X = x] · 0 +


Pr[X = x] · v

= Pr[X ≥ v] · v

The claim follows.

The Markov inequality is typically used in cases in which one knows very little about

The distribution of the random variable; it suffices to know its expectation and at least

One bound on the range of its values. See Exercise 1.

Using Markov’s inequality, one gets a “possibly stronger” bound for the deviation

Of a random variable from its expectation. This bound, called Chebyshev’s inequality, is useful
provided one has additional knowledge concerning the random variable

(specifically, a good upper bound on its variance). For a random variable X of finite

Expectation, we denote by Var(X) def

= E[(X − E(X))2] the variance of X and observe

That Var(X) = E(X2) − E(X)

Chebyshev’s Inequality: Let X be a random variable, and δ > zero. Then

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] ≤



Evidence: We define a random variable Y def

= (X − E(X))2 and apply the Markov

Inequality. We get

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] = Pr[(X − E(X))2 ≥ δ2

E[(X − E(X))2]


And the claim follows.

Chebyshev’s inequality is particularly beneficial for evaluation of the mistake opportunity of

Approximation through repeated sampling. It suffices to count on that the samples are picked

In a pairwise-independent manner.

Corollary (Pairwise-unbiased Sampling): permit X1, X2,..., Xn be pairwiseindependent random

variables with the equal expectation, denotedµ, and the identical

Variance, denoted σ2. Then, for each ε > zero,


I=1 Xi





The Xi’s are called pairwise-independent if for each i = j and all a and b, it holds

That Pr[Xi = a ∧ X j = b] equals Pr[Xi = a] · Pr[X j = b].


1.2. A few history FROM possibility principle

Proof: define the random variables Xi


= Xi − E(Xi). Note that the Xi’s are

Pairwise-unbiased and each has 0 expectation. Making use of Chebyshev’s inequality to the random
variable described by way of the sumn



N , and the use of the linearity

Of the expectancy operator, we get





Var n





I=1 Xi

Ε2 · n2

Now (again the usage of the linearity of E)






1≤i= j≤n

E[ Xi X j]

By way of the pairwise independence of the Xi’s, we get E[Xi X j] = E[Xi] · E[X j], and

The use of E[Xi] = 0, we get



 = n · σ2

The corollary follows.

The usage of pairwise-independent sampling, the mistake probability within the approximation

Is reducing linearly with the wide variety of pattern points. The use of absolutely independent

Sampling factors, the mistake opportunity inside the approximation may be proven to decrease

Exponentially with the number of pattern points. (The random variables X1, X2,..., Xn

Are said to be completely unbiased if for each series a1, a2,..., an it holds that


I=1Xi = ai] equals n

I=1 Pr[Xi = ai].) Chance bounds helping the foregoing assertion are given subsequent. The primary
sure, normally called the Chernoff

Sure, issues 0-1 random variables (i.e., random variables which are assigned values

Of both 0 or 1).

Chernoff bound: permit p ≤ 1

2 , and let X1, X2,..., Xn be unbiased zero-1 random

Variables, in order that Pr[Xi = 1] = p for every i. Then for all ε, zero < ε ≤ p(1 − p),

We have


I=1 Xi


< 2 · e− ε2

2p(1−p) ·n

We shall commonly practice the sure with a regular p ≈ 1

2 . In this example, n unbiased

Samples provide an approximation that deviates by means of ε from the expectancy with probability

This is exponentially decreasing with ε2n. Such an approximation is called an (ε, δ)-

Approximation and can be executed the use of n = O(ε−2 · log(1/δ)) pattern factors. It's far

Important to understand that the sufficient quantity of pattern points is polynomially

Related to ε−1 and logarithmically related to δ−1. So using poly(n) many samples, the



Blunders chance (i.e., δ) can be made negligible (as a feature in n), however the accuracy of

The estimation (i.e., ε) may be bounded above only with the aid of any fixed polynomial fraction

Can't be made negligible).2 We strain that the dependence of the number of samples

On ε isn't always better than in the case of pairwise-unbiased sampling; the advantage of
Completely independent samples lies most effective within the dependence of the range of samples
on δ.

Simultaneity troubles

A typical example of a simultaneity trouble is that of simultaneous exchange of secrets,

Of which agreement signing is a unique case. The placing for a simultaneous alternate

Of secrets and techniques consists of events, every preserving a “secret.” The intention is to execute

Protocol such that if both parties comply with it successfully, then at termination every will keep

Its counterpart’s secret, and anyways (even though one celebration cheats) the first party will

Hold the second one birthday celebration’s secret if and handiest if the second birthday celebration
holds the first birthday celebration’s

Secret. Perfectly simultaneous exchange of secrets and techniques can be carried out most effective
if we assume

The life of 0.33 events that are relied on to some extent. In truth, simultaneous

Alternate of secrets and techniques can without problems be carried out the use of the lively
participation of a trusted

1/3 birthday celebration: each celebration sends its secret to the trusted third party (the usage of a
relaxed channel).

The 0.33 birthday party, on receiving both secrets and techniques, sends the first party’s mystery to
the second

Celebration and the second one party’s secret to the first party. There are issues with this


1. The solution calls for the active participation of an “outside” birthday celebration in all instances
(i.e., also

In case each parties are honest). We observe that different solutions requiring milder styles of

Participation of outside events do exist.

2. The answer calls for the life of a totally depended on 0.33 entity. In a few applications,

Such an entity does now not exist. Despite the fact that, inside the sequel we will speak the trouble

1.1. CRYPTOGRAPHY: principal topics

Of implementing a trusted 0.33 birthday party by way of a fixed of customers with an honest
majority (despite the fact that

The identity of the honest customers isn't acknowledged).

Secure Implementation of Functionalities and relied on events

A unique kind of protocol hassle is concerned with the cozy implementation of

Functionalities. To be greater unique, we speak the trouble of evaluating a characteristic of nearby

inputs each of which is held via a distinct person. An illustrative and

Motivating example is vote casting, in which the feature is majority, and the nearby enter

Held through user A is a unmarried bit representing the vote of person A (e.g., “seasoned” or “con”).

Loosely speakme, a protocol for securely evaluating a selected characteristic ought to satisfy the


• privateness: No celebration can “benefit statistics” on the input of different events, beyond what's

Deduced from the value of the function.

• Robustness: No birthday celebration can “influence” the price of the function, past the have an
effect on

Exerted by deciding on its personal enter.

It is once in a while required that those situations maintain with admire to “small” (e.g., minority)
coalitions of parties (rather than unmarried events).

Truly, if one of the users is understood to be completely straightforward, then there exists a

Easy way to the hassle of comfortable evaluation of any function. Each user truely

Sends its enter to the relied on party (using a comfy channel), who, upon receiving all

Inputs, computes the feature, sends the outcome to all customers, and erases all intermediate
computations (along with the inputs obtained) from its memory. Clearly, it's far

Unrealistic to anticipate that a party can be relied on to such an extent (e.g., that it will

Voluntarily erase what it has “discovered”). Though, the problem of imposing

Comfortable characteristic evaluation reduces to the problem of implementing a relied on


It seems that a trusted party may be applied by way of a hard and fast of users with an honest
majority (even supposing the identity of the honest customers isn't always recognized). That is
indeed a

Fundamental bring about this area, and plenty of chapter 7, with a purpose to appear within the 2nd

Volume of this paintings, may be committed to formulating and proving it (as well as variations

Of it).

Zero-knowledge as a Paradigm

A major tool inside the creation of cryptographic protocols is the idea of zeroknowledge proof
systems and the fact that zero-information evidence structures exist for all

Languages in N P (furnished that one-manner features exist). Loosely talking, a zeroknowledge

evidence yields not anything however the validity of the declaration. Zero-knowledge proofs
Offer a tool for “forcing” events to observe a given protocol properly.

To demonstrate the role of zero-know-how proofs, consider a setting wherein a celebration,

Referred to as Alice, upon receiving an encrypted message from Bob, is to ship Carol the

Least substantial little bit of the message. Sincerely, if Alice sends simplest the (least massive)

Bit (of the message), then there is no manner for Carol to recognize Alice did now not cheat.

Alice may want to show that she did now not cheat with the aid of revealing to Carol the entire
message as

Well as its decryption key, but that might yield statistics some distance beyond what had been


Required. A far better idea is to allow Alice increase the bit she sends Carol with a

0-know-how evidence that this bit is indeed the least full-size little bit of the message. We

Stress that the foregoing announcement is of the “N P kind” (since the evidence detailed earlier

Can be correctly established), and consequently the life of 0-expertise proofs for

N P-statements means that the foregoing announcement may be proved with out revealing

Whatever past its validity.

The point of interest of chapter 4, dedicated to zero-know-how proofs, is at the foregoing end result

(i.e., the construction of 0-expertise proofs for any N P-assertion). In addition,

We shall recollect severa variations and factors of the belief of zero-understanding proofs

And their results at the applicability of this notion.

1.2. Some background from opportunity theory

Chance plays a imperative function in cryptography. Specifically, probability is vital

As a way to allow a dialogue of facts or loss of statistics (i.e., secrecy). We

Anticipate that the reader is acquainted with the basic notions of opportunity principle. On this

Section, we merely present the probabilistic notations that are used in the course of this ebook

And three beneficial probabilistic inequalities.

1.2.1. Notational Conventions

For the duration of this entire book we will talk to best discrete opportunity distributions.

Typically, the opportunity space includes the set of all strings of a sure length

, fascinated about uniform opportunity distribution. That is, the pattern area is the set

Of all -bit-lengthy strings, and every such string is assigned possibility degree 2−

Traditionally, capabilities from the sample area to the reals are referred to as random variables.

Abusing trendy terminology, we permit ourselves to use the time period random variable also

While regarding capabilities mapping the pattern area into the set of binary strings.

We frequently do now not specify the possibility space, but alternatively talk directly approximately

Variables. As an instance, we may additionally say that X is a random variable assigned values in

The set of all strings, in order that Pr[X = 00] = 1

Four and Pr[X = 111] = 3

Four . (any such random

Variable can be defined over the sample space {zero, 1}2, so that X(11) = 00 and X(00) =

X(01) = X(10) = 111.) In most cases the chance space includes all strings of

A particular duration. Commonly, these strings represent random picks made by means of some

Randomized system (see next section), and the random variable is the output of the


A way to examine Probabilistic Statements. All our probabilistic statements consult with

Functions of random variables which can be described ahead. Typically, we will write

Pr[ f (X) = 1], wherein X is a random variable described in advance (and f is a function).

An critical convention is that all occurrences of a given image in a probabilistic

Assertion talk to the same (specific) random variable. Therefore, if B(·, ·) is a Boolean

Expression depending on variables and X is a random variable, then Pr[B(X, X)]

Denotes the chance that B(x, x) holds whilst x is chosen with probabilitypr[X = x].


1.2. A few historical past FROM possibility principle


Pr[B(X, X)] =

Pr[X = x] · χ(B(x, x))

Where χ is a trademark feature, in order that χ(B) = 1 if event B holds, and equals 0 otherwise. As an
instance, for every random variable X, we've Pr[X = X] = 1. We strain

That if one needs to discuss the opportunity that B(x, y) holds when x and y are selected
Independently with the same opportunity distribution, then one needs to outline two impartial
random variables, each with the identical chance distribution. Hence, if X and

Y are impartial random variables, then Pr[B(X, Y )] denotes the probability that

B(x, y) holds while the pair (x, y) is chosen with possibility Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y].


Pr[B(X, Y )] =


Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y] · χ(B(x, y))

As an example, for every impartial random variables, X and Y , we've

Pr[X = Y ] = 1 simplest if both X and Y are trivial (i.e., assign the entire chance

Mass to a unmarried string).

Regular Random Variables. Throughout this complete book, Un denotes a random variable uniformly
dispensed over the set of strings of duration n. Namely,Pr[Un =α] equals

2−n if α ∈ {0, 1}n, and equals zero in any other case. Further, we will sometimes use

Random variables (arbitrarily) distributed over {0, 1}n or {0, 1}

L(n) for some function l :

N→N. Such random variables are typically denoted through Xn, Yn, Zn, and many others. We
pressure that in

A few instances Xn is distributed over{zero, 1}n, while in others it's far allotted over{0, 1}


For some characteristic l(·), that's usually a polynomial. Every other type of random variable,

The output of a randomized algorithm on a set input, is mentioned in section 1.three.

1.2.2. Three Inequalities

The subsequent probabilistic inequalities could be very useful inside the path of this book.

All inequalities discuss with random variables which are assigned actual values. The maximum
primary inequality is the Markov inequality, which asserts that for random variables with

Bounded maximum or minimal values, some relation have to exist between the deviation of a value
from the expectancy of the random variable and the opportunity that the

Random variable is assigned this price. Particularly, letting E(X) def

V Pr[X =v] · v

Denote the expectation of the random variable X, we've the following:

Markov Inequality: allow X be a non-poor random variable and v a actual

Wide variety. Then

Pr[X ≥ v] ≤


Equivalently, Pr[X ≥ r · E(X)] ≤ 1




E(X) =

Pr[X = x] · x

Pr[X = x] · 0 +


Pr[X = x] · v

= Pr[X ≥ v] · v

The claim follows.

The Markov inequality is typically used in cases in which one knows very little about

The distribution of the random variable; it suffices to know its expectation and at least

One bound on the range of its values. See Exercise 1.

Using Markov’s inequality, one gets a “possibly stronger” bound for the deviation

Of a random variable from its expectation. This bound, called Chebyshev’s inequality, is useful
provided one has additional knowledge concerning the random variable

(specifically, a good upper bound on its variance). For a random variable X of finite

Expectation, we denote by Var(X) def

= E[(X − E(X))2] the variance of X and observe

That Var(X) = E(X2) − E(X)

Chebyshev’s Inequality: Let X be a random variable, and δ > zero. Then

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] ≤



Evidence: We define a random variable Y def

= (X − E(X))2 and apply the Markov

Inequality. We get

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] = Pr[(X − E(X))2 ≥ δ2

E[(X − E(X))2]


And the claim follows.

Chebyshev’s inequality is particularly beneficial for evaluation of the mistake opportunity of

Approximation through repeated sampling. It suffices to count on that the samples are picked

In a pairwise-independent manner.

Corollary (Pairwise-unbiased Sampling): permit X1, X2,..., Xn be pairwiseindependent random

variables with the equal expectation, denotedµ, and the identical

Variance, denoted σ2. Then, for each ε > zero,


I=1 Xi





The Xi’s are called pairwise-independent if for each i = j and all a and b, it holds

That Pr[Xi = a ∧ X j = b] equals Pr[Xi = a] · Pr[X j = b].


1.2. A few history FROM possibility principle

Proof: define the random variables Xi


= Xi − E(Xi). Note that the Xi’s are

Pairwise-unbiased and each has 0 expectation. Making use of Chebyshev’s inequality to the random
variable described by way of the sumn



N , and the use of the linearity

Of the expectancy operator, we get





Var n





I=1 Xi

Ε2 · n2

Now (again the usage of the linearity of E)






1≤i= j≤n

E[ Xi X j]

By way of the pairwise independence of the Xi’s, we get E[Xi X j] = E[Xi] · E[X j], and

The use of E[Xi] = 0, we get



 = n · σ2

The corollary follows.

The usage of pairwise-independent sampling, the mistake probability within the approximation

Is reducing linearly with the wide variety of pattern points. The use of absolutely independent

Sampling factors, the mistake opportunity inside the approximation may be proven to decrease

Exponentially with the number of pattern points. (The random variables X1, X2,..., Xn

Are said to be completely unbiased if for each series a1, a2,..., an it holds that


I=1Xi = ai] equals n

I=1 Pr[Xi = ai].) Chance bounds helping the foregoing assertion are given subsequent. The primary
sure, normally called the Chernoff

Sure, issues 0-1 random variables (i.e., random variables which are assigned values

Of both 0 or 1).

Chernoff bound: permit p ≤ 1

2 , and let X1, X2,..., Xn be unbiased zero-1 random

Variables, in order that Pr[Xi = 1] = p for every i. Then for all ε, zero < ε ≤ p(1 − p),

We have


I=1 Xi


< 2 · e− ε2

2p(1−p) ·n

We shall commonly practice the sure with a regular p ≈ 1

2 . In this example, n unbiased

Samples provide an approximation that deviates by means of ε from the expectancy with probability

This is exponentially decreasing with ε2n. Such an approximation is called an (ε, δ)-

Approximation and can be executed the use of n = O(ε−2 · log(1/δ)) pattern factors. It's far

Important to understand that the sufficient quantity of pattern points is polynomially

Related to ε−1 and logarithmically related to δ−1. So using poly(n) many samples, the



Blunders chance (i.e., δ) can be made negligible (as a feature in n), however the accuracy of

The estimation (i.e., ε) may be bounded above only with the aid of any fixed polynomial fraction

Can't be made negligible).2 We strain that the dependence of the number of samples

On ε isn't always better than in the case of pairwise-unbiased sampling; the advantage of
Completely independent samples lies most effective within the dependence of the range of samples
on δ.

Simultaneity troubles

A typical example of a simultaneity trouble is that of simultaneous exchange of secrets,

Of which agreement signing is a unique case. The placing for a simultaneous alternate

Of secrets and techniques consists of events, every preserving a “secret.” The intention is to execute

Protocol such that if both parties comply with it successfully, then at termination every will keep

Its counterpart’s secret, and anyways (even though one celebration cheats) the first party will

Hold the second one birthday celebration’s secret if and handiest if the second birthday celebration
holds the first birthday celebration’s

Secret. Perfectly simultaneous exchange of secrets and techniques can be carried out most effective
if we assume

The life of 0.33 events that are relied on to some extent. In truth, simultaneous

Alternate of secrets and techniques can without problems be carried out the use of the lively
participation of a trusted

1/3 birthday celebration: each celebration sends its secret to the trusted third party (the usage of a
relaxed channel).

The 0.33 birthday party, on receiving both secrets and techniques, sends the first party’s mystery to
the second

Celebration and the second one party’s secret to the first party. There are issues with this


1. The solution calls for the active participation of an “outside” birthday celebration in all instances
(i.e., also

In case each parties are honest). We observe that different solutions requiring milder styles of

Participation of outside events do exist.

2. The answer calls for the life of a totally depended on 0.33 entity. In a few applications,

Such an entity does now not exist. Despite the fact that, inside the sequel we will speak the trouble

1.1. CRYPTOGRAPHY: principal topics

Of implementing a trusted 0.33 birthday party by way of a fixed of customers with an honest
majority (despite the fact that

The identity of the honest customers isn't acknowledged).

Secure Implementation of Functionalities and relied on events

A unique kind of protocol hassle is concerned with the cozy implementation of

Functionalities. To be greater unique, we speak the trouble of evaluating a characteristic of nearby

inputs each of which is held via a distinct person. An illustrative and

Motivating example is vote casting, in which the feature is majority, and the nearby enter

Held through user A is a unmarried bit representing the vote of person A (e.g., “seasoned” or “con”).

Loosely speakme, a protocol for securely evaluating a selected characteristic ought to satisfy the


• privateness: No celebration can “benefit statistics” on the input of different events, beyond what's

Deduced from the value of the function.

• Robustness: No birthday celebration can “influence” the price of the function, past the have an
effect on

Exerted by deciding on its personal enter.

It is once in a while required that those situations maintain with admire to “small” (e.g., minority)
coalitions of parties (rather than unmarried events).

Truly, if one of the users is understood to be completely straightforward, then there exists a

Easy way to the hassle of comfortable evaluation of any function. Each user truely

Sends its enter to the relied on party (using a comfy channel), who, upon receiving all

Inputs, computes the feature, sends the outcome to all customers, and erases all intermediate
computations (along with the inputs obtained) from its memory. Clearly, it's far

Unrealistic to anticipate that a party can be relied on to such an extent (e.g., that it will

Voluntarily erase what it has “discovered”). Though, the problem of imposing

Comfortable characteristic evaluation reduces to the problem of implementing a relied on


It seems that a trusted party may be applied by way of a hard and fast of users with an honest
majority (even supposing the identity of the honest customers isn't always recognized). That is
indeed a

Fundamental bring about this area, and plenty of chapter 7, with a purpose to appear within the 2nd

Volume of this paintings, may be committed to formulating and proving it (as well as variations

Of it).

Zero-knowledge as a Paradigm

A major tool inside the creation of cryptographic protocols is the idea of zeroknowledge proof
systems and the fact that zero-information evidence structures exist for all

Languages in N P (furnished that one-manner features exist). Loosely talking, a zeroknowledge

evidence yields not anything however the validity of the declaration. Zero-knowledge proofs
Offer a tool for “forcing” events to observe a given protocol properly.

To demonstrate the role of zero-know-how proofs, consider a setting wherein a celebration,

Referred to as Alice, upon receiving an encrypted message from Bob, is to ship Carol the

Least substantial little bit of the message. Sincerely, if Alice sends simplest the (least massive)

Bit (of the message), then there is no manner for Carol to recognize Alice did now not cheat.

Alice may want to show that she did now not cheat with the aid of revealing to Carol the entire
message as

Well as its decryption key, but that might yield statistics some distance beyond what had been


Required. A far better idea is to allow Alice increase the bit she sends Carol with a

0-know-how evidence that this bit is indeed the least full-size little bit of the message. We

Stress that the foregoing announcement is of the “N P kind” (since the evidence detailed earlier

Can be correctly established), and consequently the life of 0-expertise proofs for

N P-statements means that the foregoing announcement may be proved with out revealing

Whatever past its validity.

The point of interest of chapter 4, dedicated to zero-know-how proofs, is at the foregoing end result

(i.e., the construction of 0-expertise proofs for any N P-assertion). In addition,

We shall recollect severa variations and factors of the belief of zero-understanding proofs

And their results at the applicability of this notion.

1.2. Some background from opportunity theory

Chance plays a imperative function in cryptography. Specifically, probability is vital

As a way to allow a dialogue of facts or loss of statistics (i.e., secrecy). We

Anticipate that the reader is acquainted with the basic notions of opportunity principle. On this

Section, we merely present the probabilistic notations that are used in the course of this ebook

And three beneficial probabilistic inequalities.

1.2.1. Notational Conventions

For the duration of this entire book we will talk to best discrete opportunity distributions.

Typically, the opportunity space includes the set of all strings of a sure length

, fascinated about uniform opportunity distribution. That is, the pattern area is the set

Of all -bit-lengthy strings, and every such string is assigned possibility degree 2−

Traditionally, capabilities from the sample area to the reals are referred to as random variables.

Abusing trendy terminology, we permit ourselves to use the time period random variable also

While regarding capabilities mapping the pattern area into the set of binary strings.

We frequently do now not specify the possibility space, but alternatively talk directly approximately

Variables. As an instance, we may additionally say that X is a random variable assigned values in

The set of all strings, in order that Pr[X = 00] = 1

Four and Pr[X = 111] = 3

Four . (any such random

Variable can be defined over the sample space {zero, 1}2, so that X(11) = 00 and X(00) =

X(01) = X(10) = 111.) In most cases the chance space includes all strings of

A particular duration. Commonly, these strings represent random picks made by means of some

Randomized system (see next section), and the random variable is the output of the


A way to examine Probabilistic Statements. All our probabilistic statements consult with

Functions of random variables which can be described ahead. Typically, we will write

Pr[ f (X) = 1], wherein X is a random variable described in advance (and f is a function).

An critical convention is that all occurrences of a given image in a probabilistic

Assertion talk to the same (specific) random variable. Therefore, if B(·, ·) is a Boolean

Expression depending on variables and X is a random variable, then Pr[B(X, X)]

Denotes the chance that B(x, x) holds whilst x is chosen with probabilitypr[X = x].


1.2. A few historical past FROM possibility principle


Pr[B(X, X)] =

Pr[X = x] · χ(B(x, x))

Where χ is a trademark feature, in order that χ(B) = 1 if event B holds, and equals 0 otherwise. As an
instance, for every random variable X, we've Pr[X = X] = 1. We strain

That if one needs to discuss the opportunity that B(x, y) holds when x and y are selected
Independently with the same opportunity distribution, then one needs to outline two impartial
random variables, each with the identical chance distribution. Hence, if X and

Y are impartial random variables, then Pr[B(X, Y )] denotes the probability that

B(x, y) holds while the pair (x, y) is chosen with possibility Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y].


Pr[B(X, Y )] =


Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y] · χ(B(x, y))

As an example, for every impartial random variables, X and Y , we've

Pr[X = Y ] = 1 simplest if both X and Y are trivial (i.e., assign the entire chance

Mass to a unmarried string).

Regular Random Variables. Throughout this complete book, Un denotes a random variable uniformly
dispensed over the set of strings of duration n. Namely,Pr[Un =α] equals

2−n if α ∈ {0, 1}n, and equals zero in any other case. Further, we will sometimes use

Random variables (arbitrarily) distributed over {0, 1}n or {0, 1}

L(n) for some function l :

N→N. Such random variables are typically denoted through Xn, Yn, Zn, and many others. We
pressure that in

A few instances Xn is distributed over{zero, 1}n, while in others it's far allotted over{0, 1}


For some characteristic l(·), that's usually a polynomial. Every other type of random variable,

The output of a randomized algorithm on a set input, is mentioned in section 1.three.

1.2.2. Three Inequalities

The subsequent probabilistic inequalities could be very useful inside the path of this book.

All inequalities discuss with random variables which are assigned actual values. The maximum
primary inequality is the Markov inequality, which asserts that for random variables with

Bounded maximum or minimal values, some relation have to exist between the deviation of a value
from the expectancy of the random variable and the opportunity that the

Random variable is assigned this price. Particularly, letting E(X) def

V Pr[X =v] · v

Denote the expectation of the random variable X, we've the following:

Markov Inequality: allow X be a non-poor random variable and v a actual

Wide variety. Then

Pr[X ≥ v] ≤


Equivalently, Pr[X ≥ r · E(X)] ≤ 1




E(X) =

Pr[X = x] · x

Pr[X = x] · 0 +


Pr[X = x] · v

= Pr[X ≥ v] · v

The claim follows.

The Markov inequality is typically used in cases in which one knows very little about

The distribution of the random variable; it suffices to know its expectation and at least

One bound on the range of its values. See Exercise 1.

Using Markov’s inequality, one gets a “possibly stronger” bound for the deviation

Of a random variable from its expectation. This bound, called Chebyshev’s inequality, is useful
provided one has additional knowledge concerning the random variable

(specifically, a good upper bound on its variance). For a random variable X of finite

Expectation, we denote by Var(X) def

= E[(X − E(X))2] the variance of X and observe

That Var(X) = E(X2) − E(X)

Chebyshev’s Inequality: Let X be a random variable, and δ > zero. Then

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] ≤



Evidence: We define a random variable Y def

= (X − E(X))2 and apply the Markov

Inequality. We get

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] = Pr[(X − E(X))2 ≥ δ2

E[(X − E(X))2]


And the claim follows.

Chebyshev’s inequality is particularly beneficial for evaluation of the mistake opportunity of

Approximation through repeated sampling. It suffices to count on that the samples are picked

In a pairwise-independent manner.

Corollary (Pairwise-unbiased Sampling): permit X1, X2,..., Xn be pairwiseindependent random

variables with the equal expectation, denotedµ, and the identical

Variance, denoted σ2. Then, for each ε > zero,


I=1 Xi





The Xi’s are called pairwise-independent if for each i = j and all a and b, it holds

That Pr[Xi = a ∧ X j = b] equals Pr[Xi = a] · Pr[X j = b].


1.2. A few history FROM possibility principle

Proof: define the random variables Xi


= Xi − E(Xi). Note that the Xi’s are

Pairwise-unbiased and each has 0 expectation. Making use of Chebyshev’s inequality to the random
variable described by way of the sumn



N , and the use of the linearity

Of the expectancy operator, we get





Var n





I=1 Xi

Ε2 · n2

Now (again the usage of the linearity of E)






1≤i= j≤n

E[ Xi X j]

By way of the pairwise independence of the Xi’s, we get E[Xi X j] = E[Xi] · E[X j], and

The use of E[Xi] = 0, we get



 = n · σ2

The corollary follows.

The usage of pairwise-independent sampling, the mistake probability within the approximation

Is reducing linearly with the wide variety of pattern points. The use of absolutely independent

Sampling factors, the mistake opportunity inside the approximation may be proven to decrease

Exponentially with the number of pattern points. (The random variables X1, X2,..., Xn

Are said to be completely unbiased if for each series a1, a2,..., an it holds that


I=1Xi = ai] equals n

I=1 Pr[Xi = ai].) Chance bounds helping the foregoing assertion are given subsequent. The primary
sure, normally called the Chernoff

Sure, issues 0-1 random variables (i.e., random variables which are assigned values

Of both 0 or 1).

Chernoff bound: permit p ≤ 1

2 , and let X1, X2,..., Xn be unbiased zero-1 random

Variables, in order that Pr[Xi = 1] = p for every i. Then for all ε, zero < ε ≤ p(1 − p),

We have


I=1 Xi


< 2 · e− ε2

2p(1−p) ·n

We shall commonly practice the sure with a regular p ≈ 1

2 . In this example, n unbiased

Samples provide an approximation that deviates by means of ε from the expectancy with probability

This is exponentially decreasing with ε2n. Such an approximation is called an (ε, δ)-

Approximation and can be executed the use of n = O(ε−2 · log(1/δ)) pattern factors. It's far

Important to understand that the sufficient quantity of pattern points is polynomially

Related to ε−1 and logarithmically related to δ−1. So using poly(n) many samples, the



Blunders chance (i.e., δ) can be made negligible (as a feature in n), however the accuracy of

The estimation (i.e., ε) may be bounded above only with the aid of any fixed polynomial fraction

Can't be made negligible).2 We strain that the dependence of the number of samples

On ε isn't always better than in the case of pairwise-unbiased sampling; the advantage of
Completely independent samples lies most effective within the dependence of the range of samples
on δ.

Simultaneity troubles

A typical example of a simultaneity trouble is that of simultaneous exchange of secrets,

Of which agreement signing is a unique case. The placing for a simultaneous alternate

Of secrets and techniques consists of events, every preserving a “secret.” The intention is to execute

Protocol such that if both parties comply with it successfully, then at termination every will keep

Its counterpart’s secret, and anyways (even though one celebration cheats) the first party will

Hold the second one birthday celebration’s secret if and handiest if the second birthday celebration
holds the first birthday celebration’s

Secret. Perfectly simultaneous exchange of secrets and techniques can be carried out most effective
if we assume

The life of 0.33 events that are relied on to some extent. In truth, simultaneous

Alternate of secrets and techniques can without problems be carried out the use of the lively
participation of a trusted

1/3 birthday celebration: each celebration sends its secret to the trusted third party (the usage of a
relaxed channel).

The 0.33 birthday party, on receiving both secrets and techniques, sends the first party’s mystery to
the second

Celebration and the second one party’s secret to the first party. There are issues with this


1. The solution calls for the active participation of an “outside” birthday celebration in all instances
(i.e., also

In case each parties are honest). We observe that different solutions requiring milder styles of

Participation of outside events do exist.

2. The answer calls for the life of a totally depended on 0.33 entity. In a few applications,

Such an entity does now not exist. Despite the fact that, inside the sequel we will speak the trouble

1.1. CRYPTOGRAPHY: principal topics

Of implementing a trusted 0.33 birthday party by way of a fixed of customers with an honest
majority (despite the fact that

The identity of the honest customers isn't acknowledged).

Secure Implementation of Functionalities and relied on events

A unique kind of protocol hassle is concerned with the cozy implementation of

Functionalities. To be greater unique, we speak the trouble of evaluating a characteristic of nearby

inputs each of which is held via a distinct person. An illustrative and

Motivating example is vote casting, in which the feature is majority, and the nearby enter

Held through user A is a unmarried bit representing the vote of person A (e.g., “seasoned” or “con”).

Loosely speakme, a protocol for securely evaluating a selected characteristic ought to satisfy the


• privateness: No celebration can “benefit statistics” on the input of different events, beyond what's

Deduced from the value of the function.

• Robustness: No birthday celebration can “influence” the price of the function, past the have an
effect on

Exerted by deciding on its personal enter.

It is once in a while required that those situations maintain with admire to “small” (e.g., minority)
coalitions of parties (rather than unmarried events).

Truly, if one of the users is understood to be completely straightforward, then there exists a

Easy way to the hassle of comfortable evaluation of any function. Each user truely

Sends its enter to the relied on party (using a comfy channel), who, upon receiving all

Inputs, computes the feature, sends the outcome to all customers, and erases all intermediate
computations (along with the inputs obtained) from its memory. Clearly, it's far

Unrealistic to anticipate that a party can be relied on to such an extent (e.g., that it will

Voluntarily erase what it has “discovered”). Though, the problem of imposing

Comfortable characteristic evaluation reduces to the problem of implementing a relied on


It seems that a trusted party may be applied by way of a hard and fast of users with an honest
majority (even supposing the identity of the honest customers isn't always recognized). That is
indeed a

Fundamental bring about this area, and plenty of chapter 7, with a purpose to appear within the 2nd

Volume of this paintings, may be committed to formulating and proving it (as well as variations

Of it).

Zero-knowledge as a Paradigm

A major tool inside the creation of cryptographic protocols is the idea of zeroknowledge proof
systems and the fact that zero-information evidence structures exist for all

Languages in N P (furnished that one-manner features exist). Loosely talking, a zeroknowledge

evidence yields not anything however the validity of the declaration. Zero-knowledge proofs
Offer a tool for “forcing” events to observe a given protocol properly.

To demonstrate the role of zero-know-how proofs, consider a setting wherein a celebration,

Referred to as Alice, upon receiving an encrypted message from Bob, is to ship Carol the

Least substantial little bit of the message. Sincerely, if Alice sends simplest the (least massive)

Bit (of the message), then there is no manner for Carol to recognize Alice did now not cheat.

Alice may want to show that she did now not cheat with the aid of revealing to Carol the entire
message as

Well as its decryption key, but that might yield statistics some distance beyond what had been


Required. A far better idea is to allow Alice increase the bit she sends Carol with a

0-know-how evidence that this bit is indeed the least full-size little bit of the message. We

Stress that the foregoing announcement is of the “N P kind” (since the evidence detailed earlier

Can be correctly established), and consequently the life of 0-expertise proofs for

N P-statements means that the foregoing announcement may be proved with out revealing

Whatever past its validity.

The point of interest of chapter 4, dedicated to zero-know-how proofs, is at the foregoing end result

(i.e., the construction of 0-expertise proofs for any N P-assertion). In addition,

We shall recollect severa variations and factors of the belief of zero-understanding proofs

And their results at the applicability of this notion.

1.2. Some background from opportunity theory

Chance plays a imperative function in cryptography. Specifically, probability is vital

As a way to allow a dialogue of facts or loss of statistics (i.e., secrecy). We

Anticipate that the reader is acquainted with the basic notions of opportunity principle. On this

Section, we merely present the probabilistic notations that are used in the course of this ebook

And three beneficial probabilistic inequalities.

1.2.1. Notational Conventions

For the duration of this entire book we will talk to best discrete opportunity distributions.

Typically, the opportunity space includes the set of all strings of a sure length

, fascinated about uniform opportunity distribution. That is, the pattern area is the set

Of all -bit-lengthy strings, and every such string is assigned possibility degree 2−

Traditionally, capabilities from the sample area to the reals are referred to as random variables.

Abusing trendy terminology, we permit ourselves to use the time period random variable also

While regarding capabilities mapping the pattern area into the set of binary strings.

We frequently do now not specify the possibility space, but alternatively talk directly approximately

Variables. As an instance, we may additionally say that X is a random variable assigned values in

The set of all strings, in order that Pr[X = 00] = 1

Four and Pr[X = 111] = 3

Four . (any such random

Variable can be defined over the sample space {zero, 1}2, so that X(11) = 00 and X(00) =

X(01) = X(10) = 111.) In most cases the chance space includes all strings of

A particular duration. Commonly, these strings represent random picks made by means of some

Randomized system (see next section), and the random variable is the output of the


A way to examine Probabilistic Statements. All our probabilistic statements consult with

Functions of random variables which can be described ahead. Typically, we will write

Pr[ f (X) = 1], wherein X is a random variable described in advance (and f is a function).

An critical convention is that all occurrences of a given image in a probabilistic

Assertion talk to the same (specific) random variable. Therefore, if B(·, ·) is a Boolean

Expression depending on variables and X is a random variable, then Pr[B(X, X)]

Denotes the chance that B(x, x) holds whilst x is chosen with probabilitypr[X = x].


1.2. A few historical past FROM possibility principle


Pr[B(X, X)] =

Pr[X = x] · χ(B(x, x))

Where χ is a trademark feature, in order that χ(B) = 1 if event B holds, and equals 0 otherwise. As an
instance, for every random variable X, we've Pr[X = X] = 1. We strain

That if one needs to discuss the opportunity that B(x, y) holds when x and y are selected
Independently with the same opportunity distribution, then one needs to outline two impartial
random variables, each with the identical chance distribution. Hence, if X and

Y are impartial random variables, then Pr[B(X, Y )] denotes the probability that

B(x, y) holds while the pair (x, y) is chosen with possibility Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y].


Pr[B(X, Y )] =


Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y] · χ(B(x, y))

As an example, for every impartial random variables, X and Y , we've

Pr[X = Y ] = 1 simplest if both X and Y are trivial (i.e., assign the entire chance

Mass to a unmarried string).

Regular Random Variables. Throughout this complete book, Un denotes a random variable uniformly
dispensed over the set of strings of duration n. Namely,Pr[Un =α] equals

2−n if α ∈ {0, 1}n, and equals zero in any other case. Further, we will sometimes use

Random variables (arbitrarily) distributed over {0, 1}n or {0, 1}

L(n) for some function l :

N→N. Such random variables are typically denoted through Xn, Yn, Zn, and many others. We
pressure that in

A few instances Xn is distributed over{zero, 1}n, while in others it's far allotted over{0, 1}


For some characteristic l(·), that's usually a polynomial. Every other type of random variable,

The output of a randomized algorithm on a set input, is mentioned in section 1.three.

1.2.2. Three Inequalities

The subsequent probabilistic inequalities could be very useful inside the path of this book.

All inequalities discuss with random variables which are assigned actual values. The maximum
primary inequality is the Markov inequality, which asserts that for random variables with

Bounded maximum or minimal values, some relation have to exist between the deviation of a value
from the expectancy of the random variable and the opportunity that the

Random variable is assigned this price. Particularly, letting E(X) def

V Pr[X =v] · v

Denote the expectation of the random variable X, we've the following:

Markov Inequality: allow X be a non-poor random variable and v a actual

Wide variety. Then

Pr[X ≥ v] ≤


Equivalently, Pr[X ≥ r · E(X)] ≤ 1




E(X) =

Pr[X = x] · x

Pr[X = x] · 0 +


Pr[X = x] · v

= Pr[X ≥ v] · v

The claim follows.

The Markov inequality is typically used in cases in which one knows very little about

The distribution of the random variable; it suffices to know its expectation and at least

One bound on the range of its values. See Exercise 1.

Using Markov’s inequality, one gets a “possibly stronger” bound for the deviation

Of a random variable from its expectation. This bound, called Chebyshev’s inequality, is useful
provided one has additional knowledge concerning the random variable

(specifically, a good upper bound on its variance). For a random variable X of finite

Expectation, we denote by Var(X) def

= E[(X − E(X))2] the variance of X and observe

That Var(X) = E(X2) − E(X)

Chebyshev’s Inequality: Let X be a random variable, and δ > zero. Then

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] ≤



Evidence: We define a random variable Y def

= (X − E(X))2 and apply the Markov

Inequality. We get

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] = Pr[(X − E(X))2 ≥ δ2

E[(X − E(X))2]


And the claim follows.

Chebyshev’s inequality is particularly beneficial for evaluation of the mistake opportunity of

Approximation through repeated sampling. It suffices to count on that the samples are picked

In a pairwise-independent manner.

Corollary (Pairwise-unbiased Sampling): permit X1, X2,..., Xn be pairwiseindependent random

variables with the equal expectation, denotedµ, and the identical

Variance, denoted σ2. Then, for each ε > zero,


I=1 Xi





The Xi’s are called pairwise-independent if for each i = j and all a and b, it holds

That Pr[Xi = a ∧ X j = b] equals Pr[Xi = a] · Pr[X j = b].


1.2. A few history FROM possibility principle

Proof: define the random variables Xi


= Xi − E(Xi). Note that the Xi’s are

Pairwise-unbiased and each has 0 expectation. Making use of Chebyshev’s inequality to the random
variable described by way of the sumn



N , and the use of the linearity

Of the expectancy operator, we get





Var n





I=1 Xi

Ε2 · n2

Now (again the usage of the linearity of E)






1≤i= j≤n

E[ Xi X j]

By way of the pairwise independence of the Xi’s, we get E[Xi X j] = E[Xi] · E[X j], and

The use of E[Xi] = 0, we get



 = n · σ2

The corollary follows.

The usage of pairwise-independent sampling, the mistake probability within the approximation

Is reducing linearly with the wide variety of pattern points. The use of absolutely independent

Sampling factors, the mistake opportunity inside the approximation may be proven to decrease

Exponentially with the number of pattern points. (The random variables X1, X2,..., Xn

Are said to be completely unbiased if for each series a1, a2,..., an it holds that


I=1Xi = ai] equals n

I=1 Pr[Xi = ai].) Chance bounds helping the foregoing assertion are given subsequent. The primary
sure, normally called the Chernoff

Sure, issues 0-1 random variables (i.e., random variables which are assigned values

Of both 0 or 1).

Chernoff bound: permit p ≤ 1

2 , and let X1, X2,..., Xn be unbiased zero-1 random

Variables, in order that Pr[Xi = 1] = p for every i. Then for all ε, zero < ε ≤ p(1 − p),

We have


I=1 Xi


< 2 · e− ε2

2p(1−p) ·n

We shall commonly practice the sure with a regular p ≈ 1

2 . In this example, n unbiased

Samples provide an approximation that deviates by means of ε from the expectancy with probability

This is exponentially decreasing with ε2n. Such an approximation is called an (ε, δ)-

Approximation and can be executed the use of n = O(ε−2 · log(1/δ)) pattern factors. It's far

Important to understand that the sufficient quantity of pattern points is polynomially

Related to ε−1 and logarithmically related to δ−1. So using poly(n) many samples, the



Blunders chance (i.e., δ) can be made negligible (as a feature in n), however the accuracy of

The estimation (i.e., ε) may be bounded above only with the aid of any fixed polynomial fraction

Can't be made negligible).2 We strain that the dependence of the number of samples

On ε isn't always better than in the case of pairwise-unbiased sampling; the advantage of
Completely independent samples lies most effective within the dependence of the range of samples
on δ.

Simultaneity troubles

A typical example of a simultaneity trouble is that of simultaneous exchange of secrets,

Of which agreement signing is a unique case. The placing for a simultaneous alternate

Of secrets and techniques consists of events, every preserving a “secret.” The intention is to execute

Protocol such that if both parties comply with it successfully, then at termination every will keep

Its counterpart’s secret, and anyways (even though one celebration cheats) the first party will

Hold the second one birthday celebration’s secret if and handiest if the second birthday celebration
holds the first birthday celebration’s

Secret. Perfectly simultaneous exchange of secrets and techniques can be carried out most effective
if we assume

The life of 0.33 events that are relied on to some extent. In truth, simultaneous

Alternate of secrets and techniques can without problems be carried out the use of the lively
participation of a trusted

1/3 birthday celebration: each celebration sends its secret to the trusted third party (the usage of a
relaxed channel).

The 0.33 birthday party, on receiving both secrets and techniques, sends the first party’s mystery to
the second

Celebration and the second one party’s secret to the first party. There are issues with this


1. The solution calls for the active participation of an “outside” birthday celebration in all instances
(i.e., also

In case each parties are honest). We observe that different solutions requiring milder styles of

Participation of outside events do exist.

2. The answer calls for the life of a totally depended on 0.33 entity. In a few applications,

Such an entity does now not exist. Despite the fact that, inside the sequel we will speak the trouble

1.1. CRYPTOGRAPHY: principal topics

Of implementing a trusted 0.33 birthday party by way of a fixed of customers with an honest
majority (despite the fact that

The identity of the honest customers isn't acknowledged).

Secure Implementation of Functionalities and relied on events

A unique kind of protocol hassle is concerned with the cozy implementation of

Functionalities. To be greater unique, we speak the trouble of evaluating a characteristic of nearby

inputs each of which is held via a distinct person. An illustrative and

Motivating example is vote casting, in which the feature is majority, and the nearby enter

Held through user A is a unmarried bit representing the vote of person A (e.g., “seasoned” or “con”).

Loosely speakme, a protocol for securely evaluating a selected characteristic ought to satisfy the


• privateness: No celebration can “benefit statistics” on the input of different events, beyond what's

Deduced from the value of the function.

• Robustness: No birthday celebration can “influence” the price of the function, past the have an
effect on

Exerted by deciding on its personal enter.

It is once in a while required that those situations maintain with admire to “small” (e.g., minority)
coalitions of parties (rather than unmarried events).

Truly, if one of the users is understood to be completely straightforward, then there exists a

Easy way to the hassle of comfortable evaluation of any function. Each user truely

Sends its enter to the relied on party (using a comfy channel), who, upon receiving all

Inputs, computes the feature, sends the outcome to all customers, and erases all intermediate
computations (along with the inputs obtained) from its memory. Clearly, it's far

Unrealistic to anticipate that a party can be relied on to such an extent (e.g., that it will

Voluntarily erase what it has “discovered”). Though, the problem of imposing

Comfortable characteristic evaluation reduces to the problem of implementing a relied on


It seems that a trusted party may be applied by way of a hard and fast of users with an honest
majority (even supposing the identity of the honest customers isn't always recognized). That is
indeed a

Fundamental bring about this area, and plenty of chapter 7, with a purpose to appear within the 2nd

Volume of this paintings, may be committed to formulating and proving it (as well as variations

Of it).

Zero-knowledge as a Paradigm

A major tool inside the creation of cryptographic protocols is the idea of zeroknowledge proof
systems and the fact that zero-information evidence structures exist for all

Languages in N P (furnished that one-manner features exist). Loosely talking, a zeroknowledge

evidence yields not anything however the validity of the declaration. Zero-knowledge proofs
Offer a tool for “forcing” events to observe a given protocol properly.

To demonstrate the role of zero-know-how proofs, consider a setting wherein a celebration,

Referred to as Alice, upon receiving an encrypted message from Bob, is to ship Carol the

Least substantial little bit of the message. Sincerely, if Alice sends simplest the (least massive)

Bit (of the message), then there is no manner for Carol to recognize Alice did now not cheat.

Alice may want to show that she did now not cheat with the aid of revealing to Carol the entire
message as

Well as its decryption key, but that might yield statistics some distance beyond what had been


Required. A far better idea is to allow Alice increase the bit she sends Carol with a

0-know-how evidence that this bit is indeed the least full-size little bit of the message. We

Stress that the foregoing announcement is of the “N P kind” (since the evidence detailed earlier

Can be correctly established), and consequently the life of 0-expertise proofs for

N P-statements means that the foregoing announcement may be proved with out revealing

Whatever past its validity.

The point of interest of chapter 4, dedicated to zero-know-how proofs, is at the foregoing end result

(i.e., the construction of 0-expertise proofs for any N P-assertion). In addition,

We shall recollect severa variations and factors of the belief of zero-understanding proofs

And their results at the applicability of this notion.

1.2. Some background from opportunity theory

Chance plays a imperative function in cryptography. Specifically, probability is vital

As a way to allow a dialogue of facts or loss of statistics (i.e., secrecy). We

Anticipate that the reader is acquainted with the basic notions of opportunity principle. On this

Section, we merely present the probabilistic notations that are used in the course of this ebook

And three beneficial probabilistic inequalities.

1.2.1. Notational Conventions

For the duration of this entire book we will talk to best discrete opportunity distributions.

Typically, the opportunity space includes the set of all strings of a sure length

, fascinated about uniform opportunity distribution. That is, the pattern area is the set

Of all -bit-lengthy strings, and every such string is assigned possibility degree 2−

Traditionally, capabilities from the sample area to the reals are referred to as random variables.

Abusing trendy terminology, we permit ourselves to use the time period random variable also

While regarding capabilities mapping the pattern area into the set of binary strings.

We frequently do now not specify the possibility space, but alternatively talk directly approximately

Variables. As an instance, we may additionally say that X is a random variable assigned values in

The set of all strings, in order that Pr[X = 00] = 1

Four and Pr[X = 111] = 3

Four . (any such random

Variable can be defined over the sample space {zero, 1}2, so that X(11) = 00 and X(00) =

X(01) = X(10) = 111.) In most cases the chance space includes all strings of

A particular duration. Commonly, these strings represent random picks made by means of some

Randomized system (see next section), and the random variable is the output of the


A way to examine Probabilistic Statements. All our probabilistic statements consult with

Functions of random variables which can be described ahead. Typically, we will write

Pr[ f (X) = 1], wherein X is a random variable described in advance (and f is a function).

An critical convention is that all occurrences of a given image in a probabilistic

Assertion talk to the same (specific) random variable. Therefore, if B(·, ·) is a Boolean

Expression depending on variables and X is a random variable, then Pr[B(X, X)]

Denotes the chance that B(x, x) holds whilst x is chosen with probabilitypr[X = x].


1.2. A few historical past FROM possibility principle


Pr[B(X, X)] =

Pr[X = x] · χ(B(x, x))

Where χ is a trademark feature, in order that χ(B) = 1 if event B holds, and equals 0 otherwise. As an
instance, for every random variable X, we've Pr[X = X] = 1. We strain

That if one needs to discuss the opportunity that B(x, y) holds when x and y are selected
Independently with the same opportunity distribution, then one needs to outline two impartial
random variables, each with the identical chance distribution. Hence, if X and

Y are impartial random variables, then Pr[B(X, Y )] denotes the probability that

B(x, y) holds while the pair (x, y) is chosen with possibility Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y].


Pr[B(X, Y )] =


Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y] · χ(B(x, y))

As an example, for every impartial random variables, X and Y , we've

Pr[X = Y ] = 1 simplest if both X and Y are trivial (i.e., assign the entire chance

Mass to a unmarried string).

Regular Random Variables. Throughout this complete book, Un denotes a random variable uniformly
dispensed over the set of strings of duration n. Namely,Pr[Un =α] equals

2−n if α ∈ {0, 1}n, and equals zero in any other case. Further, we will sometimes use

Random variables (arbitrarily) distributed over {0, 1}n or {0, 1}

L(n) for some function l :

N→N. Such random variables are typically denoted through Xn, Yn, Zn, and many others. We
pressure that in

A few instances Xn is distributed over{zero, 1}n, while in others it's far allotted over{0, 1}


For some characteristic l(·), that's usually a polynomial. Every other type of random variable,

The output of a randomized algorithm on a set input, is mentioned in section 1.three.

1.2.2. Three Inequalities

The subsequent probabilistic inequalities could be very useful inside the path of this book.

All inequalities discuss with random variables which are assigned actual values. The maximum
primary inequality is the Markov inequality, which asserts that for random variables with

Bounded maximum or minimal values, some relation have to exist between the deviation of a value
from the expectancy of the random variable and the opportunity that the

Random variable is assigned this price. Particularly, letting E(X) def

V Pr[X =v] · v

Denote the expectation of the random variable X, we've the following:

Markov Inequality: allow X be a non-poor random variable and v a actual

Wide variety. Then

Pr[X ≥ v] ≤


Equivalently, Pr[X ≥ r · E(X)] ≤ 1




E(X) =

Pr[X = x] · x

Pr[X = x] · 0 +


Pr[X = x] · v

= Pr[X ≥ v] · v

The claim follows.

The Markov inequality is typically used in cases in which one knows very little about

The distribution of the random variable; it suffices to know its expectation and at least

One bound on the range of its values. See Exercise 1.

Using Markov’s inequality, one gets a “possibly stronger” bound for the deviation

Of a random variable from its expectation. This bound, called Chebyshev’s inequality, is useful
provided one has additional knowledge concerning the random variable

(specifically, a good upper bound on its variance). For a random variable X of finite

Expectation, we denote by Var(X) def

= E[(X − E(X))2] the variance of X and observe

That Var(X) = E(X2) − E(X)

Chebyshev’s Inequality: Let X be a random variable, and δ > zero. Then

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] ≤



Evidence: We define a random variable Y def

= (X − E(X))2 and apply the Markov

Inequality. We get

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] = Pr[(X − E(X))2 ≥ δ2

E[(X − E(X))2]


And the claim follows.

Chebyshev’s inequality is particularly beneficial for evaluation of the mistake opportunity of

Approximation through repeated sampling. It suffices to count on that the samples are picked

In a pairwise-independent manner.

Corollary (Pairwise-unbiased Sampling): permit X1, X2,..., Xn be pairwiseindependent random

variables with the equal expectation, denotedµ, and the identical

Variance, denoted σ2. Then, for each ε > zero,


I=1 Xi





The Xi’s are called pairwise-independent if for each i = j and all a and b, it holds

That Pr[Xi = a ∧ X j = b] equals Pr[Xi = a] · Pr[X j = b].


1.2. A few history FROM possibility principle

Proof: define the random variables Xi


= Xi − E(Xi). Note that the Xi’s are

Pairwise-unbiased and each has 0 expectation. Making use of Chebyshev’s inequality to the random
variable described by way of the sumn



N , and the use of the linearity

Of the expectancy operator, we get





Var n





I=1 Xi

Ε2 · n2

Now (again the usage of the linearity of E)






1≤i= j≤n

E[ Xi X j]

By way of the pairwise independence of the Xi’s, we get E[Xi X j] = E[Xi] · E[X j], and

The use of E[Xi] = 0, we get



 = n · σ2

The corollary follows.

The usage of pairwise-independent sampling, the mistake probability within the approximation

Is reducing linearly with the wide variety of pattern points. The use of absolutely independent

Sampling factors, the mistake opportunity inside the approximation may be proven to decrease

Exponentially with the number of pattern points. (The random variables X1, X2,..., Xn

Are said to be completely unbiased if for each series a1, a2,..., an it holds that


I=1Xi = ai] equals n

I=1 Pr[Xi = ai].) Chance bounds helping the foregoing assertion are given subsequent. The primary
sure, normally called the Chernoff

Sure, issues 0-1 random variables (i.e., random variables which are assigned values

Of both 0 or 1).

Chernoff bound: permit p ≤ 1

2 , and let X1, X2,..., Xn be unbiased zero-1 random

Variables, in order that Pr[Xi = 1] = p for every i. Then for all ε, zero < ε ≤ p(1 − p),

We have


I=1 Xi


< 2 · e− ε2

2p(1−p) ·n

We shall commonly practice the sure with a regular p ≈ 1

2 . In this example, n unbiased

Samples provide an approximation that deviates by means of ε from the expectancy with probability

This is exponentially decreasing with ε2n. Such an approximation is called an (ε, δ)-

Approximation and can be executed the use of n = O(ε−2 · log(1/δ)) pattern factors. It's far

Important to understand that the sufficient quantity of pattern points is polynomially

Related to ε−1 and logarithmically related to δ−1. So using poly(n) many samples, the



Blunders chance (i.e., δ) can be made negligible (as a feature in n), however the accuracy of

The estimation (i.e., ε) may be bounded above only with the aid of any fixed polynomial fraction

Can't be made negligible).2 We strain that the dependence of the number of samples

On ε isn't always better than in the case of pairwise-unbiased sampling; the advantage of
Completely independent samples lies most effective within the dependence of the range of samples
on δ.

Simultaneity troubles

A typical example of a simultaneity trouble is that of simultaneous exchange of secrets,

Of which agreement signing is a unique case. The placing for a simultaneous alternate

Of secrets and techniques consists of events, every preserving a “secret.” The intention is to execute

Protocol such that if both parties comply with it successfully, then at termination every will keep

Its counterpart’s secret, and anyways (even though one celebration cheats) the first party will

Hold the second one birthday celebration’s secret if and handiest if the second birthday celebration
holds the first birthday celebration’s

Secret. Perfectly simultaneous exchange of secrets and techniques can be carried out most effective
if we assume

The life of 0.33 events that are relied on to some extent. In truth, simultaneous

Alternate of secrets and techniques can without problems be carried out the use of the lively
participation of a trusted

1/3 birthday celebration: each celebration sends its secret to the trusted third party (the usage of a
relaxed channel).

The 0.33 birthday party, on receiving both secrets and techniques, sends the first party’s mystery to
the second

Celebration and the second one party’s secret to the first party. There are issues with this


1. The solution calls for the active participation of an “outside” birthday celebration in all instances
(i.e., also

In case each parties are honest). We observe that different solutions requiring milder styles of

Participation of outside events do exist.

2. The answer calls for the life of a totally depended on 0.33 entity. In a few applications,

Such an entity does now not exist. Despite the fact that, inside the sequel we will speak the trouble

1.1. CRYPTOGRAPHY: principal topics

Of implementing a trusted 0.33 birthday party by way of a fixed of customers with an honest
majority (despite the fact that

The identity of the honest customers isn't acknowledged).

Secure Implementation of Functionalities and relied on events

A unique kind of protocol hassle is concerned with the cozy implementation of

Functionalities. To be greater unique, we speak the trouble of evaluating a characteristic of nearby

inputs each of which is held via a distinct person. An illustrative and

Motivating example is vote casting, in which the feature is majority, and the nearby enter

Held through user A is a unmarried bit representing the vote of person A (e.g., “seasoned” or “con”).

Loosely speakme, a protocol for securely evaluating a selected characteristic ought to satisfy the


• privateness: No celebration can “benefit statistics” on the input of different events, beyond what's

Deduced from the value of the function.

• Robustness: No birthday celebration can “influence” the price of the function, past the have an
effect on

Exerted by deciding on its personal enter.

It is once in a while required that those situations maintain with admire to “small” (e.g., minority)
coalitions of parties (rather than unmarried events).

Truly, if one of the users is understood to be completely straightforward, then there exists a

Easy way to the hassle of comfortable evaluation of any function. Each user truely

Sends its enter to the relied on party (using a comfy channel), who, upon receiving all

Inputs, computes the feature, sends the outcome to all customers, and erases all intermediate
computations (along with the inputs obtained) from its memory. Clearly, it's far

Unrealistic to anticipate that a party can be relied on to such an extent (e.g., that it will

Voluntarily erase what it has “discovered”). Though, the problem of imposing

Comfortable characteristic evaluation reduces to the problem of implementing a relied on


It seems that a trusted party may be applied by way of a hard and fast of users with an honest
majority (even supposing the identity of the honest customers isn't always recognized). That is
indeed a

Fundamental bring about this area, and plenty of chapter 7, with a purpose to appear within the 2nd

Volume of this paintings, may be committed to formulating and proving it (as well as variations

Of it).

Zero-knowledge as a Paradigm

A major tool inside the creation of cryptographic protocols is the idea of zeroknowledge proof
systems and the fact that zero-information evidence structures exist for all

Languages in N P (furnished that one-manner features exist). Loosely talking, a zeroknowledge

evidence yields not anything however the validity of the declaration. Zero-knowledge proofs
Offer a tool for “forcing” events to observe a given protocol properly.

To demonstrate the role of zero-know-how proofs, consider a setting wherein a celebration,

Referred to as Alice, upon receiving an encrypted message from Bob, is to ship Carol the

Least substantial little bit of the message. Sincerely, if Alice sends simplest the (least massive)

Bit (of the message), then there is no manner for Carol to recognize Alice did now not cheat.

Alice may want to show that she did now not cheat with the aid of revealing to Carol the entire
message as

Well as its decryption key, but that might yield statistics some distance beyond what had been


Required. A far better idea is to allow Alice increase the bit she sends Carol with a

0-know-how evidence that this bit is indeed the least full-size little bit of the message. We

Stress that the foregoing announcement is of the “N P kind” (since the evidence detailed earlier

Can be correctly established), and consequently the life of 0-expertise proofs for

N P-statements means that the foregoing announcement may be proved with out revealing

Whatever past its validity.

The point of interest of chapter 4, dedicated to zero-know-how proofs, is at the foregoing end result

(i.e., the construction of 0-expertise proofs for any N P-assertion). In addition,

We shall recollect severa variations and factors of the belief of zero-understanding proofs

And their results at the applicability of this notion.

1.2. Some background from opportunity theory

Chance plays a imperative function in cryptography. Specifically, probability is vital

As a way to allow a dialogue of facts or loss of statistics (i.e., secrecy). We

Anticipate that the reader is acquainted with the basic notions of opportunity principle. On this

Section, we merely present the probabilistic notations that are used in the course of this ebook

And three beneficial probabilistic inequalities.

1.2.1. Notational Conventions

For the duration of this entire book we will talk to best discrete opportunity distributions.

Typically, the opportunity space includes the set of all strings of a sure length

, fascinated about uniform opportunity distribution. That is, the pattern area is the set

Of all -bit-lengthy strings, and every such string is assigned possibility degree 2−

Traditionally, capabilities from the sample area to the reals are referred to as random variables.

Abusing trendy terminology, we permit ourselves to use the time period random variable also

While regarding capabilities mapping the pattern area into the set of binary strings.

We frequently do now not specify the possibility space, but alternatively talk directly approximately

Variables. As an instance, we may additionally say that X is a random variable assigned values in

The set of all strings, in order that Pr[X = 00] = 1

Four and Pr[X = 111] = 3

Four . (any such random

Variable can be defined over the sample space {zero, 1}2, so that X(11) = 00 and X(00) =

X(01) = X(10) = 111.) In most cases the chance space includes all strings of

A particular duration. Commonly, these strings represent random picks made by means of some

Randomized system (see next section), and the random variable is the output of the


A way to examine Probabilistic Statements. All our probabilistic statements consult with

Functions of random variables which can be described ahead. Typically, we will write

Pr[ f (X) = 1], wherein X is a random variable described in advance (and f is a function).

An critical convention is that all occurrences of a given image in a probabilistic

Assertion talk to the same (specific) random variable. Therefore, if B(·, ·) is a Boolean

Expression depending on variables and X is a random variable, then Pr[B(X, X)]

Denotes the chance that B(x, x) holds whilst x is chosen with probabilitypr[X = x].


1.2. A few historical past FROM possibility principle


Pr[B(X, X)] =

Pr[X = x] · χ(B(x, x))

Where χ is a trademark feature, in order that χ(B) = 1 if event B holds, and equals 0 otherwise. As an
instance, for every random variable X, we've Pr[X = X] = 1. We strain

That if one needs to discuss the opportunity that B(x, y) holds when x and y are selected
Independently with the same opportunity distribution, then one needs to outline two impartial
random variables, each with the identical chance distribution. Hence, if X and

Y are impartial random variables, then Pr[B(X, Y )] denotes the probability that

B(x, y) holds while the pair (x, y) is chosen with possibility Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y].


Pr[B(X, Y )] =


Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y] · χ(B(x, y))

As an example, for every impartial random variables, X and Y , we've

Pr[X = Y ] = 1 simplest if both X and Y are trivial (i.e., assign the entire chance

Mass to a unmarried string).

Regular Random Variables. Throughout this complete book, Un denotes a random variable uniformly
dispensed over the set of strings of duration n. Namely,Pr[Un =α] equals

2−n if α ∈ {0, 1}n, and equals zero in any other case. Further, we will sometimes use

Random variables (arbitrarily) distributed over {0, 1}n or {0, 1}

L(n) for some function l :

N→N. Such random variables are typically denoted through Xn, Yn, Zn, and many others. We
pressure that in

A few instances Xn is distributed over{zero, 1}n, while in others it's far allotted over{0, 1}


For some characteristic l(·), that's usually a polynomial. Every other type of random variable,

The output of a randomized algorithm on a set input, is mentioned in section 1.three.

1.2.2. Three Inequalities

The subsequent probabilistic inequalities could be very useful inside the path of this book.

All inequalities discuss with random variables which are assigned actual values. The maximum
primary inequality is the Markov inequality, which asserts that for random variables with

Bounded maximum or minimal values, some relation have to exist between the deviation of a value
from the expectancy of the random variable and the opportunity that the

Random variable is assigned this price. Particularly, letting E(X) def

V Pr[X =v] · v

Denote the expectation of the random variable X, we've the following:

Markov Inequality: allow X be a non-poor random variable and v a actual

Wide variety. Then

Pr[X ≥ v] ≤


Equivalently, Pr[X ≥ r · E(X)] ≤ 1




E(X) =

Pr[X = x] · x

Pr[X = x] · 0 +


Pr[X = x] · v

= Pr[X ≥ v] · v

The claim follows.

The Markov inequality is typically used in cases in which one knows very little about

The distribution of the random variable; it suffices to know its expectation and at least

One bound on the range of its values. See Exercise 1.

Using Markov’s inequality, one gets a “possibly stronger” bound for the deviation

Of a random variable from its expectation. This bound, called Chebyshev’s inequality, is useful
provided one has additional knowledge concerning the random variable

(specifically, a good upper bound on its variance). For a random variable X of finite

Expectation, we denote by Var(X) def

= E[(X − E(X))2] the variance of X and observe

That Var(X) = E(X2) − E(X)

Chebyshev’s Inequality: Let X be a random variable, and δ > zero. Then

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] ≤



Evidence: We define a random variable Y def

= (X − E(X))2 and apply the Markov

Inequality. We get

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] = Pr[(X − E(X))2 ≥ δ2

E[(X − E(X))2]


And the claim follows.

Chebyshev’s inequality is particularly beneficial for evaluation of the mistake opportunity of

Approximation through repeated sampling. It suffices to count on that the samples are picked

In a pairwise-independent manner.

Corollary (Pairwise-unbiased Sampling): permit X1, X2,..., Xn be pairwiseindependent random

variables with the equal expectation, denotedµ, and the identical

Variance, denoted σ2. Then, for each ε > zero,


I=1 Xi





The Xi’s are called pairwise-independent if for each i = j and all a and b, it holds

That Pr[Xi = a ∧ X j = b] equals Pr[Xi = a] · Pr[X j = b].


1.2. A few history FROM possibility principle

Proof: define the random variables Xi


= Xi − E(Xi). Note that the Xi’s are

Pairwise-unbiased and each has 0 expectation. Making use of Chebyshev’s inequality to the random
variable described by way of the sumn



N , and the use of the linearity

Of the expectancy operator, we get





Var n





I=1 Xi

Ε2 · n2

Now (again the usage of the linearity of E)






1≤i= j≤n

E[ Xi X j]

By way of the pairwise independence of the Xi’s, we get E[Xi X j] = E[Xi] · E[X j], and

The use of E[Xi] = 0, we get



 = n · σ2

The corollary follows.

The usage of pairwise-independent sampling, the mistake probability within the approximation

Is reducing linearly with the wide variety of pattern points. The use of absolutely independent

Sampling factors, the mistake opportunity inside the approximation may be proven to decrease

Exponentially with the number of pattern points. (The random variables X1, X2,..., Xn

Are said to be completely unbiased if for each series a1, a2,..., an it holds that


I=1Xi = ai] equals n

I=1 Pr[Xi = ai].) Chance bounds helping the foregoing assertion are given subsequent. The primary
sure, normally called the Chernoff

Sure, issues 0-1 random variables (i.e., random variables which are assigned values

Of both 0 or 1).

Chernoff bound: permit p ≤ 1

2 , and let X1, X2,..., Xn be unbiased zero-1 random

Variables, in order that Pr[Xi = 1] = p for every i. Then for all ε, zero < ε ≤ p(1 − p),

We have


I=1 Xi


< 2 · e− ε2

2p(1−p) ·n

We shall commonly practice the sure with a regular p ≈ 1

2 . In this example, n unbiased

Samples provide an approximation that deviates by means of ε from the expectancy with probability

This is exponentially decreasing with ε2n. Such an approximation is called an (ε, δ)-

Approximation and can be executed the use of n = O(ε−2 · log(1/δ)) pattern factors. It's far

Important to understand that the sufficient quantity of pattern points is polynomially

Related to ε−1 and logarithmically related to δ−1. So using poly(n) many samples, the



Blunders chance (i.e., δ) can be made negligible (as a feature in n), however the accuracy of

The estimation (i.e., ε) may be bounded above only with the aid of any fixed polynomial fraction

Can't be made negligible).2 We strain that the dependence of the number of samples

On ε isn't always better than in the case of pairwise-unbiased sampling; the advantage of
Completely independent samples lies most effective within the dependence of the range of samples
on δ.

Simultaneity troubles

A typical example of a simultaneity trouble is that of simultaneous exchange of secrets,

Of which agreement signing is a unique case. The placing for a simultaneous alternate

Of secrets and techniques consists of events, every preserving a “secret.” The intention is to execute

Protocol such that if both parties comply with it successfully, then at termination every will keep

Its counterpart’s secret, and anyways (even though one celebration cheats) the first party will

Hold the second one birthday celebration’s secret if and handiest if the second birthday celebration
holds the first birthday celebration’s

Secret. Perfectly simultaneous exchange of secrets and techniques can be carried out most effective
if we assume

The life of 0.33 events that are relied on to some extent. In truth, simultaneous

Alternate of secrets and techniques can without problems be carried out the use of the lively
participation of a trusted

1/3 birthday celebration: each celebration sends its secret to the trusted third party (the usage of a
relaxed channel).

The 0.33 birthday party, on receiving both secrets and techniques, sends the first party’s mystery to
the second

Celebration and the second one party’s secret to the first party. There are issues with this


1. The solution calls for the active participation of an “outside” birthday celebration in all instances
(i.e., also

In case each parties are honest). We observe that different solutions requiring milder styles of

Participation of outside events do exist.

2. The answer calls for the life of a totally depended on 0.33 entity. In a few applications,

Such an entity does now not exist. Despite the fact that, inside the sequel we will speak the trouble

1.1. CRYPTOGRAPHY: principal topics

Of implementing a trusted 0.33 birthday party by way of a fixed of customers with an honest
majority (despite the fact that

The identity of the honest customers isn't acknowledged).

Secure Implementation of Functionalities and relied on events

A unique kind of protocol hassle is concerned with the cozy implementation of

Functionalities. To be greater unique, we speak the trouble of evaluating a characteristic of nearby

inputs each of which is held via a distinct person. An illustrative and

Motivating example is vote casting, in which the feature is majority, and the nearby enter

Held through user A is a unmarried bit representing the vote of person A (e.g., “seasoned” or “con”).

Loosely speakme, a protocol for securely evaluating a selected characteristic ought to satisfy the


• privateness: No celebration can “benefit statistics” on the input of different events, beyond what's

Deduced from the value of the function.

• Robustness: No birthday celebration can “influence” the price of the function, past the have an
effect on

Exerted by deciding on its personal enter.

It is once in a while required that those situations maintain with admire to “small” (e.g., minority)
coalitions of parties (rather than unmarried events).

Truly, if one of the users is understood to be completely straightforward, then there exists a

Easy way to the hassle of comfortable evaluation of any function. Each user truely

Sends its enter to the relied on party (using a comfy channel), who, upon receiving all

Inputs, computes the feature, sends the outcome to all customers, and erases all intermediate
computations (along with the inputs obtained) from its memory. Clearly, it's far

Unrealistic to anticipate that a party can be relied on to such an extent (e.g., that it will

Voluntarily erase what it has “discovered”). Though, the problem of imposing

Comfortable characteristic evaluation reduces to the problem of implementing a relied on


It seems that a trusted party may be applied by way of a hard and fast of users with an honest
majority (even supposing the identity of the honest customers isn't always recognized). That is
indeed a

Fundamental bring about this area, and plenty of chapter 7, with a purpose to appear within the 2nd

Volume of this paintings, may be committed to formulating and proving it (as well as variations

Of it).

Zero-knowledge as a Paradigm

A major tool inside the creation of cryptographic protocols is the idea of zeroknowledge proof
systems and the fact that zero-information evidence structures exist for all

Languages in N P (furnished that one-manner features exist). Loosely talking, a zeroknowledge

evidence yields not anything however the validity of the declaration. Zero-knowledge proofs
Offer a tool for “forcing” events to observe a given protocol properly.

To demonstrate the role of zero-know-how proofs, consider a setting wherein a celebration,

Referred to as Alice, upon receiving an encrypted message from Bob, is to ship Carol the

Least substantial little bit of the message. Sincerely, if Alice sends simplest the (least massive)

Bit (of the message), then there is no manner for Carol to recognize Alice did now not cheat.

Alice may want to show that she did now not cheat with the aid of revealing to Carol the entire
message as

Well as its decryption key, but that might yield statistics some distance beyond what had been


Required. A far better idea is to allow Alice increase the bit she sends Carol with a

0-know-how evidence that this bit is indeed the least full-size little bit of the message. We

Stress that the foregoing announcement is of the “N P kind” (since the evidence detailed earlier

Can be correctly established), and consequently the life of 0-expertise proofs for

N P-statements means that the foregoing announcement may be proved with out revealing

Whatever past its validity.

The point of interest of chapter 4, dedicated to zero-know-how proofs, is at the foregoing end result

(i.e., the construction of 0-expertise proofs for any N P-assertion). In addition,

We shall recollect severa variations and factors of the belief of zero-understanding proofs

And their results at the applicability of this notion.

1.2. Some background from opportunity theory

Chance plays a imperative function in cryptography. Specifically, probability is vital

As a way to allow a dialogue of facts or loss of statistics (i.e., secrecy). We

Anticipate that the reader is acquainted with the basic notions of opportunity principle. On this

Section, we merely present the probabilistic notations that are used in the course of this ebook

And three beneficial probabilistic inequalities.

1.2.1. Notational Conventions

For the duration of this entire book we will talk to best discrete opportunity distributions.

Typically, the opportunity space includes the set of all strings of a sure length

, fascinated about uniform opportunity distribution. That is, the pattern area is the set

Of all -bit-lengthy strings, and every such string is assigned possibility degree 2−

Traditionally, capabilities from the sample area to the reals are referred to as random variables.

Abusing trendy terminology, we permit ourselves to use the time period random variable also

While regarding capabilities mapping the pattern area into the set of binary strings.

We frequently do now not specify the possibility space, but alternatively talk directly approximately

Variables. As an instance, we may additionally say that X is a random variable assigned values in

The set of all strings, in order that Pr[X = 00] = 1

Four and Pr[X = 111] = 3

Four . (any such random

Variable can be defined over the sample space {zero, 1}2, so that X(11) = 00 and X(00) =

X(01) = X(10) = 111.) In most cases the chance space includes all strings of

A particular duration. Commonly, these strings represent random picks made by means of some

Randomized system (see next section), and the random variable is the output of the


A way to examine Probabilistic Statements. All our probabilistic statements consult with

Functions of random variables which can be described ahead. Typically, we will write

Pr[ f (X) = 1], wherein X is a random variable described in advance (and f is a function).

An critical convention is that all occurrences of a given image in a probabilistic

Assertion talk to the same (specific) random variable. Therefore, if B(·, ·) is a Boolean

Expression depending on variables and X is a random variable, then Pr[B(X, X)]

Denotes the chance that B(x, x) holds whilst x is chosen with probabilitypr[X = x].


1.2. A few historical past FROM possibility principle


Pr[B(X, X)] =

Pr[X = x] · χ(B(x, x))

Where χ is a trademark feature, in order that χ(B) = 1 if event B holds, and equals 0 otherwise. As an
instance, for every random variable X, we've Pr[X = X] = 1. We strain

That if one needs to discuss the opportunity that B(x, y) holds when x and y are selected
Independently with the same opportunity distribution, then one needs to outline two impartial
random variables, each with the identical chance distribution. Hence, if X and

Y are impartial random variables, then Pr[B(X, Y )] denotes the probability that

B(x, y) holds while the pair (x, y) is chosen with possibility Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y].


Pr[B(X, Y )] =


Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y] · χ(B(x, y))

As an example, for every impartial random variables, X and Y , we've

Pr[X = Y ] = 1 simplest if both X and Y are trivial (i.e., assign the entire chance

Mass to a unmarried string).

Regular Random Variables. Throughout this complete book, Un denotes a random variable uniformly
dispensed over the set of strings of duration n. Namely,Pr[Un =α] equals

2−n if α ∈ {0, 1}n, and equals zero in any other case. Further, we will sometimes use

Random variables (arbitrarily) distributed over {0, 1}n or {0, 1}

L(n) for some function l :

N→N. Such random variables are typically denoted through Xn, Yn, Zn, and many others. We
pressure that in

A few instances Xn is distributed over{zero, 1}n, while in others it's far allotted over{0, 1}


For some characteristic l(·), that's usually a polynomial. Every other type of random variable,

The output of a randomized algorithm on a set input, is mentioned in section 1.three.

1.2.2. Three Inequalities

The subsequent probabilistic inequalities could be very useful inside the path of this book.

All inequalities discuss with random variables which are assigned actual values. The maximum
primary inequality is the Markov inequality, which asserts that for random variables with

Bounded maximum or minimal values, some relation have to exist between the deviation of a value
from the expectancy of the random variable and the opportunity that the

Random variable is assigned this price. Particularly, letting E(X) def

V Pr[X =v] · v

Denote the expectation of the random variable X, we've the following:

Markov Inequality: allow X be a non-poor random variable and v a actual

Wide variety. Then

Pr[X ≥ v] ≤


Equivalently, Pr[X ≥ r · E(X)] ≤ 1




E(X) =

Pr[X = x] · x

Pr[X = x] · 0 +


Pr[X = x] · v

= Pr[X ≥ v] · v

The claim follows.

The Markov inequality is typically used in cases in which one knows very little about

The distribution of the random variable; it suffices to know its expectation and at least

One bound on the range of its values. See Exercise 1.

Using Markov’s inequality, one gets a “possibly stronger” bound for the deviation

Of a random variable from its expectation. This bound, called Chebyshev’s inequality, is useful
provided one has additional knowledge concerning the random variable

(specifically, a good upper bound on its variance). For a random variable X of finite

Expectation, we denote by Var(X) def

= E[(X − E(X))2] the variance of X and observe

That Var(X) = E(X2) − E(X)

Chebyshev’s Inequality: Let X be a random variable, and δ > zero. Then

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] ≤



Evidence: We define a random variable Y def

= (X − E(X))2 and apply the Markov

Inequality. We get

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] = Pr[(X − E(X))2 ≥ δ2

E[(X − E(X))2]


And the claim follows.

Chebyshev’s inequality is particularly beneficial for evaluation of the mistake opportunity of

Approximation through repeated sampling. It suffices to count on that the samples are picked

In a pairwise-independent manner.

Corollary (Pairwise-unbiased Sampling): permit X1, X2,..., Xn be pairwiseindependent random

variables with the equal expectation, denotedµ, and the identical

Variance, denoted σ2. Then, for each ε > zero,


I=1 Xi





The Xi’s are called pairwise-independent if for each i = j and all a and b, it holds

That Pr[Xi = a ∧ X j = b] equals Pr[Xi = a] · Pr[X j = b].


1.2. A few history FROM possibility principle

Proof: define the random variables Xi


= Xi − E(Xi). Note that the Xi’s are

Pairwise-unbiased and each has 0 expectation. Making use of Chebyshev’s inequality to the random
variable described by way of the sumn



N , and the use of the linearity

Of the expectancy operator, we get





Var n





I=1 Xi

Ε2 · n2

Now (again the usage of the linearity of E)






1≤i= j≤n

E[ Xi X j]

By way of the pairwise independence of the Xi’s, we get E[Xi X j] = E[Xi] · E[X j], and

The use of E[Xi] = 0, we get



 = n · σ2

The corollary follows.

The usage of pairwise-independent sampling, the mistake probability within the approximation

Is reducing linearly with the wide variety of pattern points. The use of absolutely independent

Sampling factors, the mistake opportunity inside the approximation may be proven to decrease

Exponentially with the number of pattern points. (The random variables X1, X2,..., Xn

Are said to be completely unbiased if for each series a1, a2,..., an it holds that


I=1Xi = ai] equals n

I=1 Pr[Xi = ai].) Chance bounds helping the foregoing assertion are given subsequent. The primary
sure, normally called the Chernoff

Sure, issues 0-1 random variables (i.e., random variables which are assigned values

Of both 0 or 1).

Chernoff bound: permit p ≤ 1

2 , and let X1, X2,..., Xn be unbiased zero-1 random

Variables, in order that Pr[Xi = 1] = p for every i. Then for all ε, zero < ε ≤ p(1 − p),

We have


I=1 Xi


< 2 · e− ε2

2p(1−p) ·n

We shall commonly practice the sure with a regular p ≈ 1

2 . In this example, n unbiased

Samples provide an approximation that deviates by means of ε from the expectancy with probability

This is exponentially decreasing with ε2n. Such an approximation is called an (ε, δ)-

Approximation and can be executed the use of n = O(ε−2 · log(1/δ)) pattern factors. It's far

Important to understand that the sufficient quantity of pattern points is polynomially

Related to ε−1 and logarithmically related to δ−1. So using poly(n) many samples, the



Blunders chance (i.e., δ) can be made negligible (as a feature in n), however the accuracy of

The estimation (i.e., ε) may be bounded above only with the aid of any fixed polynomial fraction

Can't be made negligible).2 We strain that the dependence of the number of samples

On ε isn't always better than in the case of pairwise-unbiased sampling; the advantage of
Completely independent samples lies most effective within the dependence of the range of samples
on δ.

Simultaneity troubles

A typical example of a simultaneity trouble is that of simultaneous exchange of secrets,

Of which agreement signing is a unique case. The placing for a simultaneous alternate

Of secrets and techniques consists of events, every preserving a “secret.” The intention is to execute

Protocol such that if both parties comply with it successfully, then at termination every will keep

Its counterpart’s secret, and anyways (even though one celebration cheats) the first party will

Hold the second one birthday celebration’s secret if and handiest if the second birthday celebration
holds the first birthday celebration’s

Secret. Perfectly simultaneous exchange of secrets and techniques can be carried out most effective
if we assume

The life of 0.33 events that are relied on to some extent. In truth, simultaneous

Alternate of secrets and techniques can without problems be carried out the use of the lively
participation of a trusted

1/3 birthday celebration: each celebration sends its secret to the trusted third party (the usage of a
relaxed channel).

The 0.33 birthday party, on receiving both secrets and techniques, sends the first party’s mystery to
the second

Celebration and the second one party’s secret to the first party. There are issues with this


1. The solution calls for the active participation of an “outside” birthday celebration in all instances
(i.e., also

In case each parties are honest). We observe that different solutions requiring milder styles of

Participation of outside events do exist.

2. The answer calls for the life of a totally depended on 0.33 entity. In a few applications,

Such an entity does now not exist. Despite the fact that, inside the sequel we will speak the trouble

1.1. CRYPTOGRAPHY: principal topics

Of implementing a trusted 0.33 birthday party by way of a fixed of customers with an honest
majority (despite the fact that

The identity of the honest customers isn't acknowledged).

Secure Implementation of Functionalities and relied on events

A unique kind of protocol hassle is concerned with the cozy implementation of

Functionalities. To be greater unique, we speak the trouble of evaluating a characteristic of nearby

inputs each of which is held via a distinct person. An illustrative and

Motivating example is vote casting, in which the feature is majority, and the nearby enter

Held through user A is a unmarried bit representing the vote of person A (e.g., “seasoned” or “con”).

Loosely speakme, a protocol for securely evaluating a selected characteristic ought to satisfy the


• privateness: No celebration can “benefit statistics” on the input of different events, beyond what's

Deduced from the value of the function.

• Robustness: No birthday celebration can “influence” the price of the function, past the have an
effect on

Exerted by deciding on its personal enter.

It is once in a while required that those situations maintain with admire to “small” (e.g., minority)
coalitions of parties (rather than unmarried events).

Truly, if one of the users is understood to be completely straightforward, then there exists a

Easy way to the hassle of comfortable evaluation of any function. Each user truely

Sends its enter to the relied on party (using a comfy channel), who, upon receiving all

Inputs, computes the feature, sends the outcome to all customers, and erases all intermediate
computations (along with the inputs obtained) from its memory. Clearly, it's far

Unrealistic to anticipate that a party can be relied on to such an extent (e.g., that it will

Voluntarily erase what it has “discovered”). Though, the problem of imposing

Comfortable characteristic evaluation reduces to the problem of implementing a relied on


It seems that a trusted party may be applied by way of a hard and fast of users with an honest
majority (even supposing the identity of the honest customers isn't always recognized). That is
indeed a

Fundamental bring about this area, and plenty of chapter 7, with a purpose to appear within the 2nd

Volume of this paintings, may be committed to formulating and proving it (as well as variations

Of it).

Zero-knowledge as a Paradigm

A major tool inside the creation of cryptographic protocols is the idea of zeroknowledge proof
systems and the fact that zero-information evidence structures exist for all

Languages in N P (furnished that one-manner features exist). Loosely talking, a zeroknowledge

evidence yields not anything however the validity of the declaration. Zero-knowledge proofs
Offer a tool for “forcing” events to observe a given protocol properly.

To demonstrate the role of zero-know-how proofs, consider a setting wherein a celebration,

Referred to as Alice, upon receiving an encrypted message from Bob, is to ship Carol the

Least substantial little bit of the message. Sincerely, if Alice sends simplest the (least massive)

Bit (of the message), then there is no manner for Carol to recognize Alice did now not cheat.

Alice may want to show that she did now not cheat with the aid of revealing to Carol the entire
message as

Well as its decryption key, but that might yield statistics some distance beyond what had been


Required. A far better idea is to allow Alice increase the bit she sends Carol with a

0-know-how evidence that this bit is indeed the least full-size little bit of the message. We

Stress that the foregoing announcement is of the “N P kind” (since the evidence detailed earlier

Can be correctly established), and consequently the life of 0-expertise proofs for

N P-statements means that the foregoing announcement may be proved with out revealing

Whatever past its validity.

The point of interest of chapter 4, dedicated to zero-know-how proofs, is at the foregoing end result

(i.e., the construction of 0-expertise proofs for any N P-assertion). In addition,

We shall recollect severa variations and factors of the belief of zero-understanding proofs

And their results at the applicability of this notion.

1.2. Some background from opportunity theory

Chance plays a imperative function in cryptography. Specifically, probability is vital

As a way to allow a dialogue of facts or loss of statistics (i.e., secrecy). We

Anticipate that the reader is acquainted with the basic notions of opportunity principle. On this

Section, we merely present the probabilistic notations that are used in the course of this ebook

And three beneficial probabilistic inequalities.

1.2.1. Notational Conventions

For the duration of this entire book we will talk to best discrete opportunity distributions.

Typically, the opportunity space includes the set of all strings of a sure length

, fascinated about uniform opportunity distribution. That is, the pattern area is the set

Of all -bit-lengthy strings, and every such string is assigned possibility degree 2−

Traditionally, capabilities from the sample area to the reals are referred to as random variables.

Abusing trendy terminology, we permit ourselves to use the time period random variable also

While regarding capabilities mapping the pattern area into the set of binary strings.

We frequently do now not specify the possibility space, but alternatively talk directly approximately

Variables. As an instance, we may additionally say that X is a random variable assigned values in

The set of all strings, in order that Pr[X = 00] = 1

Four and Pr[X = 111] = 3

Four . (any such random

Variable can be defined over the sample space {zero, 1}2, so that X(11) = 00 and X(00) =

X(01) = X(10) = 111.) In most cases the chance space includes all strings of

A particular duration. Commonly, these strings represent random picks made by means of some

Randomized system (see next section), and the random variable is the output of the


A way to examine Probabilistic Statements. All our probabilistic statements consult with

Functions of random variables which can be described ahead. Typically, we will write

Pr[ f (X) = 1], wherein X is a random variable described in advance (and f is a function).

An critical convention is that all occurrences of a given image in a probabilistic

Assertion talk to the same (specific) random variable. Therefore, if B(·, ·) is a Boolean

Expression depending on variables and X is a random variable, then Pr[B(X, X)]

Denotes the chance that B(x, x) holds whilst x is chosen with probabilitypr[X = x].


1.2. A few historical past FROM possibility principle


Pr[B(X, X)] =

Pr[X = x] · χ(B(x, x))

Where χ is a trademark feature, in order that χ(B) = 1 if event B holds, and equals 0 otherwise. As an
instance, for every random variable X, we've Pr[X = X] = 1. We strain

That if one needs to discuss the opportunity that B(x, y) holds when x and y are selected
Independently with the same opportunity distribution, then one needs to outline two impartial
random variables, each with the identical chance distribution. Hence, if X and

Y are impartial random variables, then Pr[B(X, Y )] denotes the probability that

B(x, y) holds while the pair (x, y) is chosen with possibility Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y].


Pr[B(X, Y )] =


Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y] · χ(B(x, y))

As an example, for every impartial random variables, X and Y , we've

Pr[X = Y ] = 1 simplest if both X and Y are trivial (i.e., assign the entire chance

Mass to a unmarried string).

Regular Random Variables. Throughout this complete book, Un denotes a random variable uniformly
dispensed over the set of strings of duration n. Namely,Pr[Un =α] equals

2−n if α ∈ {0, 1}n, and equals zero in any other case. Further, we will sometimes use

Random variables (arbitrarily) distributed over {0, 1}n or {0, 1}

L(n) for some function l :

N→N. Such random variables are typically denoted through Xn, Yn, Zn, and many others. We
pressure that in

A few instances Xn is distributed over{zero, 1}n, while in others it's far allotted over{0, 1}


For some characteristic l(·), that's usually a polynomial. Every other type of random variable,

The output of a randomized algorithm on a set input, is mentioned in section 1.three.

1.2.2. Three Inequalities

The subsequent probabilistic inequalities could be very useful inside the path of this book.

All inequalities discuss with random variables which are assigned actual values. The maximum
primary inequality is the Markov inequality, which asserts that for random variables with

Bounded maximum or minimal values, some relation have to exist between the deviation of a value
from the expectancy of the random variable and the opportunity that the

Random variable is assigned this price. Particularly, letting E(X) def

V Pr[X =v] · v

Denote the expectation of the random variable X, we've the following:

Markov Inequality: allow X be a non-poor random variable and v a actual

Wide variety. Then

Pr[X ≥ v] ≤


Equivalently, Pr[X ≥ r · E(X)] ≤ 1




E(X) =

Pr[X = x] · x

Pr[X = x] · 0 +


Pr[X = x] · v

= Pr[X ≥ v] · v

The claim follows.

The Markov inequality is typically used in cases in which one knows very little about

The distribution of the random variable; it suffices to know its expectation and at least

One bound on the range of its values. See Exercise 1.

Using Markov’s inequality, one gets a “possibly stronger” bound for the deviation

Of a random variable from its expectation. This bound, called Chebyshev’s inequality, is useful
provided one has additional knowledge concerning the random variable

(specifically, a good upper bound on its variance). For a random variable X of finite

Expectation, we denote by Var(X) def

= E[(X − E(X))2] the variance of X and observe

That Var(X) = E(X2) − E(X)

Chebyshev’s Inequality: Let X be a random variable, and δ > zero. Then

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] ≤



Evidence: We define a random variable Y def

= (X − E(X))2 and apply the Markov

Inequality. We get

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] = Pr[(X − E(X))2 ≥ δ2

E[(X − E(X))2]


And the claim follows.

Chebyshev’s inequality is particularly beneficial for evaluation of the mistake opportunity of

Approximation through repeated sampling. It suffices to count on that the samples are picked

In a pairwise-independent manner.

Corollary (Pairwise-unbiased Sampling): permit X1, X2,..., Xn be pairwiseindependent random

variables with the equal expectation, denotedµ, and the identical

Variance, denoted σ2. Then, for each ε > zero,


I=1 Xi





The Xi’s are called pairwise-independent if for each i = j and all a and b, it holds

That Pr[Xi = a ∧ X j = b] equals Pr[Xi = a] · Pr[X j = b].


1.2. A few history FROM possibility principle

Proof: define the random variables Xi


= Xi − E(Xi). Note that the Xi’s are

Pairwise-unbiased and each has 0 expectation. Making use of Chebyshev’s inequality to the random
variable described by way of the sumn



N , and the use of the linearity

Of the expectancy operator, we get





Var n





I=1 Xi

Ε2 · n2

Now (again the usage of the linearity of E)






1≤i= j≤n

E[ Xi X j]

By way of the pairwise independence of the Xi’s, we get E[Xi X j] = E[Xi] · E[X j], and

The use of E[Xi] = 0, we get



 = n · σ2

The corollary follows.

The usage of pairwise-independent sampling, the mistake probability within the approximation

Is reducing linearly with the wide variety of pattern points. The use of absolutely independent

Sampling factors, the mistake opportunity inside the approximation may be proven to decrease

Exponentially with the number of pattern points. (The random variables X1, X2,..., Xn

Are said to be completely unbiased if for each series a1, a2,..., an it holds that


I=1Xi = ai] equals n

I=1 Pr[Xi = ai].) Chance bounds helping the foregoing assertion are given subsequent. The primary
sure, normally called the Chernoff

Sure, issues 0-1 random variables (i.e., random variables which are assigned values

Of both 0 or 1).

Chernoff bound: permit p ≤ 1

2 , and let X1, X2,..., Xn be unbiased zero-1 random

Variables, in order that Pr[Xi = 1] = p for every i. Then for all ε, zero < ε ≤ p(1 − p),

We have


I=1 Xi


< 2 · e− ε2

2p(1−p) ·n

We shall commonly practice the sure with a regular p ≈ 1

2 . In this example, n unbiased

Samples provide an approximation that deviates by means of ε from the expectancy with probability

This is exponentially decreasing with ε2n. Such an approximation is called an (ε, δ)-

Approximation and can be executed the use of n = O(ε−2 · log(1/δ)) pattern factors. It's far

Important to understand that the sufficient quantity of pattern points is polynomially

Related to ε−1 and logarithmically related to δ−1. So using poly(n) many samples, the



Blunders chance (i.e., δ) can be made negligible (as a feature in n), however the accuracy of

The estimation (i.e., ε) may be bounded above only with the aid of any fixed polynomial fraction

Can't be made negligible).2 We strain that the dependence of the number of samples

On ε isn't always better than in the case of pairwise-unbiased sampling; the advantage of
Completely independent samples lies most effective within the dependence of the range of samples
on δ.

Simultaneity troubles

A typical example of a simultaneity trouble is that of simultaneous exchange of secrets,

Of which agreement signing is a unique case. The placing for a simultaneous alternate

Of secrets and techniques consists of events, every preserving a “secret.” The intention is to execute

Protocol such that if both parties comply with it successfully, then at termination every will keep

Its counterpart’s secret, and anyways (even though one celebration cheats) the first party will

Hold the second one birthday celebration’s secret if and handiest if the second birthday celebration
holds the first birthday celebration’s

Secret. Perfectly simultaneous exchange of secrets and techniques can be carried out most effective
if we assume

The life of 0.33 events that are relied on to some extent. In truth, simultaneous

Alternate of secrets and techniques can without problems be carried out the use of the lively
participation of a trusted

1/3 birthday celebration: each celebration sends its secret to the trusted third party (the usage of a
relaxed channel).

The 0.33 birthday party, on receiving both secrets and techniques, sends the first party’s mystery to
the second

Celebration and the second one party’s secret to the first party. There are issues with this


1. The solution calls for the active participation of an “outside” birthday celebration in all instances
(i.e., also

In case each parties are honest). We observe that different solutions requiring milder styles of

Participation of outside events do exist.

2. The answer calls for the life of a totally depended on 0.33 entity. In a few applications,

Such an entity does now not exist. Despite the fact that, inside the sequel we will speak the trouble

1.1. CRYPTOGRAPHY: principal topics

Of implementing a trusted 0.33 birthday party by way of a fixed of customers with an honest
majority (despite the fact that

The identity of the honest customers isn't acknowledged).

Secure Implementation of Functionalities and relied on events

A unique kind of protocol hassle is concerned with the cozy implementation of

Functionalities. To be greater unique, we speak the trouble of evaluating a characteristic of nearby

inputs each of which is held via a distinct person. An illustrative and

Motivating example is vote casting, in which the feature is majority, and the nearby enter

Held through user A is a unmarried bit representing the vote of person A (e.g., “seasoned” or “con”).

Loosely speakme, a protocol for securely evaluating a selected characteristic ought to satisfy the


• privateness: No celebration can “benefit statistics” on the input of different events, beyond what's

Deduced from the value of the function.

• Robustness: No birthday celebration can “influence” the price of the function, past the have an
effect on

Exerted by deciding on its personal enter.

It is once in a while required that those situations maintain with admire to “small” (e.g., minority)
coalitions of parties (rather than unmarried events).

Truly, if one of the users is understood to be completely straightforward, then there exists a

Easy way to the hassle of comfortable evaluation of any function. Each user truely

Sends its enter to the relied on party (using a comfy channel), who, upon receiving all

Inputs, computes the feature, sends the outcome to all customers, and erases all intermediate
computations (along with the inputs obtained) from its memory. Clearly, it's far

Unrealistic to anticipate that a party can be relied on to such an extent (e.g., that it will

Voluntarily erase what it has “discovered”). Though, the problem of imposing

Comfortable characteristic evaluation reduces to the problem of implementing a relied on


It seems that a trusted party may be applied by way of a hard and fast of users with an honest
majority (even supposing the identity of the honest customers isn't always recognized). That is
indeed a

Fundamental bring about this area, and plenty of chapter 7, with a purpose to appear within the 2nd

Volume of this paintings, may be committed to formulating and proving it (as well as variations

Of it).

Zero-knowledge as a Paradigm

A major tool inside the creation of cryptographic protocols is the idea of zeroknowledge proof
systems and the fact that zero-information evidence structures exist for all

Languages in N P (furnished that one-manner features exist). Loosely talking, a zeroknowledge

evidence yields not anything however the validity of the declaration. Zero-knowledge proofs
Offer a tool for “forcing” events to observe a given protocol properly.

To demonstrate the role of zero-know-how proofs, consider a setting wherein a celebration,

Referred to as Alice, upon receiving an encrypted message from Bob, is to ship Carol the

Least substantial little bit of the message. Sincerely, if Alice sends simplest the (least massive)

Bit (of the message), then there is no manner for Carol to recognize Alice did now not cheat.

Alice may want to show that she did now not cheat with the aid of revealing to Carol the entire
message as

Well as its decryption key, but that might yield statistics some distance beyond what had been


Required. A far better idea is to allow Alice increase the bit she sends Carol with a

0-know-how evidence that this bit is indeed the least full-size little bit of the message. We

Stress that the foregoing announcement is of the “N P kind” (since the evidence detailed earlier

Can be correctly established), and consequently the life of 0-expertise proofs for

N P-statements means that the foregoing announcement may be proved with out revealing

Whatever past its validity.

The point of interest of chapter 4, dedicated to zero-know-how proofs, is at the foregoing end result

(i.e., the construction of 0-expertise proofs for any N P-assertion). In addition,

We shall recollect severa variations and factors of the belief of zero-understanding proofs

And their results at the applicability of this notion.

1.2. Some background from opportunity theory

Chance plays a imperative function in cryptography. Specifically, probability is vital

As a way to allow a dialogue of facts or loss of statistics (i.e., secrecy). We

Anticipate that the reader is acquainted with the basic notions of opportunity principle. On this

Section, we merely present the probabilistic notations that are used in the course of this ebook

And three beneficial probabilistic inequalities.

1.2.1. Notational Conventions

For the duration of this entire book we will talk to best discrete opportunity distributions.

Typically, the opportunity space includes the set of all strings of a sure length

, fascinated about uniform opportunity distribution. That is, the pattern area is the set

Of all -bit-lengthy strings, and every such string is assigned possibility degree 2−

Traditionally, capabilities from the sample area to the reals are referred to as random variables.

Abusing trendy terminology, we permit ourselves to use the time period random variable also

While regarding capabilities mapping the pattern area into the set of binary strings.

We frequently do now not specify the possibility space, but alternatively talk directly approximately

Variables. As an instance, we may additionally say that X is a random variable assigned values in

The set of all strings, in order that Pr[X = 00] = 1

Four and Pr[X = 111] = 3

Four . (any such random

Variable can be defined over the sample space {zero, 1}2, so that X(11) = 00 and X(00) =

X(01) = X(10) = 111.) In most cases the chance space includes all strings of

A particular duration. Commonly, these strings represent random picks made by means of some

Randomized system (see next section), and the random variable is the output of the


A way to examine Probabilistic Statements. All our probabilistic statements consult with

Functions of random variables which can be described ahead. Typically, we will write

Pr[ f (X) = 1], wherein X is a random variable described in advance (and f is a function).

An critical convention is that all occurrences of a given image in a probabilistic

Assertion talk to the same (specific) random variable. Therefore, if B(·, ·) is a Boolean

Expression depending on variables and X is a random variable, then Pr[B(X, X)]

Denotes the chance that B(x, x) holds whilst x is chosen with probabilitypr[X = x].


1.2. A few historical past FROM possibility principle


Pr[B(X, X)] =

Pr[X = x] · χ(B(x, x))

Where χ is a trademark feature, in order that χ(B) = 1 if event B holds, and equals 0 otherwise. As an
instance, for every random variable X, we've Pr[X = X] = 1. We strain

That if one needs to discuss the opportunity that B(x, y) holds when x and y are selected
Independently with the same opportunity distribution, then one needs to outline two impartial
random variables, each with the identical chance distribution. Hence, if X and

Y are impartial random variables, then Pr[B(X, Y )] denotes the probability that

B(x, y) holds while the pair (x, y) is chosen with possibility Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y].


Pr[B(X, Y )] =


Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y] · χ(B(x, y))

As an example, for every impartial random variables, X and Y , we've

Pr[X = Y ] = 1 simplest if both X and Y are trivial (i.e., assign the entire chance

Mass to a unmarried string).

Regular Random Variables. Throughout this complete book, Un denotes a random variable uniformly
dispensed over the set of strings of duration n. Namely,Pr[Un =α] equals

2−n if α ∈ {0, 1}n, and equals zero in any other case. Further, we will sometimes use

Random variables (arbitrarily) distributed over {0, 1}n or {0, 1}

L(n) for some function l :

N→N. Such random variables are typically denoted through Xn, Yn, Zn, and many others. We
pressure that in

A few instances Xn is distributed over{zero, 1}n, while in others it's far allotted over{0, 1}


For some characteristic l(·), that's usually a polynomial. Every other type of random variable,

The output of a randomized algorithm on a set input, is mentioned in section 1.three.

1.2.2. Three Inequalities

The subsequent probabilistic inequalities could be very useful inside the path of this book.

All inequalities discuss with random variables which are assigned actual values. The maximum
primary inequality is the Markov inequality, which asserts that for random variables with

Bounded maximum or minimal values, some relation have to exist between the deviation of a value
from the expectancy of the random variable and the opportunity that the

Random variable is assigned this price. Particularly, letting E(X) def

V Pr[X =v] · v

Denote the expectation of the random variable X, we've the following:

Markov Inequality: allow X be a non-poor random variable and v a actual

Wide variety. Then

Pr[X ≥ v] ≤


Equivalently, Pr[X ≥ r · E(X)] ≤ 1




E(X) =

Pr[X = x] · x

Pr[X = x] · 0 +


Pr[X = x] · v

= Pr[X ≥ v] · v

The claim follows.

The Markov inequality is typically used in cases in which one knows very little about

The distribution of the random variable; it suffices to know its expectation and at least

One bound on the range of its values. See Exercise 1.

Using Markov’s inequality, one gets a “possibly stronger” bound for the deviation

Of a random variable from its expectation. This bound, called Chebyshev’s inequality, is useful
provided one has additional knowledge concerning the random variable

(specifically, a good upper bound on its variance). For a random variable X of finite

Expectation, we denote by Var(X) def

= E[(X − E(X))2] the variance of X and observe

That Var(X) = E(X2) − E(X)

Chebyshev’s Inequality: Let X be a random variable, and δ > zero. Then

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] ≤



Evidence: We define a random variable Y def

= (X − E(X))2 and apply the Markov

Inequality. We get

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] = Pr[(X − E(X))2 ≥ δ2

E[(X − E(X))2]


And the claim follows.

Chebyshev’s inequality is particularly beneficial for evaluation of the mistake opportunity of

Approximation through repeated sampling. It suffices to count on that the samples are picked

In a pairwise-independent manner.

Corollary (Pairwise-unbiased Sampling): permit X1, X2,..., Xn be pairwiseindependent random

variables with the equal expectation, denotedµ, and the identical

Variance, denoted σ2. Then, for each ε > zero,


I=1 Xi





The Xi’s are called pairwise-independent if for each i = j and all a and b, it holds

That Pr[Xi = a ∧ X j = b] equals Pr[Xi = a] · Pr[X j = b].


1.2. A few history FROM possibility principle

Proof: define the random variables Xi


= Xi − E(Xi). Note that the Xi’s are

Pairwise-unbiased and each has 0 expectation. Making use of Chebyshev’s inequality to the random
variable described by way of the sumn



N , and the use of the linearity

Of the expectancy operator, we get





Var n





I=1 Xi

Ε2 · n2

Now (again the usage of the linearity of E)






1≤i= j≤n

E[ Xi X j]

By way of the pairwise independence of the Xi’s, we get E[Xi X j] = E[Xi] · E[X j], and

The use of E[Xi] = 0, we get



 = n · σ2

The corollary follows.

The usage of pairwise-independent sampling, the mistake probability within the approximation

Is reducing linearly with the wide variety of pattern points. The use of absolutely independent

Sampling factors, the mistake opportunity inside the approximation may be proven to decrease

Exponentially with the number of pattern points. (The random variables X1, X2,..., Xn

Are said to be completely unbiased if for each series a1, a2,..., an it holds that


I=1Xi = ai] equals n

I=1 Pr[Xi = ai].) Chance bounds helping the foregoing assertion are given subsequent. The primary
sure, normally called the Chernoff

Sure, issues 0-1 random variables (i.e., random variables which are assigned values

Of both 0 or 1).

Chernoff bound: permit p ≤ 1

2 , and let X1, X2,..., Xn be unbiased zero-1 random

Variables, in order that Pr[Xi = 1] = p for every i. Then for all ε, zero < ε ≤ p(1 − p),

We have


I=1 Xi


< 2 · e− ε2

2p(1−p) ·n

We shall commonly practice the sure with a regular p ≈ 1

2 . In this example, n unbiased

Samples provide an approximation that deviates by means of ε from the expectancy with probability

This is exponentially decreasing with ε2n. Such an approximation is called an (ε, δ)-

Approximation and can be executed the use of n = O(ε−2 · log(1/δ)) pattern factors. It's far

Important to understand that the sufficient quantity of pattern points is polynomially

Related to ε−1 and logarithmically related to δ−1. So using poly(n) many samples, the



Blunders chance (i.e., δ) can be made negligible (as a feature in n), however the accuracy of

The estimation (i.e., ε) may be bounded above only with the aid of any fixed polynomial fraction

Can't be made negligible).2 We strain that the dependence of the number of samples

On ε isn't always better than in the case of pairwise-unbiased sampling; the advantage of
Completely independent samples lies most effective within the dependence of the range of samples
on δ.

Simultaneity troubles

A typical example of a simultaneity trouble is that of simultaneous exchange of secrets,

Of which agreement signing is a unique case. The placing for a simultaneous alternate

Of secrets and techniques consists of events, every preserving a “secret.” The intention is to execute

Protocol such that if both parties comply with it successfully, then at termination every will keep

Its counterpart’s secret, and anyways (even though one celebration cheats) the first party will

Hold the second one birthday celebration’s secret if and handiest if the second birthday celebration
holds the first birthday celebration’s

Secret. Perfectly simultaneous exchange of secrets and techniques can be carried out most effective
if we assume

The life of 0.33 events that are relied on to some extent. In truth, simultaneous

Alternate of secrets and techniques can without problems be carried out the use of the lively
participation of a trusted

1/3 birthday celebration: each celebration sends its secret to the trusted third party (the usage of a
relaxed channel).

The 0.33 birthday party, on receiving both secrets and techniques, sends the first party’s mystery to
the second

Celebration and the second one party’s secret to the first party. There are issues with this


1. The solution calls for the active participation of an “outside” birthday celebration in all instances
(i.e., also

In case each parties are honest). We observe that different solutions requiring milder styles of

Participation of outside events do exist.

2. The answer calls for the life of a totally depended on 0.33 entity. In a few applications,

Such an entity does now not exist. Despite the fact that, inside the sequel we will speak the trouble

1.1. CRYPTOGRAPHY: principal topics

Of implementing a trusted 0.33 birthday party by way of a fixed of customers with an honest
majority (despite the fact that

The identity of the honest customers isn't acknowledged).

Secure Implementation of Functionalities and relied on events

A unique kind of protocol hassle is concerned with the cozy implementation of

Functionalities. To be greater unique, we speak the trouble of evaluating a characteristic of nearby

inputs each of which is held via a distinct person. An illustrative and

Motivating example is vote casting, in which the feature is majority, and the nearby enter

Held through user A is a unmarried bit representing the vote of person A (e.g., “seasoned” or “con”).

Loosely speakme, a protocol for securely evaluating a selected characteristic ought to satisfy the


• privateness: No celebration can “benefit statistics” on the input of different events, beyond what's

Deduced from the value of the function.

• Robustness: No birthday celebration can “influence” the price of the function, past the have an
effect on

Exerted by deciding on its personal enter.

It is once in a while required that those situations maintain with admire to “small” (e.g., minority)
coalitions of parties (rather than unmarried events).

Truly, if one of the users is understood to be completely straightforward, then there exists a

Easy way to the hassle of comfortable evaluation of any function. Each user truely

Sends its enter to the relied on party (using a comfy channel), who, upon receiving all

Inputs, computes the feature, sends the outcome to all customers, and erases all intermediate
computations (along with the inputs obtained) from its memory. Clearly, it's far

Unrealistic to anticipate that a party can be relied on to such an extent (e.g., that it will

Voluntarily erase what it has “discovered”). Though, the problem of imposing

Comfortable characteristic evaluation reduces to the problem of implementing a relied on


It seems that a trusted party may be applied by way of a hard and fast of users with an honest
majority (even supposing the identity of the honest customers isn't always recognized). That is
indeed a

Fundamental bring about this area, and plenty of chapter 7, with a purpose to appear within the 2nd

Volume of this paintings, may be committed to formulating and proving it (as well as variations

Of it).

Zero-knowledge as a Paradigm

A major tool inside the creation of cryptographic protocols is the idea of zeroknowledge proof
systems and the fact that zero-information evidence structures exist for all

Languages in N P (furnished that one-manner features exist). Loosely talking, a zeroknowledge

evidence yields not anything however the validity of the declaration. Zero-knowledge proofs
Offer a tool for “forcing” events to observe a given protocol properly.

To demonstrate the role of zero-know-how proofs, consider a setting wherein a celebration,

Referred to as Alice, upon receiving an encrypted message from Bob, is to ship Carol the

Least substantial little bit of the message. Sincerely, if Alice sends simplest the (least massive)

Bit (of the message), then there is no manner for Carol to recognize Alice did now not cheat.

Alice may want to show that she did now not cheat with the aid of revealing to Carol the entire
message as

Well as its decryption key, but that might yield statistics some distance beyond what had been


Required. A far better idea is to allow Alice increase the bit she sends Carol with a

0-know-how evidence that this bit is indeed the least full-size little bit of the message. We

Stress that the foregoing announcement is of the “N P kind” (since the evidence detailed earlier

Can be correctly established), and consequently the life of 0-expertise proofs for

N P-statements means that the foregoing announcement may be proved with out revealing

Whatever past its validity.

The point of interest of chapter 4, dedicated to zero-know-how proofs, is at the foregoing end result

(i.e., the construction of 0-expertise proofs for any N P-assertion). In addition,

We shall recollect severa variations and factors of the belief of zero-understanding proofs

And their results at the applicability of this notion.

1.2. Some background from opportunity theory

Chance plays a imperative function in cryptography. Specifically, probability is vital

As a way to allow a dialogue of facts or loss of statistics (i.e., secrecy). We

Anticipate that the reader is acquainted with the basic notions of opportunity principle. On this

Section, we merely present the probabilistic notations that are used in the course of this ebook

And three beneficial probabilistic inequalities.

1.2.1. Notational Conventions

For the duration of this entire book we will talk to best discrete opportunity distributions.

Typically, the opportunity space includes the set of all strings of a sure length

, fascinated about uniform opportunity distribution. That is, the pattern area is the set

Of all -bit-lengthy strings, and every such string is assigned possibility degree 2−

Traditionally, capabilities from the sample area to the reals are referred to as random variables.

Abusing trendy terminology, we permit ourselves to use the time period random variable also

While regarding capabilities mapping the pattern area into the set of binary strings.

We frequently do now not specify the possibility space, but alternatively talk directly approximately

Variables. As an instance, we may additionally say that X is a random variable assigned values in

The set of all strings, in order that Pr[X = 00] = 1

Four and Pr[X = 111] = 3

Four . (any such random

Variable can be defined over the sample space {zero, 1}2, so that X(11) = 00 and X(00) =

X(01) = X(10) = 111.) In most cases the chance space includes all strings of

A particular duration. Commonly, these strings represent random picks made by means of some

Randomized system (see next section), and the random variable is the output of the


A way to examine Probabilistic Statements. All our probabilistic statements consult with

Functions of random variables which can be described ahead. Typically, we will write

Pr[ f (X) = 1], wherein X is a random variable described in advance (and f is a function).

An critical convention is that all occurrences of a given image in a probabilistic

Assertion talk to the same (specific) random variable. Therefore, if B(·, ·) is a Boolean

Expression depending on variables and X is a random variable, then Pr[B(X, X)]

Denotes the chance that B(x, x) holds whilst x is chosen with probabilitypr[X = x].


1.2. A few historical past FROM possibility principle


Pr[B(X, X)] =

Pr[X = x] · χ(B(x, x))

Where χ is a trademark feature, in order that χ(B) = 1 if event B holds, and equals 0 otherwise. As an
instance, for every random variable X, we've Pr[X = X] = 1. We strain

That if one needs to discuss the opportunity that B(x, y) holds when x and y are selected
Independently with the same opportunity distribution, then one needs to outline two impartial
random variables, each with the identical chance distribution. Hence, if X and

Y are impartial random variables, then Pr[B(X, Y )] denotes the probability that

B(x, y) holds while the pair (x, y) is chosen with possibility Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y].


Pr[B(X, Y )] =


Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y] · χ(B(x, y))

As an example, for every impartial random variables, X and Y , we've

Pr[X = Y ] = 1 simplest if both X and Y are trivial (i.e., assign the entire chance

Mass to a unmarried string).

Regular Random Variables. Throughout this complete book, Un denotes a random variable uniformly
dispensed over the set of strings of duration n. Namely,Pr[Un =α] equals

2−n if α ∈ {0, 1}n, and equals zero in any other case. Further, we will sometimes use

Random variables (arbitrarily) distributed over {0, 1}n or {0, 1}

L(n) for some function l :

N→N. Such random variables are typically denoted through Xn, Yn, Zn, and many others. We
pressure that in

A few instances Xn is distributed over{zero, 1}n, while in others it's far allotted over{0, 1}


For some characteristic l(·), that's usually a polynomial. Every other type of random variable,

The output of a randomized algorithm on a set input, is mentioned in section 1.three.

1.2.2. Three Inequalities

The subsequent probabilistic inequalities could be very useful inside the path of this book.

All inequalities discuss with random variables which are assigned actual values. The maximum
primary inequality is the Markov inequality, which asserts that for random variables with

Bounded maximum or minimal values, some relation have to exist between the deviation of a value
from the expectancy of the random variable and the opportunity that the

Random variable is assigned this price. Particularly, letting E(X) def

V Pr[X =v] · v

Denote the expectation of the random variable X, we've the following:

Markov Inequality: allow X be a non-poor random variable and v a actual

Wide variety. Then

Pr[X ≥ v] ≤


Equivalently, Pr[X ≥ r · E(X)] ≤ 1




E(X) =

Pr[X = x] · x

Pr[X = x] · 0 +


Pr[X = x] · v

= Pr[X ≥ v] · v

The claim follows.

The Markov inequality is typically used in cases in which one knows very little about

The distribution of the random variable; it suffices to know its expectation and at least

One bound on the range of its values. See Exercise 1.

Using Markov’s inequality, one gets a “possibly stronger” bound for the deviation

Of a random variable from its expectation. This bound, called Chebyshev’s inequality, is useful
provided one has additional knowledge concerning the random variable

(specifically, a good upper bound on its variance). For a random variable X of finite

Expectation, we denote by Var(X) def

= E[(X − E(X))2] the variance of X and observe

That Var(X) = E(X2) − E(X)

Chebyshev’s Inequality: Let X be a random variable, and δ > zero. Then

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] ≤



Evidence: We define a random variable Y def

= (X − E(X))2 and apply the Markov

Inequality. We get

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] = Pr[(X − E(X))2 ≥ δ2

E[(X − E(X))2]


And the claim follows.

Chebyshev’s inequality is particularly beneficial for evaluation of the mistake opportunity of

Approximation through repeated sampling. It suffices to count on that the samples are picked

In a pairwise-independent manner.

Corollary (Pairwise-unbiased Sampling): permit X1, X2,..., Xn be pairwiseindependent random

variables with the equal expectation, denotedµ, and the identical

Variance, denoted σ2. Then, for each ε > zero,


I=1 Xi





The Xi’s are called pairwise-independent if for each i = j and all a and b, it holds

That Pr[Xi = a ∧ X j = b] equals Pr[Xi = a] · Pr[X j = b].


1.2. A few history FROM possibility principle

Proof: define the random variables Xi


= Xi − E(Xi). Note that the Xi’s are

Pairwise-unbiased and each has 0 expectation. Making use of Chebyshev’s inequality to the random
variable described by way of the sumn



N , and the use of the linearity

Of the expectancy operator, we get





Var n





I=1 Xi

Ε2 · n2

Now (again the usage of the linearity of E)






1≤i= j≤n

E[ Xi X j]

By way of the pairwise independence of the Xi’s, we get E[Xi X j] = E[Xi] · E[X j], and

The use of E[Xi] = 0, we get



 = n · σ2

The corollary follows.

The usage of pairwise-independent sampling, the mistake probability within the approximation

Is reducing linearly with the wide variety of pattern points. The use of absolutely independent

Sampling factors, the mistake opportunity inside the approximation may be proven to decrease

Exponentially with the number of pattern points. (The random variables X1, X2,..., Xn

Are said to be completely unbiased if for each series a1, a2,..., an it holds that


I=1Xi = ai] equals n

I=1 Pr[Xi = ai].) Chance bounds helping the foregoing assertion are given subsequent. The primary
sure, normally called the Chernoff

Sure, issues 0-1 random variables (i.e., random variables which are assigned values

Of both 0 or 1).

Chernoff bound: permit p ≤ 1

2 , and let X1, X2,..., Xn be unbiased zero-1 random

Variables, in order that Pr[Xi = 1] = p for every i. Then for all ε, zero < ε ≤ p(1 − p),

We have


I=1 Xi


< 2 · e− ε2

2p(1−p) ·n

We shall commonly practice the sure with a regular p ≈ 1

2 . In this example, n unbiased

Samples provide an approximation that deviates by means of ε from the expectancy with probability

This is exponentially decreasing with ε2n. Such an approximation is called an (ε, δ)-

Approximation and can be executed the use of n = O(ε−2 · log(1/δ)) pattern factors. It's far

Important to understand that the sufficient quantity of pattern points is polynomially

Related to ε−1 and logarithmically related to δ−1. So using poly(n) many samples, the



Blunders chance (i.e., δ) can be made negligible (as a feature in n), however the accuracy of

The estimation (i.e., ε) may be bounded above only with the aid of any fixed polynomial fraction

Can't be made negligible).2 We strain that the dependence of the number of samples

On ε isn't always better than in the case of pairwise-unbiased sampling; the advantage of
Completely independent samples lies most effective within the dependence of the range of samples
on δ.

Simultaneity troubles

A typical example of a simultaneity trouble is that of simultaneous exchange of secrets,

Of which agreement signing is a unique case. The placing for a simultaneous alternate

Of secrets and techniques consists of events, every preserving a “secret.” The intention is to execute

Protocol such that if both parties comply with it successfully, then at termination every will keep

Its counterpart’s secret, and anyways (even though one celebration cheats) the first party will

Hold the second one birthday celebration’s secret if and handiest if the second birthday celebration
holds the first birthday celebration’s

Secret. Perfectly simultaneous exchange of secrets and techniques can be carried out most effective
if we assume

The life of 0.33 events that are relied on to some extent. In truth, simultaneous

Alternate of secrets and techniques can without problems be carried out the use of the lively
participation of a trusted

1/3 birthday celebration: each celebration sends its secret to the trusted third party (the usage of a
relaxed channel).

The 0.33 birthday party, on receiving both secrets and techniques, sends the first party’s mystery to
the second

Celebration and the second one party’s secret to the first party. There are issues with this


1. The solution calls for the active participation of an “outside” birthday celebration in all instances
(i.e., also

In case each parties are honest). We observe that different solutions requiring milder styles of

Participation of outside events do exist.

2. The answer calls for the life of a totally depended on 0.33 entity. In a few applications,

Such an entity does now not exist. Despite the fact that, inside the sequel we will speak the trouble

1.1. CRYPTOGRAPHY: principal topics

Of implementing a trusted 0.33 birthday party by way of a fixed of customers with an honest
majority (despite the fact that

The identity of the honest customers isn't acknowledged).

Secure Implementation of Functionalities and relied on events

A unique kind of protocol hassle is concerned with the cozy implementation of

Functionalities. To be greater unique, we speak the trouble of evaluating a characteristic of nearby

inputs each of which is held via a distinct person. An illustrative and

Motivating example is vote casting, in which the feature is majority, and the nearby enter

Held through user A is a unmarried bit representing the vote of person A (e.g., “seasoned” or “con”).

Loosely speakme, a protocol for securely evaluating a selected characteristic ought to satisfy the


• privateness: No celebration can “benefit statistics” on the input of different events, beyond what's

Deduced from the value of the function.

• Robustness: No birthday celebration can “influence” the price of the function, past the have an
effect on

Exerted by deciding on its personal enter.

It is once in a while required that those situations maintain with admire to “small” (e.g., minority)
coalitions of parties (rather than unmarried events).

Truly, if one of the users is understood to be completely straightforward, then there exists a

Easy way to the hassle of comfortable evaluation of any function. Each user truely

Sends its enter to the relied on party (using a comfy channel), who, upon receiving all

Inputs, computes the feature, sends the outcome to all customers, and erases all intermediate
computations (along with the inputs obtained) from its memory. Clearly, it's far

Unrealistic to anticipate that a party can be relied on to such an extent (e.g., that it will

Voluntarily erase what it has “discovered”). Though, the problem of imposing

Comfortable characteristic evaluation reduces to the problem of implementing a relied on


It seems that a trusted party may be applied by way of a hard and fast of users with an honest
majority (even supposing the identity of the honest customers isn't always recognized). That is
indeed a

Fundamental bring about this area, and plenty of chapter 7, with a purpose to appear within the 2nd

Volume of this paintings, may be committed to formulating and proving it (as well as variations

Of it).

Zero-knowledge as a Paradigm

A major tool inside the creation of cryptographic protocols is the idea of zeroknowledge proof
systems and the fact that zero-information evidence structures exist for all

Languages in N P (furnished that one-manner features exist). Loosely talking, a zeroknowledge

evidence yields not anything however the validity of the declaration. Zero-knowledge proofs
Offer a tool for “forcing” events to observe a given protocol properly.

To demonstrate the role of zero-know-how proofs, consider a setting wherein a celebration,

Referred to as Alice, upon receiving an encrypted message from Bob, is to ship Carol the

Least substantial little bit of the message. Sincerely, if Alice sends simplest the (least massive)

Bit (of the message), then there is no manner for Carol to recognize Alice did now not cheat.

Alice may want to show that she did now not cheat with the aid of revealing to Carol the entire
message as

Well as its decryption key, but that might yield statistics some distance beyond what had been


Required. A far better idea is to allow Alice increase the bit she sends Carol with a

0-know-how evidence that this bit is indeed the least full-size little bit of the message. We

Stress that the foregoing announcement is of the “N P kind” (since the evidence detailed earlier

Can be correctly established), and consequently the life of 0-expertise proofs for

N P-statements means that the foregoing announcement may be proved with out revealing

Whatever past its validity.

The point of interest of chapter 4, dedicated to zero-know-how proofs, is at the foregoing end result

(i.e., the construction of 0-expertise proofs for any N P-assertion). In addition,

We shall recollect severa variations and factors of the belief of zero-understanding proofs

And their results at the applicability of this notion.

1.2. Some background from opportunity theory

Chance plays a imperative function in cryptography. Specifically, probability is vital

As a way to allow a dialogue of facts or loss of statistics (i.e., secrecy). We

Anticipate that the reader is acquainted with the basic notions of opportunity principle. On this

Section, we merely present the probabilistic notations that are used in the course of this ebook

And three beneficial probabilistic inequalities.

1.2.1. Notational Conventions

For the duration of this entire book we will talk to best discrete opportunity distributions.

Typically, the opportunity space includes the set of all strings of a sure length

, fascinated about uniform opportunity distribution. That is, the pattern area is the set

Of all -bit-lengthy strings, and every such string is assigned possibility degree 2−

Traditionally, capabilities from the sample area to the reals are referred to as random variables.

Abusing trendy terminology, we permit ourselves to use the time period random variable also

While regarding capabilities mapping the pattern area into the set of binary strings.

We frequently do now not specify the possibility space, but alternatively talk directly approximately

Variables. As an instance, we may additionally say that X is a random variable assigned values in

The set of all strings, in order that Pr[X = 00] = 1

Four and Pr[X = 111] = 3

Four . (any such random

Variable can be defined over the sample space {zero, 1}2, so that X(11) = 00 and X(00) =

X(01) = X(10) = 111.) In most cases the chance space includes all strings of

A particular duration. Commonly, these strings represent random picks made by means of some

Randomized system (see next section), and the random variable is the output of the


A way to examine Probabilistic Statements. All our probabilistic statements consult with

Functions of random variables which can be described ahead. Typically, we will write

Pr[ f (X) = 1], wherein X is a random variable described in advance (and f is a function).

An critical convention is that all occurrences of a given image in a probabilistic

Assertion talk to the same (specific) random variable. Therefore, if B(·, ·) is a Boolean

Expression depending on variables and X is a random variable, then Pr[B(X, X)]

Denotes the chance that B(x, x) holds whilst x is chosen with probabilitypr[X = x].


1.2. A few historical past FROM possibility principle


Pr[B(X, X)] =

Pr[X = x] · χ(B(x, x))

Where χ is a trademark feature, in order that χ(B) = 1 if event B holds, and equals 0 otherwise. As an
instance, for every random variable X, we've Pr[X = X] = 1. We strain

That if one needs to discuss the opportunity that B(x, y) holds when x and y are selected
Independently with the same opportunity distribution, then one needs to outline two impartial
random variables, each with the identical chance distribution. Hence, if X and

Y are impartial random variables, then Pr[B(X, Y )] denotes the probability that

B(x, y) holds while the pair (x, y) is chosen with possibility Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y].


Pr[B(X, Y )] =


Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y] · χ(B(x, y))

As an example, for every impartial random variables, X and Y , we've

Pr[X = Y ] = 1 simplest if both X and Y are trivial (i.e., assign the entire chance

Mass to a unmarried string).

Regular Random Variables. Throughout this complete book, Un denotes a random variable uniformly
dispensed over the set of strings of duration n. Namely,Pr[Un =α] equals

2−n if α ∈ {0, 1}n, and equals zero in any other case. Further, we will sometimes use

Random variables (arbitrarily) distributed over {0, 1}n or {0, 1}

L(n) for some function l :

N→N. Such random variables are typically denoted through Xn, Yn, Zn, and many others. We
pressure that in

A few instances Xn is distributed over{zero, 1}n, while in others it's far allotted over{0, 1}


For some characteristic l(·), that's usually a polynomial. Every other type of random variable,

The output of a randomized algorithm on a set input, is mentioned in section 1.three.

1.2.2. Three Inequalities

The subsequent probabilistic inequalities could be very useful inside the path of this book.

All inequalities discuss with random variables which are assigned actual values. The maximum
primary inequality is the Markov inequality, which asserts that for random variables with

Bounded maximum or minimal values, some relation have to exist between the deviation of a value
from the expectancy of the random variable and the opportunity that the

Random variable is assigned this price. Particularly, letting E(X) def

V Pr[X =v] · v

Denote the expectation of the random variable X, we've the following:

Markov Inequality: allow X be a non-poor random variable and v a actual

Wide variety. Then

Pr[X ≥ v] ≤


Equivalently, Pr[X ≥ r · E(X)] ≤ 1




E(X) =

Pr[X = x] · x

Pr[X = x] · 0 +


Pr[X = x] · v

= Pr[X ≥ v] · v

The claim follows.

The Markov inequality is typically used in cases in which one knows very little about

The distribution of the random variable; it suffices to know its expectation and at least

One bound on the range of its values. See Exercise 1.

Using Markov’s inequality, one gets a “possibly stronger” bound for the deviation

Of a random variable from its expectation. This bound, called Chebyshev’s inequality, is useful
provided one has additional knowledge concerning the random variable

(specifically, a good upper bound on its variance). For a random variable X of finite

Expectation, we denote by Var(X) def

= E[(X − E(X))2] the variance of X and observe

That Var(X) = E(X2) − E(X)

Chebyshev’s Inequality: Let X be a random variable, and δ > zero. Then

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] ≤



Evidence: We define a random variable Y def

= (X − E(X))2 and apply the Markov

Inequality. We get

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] = Pr[(X − E(X))2 ≥ δ2

E[(X − E(X))2]


And the claim follows.

Chebyshev’s inequality is particularly beneficial for evaluation of the mistake opportunity of

Approximation through repeated sampling. It suffices to count on that the samples are picked

In a pairwise-independent manner.

Corollary (Pairwise-unbiased Sampling): permit X1, X2,..., Xn be pairwiseindependent random

variables with the equal expectation, denotedµ, and the identical

Variance, denoted σ2. Then, for each ε > zero,


I=1 Xi





The Xi’s are called pairwise-independent if for each i = j and all a and b, it holds

That Pr[Xi = a ∧ X j = b] equals Pr[Xi = a] · Pr[X j = b].


1.2. A few history FROM possibility principle

Proof: define the random variables Xi


= Xi − E(Xi). Note that the Xi’s are

Pairwise-unbiased and each has 0 expectation. Making use of Chebyshev’s inequality to the random
variable described by way of the sumn



N , and the use of the linearity

Of the expectancy operator, we get





Var n





I=1 Xi

Ε2 · n2

Now (again the usage of the linearity of E)






1≤i= j≤n

E[ Xi X j]

By way of the pairwise independence of the Xi’s, we get E[Xi X j] = E[Xi] · E[X j], and

The use of E[Xi] = 0, we get



 = n · σ2

The corollary follows.

The usage of pairwise-independent sampling, the mistake probability within the approximation

Is reducing linearly with the wide variety of pattern points. The use of absolutely independent

Sampling factors, the mistake opportunity inside the approximation may be proven to decrease

Exponentially with the number of pattern points. (The random variables X1, X2,..., Xn

Are said to be completely unbiased if for each series a1, a2,..., an it holds that


I=1Xi = ai] equals n

I=1 Pr[Xi = ai].) Chance bounds helping the foregoing assertion are given subsequent. The primary
sure, normally called the Chernoff

Sure, issues 0-1 random variables (i.e., random variables which are assigned values

Of both 0 or 1).

Chernoff bound: permit p ≤ 1

2 , and let X1, X2,..., Xn be unbiased zero-1 random

Variables, in order that Pr[Xi = 1] = p for every i. Then for all ε, zero < ε ≤ p(1 − p),

We have


I=1 Xi


< 2 · e− ε2

2p(1−p) ·n

We shall commonly practice the sure with a regular p ≈ 1

2 . In this example, n unbiased

Samples provide an approximation that deviates by means of ε from the expectancy with probability

This is exponentially decreasing with ε2n. Such an approximation is called an (ε, δ)-

Approximation and can be executed the use of n = O(ε−2 · log(1/δ)) pattern factors. It's far

Important to understand that the sufficient quantity of pattern points is polynomially

Related to ε−1 and logarithmically related to δ−1. So using poly(n) many samples, the



Blunders chance (i.e., δ) can be made negligible (as a feature in n), however the accuracy of

The estimation (i.e., ε) may be bounded above only with the aid of any fixed polynomial fraction

Can't be made negligible).2 We strain that the dependence of the number of samples

On ε isn't always better than in the case of pairwise-unbiased sampling; the advantage of
Completely independent samples lies most effective within the dependence of the range of samples
on δ.

Simultaneity troubles

A typical example of a simultaneity trouble is that of simultaneous exchange of secrets,

Of which agreement signing is a unique case. The placing for a simultaneous alternate

Of secrets and techniques consists of events, every preserving a “secret.” The intention is to execute

Protocol such that if both parties comply with it successfully, then at termination every will keep

Its counterpart’s secret, and anyways (even though one celebration cheats) the first party will

Hold the second one birthday celebration’s secret if and handiest if the second birthday celebration
holds the first birthday celebration’s

Secret. Perfectly simultaneous exchange of secrets and techniques can be carried out most effective
if we assume

The life of 0.33 events that are relied on to some extent. In truth, simultaneous

Alternate of secrets and techniques can without problems be carried out the use of the lively
participation of a trusted

1/3 birthday celebration: each celebration sends its secret to the trusted third party (the usage of a
relaxed channel).

The 0.33 birthday party, on receiving both secrets and techniques, sends the first party’s mystery to
the second

Celebration and the second one party’s secret to the first party. There are issues with this


1. The solution calls for the active participation of an “outside” birthday celebration in all instances
(i.e., also

In case each parties are honest). We observe that different solutions requiring milder styles of

Participation of outside events do exist.

2. The answer calls for the life of a totally depended on 0.33 entity. In a few applications,

Such an entity does now not exist. Despite the fact that, inside the sequel we will speak the trouble

1.1. CRYPTOGRAPHY: principal topics

Of implementing a trusted 0.33 birthday party by way of a fixed of customers with an honest
majority (despite the fact that

The identity of the honest customers isn't acknowledged).

Secure Implementation of Functionalities and relied on events

A unique kind of protocol hassle is concerned with the cozy implementation of

Functionalities. To be greater unique, we speak the trouble of evaluating a characteristic of nearby

inputs each of which is held via a distinct person. An illustrative and

Motivating example is vote casting, in which the feature is majority, and the nearby enter

Held through user A is a unmarried bit representing the vote of person A (e.g., “seasoned” or “con”).

Loosely speakme, a protocol for securely evaluating a selected characteristic ought to satisfy the


• privateness: No celebration can “benefit statistics” on the input of different events, beyond what's

Deduced from the value of the function.

• Robustness: No birthday celebration can “influence” the price of the function, past the have an
effect on

Exerted by deciding on its personal enter.

It is once in a while required that those situations maintain with admire to “small” (e.g., minority)
coalitions of parties (rather than unmarried events).

Truly, if one of the users is understood to be completely straightforward, then there exists a

Easy way to the hassle of comfortable evaluation of any function. Each user truely

Sends its enter to the relied on party (using a comfy channel), who, upon receiving all

Inputs, computes the feature, sends the outcome to all customers, and erases all intermediate
computations (along with the inputs obtained) from its memory. Clearly, it's far

Unrealistic to anticipate that a party can be relied on to such an extent (e.g., that it will

Voluntarily erase what it has “discovered”). Though, the problem of imposing

Comfortable characteristic evaluation reduces to the problem of implementing a relied on


It seems that a trusted party may be applied by way of a hard and fast of users with an honest
majority (even supposing the identity of the honest customers isn't always recognized). That is
indeed a

Fundamental bring about this area, and plenty of chapter 7, with a purpose to appear within the 2nd

Volume of this paintings, may be committed to formulating and proving it (as well as variations

Of it).

Zero-knowledge as a Paradigm

A major tool inside the creation of cryptographic protocols is the idea of zeroknowledge proof
systems and the fact that zero-information evidence structures exist for all

Languages in N P (furnished that one-manner features exist). Loosely talking, a zeroknowledge

evidence yields not anything however the validity of the declaration. Zero-knowledge proofs
Offer a tool for “forcing” events to observe a given protocol properly.

To demonstrate the role of zero-know-how proofs, consider a setting wherein a celebration,

Referred to as Alice, upon receiving an encrypted message from Bob, is to ship Carol the

Least substantial little bit of the message. Sincerely, if Alice sends simplest the (least massive)

Bit (of the message), then there is no manner for Carol to recognize Alice did now not cheat.

Alice may want to show that she did now not cheat with the aid of revealing to Carol the entire
message as

Well as its decryption key, but that might yield statistics some distance beyond what had been


Required. A far better idea is to allow Alice increase the bit she sends Carol with a

0-know-how evidence that this bit is indeed the least full-size little bit of the message. We

Stress that the foregoing announcement is of the “N P kind” (since the evidence detailed earlier

Can be correctly established), and consequently the life of 0-expertise proofs for

N P-statements means that the foregoing announcement may be proved with out revealing

Whatever past its validity.

The point of interest of chapter 4, dedicated to zero-know-how proofs, is at the foregoing end result

(i.e., the construction of 0-expertise proofs for any N P-assertion). In addition,

We shall recollect severa variations and factors of the belief of zero-understanding proofs

And their results at the applicability of this notion.

1.2. Some background from opportunity theory

Chance plays a imperative function in cryptography. Specifically, probability is vital

As a way to allow a dialogue of facts or loss of statistics (i.e., secrecy). We

Anticipate that the reader is acquainted with the basic notions of opportunity principle. On this

Section, we merely present the probabilistic notations that are used in the course of this ebook

And three beneficial probabilistic inequalities.

1.2.1. Notational Conventions

For the duration of this entire book we will talk to best discrete opportunity distributions.

Typically, the opportunity space includes the set of all strings of a sure length

, fascinated about uniform opportunity distribution. That is, the pattern area is the set

Of all -bit-lengthy strings, and every such string is assigned possibility degree 2−

Traditionally, capabilities from the sample area to the reals are referred to as random variables.

Abusing trendy terminology, we permit ourselves to use the time period random variable also

While regarding capabilities mapping the pattern area into the set of binary strings.

We frequently do now not specify the possibility space, but alternatively talk directly approximately

Variables. As an instance, we may additionally say that X is a random variable assigned values in

The set of all strings, in order that Pr[X = 00] = 1

Four and Pr[X = 111] = 3

Four . (any such random

Variable can be defined over the sample space {zero, 1}2, so that X(11) = 00 and X(00) =

X(01) = X(10) = 111.) In most cases the chance space includes all strings of

A particular duration. Commonly, these strings represent random picks made by means of some

Randomized system (see next section), and the random variable is the output of the


A way to examine Probabilistic Statements. All our probabilistic statements consult with

Functions of random variables which can be described ahead. Typically, we will write

Pr[ f (X) = 1], wherein X is a random variable described in advance (and f is a function).

An critical convention is that all occurrences of a given image in a probabilistic

Assertion talk to the same (specific) random variable. Therefore, if B(·, ·) is a Boolean

Expression depending on variables and X is a random variable, then Pr[B(X, X)]

Denotes the chance that B(x, x) holds whilst x is chosen with probabilitypr[X = x].


1.2. A few historical past FROM possibility principle


Pr[B(X, X)] =

Pr[X = x] · χ(B(x, x))

Where χ is a trademark feature, in order that χ(B) = 1 if event B holds, and equals 0 otherwise. As an
instance, for every random variable X, we've Pr[X = X] = 1. We strain

That if one needs to discuss the opportunity that B(x, y) holds when x and y are selected
Independently with the same opportunity distribution, then one needs to outline two impartial
random variables, each with the identical chance distribution. Hence, if X and

Y are impartial random variables, then Pr[B(X, Y )] denotes the probability that

B(x, y) holds while the pair (x, y) is chosen with possibility Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y].


Pr[B(X, Y )] =


Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y] · χ(B(x, y))

As an example, for every impartial random variables, X and Y , we've

Pr[X = Y ] = 1 simplest if both X and Y are trivial (i.e., assign the entire chance

Mass to a unmarried string).

Regular Random Variables. Throughout this complete book, Un denotes a random variable uniformly
dispensed over the set of strings of duration n. Namely,Pr[Un =α] equals

2−n if α ∈ {0, 1}n, and equals zero in any other case. Further, we will sometimes use

Random variables (arbitrarily) distributed over {0, 1}n or {0, 1}

L(n) for some function l :

N→N. Such random variables are typically denoted through Xn, Yn, Zn, and many others. We
pressure that in

A few instances Xn is distributed over{zero, 1}n, while in others it's far allotted over{0, 1}


For some characteristic l(·), that's usually a polynomial. Every other type of random variable,

The output of a randomized algorithm on a set input, is mentioned in section 1.three.

1.2.2. Three Inequalities

The subsequent probabilistic inequalities could be very useful inside the path of this book.

All inequalities discuss with random variables which are assigned actual values. The maximum
primary inequality is the Markov inequality, which asserts that for random variables with

Bounded maximum or minimal values, some relation have to exist between the deviation of a value
from the expectancy of the random variable and the opportunity that the

Random variable is assigned this price. Particularly, letting E(X) def

V Pr[X =v] · v

Denote the expectation of the random variable X, we've the following:

Markov Inequality: allow X be a non-poor random variable and v a actual

Wide variety. Then

Pr[X ≥ v] ≤


Equivalently, Pr[X ≥ r · E(X)] ≤ 1




E(X) =

Pr[X = x] · x

Pr[X = x] · 0 +


Pr[X = x] · v

= Pr[X ≥ v] · v

The claim follows.

The Markov inequality is typically used in cases in which one knows very little about

The distribution of the random variable; it suffices to know its expectation and at least

One bound on the range of its values. See Exercise 1.

Using Markov’s inequality, one gets a “possibly stronger” bound for the deviation

Of a random variable from its expectation. This bound, called Chebyshev’s inequality, is useful
provided one has additional knowledge concerning the random variable

(specifically, a good upper bound on its variance). For a random variable X of finite

Expectation, we denote by Var(X) def

= E[(X − E(X))2] the variance of X and observe

That Var(X) = E(X2) − E(X)

Chebyshev’s Inequality: Let X be a random variable, and δ > zero. Then

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] ≤



Evidence: We define a random variable Y def

= (X − E(X))2 and apply the Markov

Inequality. We get

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] = Pr[(X − E(X))2 ≥ δ2

E[(X − E(X))2]


And the claim follows.

Chebyshev’s inequality is particularly beneficial for evaluation of the mistake opportunity of

Approximation through repeated sampling. It suffices to count on that the samples are picked

In a pairwise-independent manner.

Corollary (Pairwise-unbiased Sampling): permit X1, X2,..., Xn be pairwiseindependent random

variables with the equal expectation, denotedµ, and the identical

Variance, denoted σ2. Then, for each ε > zero,


I=1 Xi





The Xi’s are called pairwise-independent if for each i = j and all a and b, it holds

That Pr[Xi = a ∧ X j = b] equals Pr[Xi = a] · Pr[X j = b].


1.2. A few history FROM possibility principle

Proof: define the random variables Xi


= Xi − E(Xi). Note that the Xi’s are

Pairwise-unbiased and each has 0 expectation. Making use of Chebyshev’s inequality to the random
variable described by way of the sumn



N , and the use of the linearity

Of the expectancy operator, we get





Var n





I=1 Xi

Ε2 · n2

Now (again the usage of the linearity of E)






1≤i= j≤n

E[ Xi X j]

By way of the pairwise independence of the Xi’s, we get E[Xi X j] = E[Xi] · E[X j], and

The use of E[Xi] = 0, we get



 = n · σ2

The corollary follows.

The usage of pairwise-independent sampling, the mistake probability within the approximation

Is reducing linearly with the wide variety of pattern points. The use of absolutely independent

Sampling factors, the mistake opportunity inside the approximation may be proven to decrease

Exponentially with the number of pattern points. (The random variables X1, X2,..., Xn

Are said to be completely unbiased if for each series a1, a2,..., an it holds that


I=1Xi = ai] equals n

I=1 Pr[Xi = ai].) Chance bounds helping the foregoing assertion are given subsequent. The primary
sure, normally called the Chernoff

Sure, issues 0-1 random variables (i.e., random variables which are assigned values

Of both 0 or 1).

Chernoff bound: permit p ≤ 1

2 , and let X1, X2,..., Xn be unbiased zero-1 random

Variables, in order that Pr[Xi = 1] = p for every i. Then for all ε, zero < ε ≤ p(1 − p),

We have


I=1 Xi


< 2 · e− ε2

2p(1−p) ·n

We shall commonly practice the sure with a regular p ≈ 1

2 . In this example, n unbiased

Samples provide an approximation that deviates by means of ε from the expectancy with probability

This is exponentially decreasing with ε2n. Such an approximation is called an (ε, δ)-

Approximation and can be executed the use of n = O(ε−2 · log(1/δ)) pattern factors. It's far

Important to understand that the sufficient quantity of pattern points is polynomially

Related to ε−1 and logarithmically related to δ−1. So using poly(n) many samples, the



Blunders chance (i.e., δ) can be made negligible (as a feature in n), however the accuracy of

The estimation (i.e., ε) may be bounded above only with the aid of any fixed polynomial fraction

Can't be made negligible).2 We strain that the dependence of the number of samples

On ε isn't always better than in the case of pairwise-unbiased sampling; the advantage of
Completely independent samples lies most effective within the dependence of the range of samples
on δ.

Simultaneity troubles

A typical example of a simultaneity trouble is that of simultaneous exchange of secrets,

Of which agreement signing is a unique case. The placing for a simultaneous alternate

Of secrets and techniques consists of events, every preserving a “secret.” The intention is to execute

Protocol such that if both parties comply with it successfully, then at termination every will keep

Its counterpart’s secret, and anyways (even though one celebration cheats) the first party will

Hold the second one birthday celebration’s secret if and handiest if the second birthday celebration
holds the first birthday celebration’s

Secret. Perfectly simultaneous exchange of secrets and techniques can be carried out most effective
if we assume

The life of 0.33 events that are relied on to some extent. In truth, simultaneous

Alternate of secrets and techniques can without problems be carried out the use of the lively
participation of a trusted

1/3 birthday celebration: each celebration sends its secret to the trusted third party (the usage of a
relaxed channel).

The 0.33 birthday party, on receiving both secrets and techniques, sends the first party’s mystery to
the second

Celebration and the second one party’s secret to the first party. There are issues with this


1. The solution calls for the active participation of an “outside” birthday celebration in all instances
(i.e., also

In case each parties are honest). We observe that different solutions requiring milder styles of

Participation of outside events do exist.

2. The answer calls for the life of a totally depended on 0.33 entity. In a few applications,

Such an entity does now not exist. Despite the fact that, inside the sequel we will speak the trouble

1.1. CRYPTOGRAPHY: principal topics

Of implementing a trusted 0.33 birthday party by way of a fixed of customers with an honest
majority (despite the fact that

The identity of the honest customers isn't acknowledged).

Secure Implementation of Functionalities and relied on events

A unique kind of protocol hassle is concerned with the cozy implementation of

Functionalities. To be greater unique, we speak the trouble of evaluating a characteristic of nearby

inputs each of which is held via a distinct person. An illustrative and

Motivating example is vote casting, in which the feature is majority, and the nearby enter

Held through user A is a unmarried bit representing the vote of person A (e.g., “seasoned” or “con”).

Loosely speakme, a protocol for securely evaluating a selected characteristic ought to satisfy the


• privateness: No celebration can “benefit statistics” on the input of different events, beyond what's

Deduced from the value of the function.

• Robustness: No birthday celebration can “influence” the price of the function, past the have an
effect on

Exerted by deciding on its personal enter.

It is once in a while required that those situations maintain with admire to “small” (e.g., minority)
coalitions of parties (rather than unmarried events).

Truly, if one of the users is understood to be completely straightforward, then there exists a

Easy way to the hassle of comfortable evaluation of any function. Each user truely

Sends its enter to the relied on party (using a comfy channel), who, upon receiving all

Inputs, computes the feature, sends the outcome to all customers, and erases all intermediate
computations (along with the inputs obtained) from its memory. Clearly, it's far

Unrealistic to anticipate that a party can be relied on to such an extent (e.g., that it will

Voluntarily erase what it has “discovered”). Though, the problem of imposing

Comfortable characteristic evaluation reduces to the problem of implementing a relied on


It seems that a trusted party may be applied by way of a hard and fast of users with an honest
majority (even supposing the identity of the honest customers isn't always recognized). That is
indeed a

Fundamental bring about this area, and plenty of chapter 7, with a purpose to appear within the 2nd

Volume of this paintings, may be committed to formulating and proving it (as well as variations

Of it).

Zero-knowledge as a Paradigm

A major tool inside the creation of cryptographic protocols is the idea of zeroknowledge proof
systems and the fact that zero-information evidence structures exist for all

Languages in N P (furnished that one-manner features exist). Loosely talking, a zeroknowledge

evidence yields not anything however the validity of the declaration. Zero-knowledge proofs
Offer a tool for “forcing” events to observe a given protocol properly.

To demonstrate the role of zero-know-how proofs, consider a setting wherein a celebration,

Referred to as Alice, upon receiving an encrypted message from Bob, is to ship Carol the

Least substantial little bit of the message. Sincerely, if Alice sends simplest the (least massive)

Bit (of the message), then there is no manner for Carol to recognize Alice did now not cheat.

Alice may want to show that she did now not cheat with the aid of revealing to Carol the entire
message as

Well as its decryption key, but that might yield statistics some distance beyond what had been


Required. A far better idea is to allow Alice increase the bit she sends Carol with a

0-know-how evidence that this bit is indeed the least full-size little bit of the message. We

Stress that the foregoing announcement is of the “N P kind” (since the evidence detailed earlier

Can be correctly established), and consequently the life of 0-expertise proofs for

N P-statements means that the foregoing announcement may be proved with out revealing

Whatever past its validity.

The point of interest of chapter 4, dedicated to zero-know-how proofs, is at the foregoing end result

(i.e., the construction of 0-expertise proofs for any N P-assertion). In addition,

We shall recollect severa variations and factors of the belief of zero-understanding proofs

And their results at the applicability of this notion.

1.2. Some background from opportunity theory

Chance plays a imperative function in cryptography. Specifically, probability is vital

As a way to allow a dialogue of facts or loss of statistics (i.e., secrecy). We

Anticipate that the reader is acquainted with the basic notions of opportunity principle. On this

Section, we merely present the probabilistic notations that are used in the course of this ebook

And three beneficial probabilistic inequalities.

1.2.1. Notational Conventions

For the duration of this entire book we will talk to best discrete opportunity distributions.

Typically, the opportunity space includes the set of all strings of a sure length

, fascinated about uniform opportunity distribution. That is, the pattern area is the set

Of all -bit-lengthy strings, and every such string is assigned possibility degree 2−

Traditionally, capabilities from the sample area to the reals are referred to as random variables.

Abusing trendy terminology, we permit ourselves to use the time period random variable also

While regarding capabilities mapping the pattern area into the set of binary strings.

We frequently do now not specify the possibility space, but alternatively talk directly approximately

Variables. As an instance, we may additionally say that X is a random variable assigned values in

The set of all strings, in order that Pr[X = 00] = 1

Four and Pr[X = 111] = 3

Four . (any such random

Variable can be defined over the sample space {zero, 1}2, so that X(11) = 00 and X(00) =

X(01) = X(10) = 111.) In most cases the chance space includes all strings of

A particular duration. Commonly, these strings represent random picks made by means of some

Randomized system (see next section), and the random variable is the output of the


A way to examine Probabilistic Statements. All our probabilistic statements consult with

Functions of random variables which can be described ahead. Typically, we will write

Pr[ f (X) = 1], wherein X is a random variable described in advance (and f is a function).

An critical convention is that all occurrences of a given image in a probabilistic

Assertion talk to the same (specific) random variable. Therefore, if B(·, ·) is a Boolean

Expression depending on variables and X is a random variable, then Pr[B(X, X)]

Denotes the chance that B(x, x) holds whilst x is chosen with probabilitypr[X = x].


1.2. A few historical past FROM possibility principle


Pr[B(X, X)] =

Pr[X = x] · χ(B(x, x))

Where χ is a trademark feature, in order that χ(B) = 1 if event B holds, and equals 0 otherwise. As an
instance, for every random variable X, we've Pr[X = X] = 1. We strain

That if one needs to discuss the opportunity that B(x, y) holds when x and y are selected
Independently with the same opportunity distribution, then one needs to outline two impartial
random variables, each with the identical chance distribution. Hence, if X and

Y are impartial random variables, then Pr[B(X, Y )] denotes the probability that

B(x, y) holds while the pair (x, y) is chosen with possibility Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y].


Pr[B(X, Y )] =


Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y] · χ(B(x, y))

As an example, for every impartial random variables, X and Y , we've

Pr[X = Y ] = 1 simplest if both X and Y are trivial (i.e., assign the entire chance

Mass to a unmarried string).

Regular Random Variables. Throughout this complete book, Un denotes a random variable uniformly
dispensed over the set of strings of duration n. Namely,Pr[Un =α] equals

2−n if α ∈ {0, 1}n, and equals zero in any other case. Further, we will sometimes use

Random variables (arbitrarily) distributed over {0, 1}n or {0, 1}

L(n) for some function l :

N→N. Such random variables are typically denoted through Xn, Yn, Zn, and many others. We
pressure that in

A few instances Xn is distributed over{zero, 1}n, while in others it's far allotted over{0, 1}


For some characteristic l(·), that's usually a polynomial. Every other type of random variable,

The output of a randomized algorithm on a set input, is mentioned in section 1.three.

1.2.2. Three Inequalities

The subsequent probabilistic inequalities could be very useful inside the path of this book.

All inequalities discuss with random variables which are assigned actual values. The maximum
primary inequality is the Markov inequality, which asserts that for random variables with

Bounded maximum or minimal values, some relation have to exist between the deviation of a value
from the expectancy of the random variable and the opportunity that the

Random variable is assigned this price. Particularly, letting E(X) def

V Pr[X =v] · v

Denote the expectation of the random variable X, we've the following:

Markov Inequality: allow X be a non-poor random variable and v a actual

Wide variety. Then

Pr[X ≥ v] ≤


Equivalently, Pr[X ≥ r · E(X)] ≤ 1




E(X) =

Pr[X = x] · x

Pr[X = x] · 0 +


Pr[X = x] · v

= Pr[X ≥ v] · v

The claim follows.

The Markov inequality is typically used in cases in which one knows very little about

The distribution of the random variable; it suffices to know its expectation and at least

One bound on the range of its values. See Exercise 1.

Using Markov’s inequality, one gets a “possibly stronger” bound for the deviation

Of a random variable from its expectation. This bound, called Chebyshev’s inequality, is useful
provided one has additional knowledge concerning the random variable

(specifically, a good upper bound on its variance). For a random variable X of finite

Expectation, we denote by Var(X) def

= E[(X − E(X))2] the variance of X and observe

That Var(X) = E(X2) − E(X)

Chebyshev’s Inequality: Let X be a random variable, and δ > zero. Then

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] ≤



Evidence: We define a random variable Y def

= (X − E(X))2 and apply the Markov

Inequality. We get

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] = Pr[(X − E(X))2 ≥ δ2

E[(X − E(X))2]


And the claim follows.

Chebyshev’s inequality is particularly beneficial for evaluation of the mistake opportunity of

Approximation through repeated sampling. It suffices to count on that the samples are picked

In a pairwise-independent manner.

Corollary (Pairwise-unbiased Sampling): permit X1, X2,..., Xn be pairwiseindependent random

variables with the equal expectation, denotedµ, and the identical

Variance, denoted σ2. Then, for each ε > zero,


I=1 Xi





The Xi’s are called pairwise-independent if for each i = j and all a and b, it holds

That Pr[Xi = a ∧ X j = b] equals Pr[Xi = a] · Pr[X j = b].


1.2. A few history FROM possibility principle

Proof: define the random variables Xi


= Xi − E(Xi). Note that the Xi’s are

Pairwise-unbiased and each has 0 expectation. Making use of Chebyshev’s inequality to the random
variable described by way of the sumn



N , and the use of the linearity

Of the expectancy operator, we get





Var n





I=1 Xi

Ε2 · n2

Now (again the usage of the linearity of E)






1≤i= j≤n

E[ Xi X j]

By way of the pairwise independence of the Xi’s, we get E[Xi X j] = E[Xi] · E[X j], and

The use of E[Xi] = 0, we get



 = n · σ2

The corollary follows.

The usage of pairwise-independent sampling, the mistake probability within the approximation

Is reducing linearly with the wide variety of pattern points. The use of absolutely independent

Sampling factors, the mistake opportunity inside the approximation may be proven to decrease

Exponentially with the number of pattern points. (The random variables X1, X2,..., Xn

Are said to be completely unbiased if for each series a1, a2,..., an it holds that


I=1Xi = ai] equals n

I=1 Pr[Xi = ai].) Chance bounds helping the foregoing assertion are given subsequent. The primary
sure, normally called the Chernoff

Sure, issues 0-1 random variables (i.e., random variables which are assigned values

Of both 0 or 1).

Chernoff bound: permit p ≤ 1

2 , and let X1, X2,..., Xn be unbiased zero-1 random

Variables, in order that Pr[Xi = 1] = p for every i. Then for all ε, zero < ε ≤ p(1 − p),

We have


I=1 Xi


< 2 · e− ε2

2p(1−p) ·n

We shall commonly practice the sure with a regular p ≈ 1

2 . In this example, n unbiased

Samples provide an approximation that deviates by means of ε from the expectancy with probability

This is exponentially decreasing with ε2n. Such an approximation is called an (ε, δ)-

Approximation and can be executed the use of n = O(ε−2 · log(1/δ)) pattern factors. It's far

Important to understand that the sufficient quantity of pattern points is polynomially

Related to ε−1 and logarithmically related to δ−1. So using poly(n) many samples, the



Blunders chance (i.e., δ) can be made negligible (as a feature in n), however the accuracy of

The estimation (i.e., ε) may be bounded above only with the aid of any fixed polynomial fraction

Can't be made negligible).2 We strain that the dependence of the number of samples

On ε isn't always better than in the case of pairwise-unbiased sampling; the advantage of
Completely independent samples lies most effective within the dependence of the range of samples
on δ.

Simultaneity troubles

A typical example of a simultaneity trouble is that of simultaneous exchange of secrets,

Of which agreement signing is a unique case. The placing for a simultaneous alternate

Of secrets and techniques consists of events, every preserving a “secret.” The intention is to execute

Protocol such that if both parties comply with it successfully, then at termination every will keep

Its counterpart’s secret, and anyways (even though one celebration cheats) the first party will

Hold the second one birthday celebration’s secret if and handiest if the second birthday celebration
holds the first birthday celebration’s

Secret. Perfectly simultaneous exchange of secrets and techniques can be carried out most effective
if we assume

The life of 0.33 events that are relied on to some extent. In truth, simultaneous

Alternate of secrets and techniques can without problems be carried out the use of the lively
participation of a trusted

1/3 birthday celebration: each celebration sends its secret to the trusted third party (the usage of a
relaxed channel).

The 0.33 birthday party, on receiving both secrets and techniques, sends the first party’s mystery to
the second

Celebration and the second one party’s secret to the first party. There are issues with this


1. The solution calls for the active participation of an “outside” birthday celebration in all instances
(i.e., also

In case each parties are honest). We observe that different solutions requiring milder styles of

Participation of outside events do exist.

2. The answer calls for the life of a totally depended on 0.33 entity. In a few applications,

Such an entity does now not exist. Despite the fact that, inside the sequel we will speak the trouble

1.1. CRYPTOGRAPHY: principal topics

Of implementing a trusted 0.33 birthday party by way of a fixed of customers with an honest
majority (despite the fact that

The identity of the honest customers isn't acknowledged).

Secure Implementation of Functionalities and relied on events

A unique kind of protocol hassle is concerned with the cozy implementation of

Functionalities. To be greater unique, we speak the trouble of evaluating a characteristic of nearby

inputs each of which is held via a distinct person. An illustrative and

Motivating example is vote casting, in which the feature is majority, and the nearby enter

Held through user A is a unmarried bit representing the vote of person A (e.g., “seasoned” or “con”).

Loosely speakme, a protocol for securely evaluating a selected characteristic ought to satisfy the


• privateness: No celebration can “benefit statistics” on the input of different events, beyond what's

Deduced from the value of the function.

• Robustness: No birthday celebration can “influence” the price of the function, past the have an
effect on

Exerted by deciding on its personal enter.

It is once in a while required that those situations maintain with admire to “small” (e.g., minority)
coalitions of parties (rather than unmarried events).

Truly, if one of the users is understood to be completely straightforward, then there exists a

Easy way to the hassle of comfortable evaluation of any function. Each user truely

Sends its enter to the relied on party (using a comfy channel), who, upon receiving all

Inputs, computes the feature, sends the outcome to all customers, and erases all intermediate
computations (along with the inputs obtained) from its memory. Clearly, it's far

Unrealistic to anticipate that a party can be relied on to such an extent (e.g., that it will

Voluntarily erase what it has “discovered”). Though, the problem of imposing

Comfortable characteristic evaluation reduces to the problem of implementing a relied on


It seems that a trusted party may be applied by way of a hard and fast of users with an honest
majority (even supposing the identity of the honest customers isn't always recognized). That is
indeed a

Fundamental bring about this area, and plenty of chapter 7, with a purpose to appear within the 2nd

Volume of this paintings, may be committed to formulating and proving it (as well as variations

Of it).

Zero-knowledge as a Paradigm

A major tool inside the creation of cryptographic protocols is the idea of zeroknowledge proof
systems and the fact that zero-information evidence structures exist for all

Languages in N P (furnished that one-manner features exist). Loosely talking, a zeroknowledge

evidence yields not anything however the validity of the declaration. Zero-knowledge proofs
Offer a tool for “forcing” events to observe a given protocol properly.

To demonstrate the role of zero-know-how proofs, consider a setting wherein a celebration,

Referred to as Alice, upon receiving an encrypted message from Bob, is to ship Carol the

Least substantial little bit of the message. Sincerely, if Alice sends simplest the (least massive)

Bit (of the message), then there is no manner for Carol to recognize Alice did now not cheat.

Alice may want to show that she did now not cheat with the aid of revealing to Carol the entire
message as

Well as its decryption key, but that might yield statistics some distance beyond what had been


Required. A far better idea is to allow Alice increase the bit she sends Carol with a

0-know-how evidence that this bit is indeed the least full-size little bit of the message. We

Stress that the foregoing announcement is of the “N P kind” (since the evidence detailed earlier

Can be correctly established), and consequently the life of 0-expertise proofs for

N P-statements means that the foregoing announcement may be proved with out revealing

Whatever past its validity.

The point of interest of chapter 4, dedicated to zero-know-how proofs, is at the foregoing end result

(i.e., the construction of 0-expertise proofs for any N P-assertion). In addition,

We shall recollect severa variations and factors of the belief of zero-understanding proofs

And their results at the applicability of this notion.

1.2. Some background from opportunity theory

Chance plays a imperative function in cryptography. Specifically, probability is vital

As a way to allow a dialogue of facts or loss of statistics (i.e., secrecy). We

Anticipate that the reader is acquainted with the basic notions of opportunity principle. On this

Section, we merely present the probabilistic notations that are used in the course of this ebook

And three beneficial probabilistic inequalities.

1.2.1. Notational Conventions

For the duration of this entire book we will talk to best discrete opportunity distributions.

Typically, the opportunity space includes the set of all strings of a sure length

, fascinated about uniform opportunity distribution. That is, the pattern area is the set

Of all -bit-lengthy strings, and every such string is assigned possibility degree 2−

Traditionally, capabilities from the sample area to the reals are referred to as random variables.

Abusing trendy terminology, we permit ourselves to use the time period random variable also

While regarding capabilities mapping the pattern area into the set of binary strings.

We frequently do now not specify the possibility space, but alternatively talk directly approximately

Variables. As an instance, we may additionally say that X is a random variable assigned values in

The set of all strings, in order that Pr[X = 00] = 1

Four and Pr[X = 111] = 3

Four . (any such random

Variable can be defined over the sample space {zero, 1}2, so that X(11) = 00 and X(00) =

X(01) = X(10) = 111.) In most cases the chance space includes all strings of

A particular duration. Commonly, these strings represent random picks made by means of some

Randomized system (see next section), and the random variable is the output of the


A way to examine Probabilistic Statements. All our probabilistic statements consult with

Functions of random variables which can be described ahead. Typically, we will write

Pr[ f (X) = 1], wherein X is a random variable described in advance (and f is a function).

An critical convention is that all occurrences of a given image in a probabilistic

Assertion talk to the same (specific) random variable. Therefore, if B(·, ·) is a Boolean

Expression depending on variables and X is a random variable, then Pr[B(X, X)]

Denotes the chance that B(x, x) holds whilst x is chosen with probabilitypr[X = x].


1.2. A few historical past FROM possibility principle


Pr[B(X, X)] =

Pr[X = x] · χ(B(x, x))

Where χ is a trademark feature, in order that χ(B) = 1 if event B holds, and equals 0 otherwise. As an
instance, for every random variable X, we've Pr[X = X] = 1. We strain

That if one needs to discuss the opportunity that B(x, y) holds when x and y are selected
Independently with the same opportunity distribution, then one needs to outline two impartial
random variables, each with the identical chance distribution. Hence, if X and

Y are impartial random variables, then Pr[B(X, Y )] denotes the probability that

B(x, y) holds while the pair (x, y) is chosen with possibility Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y].


Pr[B(X, Y )] =


Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y] · χ(B(x, y))

As an example, for every impartial random variables, X and Y , we've

Pr[X = Y ] = 1 simplest if both X and Y are trivial (i.e., assign the entire chance

Mass to a unmarried string).

Regular Random Variables. Throughout this complete book, Un denotes a random variable uniformly
dispensed over the set of strings of duration n. Namely,Pr[Un =α] equals

2−n if α ∈ {0, 1}n, and equals zero in any other case. Further, we will sometimes use

Random variables (arbitrarily) distributed over {0, 1}n or {0, 1}

L(n) for some function l :

N→N. Such random variables are typically denoted through Xn, Yn, Zn, and many others. We
pressure that in

A few instances Xn is distributed over{zero, 1}n, while in others it's far allotted over{0, 1}


For some characteristic l(·), that's usually a polynomial. Every other type of random variable,

The output of a randomized algorithm on a set input, is mentioned in section 1.three.

1.2.2. Three Inequalities

The subsequent probabilistic inequalities could be very useful inside the path of this book.

All inequalities discuss with random variables which are assigned actual values. The maximum
primary inequality is the Markov inequality, which asserts that for random variables with

Bounded maximum or minimal values, some relation have to exist between the deviation of a value
from the expectancy of the random variable and the opportunity that the

Random variable is assigned this price. Particularly, letting E(X) def

V Pr[X =v] · v

Denote the expectation of the random variable X, we've the following:

Markov Inequality: allow X be a non-poor random variable and v a actual

Wide variety. Then

Pr[X ≥ v] ≤


Equivalently, Pr[X ≥ r · E(X)] ≤ 1




E(X) =

Pr[X = x] · x

Pr[X = x] · 0 +


Pr[X = x] · v

= Pr[X ≥ v] · v

The claim follows.

The Markov inequality is typically used in cases in which one knows very little about

The distribution of the random variable; it suffices to know its expectation and at least

One bound on the range of its values. See Exercise 1.

Using Markov’s inequality, one gets a “possibly stronger” bound for the deviation

Of a random variable from its expectation. This bound, called Chebyshev’s inequality, is useful
provided one has additional knowledge concerning the random variable

(specifically, a good upper bound on its variance). For a random variable X of finite

Expectation, we denote by Var(X) def

= E[(X − E(X))2] the variance of X and observe

That Var(X) = E(X2) − E(X)

Chebyshev’s Inequality: Let X be a random variable, and δ > zero. Then

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] ≤



Evidence: We define a random variable Y def

= (X − E(X))2 and apply the Markov

Inequality. We get

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] = Pr[(X − E(X))2 ≥ δ2

E[(X − E(X))2]


And the claim follows.

Chebyshev’s inequality is particularly beneficial for evaluation of the mistake opportunity of

Approximation through repeated sampling. It suffices to count on that the samples are picked

In a pairwise-independent manner.

Corollary (Pairwise-unbiased Sampling): permit X1, X2,..., Xn be pairwiseindependent random

variables with the equal expectation, denotedµ, and the identical

Variance, denoted σ2. Then, for each ε > zero,


I=1 Xi





The Xi’s are called pairwise-independent if for each i = j and all a and b, it holds

That Pr[Xi = a ∧ X j = b] equals Pr[Xi = a] · Pr[X j = b].


1.2. A few history FROM possibility principle

Proof: define the random variables Xi


= Xi − E(Xi). Note that the Xi’s are

Pairwise-unbiased and each has 0 expectation. Making use of Chebyshev’s inequality to the random
variable described by way of the sumn



N , and the use of the linearity

Of the expectancy operator, we get





Var n





I=1 Xi

Ε2 · n2

Now (again the usage of the linearity of E)






1≤i= j≤n

E[ Xi X j]

By way of the pairwise independence of the Xi’s, we get E[Xi X j] = E[Xi] · E[X j], and

The use of E[Xi] = 0, we get



 = n · σ2

The corollary follows.

The usage of pairwise-independent sampling, the mistake probability within the approximation

Is reducing linearly with the wide variety of pattern points. The use of absolutely independent

Sampling factors, the mistake opportunity inside the approximation may be proven to decrease

Exponentially with the number of pattern points. (The random variables X1, X2,..., Xn

Are said to be completely unbiased if for each series a1, a2,..., an it holds that


I=1Xi = ai] equals n

I=1 Pr[Xi = ai].) Chance bounds helping the foregoing assertion are given subsequent. The primary
sure, normally called the Chernoff

Sure, issues 0-1 random variables (i.e., random variables which are assigned values

Of both 0 or 1).

Chernoff bound: permit p ≤ 1

2 , and let X1, X2,..., Xn be unbiased zero-1 random

Variables, in order that Pr[Xi = 1] = p for every i. Then for all ε, zero < ε ≤ p(1 − p),

We have


I=1 Xi


< 2 · e− ε2

2p(1−p) ·n

We shall commonly practice the sure with a regular p ≈ 1

2 . In this example, n unbiased

Samples provide an approximation that deviates by means of ε from the expectancy with probability

This is exponentially decreasing with ε2n. Such an approximation is called an (ε, δ)-

Approximation and can be executed the use of n = O(ε−2 · log(1/δ)) pattern factors. It's far

Important to understand that the sufficient quantity of pattern points is polynomially

Related to ε−1 and logarithmically related to δ−1. So using poly(n) many samples, the



Blunders chance (i.e., δ) can be made negligible (as a feature in n), however the accuracy of

The estimation (i.e., ε) may be bounded above only with the aid of any fixed polynomial fraction

Can't be made negligible).2 We strain that the dependence of the number of samples

On ε isn't always better than in the case of pairwise-unbiased sampling; the advantage of
Completely independent samples lies most effective within the dependence of the range of samples
on δ.

Simultaneity troubles

A typical example of a simultaneity trouble is that of simultaneous exchange of secrets,

Of which agreement signing is a unique case. The placing for a simultaneous alternate

Of secrets and techniques consists of events, every preserving a “secret.” The intention is to execute

Protocol such that if both parties comply with it successfully, then at termination every will keep

Its counterpart’s secret, and anyways (even though one celebration cheats) the first party will

Hold the second one birthday celebration’s secret if and handiest if the second birthday celebration
holds the first birthday celebration’s

Secret. Perfectly simultaneous exchange of secrets and techniques can be carried out most effective
if we assume

The life of 0.33 events that are relied on to some extent. In truth, simultaneous

Alternate of secrets and techniques can without problems be carried out the use of the lively
participation of a trusted

1/3 birthday celebration: each celebration sends its secret to the trusted third party (the usage of a
relaxed channel).

The 0.33 birthday party, on receiving both secrets and techniques, sends the first party’s mystery to
the second

Celebration and the second one party’s secret to the first party. There are issues with this


1. The solution calls for the active participation of an “outside” birthday celebration in all instances
(i.e., also

In case each parties are honest). We observe that different solutions requiring milder styles of

Participation of outside events do exist.

2. The answer calls for the life of a totally depended on 0.33 entity. In a few applications,

Such an entity does now not exist. Despite the fact that, inside the sequel we will speak the trouble

1.1. CRYPTOGRAPHY: principal topics

Of implementing a trusted 0.33 birthday party by way of a fixed of customers with an honest
majority (despite the fact that

The identity of the honest customers isn't acknowledged).

Secure Implementation of Functionalities and relied on events

A unique kind of protocol hassle is concerned with the cozy implementation of

Functionalities. To be greater unique, we speak the trouble of evaluating a characteristic of nearby

inputs each of which is held via a distinct person. An illustrative and

Motivating example is vote casting, in which the feature is majority, and the nearby enter

Held through user A is a unmarried bit representing the vote of person A (e.g., “seasoned” or “con”).

Loosely speakme, a protocol for securely evaluating a selected characteristic ought to satisfy the


• privateness: No celebration can “benefit statistics” on the input of different events, beyond what's

Deduced from the value of the function.

• Robustness: No birthday celebration can “influence” the price of the function, past the have an
effect on

Exerted by deciding on its personal enter.

It is once in a while required that those situations maintain with admire to “small” (e.g., minority)
coalitions of parties (rather than unmarried events).

Truly, if one of the users is understood to be completely straightforward, then there exists a

Easy way to the hassle of comfortable evaluation of any function. Each user truely

Sends its enter to the relied on party (using a comfy channel), who, upon receiving all

Inputs, computes the feature, sends the outcome to all customers, and erases all intermediate
computations (along with the inputs obtained) from its memory. Clearly, it's far

Unrealistic to anticipate that a party can be relied on to such an extent (e.g., that it will

Voluntarily erase what it has “discovered”). Though, the problem of imposing

Comfortable characteristic evaluation reduces to the problem of implementing a relied on


It seems that a trusted party may be applied by way of a hard and fast of users with an honest
majority (even supposing the identity of the honest customers isn't always recognized). That is
indeed a

Fundamental bring about this area, and plenty of chapter 7, with a purpose to appear within the 2nd

Volume of this paintings, may be committed to formulating and proving it (as well as variations

Of it).

Zero-knowledge as a Paradigm

A major tool inside the creation of cryptographic protocols is the idea of zeroknowledge proof
systems and the fact that zero-information evidence structures exist for all

Languages in N P (furnished that one-manner features exist). Loosely talking, a zeroknowledge

evidence yields not anything however the validity of the declaration. Zero-knowledge proofs
Offer a tool for “forcing” events to observe a given protocol properly.

To demonstrate the role of zero-know-how proofs, consider a setting wherein a celebration,

Referred to as Alice, upon receiving an encrypted message from Bob, is to ship Carol the

Least substantial little bit of the message. Sincerely, if Alice sends simplest the (least massive)

Bit (of the message), then there is no manner for Carol to recognize Alice did now not cheat.

Alice may want to show that she did now not cheat with the aid of revealing to Carol the entire
message as

Well as its decryption key, but that might yield statistics some distance beyond what had been


Required. A far better idea is to allow Alice increase the bit she sends Carol with a

0-know-how evidence that this bit is indeed the least full-size little bit of the message. We

Stress that the foregoing announcement is of the “N P kind” (since the evidence detailed earlier

Can be correctly established), and consequently the life of 0-expertise proofs for

N P-statements means that the foregoing announcement may be proved with out revealing

Whatever past its validity.

The point of interest of chapter 4, dedicated to zero-know-how proofs, is at the foregoing end result

(i.e., the construction of 0-expertise proofs for any N P-assertion). In addition,

We shall recollect severa variations and factors of the belief of zero-understanding proofs

And their results at the applicability of this notion.

1.2. Some background from opportunity theory

Chance plays a imperative function in cryptography. Specifically, probability is vital

As a way to allow a dialogue of facts or loss of statistics (i.e., secrecy). We

Anticipate that the reader is acquainted with the basic notions of opportunity principle. On this

Section, we merely present the probabilistic notations that are used in the course of this ebook

And three beneficial probabilistic inequalities.

1.2.1. Notational Conventions

For the duration of this entire book we will talk to best discrete opportunity distributions.

Typically, the opportunity space includes the set of all strings of a sure length

, fascinated about uniform opportunity distribution. That is, the pattern area is the set

Of all -bit-lengthy strings, and every such string is assigned possibility degree 2−

Traditionally, capabilities from the sample area to the reals are referred to as random variables.

Abusing trendy terminology, we permit ourselves to use the time period random variable also

While regarding capabilities mapping the pattern area into the set of binary strings.

We frequently do now not specify the possibility space, but alternatively talk directly approximately

Variables. As an instance, we may additionally say that X is a random variable assigned values in

The set of all strings, in order that Pr[X = 00] = 1

Four and Pr[X = 111] = 3

Four . (any such random

Variable can be defined over the sample space {zero, 1}2, so that X(11) = 00 and X(00) =

X(01) = X(10) = 111.) In most cases the chance space includes all strings of

A particular duration. Commonly, these strings represent random picks made by means of some

Randomized system (see next section), and the random variable is the output of the


A way to examine Probabilistic Statements. All our probabilistic statements consult with

Functions of random variables which can be described ahead. Typically, we will write

Pr[ f (X) = 1], wherein X is a random variable described in advance (and f is a function).

An critical convention is that all occurrences of a given image in a probabilistic

Assertion talk to the same (specific) random variable. Therefore, if B(·, ·) is a Boolean

Expression depending on variables and X is a random variable, then Pr[B(X, X)]

Denotes the chance that B(x, x) holds whilst x is chosen with probabilitypr[X = x].


1.2. A few historical past FROM possibility principle


Pr[B(X, X)] =

Pr[X = x] · χ(B(x, x))

Where χ is a trademark feature, in order that χ(B) = 1 if event B holds, and equals 0 otherwise. As an
instance, for every random variable X, we've Pr[X = X] = 1. We strain

That if one needs to discuss the opportunity that B(x, y) holds when x and y are selected
Independently with the same opportunity distribution, then one needs to outline two impartial
random variables, each with the identical chance distribution. Hence, if X and

Y are impartial random variables, then Pr[B(X, Y )] denotes the probability that

B(x, y) holds while the pair (x, y) is chosen with possibility Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y].


Pr[B(X, Y )] =


Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y] · χ(B(x, y))

As an example, for every impartial random variables, X and Y , we've

Pr[X = Y ] = 1 simplest if both X and Y are trivial (i.e., assign the entire chance

Mass to a unmarried string).

Regular Random Variables. Throughout this complete book, Un denotes a random variable uniformly
dispensed over the set of strings of duration n. Namely,Pr[Un =α] equals

2−n if α ∈ {0, 1}n, and equals zero in any other case. Further, we will sometimes use

Random variables (arbitrarily) distributed over {0, 1}n or {0, 1}

L(n) for some function l :

N→N. Such random variables are typically denoted through Xn, Yn, Zn, and many others. We
pressure that in

A few instances Xn is distributed over{zero, 1}n, while in others it's far allotted over{0, 1}


For some characteristic l(·), that's usually a polynomial. Every other type of random variable,

The output of a randomized algorithm on a set input, is mentioned in section 1.three.

1.2.2. Three Inequalities

The subsequent probabilistic inequalities could be very useful inside the path of this book.

All inequalities discuss with random variables which are assigned actual values. The maximum
primary inequality is the Markov inequality, which asserts that for random variables with

Bounded maximum or minimal values, some relation have to exist between the deviation of a value
from the expectancy of the random variable and the opportunity that the

Random variable is assigned this price. Particularly, letting E(X) def

V Pr[X =v] · v

Denote the expectation of the random variable X, we've the following:

Markov Inequality: allow X be a non-poor random variable and v a actual

Wide variety. Then

Pr[X ≥ v] ≤


Equivalently, Pr[X ≥ r · E(X)] ≤ 1




E(X) =

Pr[X = x] · x

Pr[X = x] · 0 +


Pr[X = x] · v

= Pr[X ≥ v] · v

The claim follows.

The Markov inequality is typically used in cases in which one knows very little about

The distribution of the random variable; it suffices to know its expectation and at least

One bound on the range of its values. See Exercise 1.

Using Markov’s inequality, one gets a “possibly stronger” bound for the deviation

Of a random variable from its expectation. This bound, called Chebyshev’s inequality, is useful
provided one has additional knowledge concerning the random variable

(specifically, a good upper bound on its variance). For a random variable X of finite

Expectation, we denote by Var(X) def

= E[(X − E(X))2] the variance of X and observe

That Var(X) = E(X2) − E(X)

Chebyshev’s Inequality: Let X be a random variable, and δ > zero. Then

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] ≤



Evidence: We define a random variable Y def

= (X − E(X))2 and apply the Markov

Inequality. We get

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] = Pr[(X − E(X))2 ≥ δ2

E[(X − E(X))2]


And the claim follows.

Chebyshev’s inequality is particularly beneficial for evaluation of the mistake opportunity of

Approximation through repeated sampling. It suffices to count on that the samples are picked

In a pairwise-independent manner.

Corollary (Pairwise-unbiased Sampling): permit X1, X2,..., Xn be pairwiseindependent random

variables with the equal expectation, denotedµ, and the identical

Variance, denoted σ2. Then, for each ε > zero,


I=1 Xi





The Xi’s are called pairwise-independent if for each i = j and all a and b, it holds

That Pr[Xi = a ∧ X j = b] equals Pr[Xi = a] · Pr[X j = b].


1.2. A few history FROM possibility principle

Proof: define the random variables Xi


= Xi − E(Xi). Note that the Xi’s are

Pairwise-unbiased and each has 0 expectation. Making use of Chebyshev’s inequality to the random
variable described by way of the sumn



N , and the use of the linearity

Of the expectancy operator, we get





Var n





I=1 Xi

Ε2 · n2

Now (again the usage of the linearity of E)






1≤i= j≤n

E[ Xi X j]

By way of the pairwise independence of the Xi’s, we get E[Xi X j] = E[Xi] · E[X j], and

The use of E[Xi] = 0, we get



 = n · σ2

The corollary follows.

The usage of pairwise-independent sampling, the mistake probability within the approximation

Is reducing linearly with the wide variety of pattern points. The use of absolutely independent

Sampling factors, the mistake opportunity inside the approximation may be proven to decrease

Exponentially with the number of pattern points. (The random variables X1, X2,..., Xn

Are said to be completely unbiased if for each series a1, a2,..., an it holds that


I=1Xi = ai] equals n

I=1 Pr[Xi = ai].) Chance bounds helping the foregoing assertion are given subsequent. The primary
sure, normally called the Chernoff

Sure, issues 0-1 random variables (i.e., random variables which are assigned values

Of both 0 or 1).

Chernoff bound: permit p ≤ 1

2 , and let X1, X2,..., Xn be unbiased zero-1 random

Variables, in order that Pr[Xi = 1] = p for every i. Then for all ε, zero < ε ≤ p(1 − p),

We have


I=1 Xi


< 2 · e− ε2

2p(1−p) ·n

We shall commonly practice the sure with a regular p ≈ 1

2 . In this example, n unbiased

Samples provide an approximation that deviates by means of ε from the expectancy with probability

This is exponentially decreasing with ε2n. Such an approximation is called an (ε, δ)-

Approximation and can be executed the use of n = O(ε−2 · log(1/δ)) pattern factors. It's far

Important to understand that the sufficient quantity of pattern points is polynomially

Related to ε−1 and logarithmically related to δ−1. So using poly(n) many samples, the



Blunders chance (i.e., δ) can be made negligible (as a feature in n), however the accuracy of

The estimation (i.e., ε) may be bounded above only with the aid of any fixed polynomial fraction

Can't be made negligible).2 We strain that the dependence of the number of samples

On ε isn't always better than in the case of pairwise-unbiased sampling; the advantage of
Completely independent samples lies most effective within the dependence of the range of samples
on δ.

Simultaneity troubles

A typical example of a simultaneity trouble is that of simultaneous exchange of secrets,

Of which agreement signing is a unique case. The placing for a simultaneous alternate

Of secrets and techniques consists of events, every preserving a “secret.” The intention is to execute

Protocol such that if both parties comply with it successfully, then at termination every will keep

Its counterpart’s secret, and anyways (even though one celebration cheats) the first party will

Hold the second one birthday celebration’s secret if and handiest if the second birthday celebration
holds the first birthday celebration’s

Secret. Perfectly simultaneous exchange of secrets and techniques can be carried out most effective
if we assume

The life of 0.33 events that are relied on to some extent. In truth, simultaneous

Alternate of secrets and techniques can without problems be carried out the use of the lively
participation of a trusted

1/3 birthday celebration: each celebration sends its secret to the trusted third party (the usage of a
relaxed channel).

The 0.33 birthday party, on receiving both secrets and techniques, sends the first party’s mystery to
the second

Celebration and the second one party’s secret to the first party. There are issues with this


1. The solution calls for the active participation of an “outside” birthday celebration in all instances
(i.e., also

In case each parties are honest). We observe that different solutions requiring milder styles of

Participation of outside events do exist.

2. The answer calls for the life of a totally depended on 0.33 entity. In a few applications,

Such an entity does now not exist. Despite the fact that, inside the sequel we will speak the trouble

1.1. CRYPTOGRAPHY: principal topics

Of implementing a trusted 0.33 birthday party by way of a fixed of customers with an honest
majority (despite the fact that

The identity of the honest customers isn't acknowledged).

Secure Implementation of Functionalities and relied on events

A unique kind of protocol hassle is concerned with the cozy implementation of

Functionalities. To be greater unique, we speak the trouble of evaluating a characteristic of nearby

inputs each of which is held via a distinct person. An illustrative and

Motivating example is vote casting, in which the feature is majority, and the nearby enter

Held through user A is a unmarried bit representing the vote of person A (e.g., “seasoned” or “con”).

Loosely speakme, a protocol for securely evaluating a selected characteristic ought to satisfy the


• privateness: No celebration can “benefit statistics” on the input of different events, beyond what's

Deduced from the value of the function.

• Robustness: No birthday celebration can “influence” the price of the function, past the have an
effect on

Exerted by deciding on its personal enter.

It is once in a while required that those situations maintain with admire to “small” (e.g., minority)
coalitions of parties (rather than unmarried events).

Truly, if one of the users is understood to be completely straightforward, then there exists a

Easy way to the hassle of comfortable evaluation of any function. Each user truely

Sends its enter to the relied on party (using a comfy channel), who, upon receiving all

Inputs, computes the feature, sends the outcome to all customers, and erases all intermediate
computations (along with the inputs obtained) from its memory. Clearly, it's far

Unrealistic to anticipate that a party can be relied on to such an extent (e.g., that it will

Voluntarily erase what it has “discovered”). Though, the problem of imposing

Comfortable characteristic evaluation reduces to the problem of implementing a relied on


It seems that a trusted party may be applied by way of a hard and fast of users with an honest
majority (even supposing the identity of the honest customers isn't always recognized). That is
indeed a

Fundamental bring about this area, and plenty of chapter 7, with a purpose to appear within the 2nd

Volume of this paintings, may be committed to formulating and proving it (as well as variations

Of it).

Zero-knowledge as a Paradigm

A major tool inside the creation of cryptographic protocols is the idea of zeroknowledge proof
systems and the fact that zero-information evidence structures exist for all

Languages in N P (furnished that one-manner features exist). Loosely talking, a zeroknowledge

evidence yields not anything however the validity of the declaration. Zero-knowledge proofs
Offer a tool for “forcing” events to observe a given protocol properly.

To demonstrate the role of zero-know-how proofs, consider a setting wherein a celebration,

Referred to as Alice, upon receiving an encrypted message from Bob, is to ship Carol the

Least substantial little bit of the message. Sincerely, if Alice sends simplest the (least massive)

Bit (of the message), then there is no manner for Carol to recognize Alice did now not cheat.

Alice may want to show that she did now not cheat with the aid of revealing to Carol the entire
message as

Well as its decryption key, but that might yield statistics some distance beyond what had been


Required. A far better idea is to allow Alice increase the bit she sends Carol with a

0-know-how evidence that this bit is indeed the least full-size little bit of the message. We

Stress that the foregoing announcement is of the “N P kind” (since the evidence detailed earlier

Can be correctly established), and consequently the life of 0-expertise proofs for

N P-statements means that the foregoing announcement may be proved with out revealing

Whatever past its validity.

The point of interest of chapter 4, dedicated to zero-know-how proofs, is at the foregoing end result

(i.e., the construction of 0-expertise proofs for any N P-assertion). In addition,

We shall recollect severa variations and factors of the belief of zero-understanding proofs

And their results at the applicability of this notion.

1.2. Some background from opportunity theory

Chance plays a imperative function in cryptography. Specifically, probability is vital

As a way to allow a dialogue of facts or loss of statistics (i.e., secrecy). We

Anticipate that the reader is acquainted with the basic notions of opportunity principle. On this

Section, we merely present the probabilistic notations that are used in the course of this ebook

And three beneficial probabilistic inequalities.

1.2.1. Notational Conventions

For the duration of this entire book we will talk to best discrete opportunity distributions.

Typically, the opportunity space includes the set of all strings of a sure length

, fascinated about uniform opportunity distribution. That is, the pattern area is the set

Of all -bit-lengthy strings, and every such string is assigned possibility degree 2−

Traditionally, capabilities from the sample area to the reals are referred to as random variables.

Abusing trendy terminology, we permit ourselves to use the time period random variable also

While regarding capabilities mapping the pattern area into the set of binary strings.

We frequently do now not specify the possibility space, but alternatively talk directly approximately

Variables. As an instance, we may additionally say that X is a random variable assigned values in

The set of all strings, in order that Pr[X = 00] = 1

Four and Pr[X = 111] = 3

Four . (any such random

Variable can be defined over the sample space {zero, 1}2, so that X(11) = 00 and X(00) =

X(01) = X(10) = 111.) In most cases the chance space includes all strings of

A particular duration. Commonly, these strings represent random picks made by means of some

Randomized system (see next section), and the random variable is the output of the


A way to examine Probabilistic Statements. All our probabilistic statements consult with

Functions of random variables which can be described ahead. Typically, we will write

Pr[ f (X) = 1], wherein X is a random variable described in advance (and f is a function).

An critical convention is that all occurrences of a given image in a probabilistic

Assertion talk to the same (specific) random variable. Therefore, if B(·, ·) is a Boolean

Expression depending on variables and X is a random variable, then Pr[B(X, X)]

Denotes the chance that B(x, x) holds whilst x is chosen with probabilitypr[X = x].


1.2. A few historical past FROM possibility principle


Pr[B(X, X)] =

Pr[X = x] · χ(B(x, x))

Where χ is a trademark feature, in order that χ(B) = 1 if event B holds, and equals 0 otherwise. As an
instance, for every random variable X, we've Pr[X = X] = 1. We strain

That if one needs to discuss the opportunity that B(x, y) holds when x and y are selected
Independently with the same opportunity distribution, then one needs to outline two impartial
random variables, each with the identical chance distribution. Hence, if X and

Y are impartial random variables, then Pr[B(X, Y )] denotes the probability that

B(x, y) holds while the pair (x, y) is chosen with possibility Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y].


Pr[B(X, Y )] =


Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y] · χ(B(x, y))

As an example, for every impartial random variables, X and Y , we've

Pr[X = Y ] = 1 simplest if both X and Y are trivial (i.e., assign the entire chance

Mass to a unmarried string).

Regular Random Variables. Throughout this complete book, Un denotes a random variable uniformly
dispensed over the set of strings of duration n. Namely,Pr[Un =α] equals

2−n if α ∈ {0, 1}n, and equals zero in any other case. Further, we will sometimes use

Random variables (arbitrarily) distributed over {0, 1}n or {0, 1}

L(n) for some function l :

N→N. Such random variables are typically denoted through Xn, Yn, Zn, and many others. We
pressure that in

A few instances Xn is distributed over{zero, 1}n, while in others it's far allotted over{0, 1}


For some characteristic l(·), that's usually a polynomial. Every other type of random variable,

The output of a randomized algorithm on a set input, is mentioned in section 1.three.

1.2.2. Three Inequalities

The subsequent probabilistic inequalities could be very useful inside the path of this book.

All inequalities discuss with random variables which are assigned actual values. The maximum
primary inequality is the Markov inequality, which asserts that for random variables with

Bounded maximum or minimal values, some relation have to exist between the deviation of a value
from the expectancy of the random variable and the opportunity that the

Random variable is assigned this price. Particularly, letting E(X) def

V Pr[X =v] · v

Denote the expectation of the random variable X, we've the following:

Markov Inequality: allow X be a non-poor random variable and v a actual

Wide variety. Then

Pr[X ≥ v] ≤


Equivalently, Pr[X ≥ r · E(X)] ≤ 1




E(X) =

Pr[X = x] · x

Pr[X = x] · 0 +


Pr[X = x] · v

= Pr[X ≥ v] · v

The claim follows.

The Markov inequality is typically used in cases in which one knows very little about

The distribution of the random variable; it suffices to know its expectation and at least

One bound on the range of its values. See Exercise 1.

Using Markov’s inequality, one gets a “possibly stronger” bound for the deviation

Of a random variable from its expectation. This bound, called Chebyshev’s inequality, is useful
provided one has additional knowledge concerning the random variable

(specifically, a good upper bound on its variance). For a random variable X of finite

Expectation, we denote by Var(X) def

= E[(X − E(X))2] the variance of X and observe

That Var(X) = E(X2) − E(X)

Chebyshev’s Inequality: Let X be a random variable, and δ > zero. Then

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] ≤



Evidence: We define a random variable Y def

= (X − E(X))2 and apply the Markov

Inequality. We get

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] = Pr[(X − E(X))2 ≥ δ2

E[(X − E(X))2]


And the claim follows.

Chebyshev’s inequality is particularly beneficial for evaluation of the mistake opportunity of

Approximation through repeated sampling. It suffices to count on that the samples are picked

In a pairwise-independent manner.

Corollary (Pairwise-unbiased Sampling): permit X1, X2,..., Xn be pairwiseindependent random

variables with the equal expectation, denotedµ, and the identical

Variance, denoted σ2. Then, for each ε > zero,


I=1 Xi





The Xi’s are called pairwise-independent if for each i = j and all a and b, it holds

That Pr[Xi = a ∧ X j = b] equals Pr[Xi = a] · Pr[X j = b].


1.2. A few history FROM possibility principle

Proof: define the random variables Xi


= Xi − E(Xi). Note that the Xi’s are

Pairwise-unbiased and each has 0 expectation. Making use of Chebyshev’s inequality to the random
variable described by way of the sumn



N , and the use of the linearity

Of the expectancy operator, we get





Var n





I=1 Xi

Ε2 · n2

Now (again the usage of the linearity of E)






1≤i= j≤n

E[ Xi X j]

By way of the pairwise independence of the Xi’s, we get E[Xi X j] = E[Xi] · E[X j], and

The use of E[Xi] = 0, we get



 = n · σ2

The corollary follows.

The usage of pairwise-independent sampling, the mistake probability within the approximation

Is reducing linearly with the wide variety of pattern points. The use of absolutely independent

Sampling factors, the mistake opportunity inside the approximation may be proven to decrease

Exponentially with the number of pattern points. (The random variables X1, X2,..., Xn

Are said to be completely unbiased if for each series a1, a2,..., an it holds that


I=1Xi = ai] equals n

I=1 Pr[Xi = ai].) Chance bounds helping the foregoing assertion are given subsequent. The primary
sure, normally called the Chernoff

Sure, issues 0-1 random variables (i.e., random variables which are assigned values

Of both 0 or 1).

Chernoff bound: permit p ≤ 1

2 , and let X1, X2,..., Xn be unbiased zero-1 random

Variables, in order that Pr[Xi = 1] = p for every i. Then for all ε, zero < ε ≤ p(1 − p),

We have


I=1 Xi


< 2 · e− ε2

2p(1−p) ·n

We shall commonly practice the sure with a regular p ≈ 1

2 . In this example, n unbiased

Samples provide an approximation that deviates by means of ε from the expectancy with probability

This is exponentially decreasing with ε2n. Such an approximation is called an (ε, δ)-

Approximation and can be executed the use of n = O(ε−2 · log(1/δ)) pattern factors. It's far

Important to understand that the sufficient quantity of pattern points is polynomially

Related to ε−1 and logarithmically related to δ−1. So using poly(n) many samples, the



Blunders chance (i.e., δ) can be made negligible (as a feature in n), however the accuracy of

The estimation (i.e., ε) may be bounded above only with the aid of any fixed polynomial fraction

Can't be made negligible).2 We strain that the dependence of the number of samples

On ε isn't always better than in the case of pairwise-unbiased sampling; the advantage of
Completely independent samples lies most effective within the dependence of the range of samples
on δ.

Simultaneity troubles

A typical example of a simultaneity trouble is that of simultaneous exchange of secrets,

Of which agreement signing is a unique case. The placing for a simultaneous alternate

Of secrets and techniques consists of events, every preserving a “secret.” The intention is to execute

Protocol such that if both parties comply with it successfully, then at termination every will keep

Its counterpart’s secret, and anyways (even though one celebration cheats) the first party will

Hold the second one birthday celebration’s secret if and handiest if the second birthday celebration
holds the first birthday celebration’s

Secret. Perfectly simultaneous exchange of secrets and techniques can be carried out most effective
if we assume

The life of 0.33 events that are relied on to some extent. In truth, simultaneous

Alternate of secrets and techniques can without problems be carried out the use of the lively
participation of a trusted

1/3 birthday celebration: each celebration sends its secret to the trusted third party (the usage of a
relaxed channel).

The 0.33 birthday party, on receiving both secrets and techniques, sends the first party’s mystery to
the second

Celebration and the second one party’s secret to the first party. There are issues with this


1. The solution calls for the active participation of an “outside” birthday celebration in all instances
(i.e., also

In case each parties are honest). We observe that different solutions requiring milder styles of

Participation of outside events do exist.

2. The answer calls for the life of a totally depended on 0.33 entity. In a few applications,

Such an entity does now not exist. Despite the fact that, inside the sequel we will speak the trouble

1.1. CRYPTOGRAPHY: principal topics

Of implementing a trusted 0.33 birthday party by way of a fixed of customers with an honest
majority (despite the fact that

The identity of the honest customers isn't acknowledged).

Secure Implementation of Functionalities and relied on events

A unique kind of protocol hassle is concerned with the cozy implementation of

Functionalities. To be greater unique, we speak the trouble of evaluating a characteristic of nearby

inputs each of which is held via a distinct person. An illustrative and

Motivating example is vote casting, in which the feature is majority, and the nearby enter

Held through user A is a unmarried bit representing the vote of person A (e.g., “seasoned” or “con”).

Loosely speakme, a protocol for securely evaluating a selected characteristic ought to satisfy the


• privateness: No celebration can “benefit statistics” on the input of different events, beyond what's

Deduced from the value of the function.

• Robustness: No birthday celebration can “influence” the price of the function, past the have an
effect on

Exerted by deciding on its personal enter.

It is once in a while required that those situations maintain with admire to “small” (e.g., minority)
coalitions of parties (rather than unmarried events).

Truly, if one of the users is understood to be completely straightforward, then there exists a

Easy way to the hassle of comfortable evaluation of any function. Each user truely

Sends its enter to the relied on party (using a comfy channel), who, upon receiving all

Inputs, computes the feature, sends the outcome to all customers, and erases all intermediate
computations (along with the inputs obtained) from its memory. Clearly, it's far

Unrealistic to anticipate that a party can be relied on to such an extent (e.g., that it will

Voluntarily erase what it has “discovered”). Though, the problem of imposing

Comfortable characteristic evaluation reduces to the problem of implementing a relied on


It seems that a trusted party may be applied by way of a hard and fast of users with an honest
majority (even supposing the identity of the honest customers isn't always recognized). That is
indeed a

Fundamental bring about this area, and plenty of chapter 7, with a purpose to appear within the 2nd

Volume of this paintings, may be committed to formulating and proving it (as well as variations

Of it).

Zero-knowledge as a Paradigm

A major tool inside the creation of cryptographic protocols is the idea of zeroknowledge proof
systems and the fact that zero-information evidence structures exist for all

Languages in N P (furnished that one-manner features exist). Loosely talking, a zeroknowledge

evidence yields not anything however the validity of the declaration. Zero-knowledge proofs
Offer a tool for “forcing” events to observe a given protocol properly.

To demonstrate the role of zero-know-how proofs, consider a setting wherein a celebration,

Referred to as Alice, upon receiving an encrypted message from Bob, is to ship Carol the

Least substantial little bit of the message. Sincerely, if Alice sends simplest the (least massive)

Bit (of the message), then there is no manner for Carol to recognize Alice did now not cheat.

Alice may want to show that she did now not cheat with the aid of revealing to Carol the entire
message as

Well as its decryption key, but that might yield statistics some distance beyond what had been


Required. A far better idea is to allow Alice increase the bit she sends Carol with a

0-know-how evidence that this bit is indeed the least full-size little bit of the message. We

Stress that the foregoing announcement is of the “N P kind” (since the evidence detailed earlier

Can be correctly established), and consequently the life of 0-expertise proofs for

N P-statements means that the foregoing announcement may be proved with out revealing

Whatever past its validity.

The point of interest of chapter 4, dedicated to zero-know-how proofs, is at the foregoing end result

(i.e., the construction of 0-expertise proofs for any N P-assertion). In addition,

We shall recollect severa variations and factors of the belief of zero-understanding proofs

And their results at the applicability of this notion.

1.2. Some background from opportunity theory

Chance plays a imperative function in cryptography. Specifically, probability is vital

As a way to allow a dialogue of facts or loss of statistics (i.e., secrecy). We

Anticipate that the reader is acquainted with the basic notions of opportunity principle. On this

Section, we merely present the probabilistic notations that are used in the course of this ebook

And three beneficial probabilistic inequalities.

1.2.1. Notational Conventions

For the duration of this entire book we will talk to best discrete opportunity distributions.

Typically, the opportunity space includes the set of all strings of a sure length

, fascinated about uniform opportunity distribution. That is, the pattern area is the set

Of all -bit-lengthy strings, and every such string is assigned possibility degree 2−

Traditionally, capabilities from the sample area to the reals are referred to as random variables.

Abusing trendy terminology, we permit ourselves to use the time period random variable also

While regarding capabilities mapping the pattern area into the set of binary strings.

We frequently do now not specify the possibility space, but alternatively talk directly approximately

Variables. As an instance, we may additionally say that X is a random variable assigned values in

The set of all strings, in order that Pr[X = 00] = 1

Four and Pr[X = 111] = 3

Four . (any such random

Variable can be defined over the sample space {zero, 1}2, so that X(11) = 00 and X(00) =

X(01) = X(10) = 111.) In most cases the chance space includes all strings of

A particular duration. Commonly, these strings represent random picks made by means of some

Randomized system (see next section), and the random variable is the output of the


A way to examine Probabilistic Statements. All our probabilistic statements consult with

Functions of random variables which can be described ahead. Typically, we will write

Pr[ f (X) = 1], wherein X is a random variable described in advance (and f is a function).

An critical convention is that all occurrences of a given image in a probabilistic

Assertion talk to the same (specific) random variable. Therefore, if B(·, ·) is a Boolean

Expression depending on variables and X is a random variable, then Pr[B(X, X)]

Denotes the chance that B(x, x) holds whilst x is chosen with probabilitypr[X = x].


1.2. A few historical past FROM possibility principle


Pr[B(X, X)] =

Pr[X = x] · χ(B(x, x))

Where χ is a trademark feature, in order that χ(B) = 1 if event B holds, and equals 0 otherwise. As an
instance, for every random variable X, we've Pr[X = X] = 1. We strain

That if one needs to discuss the opportunity that B(x, y) holds when x and y are selected
Independently with the same opportunity distribution, then one needs to outline two impartial
random variables, each with the identical chance distribution. Hence, if X and

Y are impartial random variables, then Pr[B(X, Y )] denotes the probability that

B(x, y) holds while the pair (x, y) is chosen with possibility Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y].


Pr[B(X, Y )] =


Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y] · χ(B(x, y))

As an example, for every impartial random variables, X and Y , we've

Pr[X = Y ] = 1 simplest if both X and Y are trivial (i.e., assign the entire chance

Mass to a unmarried string).

Regular Random Variables. Throughout this complete book, Un denotes a random variable uniformly
dispensed over the set of strings of duration n. Namely,Pr[Un =α] equals

2−n if α ∈ {0, 1}n, and equals zero in any other case. Further, we will sometimes use

Random variables (arbitrarily) distributed over {0, 1}n or {0, 1}

L(n) for some function l :

N→N. Such random variables are typically denoted through Xn, Yn, Zn, and many others. We
pressure that in

A few instances Xn is distributed over{zero, 1}n, while in others it's far allotted over{0, 1}


For some characteristic l(·), that's usually a polynomial. Every other type of random variable,

The output of a randomized algorithm on a set input, is mentioned in section 1.three.

1.2.2. Three Inequalities

The subsequent probabilistic inequalities could be very useful inside the path of this book.

All inequalities discuss with random variables which are assigned actual values. The maximum
primary inequality is the Markov inequality, which asserts that for random variables with

Bounded maximum or minimal values, some relation have to exist between the deviation of a value
from the expectancy of the random variable and the opportunity that the

Random variable is assigned this price. Particularly, letting E(X) def

V Pr[X =v] · v

Denote the expectation of the random variable X, we've the following:

Markov Inequality: allow X be a non-poor random variable and v a actual

Wide variety. Then

Pr[X ≥ v] ≤


Equivalently, Pr[X ≥ r · E(X)] ≤ 1




E(X) =

Pr[X = x] · x

Pr[X = x] · 0 +


Pr[X = x] · v

= Pr[X ≥ v] · v

The claim follows.

The Markov inequality is typically used in cases in which one knows very little about

The distribution of the random variable; it suffices to know its expectation and at least

One bound on the range of its values. See Exercise 1.

Using Markov’s inequality, one gets a “possibly stronger” bound for the deviation

Of a random variable from its expectation. This bound, called Chebyshev’s inequality, is useful
provided one has additional knowledge concerning the random variable

(specifically, a good upper bound on its variance). For a random variable X of finite

Expectation, we denote by Var(X) def

= E[(X − E(X))2] the variance of X and observe

That Var(X) = E(X2) − E(X)

Chebyshev’s Inequality: Let X be a random variable, and δ > zero. Then

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] ≤



Evidence: We define a random variable Y def

= (X − E(X))2 and apply the Markov

Inequality. We get

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] = Pr[(X − E(X))2 ≥ δ2

E[(X − E(X))2]


And the claim follows.

Chebyshev’s inequality is particularly beneficial for evaluation of the mistake opportunity of

Approximation through repeated sampling. It suffices to count on that the samples are picked

In a pairwise-independent manner.

Corollary (Pairwise-unbiased Sampling): permit X1, X2,..., Xn be pairwiseindependent random

variables with the equal expectation, denotedµ, and the identical

Variance, denoted σ2. Then, for each ε > zero,


I=1 Xi





The Xi’s are called pairwise-independent if for each i = j and all a and b, it holds

That Pr[Xi = a ∧ X j = b] equals Pr[Xi = a] · Pr[X j = b].


1.2. A few history FROM possibility principle

Proof: define the random variables Xi


= Xi − E(Xi). Note that the Xi’s are

Pairwise-unbiased and each has 0 expectation. Making use of Chebyshev’s inequality to the random
variable described by way of the sumn



N , and the use of the linearity

Of the expectancy operator, we get





Var n





I=1 Xi

Ε2 · n2

Now (again the usage of the linearity of E)






1≤i= j≤n

E[ Xi X j]

By way of the pairwise independence of the Xi’s, we get E[Xi X j] = E[Xi] · E[X j], and

The use of E[Xi] = 0, we get



 = n · σ2

The corollary follows.

The usage of pairwise-independent sampling, the mistake probability within the approximation

Is reducing linearly with the wide variety of pattern points. The use of absolutely independent

Sampling factors, the mistake opportunity inside the approximation may be proven to decrease

Exponentially with the number of pattern points. (The random variables X1, X2,..., Xn

Are said to be completely unbiased if for each series a1, a2,..., an it holds that


I=1Xi = ai] equals n

I=1 Pr[Xi = ai].) Chance bounds helping the foregoing assertion are given subsequent. The primary
sure, normally called the Chernoff

Sure, issues 0-1 random variables (i.e., random variables which are assigned values

Of both 0 or 1).

Chernoff bound: permit p ≤ 1

2 , and let X1, X2,..., Xn be unbiased zero-1 random

Variables, in order that Pr[Xi = 1] = p for every i. Then for all ε, zero < ε ≤ p(1 − p),

We have


I=1 Xi


< 2 · e− ε2

2p(1−p) ·n

We shall commonly practice the sure with a regular p ≈ 1

2 . In this example, n unbiased

Samples provide an approximation that deviates by means of ε from the expectancy with probability

This is exponentially decreasing with ε2n. Such an approximation is called an (ε, δ)-

Approximation and can be executed the use of n = O(ε−2 · log(1/δ)) pattern factors. It's far

Important to understand that the sufficient quantity of pattern points is polynomially

Related to ε−1 and logarithmically related to δ−1. So using poly(n) many samples, the



Blunders chance (i.e., δ) can be made negligible (as a feature in n), however the accuracy of

The estimation (i.e., ε) may be bounded above only with the aid of any fixed polynomial fraction

Can't be made negligible).2 We strain that the dependence of the number of samples

On ε isn't always better than in the case of pairwise-unbiased sampling; the advantage of
Completely independent samples lies most effective within the dependence of the range of samples
on δ.

Simultaneity troubles

A typical example of a simultaneity trouble is that of simultaneous exchange of secrets,

Of which agreement signing is a unique case. The placing for a simultaneous alternate

Of secrets and techniques consists of events, every preserving a “secret.” The intention is to execute

Protocol such that if both parties comply with it successfully, then at termination every will keep

Its counterpart’s secret, and anyways (even though one celebration cheats) the first party will

Hold the second one birthday celebration’s secret if and handiest if the second birthday celebration
holds the first birthday celebration’s

Secret. Perfectly simultaneous exchange of secrets and techniques can be carried out most effective
if we assume

The life of 0.33 events that are relied on to some extent. In truth, simultaneous

Alternate of secrets and techniques can without problems be carried out the use of the lively
participation of a trusted

1/3 birthday celebration: each celebration sends its secret to the trusted third party (the usage of a
relaxed channel).

The 0.33 birthday party, on receiving both secrets and techniques, sends the first party’s mystery to
the second

Celebration and the second one party’s secret to the first party. There are issues with this


1. The solution calls for the active participation of an “outside” birthday celebration in all instances
(i.e., also

In case each parties are honest). We observe that different solutions requiring milder styles of

Participation of outside events do exist.

2. The answer calls for the life of a totally depended on 0.33 entity. In a few applications,

Such an entity does now not exist. Despite the fact that, inside the sequel we will speak the trouble

1.1. CRYPTOGRAPHY: principal topics

Of implementing a trusted 0.33 birthday party by way of a fixed of customers with an honest
majority (despite the fact that

The identity of the honest customers isn't acknowledged).

Secure Implementation of Functionalities and relied on events

A unique kind of protocol hassle is concerned with the cozy implementation of

Functionalities. To be greater unique, we speak the trouble of evaluating a characteristic of nearby

inputs each of which is held via a distinct person. An illustrative and

Motivating example is vote casting, in which the feature is majority, and the nearby enter

Held through user A is a unmarried bit representing the vote of person A (e.g., “seasoned” or “con”).

Loosely speakme, a protocol for securely evaluating a selected characteristic ought to satisfy the


• privateness: No celebration can “benefit statistics” on the input of different events, beyond what's

Deduced from the value of the function.

• Robustness: No birthday celebration can “influence” the price of the function, past the have an
effect on

Exerted by deciding on its personal enter.

It is once in a while required that those situations maintain with admire to “small” (e.g., minority)
coalitions of parties (rather than unmarried events).

Truly, if one of the users is understood to be completely straightforward, then there exists a

Easy way to the hassle of comfortable evaluation of any function. Each user truely

Sends its enter to the relied on party (using a comfy channel), who, upon receiving all

Inputs, computes the feature, sends the outcome to all customers, and erases all intermediate
computations (along with the inputs obtained) from its memory. Clearly, it's far

Unrealistic to anticipate that a party can be relied on to such an extent (e.g., that it will

Voluntarily erase what it has “discovered”). Though, the problem of imposing

Comfortable characteristic evaluation reduces to the problem of implementing a relied on


It seems that a trusted party may be applied by way of a hard and fast of users with an honest
majority (even supposing the identity of the honest customers isn't always recognized). That is
indeed a

Fundamental bring about this area, and plenty of chapter 7, with a purpose to appear within the 2nd

Volume of this paintings, may be committed to formulating and proving it (as well as variations

Of it).

Zero-knowledge as a Paradigm

A major tool inside the creation of cryptographic protocols is the idea of zeroknowledge proof
systems and the fact that zero-information evidence structures exist for all

Languages in N P (furnished that one-manner features exist). Loosely talking, a zeroknowledge

evidence yields not anything however the validity of the declaration. Zero-knowledge proofs
Offer a tool for “forcing” events to observe a given protocol properly.

To demonstrate the role of zero-know-how proofs, consider a setting wherein a celebration,

Referred to as Alice, upon receiving an encrypted message from Bob, is to ship Carol the

Least substantial little bit of the message. Sincerely, if Alice sends simplest the (least massive)

Bit (of the message), then there is no manner for Carol to recognize Alice did now not cheat.

Alice may want to show that she did now not cheat with the aid of revealing to Carol the entire
message as

Well as its decryption key, but that might yield statistics some distance beyond what had been


Required. A far better idea is to allow Alice increase the bit she sends Carol with a

0-know-how evidence that this bit is indeed the least full-size little bit of the message. We

Stress that the foregoing announcement is of the “N P kind” (since the evidence detailed earlier

Can be correctly established), and consequently the life of 0-expertise proofs for

N P-statements means that the foregoing announcement may be proved with out revealing

Whatever past its validity.

The point of interest of chapter 4, dedicated to zero-know-how proofs, is at the foregoing end result

(i.e., the construction of 0-expertise proofs for any N P-assertion). In addition,

We shall recollect severa variations and factors of the belief of zero-understanding proofs

And their results at the applicability of this notion.

1.2. Some background from opportunity theory

Chance plays a imperative function in cryptography. Specifically, probability is vital

As a way to allow a dialogue of facts or loss of statistics (i.e., secrecy). We

Anticipate that the reader is acquainted with the basic notions of opportunity principle. On this

Section, we merely present the probabilistic notations that are used in the course of this ebook

And three beneficial probabilistic inequalities.

1.2.1. Notational Conventions

For the duration of this entire book we will talk to best discrete opportunity distributions.

Typically, the opportunity space includes the set of all strings of a sure length

, fascinated about uniform opportunity distribution. That is, the pattern area is the set

Of all -bit-lengthy strings, and every such string is assigned possibility degree 2−

Traditionally, capabilities from the sample area to the reals are referred to as random variables.

Abusing trendy terminology, we permit ourselves to use the time period random variable also

While regarding capabilities mapping the pattern area into the set of binary strings.

We frequently do now not specify the possibility space, but alternatively talk directly approximately

Variables. As an instance, we may additionally say that X is a random variable assigned values in

The set of all strings, in order that Pr[X = 00] = 1

Four and Pr[X = 111] = 3

Four . (any such random

Variable can be defined over the sample space {zero, 1}2, so that X(11) = 00 and X(00) =

X(01) = X(10) = 111.) In most cases the chance space includes all strings of

A particular duration. Commonly, these strings represent random picks made by means of some

Randomized system (see next section), and the random variable is the output of the


A way to examine Probabilistic Statements. All our probabilistic statements consult with

Functions of random variables which can be described ahead. Typically, we will write

Pr[ f (X) = 1], wherein X is a random variable described in advance (and f is a function).

An critical convention is that all occurrences of a given image in a probabilistic

Assertion talk to the same (specific) random variable. Therefore, if B(·, ·) is a Boolean

Expression depending on variables and X is a random variable, then Pr[B(X, X)]

Denotes the chance that B(x, x) holds whilst x is chosen with probabilitypr[X = x].


1.2. A few historical past FROM possibility principle


Pr[B(X, X)] =

Pr[X = x] · χ(B(x, x))

Where χ is a trademark feature, in order that χ(B) = 1 if event B holds, and equals 0 otherwise. As an
instance, for every random variable X, we've Pr[X = X] = 1. We strain

That if one needs to discuss the opportunity that B(x, y) holds when x and y are selected
Independently with the same opportunity distribution, then one needs to outline two impartial
random variables, each with the identical chance distribution. Hence, if X and

Y are impartial random variables, then Pr[B(X, Y )] denotes the probability that

B(x, y) holds while the pair (x, y) is chosen with possibility Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y].


Pr[B(X, Y )] =


Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y] · χ(B(x, y))

As an example, for every impartial random variables, X and Y , we've

Pr[X = Y ] = 1 simplest if both X and Y are trivial (i.e., assign the entire chance

Mass to a unmarried string).

Regular Random Variables. Throughout this complete book, Un denotes a random variable uniformly
dispensed over the set of strings of duration n. Namely,Pr[Un =α] equals

2−n if α ∈ {0, 1}n, and equals zero in any other case. Further, we will sometimes use

Random variables (arbitrarily) distributed over {0, 1}n or {0, 1}

L(n) for some function l :

N→N. Such random variables are typically denoted through Xn, Yn, Zn, and many others. We
pressure that in

A few instances Xn is distributed over{zero, 1}n, while in others it's far allotted over{0, 1}


For some characteristic l(·), that's usually a polynomial. Every other type of random variable,

The output of a randomized algorithm on a set input, is mentioned in section 1.three.

1.2.2. Three Inequalities

The subsequent probabilistic inequalities could be very useful inside the path of this book.

All inequalities discuss with random variables which are assigned actual values. The maximum
primary inequality is the Markov inequality, which asserts that for random variables with

Bounded maximum or minimal values, some relation have to exist between the deviation of a value
from the expectancy of the random variable and the opportunity that the

Random variable is assigned this price. Particularly, letting E(X) def

V Pr[X =v] · v

Denote the expectation of the random variable X, we've the following:

Markov Inequality: allow X be a non-poor random variable and v a actual

Wide variety. Then

Pr[X ≥ v] ≤


Equivalently, Pr[X ≥ r · E(X)] ≤ 1




E(X) =

Pr[X = x] · x

Pr[X = x] · 0 +


Pr[X = x] · v

= Pr[X ≥ v] · v

The claim follows.

The Markov inequality is typically used in cases in which one knows very little about

The distribution of the random variable; it suffices to know its expectation and at least

One bound on the range of its values. See Exercise 1.

Using Markov’s inequality, one gets a “possibly stronger” bound for the deviation

Of a random variable from its expectation. This bound, called Chebyshev’s inequality, is useful
provided one has additional knowledge concerning the random variable

(specifically, a good upper bound on its variance). For a random variable X of finite

Expectation, we denote by Var(X) def

= E[(X − E(X))2] the variance of X and observe

That Var(X) = E(X2) − E(X)

Chebyshev’s Inequality: Let X be a random variable, and δ > zero. Then

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] ≤



Evidence: We define a random variable Y def

= (X − E(X))2 and apply the Markov

Inequality. We get

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] = Pr[(X − E(X))2 ≥ δ2

E[(X − E(X))2]


And the claim follows.

Chebyshev’s inequality is particularly beneficial for evaluation of the mistake opportunity of

Approximation through repeated sampling. It suffices to count on that the samples are picked

In a pairwise-independent manner.

Corollary (Pairwise-unbiased Sampling): permit X1, X2,..., Xn be pairwiseindependent random

variables with the equal expectation, denotedµ, and the identical

Variance, denoted σ2. Then, for each ε > zero,


I=1 Xi





The Xi’s are called pairwise-independent if for each i = j and all a and b, it holds

That Pr[Xi = a ∧ X j = b] equals Pr[Xi = a] · Pr[X j = b].


1.2. A few history FROM possibility principle

Proof: define the random variables Xi


= Xi − E(Xi). Note that the Xi’s are

Pairwise-unbiased and each has 0 expectation. Making use of Chebyshev’s inequality to the random
variable described by way of the sumn



N , and the use of the linearity

Of the expectancy operator, we get





Var n





I=1 Xi

Ε2 · n2

Now (again the usage of the linearity of E)






1≤i= j≤n

E[ Xi X j]

By way of the pairwise independence of the Xi’s, we get E[Xi X j] = E[Xi] · E[X j], and

The use of E[Xi] = 0, we get



 = n · σ2

The corollary follows.

The usage of pairwise-independent sampling, the mistake probability within the approximation

Is reducing linearly with the wide variety of pattern points. The use of absolutely independent

Sampling factors, the mistake opportunity inside the approximation may be proven to decrease

Exponentially with the number of pattern points. (The random variables X1, X2,..., Xn

Are said to be completely unbiased if for each series a1, a2,..., an it holds that


I=1Xi = ai] equals n

I=1 Pr[Xi = ai].) Chance bounds helping the foregoing assertion are given subsequent. The primary
sure, normally called the Chernoff

Sure, issues 0-1 random variables (i.e., random variables which are assigned values

Of both 0 or 1).

Chernoff bound: permit p ≤ 1

2 , and let X1, X2,..., Xn be unbiased zero-1 random

Variables, in order that Pr[Xi = 1] = p for every i. Then for all ε, zero < ε ≤ p(1 − p),

We have


I=1 Xi


< 2 · e− ε2

2p(1−p) ·n

We shall commonly practice the sure with a regular p ≈ 1

2 . In this example, n unbiased

Samples provide an approximation that deviates by means of ε from the expectancy with probability

This is exponentially decreasing with ε2n. Such an approximation is called an (ε, δ)-

Approximation and can be executed the use of n = O(ε−2 · log(1/δ)) pattern factors. It's far

Important to understand that the sufficient quantity of pattern points is polynomially

Related to ε−1 and logarithmically related to δ−1. So using poly(n) many samples, the



Blunders chance (i.e., δ) can be made negligible (as a feature in n), however the accuracy of

The estimation (i.e., ε) may be bounded above only with the aid of any fixed polynomial fraction

Can't be made negligible).2 We strain that the dependence of the number of samples

On ε isn't always better than in the case of pairwise-unbiased sampling; the advantage of
Completely independent samples lies most effective within the dependence of the range of samples
on δ.

Simultaneity troubles

A typical example of a simultaneity trouble is that of simultaneous exchange of secrets,

Of which agreement signing is a unique case. The placing for a simultaneous alternate

Of secrets and techniques consists of events, every preserving a “secret.” The intention is to execute

Protocol such that if both parties comply with it successfully, then at termination every will keep

Its counterpart’s secret, and anyways (even though one celebration cheats) the first party will

Hold the second one birthday celebration’s secret if and handiest if the second birthday celebration
holds the first birthday celebration’s

Secret. Perfectly simultaneous exchange of secrets and techniques can be carried out most effective
if we assume

The life of 0.33 events that are relied on to some extent. In truth, simultaneous

Alternate of secrets and techniques can without problems be carried out the use of the lively
participation of a trusted

1/3 birthday celebration: each celebration sends its secret to the trusted third party (the usage of a
relaxed channel).

The 0.33 birthday party, on receiving both secrets and techniques, sends the first party’s mystery to
the second

Celebration and the second one party’s secret to the first party. There are issues with this


1. The solution calls for the active participation of an “outside” birthday celebration in all instances
(i.e., also

In case each parties are honest). We observe that different solutions requiring milder styles of

Participation of outside events do exist.

2. The answer calls for the life of a totally depended on 0.33 entity. In a few applications,

Such an entity does now not exist. Despite the fact that, inside the sequel we will speak the trouble

1.1. CRYPTOGRAPHY: principal topics

Of implementing a trusted 0.33 birthday party by way of a fixed of customers with an honest
majority (despite the fact that

The identity of the honest customers isn't acknowledged).

Secure Implementation of Functionalities and relied on events

A unique kind of protocol hassle is concerned with the cozy implementation of

Functionalities. To be greater unique, we speak the trouble of evaluating a characteristic of nearby

inputs each of which is held via a distinct person. An illustrative and

Motivating example is vote casting, in which the feature is majority, and the nearby enter

Held through user A is a unmarried bit representing the vote of person A (e.g., “seasoned” or “con”).

Loosely speakme, a protocol for securely evaluating a selected characteristic ought to satisfy the


• privateness: No celebration can “benefit statistics” on the input of different events, beyond what's

Deduced from the value of the function.

• Robustness: No birthday celebration can “influence” the price of the function, past the have an
effect on

Exerted by deciding on its personal enter.

It is once in a while required that those situations maintain with admire to “small” (e.g., minority)
coalitions of parties (rather than unmarried events).

Truly, if one of the users is understood to be completely straightforward, then there exists a

Easy way to the hassle of comfortable evaluation of any function. Each user truely

Sends its enter to the relied on party (using a comfy channel), who, upon receiving all

Inputs, computes the feature, sends the outcome to all customers, and erases all intermediate
computations (along with the inputs obtained) from its memory. Clearly, it's far

Unrealistic to anticipate that a party can be relied on to such an extent (e.g., that it will

Voluntarily erase what it has “discovered”). Though, the problem of imposing

Comfortable characteristic evaluation reduces to the problem of implementing a relied on


It seems that a trusted party may be applied by way of a hard and fast of users with an honest
majority (even supposing the identity of the honest customers isn't always recognized). That is
indeed a

Fundamental bring about this area, and plenty of chapter 7, with a purpose to appear within the 2nd

Volume of this paintings, may be committed to formulating and proving it (as well as variations

Of it).

Zero-knowledge as a Paradigm

A major tool inside the creation of cryptographic protocols is the idea of zeroknowledge proof
systems and the fact that zero-information evidence structures exist for all

Languages in N P (furnished that one-manner features exist). Loosely talking, a zeroknowledge

evidence yields not anything however the validity of the declaration. Zero-knowledge proofs
Offer a tool for “forcing” events to observe a given protocol properly.

To demonstrate the role of zero-know-how proofs, consider a setting wherein a celebration,

Referred to as Alice, upon receiving an encrypted message from Bob, is to ship Carol the

Least substantial little bit of the message. Sincerely, if Alice sends simplest the (least massive)

Bit (of the message), then there is no manner for Carol to recognize Alice did now not cheat.

Alice may want to show that she did now not cheat with the aid of revealing to Carol the entire
message as

Well as its decryption key, but that might yield statistics some distance beyond what had been


Required. A far better idea is to allow Alice increase the bit she sends Carol with a

0-know-how evidence that this bit is indeed the least full-size little bit of the message. We

Stress that the foregoing announcement is of the “N P kind” (since the evidence detailed earlier

Can be correctly established), and consequently the life of 0-expertise proofs for

N P-statements means that the foregoing announcement may be proved with out revealing

Whatever past its validity.

The point of interest of chapter 4, dedicated to zero-know-how proofs, is at the foregoing end result

(i.e., the construction of 0-expertise proofs for any N P-assertion). In addition,

We shall recollect severa variations and factors of the belief of zero-understanding proofs

And their results at the applicability of this notion.

1.2. Some background from opportunity theory

Chance plays a imperative function in cryptography. Specifically, probability is vital

As a way to allow a dialogue of facts or loss of statistics (i.e., secrecy). We

Anticipate that the reader is acquainted with the basic notions of opportunity principle. On this

Section, we merely present the probabilistic notations that are used in the course of this ebook

And three beneficial probabilistic inequalities.

1.2.1. Notational Conventions

For the duration of this entire book we will talk to best discrete opportunity distributions.

Typically, the opportunity space includes the set of all strings of a sure length

, fascinated about uniform opportunity distribution. That is, the pattern area is the set

Of all -bit-lengthy strings, and every such string is assigned possibility degree 2−

Traditionally, capabilities from the sample area to the reals are referred to as random variables.

Abusing trendy terminology, we permit ourselves to use the time period random variable also

While regarding capabilities mapping the pattern area into the set of binary strings.

We frequently do now not specify the possibility space, but alternatively talk directly approximately

Variables. As an instance, we may additionally say that X is a random variable assigned values in

The set of all strings, in order that Pr[X = 00] = 1

Four and Pr[X = 111] = 3

Four . (any such random

Variable can be defined over the sample space {zero, 1}2, so that X(11) = 00 and X(00) =

X(01) = X(10) = 111.) In most cases the chance space includes all strings of

A particular duration. Commonly, these strings represent random picks made by means of some

Randomized system (see next section), and the random variable is the output of the


A way to examine Probabilistic Statements. All our probabilistic statements consult with

Functions of random variables which can be described ahead. Typically, we will write

Pr[ f (X) = 1], wherein X is a random variable described in advance (and f is a function).

An critical convention is that all occurrences of a given image in a probabilistic

Assertion talk to the same (specific) random variable. Therefore, if B(·, ·) is a Boolean

Expression depending on variables and X is a random variable, then Pr[B(X, X)]

Denotes the chance that B(x, x) holds whilst x is chosen with probabilitypr[X = x].


1.2. A few historical past FROM possibility principle


Pr[B(X, X)] =

Pr[X = x] · χ(B(x, x))

Where χ is a trademark feature, in order that χ(B) = 1 if event B holds, and equals 0 otherwise. As an
instance, for every random variable X, we've Pr[X = X] = 1. We strain

That if one needs to discuss the opportunity that B(x, y) holds when x and y are selected
Independently with the same opportunity distribution, then one needs to outline two impartial
random variables, each with the identical chance distribution. Hence, if X and

Y are impartial random variables, then Pr[B(X, Y )] denotes the probability that

B(x, y) holds while the pair (x, y) is chosen with possibility Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y].


Pr[B(X, Y )] =


Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y] · χ(B(x, y))

As an example, for every impartial random variables, X and Y , we've

Pr[X = Y ] = 1 simplest if both X and Y are trivial (i.e., assign the entire chance

Mass to a unmarried string).

Regular Random Variables. Throughout this complete book, Un denotes a random variable uniformly
dispensed over the set of strings of duration n. Namely,Pr[Un =α] equals

2−n if α ∈ {0, 1}n, and equals zero in any other case. Further, we will sometimes use

Random variables (arbitrarily) distributed over {0, 1}n or {0, 1}

L(n) for some function l :

N→N. Such random variables are typically denoted through Xn, Yn, Zn, and many others. We
pressure that in

A few instances Xn is distributed over{zero, 1}n, while in others it's far allotted over{0, 1}


For some characteristic l(·), that's usually a polynomial. Every other type of random variable,

The output of a randomized algorithm on a set input, is mentioned in section 1.three.

1.2.2. Three Inequalities

The subsequent probabilistic inequalities could be very useful inside the path of this book.

All inequalities discuss with random variables which are assigned actual values. The maximum
primary inequality is the Markov inequality, which asserts that for random variables with

Bounded maximum or minimal values, some relation have to exist between the deviation of a value
from the expectancy of the random variable and the opportunity that the

Random variable is assigned this price. Particularly, letting E(X) def

V Pr[X =v] · v

Denote the expectation of the random variable X, we've the following:

Markov Inequality: allow X be a non-poor random variable and v a actual

Wide variety. Then

Pr[X ≥ v] ≤


Equivalently, Pr[X ≥ r · E(X)] ≤ 1




E(X) =

Pr[X = x] · x

Pr[X = x] · 0 +


Pr[X = x] · v

= Pr[X ≥ v] · v

The claim follows.

The Markov inequality is typically used in cases in which one knows very little about

The distribution of the random variable; it suffices to know its expectation and at least

One bound on the range of its values. See Exercise 1.

Using Markov’s inequality, one gets a “possibly stronger” bound for the deviation

Of a random variable from its expectation. This bound, called Chebyshev’s inequality, is useful
provided one has additional knowledge concerning the random variable

(specifically, a good upper bound on its variance). For a random variable X of finite

Expectation, we denote by Var(X) def

= E[(X − E(X))2] the variance of X and observe

That Var(X) = E(X2) − E(X)

Chebyshev’s Inequality: Let X be a random variable, and δ > zero. Then

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] ≤



Evidence: We define a random variable Y def

= (X − E(X))2 and apply the Markov

Inequality. We get

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] = Pr[(X − E(X))2 ≥ δ2

E[(X − E(X))2]


And the claim follows.

Chebyshev’s inequality is particularly beneficial for evaluation of the mistake opportunity of

Approximation through repeated sampling. It suffices to count on that the samples are picked

In a pairwise-independent manner.

Corollary (Pairwise-unbiased Sampling): permit X1, X2,..., Xn be pairwiseindependent random

variables with the equal expectation, denotedµ, and the identical

Variance, denoted σ2. Then, for each ε > zero,


I=1 Xi





The Xi’s are called pairwise-independent if for each i = j and all a and b, it holds

That Pr[Xi = a ∧ X j = b] equals Pr[Xi = a] · Pr[X j = b].


1.2. A few history FROM possibility principle

Proof: define the random variables Xi


= Xi − E(Xi). Note that the Xi’s are

Pairwise-unbiased and each has 0 expectation. Making use of Chebyshev’s inequality to the random
variable described by way of the sumn



N , and the use of the linearity

Of the expectancy operator, we get





Var n





I=1 Xi

Ε2 · n2

Now (again the usage of the linearity of E)






1≤i= j≤n

E[ Xi X j]

By way of the pairwise independence of the Xi’s, we get E[Xi X j] = E[Xi] · E[X j], and

The use of E[Xi] = 0, we get



 = n · σ2

The corollary follows.

The usage of pairwise-independent sampling, the mistake probability within the approximation

Is reducing linearly with the wide variety of pattern points. The use of absolutely independent

Sampling factors, the mistake opportunity inside the approximation may be proven to decrease

Exponentially with the number of pattern points. (The random variables X1, X2,..., Xn

Are said to be completely unbiased if for each series a1, a2,..., an it holds that


I=1Xi = ai] equals n

I=1 Pr[Xi = ai].) Chance bounds helping the foregoing assertion are given subsequent. The primary
sure, normally called the Chernoff

Sure, issues 0-1 random variables (i.e., random variables which are assigned values

Of both 0 or 1).

Chernoff bound: permit p ≤ 1

2 , and let X1, X2,..., Xn be unbiased zero-1 random

Variables, in order that Pr[Xi = 1] = p for every i. Then for all ε, zero < ε ≤ p(1 − p),

We have


I=1 Xi


< 2 · e− ε2

2p(1−p) ·n

We shall commonly practice the sure with a regular p ≈ 1

2 . In this example, n unbiased

Samples provide an approximation that deviates by means of ε from the expectancy with probability

This is exponentially decreasing with ε2n. Such an approximation is called an (ε, δ)-

Approximation and can be executed the use of n = O(ε−2 · log(1/δ)) pattern factors. It's far

Important to understand that the sufficient quantity of pattern points is polynomially

Related to ε−1 and logarithmically related to δ−1. So using poly(n) many samples, the



Blunders chance (i.e., δ) can be made negligible (as a feature in n), however the accuracy of

The estimation (i.e., ε) may be bounded above only with the aid of any fixed polynomial fraction

Can't be made negligible).2 We strain that the dependence of the number of samples

On ε isn't always better than in the case of pairwise-unbiased sampling; the advantage of
Completely independent samples lies most effective within the dependence of the range of samples
on δ.

Simultaneity troubles

A typical example of a simultaneity trouble is that of simultaneous exchange of secrets,

Of which agreement signing is a unique case. The placing for a simultaneous alternate

Of secrets and techniques consists of events, every preserving a “secret.” The intention is to execute

Protocol such that if both parties comply with it successfully, then at termination every will keep

Its counterpart’s secret, and anyways (even though one celebration cheats) the first party will

Hold the second one birthday celebration’s secret if and handiest if the second birthday celebration
holds the first birthday celebration’s

Secret. Perfectly simultaneous exchange of secrets and techniques can be carried out most effective
if we assume

The life of 0.33 events that are relied on to some extent. In truth, simultaneous

Alternate of secrets and techniques can without problems be carried out the use of the lively
participation of a trusted

1/3 birthday celebration: each celebration sends its secret to the trusted third party (the usage of a
relaxed channel).

The 0.33 birthday party, on receiving both secrets and techniques, sends the first party’s mystery to
the second

Celebration and the second one party’s secret to the first party. There are issues with this


1. The solution calls for the active participation of an “outside” birthday celebration in all instances
(i.e., also

In case each parties are honest). We observe that different solutions requiring milder styles of

Participation of outside events do exist.

2. The answer calls for the life of a totally depended on 0.33 entity. In a few applications,

Such an entity does now not exist. Despite the fact that, inside the sequel we will speak the trouble

1.1. CRYPTOGRAPHY: principal topics

Of implementing a trusted 0.33 birthday party by way of a fixed of customers with an honest
majority (despite the fact that

The identity of the honest customers isn't acknowledged).

Secure Implementation of Functionalities and relied on events

A unique kind of protocol hassle is concerned with the cozy implementation of

Functionalities. To be greater unique, we speak the trouble of evaluating a characteristic of nearby

inputs each of which is held via a distinct person. An illustrative and

Motivating example is vote casting, in which the feature is majority, and the nearby enter

Held through user A is a unmarried bit representing the vote of person A (e.g., “seasoned” or “con”).

Loosely speakme, a protocol for securely evaluating a selected characteristic ought to satisfy the


• privateness: No celebration can “benefit statistics” on the input of different events, beyond what's

Deduced from the value of the function.

• Robustness: No birthday celebration can “influence” the price of the function, past the have an
effect on

Exerted by deciding on its personal enter.

It is once in a while required that those situations maintain with admire to “small” (e.g., minority)
coalitions of parties (rather than unmarried events).

Truly, if one of the users is understood to be completely straightforward, then there exists a

Easy way to the hassle of comfortable evaluation of any function. Each user truely

Sends its enter to the relied on party (using a comfy channel), who, upon receiving all

Inputs, computes the feature, sends the outcome to all customers, and erases all intermediate
computations (along with the inputs obtained) from its memory. Clearly, it's far

Unrealistic to anticipate that a party can be relied on to such an extent (e.g., that it will

Voluntarily erase what it has “discovered”). Though, the problem of imposing

Comfortable characteristic evaluation reduces to the problem of implementing a relied on


It seems that a trusted party may be applied by way of a hard and fast of users with an honest
majority (even supposing the identity of the honest customers isn't always recognized). That is
indeed a

Fundamental bring about this area, and plenty of chapter 7, with a purpose to appear within the 2nd

Volume of this paintings, may be committed to formulating and proving it (as well as variations

Of it).

Zero-knowledge as a Paradigm

A major tool inside the creation of cryptographic protocols is the idea of zeroknowledge proof
systems and the fact that zero-information evidence structures exist for all

Languages in N P (furnished that one-manner features exist). Loosely talking, a zeroknowledge

evidence yields not anything however the validity of the declaration. Zero-knowledge proofs
Offer a tool for “forcing” events to observe a given protocol properly.

To demonstrate the role of zero-know-how proofs, consider a setting wherein a celebration,

Referred to as Alice, upon receiving an encrypted message from Bob, is to ship Carol the

Least substantial little bit of the message. Sincerely, if Alice sends simplest the (least massive)

Bit (of the message), then there is no manner for Carol to recognize Alice did now not cheat.

Alice may want to show that she did now not cheat with the aid of revealing to Carol the entire
message as

Well as its decryption key, but that might yield statistics some distance beyond what had been


Required. A far better idea is to allow Alice increase the bit she sends Carol with a

0-know-how evidence that this bit is indeed the least full-size little bit of the message. We

Stress that the foregoing announcement is of the “N P kind” (since the evidence detailed earlier

Can be correctly established), and consequently the life of 0-expertise proofs for

N P-statements means that the foregoing announcement may be proved with out revealing

Whatever past its validity.

The point of interest of chapter 4, dedicated to zero-know-how proofs, is at the foregoing end result

(i.e., the construction of 0-expertise proofs for any N P-assertion). In addition,

We shall recollect severa variations and factors of the belief of zero-understanding proofs

And their results at the applicability of this notion.

1.2. Some background from opportunity theory

Chance plays a imperative function in cryptography. Specifically, probability is vital

As a way to allow a dialogue of facts or loss of statistics (i.e., secrecy). We

Anticipate that the reader is acquainted with the basic notions of opportunity principle. On this

Section, we merely present the probabilistic notations that are used in the course of this ebook

And three beneficial probabilistic inequalities.

1.2.1. Notational Conventions

For the duration of this entire book we will talk to best discrete opportunity distributions.

Typically, the opportunity space includes the set of all strings of a sure length

, fascinated about uniform opportunity distribution. That is, the pattern area is the set

Of all -bit-lengthy strings, and every such string is assigned possibility degree 2−

Traditionally, capabilities from the sample area to the reals are referred to as random variables.

Abusing trendy terminology, we permit ourselves to use the time period random variable also

While regarding capabilities mapping the pattern area into the set of binary strings.

We frequently do now not specify the possibility space, but alternatively talk directly approximately

Variables. As an instance, we may additionally say that X is a random variable assigned values in

The set of all strings, in order that Pr[X = 00] = 1

Four and Pr[X = 111] = 3

Four . (any such random

Variable can be defined over the sample space {zero, 1}2, so that X(11) = 00 and X(00) =

X(01) = X(10) = 111.) In most cases the chance space includes all strings of

A particular duration. Commonly, these strings represent random picks made by means of some

Randomized system (see next section), and the random variable is the output of the


A way to examine Probabilistic Statements. All our probabilistic statements consult with

Functions of random variables which can be described ahead. Typically, we will write

Pr[ f (X) = 1], wherein X is a random variable described in advance (and f is a function).

An critical convention is that all occurrences of a given image in a probabilistic

Assertion talk to the same (specific) random variable. Therefore, if B(·, ·) is a Boolean

Expression depending on variables and X is a random variable, then Pr[B(X, X)]

Denotes the chance that B(x, x) holds whilst x is chosen with probabilitypr[X = x].


1.2. A few historical past FROM possibility principle


Pr[B(X, X)] =

Pr[X = x] · χ(B(x, x))

Where χ is a trademark feature, in order that χ(B) = 1 if event B holds, and equals 0 otherwise. As an
instance, for every random variable X, we've Pr[X = X] = 1. We strain

That if one needs to discuss the opportunity that B(x, y) holds when x and y are selected
Independently with the same opportunity distribution, then one needs to outline two impartial
random variables, each with the identical chance distribution. Hence, if X and

Y are impartial random variables, then Pr[B(X, Y )] denotes the probability that

B(x, y) holds while the pair (x, y) is chosen with possibility Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y].


Pr[B(X, Y )] =


Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y] · χ(B(x, y))

As an example, for every impartial random variables, X and Y , we've

Pr[X = Y ] = 1 simplest if both X and Y are trivial (i.e., assign the entire chance

Mass to a unmarried string).

Regular Random Variables. Throughout this complete book, Un denotes a random variable uniformly
dispensed over the set of strings of duration n. Namely,Pr[Un =α] equals

2−n if α ∈ {0, 1}n, and equals zero in any other case. Further, we will sometimes use

Random variables (arbitrarily) distributed over {0, 1}n or {0, 1}

L(n) for some function l :

N→N. Such random variables are typically denoted through Xn, Yn, Zn, and many others. We
pressure that in

A few instances Xn is distributed over{zero, 1}n, while in others it's far allotted over{0, 1}


For some characteristic l(·), that's usually a polynomial. Every other type of random variable,

The output of a randomized algorithm on a set input, is mentioned in section 1.three.

1.2.2. Three Inequalities

The subsequent probabilistic inequalities could be very useful inside the path of this book.

All inequalities discuss with random variables which are assigned actual values. The maximum
primary inequality is the Markov inequality, which asserts that for random variables with

Bounded maximum or minimal values, some relation have to exist between the deviation of a value
from the expectancy of the random variable and the opportunity that the

Random variable is assigned this price. Particularly, letting E(X) def

V Pr[X =v] · v

Denote the expectation of the random variable X, we've the following:

Markov Inequality: allow X be a non-poor random variable and v a actual

Wide variety. Then

Pr[X ≥ v] ≤


Equivalently, Pr[X ≥ r · E(X)] ≤ 1




E(X) =

Pr[X = x] · x

Pr[X = x] · 0 +


Pr[X = x] · v

= Pr[X ≥ v] · v

The claim follows.

The Markov inequality is typically used in cases in which one knows very little about

The distribution of the random variable; it suffices to know its expectation and at least

One bound on the range of its values. See Exercise 1.

Using Markov’s inequality, one gets a “possibly stronger” bound for the deviation

Of a random variable from its expectation. This bound, called Chebyshev’s inequality, is useful
provided one has additional knowledge concerning the random variable

(specifically, a good upper bound on its variance). For a random variable X of finite

Expectation, we denote by Var(X) def

= E[(X − E(X))2] the variance of X and observe

That Var(X) = E(X2) − E(X)

Chebyshev’s Inequality: Let X be a random variable, and δ > zero. Then

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] ≤



Evidence: We define a random variable Y def

= (X − E(X))2 and apply the Markov

Inequality. We get

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] = Pr[(X − E(X))2 ≥ δ2

E[(X − E(X))2]


And the claim follows.

Chebyshev’s inequality is particularly beneficial for evaluation of the mistake opportunity of

Approximation through repeated sampling. It suffices to count on that the samples are picked

In a pairwise-independent manner.

Corollary (Pairwise-unbiased Sampling): permit X1, X2,..., Xn be pairwiseindependent random

variables with the equal expectation, denotedµ, and the identical

Variance, denoted σ2. Then, for each ε > zero,


I=1 Xi





The Xi’s are called pairwise-independent if for each i = j and all a and b, it holds

That Pr[Xi = a ∧ X j = b] equals Pr[Xi = a] · Pr[X j = b].


1.2. A few history FROM possibility principle

Proof: define the random variables Xi


= Xi − E(Xi). Note that the Xi’s are

Pairwise-unbiased and each has 0 expectation. Making use of Chebyshev’s inequality to the random
variable described by way of the sumn



N , and the use of the linearity

Of the expectancy operator, we get





Var n





I=1 Xi

Ε2 · n2

Now (again the usage of the linearity of E)






1≤i= j≤n

E[ Xi X j]

By way of the pairwise independence of the Xi’s, we get E[Xi X j] = E[Xi] · E[X j], and

The use of E[Xi] = 0, we get



 = n · σ2

The corollary follows.

The usage of pairwise-independent sampling, the mistake probability within the approximation

Is reducing linearly with the wide variety of pattern points. The use of absolutely independent

Sampling factors, the mistake opportunity inside the approximation may be proven to decrease

Exponentially with the number of pattern points. (The random variables X1, X2,..., Xn

Are said to be completely unbiased if for each series a1, a2,..., an it holds that


I=1Xi = ai] equals n

I=1 Pr[Xi = ai].) Chance bounds helping the foregoing assertion are given subsequent. The primary
sure, normally called the Chernoff

Sure, issues 0-1 random variables (i.e., random variables which are assigned values

Of both 0 or 1).

Chernoff bound: permit p ≤ 1

2 , and let X1, X2,..., Xn be unbiased zero-1 random

Variables, in order that Pr[Xi = 1] = p for every i. Then for all ε, zero < ε ≤ p(1 − p),

We have


I=1 Xi


< 2 · e− ε2

2p(1−p) ·n

We shall commonly practice the sure with a regular p ≈ 1

2 . In this example, n unbiased

Samples provide an approximation that deviates by means of ε from the expectancy with probability

This is exponentially decreasing with ε2n. Such an approximation is called an (ε, δ)-

Approximation and can be executed the use of n = O(ε−2 · log(1/δ)) pattern factors. It's far

Important to understand that the sufficient quantity of pattern points is polynomially

Related to ε−1 and logarithmically related to δ−1. So using poly(n) many samples, the



Blunders chance (i.e., δ) can be made negligible (as a feature in n), however the accuracy of

The estimation (i.e., ε) may be bounded above only with the aid of any fixed polynomial fraction

Can't be made negligible).2 We strain that the dependence of the number of samples

On ε isn't always better than in the case of pairwise-unbiased sampling; the advantage of
Completely independent samples lies most effective within the dependence of the range of samples
on δ.

Simultaneity troubles

A typical example of a simultaneity trouble is that of simultaneous exchange of secrets,

Of which agreement signing is a unique case. The placing for a simultaneous alternate

Of secrets and techniques consists of events, every preserving a “secret.” The intention is to execute

Protocol such that if both parties comply with it successfully, then at termination every will keep

Its counterpart’s secret, and anyways (even though one celebration cheats) the first party will

Hold the second one birthday celebration’s secret if and handiest if the second birthday celebration
holds the first birthday celebration’s

Secret. Perfectly simultaneous exchange of secrets and techniques can be carried out most effective
if we assume

The life of 0.33 events that are relied on to some extent. In truth, simultaneous

Alternate of secrets and techniques can without problems be carried out the use of the lively
participation of a trusted

1/3 birthday celebration: each celebration sends its secret to the trusted third party (the usage of a
relaxed channel).

The 0.33 birthday party, on receiving both secrets and techniques, sends the first party’s mystery to
the second

Celebration and the second one party’s secret to the first party. There are issues with this


1. The solution calls for the active participation of an “outside” birthday celebration in all instances
(i.e., also

In case each parties are honest). We observe that different solutions requiring milder styles of

Participation of outside events do exist.

2. The answer calls for the life of a totally depended on 0.33 entity. In a few applications,

Such an entity does now not exist. Despite the fact that, inside the sequel we will speak the trouble

1.1. CRYPTOGRAPHY: principal topics

Of implementing a trusted 0.33 birthday party by way of a fixed of customers with an honest
majority (despite the fact that

The identity of the honest customers isn't acknowledged).

Secure Implementation of Functionalities and relied on events

A unique kind of protocol hassle is concerned with the cozy implementation of

Functionalities. To be greater unique, we speak the trouble of evaluating a characteristic of nearby

inputs each of which is held via a distinct person. An illustrative and

Motivating example is vote casting, in which the feature is majority, and the nearby enter

Held through user A is a unmarried bit representing the vote of person A (e.g., “seasoned” or “con”).

Loosely speakme, a protocol for securely evaluating a selected characteristic ought to satisfy the


• privateness: No celebration can “benefit statistics” on the input of different events, beyond what's

Deduced from the value of the function.

• Robustness: No birthday celebration can “influence” the price of the function, past the have an
effect on

Exerted by deciding on its personal enter.

It is once in a while required that those situations maintain with admire to “small” (e.g., minority)
coalitions of parties (rather than unmarried events).

Truly, if one of the users is understood to be completely straightforward, then there exists a

Easy way to the hassle of comfortable evaluation of any function. Each user truely

Sends its enter to the relied on party (using a comfy channel), who, upon receiving all

Inputs, computes the feature, sends the outcome to all customers, and erases all intermediate
computations (along with the inputs obtained) from its memory. Clearly, it's far

Unrealistic to anticipate that a party can be relied on to such an extent (e.g., that it will

Voluntarily erase what it has “discovered”). Though, the problem of imposing

Comfortable characteristic evaluation reduces to the problem of implementing a relied on


It seems that a trusted party may be applied by way of a hard and fast of users with an honest
majority (even supposing the identity of the honest customers isn't always recognized). That is
indeed a

Fundamental bring about this area, and plenty of chapter 7, with a purpose to appear within the 2nd

Volume of this paintings, may be committed to formulating and proving it (as well as variations

Of it).

Zero-knowledge as a Paradigm

A major tool inside the creation of cryptographic protocols is the idea of zeroknowledge proof
systems and the fact that zero-information evidence structures exist for all

Languages in N P (furnished that one-manner features exist). Loosely talking, a zeroknowledge

evidence yields not anything however the validity of the declaration. Zero-knowledge proofs
Offer a tool for “forcing” events to observe a given protocol properly.

To demonstrate the role of zero-know-how proofs, consider a setting wherein a celebration,

Referred to as Alice, upon receiving an encrypted message from Bob, is to ship Carol the

Least substantial little bit of the message. Sincerely, if Alice sends simplest the (least massive)

Bit (of the message), then there is no manner for Carol to recognize Alice did now not cheat.

Alice may want to show that she did now not cheat with the aid of revealing to Carol the entire
message as

Well as its decryption key, but that might yield statistics some distance beyond what had been


Required. A far better idea is to allow Alice increase the bit she sends Carol with a

0-know-how evidence that this bit is indeed the least full-size little bit of the message. We

Stress that the foregoing announcement is of the “N P kind” (since the evidence detailed earlier

Can be correctly established), and consequently the life of 0-expertise proofs for

N P-statements means that the foregoing announcement may be proved with out revealing

Whatever past its validity.

The point of interest of chapter 4, dedicated to zero-know-how proofs, is at the foregoing end result

(i.e., the construction of 0-expertise proofs for any N P-assertion). In addition,

We shall recollect severa variations and factors of the belief of zero-understanding proofs

And their results at the applicability of this notion.

1.2. Some background from opportunity theory

Chance plays a imperative function in cryptography. Specifically, probability is vital

As a way to allow a dialogue of facts or loss of statistics (i.e., secrecy). We

Anticipate that the reader is acquainted with the basic notions of opportunity principle. On this

Section, we merely present the probabilistic notations that are used in the course of this ebook

And three beneficial probabilistic inequalities.

1.2.1. Notational Conventions

For the duration of this entire book we will talk to best discrete opportunity distributions.

Typically, the opportunity space includes the set of all strings of a sure length

, fascinated about uniform opportunity distribution. That is, the pattern area is the set

Of all -bit-lengthy strings, and every such string is assigned possibility degree 2−

Traditionally, capabilities from the sample area to the reals are referred to as random variables.

Abusing trendy terminology, we permit ourselves to use the time period random variable also

While regarding capabilities mapping the pattern area into the set of binary strings.

We frequently do now not specify the possibility space, but alternatively talk directly approximately

Variables. As an instance, we may additionally say that X is a random variable assigned values in

The set of all strings, in order that Pr[X = 00] = 1

Four and Pr[X = 111] = 3

Four . (any such random

Variable can be defined over the sample space {zero, 1}2, so that X(11) = 00 and X(00) =

X(01) = X(10) = 111.) In most cases the chance space includes all strings of

A particular duration. Commonly, these strings represent random picks made by means of some

Randomized system (see next section), and the random variable is the output of the


A way to examine Probabilistic Statements. All our probabilistic statements consult with

Functions of random variables which can be described ahead. Typically, we will write

Pr[ f (X) = 1], wherein X is a random variable described in advance (and f is a function).

An critical convention is that all occurrences of a given image in a probabilistic

Assertion talk to the same (specific) random variable. Therefore, if B(·, ·) is a Boolean

Expression depending on variables and X is a random variable, then Pr[B(X, X)]

Denotes the chance that B(x, x) holds whilst x is chosen with probabilitypr[X = x].


1.2. A few historical past FROM possibility principle


Pr[B(X, X)] =

Pr[X = x] · χ(B(x, x))

Where χ is a trademark feature, in order that χ(B) = 1 if event B holds, and equals 0 otherwise. As an
instance, for every random variable X, we've Pr[X = X] = 1. We strain

That if one needs to discuss the opportunity that B(x, y) holds when x and y are selected
Independently with the same opportunity distribution, then one needs to outline two impartial
random variables, each with the identical chance distribution. Hence, if X and

Y are impartial random variables, then Pr[B(X, Y )] denotes the probability that

B(x, y) holds while the pair (x, y) is chosen with possibility Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y].


Pr[B(X, Y )] =


Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y] · χ(B(x, y))

As an example, for every impartial random variables, X and Y , we've

Pr[X = Y ] = 1 simplest if both X and Y are trivial (i.e., assign the entire chance

Mass to a unmarried string).

Regular Random Variables. Throughout this complete book, Un denotes a random variable uniformly
dispensed over the set of strings of duration n. Namely,Pr[Un =α] equals

2−n if α ∈ {0, 1}n, and equals zero in any other case. Further, we will sometimes use

Random variables (arbitrarily) distributed over {0, 1}n or {0, 1}

L(n) for some function l :

N→N. Such random variables are typically denoted through Xn, Yn, Zn, and many others. We
pressure that in

A few instances Xn is distributed over{zero, 1}n, while in others it's far allotted over{0, 1}


For some characteristic l(·), that's usually a polynomial. Every other type of random variable,

The output of a randomized algorithm on a set input, is mentioned in section 1.three.

1.2.2. Three Inequalities

The subsequent probabilistic inequalities could be very useful inside the path of this book.

All inequalities discuss with random variables which are assigned actual values. The maximum
primary inequality is the Markov inequality, which asserts that for random variables with

Bounded maximum or minimal values, some relation have to exist between the deviation of a value
from the expectancy of the random variable and the opportunity that the

Random variable is assigned this price. Particularly, letting E(X) def

V Pr[X =v] · v

Denote the expectation of the random variable X, we've the following:

Markov Inequality: allow X be a non-poor random variable and v a actual

Wide variety. Then

Pr[X ≥ v] ≤


Equivalently, Pr[X ≥ r · E(X)] ≤ 1




E(X) =

Pr[X = x] · x

Pr[X = x] · 0 +


Pr[X = x] · v

= Pr[X ≥ v] · v

The claim follows.

The Markov inequality is typically used in cases in which one knows very little about

The distribution of the random variable; it suffices to know its expectation and at least

One bound on the range of its values. See Exercise 1.

Using Markov’s inequality, one gets a “possibly stronger” bound for the deviation

Of a random variable from its expectation. This bound, called Chebyshev’s inequality, is useful
provided one has additional knowledge concerning the random variable

(specifically, a good upper bound on its variance). For a random variable X of finite

Expectation, we denote by Var(X) def

= E[(X − E(X))2] the variance of X and observe

That Var(X) = E(X2) − E(X)

Chebyshev’s Inequality: Let X be a random variable, and δ > zero. Then

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] ≤



Evidence: We define a random variable Y def

= (X − E(X))2 and apply the Markov

Inequality. We get

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] = Pr[(X − E(X))2 ≥ δ2

E[(X − E(X))2]


And the claim follows.

Chebyshev’s inequality is particularly beneficial for evaluation of the mistake opportunity of

Approximation through repeated sampling. It suffices to count on that the samples are picked

In a pairwise-independent manner.

Corollary (Pairwise-unbiased Sampling): permit X1, X2,..., Xn be pairwiseindependent random

variables with the equal expectation, denotedµ, and the identical

Variance, denoted σ2. Then, for each ε > zero,


I=1 Xi





The Xi’s are called pairwise-independent if for each i = j and all a and b, it holds

That Pr[Xi = a ∧ X j = b] equals Pr[Xi = a] · Pr[X j = b].


1.2. A few history FROM possibility principle

Proof: define the random variables Xi


= Xi − E(Xi). Note that the Xi’s are

Pairwise-unbiased and each has 0 expectation. Making use of Chebyshev’s inequality to the random
variable described by way of the sumn



N , and the use of the linearity

Of the expectancy operator, we get





Var n





I=1 Xi

Ε2 · n2

Now (again the usage of the linearity of E)






1≤i= j≤n

E[ Xi X j]

By way of the pairwise independence of the Xi’s, we get E[Xi X j] = E[Xi] · E[X j], and

The use of E[Xi] = 0, we get



 = n · σ2

The corollary follows.

The usage of pairwise-independent sampling, the mistake probability within the approximation

Is reducing linearly with the wide variety of pattern points. The use of absolutely independent

Sampling factors, the mistake opportunity inside the approximation may be proven to decrease

Exponentially with the number of pattern points. (The random variables X1, X2,..., Xn

Are said to be completely unbiased if for each series a1, a2,..., an it holds that


I=1Xi = ai] equals n

I=1 Pr[Xi = ai].) Chance bounds helping the foregoing assertion are given subsequent. The primary
sure, normally called the Chernoff

Sure, issues 0-1 random variables (i.e., random variables which are assigned values

Of both 0 or 1).

Chernoff bound: permit p ≤ 1

2 , and let X1, X2,..., Xn be unbiased zero-1 random

Variables, in order that Pr[Xi = 1] = p for every i. Then for all ε, zero < ε ≤ p(1 − p),

We have


I=1 Xi


< 2 · e− ε2

2p(1−p) ·n

We shall commonly practice the sure with a regular p ≈ 1

2 . In this example, n unbiased

Samples provide an approximation that deviates by means of ε from the expectancy with probability

This is exponentially decreasing with ε2n. Such an approximation is called an (ε, δ)-

Approximation and can be executed the use of n = O(ε−2 · log(1/δ)) pattern factors. It's far

Important to understand that the sufficient quantity of pattern points is polynomially

Related to ε−1 and logarithmically related to δ−1. So using poly(n) many samples, the



Blunders chance (i.e., δ) can be made negligible (as a feature in n), however the accuracy of

The estimation (i.e., ε) may be bounded above only with the aid of any fixed polynomial fraction

Can't be made negligible).2 We strain that the dependence of the number of samples

On ε isn't always better than in the case of pairwise-unbiased sampling; the advantage of
Completely independent samples lies most effective within the dependence of the range of samples
on δ.

Simultaneity troubles

A typical example of a simultaneity trouble is that of simultaneous exchange of secrets,

Of which agreement signing is a unique case. The placing for a simultaneous alternate

Of secrets and techniques consists of events, every preserving a “secret.” The intention is to execute

Protocol such that if both parties comply with it successfully, then at termination every will keep

Its counterpart’s secret, and anyways (even though one celebration cheats) the first party will

Hold the second one birthday celebration’s secret if and handiest if the second birthday celebration
holds the first birthday celebration’s

Secret. Perfectly simultaneous exchange of secrets and techniques can be carried out most effective
if we assume

The life of 0.33 events that are relied on to some extent. In truth, simultaneous

Alternate of secrets and techniques can without problems be carried out the use of the lively
participation of a trusted

1/3 birthday celebration: each celebration sends its secret to the trusted third party (the usage of a
relaxed channel).

The 0.33 birthday party, on receiving both secrets and techniques, sends the first party’s mystery to
the second

Celebration and the second one party’s secret to the first party. There are issues with this


1. The solution calls for the active participation of an “outside” birthday celebration in all instances
(i.e., also

In case each parties are honest). We observe that different solutions requiring milder styles of

Participation of outside events do exist.

2. The answer calls for the life of a totally depended on 0.33 entity. In a few applications,

Such an entity does now not exist. Despite the fact that, inside the sequel we will speak the trouble

1.1. CRYPTOGRAPHY: principal topics

Of implementing a trusted 0.33 birthday party by way of a fixed of customers with an honest
majority (despite the fact that

The identity of the honest customers isn't acknowledged).

Secure Implementation of Functionalities and relied on events

A unique kind of protocol hassle is concerned with the cozy implementation of

Functionalities. To be greater unique, we speak the trouble of evaluating a characteristic of nearby

inputs each of which is held via a distinct person. An illustrative and

Motivating example is vote casting, in which the feature is majority, and the nearby enter

Held through user A is a unmarried bit representing the vote of person A (e.g., “seasoned” or “con”).

Loosely speakme, a protocol for securely evaluating a selected characteristic ought to satisfy the


• privateness: No celebration can “benefit statistics” on the input of different events, beyond what's

Deduced from the value of the function.

• Robustness: No birthday celebration can “influence” the price of the function, past the have an
effect on

Exerted by deciding on its personal enter.

It is once in a while required that those situations maintain with admire to “small” (e.g., minority)
coalitions of parties (rather than unmarried events).

Truly, if one of the users is understood to be completely straightforward, then there exists a

Easy way to the hassle of comfortable evaluation of any function. Each user truely

Sends its enter to the relied on party (using a comfy channel), who, upon receiving all

Inputs, computes the feature, sends the outcome to all customers, and erases all intermediate
computations (along with the inputs obtained) from its memory. Clearly, it's far

Unrealistic to anticipate that a party can be relied on to such an extent (e.g., that it will

Voluntarily erase what it has “discovered”). Though, the problem of imposing

Comfortable characteristic evaluation reduces to the problem of implementing a relied on


It seems that a trusted party may be applied by way of a hard and fast of users with an honest
majority (even supposing the identity of the honest customers isn't always recognized). That is
indeed a

Fundamental bring about this area, and plenty of chapter 7, with a purpose to appear within the 2nd

Volume of this paintings, may be committed to formulating and proving it (as well as variations

Of it).

Zero-knowledge as a Paradigm

A major tool inside the creation of cryptographic protocols is the idea of zeroknowledge proof
systems and the fact that zero-information evidence structures exist for all

Languages in N P (furnished that one-manner features exist). Loosely talking, a zeroknowledge

evidence yields not anything however the validity of the declaration. Zero-knowledge proofs
Offer a tool for “forcing” events to observe a given protocol properly.

To demonstrate the role of zero-know-how proofs, consider a setting wherein a celebration,

Referred to as Alice, upon receiving an encrypted message from Bob, is to ship Carol the

Least substantial little bit of the message. Sincerely, if Alice sends simplest the (least massive)

Bit (of the message), then there is no manner for Carol to recognize Alice did now not cheat.

Alice may want to show that she did now not cheat with the aid of revealing to Carol the entire
message as

Well as its decryption key, but that might yield statistics some distance beyond what had been


Required. A far better idea is to allow Alice increase the bit she sends Carol with a

0-know-how evidence that this bit is indeed the least full-size little bit of the message. We

Stress that the foregoing announcement is of the “N P kind” (since the evidence detailed earlier

Can be correctly established), and consequently the life of 0-expertise proofs for

N P-statements means that the foregoing announcement may be proved with out revealing

Whatever past its validity.

The point of interest of chapter 4, dedicated to zero-know-how proofs, is at the foregoing end result

(i.e., the construction of 0-expertise proofs for any N P-assertion). In addition,

We shall recollect severa variations and factors of the belief of zero-understanding proofs

And their results at the applicability of this notion.

1.2. Some background from opportunity theory

Chance plays a imperative function in cryptography. Specifically, probability is vital

As a way to allow a dialogue of facts or loss of statistics (i.e., secrecy). We

Anticipate that the reader is acquainted with the basic notions of opportunity principle. On this

Section, we merely present the probabilistic notations that are used in the course of this ebook

And three beneficial probabilistic inequalities.

1.2.1. Notational Conventions

For the duration of this entire book we will talk to best discrete opportunity distributions.

Typically, the opportunity space includes the set of all strings of a sure length

, fascinated about uniform opportunity distribution. That is, the pattern area is the set

Of all -bit-lengthy strings, and every such string is assigned possibility degree 2−

Traditionally, capabilities from the sample area to the reals are referred to as random variables.

Abusing trendy terminology, we permit ourselves to use the time period random variable also

While regarding capabilities mapping the pattern area into the set of binary strings.

We frequently do now not specify the possibility space, but alternatively talk directly approximately

Variables. As an instance, we may additionally say that X is a random variable assigned values in

The set of all strings, in order that Pr[X = 00] = 1

Four and Pr[X = 111] = 3

Four . (any such random

Variable can be defined over the sample space {zero, 1}2, so that X(11) = 00 and X(00) =

X(01) = X(10) = 111.) In most cases the chance space includes all strings of

A particular duration. Commonly, these strings represent random picks made by means of some

Randomized system (see next section), and the random variable is the output of the


A way to examine Probabilistic Statements. All our probabilistic statements consult with

Functions of random variables which can be described ahead. Typically, we will write

Pr[ f (X) = 1], wherein X is a random variable described in advance (and f is a function).

An critical convention is that all occurrences of a given image in a probabilistic

Assertion talk to the same (specific) random variable. Therefore, if B(·, ·) is a Boolean

Expression depending on variables and X is a random variable, then Pr[B(X, X)]

Denotes the chance that B(x, x) holds whilst x is chosen with probabilitypr[X = x].


1.2. A few historical past FROM possibility principle


Pr[B(X, X)] =

Pr[X = x] · χ(B(x, x))

Where χ is a trademark feature, in order that χ(B) = 1 if event B holds, and equals 0 otherwise. As an
instance, for every random variable X, we've Pr[X = X] = 1. We strain

That if one needs to discuss the opportunity that B(x, y) holds when x and y are selected
Independently with the same opportunity distribution, then one needs to outline two impartial
random variables, each with the identical chance distribution. Hence, if X and

Y are impartial random variables, then Pr[B(X, Y )] denotes the probability that

B(x, y) holds while the pair (x, y) is chosen with possibility Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y].


Pr[B(X, Y )] =


Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y] · χ(B(x, y))

As an example, for every impartial random variables, X and Y , we've

Pr[X = Y ] = 1 simplest if both X and Y are trivial (i.e., assign the entire chance

Mass to a unmarried string).

Regular Random Variables. Throughout this complete book, Un denotes a random variable uniformly
dispensed over the set of strings of duration n. Namely,Pr[Un =α] equals

2−n if α ∈ {0, 1}n, and equals zero in any other case. Further, we will sometimes use

Random variables (arbitrarily) distributed over {0, 1}n or {0, 1}

L(n) for some function l :

N→N. Such random variables are typically denoted through Xn, Yn, Zn, and many others. We
pressure that in

A few instances Xn is distributed over{zero, 1}n, while in others it's far allotted over{0, 1}


For some characteristic l(·), that's usually a polynomial. Every other type of random variable,

The output of a randomized algorithm on a set input, is mentioned in section 1.three.

1.2.2. Three Inequalities

The subsequent probabilistic inequalities could be very useful inside the path of this book.

All inequalities discuss with random variables which are assigned actual values. The maximum
primary inequality is the Markov inequality, which asserts that for random variables with

Bounded maximum or minimal values, some relation have to exist between the deviation of a value
from the expectancy of the random variable and the opportunity that the

Random variable is assigned this price. Particularly, letting E(X) def

V Pr[X =v] · v

Denote the expectation of the random variable X, we've the following:

Markov Inequality: allow X be a non-poor random variable and v a actual

Wide variety. Then

Pr[X ≥ v] ≤


Equivalently, Pr[X ≥ r · E(X)] ≤ 1




E(X) =

Pr[X = x] · x

Pr[X = x] · 0 +


Pr[X = x] · v

= Pr[X ≥ v] · v

The claim follows.

The Markov inequality is typically used in cases in which one knows very little about

The distribution of the random variable; it suffices to know its expectation and at least

One bound on the range of its values. See Exercise 1.

Using Markov’s inequality, one gets a “possibly stronger” bound for the deviation

Of a random variable from its expectation. This bound, called Chebyshev’s inequality, is useful
provided one has additional knowledge concerning the random variable

(specifically, a good upper bound on its variance). For a random variable X of finite

Expectation, we denote by Var(X) def

= E[(X − E(X))2] the variance of X and observe

That Var(X) = E(X2) − E(X)

Chebyshev’s Inequality: Let X be a random variable, and δ > zero. Then

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] ≤



Evidence: We define a random variable Y def

= (X − E(X))2 and apply the Markov

Inequality. We get

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] = Pr[(X − E(X))2 ≥ δ2

E[(X − E(X))2]


And the claim follows.

Chebyshev’s inequality is particularly beneficial for evaluation of the mistake opportunity of

Approximation through repeated sampling. It suffices to count on that the samples are picked

In a pairwise-independent manner.

Corollary (Pairwise-unbiased Sampling): permit X1, X2,..., Xn be pairwiseindependent random

variables with the equal expectation, denotedµ, and the identical

Variance, denoted σ2. Then, for each ε > zero,


I=1 Xi





The Xi’s are called pairwise-independent if for each i = j and all a and b, it holds

That Pr[Xi = a ∧ X j = b] equals Pr[Xi = a] · Pr[X j = b].


1.2. A few history FROM possibility principle

Proof: define the random variables Xi


= Xi − E(Xi). Note that the Xi’s are

Pairwise-unbiased and each has 0 expectation. Making use of Chebyshev’s inequality to the random
variable described by way of the sumn



N , and the use of the linearity

Of the expectancy operator, we get





Var n





I=1 Xi

Ε2 · n2

Now (again the usage of the linearity of E)






1≤i= j≤n

E[ Xi X j]

By way of the pairwise independence of the Xi’s, we get E[Xi X j] = E[Xi] · E[X j], and

The use of E[Xi] = 0, we get



 = n · σ2

The corollary follows.

The usage of pairwise-independent sampling, the mistake probability within the approximation

Is reducing linearly with the wide variety of pattern points. The use of absolutely independent

Sampling factors, the mistake opportunity inside the approximation may be proven to decrease

Exponentially with the number of pattern points. (The random variables X1, X2,..., Xn

Are said to be completely unbiased if for each series a1, a2,..., an it holds that


I=1Xi = ai] equals n

I=1 Pr[Xi = ai].) Chance bounds helping the foregoing assertion are given subsequent. The primary
sure, normally called the Chernoff

Sure, issues 0-1 random variables (i.e., random variables which are assigned values

Of both 0 or 1).

Chernoff bound: permit p ≤ 1

2 , and let X1, X2,..., Xn be unbiased zero-1 random

Variables, in order that Pr[Xi = 1] = p for every i. Then for all ε, zero < ε ≤ p(1 − p),

We have


I=1 Xi


< 2 · e− ε2

2p(1−p) ·n

We shall commonly practice the sure with a regular p ≈ 1

2 . In this example, n unbiased

Samples provide an approximation that deviates by means of ε from the expectancy with probability

This is exponentially decreasing with ε2n. Such an approximation is called an (ε, δ)-

Approximation and can be executed the use of n = O(ε−2 · log(1/δ)) pattern factors. It's far

Important to understand that the sufficient quantity of pattern points is polynomially

Related to ε−1 and logarithmically related to δ−1. So using poly(n) many samples, the



Blunders chance (i.e., δ) can be made negligible (as a feature in n), however the accuracy of

The estimation (i.e., ε) may be bounded above only with the aid of any fixed polynomial fraction

Can't be made negligible).2 We strain that the dependence of the number of samples

On ε isn't always better than in the case of pairwise-unbiased sampling; the advantage of
Completely independent samples lies most effective within the dependence of the range of samples
on δ.

Simultaneity troubles

A typical example of a simultaneity trouble is that of simultaneous exchange of secrets,

Of which agreement signing is a unique case. The placing for a simultaneous alternate

Of secrets and techniques consists of events, every preserving a “secret.” The intention is to execute

Protocol such that if both parties comply with it successfully, then at termination every will keep

Its counterpart’s secret, and anyways (even though one celebration cheats) the first party will

Hold the second one birthday celebration’s secret if and handiest if the second birthday celebration
holds the first birthday celebration’s

Secret. Perfectly simultaneous exchange of secrets and techniques can be carried out most effective
if we assume

The life of 0.33 events that are relied on to some extent. In truth, simultaneous

Alternate of secrets and techniques can without problems be carried out the use of the lively
participation of a trusted

1/3 birthday celebration: each celebration sends its secret to the trusted third party (the usage of a
relaxed channel).

The 0.33 birthday party, on receiving both secrets and techniques, sends the first party’s mystery to
the second

Celebration and the second one party’s secret to the first party. There are issues with this


1. The solution calls for the active participation of an “outside” birthday celebration in all instances
(i.e., also

In case each parties are honest). We observe that different solutions requiring milder styles of

Participation of outside events do exist.

2. The answer calls for the life of a totally depended on 0.33 entity. In a few applications,

Such an entity does now not exist. Despite the fact that, inside the sequel we will speak the trouble

1.1. CRYPTOGRAPHY: principal topics

Of implementing a trusted 0.33 birthday party by way of a fixed of customers with an honest
majority (despite the fact that

The identity of the honest customers isn't acknowledged).

Secure Implementation of Functionalities and relied on events

A unique kind of protocol hassle is concerned with the cozy implementation of

Functionalities. To be greater unique, we speak the trouble of evaluating a characteristic of nearby

inputs each of which is held via a distinct person. An illustrative and

Motivating example is vote casting, in which the feature is majority, and the nearby enter

Held through user A is a unmarried bit representing the vote of person A (e.g., “seasoned” or “con”).

Loosely speakme, a protocol for securely evaluating a selected characteristic ought to satisfy the


• privateness: No celebration can “benefit statistics” on the input of different events, beyond what's

Deduced from the value of the function.

• Robustness: No birthday celebration can “influence” the price of the function, past the have an
effect on

Exerted by deciding on its personal enter.

It is once in a while required that those situations maintain with admire to “small” (e.g., minority)
coalitions of parties (rather than unmarried events).

Truly, if one of the users is understood to be completely straightforward, then there exists a

Easy way to the hassle of comfortable evaluation of any function. Each user truely

Sends its enter to the relied on party (using a comfy channel), who, upon receiving all

Inputs, computes the feature, sends the outcome to all customers, and erases all intermediate
computations (along with the inputs obtained) from its memory. Clearly, it's far

Unrealistic to anticipate that a party can be relied on to such an extent (e.g., that it will

Voluntarily erase what it has “discovered”). Though, the problem of imposing

Comfortable characteristic evaluation reduces to the problem of implementing a relied on


It seems that a trusted party may be applied by way of a hard and fast of users with an honest
majority (even supposing the identity of the honest customers isn't always recognized). That is
indeed a

Fundamental bring about this area, and plenty of chapter 7, with a purpose to appear within the 2nd

Volume of this paintings, may be committed to formulating and proving it (as well as variations

Of it).

Zero-knowledge as a Paradigm

A major tool inside the creation of cryptographic protocols is the idea of zeroknowledge proof
systems and the fact that zero-information evidence structures exist for all

Languages in N P (furnished that one-manner features exist). Loosely talking, a zeroknowledge

evidence yields not anything however the validity of the declaration. Zero-knowledge proofs
Offer a tool for “forcing” events to observe a given protocol properly.

To demonstrate the role of zero-know-how proofs, consider a setting wherein a celebration,

Referred to as Alice, upon receiving an encrypted message from Bob, is to ship Carol the

Least substantial little bit of the message. Sincerely, if Alice sends simplest the (least massive)

Bit (of the message), then there is no manner for Carol to recognize Alice did now not cheat.

Alice may want to show that she did now not cheat with the aid of revealing to Carol the entire
message as

Well as its decryption key, but that might yield statistics some distance beyond what had been


Required. A far better idea is to allow Alice increase the bit she sends Carol with a

0-know-how evidence that this bit is indeed the least full-size little bit of the message. We

Stress that the foregoing announcement is of the “N P kind” (since the evidence detailed earlier

Can be correctly established), and consequently the life of 0-expertise proofs for

N P-statements means that the foregoing announcement may be proved with out revealing

Whatever past its validity.

The point of interest of chapter 4, dedicated to zero-know-how proofs, is at the foregoing end result

(i.e., the construction of 0-expertise proofs for any N P-assertion). In addition,

We shall recollect severa variations and factors of the belief of zero-understanding proofs

And their results at the applicability of this notion.

1.2. Some background from opportunity theory

Chance plays a imperative function in cryptography. Specifically, probability is vital

As a way to allow a dialogue of facts or loss of statistics (i.e., secrecy). We

Anticipate that the reader is acquainted with the basic notions of opportunity principle. On this

Section, we merely present the probabilistic notations that are used in the course of this ebook

And three beneficial probabilistic inequalities.

1.2.1. Notational Conventions

For the duration of this entire book we will talk to best discrete opportunity distributions.

Typically, the opportunity space includes the set of all strings of a sure length

, fascinated about uniform opportunity distribution. That is, the pattern area is the set

Of all -bit-lengthy strings, and every such string is assigned possibility degree 2−

Traditionally, capabilities from the sample area to the reals are referred to as random variables.

Abusing trendy terminology, we permit ourselves to use the time period random variable also

While regarding capabilities mapping the pattern area into the set of binary strings.

We frequently do now not specify the possibility space, but alternatively talk directly approximately

Variables. As an instance, we may additionally say that X is a random variable assigned values in

The set of all strings, in order that Pr[X = 00] = 1

Four and Pr[X = 111] = 3

Four . (any such random

Variable can be defined over the sample space {zero, 1}2, so that X(11) = 00 and X(00) =

X(01) = X(10) = 111.) In most cases the chance space includes all strings of

A particular duration. Commonly, these strings represent random picks made by means of some

Randomized system (see next section), and the random variable is the output of the


A way to examine Probabilistic Statements. All our probabilistic statements consult with

Functions of random variables which can be described ahead. Typically, we will write

Pr[ f (X) = 1], wherein X is a random variable described in advance (and f is a function).

An critical convention is that all occurrences of a given image in a probabilistic

Assertion talk to the same (specific) random variable. Therefore, if B(·, ·) is a Boolean

Expression depending on variables and X is a random variable, then Pr[B(X, X)]

Denotes the chance that B(x, x) holds whilst x is chosen with probabilitypr[X = x].


1.2. A few historical past FROM possibility principle


Pr[B(X, X)] =

Pr[X = x] · χ(B(x, x))

Where χ is a trademark feature, in order that χ(B) = 1 if event B holds, and equals 0 otherwise. As an
instance, for every random variable X, we've Pr[X = X] = 1. We strain

That if one needs to discuss the opportunity that B(x, y) holds when x and y are selected
Independently with the same opportunity distribution, then one needs to outline two impartial
random variables, each with the identical chance distribution. Hence, if X and

Y are impartial random variables, then Pr[B(X, Y )] denotes the probability that

B(x, y) holds while the pair (x, y) is chosen with possibility Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y].


Pr[B(X, Y )] =


Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y] · χ(B(x, y))

As an example, for every impartial random variables, X and Y , we've

Pr[X = Y ] = 1 simplest if both X and Y are trivial (i.e., assign the entire chance

Mass to a unmarried string).

Regular Random Variables. Throughout this complete book, Un denotes a random variable uniformly
dispensed over the set of strings of duration n. Namely,Pr[Un =α] equals

2−n if α ∈ {0, 1}n, and equals zero in any other case. Further, we will sometimes use

Random variables (arbitrarily) distributed over {0, 1}n or {0, 1}

L(n) for some function l :

N→N. Such random variables are typically denoted through Xn, Yn, Zn, and many others. We
pressure that in

A few instances Xn is distributed over{zero, 1}n, while in others it's far allotted over{0, 1}


For some characteristic l(·), that's usually a polynomial. Every other type of random variable,

The output of a randomized algorithm on a set input, is mentioned in section 1.three.

1.2.2. Three Inequalities

The subsequent probabilistic inequalities could be very useful inside the path of this book.

All inequalities discuss with random variables which are assigned actual values. The maximum
primary inequality is the Markov inequality, which asserts that for random variables with

Bounded maximum or minimal values, some relation have to exist between the deviation of a value
from the expectancy of the random variable and the opportunity that the

Random variable is assigned this price. Particularly, letting E(X) def

V Pr[X =v] · v

Denote the expectation of the random variable X, we've the following:

Markov Inequality: allow X be a non-poor random variable and v a actual

Wide variety. Then

Pr[X ≥ v] ≤


Equivalently, Pr[X ≥ r · E(X)] ≤ 1




E(X) =

Pr[X = x] · x

Pr[X = x] · 0 +


Pr[X = x] · v

= Pr[X ≥ v] · v

The claim follows.

The Markov inequality is typically used in cases in which one knows very little about

The distribution of the random variable; it suffices to know its expectation and at least

One bound on the range of its values. See Exercise 1.

Using Markov’s inequality, one gets a “possibly stronger” bound for the deviation

Of a random variable from its expectation. This bound, called Chebyshev’s inequality, is useful
provided one has additional knowledge concerning the random variable

(specifically, a good upper bound on its variance). For a random variable X of finite

Expectation, we denote by Var(X) def

= E[(X − E(X))2] the variance of X and observe

That Var(X) = E(X2) − E(X)

Chebyshev’s Inequality: Let X be a random variable, and δ > zero. Then

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] ≤



Evidence: We define a random variable Y def

= (X − E(X))2 and apply the Markov

Inequality. We get

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] = Pr[(X − E(X))2 ≥ δ2

E[(X − E(X))2]


And the claim follows.

Chebyshev’s inequality is particularly beneficial for evaluation of the mistake opportunity of

Approximation through repeated sampling. It suffices to count on that the samples are picked

In a pairwise-independent manner.

Corollary (Pairwise-unbiased Sampling): permit X1, X2,..., Xn be pairwiseindependent random

variables with the equal expectation, denotedµ, and the identical

Variance, denoted σ2. Then, for each ε > zero,


I=1 Xi





The Xi’s are called pairwise-independent if for each i = j and all a and b, it holds

That Pr[Xi = a ∧ X j = b] equals Pr[Xi = a] · Pr[X j = b].


1.2. A few history FROM possibility principle

Proof: define the random variables Xi


= Xi − E(Xi). Note that the Xi’s are

Pairwise-unbiased and each has 0 expectation. Making use of Chebyshev’s inequality to the random
variable described by way of the sumn



N , and the use of the linearity

Of the expectancy operator, we get





Var n





I=1 Xi

Ε2 · n2

Now (again the usage of the linearity of E)






1≤i= j≤n

E[ Xi X j]

By way of the pairwise independence of the Xi’s, we get E[Xi X j] = E[Xi] · E[X j], and

The use of E[Xi] = 0, we get



 = n · σ2

The corollary follows.

The usage of pairwise-independent sampling, the mistake probability within the approximation

Is reducing linearly with the wide variety of pattern points. The use of absolutely independent

Sampling factors, the mistake opportunity inside the approximation may be proven to decrease

Exponentially with the number of pattern points. (The random variables X1, X2,..., Xn

Are said to be completely unbiased if for each series a1, a2,..., an it holds that


I=1Xi = ai] equals n

I=1 Pr[Xi = ai].) Chance bounds helping the foregoing assertion are given subsequent. The primary
sure, normally called the Chernoff

Sure, issues 0-1 random variables (i.e., random variables which are assigned values

Of both 0 or 1).

Chernoff bound: permit p ≤ 1

2 , and let X1, X2,..., Xn be unbiased zero-1 random

Variables, in order that Pr[Xi = 1] = p for every i. Then for all ε, zero < ε ≤ p(1 − p),

We have


I=1 Xi


< 2 · e− ε2

2p(1−p) ·n

We shall commonly practice the sure with a regular p ≈ 1

2 . In this example, n unbiased

Samples provide an approximation that deviates by means of ε from the expectancy with probability

This is exponentially decreasing with ε2n. Such an approximation is called an (ε, δ)-

Approximation and can be executed the use of n = O(ε−2 · log(1/δ)) pattern factors. It's far

Important to understand that the sufficient quantity of pattern points is polynomially

Related to ε−1 and logarithmically related to δ−1. So using poly(n) many samples, the



Blunders chance (i.e., δ) can be made negligible (as a feature in n), however the accuracy of

The estimation (i.e., ε) may be bounded above only with the aid of any fixed polynomial fraction

Can't be made negligible).2 We strain that the dependence of the number of samples

On ε isn't always better than in the case of pairwise-unbiased sampling; the advantage of
Completely independent samples lies most effective within the dependence of the range of samples
on δ.

Simultaneity troubles

A typical example of a simultaneity trouble is that of simultaneous exchange of secrets,

Of which agreement signing is a unique case. The placing for a simultaneous alternate

Of secrets and techniques consists of events, every preserving a “secret.” The intention is to execute

Protocol such that if both parties comply with it successfully, then at termination every will keep

Its counterpart’s secret, and anyways (even though one celebration cheats) the first party will

Hold the second one birthday celebration’s secret if and handiest if the second birthday celebration
holds the first birthday celebration’s

Secret. Perfectly simultaneous exchange of secrets and techniques can be carried out most effective
if we assume

The life of 0.33 events that are relied on to some extent. In truth, simultaneous

Alternate of secrets and techniques can without problems be carried out the use of the lively
participation of a trusted

1/3 birthday celebration: each celebration sends its secret to the trusted third party (the usage of a
relaxed channel).

The 0.33 birthday party, on receiving both secrets and techniques, sends the first party’s mystery to
the second

Celebration and the second one party’s secret to the first party. There are issues with this


1. The solution calls for the active participation of an “outside” birthday celebration in all instances
(i.e., also

In case each parties are honest). We observe that different solutions requiring milder styles of

Participation of outside events do exist.

2. The answer calls for the life of a totally depended on 0.33 entity. In a few applications,

Such an entity does now not exist. Despite the fact that, inside the sequel we will speak the trouble

1.1. CRYPTOGRAPHY: principal topics

Of implementing a trusted 0.33 birthday party by way of a fixed of customers with an honest
majority (despite the fact that

The identity of the honest customers isn't acknowledged).

Secure Implementation of Functionalities and relied on events

A unique kind of protocol hassle is concerned with the cozy implementation of

Functionalities. To be greater unique, we speak the trouble of evaluating a characteristic of nearby

inputs each of which is held via a distinct person. An illustrative and

Motivating example is vote casting, in which the feature is majority, and the nearby enter

Held through user A is a unmarried bit representing the vote of person A (e.g., “seasoned” or “con”).

Loosely speakme, a protocol for securely evaluating a selected characteristic ought to satisfy the


• privateness: No celebration can “benefit statistics” on the input of different events, beyond what's

Deduced from the value of the function.

• Robustness: No birthday celebration can “influence” the price of the function, past the have an
effect on

Exerted by deciding on its personal enter.

It is once in a while required that those situations maintain with admire to “small” (e.g., minority)
coalitions of parties (rather than unmarried events).

Truly, if one of the users is understood to be completely straightforward, then there exists a

Easy way to the hassle of comfortable evaluation of any function. Each user truely

Sends its enter to the relied on party (using a comfy channel), who, upon receiving all

Inputs, computes the feature, sends the outcome to all customers, and erases all intermediate
computations (along with the inputs obtained) from its memory. Clearly, it's far

Unrealistic to anticipate that a party can be relied on to such an extent (e.g., that it will

Voluntarily erase what it has “discovered”). Though, the problem of imposing

Comfortable characteristic evaluation reduces to the problem of implementing a relied on


It seems that a trusted party may be applied by way of a hard and fast of users with an honest
majority (even supposing the identity of the honest customers isn't always recognized). That is
indeed a

Fundamental bring about this area, and plenty of chapter 7, with a purpose to appear within the 2nd

Volume of this paintings, may be committed to formulating and proving it (as well as variations

Of it).

Zero-knowledge as a Paradigm

A major tool inside the creation of cryptographic protocols is the idea of zeroknowledge proof
systems and the fact that zero-information evidence structures exist for all

Languages in N P (furnished that one-manner features exist). Loosely talking, a zeroknowledge

evidence yields not anything however the validity of the declaration. Zero-knowledge proofs
Offer a tool for “forcing” events to observe a given protocol properly.

To demonstrate the role of zero-know-how proofs, consider a setting wherein a celebration,

Referred to as Alice, upon receiving an encrypted message from Bob, is to ship Carol the

Least substantial little bit of the message. Sincerely, if Alice sends simplest the (least massive)

Bit (of the message), then there is no manner for Carol to recognize Alice did now not cheat.

Alice may want to show that she did now not cheat with the aid of revealing to Carol the entire
message as

Well as its decryption key, but that might yield statistics some distance beyond what had been


Required. A far better idea is to allow Alice increase the bit she sends Carol with a

0-know-how evidence that this bit is indeed the least full-size little bit of the message. We

Stress that the foregoing announcement is of the “N P kind” (since the evidence detailed earlier

Can be correctly established), and consequently the life of 0-expertise proofs for

N P-statements means that the foregoing announcement may be proved with out revealing

Whatever past its validity.

The point of interest of chapter 4, dedicated to zero-know-how proofs, is at the foregoing end result

(i.e., the construction of 0-expertise proofs for any N P-assertion). In addition,

We shall recollect severa variations and factors of the belief of zero-understanding proofs

And their results at the applicability of this notion.

1.2. Some background from opportunity theory

Chance plays a imperative function in cryptography. Specifically, probability is vital

As a way to allow a dialogue of facts or loss of statistics (i.e., secrecy). We

Anticipate that the reader is acquainted with the basic notions of opportunity principle. On this

Section, we merely present the probabilistic notations that are used in the course of this ebook

And three beneficial probabilistic inequalities.

1.2.1. Notational Conventions

For the duration of this entire book we will talk to best discrete opportunity distributions.

Typically, the opportunity space includes the set of all strings of a sure length

, fascinated about uniform opportunity distribution. That is, the pattern area is the set

Of all -bit-lengthy strings, and every such string is assigned possibility degree 2−

Traditionally, capabilities from the sample area to the reals are referred to as random variables.

Abusing trendy terminology, we permit ourselves to use the time period random variable also

While regarding capabilities mapping the pattern area into the set of binary strings.

We frequently do now not specify the possibility space, but alternatively talk directly approximately

Variables. As an instance, we may additionally say that X is a random variable assigned values in

The set of all strings, in order that Pr[X = 00] = 1

Four and Pr[X = 111] = 3

Four . (any such random

Variable can be defined over the sample space {zero, 1}2, so that X(11) = 00 and X(00) =

X(01) = X(10) = 111.) In most cases the chance space includes all strings of

A particular duration. Commonly, these strings represent random picks made by means of some

Randomized system (see next section), and the random variable is the output of the


A way to examine Probabilistic Statements. All our probabilistic statements consult with

Functions of random variables which can be described ahead. Typically, we will write

Pr[ f (X) = 1], wherein X is a random variable described in advance (and f is a function).

An critical convention is that all occurrences of a given image in a probabilistic

Assertion talk to the same (specific) random variable. Therefore, if B(·, ·) is a Boolean

Expression depending on variables and X is a random variable, then Pr[B(X, X)]

Denotes the chance that B(x, x) holds whilst x is chosen with probabilitypr[X = x].


1.2. A few historical past FROM possibility principle


Pr[B(X, X)] =

Pr[X = x] · χ(B(x, x))

Where χ is a trademark feature, in order that χ(B) = 1 if event B holds, and equals 0 otherwise. As an
instance, for every random variable X, we've Pr[X = X] = 1. We strain

That if one needs to discuss the opportunity that B(x, y) holds when x and y are selected
Independently with the same opportunity distribution, then one needs to outline two impartial
random variables, each with the identical chance distribution. Hence, if X and

Y are impartial random variables, then Pr[B(X, Y )] denotes the probability that

B(x, y) holds while the pair (x, y) is chosen with possibility Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y].


Pr[B(X, Y )] =


Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y] · χ(B(x, y))

As an example, for every impartial random variables, X and Y , we've

Pr[X = Y ] = 1 simplest if both X and Y are trivial (i.e., assign the entire chance

Mass to a unmarried string).

Regular Random Variables. Throughout this complete book, Un denotes a random variable uniformly
dispensed over the set of strings of duration n. Namely,Pr[Un =α] equals

2−n if α ∈ {0, 1}n, and equals zero in any other case. Further, we will sometimes use

Random variables (arbitrarily) distributed over {0, 1}n or {0, 1}

L(n) for some function l :

N→N. Such random variables are typically denoted through Xn, Yn, Zn, and many others. We
pressure that in

A few instances Xn is distributed over{zero, 1}n, while in others it's far allotted over{0, 1}


For some characteristic l(·), that's usually a polynomial. Every other type of random variable,

The output of a randomized algorithm on a set input, is mentioned in section 1.three.

1.2.2. Three Inequalities

The subsequent probabilistic inequalities could be very useful inside the path of this book.

All inequalities discuss with random variables which are assigned actual values. The maximum
primary inequality is the Markov inequality, which asserts that for random variables with

Bounded maximum or minimal values, some relation have to exist between the deviation of a value
from the expectancy of the random variable and the opportunity that the

Random variable is assigned this price. Particularly, letting E(X) def

V Pr[X =v] · v

Denote the expectation of the random variable X, we've the following:

Markov Inequality: allow X be a non-poor random variable and v a actual

Wide variety. Then

Pr[X ≥ v] ≤


Equivalently, Pr[X ≥ r · E(X)] ≤ 1




E(X) =

Pr[X = x] · x

Pr[X = x] · 0 +


Pr[X = x] · v

= Pr[X ≥ v] · v

The claim follows.

The Markov inequality is typically used in cases in which one knows very little about

The distribution of the random variable; it suffices to know its expectation and at least

One bound on the range of its values. See Exercise 1.

Using Markov’s inequality, one gets a “possibly stronger” bound for the deviation

Of a random variable from its expectation. This bound, called Chebyshev’s inequality, is useful
provided one has additional knowledge concerning the random variable

(specifically, a good upper bound on its variance). For a random variable X of finite

Expectation, we denote by Var(X) def

= E[(X − E(X))2] the variance of X and observe

That Var(X) = E(X2) − E(X)

Chebyshev’s Inequality: Let X be a random variable, and δ > zero. Then

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] ≤



Evidence: We define a random variable Y def

= (X − E(X))2 and apply the Markov

Inequality. We get

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] = Pr[(X − E(X))2 ≥ δ2

E[(X − E(X))2]


And the claim follows.

Chebyshev’s inequality is particularly beneficial for evaluation of the mistake opportunity of

Approximation through repeated sampling. It suffices to count on that the samples are picked

In a pairwise-independent manner.

Corollary (Pairwise-unbiased Sampling): permit X1, X2,..., Xn be pairwiseindependent random

variables with the equal expectation, denotedµ, and the identical

Variance, denoted σ2. Then, for each ε > zero,


I=1 Xi





The Xi’s are called pairwise-independent if for each i = j and all a and b, it holds

That Pr[Xi = a ∧ X j = b] equals Pr[Xi = a] · Pr[X j = b].


1.2. A few history FROM possibility principle

Proof: define the random variables Xi


= Xi − E(Xi). Note that the Xi’s are

Pairwise-unbiased and each has 0 expectation. Making use of Chebyshev’s inequality to the random
variable described by way of the sumn



N , and the use of the linearity

Of the expectancy operator, we get





Var n





I=1 Xi

Ε2 · n2

Now (again the usage of the linearity of E)






1≤i= j≤n

E[ Xi X j]

By way of the pairwise independence of the Xi’s, we get E[Xi X j] = E[Xi] · E[X j], and

The use of E[Xi] = 0, we get



 = n · σ2

The corollary follows.

The usage of pairwise-independent sampling, the mistake probability within the approximation

Is reducing linearly with the wide variety of pattern points. The use of absolutely independent

Sampling factors, the mistake opportunity inside the approximation may be proven to decrease

Exponentially with the number of pattern points. (The random variables X1, X2,..., Xn

Are said to be completely unbiased if for each series a1, a2,..., an it holds that


I=1Xi = ai] equals n

I=1 Pr[Xi = ai].) Chance bounds helping the foregoing assertion are given subsequent. The primary
sure, normally called the Chernoff

Sure, issues 0-1 random variables (i.e., random variables which are assigned values

Of both 0 or 1).

Chernoff bound: permit p ≤ 1

2 , and let X1, X2,..., Xn be unbiased zero-1 random

Variables, in order that Pr[Xi = 1] = p for every i. Then for all ε, zero < ε ≤ p(1 − p),

We have


I=1 Xi


< 2 · e− ε2

2p(1−p) ·n

We shall commonly practice the sure with a regular p ≈ 1

2 . In this example, n unbiased

Samples provide an approximation that deviates by means of ε from the expectancy with probability

This is exponentially decreasing with ε2n. Such an approximation is called an (ε, δ)-

Approximation and can be executed the use of n = O(ε−2 · log(1/δ)) pattern factors. It's far

Important to understand that the sufficient quantity of pattern points is polynomially

Related to ε−1 and logarithmically related to δ−1. So using poly(n) many samples, the



Blunders chance (i.e., δ) can be made negligible (as a feature in n), however the accuracy of

The estimation (i.e., ε) may be bounded above only with the aid of any fixed polynomial fraction

Can't be made negligible).2 We strain that the dependence of the number of samples

On ε isn't always better than in the case of pairwise-unbiased sampling; the advantage of
Completely independent samples lies most effective within the dependence of the range of samples
on δ.

Simultaneity troubles

A typical example of a simultaneity trouble is that of simultaneous exchange of secrets,

Of which agreement signing is a unique case. The placing for a simultaneous alternate

Of secrets and techniques consists of events, every preserving a “secret.” The intention is to execute

Protocol such that if both parties comply with it successfully, then at termination every will keep

Its counterpart’s secret, and anyways (even though one celebration cheats) the first party will

Hold the second one birthday celebration’s secret if and handiest if the second birthday celebration
holds the first birthday celebration’s

Secret. Perfectly simultaneous exchange of secrets and techniques can be carried out most effective
if we assume

The life of 0.33 events that are relied on to some extent. In truth, simultaneous

Alternate of secrets and techniques can without problems be carried out the use of the lively
participation of a trusted

1/3 birthday celebration: each celebration sends its secret to the trusted third party (the usage of a
relaxed channel).

The 0.33 birthday party, on receiving both secrets and techniques, sends the first party’s mystery to
the second

Celebration and the second one party’s secret to the first party. There are issues with this


1. The solution calls for the active participation of an “outside” birthday celebration in all instances
(i.e., also

In case each parties are honest). We observe that different solutions requiring milder styles of

Participation of outside events do exist.

2. The answer calls for the life of a totally depended on 0.33 entity. In a few applications,

Such an entity does now not exist. Despite the fact that, inside the sequel we will speak the trouble

1.1. CRYPTOGRAPHY: principal topics

Of implementing a trusted 0.33 birthday party by way of a fixed of customers with an honest
majority (despite the fact that

The identity of the honest customers isn't acknowledged).

Secure Implementation of Functionalities and relied on events

A unique kind of protocol hassle is concerned with the cozy implementation of

Functionalities. To be greater unique, we speak the trouble of evaluating a characteristic of nearby

inputs each of which is held via a distinct person. An illustrative and

Motivating example is vote casting, in which the feature is majority, and the nearby enter

Held through user A is a unmarried bit representing the vote of person A (e.g., “seasoned” or “con”).

Loosely speakme, a protocol for securely evaluating a selected characteristic ought to satisfy the


• privateness: No celebration can “benefit statistics” on the input of different events, beyond what's

Deduced from the value of the function.

• Robustness: No birthday celebration can “influence” the price of the function, past the have an
effect on

Exerted by deciding on its personal enter.

It is once in a while required that those situations maintain with admire to “small” (e.g., minority)
coalitions of parties (rather than unmarried events).

Truly, if one of the users is understood to be completely straightforward, then there exists a

Easy way to the hassle of comfortable evaluation of any function. Each user truely

Sends its enter to the relied on party (using a comfy channel), who, upon receiving all

Inputs, computes the feature, sends the outcome to all customers, and erases all intermediate
computations (along with the inputs obtained) from its memory. Clearly, it's far

Unrealistic to anticipate that a party can be relied on to such an extent (e.g., that it will

Voluntarily erase what it has “discovered”). Though, the problem of imposing

Comfortable characteristic evaluation reduces to the problem of implementing a relied on


It seems that a trusted party may be applied by way of a hard and fast of users with an honest
majority (even supposing the identity of the honest customers isn't always recognized). That is
indeed a

Fundamental bring about this area, and plenty of chapter 7, with a purpose to appear within the 2nd

Volume of this paintings, may be committed to formulating and proving it (as well as variations

Of it).

Zero-knowledge as a Paradigm

A major tool inside the creation of cryptographic protocols is the idea of zeroknowledge proof
systems and the fact that zero-information evidence structures exist for all

Languages in N P (furnished that one-manner features exist). Loosely talking, a zeroknowledge

evidence yields not anything however the validity of the declaration. Zero-knowledge proofs
Offer a tool for “forcing” events to observe a given protocol properly.

To demonstrate the role of zero-know-how proofs, consider a setting wherein a celebration,

Referred to as Alice, upon receiving an encrypted message from Bob, is to ship Carol the

Least substantial little bit of the message. Sincerely, if Alice sends simplest the (least massive)

Bit (of the message), then there is no manner for Carol to recognize Alice did now not cheat.

Alice may want to show that she did now not cheat with the aid of revealing to Carol the entire
message as

Well as its decryption key, but that might yield statistics some distance beyond what had been


Required. A far better idea is to allow Alice increase the bit she sends Carol with a

0-know-how evidence that this bit is indeed the least full-size little bit of the message. We

Stress that the foregoing announcement is of the “N P kind” (since the evidence detailed earlier

Can be correctly established), and consequently the life of 0-expertise proofs for

N P-statements means that the foregoing announcement may be proved with out revealing

Whatever past its validity.

The point of interest of chapter 4, dedicated to zero-know-how proofs, is at the foregoing end result

(i.e., the construction of 0-expertise proofs for any N P-assertion). In addition,

We shall recollect severa variations and factors of the belief of zero-understanding proofs

And their results at the applicability of this notion.

1.2. Some background from opportunity theory

Chance plays a imperative function in cryptography. Specifically, probability is vital

As a way to allow a dialogue of facts or loss of statistics (i.e., secrecy). We

Anticipate that the reader is acquainted with the basic notions of opportunity principle. On this

Section, we merely present the probabilistic notations that are used in the course of this ebook

And three beneficial probabilistic inequalities.

1.2.1. Notational Conventions

For the duration of this entire book we will talk to best discrete opportunity distributions.

Typically, the opportunity space includes the set of all strings of a sure length

, fascinated about uniform opportunity distribution. That is, the pattern area is the set

Of all -bit-lengthy strings, and every such string is assigned possibility degree 2−

Traditionally, capabilities from the sample area to the reals are referred to as random variables.

Abusing trendy terminology, we permit ourselves to use the time period random variable also

While regarding capabilities mapping the pattern area into the set of binary strings.

We frequently do now not specify the possibility space, but alternatively talk directly approximately

Variables. As an instance, we may additionally say that X is a random variable assigned values in

The set of all strings, in order that Pr[X = 00] = 1

Four and Pr[X = 111] = 3

Four . (any such random

Variable can be defined over the sample space {zero, 1}2, so that X(11) = 00 and X(00) =

X(01) = X(10) = 111.) In most cases the chance space includes all strings of

A particular duration. Commonly, these strings represent random picks made by means of some

Randomized system (see next section), and the random variable is the output of the


A way to examine Probabilistic Statements. All our probabilistic statements consult with

Functions of random variables which can be described ahead. Typically, we will write

Pr[ f (X) = 1], wherein X is a random variable described in advance (and f is a function).

An critical convention is that all occurrences of a given image in a probabilistic

Assertion talk to the same (specific) random variable. Therefore, if B(·, ·) is a Boolean

Expression depending on variables and X is a random variable, then Pr[B(X, X)]

Denotes the chance that B(x, x) holds whilst x is chosen with probabilitypr[X = x].


1.2. A few historical past FROM possibility principle


Pr[B(X, X)] =

Pr[X = x] · χ(B(x, x))

Where χ is a trademark feature, in order that χ(B) = 1 if event B holds, and equals 0 otherwise. As an
instance, for every random variable X, we've Pr[X = X] = 1. We strain

That if one needs to discuss the opportunity that B(x, y) holds when x and y are selected
Independently with the same opportunity distribution, then one needs to outline two impartial
random variables, each with the identical chance distribution. Hence, if X and

Y are impartial random variables, then Pr[B(X, Y )] denotes the probability that

B(x, y) holds while the pair (x, y) is chosen with possibility Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y].


Pr[B(X, Y )] =


Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y] · χ(B(x, y))

As an example, for every impartial random variables, X and Y , we've

Pr[X = Y ] = 1 simplest if both X and Y are trivial (i.e., assign the entire chance

Mass to a unmarried string).

Regular Random Variables. Throughout this complete book, Un denotes a random variable uniformly
dispensed over the set of strings of duration n. Namely,Pr[Un =α] equals

2−n if α ∈ {0, 1}n, and equals zero in any other case. Further, we will sometimes use

Random variables (arbitrarily) distributed over {0, 1}n or {0, 1}

L(n) for some function l :

N→N. Such random variables are typically denoted through Xn, Yn, Zn, and many others. We
pressure that in

A few instances Xn is distributed over{zero, 1}n, while in others it's far allotted over{0, 1}


For some characteristic l(·), that's usually a polynomial. Every other type of random variable,

The output of a randomized algorithm on a set input, is mentioned in section 1.three.

1.2.2. Three Inequalities

The subsequent probabilistic inequalities could be very useful inside the path of this book.

All inequalities discuss with random variables which are assigned actual values. The maximum
primary inequality is the Markov inequality, which asserts that for random variables with

Bounded maximum or minimal values, some relation have to exist between the deviation of a value
from the expectancy of the random variable and the opportunity that the

Random variable is assigned this price. Particularly, letting E(X) def

V Pr[X =v] · v

Denote the expectation of the random variable X, we've the following:

Markov Inequality: allow X be a non-poor random variable and v a actual

Wide variety. Then

Pr[X ≥ v] ≤


Equivalently, Pr[X ≥ r · E(X)] ≤ 1




E(X) =

Pr[X = x] · x

Pr[X = x] · 0 +


Pr[X = x] · v

= Pr[X ≥ v] · v

The claim follows.

The Markov inequality is typically used in cases in which one knows very little about

The distribution of the random variable; it suffices to know its expectation and at least

One bound on the range of its values. See Exercise 1.

Using Markov’s inequality, one gets a “possibly stronger” bound for the deviation

Of a random variable from its expectation. This bound, called Chebyshev’s inequality, is useful
provided one has additional knowledge concerning the random variable

(specifically, a good upper bound on its variance). For a random variable X of finite

Expectation, we denote by Var(X) def

= E[(X − E(X))2] the variance of X and observe

That Var(X) = E(X2) − E(X)

Chebyshev’s Inequality: Let X be a random variable, and δ > zero. Then

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] ≤



Evidence: We define a random variable Y def

= (X − E(X))2 and apply the Markov

Inequality. We get

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] = Pr[(X − E(X))2 ≥ δ2

E[(X − E(X))2]


And the claim follows.

Chebyshev’s inequality is particularly beneficial for evaluation of the mistake opportunity of

Approximation through repeated sampling. It suffices to count on that the samples are picked

In a pairwise-independent manner.

Corollary (Pairwise-unbiased Sampling): permit X1, X2,..., Xn be pairwiseindependent random

variables with the equal expectation, denotedµ, and the identical

Variance, denoted σ2. Then, for each ε > zero,


I=1 Xi





The Xi’s are called pairwise-independent if for each i = j and all a and b, it holds

That Pr[Xi = a ∧ X j = b] equals Pr[Xi = a] · Pr[X j = b].


1.2. A few history FROM possibility principle

Proof: define the random variables Xi


= Xi − E(Xi). Note that the Xi’s are

Pairwise-unbiased and each has 0 expectation. Making use of Chebyshev’s inequality to the random
variable described by way of the sumn



N , and the use of the linearity

Of the expectancy operator, we get





Var n





I=1 Xi

Ε2 · n2

Now (again the usage of the linearity of E)






1≤i= j≤n

E[ Xi X j]

By way of the pairwise independence of the Xi’s, we get E[Xi X j] = E[Xi] · E[X j], and

The use of E[Xi] = 0, we get



 = n · σ2

The corollary follows.

The usage of pairwise-independent sampling, the mistake probability within the approximation

Is reducing linearly with the wide variety of pattern points. The use of absolutely independent

Sampling factors, the mistake opportunity inside the approximation may be proven to decrease

Exponentially with the number of pattern points. (The random variables X1, X2,..., Xn

Are said to be completely unbiased if for each series a1, a2,..., an it holds that


I=1Xi = ai] equals n

I=1 Pr[Xi = ai].) Chance bounds helping the foregoing assertion are given subsequent. The primary
sure, normally called the Chernoff

Sure, issues 0-1 random variables (i.e., random variables which are assigned values

Of both 0 or 1).

Chernoff bound: permit p ≤ 1

2 , and let X1, X2,..., Xn be unbiased zero-1 random

Variables, in order that Pr[Xi = 1] = p for every i. Then for all ε, zero < ε ≤ p(1 − p),

We have


I=1 Xi


< 2 · e− ε2

2p(1−p) ·n

We shall commonly practice the sure with a regular p ≈ 1

2 . In this example, n unbiased

Samples provide an approximation that deviates by means of ε from the expectancy with probability

This is exponentially decreasing with ε2n. Such an approximation is called an (ε, δ)-

Approximation and can be executed the use of n = O(ε−2 · log(1/δ)) pattern factors. It's far

Important to understand that the sufficient quantity of pattern points is polynomially

Related to ε−1 and logarithmically related to δ−1. So using poly(n) many samples, the



Blunders chance (i.e., δ) can be made negligible (as a feature in n), however the accuracy of

The estimation (i.e., ε) may be bounded above only with the aid of any fixed polynomial fraction

Can't be made negligible).2 We strain that the dependence of the number of samples

On ε isn't always better than in the case of pairwise-unbiased sampling; the advantage of
Completely independent samples lies most effective within the dependence of the range of samples
on δ.

Simultaneity troubles

A typical example of a simultaneity trouble is that of simultaneous exchange of secrets,

Of which agreement signing is a unique case. The placing for a simultaneous alternate

Of secrets and techniques consists of events, every preserving a “secret.” The intention is to execute

Protocol such that if both parties comply with it successfully, then at termination every will keep

Its counterpart’s secret, and anyways (even though one celebration cheats) the first party will

Hold the second one birthday celebration’s secret if and handiest if the second birthday celebration
holds the first birthday celebration’s

Secret. Perfectly simultaneous exchange of secrets and techniques can be carried out most effective
if we assume

The life of 0.33 events that are relied on to some extent. In truth, simultaneous

Alternate of secrets and techniques can without problems be carried out the use of the lively
participation of a trusted

1/3 birthday celebration: each celebration sends its secret to the trusted third party (the usage of a
relaxed channel).

The 0.33 birthday party, on receiving both secrets and techniques, sends the first party’s mystery to
the second

Celebration and the second one party’s secret to the first party. There are issues with this


1. The solution calls for the active participation of an “outside” birthday celebration in all instances
(i.e., also

In case each parties are honest). We observe that different solutions requiring milder styles of

Participation of outside events do exist.

2. The answer calls for the life of a totally depended on 0.33 entity. In a few applications,

Such an entity does now not exist. Despite the fact that, inside the sequel we will speak the trouble

1.1. CRYPTOGRAPHY: principal topics

Of implementing a trusted 0.33 birthday party by way of a fixed of customers with an honest
majority (despite the fact that

The identity of the honest customers isn't acknowledged).

Secure Implementation of Functionalities and relied on events

A unique kind of protocol hassle is concerned with the cozy implementation of

Functionalities. To be greater unique, we speak the trouble of evaluating a characteristic of nearby

inputs each of which is held via a distinct person. An illustrative and

Motivating example is vote casting, in which the feature is majority, and the nearby enter

Held through user A is a unmarried bit representing the vote of person A (e.g., “seasoned” or “con”).

Loosely speakme, a protocol for securely evaluating a selected characteristic ought to satisfy the


• privateness: No celebration can “benefit statistics” on the input of different events, beyond what's

Deduced from the value of the function.

• Robustness: No birthday celebration can “influence” the price of the function, past the have an
effect on

Exerted by deciding on its personal enter.

It is once in a while required that those situations maintain with admire to “small” (e.g., minority)
coalitions of parties (rather than unmarried events).

Truly, if one of the users is understood to be completely straightforward, then there exists a

Easy way to the hassle of comfortable evaluation of any function. Each user truely

Sends its enter to the relied on party (using a comfy channel), who, upon receiving all

Inputs, computes the feature, sends the outcome to all customers, and erases all intermediate
computations (along with the inputs obtained) from its memory. Clearly, it's far

Unrealistic to anticipate that a party can be relied on to such an extent (e.g., that it will

Voluntarily erase what it has “discovered”). Though, the problem of imposing

Comfortable characteristic evaluation reduces to the problem of implementing a relied on


It seems that a trusted party may be applied by way of a hard and fast of users with an honest
majority (even supposing the identity of the honest customers isn't always recognized). That is
indeed a

Fundamental bring about this area, and plenty of chapter 7, with a purpose to appear within the 2nd

Volume of this paintings, may be committed to formulating and proving it (as well as variations

Of it).

Zero-knowledge as a Paradigm

A major tool inside the creation of cryptographic protocols is the idea of zeroknowledge proof
systems and the fact that zero-information evidence structures exist for all

Languages in N P (furnished that one-manner features exist). Loosely talking, a zeroknowledge

evidence yields not anything however the validity of the declaration. Zero-knowledge proofs
Offer a tool for “forcing” events to observe a given protocol properly.

To demonstrate the role of zero-know-how proofs, consider a setting wherein a celebration,

Referred to as Alice, upon receiving an encrypted message from Bob, is to ship Carol the

Least substantial little bit of the message. Sincerely, if Alice sends simplest the (least massive)

Bit (of the message), then there is no manner for Carol to recognize Alice did now not cheat.

Alice may want to show that she did now not cheat with the aid of revealing to Carol the entire
message as

Well as its decryption key, but that might yield statistics some distance beyond what had been


Required. A far better idea is to allow Alice increase the bit she sends Carol with a

0-know-how evidence that this bit is indeed the least full-size little bit of the message. We

Stress that the foregoing announcement is of the “N P kind” (since the evidence detailed earlier

Can be correctly established), and consequently the life of 0-expertise proofs for

N P-statements means that the foregoing announcement may be proved with out revealing

Whatever past its validity.

The point of interest of chapter 4, dedicated to zero-know-how proofs, is at the foregoing end result

(i.e., the construction of 0-expertise proofs for any N P-assertion). In addition,

We shall recollect severa variations and factors of the belief of zero-understanding proofs

And their results at the applicability of this notion.

1.2. Some background from opportunity theory

Chance plays a imperative function in cryptography. Specifically, probability is vital

As a way to allow a dialogue of facts or loss of statistics (i.e., secrecy). We

Anticipate that the reader is acquainted with the basic notions of opportunity principle. On this

Section, we merely present the probabilistic notations that are used in the course of this ebook

And three beneficial probabilistic inequalities.

1.2.1. Notational Conventions

For the duration of this entire book we will talk to best discrete opportunity distributions.

Typically, the opportunity space includes the set of all strings of a sure length

, fascinated about uniform opportunity distribution. That is, the pattern area is the set

Of all -bit-lengthy strings, and every such string is assigned possibility degree 2−

Traditionally, capabilities from the sample area to the reals are referred to as random variables.

Abusing trendy terminology, we permit ourselves to use the time period random variable also

While regarding capabilities mapping the pattern area into the set of binary strings.

We frequently do now not specify the possibility space, but alternatively talk directly approximately

Variables. As an instance, we may additionally say that X is a random variable assigned values in

The set of all strings, in order that Pr[X = 00] = 1

Four and Pr[X = 111] = 3

Four . (any such random

Variable can be defined over the sample space {zero, 1}2, so that X(11) = 00 and X(00) =

X(01) = X(10) = 111.) In most cases the chance space includes all strings of

A particular duration. Commonly, these strings represent random picks made by means of some

Randomized system (see next section), and the random variable is the output of the


A way to examine Probabilistic Statements. All our probabilistic statements consult with

Functions of random variables which can be described ahead. Typically, we will write

Pr[ f (X) = 1], wherein X is a random variable described in advance (and f is a function).

An critical convention is that all occurrences of a given image in a probabilistic

Assertion talk to the same (specific) random variable. Therefore, if B(·, ·) is a Boolean

Expression depending on variables and X is a random variable, then Pr[B(X, X)]

Denotes the chance that B(x, x) holds whilst x is chosen with probabilitypr[X = x].


1.2. A few historical past FROM possibility principle


Pr[B(X, X)] =

Pr[X = x] · χ(B(x, x))

Where χ is a trademark feature, in order that χ(B) = 1 if event B holds, and equals 0 otherwise. As an
instance, for every random variable X, we've Pr[X = X] = 1. We strain

That if one needs to discuss the opportunity that B(x, y) holds when x and y are selected
Independently with the same opportunity distribution, then one needs to outline two impartial
random variables, each with the identical chance distribution. Hence, if X and

Y are impartial random variables, then Pr[B(X, Y )] denotes the probability that

B(x, y) holds while the pair (x, y) is chosen with possibility Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y].


Pr[B(X, Y )] =


Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y] · χ(B(x, y))

As an example, for every impartial random variables, X and Y , we've

Pr[X = Y ] = 1 simplest if both X and Y are trivial (i.e., assign the entire chance

Mass to a unmarried string).

Regular Random Variables. Throughout this complete book, Un denotes a random variable uniformly
dispensed over the set of strings of duration n. Namely,Pr[Un =α] equals

2−n if α ∈ {0, 1}n, and equals zero in any other case. Further, we will sometimes use

Random variables (arbitrarily) distributed over {0, 1}n or {0, 1}

L(n) for some function l :

N→N. Such random variables are typically denoted through Xn, Yn, Zn, and many others. We
pressure that in

A few instances Xn is distributed over{zero, 1}n, while in others it's far allotted over{0, 1}


For some characteristic l(·), that's usually a polynomial. Every other type of random variable,

The output of a randomized algorithm on a set input, is mentioned in section 1.three.

1.2.2. Three Inequalities

The subsequent probabilistic inequalities could be very useful inside the path of this book.

All inequalities discuss with random variables which are assigned actual values. The maximum
primary inequality is the Markov inequality, which asserts that for random variables with

Bounded maximum or minimal values, some relation have to exist between the deviation of a value
from the expectancy of the random variable and the opportunity that the

Random variable is assigned this price. Particularly, letting E(X) def

V Pr[X =v] · v

Denote the expectation of the random variable X, we've the following:

Markov Inequality: allow X be a non-poor random variable and v a actual

Wide variety. Then

Pr[X ≥ v] ≤


Equivalently, Pr[X ≥ r · E(X)] ≤ 1




E(X) =

Pr[X = x] · x

Pr[X = x] · 0 +


Pr[X = x] · v

= Pr[X ≥ v] · v

The claim follows.

The Markov inequality is typically used in cases in which one knows very little about

The distribution of the random variable; it suffices to know its expectation and at least

One bound on the range of its values. See Exercise 1.

Using Markov’s inequality, one gets a “possibly stronger” bound for the deviation

Of a random variable from its expectation. This bound, called Chebyshev’s inequality, is useful
provided one has additional knowledge concerning the random variable

(specifically, a good upper bound on its variance). For a random variable X of finite

Expectation, we denote by Var(X) def

= E[(X − E(X))2] the variance of X and observe

That Var(X) = E(X2) − E(X)

Chebyshev’s Inequality: Let X be a random variable, and δ > zero. Then

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] ≤



Evidence: We define a random variable Y def

= (X − E(X))2 and apply the Markov

Inequality. We get

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] = Pr[(X − E(X))2 ≥ δ2

E[(X − E(X))2]


And the claim follows.

Chebyshev’s inequality is particularly beneficial for evaluation of the mistake opportunity of

Approximation through repeated sampling. It suffices to count on that the samples are picked

In a pairwise-independent manner.

Corollary (Pairwise-unbiased Sampling): permit X1, X2,..., Xn be pairwiseindependent random

variables with the equal expectation, denotedµ, and the identical

Variance, denoted σ2. Then, for each ε > zero,


I=1 Xi





The Xi’s are called pairwise-independent if for each i = j and all a and b, it holds

That Pr[Xi = a ∧ X j = b] equals Pr[Xi = a] · Pr[X j = b].


1.2. A few history FROM possibility principle

Proof: define the random variables Xi


= Xi − E(Xi). Note that the Xi’s are

Pairwise-unbiased and each has 0 expectation. Making use of Chebyshev’s inequality to the random
variable described by way of the sumn



N , and the use of the linearity

Of the expectancy operator, we get





Var n





I=1 Xi

Ε2 · n2

Now (again the usage of the linearity of E)






1≤i= j≤n

E[ Xi X j]

By way of the pairwise independence of the Xi’s, we get E[Xi X j] = E[Xi] · E[X j], and

The use of E[Xi] = 0, we get



 = n · σ2

The corollary follows.

The usage of pairwise-independent sampling, the mistake probability within the approximation

Is reducing linearly with the wide variety of pattern points. The use of absolutely independent

Sampling factors, the mistake opportunity inside the approximation may be proven to decrease

Exponentially with the number of pattern points. (The random variables X1, X2,..., Xn

Are said to be completely unbiased if for each series a1, a2,..., an it holds that


I=1Xi = ai] equals n

I=1 Pr[Xi = ai].) Chance bounds helping the foregoing assertion are given subsequent. The primary
sure, normally called the Chernoff

Sure, issues 0-1 random variables (i.e., random variables which are assigned values

Of both 0 or 1).

Chernoff bound: permit p ≤ 1

2 , and let X1, X2,..., Xn be unbiased zero-1 random

Variables, in order that Pr[Xi = 1] = p for every i. Then for all ε, zero < ε ≤ p(1 − p),

We have


I=1 Xi


< 2 · e− ε2

2p(1−p) ·n

We shall commonly practice the sure with a regular p ≈ 1

2 . In this example, n unbiased

Samples provide an approximation that deviates by means of ε from the expectancy with probability

This is exponentially decreasing with ε2n. Such an approximation is called an (ε, δ)-

Approximation and can be executed the use of n = O(ε−2 · log(1/δ)) pattern factors. It's far

Important to understand that the sufficient quantity of pattern points is polynomially

Related to ε−1 and logarithmically related to δ−1. So using poly(n) many samples, the



Blunders chance (i.e., δ) can be made negligible (as a feature in n), however the accuracy of

The estimation (i.e., ε) may be bounded above only with the aid of any fixed polynomial fraction

Can't be made negligible).2 We strain that the dependence of the number of samples

On ε isn't always better than in the case of pairwise-unbiased sampling; the advantage of
Completely independent samples lies most effective within the dependence of the range of samples
on δ.

Simultaneity troubles

A typical example of a simultaneity trouble is that of simultaneous exchange of secrets,

Of which agreement signing is a unique case. The placing for a simultaneous alternate

Of secrets and techniques consists of events, every preserving a “secret.” The intention is to execute

Protocol such that if both parties comply with it successfully, then at termination every will keep

Its counterpart’s secret, and anyways (even though one celebration cheats) the first party will

Hold the second one birthday celebration’s secret if and handiest if the second birthday celebration
holds the first birthday celebration’s

Secret. Perfectly simultaneous exchange of secrets and techniques can be carried out most effective
if we assume

The life of 0.33 events that are relied on to some extent. In truth, simultaneous

Alternate of secrets and techniques can without problems be carried out the use of the lively
participation of a trusted

1/3 birthday celebration: each celebration sends its secret to the trusted third party (the usage of a
relaxed channel).

The 0.33 birthday party, on receiving both secrets and techniques, sends the first party’s mystery to
the second

Celebration and the second one party’s secret to the first party. There are issues with this


1. The solution calls for the active participation of an “outside” birthday celebration in all instances
(i.e., also

In case each parties are honest). We observe that different solutions requiring milder styles of

Participation of outside events do exist.

2. The answer calls for the life of a totally depended on 0.33 entity. In a few applications,

Such an entity does now not exist. Despite the fact that, inside the sequel we will speak the trouble

1.1. CRYPTOGRAPHY: principal topics

Of implementing a trusted 0.33 birthday party by way of a fixed of customers with an honest
majority (despite the fact that

The identity of the honest customers isn't acknowledged).

Secure Implementation of Functionalities and relied on events

A unique kind of protocol hassle is concerned with the cozy implementation of

Functionalities. To be greater unique, we speak the trouble of evaluating a characteristic of nearby

inputs each of which is held via a distinct person. An illustrative and

Motivating example is vote casting, in which the feature is majority, and the nearby enter

Held through user A is a unmarried bit representing the vote of person A (e.g., “seasoned” or “con”).

Loosely speakme, a protocol for securely evaluating a selected characteristic ought to satisfy the


• privateness: No celebration can “benefit statistics” on the input of different events, beyond what's

Deduced from the value of the function.

• Robustness: No birthday celebration can “influence” the price of the function, past the have an
effect on

Exerted by deciding on its personal enter.

It is once in a while required that those situations maintain with admire to “small” (e.g., minority)
coalitions of parties (rather than unmarried events).

Truly, if one of the users is understood to be completely straightforward, then there exists a

Easy way to the hassle of comfortable evaluation of any function. Each user truely

Sends its enter to the relied on party (using a comfy channel), who, upon receiving all

Inputs, computes the feature, sends the outcome to all customers, and erases all intermediate
computations (along with the inputs obtained) from its memory. Clearly, it's far

Unrealistic to anticipate that a party can be relied on to such an extent (e.g., that it will

Voluntarily erase what it has “discovered”). Though, the problem of imposing

Comfortable characteristic evaluation reduces to the problem of implementing a relied on


It seems that a trusted party may be applied by way of a hard and fast of users with an honest
majority (even supposing the identity of the honest customers isn't always recognized). That is
indeed a

Fundamental bring about this area, and plenty of chapter 7, with a purpose to appear within the 2nd

Volume of this paintings, may be committed to formulating and proving it (as well as variations

Of it).

Zero-knowledge as a Paradigm

A major tool inside the creation of cryptographic protocols is the idea of zeroknowledge proof
systems and the fact that zero-information evidence structures exist for all

Languages in N P (furnished that one-manner features exist). Loosely talking, a zeroknowledge

evidence yields not anything however the validity of the declaration. Zero-knowledge proofs
Offer a tool for “forcing” events to observe a given protocol properly.

To demonstrate the role of zero-know-how proofs, consider a setting wherein a celebration,

Referred to as Alice, upon receiving an encrypted message from Bob, is to ship Carol the

Least substantial little bit of the message. Sincerely, if Alice sends simplest the (least massive)

Bit (of the message), then there is no manner for Carol to recognize Alice did now not cheat.

Alice may want to show that she did now not cheat with the aid of revealing to Carol the entire
message as

Well as its decryption key, but that might yield statistics some distance beyond what had been


Required. A far better idea is to allow Alice increase the bit she sends Carol with a

0-know-how evidence that this bit is indeed the least full-size little bit of the message. We

Stress that the foregoing announcement is of the “N P kind” (since the evidence detailed earlier

Can be correctly established), and consequently the life of 0-expertise proofs for

N P-statements means that the foregoing announcement may be proved with out revealing

Whatever past its validity.

The point of interest of chapter 4, dedicated to zero-know-how proofs, is at the foregoing end result

(i.e., the construction of 0-expertise proofs for any N P-assertion). In addition,

We shall recollect severa variations and factors of the belief of zero-understanding proofs

And their results at the applicability of this notion.

1.2. Some background from opportunity theory

Chance plays a imperative function in cryptography. Specifically, probability is vital

As a way to allow a dialogue of facts or loss of statistics (i.e., secrecy). We

Anticipate that the reader is acquainted with the basic notions of opportunity principle. On this

Section, we merely present the probabilistic notations that are used in the course of this ebook

And three beneficial probabilistic inequalities.

1.2.1. Notational Conventions

For the duration of this entire book we will talk to best discrete opportunity distributions.

Typically, the opportunity space includes the set of all strings of a sure length

, fascinated about uniform opportunity distribution. That is, the pattern area is the set

Of all -bit-lengthy strings, and every such string is assigned possibility degree 2−

Traditionally, capabilities from the sample area to the reals are referred to as random variables.

Abusing trendy terminology, we permit ourselves to use the time period random variable also

While regarding capabilities mapping the pattern area into the set of binary strings.

We frequently do now not specify the possibility space, but alternatively talk directly approximately

Variables. As an instance, we may additionally say that X is a random variable assigned values in

The set of all strings, in order that Pr[X = 00] = 1

Four and Pr[X = 111] = 3

Four . (any such random

Variable can be defined over the sample space {zero, 1}2, so that X(11) = 00 and X(00) =

X(01) = X(10) = 111.) In most cases the chance space includes all strings of

A particular duration. Commonly, these strings represent random picks made by means of some

Randomized system (see next section), and the random variable is the output of the


A way to examine Probabilistic Statements. All our probabilistic statements consult with

Functions of random variables which can be described ahead. Typically, we will write

Pr[ f (X) = 1], wherein X is a random variable described in advance (and f is a function).

An critical convention is that all occurrences of a given image in a probabilistic

Assertion talk to the same (specific) random variable. Therefore, if B(·, ·) is a Boolean

Expression depending on variables and X is a random variable, then Pr[B(X, X)]

Denotes the chance that B(x, x) holds whilst x is chosen with probabilitypr[X = x].


1.2. A few historical past FROM possibility principle


Pr[B(X, X)] =

Pr[X = x] · χ(B(x, x))

Where χ is a trademark feature, in order that χ(B) = 1 if event B holds, and equals 0 otherwise. As an
instance, for every random variable X, we've Pr[X = X] = 1. We strain

That if one needs to discuss the opportunity that B(x, y) holds when x and y are selected
Independently with the same opportunity distribution, then one needs to outline two impartial
random variables, each with the identical chance distribution. Hence, if X and

Y are impartial random variables, then Pr[B(X, Y )] denotes the probability that

B(x, y) holds while the pair (x, y) is chosen with possibility Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y].


Pr[B(X, Y )] =


Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y] · χ(B(x, y))

As an example, for every impartial random variables, X and Y , we've

Pr[X = Y ] = 1 simplest if both X and Y are trivial (i.e., assign the entire chance

Mass to a unmarried string).

Regular Random Variables. Throughout this complete book, Un denotes a random variable uniformly
dispensed over the set of strings of duration n. Namely,Pr[Un =α] equals

2−n if α ∈ {0, 1}n, and equals zero in any other case. Further, we will sometimes use

Random variables (arbitrarily) distributed over {0, 1}n or {0, 1}

L(n) for some function l :

N→N. Such random variables are typically denoted through Xn, Yn, Zn, and many others. We
pressure that in

A few instances Xn is distributed over{zero, 1}n, while in others it's far allotted over{0, 1}


For some characteristic l(·), that's usually a polynomial. Every other type of random variable,

The output of a randomized algorithm on a set input, is mentioned in section 1.three.

1.2.2. Three Inequalities

The subsequent probabilistic inequalities could be very useful inside the path of this book.

All inequalities discuss with random variables which are assigned actual values. The maximum
primary inequality is the Markov inequality, which asserts that for random variables with

Bounded maximum or minimal values, some relation have to exist between the deviation of a value
from the expectancy of the random variable and the opportunity that the

Random variable is assigned this price. Particularly, letting E(X) def

V Pr[X =v] · v

Denote the expectation of the random variable X, we've the following:

Markov Inequality: allow X be a non-poor random variable and v a actual

Wide variety. Then

Pr[X ≥ v] ≤


Equivalently, Pr[X ≥ r · E(X)] ≤ 1




E(X) =

Pr[X = x] · x

Pr[X = x] · 0 +


Pr[X = x] · v

= Pr[X ≥ v] · v

The claim follows.

The Markov inequality is typically used in cases in which one knows very little about

The distribution of the random variable; it suffices to know its expectation and at least

One bound on the range of its values. See Exercise 1.

Using Markov’s inequality, one gets a “possibly stronger” bound for the deviation

Of a random variable from its expectation. This bound, called Chebyshev’s inequality, is useful
provided one has additional knowledge concerning the random variable

(specifically, a good upper bound on its variance). For a random variable X of finite

Expectation, we denote by Var(X) def

= E[(X − E(X))2] the variance of X and observe

That Var(X) = E(X2) − E(X)

Chebyshev’s Inequality: Let X be a random variable, and δ > zero. Then

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] ≤



Evidence: We define a random variable Y def

= (X − E(X))2 and apply the Markov

Inequality. We get

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] = Pr[(X − E(X))2 ≥ δ2

E[(X − E(X))2]


And the claim follows.

Chebyshev’s inequality is particularly beneficial for evaluation of the mistake opportunity of

Approximation through repeated sampling. It suffices to count on that the samples are picked

In a pairwise-independent manner.

Corollary (Pairwise-unbiased Sampling): permit X1, X2,..., Xn be pairwiseindependent random

variables with the equal expectation, denotedµ, and the identical

Variance, denoted σ2. Then, for each ε > zero,


I=1 Xi





The Xi’s are called pairwise-independent if for each i = j and all a and b, it holds

That Pr[Xi = a ∧ X j = b] equals Pr[Xi = a] · Pr[X j = b].


1.2. A few history FROM possibility principle

Proof: define the random variables Xi


= Xi − E(Xi). Note that the Xi’s are

Pairwise-unbiased and each has 0 expectation. Making use of Chebyshev’s inequality to the random
variable described by way of the sumn



N , and the use of the linearity

Of the expectancy operator, we get





Var n





I=1 Xi

Ε2 · n2

Now (again the usage of the linearity of E)






1≤i= j≤n

E[ Xi X j]

By way of the pairwise independence of the Xi’s, we get E[Xi X j] = E[Xi] · E[X j], and

The use of E[Xi] = 0, we get



 = n · σ2

The corollary follows.

The usage of pairwise-independent sampling, the mistake probability within the approximation

Is reducing linearly with the wide variety of pattern points. The use of absolutely independent

Sampling factors, the mistake opportunity inside the approximation may be proven to decrease

Exponentially with the number of pattern points. (The random variables X1, X2,..., Xn

Are said to be completely unbiased if for each series a1, a2,..., an it holds that


I=1Xi = ai] equals n

I=1 Pr[Xi = ai].) Chance bounds helping the foregoing assertion are given subsequent. The primary
sure, normally called the Chernoff

Sure, issues 0-1 random variables (i.e., random variables which are assigned values

Of both 0 or 1).

Chernoff bound: permit p ≤ 1

2 , and let X1, X2,..., Xn be unbiased zero-1 random

Variables, in order that Pr[Xi = 1] = p for every i. Then for all ε, zero < ε ≤ p(1 − p),

We have


I=1 Xi


< 2 · e− ε2

2p(1−p) ·n

We shall commonly practice the sure with a regular p ≈ 1

2 . In this example, n unbiased

Samples provide an approximation that deviates by means of ε from the expectancy with probability

This is exponentially decreasing with ε2n. Such an approximation is called an (ε, δ)-

Approximation and can be executed the use of n = O(ε−2 · log(1/δ)) pattern factors. It's far

Important to understand that the sufficient quantity of pattern points is polynomially

Related to ε−1 and logarithmically related to δ−1. So using poly(n) many samples, the



Blunders chance (i.e., δ) can be made negligible (as a feature in n), however the accuracy of

The estimation (i.e., ε) may be bounded above only with the aid of any fixed polynomial fraction

Can't be made negligible).2 We strain that the dependence of the number of samples

On ε isn't always better than in the case of pairwise-unbiased sampling; the advantage of
Completely independent samples lies most effective within the dependence of the range of samples
on δ.

Simultaneity troubles

A typical example of a simultaneity trouble is that of simultaneous exchange of secrets,

Of which agreement signing is a unique case. The placing for a simultaneous alternate

Of secrets and techniques consists of events, every preserving a “secret.” The intention is to execute

Protocol such that if both parties comply with it successfully, then at termination every will keep

Its counterpart’s secret, and anyways (even though one celebration cheats) the first party will

Hold the second one birthday celebration’s secret if and handiest if the second birthday celebration
holds the first birthday celebration’s

Secret. Perfectly simultaneous exchange of secrets and techniques can be carried out most effective
if we assume

The life of 0.33 events that are relied on to some extent. In truth, simultaneous

Alternate of secrets and techniques can without problems be carried out the use of the lively
participation of a trusted

1/3 birthday celebration: each celebration sends its secret to the trusted third party (the usage of a
relaxed channel).

The 0.33 birthday party, on receiving both secrets and techniques, sends the first party’s mystery to
the second

Celebration and the second one party’s secret to the first party. There are issues with this


1. The solution calls for the active participation of an “outside” birthday celebration in all instances
(i.e., also

In case each parties are honest). We observe that different solutions requiring milder styles of

Participation of outside events do exist.

2. The answer calls for the life of a totally depended on 0.33 entity. In a few applications,

Such an entity does now not exist. Despite the fact that, inside the sequel we will speak the trouble

1.1. CRYPTOGRAPHY: principal topics

Of implementing a trusted 0.33 birthday party by way of a fixed of customers with an honest
majority (despite the fact that

The identity of the honest customers isn't acknowledged).

Secure Implementation of Functionalities and relied on events

A unique kind of protocol hassle is concerned with the cozy implementation of

Functionalities. To be greater unique, we speak the trouble of evaluating a characteristic of nearby

inputs each of which is held via a distinct person. An illustrative and

Motivating example is vote casting, in which the feature is majority, and the nearby enter

Held through user A is a unmarried bit representing the vote of person A (e.g., “seasoned” or “con”).

Loosely speakme, a protocol for securely evaluating a selected characteristic ought to satisfy the


• privateness: No celebration can “benefit statistics” on the input of different events, beyond what's

Deduced from the value of the function.

• Robustness: No birthday celebration can “influence” the price of the function, past the have an
effect on

Exerted by deciding on its personal enter.

It is once in a while required that those situations maintain with admire to “small” (e.g., minority)
coalitions of parties (rather than unmarried events).

Truly, if one of the users is understood to be completely straightforward, then there exists a

Easy way to the hassle of comfortable evaluation of any function. Each user truely

Sends its enter to the relied on party (using a comfy channel), who, upon receiving all

Inputs, computes the feature, sends the outcome to all customers, and erases all intermediate
computations (along with the inputs obtained) from its memory. Clearly, it's far

Unrealistic to anticipate that a party can be relied on to such an extent (e.g., that it will

Voluntarily erase what it has “discovered”). Though, the problem of imposing

Comfortable characteristic evaluation reduces to the problem of implementing a relied on


It seems that a trusted party may be applied by way of a hard and fast of users with an honest
majority (even supposing the identity of the honest customers isn't always recognized). That is
indeed a

Fundamental bring about this area, and plenty of chapter 7, with a purpose to appear within the 2nd

Volume of this paintings, may be committed to formulating and proving it (as well as variations

Of it).

Zero-knowledge as a Paradigm

A major tool inside the creation of cryptographic protocols is the idea of zeroknowledge proof
systems and the fact that zero-information evidence structures exist for all

Languages in N P (furnished that one-manner features exist). Loosely talking, a zeroknowledge

evidence yields not anything however the validity of the declaration. Zero-knowledge proofs
Offer a tool for “forcing” events to observe a given protocol properly.

To demonstrate the role of zero-know-how proofs, consider a setting wherein a celebration,

Referred to as Alice, upon receiving an encrypted message from Bob, is to ship Carol the

Least substantial little bit of the message. Sincerely, if Alice sends simplest the (least massive)

Bit (of the message), then there is no manner for Carol to recognize Alice did now not cheat.

Alice may want to show that she did now not cheat with the aid of revealing to Carol the entire
message as

Well as its decryption key, but that might yield statistics some distance beyond what had been


Required. A far better idea is to allow Alice increase the bit she sends Carol with a

0-know-how evidence that this bit is indeed the least full-size little bit of the message. We

Stress that the foregoing announcement is of the “N P kind” (since the evidence detailed earlier

Can be correctly established), and consequently the life of 0-expertise proofs for

N P-statements means that the foregoing announcement may be proved with out revealing

Whatever past its validity.

The point of interest of chapter 4, dedicated to zero-know-how proofs, is at the foregoing end result

(i.e., the construction of 0-expertise proofs for any N P-assertion). In addition,

We shall recollect severa variations and factors of the belief of zero-understanding proofs

And their results at the applicability of this notion.

1.2. Some background from opportunity theory

Chance plays a imperative function in cryptography. Specifically, probability is vital

As a way to allow a dialogue of facts or loss of statistics (i.e., secrecy). We

Anticipate that the reader is acquainted with the basic notions of opportunity principle. On this

Section, we merely present the probabilistic notations that are used in the course of this ebook

And three beneficial probabilistic inequalities.

1.2.1. Notational Conventions

For the duration of this entire book we will talk to best discrete opportunity distributions.

Typically, the opportunity space includes the set of all strings of a sure length

, fascinated about uniform opportunity distribution. That is, the pattern area is the set

Of all -bit-lengthy strings, and every such string is assigned possibility degree 2−

Traditionally, capabilities from the sample area to the reals are referred to as random variables.

Abusing trendy terminology, we permit ourselves to use the time period random variable also

While regarding capabilities mapping the pattern area into the set of binary strings.

We frequently do now not specify the possibility space, but alternatively talk directly approximately

Variables. As an instance, we may additionally say that X is a random variable assigned values in

The set of all strings, in order that Pr[X = 00] = 1

Four and Pr[X = 111] = 3

Four . (any such random

Variable can be defined over the sample space {zero, 1}2, so that X(11) = 00 and X(00) =

X(01) = X(10) = 111.) In most cases the chance space includes all strings of

A particular duration. Commonly, these strings represent random picks made by means of some

Randomized system (see next section), and the random variable is the output of the


A way to examine Probabilistic Statements. All our probabilistic statements consult with

Functions of random variables which can be described ahead. Typically, we will write

Pr[ f (X) = 1], wherein X is a random variable described in advance (and f is a function).

An critical convention is that all occurrences of a given image in a probabilistic

Assertion talk to the same (specific) random variable. Therefore, if B(·, ·) is a Boolean

Expression depending on variables and X is a random variable, then Pr[B(X, X)]

Denotes the chance that B(x, x) holds whilst x is chosen with probabilitypr[X = x].


1.2. A few historical past FROM possibility principle


Pr[B(X, X)] =

Pr[X = x] · χ(B(x, x))

Where χ is a trademark feature, in order that χ(B) = 1 if event B holds, and equals 0 otherwise. As an
instance, for every random variable X, we've Pr[X = X] = 1. We strain

That if one needs to discuss the opportunity that B(x, y) holds when x and y are selected
Independently with the same opportunity distribution, then one needs to outline two impartial
random variables, each with the identical chance distribution. Hence, if X and

Y are impartial random variables, then Pr[B(X, Y )] denotes the probability that

B(x, y) holds while the pair (x, y) is chosen with possibility Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y].


Pr[B(X, Y )] =


Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y] · χ(B(x, y))

As an example, for every impartial random variables, X and Y , we've

Pr[X = Y ] = 1 simplest if both X and Y are trivial (i.e., assign the entire chance

Mass to a unmarried string).

Regular Random Variables. Throughout this complete book, Un denotes a random variable uniformly
dispensed over the set of strings of duration n. Namely,Pr[Un =α] equals

2−n if α ∈ {0, 1}n, and equals zero in any other case. Further, we will sometimes use

Random variables (arbitrarily) distributed over {0, 1}n or {0, 1}

L(n) for some function l :

N→N. Such random variables are typically denoted through Xn, Yn, Zn, and many others. We
pressure that in

A few instances Xn is distributed over{zero, 1}n, while in others it's far allotted over{0, 1}


For some characteristic l(·), that's usually a polynomial. Every other type of random variable,

The output of a randomized algorithm on a set input, is mentioned in section 1.three.

1.2.2. Three Inequalities

The subsequent probabilistic inequalities could be very useful inside the path of this book.

All inequalities discuss with random variables which are assigned actual values. The maximum
primary inequality is the Markov inequality, which asserts that for random variables with

Bounded maximum or minimal values, some relation have to exist between the deviation of a value
from the expectancy of the random variable and the opportunity that the

Random variable is assigned this price. Particularly, letting E(X) def

V Pr[X =v] · v

Denote the expectation of the random variable X, we've the following:

Markov Inequality: allow X be a non-poor random variable and v a actual

Wide variety. Then

Pr[X ≥ v] ≤


Equivalently, Pr[X ≥ r · E(X)] ≤ 1




E(X) =

Pr[X = x] · x

Pr[X = x] · 0 +


Pr[X = x] · v

= Pr[X ≥ v] · v

The claim follows.

The Markov inequality is typically used in cases in which one knows very little about

The distribution of the random variable; it suffices to know its expectation and at least

One bound on the range of its values. See Exercise 1.

Using Markov’s inequality, one gets a “possibly stronger” bound for the deviation

Of a random variable from its expectation. This bound, called Chebyshev’s inequality, is useful
provided one has additional knowledge concerning the random variable

(specifically, a good upper bound on its variance). For a random variable X of finite

Expectation, we denote by Var(X) def

= E[(X − E(X))2] the variance of X and observe

That Var(X) = E(X2) − E(X)

Chebyshev’s Inequality: Let X be a random variable, and δ > zero. Then

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] ≤



Evidence: We define a random variable Y def

= (X − E(X))2 and apply the Markov

Inequality. We get

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] = Pr[(X − E(X))2 ≥ δ2

E[(X − E(X))2]


And the claim follows.

Chebyshev’s inequality is particularly beneficial for evaluation of the mistake opportunity of

Approximation through repeated sampling. It suffices to count on that the samples are picked

In a pairwise-independent manner.

Corollary (Pairwise-unbiased Sampling): permit X1, X2,..., Xn be pairwiseindependent random

variables with the equal expectation, denotedµ, and the identical

Variance, denoted σ2. Then, for each ε > zero,


I=1 Xi





The Xi’s are called pairwise-independent if for each i = j and all a and b, it holds

That Pr[Xi = a ∧ X j = b] equals Pr[Xi = a] · Pr[X j = b].


1.2. A few history FROM possibility principle

Proof: define the random variables Xi


= Xi − E(Xi). Note that the Xi’s are

Pairwise-unbiased and each has 0 expectation. Making use of Chebyshev’s inequality to the random
variable described by way of the sumn



N , and the use of the linearity

Of the expectancy operator, we get





Var n





I=1 Xi

Ε2 · n2

Now (again the usage of the linearity of E)






1≤i= j≤n

E[ Xi X j]

By way of the pairwise independence of the Xi’s, we get E[Xi X j] = E[Xi] · E[X j], and

The use of E[Xi] = 0, we get



 = n · σ2

The corollary follows.

The usage of pairwise-independent sampling, the mistake probability within the approximation

Is reducing linearly with the wide variety of pattern points. The use of absolutely independent

Sampling factors, the mistake opportunity inside the approximation may be proven to decrease

Exponentially with the number of pattern points. (The random variables X1, X2,..., Xn

Are said to be completely unbiased if for each series a1, a2,..., an it holds that


I=1Xi = ai] equals n

I=1 Pr[Xi = ai].) Chance bounds helping the foregoing assertion are given subsequent. The primary
sure, normally called the Chernoff

Sure, issues 0-1 random variables (i.e., random variables which are assigned values

Of both 0 or 1).

Chernoff bound: permit p ≤ 1

2 , and let X1, X2,..., Xn be unbiased zero-1 random

Variables, in order that Pr[Xi = 1] = p for every i. Then for all ε, zero < ε ≤ p(1 − p),

We have


I=1 Xi


< 2 · e− ε2

2p(1−p) ·n

We shall commonly practice the sure with a regular p ≈ 1

2 . In this example, n unbiased

Samples provide an approximation that deviates by means of ε from the expectancy with probability

This is exponentially decreasing with ε2n. Such an approximation is called an (ε, δ)-

Approximation and can be executed the use of n = O(ε−2 · log(1/δ)) pattern factors. It's far

Important to understand that the sufficient quantity of pattern points is polynomially

Related to ε−1 and logarithmically related to δ−1. So using poly(n) many samples, the



Blunders chance (i.e., δ) can be made negligible (as a feature in n), however the accuracy of

The estimation (i.e., ε) may be bounded above only with the aid of any fixed polynomial fraction

Can't be made negligible).2 We strain that the dependence of the number of samples

On ε isn't always better than in the case of pairwise-unbiased sampling; the advantage of
Completely independent samples lies most effective within the dependence of the range of samples
on δ.

Simultaneity troubles

A typical example of a simultaneity trouble is that of simultaneous exchange of secrets,

Of which agreement signing is a unique case. The placing for a simultaneous alternate

Of secrets and techniques consists of events, every preserving a “secret.” The intention is to execute

Protocol such that if both parties comply with it successfully, then at termination every will keep

Its counterpart’s secret, and anyways (even though one celebration cheats) the first party will

Hold the second one birthday celebration’s secret if and handiest if the second birthday celebration
holds the first birthday celebration’s

Secret. Perfectly simultaneous exchange of secrets and techniques can be carried out most effective
if we assume

The life of 0.33 events that are relied on to some extent. In truth, simultaneous

Alternate of secrets and techniques can without problems be carried out the use of the lively
participation of a trusted

1/3 birthday celebration: each celebration sends its secret to the trusted third party (the usage of a
relaxed channel).

The 0.33 birthday party, on receiving both secrets and techniques, sends the first party’s mystery to
the second

Celebration and the second one party’s secret to the first party. There are issues with this


1. The solution calls for the active participation of an “outside” birthday celebration in all instances
(i.e., also

In case each parties are honest). We observe that different solutions requiring milder styles of

Participation of outside events do exist.

2. The answer calls for the life of a totally depended on 0.33 entity. In a few applications,

Such an entity does now not exist. Despite the fact that, inside the sequel we will speak the trouble

1.1. CRYPTOGRAPHY: principal topics

Of implementing a trusted 0.33 birthday party by way of a fixed of customers with an honest
majority (despite the fact that

The identity of the honest customers isn't acknowledged).

Secure Implementation of Functionalities and relied on events

A unique kind of protocol hassle is concerned with the cozy implementation of

Functionalities. To be greater unique, we speak the trouble of evaluating a characteristic of nearby

inputs each of which is held via a distinct person. An illustrative and

Motivating example is vote casting, in which the feature is majority, and the nearby enter

Held through user A is a unmarried bit representing the vote of person A (e.g., “seasoned” or “con”).

Loosely speakme, a protocol for securely evaluating a selected characteristic ought to satisfy the


• privateness: No celebration can “benefit statistics” on the input of different events, beyond what's

Deduced from the value of the function.

• Robustness: No birthday celebration can “influence” the price of the function, past the have an
effect on

Exerted by deciding on its personal enter.

It is once in a while required that those situations maintain with admire to “small” (e.g., minority)
coalitions of parties (rather than unmarried events).

Truly, if one of the users is understood to be completely straightforward, then there exists a

Easy way to the hassle of comfortable evaluation of any function. Each user truely

Sends its enter to the relied on party (using a comfy channel), who, upon receiving all

Inputs, computes the feature, sends the outcome to all customers, and erases all intermediate
computations (along with the inputs obtained) from its memory. Clearly, it's far

Unrealistic to anticipate that a party can be relied on to such an extent (e.g., that it will

Voluntarily erase what it has “discovered”). Though, the problem of imposing

Comfortable characteristic evaluation reduces to the problem of implementing a relied on


It seems that a trusted party may be applied by way of a hard and fast of users with an honest
majority (even supposing the identity of the honest customers isn't always recognized). That is
indeed a

Fundamental bring about this area, and plenty of chapter 7, with a purpose to appear within the 2nd

Volume of this paintings, may be committed to formulating and proving it (as well as variations

Of it).

Zero-knowledge as a Paradigm

A major tool inside the creation of cryptographic protocols is the idea of zeroknowledge proof
systems and the fact that zero-information evidence structures exist for all

Languages in N P (furnished that one-manner features exist). Loosely talking, a zeroknowledge

evidence yields not anything however the validity of the declaration. Zero-knowledge proofs
Offer a tool for “forcing” events to observe a given protocol properly.

To demonstrate the role of zero-know-how proofs, consider a setting wherein a celebration,

Referred to as Alice, upon receiving an encrypted message from Bob, is to ship Carol the

Least substantial little bit of the message. Sincerely, if Alice sends simplest the (least massive)

Bit (of the message), then there is no manner for Carol to recognize Alice did now not cheat.

Alice may want to show that she did now not cheat with the aid of revealing to Carol the entire
message as

Well as its decryption key, but that might yield statistics some distance beyond what had been


Required. A far better idea is to allow Alice increase the bit she sends Carol with a

0-know-how evidence that this bit is indeed the least full-size little bit of the message. We

Stress that the foregoing announcement is of the “N P kind” (since the evidence detailed earlier

Can be correctly established), and consequently the life of 0-expertise proofs for

N P-statements means that the foregoing announcement may be proved with out revealing

Whatever past its validity.

The point of interest of chapter 4, dedicated to zero-know-how proofs, is at the foregoing end result

(i.e., the construction of 0-expertise proofs for any N P-assertion). In addition,

We shall recollect severa variations and factors of the belief of zero-understanding proofs

And their results at the applicability of this notion.

1.2. Some background from opportunity theory

Chance plays a imperative function in cryptography. Specifically, probability is vital

As a way to allow a dialogue of facts or loss of statistics (i.e., secrecy). We

Anticipate that the reader is acquainted with the basic notions of opportunity principle. On this

Section, we merely present the probabilistic notations that are used in the course of this ebook

And three beneficial probabilistic inequalities.

1.2.1. Notational Conventions

For the duration of this entire book we will talk to best discrete opportunity distributions.

Typically, the opportunity space includes the set of all strings of a sure length

, fascinated about uniform opportunity distribution. That is, the pattern area is the set

Of all -bit-lengthy strings, and every such string is assigned possibility degree 2−

Traditionally, capabilities from the sample area to the reals are referred to as random variables.

Abusing trendy terminology, we permit ourselves to use the time period random variable also

While regarding capabilities mapping the pattern area into the set of binary strings.

We frequently do now not specify the possibility space, but alternatively talk directly approximately

Variables. As an instance, we may additionally say that X is a random variable assigned values in

The set of all strings, in order that Pr[X = 00] = 1

Four and Pr[X = 111] = 3

Four . (any such random

Variable can be defined over the sample space {zero, 1}2, so that X(11) = 00 and X(00) =

X(01) = X(10) = 111.) In most cases the chance space includes all strings of

A particular duration. Commonly, these strings represent random picks made by means of some

Randomized system (see next section), and the random variable is the output of the


A way to examine Probabilistic Statements. All our probabilistic statements consult with

Functions of random variables which can be described ahead. Typically, we will write

Pr[ f (X) = 1], wherein X is a random variable described in advance (and f is a function).

An critical convention is that all occurrences of a given image in a probabilistic

Assertion talk to the same (specific) random variable. Therefore, if B(·, ·) is a Boolean

Expression depending on variables and X is a random variable, then Pr[B(X, X)]

Denotes the chance that B(x, x) holds whilst x is chosen with probabilitypr[X = x].


1.2. A few historical past FROM possibility principle


Pr[B(X, X)] =

Pr[X = x] · χ(B(x, x))

Where χ is a trademark feature, in order that χ(B) = 1 if event B holds, and equals 0 otherwise. As an
instance, for every random variable X, we've Pr[X = X] = 1. We strain

That if one needs to discuss the opportunity that B(x, y) holds when x and y are selected
Independently with the same opportunity distribution, then one needs to outline two impartial
random variables, each with the identical chance distribution. Hence, if X and

Y are impartial random variables, then Pr[B(X, Y )] denotes the probability that

B(x, y) holds while the pair (x, y) is chosen with possibility Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y].


Pr[B(X, Y )] =


Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y] · χ(B(x, y))

As an example, for every impartial random variables, X and Y , we've

Pr[X = Y ] = 1 simplest if both X and Y are trivial (i.e., assign the entire chance

Mass to a unmarried string).

Regular Random Variables. Throughout this complete book, Un denotes a random variable uniformly
dispensed over the set of strings of duration n. Namely,Pr[Un =α] equals

2−n if α ∈ {0, 1}n, and equals zero in any other case. Further, we will sometimes use

Random variables (arbitrarily) distributed over {0, 1}n or {0, 1}

L(n) for some function l :

N→N. Such random variables are typically denoted through Xn, Yn, Zn, and many others. We
pressure that in

A few instances Xn is distributed over{zero, 1}n, while in others it's far allotted over{0, 1}


For some characteristic l(·), that's usually a polynomial. Every other type of random variable,

The output of a randomized algorithm on a set input, is mentioned in section 1.three.

1.2.2. Three Inequalities

The subsequent probabilistic inequalities could be very useful inside the path of this book.

All inequalities discuss with random variables which are assigned actual values. The maximum
primary inequality is the Markov inequality, which asserts that for random variables with

Bounded maximum or minimal values, some relation have to exist between the deviation of a value
from the expectancy of the random variable and the opportunity that the

Random variable is assigned this price. Particularly, letting E(X) def

V Pr[X =v] · v

Denote the expectation of the random variable X, we've the following:

Markov Inequality: allow X be a non-poor random variable and v a actual

Wide variety. Then

Pr[X ≥ v] ≤


Equivalently, Pr[X ≥ r · E(X)] ≤ 1




E(X) =

Pr[X = x] · x

Pr[X = x] · 0 +


Pr[X = x] · v

= Pr[X ≥ v] · v

The claim follows.

The Markov inequality is typically used in cases in which one knows very little about

The distribution of the random variable; it suffices to know its expectation and at least

One bound on the range of its values. See Exercise 1.

Using Markov’s inequality, one gets a “possibly stronger” bound for the deviation

Of a random variable from its expectation. This bound, called Chebyshev’s inequality, is useful
provided one has additional knowledge concerning the random variable

(specifically, a good upper bound on its variance). For a random variable X of finite

Expectation, we denote by Var(X) def

= E[(X − E(X))2] the variance of X and observe

That Var(X) = E(X2) − E(X)

Chebyshev’s Inequality: Let X be a random variable, and δ > zero. Then

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] ≤



Evidence: We define a random variable Y def

= (X − E(X))2 and apply the Markov

Inequality. We get

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] = Pr[(X − E(X))2 ≥ δ2

E[(X − E(X))2]


And the claim follows.

Chebyshev’s inequality is particularly beneficial for evaluation of the mistake opportunity of

Approximation through repeated sampling. It suffices to count on that the samples are picked

In a pairwise-independent manner.

Corollary (Pairwise-unbiased Sampling): permit X1, X2,..., Xn be pairwiseindependent random

variables with the equal expectation, denotedµ, and the identical

Variance, denoted σ2. Then, for each ε > zero,


I=1 Xi





The Xi’s are called pairwise-independent if for each i = j and all a and b, it holds

That Pr[Xi = a ∧ X j = b] equals Pr[Xi = a] · Pr[X j = b].


1.2. A few history FROM possibility principle

Proof: define the random variables Xi


= Xi − E(Xi). Note that the Xi’s are

Pairwise-unbiased and each has 0 expectation. Making use of Chebyshev’s inequality to the random
variable described by way of the sumn



N , and the use of the linearity

Of the expectancy operator, we get





Var n





I=1 Xi

Ε2 · n2

Now (again the usage of the linearity of E)






1≤i= j≤n

E[ Xi X j]

By way of the pairwise independence of the Xi’s, we get E[Xi X j] = E[Xi] · E[X j], and

The use of E[Xi] = 0, we get



 = n · σ2

The corollary follows.

The usage of pairwise-independent sampling, the mistake probability within the approximation

Is reducing linearly with the wide variety of pattern points. The use of absolutely independent

Sampling factors, the mistake opportunity inside the approximation may be proven to decrease

Exponentially with the number of pattern points. (The random variables X1, X2,..., Xn

Are said to be completely unbiased if for each series a1, a2,..., an it holds that


I=1Xi = ai] equals n

I=1 Pr[Xi = ai].) Chance bounds helping the foregoing assertion are given subsequent. The primary
sure, normally called the Chernoff

Sure, issues 0-1 random variables (i.e., random variables which are assigned values

Of both 0 or 1).

Chernoff bound: permit p ≤ 1

2 , and let X1, X2,..., Xn be unbiased zero-1 random

Variables, in order that Pr[Xi = 1] = p for every i. Then for all ε, zero < ε ≤ p(1 − p),

We have


I=1 Xi


< 2 · e− ε2

2p(1−p) ·n

We shall commonly practice the sure with a regular p ≈ 1

2 . In this example, n unbiased

Samples provide an approximation that deviates by means of ε from the expectancy with probability

This is exponentially decreasing with ε2n. Such an approximation is called an (ε, δ)-

Approximation and can be executed the use of n = O(ε−2 · log(1/δ)) pattern factors. It's far

Important to understand that the sufficient quantity of pattern points is polynomially

Related to ε−1 and logarithmically related to δ−1. So using poly(n) many samples, the



Blunders chance (i.e., δ) can be made negligible (as a feature in n), however the accuracy of

The estimation (i.e., ε) may be bounded above only with the aid of any fixed polynomial fraction

Can't be made negligible).2 We strain that the dependence of the number of samples

On ε isn't always better than in the case of pairwise-unbiased sampling; the advantage of
Completely independent samples lies most effective within the dependence of the range of samples
on δ.

Simultaneity troubles

A typical example of a simultaneity trouble is that of simultaneous exchange of secrets,

Of which agreement signing is a unique case. The placing for a simultaneous alternate

Of secrets and techniques consists of events, every preserving a “secret.” The intention is to execute

Protocol such that if both parties comply with it successfully, then at termination every will keep

Its counterpart’s secret, and anyways (even though one celebration cheats) the first party will

Hold the second one birthday celebration’s secret if and handiest if the second birthday celebration
holds the first birthday celebration’s

Secret. Perfectly simultaneous exchange of secrets and techniques can be carried out most effective
if we assume

The life of 0.33 events that are relied on to some extent. In truth, simultaneous

Alternate of secrets and techniques can without problems be carried out the use of the lively
participation of a trusted

1/3 birthday celebration: each celebration sends its secret to the trusted third party (the usage of a
relaxed channel).

The 0.33 birthday party, on receiving both secrets and techniques, sends the first party’s mystery to
the second

Celebration and the second one party’s secret to the first party. There are issues with this


1. The solution calls for the active participation of an “outside” birthday celebration in all instances
(i.e., also

In case each parties are honest). We observe that different solutions requiring milder styles of

Participation of outside events do exist.

2. The answer calls for the life of a totally depended on 0.33 entity. In a few applications,

Such an entity does now not exist. Despite the fact that, inside the sequel we will speak the trouble

1.1. CRYPTOGRAPHY: principal topics

Of implementing a trusted 0.33 birthday party by way of a fixed of customers with an honest
majority (despite the fact that

The identity of the honest customers isn't acknowledged).

Secure Implementation of Functionalities and relied on events

A unique kind of protocol hassle is concerned with the cozy implementation of

Functionalities. To be greater unique, we speak the trouble of evaluating a characteristic of nearby

inputs each of which is held via a distinct person. An illustrative and

Motivating example is vote casting, in which the feature is majority, and the nearby enter

Held through user A is a unmarried bit representing the vote of person A (e.g., “seasoned” or “con”).

Loosely speakme, a protocol for securely evaluating a selected characteristic ought to satisfy the


• privateness: No celebration can “benefit statistics” on the input of different events, beyond what's

Deduced from the value of the function.

• Robustness: No birthday celebration can “influence” the price of the function, past the have an
effect on

Exerted by deciding on its personal enter.

It is once in a while required that those situations maintain with admire to “small” (e.g., minority)
coalitions of parties (rather than unmarried events).

Truly, if one of the users is understood to be completely straightforward, then there exists a

Easy way to the hassle of comfortable evaluation of any function. Each user truely

Sends its enter to the relied on party (using a comfy channel), who, upon receiving all

Inputs, computes the feature, sends the outcome to all customers, and erases all intermediate
computations (along with the inputs obtained) from its memory. Clearly, it's far

Unrealistic to anticipate that a party can be relied on to such an extent (e.g., that it will

Voluntarily erase what it has “discovered”). Though, the problem of imposing

Comfortable characteristic evaluation reduces to the problem of implementing a relied on


It seems that a trusted party may be applied by way of a hard and fast of users with an honest
majority (even supposing the identity of the honest customers isn't always recognized). That is
indeed a

Fundamental bring about this area, and plenty of chapter 7, with a purpose to appear within the 2nd

Volume of this paintings, may be committed to formulating and proving it (as well as variations

Of it).

Zero-knowledge as a Paradigm

A major tool inside the creation of cryptographic protocols is the idea of zeroknowledge proof
systems and the fact that zero-information evidence structures exist for all

Languages in N P (furnished that one-manner features exist). Loosely talking, a zeroknowledge

evidence yields not anything however the validity of the declaration. Zero-knowledge proofs
Offer a tool for “forcing” events to observe a given protocol properly.

To demonstrate the role of zero-know-how proofs, consider a setting wherein a celebration,

Referred to as Alice, upon receiving an encrypted message from Bob, is to ship Carol the

Least substantial little bit of the message. Sincerely, if Alice sends simplest the (least massive)

Bit (of the message), then there is no manner for Carol to recognize Alice did now not cheat.

Alice may want to show that she did now not cheat with the aid of revealing to Carol the entire
message as

Well as its decryption key, but that might yield statistics some distance beyond what had been


Required. A far better idea is to allow Alice increase the bit she sends Carol with a

0-know-how evidence that this bit is indeed the least full-size little bit of the message. We

Stress that the foregoing announcement is of the “N P kind” (since the evidence detailed earlier

Can be correctly established), and consequently the life of 0-expertise proofs for

N P-statements means that the foregoing announcement may be proved with out revealing

Whatever past its validity.

The point of interest of chapter 4, dedicated to zero-know-how proofs, is at the foregoing end result

(i.e., the construction of 0-expertise proofs for any N P-assertion). In addition,

We shall recollect severa variations and factors of the belief of zero-understanding proofs

And their results at the applicability of this notion.

1.2. Some background from opportunity theory

Chance plays a imperative function in cryptography. Specifically, probability is vital

As a way to allow a dialogue of facts or loss of statistics (i.e., secrecy). We

Anticipate that the reader is acquainted with the basic notions of opportunity principle. On this

Section, we merely present the probabilistic notations that are used in the course of this ebook

And three beneficial probabilistic inequalities.

1.2.1. Notational Conventions

For the duration of this entire book we will talk to best discrete opportunity distributions.

Typically, the opportunity space includes the set of all strings of a sure length

, fascinated about uniform opportunity distribution. That is, the pattern area is the set

Of all -bit-lengthy strings, and every such string is assigned possibility degree 2−

Traditionally, capabilities from the sample area to the reals are referred to as random variables.

Abusing trendy terminology, we permit ourselves to use the time period random variable also

While regarding capabilities mapping the pattern area into the set of binary strings.

We frequently do now not specify the possibility space, but alternatively talk directly approximately

Variables. As an instance, we may additionally say that X is a random variable assigned values in

The set of all strings, in order that Pr[X = 00] = 1

Four and Pr[X = 111] = 3

Four . (any such random

Variable can be defined over the sample space {zero, 1}2, so that X(11) = 00 and X(00) =

X(01) = X(10) = 111.) In most cases the chance space includes all strings of

A particular duration. Commonly, these strings represent random picks made by means of some

Randomized system (see next section), and the random variable is the output of the


A way to examine Probabilistic Statements. All our probabilistic statements consult with

Functions of random variables which can be described ahead. Typically, we will write

Pr[ f (X) = 1], wherein X is a random variable described in advance (and f is a function).

An critical convention is that all occurrences of a given image in a probabilistic

Assertion talk to the same (specific) random variable. Therefore, if B(·, ·) is a Boolean

Expression depending on variables and X is a random variable, then Pr[B(X, X)]

Denotes the chance that B(x, x) holds whilst x is chosen with probabilitypr[X = x].


1.2. A few historical past FROM possibility principle


Pr[B(X, X)] =

Pr[X = x] · χ(B(x, x))

Where χ is a trademark feature, in order that χ(B) = 1 if event B holds, and equals 0 otherwise. As an
instance, for every random variable X, we've Pr[X = X] = 1. We strain

That if one needs to discuss the opportunity that B(x, y) holds when x and y are selected
Independently with the same opportunity distribution, then one needs to outline two impartial
random variables, each with the identical chance distribution. Hence, if X and

Y are impartial random variables, then Pr[B(X, Y )] denotes the probability that

B(x, y) holds while the pair (x, y) is chosen with possibility Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y].


Pr[B(X, Y )] =


Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y] · χ(B(x, y))

As an example, for every impartial random variables, X and Y , we've

Pr[X = Y ] = 1 simplest if both X and Y are trivial (i.e., assign the entire chance

Mass to a unmarried string).

Regular Random Variables. Throughout this complete book, Un denotes a random variable uniformly
dispensed over the set of strings of duration n. Namely,Pr[Un =α] equals

2−n if α ∈ {0, 1}n, and equals zero in any other case. Further, we will sometimes use

Random variables (arbitrarily) distributed over {0, 1}n or {0, 1}

L(n) for some function l :

N→N. Such random variables are typically denoted through Xn, Yn, Zn, and many others. We
pressure that in

A few instances Xn is distributed over{zero, 1}n, while in others it's far allotted over{0, 1}


For some characteristic l(·), that's usually a polynomial. Every other type of random variable,

The output of a randomized algorithm on a set input, is mentioned in section 1.three.

1.2.2. Three Inequalities

The subsequent probabilistic inequalities could be very useful inside the path of this book.

All inequalities discuss with random variables which are assigned actual values. The maximum
primary inequality is the Markov inequality, which asserts that for random variables with

Bounded maximum or minimal values, some relation have to exist between the deviation of a value
from the expectancy of the random variable and the opportunity that the

Random variable is assigned this price. Particularly, letting E(X) def

V Pr[X =v] · v

Denote the expectation of the random variable X, we've the following:

Markov Inequality: allow X be a non-poor random variable and v a actual

Wide variety. Then

Pr[X ≥ v] ≤


Equivalently, Pr[X ≥ r · E(X)] ≤ 1




E(X) =

Pr[X = x] · x

Pr[X = x] · 0 +


Pr[X = x] · v

= Pr[X ≥ v] · v

The claim follows.

The Markov inequality is typically used in cases in which one knows very little about

The distribution of the random variable; it suffices to know its expectation and at least

One bound on the range of its values. See Exercise 1.

Using Markov’s inequality, one gets a “possibly stronger” bound for the deviation

Of a random variable from its expectation. This bound, called Chebyshev’s inequality, is useful
provided one has additional knowledge concerning the random variable

(specifically, a good upper bound on its variance). For a random variable X of finite

Expectation, we denote by Var(X) def

= E[(X − E(X))2] the variance of X and observe

That Var(X) = E(X2) − E(X)

Chebyshev’s Inequality: Let X be a random variable, and δ > zero. Then

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] ≤



Evidence: We define a random variable Y def

= (X − E(X))2 and apply the Markov

Inequality. We get

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] = Pr[(X − E(X))2 ≥ δ2

E[(X − E(X))2]


And the claim follows.

Chebyshev’s inequality is particularly beneficial for evaluation of the mistake opportunity of

Approximation through repeated sampling. It suffices to count on that the samples are picked

In a pairwise-independent manner.

Corollary (Pairwise-unbiased Sampling): permit X1, X2,..., Xn be pairwiseindependent random

variables with the equal expectation, denotedµ, and the identical

Variance, denoted σ2. Then, for each ε > zero,


I=1 Xi





The Xi’s are called pairwise-independent if for each i = j and all a and b, it holds

That Pr[Xi = a ∧ X j = b] equals Pr[Xi = a] · Pr[X j = b].


1.2. A few history FROM possibility principle

Proof: define the random variables Xi


= Xi − E(Xi). Note that the Xi’s are

Pairwise-unbiased and each has 0 expectation. Making use of Chebyshev’s inequality to the random
variable described by way of the sumn



N , and the use of the linearity

Of the expectancy operator, we get





Var n





I=1 Xi

Ε2 · n2

Now (again the usage of the linearity of E)






1≤i= j≤n

E[ Xi X j]

By way of the pairwise independence of the Xi’s, we get E[Xi X j] = E[Xi] · E[X j], and

The use of E[Xi] = 0, we get



 = n · σ2

The corollary follows.

The usage of pairwise-independent sampling, the mistake probability within the approximation

Is reducing linearly with the wide variety of pattern points. The use of absolutely independent

Sampling factors, the mistake opportunity inside the approximation may be proven to decrease

Exponentially with the number of pattern points. (The random variables X1, X2,..., Xn

Are said to be completely unbiased if for each series a1, a2,..., an it holds that


I=1Xi = ai] equals n

I=1 Pr[Xi = ai].) Chance bounds helping the foregoing assertion are given subsequent. The primary
sure, normally called the Chernoff

Sure, issues 0-1 random variables (i.e., random variables which are assigned values

Of both 0 or 1).

Chernoff bound: permit p ≤ 1

2 , and let X1, X2,..., Xn be unbiased zero-1 random

Variables, in order that Pr[Xi = 1] = p for every i. Then for all ε, zero < ε ≤ p(1 − p),

We have


I=1 Xi


< 2 · e− ε2

2p(1−p) ·n

We shall commonly practice the sure with a regular p ≈ 1

2 . In this example, n unbiased

Samples provide an approximation that deviates by means of ε from the expectancy with probability

This is exponentially decreasing with ε2n. Such an approximation is called an (ε, δ)-

Approximation and can be executed the use of n = O(ε−2 · log(1/δ)) pattern factors. It's far

Important to understand that the sufficient quantity of pattern points is polynomially

Related to ε−1 and logarithmically related to δ−1. So using poly(n) many samples, the



Blunders chance (i.e., δ) can be made negligible (as a feature in n), however the accuracy of

The estimation (i.e., ε) may be bounded above only with the aid of any fixed polynomial fraction

Can't be made negligible).2 We strain that the dependence of the number of samples

On ε isn't always better than in the case of pairwise-unbiased sampling; the advantage of
Completely independent samples lies most effective within the dependence of the range of samples
on δ.

Simultaneity troubles

A typical example of a simultaneity trouble is that of simultaneous exchange of secrets,

Of which agreement signing is a unique case. The placing for a simultaneous alternate

Of secrets and techniques consists of events, every preserving a “secret.” The intention is to execute

Protocol such that if both parties comply with it successfully, then at termination every will keep

Its counterpart’s secret, and anyways (even though one celebration cheats) the first party will

Hold the second one birthday celebration’s secret if and handiest if the second birthday celebration
holds the first birthday celebration’s

Secret. Perfectly simultaneous exchange of secrets and techniques can be carried out most effective
if we assume

The life of 0.33 events that are relied on to some extent. In truth, simultaneous

Alternate of secrets and techniques can without problems be carried out the use of the lively
participation of a trusted

1/3 birthday celebration: each celebration sends its secret to the trusted third party (the usage of a
relaxed channel).

The 0.33 birthday party, on receiving both secrets and techniques, sends the first party’s mystery to
the second

Celebration and the second one party’s secret to the first party. There are issues with this


1. The solution calls for the active participation of an “outside” birthday celebration in all instances
(i.e., also

In case each parties are honest). We observe that different solutions requiring milder styles of

Participation of outside events do exist.

2. The answer calls for the life of a totally depended on 0.33 entity. In a few applications,

Such an entity does now not exist. Despite the fact that, inside the sequel we will speak the trouble

1.1. CRYPTOGRAPHY: principal topics

Of implementing a trusted 0.33 birthday party by way of a fixed of customers with an honest
majority (despite the fact that

The identity of the honest customers isn't acknowledged).

Secure Implementation of Functionalities and relied on events

A unique kind of protocol hassle is concerned with the cozy implementation of

Functionalities. To be greater unique, we speak the trouble of evaluating a characteristic of nearby

inputs each of which is held via a distinct person. An illustrative and

Motivating example is vote casting, in which the feature is majority, and the nearby enter

Held through user A is a unmarried bit representing the vote of person A (e.g., “seasoned” or “con”).

Loosely speakme, a protocol for securely evaluating a selected characteristic ought to satisfy the


• privateness: No celebration can “benefit statistics” on the input of different events, beyond what's

Deduced from the value of the function.

• Robustness: No birthday celebration can “influence” the price of the function, past the have an
effect on

Exerted by deciding on its personal enter.

It is once in a while required that those situations maintain with admire to “small” (e.g., minority)
coalitions of parties (rather than unmarried events).

Truly, if one of the users is understood to be completely straightforward, then there exists a

Easy way to the hassle of comfortable evaluation of any function. Each user truely

Sends its enter to the relied on party (using a comfy channel), who, upon receiving all

Inputs, computes the feature, sends the outcome to all customers, and erases all intermediate
computations (along with the inputs obtained) from its memory. Clearly, it's far

Unrealistic to anticipate that a party can be relied on to such an extent (e.g., that it will

Voluntarily erase what it has “discovered”). Though, the problem of imposing

Comfortable characteristic evaluation reduces to the problem of implementing a relied on


It seems that a trusted party may be applied by way of a hard and fast of users with an honest
majority (even supposing the identity of the honest customers isn't always recognized). That is
indeed a

Fundamental bring about this area, and plenty of chapter 7, with a purpose to appear within the 2nd

Volume of this paintings, may be committed to formulating and proving it (as well as variations

Of it).

Zero-knowledge as a Paradigm

A major tool inside the creation of cryptographic protocols is the idea of zeroknowledge proof
systems and the fact that zero-information evidence structures exist for all

Languages in N P (furnished that one-manner features exist). Loosely talking, a zeroknowledge

evidence yields not anything however the validity of the declaration. Zero-knowledge proofs
Offer a tool for “forcing” events to observe a given protocol properly.

To demonstrate the role of zero-know-how proofs, consider a setting wherein a celebration,

Referred to as Alice, upon receiving an encrypted message from Bob, is to ship Carol the

Least substantial little bit of the message. Sincerely, if Alice sends simplest the (least massive)

Bit (of the message), then there is no manner for Carol to recognize Alice did now not cheat.

Alice may want to show that she did now not cheat with the aid of revealing to Carol the entire
message as

Well as its decryption key, but that might yield statistics some distance beyond what had been


Required. A far better idea is to allow Alice increase the bit she sends Carol with a

0-know-how evidence that this bit is indeed the least full-size little bit of the message. We

Stress that the foregoing announcement is of the “N P kind” (since the evidence detailed earlier

Can be correctly established), and consequently the life of 0-expertise proofs for

N P-statements means that the foregoing announcement may be proved with out revealing

Whatever past its validity.

The point of interest of chapter 4, dedicated to zero-know-how proofs, is at the foregoing end result

(i.e., the construction of 0-expertise proofs for any N P-assertion). In addition,

We shall recollect severa variations and factors of the belief of zero-understanding proofs

And their results at the applicability of this notion.

1.2. Some background from opportunity theory

Chance plays a imperative function in cryptography. Specifically, probability is vital

As a way to allow a dialogue of facts or loss of statistics (i.e., secrecy). We

Anticipate that the reader is acquainted with the basic notions of opportunity principle. On this

Section, we merely present the probabilistic notations that are used in the course of this ebook

And three beneficial probabilistic inequalities.

1.2.1. Notational Conventions

For the duration of this entire book we will talk to best discrete opportunity distributions.

Typically, the opportunity space includes the set of all strings of a sure length

, fascinated about uniform opportunity distribution. That is, the pattern area is the set

Of all -bit-lengthy strings, and every such string is assigned possibility degree 2−

Traditionally, capabilities from the sample area to the reals are referred to as random variables.

Abusing trendy terminology, we permit ourselves to use the time period random variable also

While regarding capabilities mapping the pattern area into the set of binary strings.

We frequently do now not specify the possibility space, but alternatively talk directly approximately

Variables. As an instance, we may additionally say that X is a random variable assigned values in

The set of all strings, in order that Pr[X = 00] = 1

Four and Pr[X = 111] = 3

Four . (any such random

Variable can be defined over the sample space {zero, 1}2, so that X(11) = 00 and X(00) =

X(01) = X(10) = 111.) In most cases the chance space includes all strings of

A particular duration. Commonly, these strings represent random picks made by means of some

Randomized system (see next section), and the random variable is the output of the


A way to examine Probabilistic Statements. All our probabilistic statements consult with

Functions of random variables which can be described ahead. Typically, we will write

Pr[ f (X) = 1], wherein X is a random variable described in advance (and f is a function).

An critical convention is that all occurrences of a given image in a probabilistic

Assertion talk to the same (specific) random variable. Therefore, if B(·, ·) is a Boolean

Expression depending on variables and X is a random variable, then Pr[B(X, X)]

Denotes the chance that B(x, x) holds whilst x is chosen with probabilitypr[X = x].


1.2. A few historical past FROM possibility principle


Pr[B(X, X)] =

Pr[X = x] · χ(B(x, x))

Where χ is a trademark feature, in order that χ(B) = 1 if event B holds, and equals 0 otherwise. As an
instance, for every random variable X, we've Pr[X = X] = 1. We strain

That if one needs to discuss the opportunity that B(x, y) holds when x and y are selected
Independently with the same opportunity distribution, then one needs to outline two impartial
random variables, each with the identical chance distribution. Hence, if X and

Y are impartial random variables, then Pr[B(X, Y )] denotes the probability that

B(x, y) holds while the pair (x, y) is chosen with possibility Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y].


Pr[B(X, Y )] =


Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y] · χ(B(x, y))

As an example, for every impartial random variables, X and Y , we've

Pr[X = Y ] = 1 simplest if both X and Y are trivial (i.e., assign the entire chance

Mass to a unmarried string).

Regular Random Variables. Throughout this complete book, Un denotes a random variable uniformly
dispensed over the set of strings of duration n. Namely,Pr[Un =α] equals

2−n if α ∈ {0, 1}n, and equals zero in any other case. Further, we will sometimes use

Random variables (arbitrarily) distributed over {0, 1}n or {0, 1}

L(n) for some function l :

N→N. Such random variables are typically denoted through Xn, Yn, Zn, and many others. We
pressure that in

A few instances Xn is distributed over{zero, 1}n, while in others it's far allotted over{0, 1}


For some characteristic l(·), that's usually a polynomial. Every other type of random variable,

The output of a randomized algorithm on a set input, is mentioned in section 1.three.

1.2.2. Three Inequalities

The subsequent probabilistic inequalities could be very useful inside the path of this book.

All inequalities discuss with random variables which are assigned actual values. The maximum
primary inequality is the Markov inequality, which asserts that for random variables with

Bounded maximum or minimal values, some relation have to exist between the deviation of a value
from the expectancy of the random variable and the opportunity that the

Random variable is assigned this price. Particularly, letting E(X) def

V Pr[X =v] · v

Denote the expectation of the random variable X, we've the following:

Markov Inequality: allow X be a non-poor random variable and v a actual

Wide variety. Then

Pr[X ≥ v] ≤


Equivalently, Pr[X ≥ r · E(X)] ≤ 1




E(X) =

Pr[X = x] · x

Pr[X = x] · 0 +


Pr[X = x] · v

= Pr[X ≥ v] · v

The claim follows.

The Markov inequality is typically used in cases in which one knows very little about

The distribution of the random variable; it suffices to know its expectation and at least

One bound on the range of its values. See Exercise 1.

Using Markov’s inequality, one gets a “possibly stronger” bound for the deviation

Of a random variable from its expectation. This bound, called Chebyshev’s inequality, is useful
provided one has additional knowledge concerning the random variable

(specifically, a good upper bound on its variance). For a random variable X of finite

Expectation, we denote by Var(X) def

= E[(X − E(X))2] the variance of X and observe

That Var(X) = E(X2) − E(X)

Chebyshev’s Inequality: Let X be a random variable, and δ > zero. Then

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] ≤



Evidence: We define a random variable Y def

= (X − E(X))2 and apply the Markov

Inequality. We get

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] = Pr[(X − E(X))2 ≥ δ2

E[(X − E(X))2]


And the claim follows.

Chebyshev’s inequality is particularly beneficial for evaluation of the mistake opportunity of

Approximation through repeated sampling. It suffices to count on that the samples are picked

In a pairwise-independent manner.

Corollary (Pairwise-unbiased Sampling): permit X1, X2,..., Xn be pairwiseindependent random

variables with the equal expectation, denotedµ, and the identical

Variance, denoted σ2. Then, for each ε > zero,


I=1 Xi





The Xi’s are called pairwise-independent if for each i = j and all a and b, it holds

That Pr[Xi = a ∧ X j = b] equals Pr[Xi = a] · Pr[X j = b].


1.2. A few history FROM possibility principle

Proof: define the random variables Xi


= Xi − E(Xi). Note that the Xi’s are

Pairwise-unbiased and each has 0 expectation. Making use of Chebyshev’s inequality to the random
variable described by way of the sumn



N , and the use of the linearity

Of the expectancy operator, we get





Var n





I=1 Xi

Ε2 · n2

Now (again the usage of the linearity of E)






1≤i= j≤n

E[ Xi X j]

By way of the pairwise independence of the Xi’s, we get E[Xi X j] = E[Xi] · E[X j], and

The use of E[Xi] = 0, we get



 = n · σ2

The corollary follows.

The usage of pairwise-independent sampling, the mistake probability within the approximation

Is reducing linearly with the wide variety of pattern points. The use of absolutely independent

Sampling factors, the mistake opportunity inside the approximation may be proven to decrease

Exponentially with the number of pattern points. (The random variables X1, X2,..., Xn

Are said to be completely unbiased if for each series a1, a2,..., an it holds that


I=1Xi = ai] equals n

I=1 Pr[Xi = ai].) Chance bounds helping the foregoing assertion are given subsequent. The primary
sure, normally called the Chernoff

Sure, issues 0-1 random variables (i.e., random variables which are assigned values

Of both 0 or 1).

Chernoff bound: permit p ≤ 1

2 , and let X1, X2,..., Xn be unbiased zero-1 random

Variables, in order that Pr[Xi = 1] = p for every i. Then for all ε, zero < ε ≤ p(1 − p),

We have


I=1 Xi


< 2 · e− ε2

2p(1−p) ·n

We shall commonly practice the sure with a regular p ≈ 1

2 . In this example, n unbiased

Samples provide an approximation that deviates by means of ε from the expectancy with probability

This is exponentially decreasing with ε2n. Such an approximation is called an (ε, δ)-

Approximation and can be executed the use of n = O(ε−2 · log(1/δ)) pattern factors. It's far

Important to understand that the sufficient quantity of pattern points is polynomially

Related to ε−1 and logarithmically related to δ−1. So using poly(n) many samples, the



Blunders chance (i.e., δ) can be made negligible (as a feature in n), however the accuracy of

The estimation (i.e., ε) may be bounded above only with the aid of any fixed polynomial fraction

Can't be made negligible).2 We strain that the dependence of the number of samples

On ε isn't always better than in the case of pairwise-unbiased sampling; the advantage of
Completely independent samples lies most effective within the dependence of the range of samples
on δ.

Simultaneity troubles

A typical example of a simultaneity trouble is that of simultaneous exchange of secrets,

Of which agreement signing is a unique case. The placing for a simultaneous alternate

Of secrets and techniques consists of events, every preserving a “secret.” The intention is to execute

Protocol such that if both parties comply with it successfully, then at termination every will keep

Its counterpart’s secret, and anyways (even though one celebration cheats) the first party will

Hold the second one birthday celebration’s secret if and handiest if the second birthday celebration
holds the first birthday celebration’s

Secret. Perfectly simultaneous exchange of secrets and techniques can be carried out most effective
if we assume

The life of 0.33 events that are relied on to some extent. In truth, simultaneous

Alternate of secrets and techniques can without problems be carried out the use of the lively
participation of a trusted

1/3 birthday celebration: each celebration sends its secret to the trusted third party (the usage of a
relaxed channel).

The 0.33 birthday party, on receiving both secrets and techniques, sends the first party’s mystery to
the second

Celebration and the second one party’s secret to the first party. There are issues with this


1. The solution calls for the active participation of an “outside” birthday celebration in all instances
(i.e., also

In case each parties are honest). We observe that different solutions requiring milder styles of

Participation of outside events do exist.

2. The answer calls for the life of a totally depended on 0.33 entity. In a few applications,

Such an entity does now not exist. Despite the fact that, inside the sequel we will speak the trouble

1.1. CRYPTOGRAPHY: principal topics

Of implementing a trusted 0.33 birthday party by way of a fixed of customers with an honest
majority (despite the fact that

The identity of the honest customers isn't acknowledged).

Secure Implementation of Functionalities and relied on events

A unique kind of protocol hassle is concerned with the cozy implementation of

Functionalities. To be greater unique, we speak the trouble of evaluating a characteristic of nearby

inputs each of which is held via a distinct person. An illustrative and

Motivating example is vote casting, in which the feature is majority, and the nearby enter

Held through user A is a unmarried bit representing the vote of person A (e.g., “seasoned” or “con”).

Loosely speakme, a protocol for securely evaluating a selected characteristic ought to satisfy the


• privateness: No celebration can “benefit statistics” on the input of different events, beyond what's

Deduced from the value of the function.

• Robustness: No birthday celebration can “influence” the price of the function, past the have an
effect on

Exerted by deciding on its personal enter.

It is once in a while required that those situations maintain with admire to “small” (e.g., minority)
coalitions of parties (rather than unmarried events).

Truly, if one of the users is understood to be completely straightforward, then there exists a

Easy way to the hassle of comfortable evaluation of any function. Each user truely

Sends its enter to the relied on party (using a comfy channel), who, upon receiving all

Inputs, computes the feature, sends the outcome to all customers, and erases all intermediate
computations (along with the inputs obtained) from its memory. Clearly, it's far

Unrealistic to anticipate that a party can be relied on to such an extent (e.g., that it will

Voluntarily erase what it has “discovered”). Though, the problem of imposing

Comfortable characteristic evaluation reduces to the problem of implementing a relied on


It seems that a trusted party may be applied by way of a hard and fast of users with an honest
majority (even supposing the identity of the honest customers isn't always recognized). That is
indeed a

Fundamental bring about this area, and plenty of chapter 7, with a purpose to appear within the 2nd

Volume of this paintings, may be committed to formulating and proving it (as well as variations

Of it).

Zero-knowledge as a Paradigm

A major tool inside the creation of cryptographic protocols is the idea of zeroknowledge proof
systems and the fact that zero-information evidence structures exist for all

Languages in N P (furnished that one-manner features exist). Loosely talking, a zeroknowledge

evidence yields not anything however the validity of the declaration. Zero-knowledge proofs
Offer a tool for “forcing” events to observe a given protocol properly.

To demonstrate the role of zero-know-how proofs, consider a setting wherein a celebration,

Referred to as Alice, upon receiving an encrypted message from Bob, is to ship Carol the

Least substantial little bit of the message. Sincerely, if Alice sends simplest the (least massive)

Bit (of the message), then there is no manner for Carol to recognize Alice did now not cheat.

Alice may want to show that she did now not cheat with the aid of revealing to Carol the entire
message as

Well as its decryption key, but that might yield statistics some distance beyond what had been


Required. A far better idea is to allow Alice increase the bit she sends Carol with a

0-know-how evidence that this bit is indeed the least full-size little bit of the message. We

Stress that the foregoing announcement is of the “N P kind” (since the evidence detailed earlier

Can be correctly established), and consequently the life of 0-expertise proofs for

N P-statements means that the foregoing announcement may be proved with out revealing

Whatever past its validity.

The point of interest of chapter 4, dedicated to zero-know-how proofs, is at the foregoing end result

(i.e., the construction of 0-expertise proofs for any N P-assertion). In addition,

We shall recollect severa variations and factors of the belief of zero-understanding proofs

And their results at the applicability of this notion.

1.2. Some background from opportunity theory

Chance plays a imperative function in cryptography. Specifically, probability is vital

As a way to allow a dialogue of facts or loss of statistics (i.e., secrecy). We

Anticipate that the reader is acquainted with the basic notions of opportunity principle. On this

Section, we merely present the probabilistic notations that are used in the course of this ebook

And three beneficial probabilistic inequalities.

1.2.1. Notational Conventions

For the duration of this entire book we will talk to best discrete opportunity distributions.

Typically, the opportunity space includes the set of all strings of a sure length

, fascinated about uniform opportunity distribution. That is, the pattern area is the set

Of all -bit-lengthy strings, and every such string is assigned possibility degree 2−

Traditionally, capabilities from the sample area to the reals are referred to as random variables.

Abusing trendy terminology, we permit ourselves to use the time period random variable also

While regarding capabilities mapping the pattern area into the set of binary strings.

We frequently do now not specify the possibility space, but alternatively talk directly approximately

Variables. As an instance, we may additionally say that X is a random variable assigned values in

The set of all strings, in order that Pr[X = 00] = 1

Four and Pr[X = 111] = 3

Four . (any such random

Variable can be defined over the sample space {zero, 1}2, so that X(11) = 00 and X(00) =

X(01) = X(10) = 111.) In most cases the chance space includes all strings of

A particular duration. Commonly, these strings represent random picks made by means of some

Randomized system (see next section), and the random variable is the output of the


A way to examine Probabilistic Statements. All our probabilistic statements consult with

Functions of random variables which can be described ahead. Typically, we will write

Pr[ f (X) = 1], wherein X is a random variable described in advance (and f is a function).

An critical convention is that all occurrences of a given image in a probabilistic

Assertion talk to the same (specific) random variable. Therefore, if B(·, ·) is a Boolean

Expression depending on variables and X is a random variable, then Pr[B(X, X)]

Denotes the chance that B(x, x) holds whilst x is chosen with probabilitypr[X = x].


1.2. A few historical past FROM possibility principle


Pr[B(X, X)] =

Pr[X = x] · χ(B(x, x))

Where χ is a trademark feature, in order that χ(B) = 1 if event B holds, and equals 0 otherwise. As an
instance, for every random variable X, we've Pr[X = X] = 1. We strain

That if one needs to discuss the opportunity that B(x, y) holds when x and y are selected
Independently with the same opportunity distribution, then one needs to outline two impartial
random variables, each with the identical chance distribution. Hence, if X and

Y are impartial random variables, then Pr[B(X, Y )] denotes the probability that

B(x, y) holds while the pair (x, y) is chosen with possibility Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y].


Pr[B(X, Y )] =


Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y] · χ(B(x, y))

As an example, for every impartial random variables, X and Y , we've

Pr[X = Y ] = 1 simplest if both X and Y are trivial (i.e., assign the entire chance

Mass to a unmarried string).

Regular Random Variables. Throughout this complete book, Un denotes a random variable uniformly
dispensed over the set of strings of duration n. Namely,Pr[Un =α] equals

2−n if α ∈ {0, 1}n, and equals zero in any other case. Further, we will sometimes use

Random variables (arbitrarily) distributed over {0, 1}n or {0, 1}

L(n) for some function l :

N→N. Such random variables are typically denoted through Xn, Yn, Zn, and many others. We
pressure that in

A few instances Xn is distributed over{zero, 1}n, while in others it's far allotted over{0, 1}


For some characteristic l(·), that's usually a polynomial. Every other type of random variable,

The output of a randomized algorithm on a set input, is mentioned in section 1.three.

1.2.2. Three Inequalities

The subsequent probabilistic inequalities could be very useful inside the path of this book.

All inequalities discuss with random variables which are assigned actual values. The maximum
primary inequality is the Markov inequality, which asserts that for random variables with

Bounded maximum or minimal values, some relation have to exist between the deviation of a value
from the expectancy of the random variable and the opportunity that the

Random variable is assigned this price. Particularly, letting E(X) def

V Pr[X =v] · v

Denote the expectation of the random variable X, we've the following:

Markov Inequality: allow X be a non-poor random variable and v a actual

Wide variety. Then

Pr[X ≥ v] ≤


Equivalently, Pr[X ≥ r · E(X)] ≤ 1




E(X) =

Pr[X = x] · x

Pr[X = x] · 0 +


Pr[X = x] · v

= Pr[X ≥ v] · v

The claim follows.

The Markov inequality is typically used in cases in which one knows very little about

The distribution of the random variable; it suffices to know its expectation and at least

One bound on the range of its values. See Exercise 1.

Using Markov’s inequality, one gets a “possibly stronger” bound for the deviation

Of a random variable from its expectation. This bound, called Chebyshev’s inequality, is useful
provided one has additional knowledge concerning the random variable

(specifically, a good upper bound on its variance). For a random variable X of finite

Expectation, we denote by Var(X) def

= E[(X − E(X))2] the variance of X and observe

That Var(X) = E(X2) − E(X)

Chebyshev’s Inequality: Let X be a random variable, and δ > zero. Then

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] ≤



Evidence: We define a random variable Y def

= (X − E(X))2 and apply the Markov

Inequality. We get

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] = Pr[(X − E(X))2 ≥ δ2

E[(X − E(X))2]


And the claim follows.

Chebyshev’s inequality is particularly beneficial for evaluation of the mistake opportunity of

Approximation through repeated sampling. It suffices to count on that the samples are picked

In a pairwise-independent manner.

Corollary (Pairwise-unbiased Sampling): permit X1, X2,..., Xn be pairwiseindependent random

variables with the equal expectation, denotedµ, and the identical

Variance, denoted σ2. Then, for each ε > zero,


I=1 Xi





The Xi’s are called pairwise-independent if for each i = j and all a and b, it holds

That Pr[Xi = a ∧ X j = b] equals Pr[Xi = a] · Pr[X j = b].


1.2. A few history FROM possibility principle

Proof: define the random variables Xi


= Xi − E(Xi). Note that the Xi’s are

Pairwise-unbiased and each has 0 expectation. Making use of Chebyshev’s inequality to the random
variable described by way of the sumn



N , and the use of the linearity

Of the expectancy operator, we get





Var n





I=1 Xi

Ε2 · n2

Now (again the usage of the linearity of E)






1≤i= j≤n

E[ Xi X j]

By way of the pairwise independence of the Xi’s, we get E[Xi X j] = E[Xi] · E[X j], and

The use of E[Xi] = 0, we get



 = n · σ2

The corollary follows.

The usage of pairwise-independent sampling, the mistake probability within the approximation

Is reducing linearly with the wide variety of pattern points. The use of absolutely independent

Sampling factors, the mistake opportunity inside the approximation may be proven to decrease

Exponentially with the number of pattern points. (The random variables X1, X2,..., Xn

Are said to be completely unbiased if for each series a1, a2,..., an it holds that


I=1Xi = ai] equals n

I=1 Pr[Xi = ai].) Chance bounds helping the foregoing assertion are given subsequent. The primary
sure, normally called the Chernoff

Sure, issues 0-1 random variables (i.e., random variables which are assigned values

Of both 0 or 1).

Chernoff bound: permit p ≤ 1

2 , and let X1, X2,..., Xn be unbiased zero-1 random

Variables, in order that Pr[Xi = 1] = p for every i. Then for all ε, zero < ε ≤ p(1 − p),

We have


I=1 Xi


< 2 · e− ε2

2p(1−p) ·n

We shall commonly practice the sure with a regular p ≈ 1

2 . In this example, n unbiased

Samples provide an approximation that deviates by means of ε from the expectancy with probability

This is exponentially decreasing with ε2n. Such an approximation is called an (ε, δ)-

Approximation and can be executed the use of n = O(ε−2 · log(1/δ)) pattern factors. It's far

Important to understand that the sufficient quantity of pattern points is polynomially

Related to ε−1 and logarithmically related to δ−1. So using poly(n) many samples, the



Blunders chance (i.e., δ) can be made negligible (as a feature in n), however the accuracy of

The estimation (i.e., ε) may be bounded above only with the aid of any fixed polynomial fraction

Can't be made negligible).2 We strain that the dependence of the number of samples

On ε isn't always better than in the case of pairwise-unbiased sampling; the advantage of
Completely independent samples lies most effective within the dependence of the range of samples
on δ.

Simultaneity troubles

A typical example of a simultaneity trouble is that of simultaneous exchange of secrets,

Of which agreement signing is a unique case. The placing for a simultaneous alternate

Of secrets and techniques consists of events, every preserving a “secret.” The intention is to execute

Protocol such that if both parties comply with it successfully, then at termination every will keep

Its counterpart’s secret, and anyways (even though one celebration cheats) the first party will

Hold the second one birthday celebration’s secret if and handiest if the second birthday celebration
holds the first birthday celebration’s

Secret. Perfectly simultaneous exchange of secrets and techniques can be carried out most effective
if we assume

The life of 0.33 events that are relied on to some extent. In truth, simultaneous

Alternate of secrets and techniques can without problems be carried out the use of the lively
participation of a trusted

1/3 birthday celebration: each celebration sends its secret to the trusted third party (the usage of a
relaxed channel).

The 0.33 birthday party, on receiving both secrets and techniques, sends the first party’s mystery to
the second

Celebration and the second one party’s secret to the first party. There are issues with this


1. The solution calls for the active participation of an “outside” birthday celebration in all instances
(i.e., also

In case each parties are honest). We observe that different solutions requiring milder styles of

Participation of outside events do exist.

2. The answer calls for the life of a totally depended on 0.33 entity. In a few applications,

Such an entity does now not exist. Despite the fact that, inside the sequel we will speak the trouble

1.1. CRYPTOGRAPHY: principal topics

Of implementing a trusted 0.33 birthday party by way of a fixed of customers with an honest
majority (despite the fact that

The identity of the honest customers isn't acknowledged).

Secure Implementation of Functionalities and relied on events

A unique kind of protocol hassle is concerned with the cozy implementation of

Functionalities. To be greater unique, we speak the trouble of evaluating a characteristic of nearby

inputs each of which is held via a distinct person. An illustrative and

Motivating example is vote casting, in which the feature is majority, and the nearby enter

Held through user A is a unmarried bit representing the vote of person A (e.g., “seasoned” or “con”).

Loosely speakme, a protocol for securely evaluating a selected characteristic ought to satisfy the


• privateness: No celebration can “benefit statistics” on the input of different events, beyond what's

Deduced from the value of the function.

• Robustness: No birthday celebration can “influence” the price of the function, past the have an
effect on

Exerted by deciding on its personal enter.

It is once in a while required that those situations maintain with admire to “small” (e.g., minority)
coalitions of parties (rather than unmarried events).

Truly, if one of the users is understood to be completely straightforward, then there exists a

Easy way to the hassle of comfortable evaluation of any function. Each user truely

Sends its enter to the relied on party (using a comfy channel), who, upon receiving all

Inputs, computes the feature, sends the outcome to all customers, and erases all intermediate
computations (along with the inputs obtained) from its memory. Clearly, it's far

Unrealistic to anticipate that a party can be relied on to such an extent (e.g., that it will

Voluntarily erase what it has “discovered”). Though, the problem of imposing

Comfortable characteristic evaluation reduces to the problem of implementing a relied on


It seems that a trusted party may be applied by way of a hard and fast of users with an honest
majority (even supposing the identity of the honest customers isn't always recognized). That is
indeed a

Fundamental bring about this area, and plenty of chapter 7, with a purpose to appear within the 2nd

Volume of this paintings, may be committed to formulating and proving it (as well as variations

Of it).

Zero-knowledge as a Paradigm

A major tool inside the creation of cryptographic protocols is the idea of zeroknowledge proof
systems and the fact that zero-information evidence structures exist for all

Languages in N P (furnished that one-manner features exist). Loosely talking, a zeroknowledge

evidence yields not anything however the validity of the declaration. Zero-knowledge proofs
Offer a tool for “forcing” events to observe a given protocol properly.

To demonstrate the role of zero-know-how proofs, consider a setting wherein a celebration,

Referred to as Alice, upon receiving an encrypted message from Bob, is to ship Carol the

Least substantial little bit of the message. Sincerely, if Alice sends simplest the (least massive)

Bit (of the message), then there is no manner for Carol to recognize Alice did now not cheat.

Alice may want to show that she did now not cheat with the aid of revealing to Carol the entire
message as

Well as its decryption key, but that might yield statistics some distance beyond what had been


Required. A far better idea is to allow Alice increase the bit she sends Carol with a

0-know-how evidence that this bit is indeed the least full-size little bit of the message. We

Stress that the foregoing announcement is of the “N P kind” (since the evidence detailed earlier

Can be correctly established), and consequently the life of 0-expertise proofs for

N P-statements means that the foregoing announcement may be proved with out revealing

Whatever past its validity.

The point of interest of chapter 4, dedicated to zero-know-how proofs, is at the foregoing end result

(i.e., the construction of 0-expertise proofs for any N P-assertion). In addition,

We shall recollect severa variations and factors of the belief of zero-understanding proofs

And their results at the applicability of this notion.

1.2. Some background from opportunity theory

Chance plays a imperative function in cryptography. Specifically, probability is vital

As a way to allow a dialogue of facts or loss of statistics (i.e., secrecy). We

Anticipate that the reader is acquainted with the basic notions of opportunity principle. On this

Section, we merely present the probabilistic notations that are used in the course of this ebook

And three beneficial probabilistic inequalities.

1.2.1. Notational Conventions

For the duration of this entire book we will talk to best discrete opportunity distributions.

Typically, the opportunity space includes the set of all strings of a sure length

, fascinated about uniform opportunity distribution. That is, the pattern area is the set

Of all -bit-lengthy strings, and every such string is assigned possibility degree 2−

Traditionally, capabilities from the sample area to the reals are referred to as random variables.

Abusing trendy terminology, we permit ourselves to use the time period random variable also

While regarding capabilities mapping the pattern area into the set of binary strings.

We frequently do now not specify the possibility space, but alternatively talk directly approximately

Variables. As an instance, we may additionally say that X is a random variable assigned values in

The set of all strings, in order that Pr[X = 00] = 1

Four and Pr[X = 111] = 3

Four . (any such random

Variable can be defined over the sample space {zero, 1}2, so that X(11) = 00 and X(00) =

X(01) = X(10) = 111.) In most cases the chance space includes all strings of

A particular duration. Commonly, these strings represent random picks made by means of some

Randomized system (see next section), and the random variable is the output of the


A way to examine Probabilistic Statements. All our probabilistic statements consult with

Functions of random variables which can be described ahead. Typically, we will write

Pr[ f (X) = 1], wherein X is a random variable described in advance (and f is a function).

An critical convention is that all occurrences of a given image in a probabilistic

Assertion talk to the same (specific) random variable. Therefore, if B(·, ·) is a Boolean

Expression depending on variables and X is a random variable, then Pr[B(X, X)]

Denotes the chance that B(x, x) holds whilst x is chosen with probabilitypr[X = x].


1.2. A few historical past FROM possibility principle


Pr[B(X, X)] =

Pr[X = x] · χ(B(x, x))

Where χ is a trademark feature, in order that χ(B) = 1 if event B holds, and equals 0 otherwise. As an
instance, for every random variable X, we've Pr[X = X] = 1. We strain

That if one needs to discuss the opportunity that B(x, y) holds when x and y are selected
Independently with the same opportunity distribution, then one needs to outline two impartial
random variables, each with the identical chance distribution. Hence, if X and

Y are impartial random variables, then Pr[B(X, Y )] denotes the probability that

B(x, y) holds while the pair (x, y) is chosen with possibility Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y].


Pr[B(X, Y )] =


Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y] · χ(B(x, y))

As an example, for every impartial random variables, X and Y , we've

Pr[X = Y ] = 1 simplest if both X and Y are trivial (i.e., assign the entire chance

Mass to a unmarried string).

Regular Random Variables. Throughout this complete book, Un denotes a random variable uniformly
dispensed over the set of strings of duration n. Namely,Pr[Un =α] equals

2−n if α ∈ {0, 1}n, and equals zero in any other case. Further, we will sometimes use

Random variables (arbitrarily) distributed over {0, 1}n or {0, 1}

L(n) for some function l :

N→N. Such random variables are typically denoted through Xn, Yn, Zn, and many others. We
pressure that in

A few instances Xn is distributed over{zero, 1}n, while in others it's far allotted over{0, 1}


For some characteristic l(·), that's usually a polynomial. Every other type of random variable,

The output of a randomized algorithm on a set input, is mentioned in section 1.three.

1.2.2. Three Inequalities

The subsequent probabilistic inequalities could be very useful inside the path of this book.

All inequalities discuss with random variables which are assigned actual values. The maximum
primary inequality is the Markov inequality, which asserts that for random variables with

Bounded maximum or minimal values, some relation have to exist between the deviation of a value
from the expectancy of the random variable and the opportunity that the

Random variable is assigned this price. Particularly, letting E(X) def

V Pr[X =v] · v

Denote the expectation of the random variable X, we've the following:

Markov Inequality: allow X be a non-poor random variable and v a actual

Wide variety. Then

Pr[X ≥ v] ≤


Equivalently, Pr[X ≥ r · E(X)] ≤ 1




E(X) =

Pr[X = x] · x

Pr[X = x] · 0 +


Pr[X = x] · v

= Pr[X ≥ v] · v

The claim follows.

The Markov inequality is typically used in cases in which one knows very little about

The distribution of the random variable; it suffices to know its expectation and at least

One bound on the range of its values. See Exercise 1.

Using Markov’s inequality, one gets a “possibly stronger” bound for the deviation

Of a random variable from its expectation. This bound, called Chebyshev’s inequality, is useful
provided one has additional knowledge concerning the random variable

(specifically, a good upper bound on its variance). For a random variable X of finite

Expectation, we denote by Var(X) def

= E[(X − E(X))2] the variance of X and observe

That Var(X) = E(X2) − E(X)

Chebyshev’s Inequality: Let X be a random variable, and δ > zero. Then

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] ≤



Evidence: We define a random variable Y def

= (X − E(X))2 and apply the Markov

Inequality. We get

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] = Pr[(X − E(X))2 ≥ δ2

E[(X − E(X))2]


And the claim follows.

Chebyshev’s inequality is particularly beneficial for evaluation of the mistake opportunity of

Approximation through repeated sampling. It suffices to count on that the samples are picked

In a pairwise-independent manner.

Corollary (Pairwise-unbiased Sampling): permit X1, X2,..., Xn be pairwiseindependent random

variables with the equal expectation, denotedµ, and the identical

Variance, denoted σ2. Then, for each ε > zero,


I=1 Xi





The Xi’s are called pairwise-independent if for each i = j and all a and b, it holds

That Pr[Xi = a ∧ X j = b] equals Pr[Xi = a] · Pr[X j = b].


1.2. A few history FROM possibility principle

Proof: define the random variables Xi


= Xi − E(Xi). Note that the Xi’s are

Pairwise-unbiased and each has 0 expectation. Making use of Chebyshev’s inequality to the random
variable described by way of the sumn



N , and the use of the linearity

Of the expectancy operator, we get





Var n





I=1 Xi

Ε2 · n2

Now (again the usage of the linearity of E)






1≤i= j≤n

E[ Xi X j]

By way of the pairwise independence of the Xi’s, we get E[Xi X j] = E[Xi] · E[X j], and

The use of E[Xi] = 0, we get



 = n · σ2

The corollary follows.

The usage of pairwise-independent sampling, the mistake probability within the approximation

Is reducing linearly with the wide variety of pattern points. The use of absolutely independent

Sampling factors, the mistake opportunity inside the approximation may be proven to decrease

Exponentially with the number of pattern points. (The random variables X1, X2,..., Xn

Are said to be completely unbiased if for each series a1, a2,..., an it holds that


I=1Xi = ai] equals n

I=1 Pr[Xi = ai].) Chance bounds helping the foregoing assertion are given subsequent. The primary
sure, normally called the Chernoff

Sure, issues 0-1 random variables (i.e., random variables which are assigned values

Of both 0 or 1).

Chernoff bound: permit p ≤ 1

2 , and let X1, X2,..., Xn be unbiased zero-1 random

Variables, in order that Pr[Xi = 1] = p for every i. Then for all ε, zero < ε ≤ p(1 − p),

We have


I=1 Xi


< 2 · e− ε2

2p(1−p) ·n

We shall commonly practice the sure with a regular p ≈ 1

2 . In this example, n unbiased

Samples provide an approximation that deviates by means of ε from the expectancy with probability

This is exponentially decreasing with ε2n. Such an approximation is called an (ε, δ)-

Approximation and can be executed the use of n = O(ε−2 · log(1/δ)) pattern factors. It's far

Important to understand that the sufficient quantity of pattern points is polynomially

Related to ε−1 and logarithmically related to δ−1. So using poly(n) many samples, the



Blunders chance (i.e., δ) can be made negligible (as a feature in n), however the accuracy of

The estimation (i.e., ε) may be bounded above only with the aid of any fixed polynomial fraction

Can't be made negligible).2 We strain that the dependence of the number of samples

On ε isn't always better than in the case of pairwise-unbiased sampling; the advantage of
Completely independent samples lies most effective within the dependence of the range of samples
on δ.

Simultaneity troubles

A typical example of a simultaneity trouble is that of simultaneous exchange of secrets,

Of which agreement signing is a unique case. The placing for a simultaneous alternate

Of secrets and techniques consists of events, every preserving a “secret.” The intention is to execute

Protocol such that if both parties comply with it successfully, then at termination every will keep

Its counterpart’s secret, and anyways (even though one celebration cheats) the first party will

Hold the second one birthday celebration’s secret if and handiest if the second birthday celebration
holds the first birthday celebration’s

Secret. Perfectly simultaneous exchange of secrets and techniques can be carried out most effective
if we assume

The life of 0.33 events that are relied on to some extent. In truth, simultaneous

Alternate of secrets and techniques can without problems be carried out the use of the lively
participation of a trusted

1/3 birthday celebration: each celebration sends its secret to the trusted third party (the usage of a
relaxed channel).

The 0.33 birthday party, on receiving both secrets and techniques, sends the first party’s mystery to
the second

Celebration and the second one party’s secret to the first party. There are issues with this


1. The solution calls for the active participation of an “outside” birthday celebration in all instances
(i.e., also

In case each parties are honest). We observe that different solutions requiring milder styles of

Participation of outside events do exist.

2. The answer calls for the life of a totally depended on 0.33 entity. In a few applications,

Such an entity does now not exist. Despite the fact that, inside the sequel we will speak the trouble

1.1. CRYPTOGRAPHY: principal topics

Of implementing a trusted 0.33 birthday party by way of a fixed of customers with an honest
majority (despite the fact that

The identity of the honest customers isn't acknowledged).

Secure Implementation of Functionalities and relied on events

A unique kind of protocol hassle is concerned with the cozy implementation of

Functionalities. To be greater unique, we speak the trouble of evaluating a characteristic of nearby

inputs each of which is held via a distinct person. An illustrative and

Motivating example is vote casting, in which the feature is majority, and the nearby enter

Held through user A is a unmarried bit representing the vote of person A (e.g., “seasoned” or “con”).

Loosely speakme, a protocol for securely evaluating a selected characteristic ought to satisfy the


• privateness: No celebration can “benefit statistics” on the input of different events, beyond what's

Deduced from the value of the function.

• Robustness: No birthday celebration can “influence” the price of the function, past the have an
effect on

Exerted by deciding on its personal enter.

It is once in a while required that those situations maintain with admire to “small” (e.g., minority)
coalitions of parties (rather than unmarried events).

Truly, if one of the users is understood to be completely straightforward, then there exists a

Easy way to the hassle of comfortable evaluation of any function. Each user truely

Sends its enter to the relied on party (using a comfy channel), who, upon receiving all

Inputs, computes the feature, sends the outcome to all customers, and erases all intermediate
computations (along with the inputs obtained) from its memory. Clearly, it's far

Unrealistic to anticipate that a party can be relied on to such an extent (e.g., that it will

Voluntarily erase what it has “discovered”). Though, the problem of imposing

Comfortable characteristic evaluation reduces to the problem of implementing a relied on


It seems that a trusted party may be applied by way of a hard and fast of users with an honest
majority (even supposing the identity of the honest customers isn't always recognized). That is
indeed a

Fundamental bring about this area, and plenty of chapter 7, with a purpose to appear within the 2nd

Volume of this paintings, may be committed to formulating and proving it (as well as variations

Of it).

Zero-knowledge as a Paradigm

A major tool inside the creation of cryptographic protocols is the idea of zeroknowledge proof
systems and the fact that zero-information evidence structures exist for all

Languages in N P (furnished that one-manner features exist). Loosely talking, a zeroknowledge

evidence yields not anything however the validity of the declaration. Zero-knowledge proofs
Offer a tool for “forcing” events to observe a given protocol properly.

To demonstrate the role of zero-know-how proofs, consider a setting wherein a celebration,

Referred to as Alice, upon receiving an encrypted message from Bob, is to ship Carol the

Least substantial little bit of the message. Sincerely, if Alice sends simplest the (least massive)

Bit (of the message), then there is no manner for Carol to recognize Alice did now not cheat.

Alice may want to show that she did now not cheat with the aid of revealing to Carol the entire
message as

Well as its decryption key, but that might yield statistics some distance beyond what had been


Required. A far better idea is to allow Alice increase the bit she sends Carol with a

0-know-how evidence that this bit is indeed the least full-size little bit of the message. We

Stress that the foregoing announcement is of the “N P kind” (since the evidence detailed earlier

Can be correctly established), and consequently the life of 0-expertise proofs for

N P-statements means that the foregoing announcement may be proved with out revealing

Whatever past its validity.

The point of interest of chapter 4, dedicated to zero-know-how proofs, is at the foregoing end result

(i.e., the construction of 0-expertise proofs for any N P-assertion). In addition,

We shall recollect severa variations and factors of the belief of zero-understanding proofs

And their results at the applicability of this notion.

1.2. Some background from opportunity theory

Chance plays a imperative function in cryptography. Specifically, probability is vital

As a way to allow a dialogue of facts or loss of statistics (i.e., secrecy). We

Anticipate that the reader is acquainted with the basic notions of opportunity principle. On this

Section, we merely present the probabilistic notations that are used in the course of this ebook

And three beneficial probabilistic inequalities.

1.2.1. Notational Conventions

For the duration of this entire book we will talk to best discrete opportunity distributions.

Typically, the opportunity space includes the set of all strings of a sure length

, fascinated about uniform opportunity distribution. That is, the pattern area is the set

Of all -bit-lengthy strings, and every such string is assigned possibility degree 2−

Traditionally, capabilities from the sample area to the reals are referred to as random variables.

Abusing trendy terminology, we permit ourselves to use the time period random variable also

While regarding capabilities mapping the pattern area into the set of binary strings.

We frequently do now not specify the possibility space, but alternatively talk directly approximately

Variables. As an instance, we may additionally say that X is a random variable assigned values in

The set of all strings, in order that Pr[X = 00] = 1

Four and Pr[X = 111] = 3

Four . (any such random

Variable can be defined over the sample space {zero, 1}2, so that X(11) = 00 and X(00) =

X(01) = X(10) = 111.) In most cases the chance space includes all strings of

A particular duration. Commonly, these strings represent random picks made by means of some

Randomized system (see next section), and the random variable is the output of the


A way to examine Probabilistic Statements. All our probabilistic statements consult with

Functions of random variables which can be described ahead. Typically, we will write

Pr[ f (X) = 1], wherein X is a random variable described in advance (and f is a function).

An critical convention is that all occurrences of a given image in a probabilistic

Assertion talk to the same (specific) random variable. Therefore, if B(·, ·) is a Boolean

Expression depending on variables and X is a random variable, then Pr[B(X, X)]

Denotes the chance that B(x, x) holds whilst x is chosen with probabilitypr[X = x].


1.2. A few historical past FROM possibility principle


Pr[B(X, X)] =

Pr[X = x] · χ(B(x, x))

Where χ is a trademark feature, in order that χ(B) = 1 if event B holds, and equals 0 otherwise. As an
instance, for every random variable X, we've Pr[X = X] = 1. We strain

That if one needs to discuss the opportunity that B(x, y) holds when x and y are selected
Independently with the same opportunity distribution, then one needs to outline two impartial
random variables, each with the identical chance distribution. Hence, if X and

Y are impartial random variables, then Pr[B(X, Y )] denotes the probability that

B(x, y) holds while the pair (x, y) is chosen with possibility Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y].


Pr[B(X, Y )] =


Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y] · χ(B(x, y))

As an example, for every impartial random variables, X and Y , we've

Pr[X = Y ] = 1 simplest if both X and Y are trivial (i.e., assign the entire chance

Mass to a unmarried string).

Regular Random Variables. Throughout this complete book, Un denotes a random variable uniformly
dispensed over the set of strings of duration n. Namely,Pr[Un =α] equals

2−n if α ∈ {0, 1}n, and equals zero in any other case. Further, we will sometimes use

Random variables (arbitrarily) distributed over {0, 1}n or {0, 1}

L(n) for some function l :

N→N. Such random variables are typically denoted through Xn, Yn, Zn, and many others. We
pressure that in

A few instances Xn is distributed over{zero, 1}n, while in others it's far allotted over{0, 1}


For some characteristic l(·), that's usually a polynomial. Every other type of random variable,

The output of a randomized algorithm on a set input, is mentioned in section 1.three.

1.2.2. Three Inequalities

The subsequent probabilistic inequalities could be very useful inside the path of this book.

All inequalities discuss with random variables which are assigned actual values. The maximum
primary inequality is the Markov inequality, which asserts that for random variables with

Bounded maximum or minimal values, some relation have to exist between the deviation of a value
from the expectancy of the random variable and the opportunity that the

Random variable is assigned this price. Particularly, letting E(X) def

V Pr[X =v] · v

Denote the expectation of the random variable X, we've the following:

Markov Inequality: allow X be a non-poor random variable and v a actual

Wide variety. Then

Pr[X ≥ v] ≤


Equivalently, Pr[X ≥ r · E(X)] ≤ 1




E(X) =

Pr[X = x] · x

Pr[X = x] · 0 +


Pr[X = x] · v

= Pr[X ≥ v] · v

The claim follows.

The Markov inequality is typically used in cases in which one knows very little about

The distribution of the random variable; it suffices to know its expectation and at least

One bound on the range of its values. See Exercise 1.

Using Markov’s inequality, one gets a “possibly stronger” bound for the deviation

Of a random variable from its expectation. This bound, called Chebyshev’s inequality, is useful
provided one has additional knowledge concerning the random variable

(specifically, a good upper bound on its variance). For a random variable X of finite

Expectation, we denote by Var(X) def

= E[(X − E(X))2] the variance of X and observe

That Var(X) = E(X2) − E(X)

Chebyshev’s Inequality: Let X be a random variable, and δ > zero. Then

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] ≤



Evidence: We define a random variable Y def

= (X − E(X))2 and apply the Markov

Inequality. We get

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] = Pr[(X − E(X))2 ≥ δ2

E[(X − E(X))2]


And the claim follows.

Chebyshev’s inequality is particularly beneficial for evaluation of the mistake opportunity of

Approximation through repeated sampling. It suffices to count on that the samples are picked

In a pairwise-independent manner.

Corollary (Pairwise-unbiased Sampling): permit X1, X2,..., Xn be pairwiseindependent random

variables with the equal expectation, denotedµ, and the identical

Variance, denoted σ2. Then, for each ε > zero,


I=1 Xi





The Xi’s are called pairwise-independent if for each i = j and all a and b, it holds

That Pr[Xi = a ∧ X j = b] equals Pr[Xi = a] · Pr[X j = b].


1.2. A few history FROM possibility principle

Proof: define the random variables Xi


= Xi − E(Xi). Note that the Xi’s are

Pairwise-unbiased and each has 0 expectation. Making use of Chebyshev’s inequality to the random
variable described by way of the sumn



N , and the use of the linearity

Of the expectancy operator, we get





Var n





I=1 Xi

Ε2 · n2

Now (again the usage of the linearity of E)






1≤i= j≤n

E[ Xi X j]

By way of the pairwise independence of the Xi’s, we get E[Xi X j] = E[Xi] · E[X j], and

The use of E[Xi] = 0, we get



 = n · σ2

The corollary follows.

The usage of pairwise-independent sampling, the mistake probability within the approximation

Is reducing linearly with the wide variety of pattern points. The use of absolutely independent

Sampling factors, the mistake opportunity inside the approximation may be proven to decrease

Exponentially with the number of pattern points. (The random variables X1, X2,..., Xn

Are said to be completely unbiased if for each series a1, a2,..., an it holds that


I=1Xi = ai] equals n

I=1 Pr[Xi = ai].) Chance bounds helping the foregoing assertion are given subsequent. The primary
sure, normally called the Chernoff

Sure, issues 0-1 random variables (i.e., random variables which are assigned values

Of both 0 or 1).

Chernoff bound: permit p ≤ 1

2 , and let X1, X2,..., Xn be unbiased zero-1 random

Variables, in order that Pr[Xi = 1] = p for every i. Then for all ε, zero < ε ≤ p(1 − p),

We have


I=1 Xi


< 2 · e− ε2

2p(1−p) ·n

We shall commonly practice the sure with a regular p ≈ 1

2 . In this example, n unbiased

Samples provide an approximation that deviates by means of ε from the expectancy with probability

This is exponentially decreasing with ε2n. Such an approximation is called an (ε, δ)-

Approximation and can be executed the use of n = O(ε−2 · log(1/δ)) pattern factors. It's far

Important to understand that the sufficient quantity of pattern points is polynomially

Related to ε−1 and logarithmically related to δ−1. So using poly(n) many samples, the



Blunders chance (i.e., δ) can be made negligible (as a feature in n), however the accuracy of

The estimation (i.e., ε) may be bounded above only with the aid of any fixed polynomial fraction

Can't be made negligible).2 We strain that the dependence of the number of samples

On ε isn't always better than in the case of pairwise-unbiased sampling; the advantage of
Completely independent samples lies most effective within the dependence of the range of samples
on δ.

Simultaneity troubles

A typical example of a simultaneity trouble is that of simultaneous exchange of secrets,

Of which agreement signing is a unique case. The placing for a simultaneous alternate

Of secrets and techniques consists of events, every preserving a “secret.” The intention is to execute

Protocol such that if both parties comply with it successfully, then at termination every will keep

Its counterpart’s secret, and anyways (even though one celebration cheats) the first party will

Hold the second one birthday celebration’s secret if and handiest if the second birthday celebration
holds the first birthday celebration’s

Secret. Perfectly simultaneous exchange of secrets and techniques can be carried out most effective
if we assume

The life of 0.33 events that are relied on to some extent. In truth, simultaneous

Alternate of secrets and techniques can without problems be carried out the use of the lively
participation of a trusted

1/3 birthday celebration: each celebration sends its secret to the trusted third party (the usage of a
relaxed channel).

The 0.33 birthday party, on receiving both secrets and techniques, sends the first party’s mystery to
the second

Celebration and the second one party’s secret to the first party. There are issues with this


1. The solution calls for the active participation of an “outside” birthday celebration in all instances
(i.e., also

In case each parties are honest). We observe that different solutions requiring milder styles of

Participation of outside events do exist.

2. The answer calls for the life of a totally depended on 0.33 entity. In a few applications,

Such an entity does now not exist. Despite the fact that, inside the sequel we will speak the trouble

1.1. CRYPTOGRAPHY: principal topics

Of implementing a trusted 0.33 birthday party by way of a fixed of customers with an honest
majority (despite the fact that

The identity of the honest customers isn't acknowledged).

Secure Implementation of Functionalities and relied on events

A unique kind of protocol hassle is concerned with the cozy implementation of

Functionalities. To be greater unique, we speak the trouble of evaluating a characteristic of nearby

inputs each of which is held via a distinct person. An illustrative and

Motivating example is vote casting, in which the feature is majority, and the nearby enter

Held through user A is a unmarried bit representing the vote of person A (e.g., “seasoned” or “con”).

Loosely speakme, a protocol for securely evaluating a selected characteristic ought to satisfy the


• privateness: No celebration can “benefit statistics” on the input of different events, beyond what's

Deduced from the value of the function.

• Robustness: No birthday celebration can “influence” the price of the function, past the have an
effect on

Exerted by deciding on its personal enter.

It is once in a while required that those situations maintain with admire to “small” (e.g., minority)
coalitions of parties (rather than unmarried events).

Truly, if one of the users is understood to be completely straightforward, then there exists a

Easy way to the hassle of comfortable evaluation of any function. Each user truely

Sends its enter to the relied on party (using a comfy channel), who, upon receiving all

Inputs, computes the feature, sends the outcome to all customers, and erases all intermediate
computations (along with the inputs obtained) from its memory. Clearly, it's far

Unrealistic to anticipate that a party can be relied on to such an extent (e.g., that it will

Voluntarily erase what it has “discovered”). Though, the problem of imposing

Comfortable characteristic evaluation reduces to the problem of implementing a relied on


It seems that a trusted party may be applied by way of a hard and fast of users with an honest
majority (even supposing the identity of the honest customers isn't always recognized). That is
indeed a

Fundamental bring about this area, and plenty of chapter 7, with a purpose to appear within the 2nd

Volume of this paintings, may be committed to formulating and proving it (as well as variations

Of it).

Zero-knowledge as a Paradigm

A major tool inside the creation of cryptographic protocols is the idea of zeroknowledge proof
systems and the fact that zero-information evidence structures exist for all

Languages in N P (furnished that one-manner features exist). Loosely talking, a zeroknowledge

evidence yields not anything however the validity of the declaration. Zero-knowledge proofs
Offer a tool for “forcing” events to observe a given protocol properly.

To demonstrate the role of zero-know-how proofs, consider a setting wherein a celebration,

Referred to as Alice, upon receiving an encrypted message from Bob, is to ship Carol the

Least substantial little bit of the message. Sincerely, if Alice sends simplest the (least massive)

Bit (of the message), then there is no manner for Carol to recognize Alice did now not cheat.

Alice may want to show that she did now not cheat with the aid of revealing to Carol the entire
message as

Well as its decryption key, but that might yield statistics some distance beyond what had been


Required. A far better idea is to allow Alice increase the bit she sends Carol with a

0-know-how evidence that this bit is indeed the least full-size little bit of the message. We

Stress that the foregoing announcement is of the “N P kind” (since the evidence detailed earlier

Can be correctly established), and consequently the life of 0-expertise proofs for

N P-statements means that the foregoing announcement may be proved with out revealing

Whatever past its validity.

The point of interest of chapter 4, dedicated to zero-know-how proofs, is at the foregoing end result

(i.e., the construction of 0-expertise proofs for any N P-assertion). In addition,

We shall recollect severa variations and factors of the belief of zero-understanding proofs

And their results at the applicability of this notion.

1.2. Some background from opportunity theory

Chance plays a imperative function in cryptography. Specifically, probability is vital

As a way to allow a dialogue of facts or loss of statistics (i.e., secrecy). We

Anticipate that the reader is acquainted with the basic notions of opportunity principle. On this

Section, we merely present the probabilistic notations that are used in the course of this ebook

And three beneficial probabilistic inequalities.

1.2.1. Notational Conventions

For the duration of this entire book we will talk to best discrete opportunity distributions.

Typically, the opportunity space includes the set of all strings of a sure length

, fascinated about uniform opportunity distribution. That is, the pattern area is the set

Of all -bit-lengthy strings, and every such string is assigned possibility degree 2−

Traditionally, capabilities from the sample area to the reals are referred to as random variables.

Abusing trendy terminology, we permit ourselves to use the time period random variable also

While regarding capabilities mapping the pattern area into the set of binary strings.

We frequently do now not specify the possibility space, but alternatively talk directly approximately

Variables. As an instance, we may additionally say that X is a random variable assigned values in

The set of all strings, in order that Pr[X = 00] = 1

Four and Pr[X = 111] = 3

Four . (any such random

Variable can be defined over the sample space {zero, 1}2, so that X(11) = 00 and X(00) =

X(01) = X(10) = 111.) In most cases the chance space includes all strings of

A particular duration. Commonly, these strings represent random picks made by means of some

Randomized system (see next section), and the random variable is the output of the


A way to examine Probabilistic Statements. All our probabilistic statements consult with

Functions of random variables which can be described ahead. Typically, we will write

Pr[ f (X) = 1], wherein X is a random variable described in advance (and f is a function).

An critical convention is that all occurrences of a given image in a probabilistic

Assertion talk to the same (specific) random variable. Therefore, if B(·, ·) is a Boolean

Expression depending on variables and X is a random variable, then Pr[B(X, X)]

Denotes the chance that B(x, x) holds whilst x is chosen with probabilitypr[X = x].


1.2. A few historical past FROM possibility principle


Pr[B(X, X)] =

Pr[X = x] · χ(B(x, x))

Where χ is a trademark feature, in order that χ(B) = 1 if event B holds, and equals 0 otherwise. As an
instance, for every random variable X, we've Pr[X = X] = 1. We strain

That if one needs to discuss the opportunity that B(x, y) holds when x and y are selected
Independently with the same opportunity distribution, then one needs to outline two impartial
random variables, each with the identical chance distribution. Hence, if X and

Y are impartial random variables, then Pr[B(X, Y )] denotes the probability that

B(x, y) holds while the pair (x, y) is chosen with possibility Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y].


Pr[B(X, Y )] =


Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y] · χ(B(x, y))

As an example, for every impartial random variables, X and Y , we've

Pr[X = Y ] = 1 simplest if both X and Y are trivial (i.e., assign the entire chance

Mass to a unmarried string).

Regular Random Variables. Throughout this complete book, Un denotes a random variable uniformly
dispensed over the set of strings of duration n. Namely,Pr[Un =α] equals

2−n if α ∈ {0, 1}n, and equals zero in any other case. Further, we will sometimes use

Random variables (arbitrarily) distributed over {0, 1}n or {0, 1}

L(n) for some function l :

N→N. Such random variables are typically denoted through Xn, Yn, Zn, and many others. We
pressure that in

A few instances Xn is distributed over{zero, 1}n, while in others it's far allotted over{0, 1}


For some characteristic l(·), that's usually a polynomial. Every other type of random variable,

The output of a randomized algorithm on a set input, is mentioned in section 1.three.

1.2.2. Three Inequalities

The subsequent probabilistic inequalities could be very useful inside the path of this book.

All inequalities discuss with random variables which are assigned actual values. The maximum
primary inequality is the Markov inequality, which asserts that for random variables with

Bounded maximum or minimal values, some relation have to exist between the deviation of a value
from the expectancy of the random variable and the opportunity that the

Random variable is assigned this price. Particularly, letting E(X) def

V Pr[X =v] · v

Denote the expectation of the random variable X, we've the following:

Markov Inequality: allow X be a non-poor random variable and v a actual

Wide variety. Then

Pr[X ≥ v] ≤


Equivalently, Pr[X ≥ r · E(X)] ≤ 1




E(X) =

Pr[X = x] · x

Pr[X = x] · 0 +


Pr[X = x] · v

= Pr[X ≥ v] · v

The claim follows.

The Markov inequality is typically used in cases in which one knows very little about

The distribution of the random variable; it suffices to know its expectation and at least

One bound on the range of its values. See Exercise 1.

Using Markov’s inequality, one gets a “possibly stronger” bound for the deviation

Of a random variable from its expectation. This bound, called Chebyshev’s inequality, is useful
provided one has additional knowledge concerning the random variable

(specifically, a good upper bound on its variance). For a random variable X of finite

Expectation, we denote by Var(X) def

= E[(X − E(X))2] the variance of X and observe

That Var(X) = E(X2) − E(X)

Chebyshev’s Inequality: Let X be a random variable, and δ > zero. Then

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] ≤



Evidence: We define a random variable Y def

= (X − E(X))2 and apply the Markov

Inequality. We get

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] = Pr[(X − E(X))2 ≥ δ2

E[(X − E(X))2]


And the claim follows.

Chebyshev’s inequality is particularly beneficial for evaluation of the mistake opportunity of

Approximation through repeated sampling. It suffices to count on that the samples are picked

In a pairwise-independent manner.

Corollary (Pairwise-unbiased Sampling): permit X1, X2,..., Xn be pairwiseindependent random

variables with the equal expectation, denotedµ, and the identical

Variance, denoted σ2. Then, for each ε > zero,


I=1 Xi





The Xi’s are called pairwise-independent if for each i = j and all a and b, it holds

That Pr[Xi = a ∧ X j = b] equals Pr[Xi = a] · Pr[X j = b].


1.2. A few history FROM possibility principle

Proof: define the random variables Xi


= Xi − E(Xi). Note that the Xi’s are

Pairwise-unbiased and each has 0 expectation. Making use of Chebyshev’s inequality to the random
variable described by way of the sumn



N , and the use of the linearity

Of the expectancy operator, we get





Var n





I=1 Xi

Ε2 · n2

Now (again the usage of the linearity of E)






1≤i= j≤n

E[ Xi X j]

By way of the pairwise independence of the Xi’s, we get E[Xi X j] = E[Xi] · E[X j], and

The use of E[Xi] = 0, we get



 = n · σ2

The corollary follows.

The usage of pairwise-independent sampling, the mistake probability within the approximation

Is reducing linearly with the wide variety of pattern points. The use of absolutely independent

Sampling factors, the mistake opportunity inside the approximation may be proven to decrease

Exponentially with the number of pattern points. (The random variables X1, X2,..., Xn

Are said to be completely unbiased if for each series a1, a2,..., an it holds that


I=1Xi = ai] equals n

I=1 Pr[Xi = ai].) Chance bounds helping the foregoing assertion are given subsequent. The primary
sure, normally called the Chernoff

Sure, issues 0-1 random variables (i.e., random variables which are assigned values

Of both 0 or 1).

Chernoff bound: permit p ≤ 1

2 , and let X1, X2,..., Xn be unbiased zero-1 random

Variables, in order that Pr[Xi = 1] = p for every i. Then for all ε, zero < ε ≤ p(1 − p),

We have


I=1 Xi


< 2 · e− ε2

2p(1−p) ·n

We shall commonly practice the sure with a regular p ≈ 1

2 . In this example, n unbiased

Samples provide an approximation that deviates by means of ε from the expectancy with probability

This is exponentially decreasing with ε2n. Such an approximation is called an (ε, δ)-

Approximation and can be executed the use of n = O(ε−2 · log(1/δ)) pattern factors. It's far

Important to understand that the sufficient quantity of pattern points is polynomially

Related to ε−1 and logarithmically related to δ−1. So using poly(n) many samples, the



Blunders chance (i.e., δ) can be made negligible (as a feature in n), however the accuracy of

The estimation (i.e., ε) may be bounded above only with the aid of any fixed polynomial fraction

Can't be made negligible).2 We strain that the dependence of the number of samples

On ε isn't always better than in the case of pairwise-unbiased sampling; the advantage of
Completely independent samples lies most effective within the dependence of the range of samples
on δ.

Simultaneity troubles

A typical example of a simultaneity trouble is that of simultaneous exchange of secrets,

Of which agreement signing is a unique case. The placing for a simultaneous alternate

Of secrets and techniques consists of events, every preserving a “secret.” The intention is to execute

Protocol such that if both parties comply with it successfully, then at termination every will keep

Its counterpart’s secret, and anyways (even though one celebration cheats) the first party will

Hold the second one birthday celebration’s secret if and handiest if the second birthday celebration
holds the first birthday celebration’s

Secret. Perfectly simultaneous exchange of secrets and techniques can be carried out most effective
if we assume

The life of 0.33 events that are relied on to some extent. In truth, simultaneous

Alternate of secrets and techniques can without problems be carried out the use of the lively
participation of a trusted

1/3 birthday celebration: each celebration sends its secret to the trusted third party (the usage of a
relaxed channel).

The 0.33 birthday party, on receiving both secrets and techniques, sends the first party’s mystery to
the second

Celebration and the second one party’s secret to the first party. There are issues with this


1. The solution calls for the active participation of an “outside” birthday celebration in all instances
(i.e., also

In case each parties are honest). We observe that different solutions requiring milder styles of

Participation of outside events do exist.

2. The answer calls for the life of a totally depended on 0.33 entity. In a few applications,

Such an entity does now not exist. Despite the fact that, inside the sequel we will speak the trouble

1.1. CRYPTOGRAPHY: principal topics

Of implementing a trusted 0.33 birthday party by way of a fixed of customers with an honest
majority (despite the fact that

The identity of the honest customers isn't acknowledged).

Secure Implementation of Functionalities and relied on events

A unique kind of protocol hassle is concerned with the cozy implementation of

Functionalities. To be greater unique, we speak the trouble of evaluating a characteristic of nearby

inputs each of which is held via a distinct person. An illustrative and

Motivating example is vote casting, in which the feature is majority, and the nearby enter

Held through user A is a unmarried bit representing the vote of person A (e.g., “seasoned” or “con”).

Loosely speakme, a protocol for securely evaluating a selected characteristic ought to satisfy the


• privateness: No celebration can “benefit statistics” on the input of different events, beyond what's

Deduced from the value of the function.

• Robustness: No birthday celebration can “influence” the price of the function, past the have an
effect on

Exerted by deciding on its personal enter.

It is once in a while required that those situations maintain with admire to “small” (e.g., minority)
coalitions of parties (rather than unmarried events).

Truly, if one of the users is understood to be completely straightforward, then there exists a

Easy way to the hassle of comfortable evaluation of any function. Each user truely

Sends its enter to the relied on party (using a comfy channel), who, upon receiving all

Inputs, computes the feature, sends the outcome to all customers, and erases all intermediate
computations (along with the inputs obtained) from its memory. Clearly, it's far

Unrealistic to anticipate that a party can be relied on to such an extent (e.g., that it will

Voluntarily erase what it has “discovered”). Though, the problem of imposing

Comfortable characteristic evaluation reduces to the problem of implementing a relied on


It seems that a trusted party may be applied by way of a hard and fast of users with an honest
majority (even supposing the identity of the honest customers isn't always recognized). That is
indeed a

Fundamental bring about this area, and plenty of chapter 7, with a purpose to appear within the 2nd

Volume of this paintings, may be committed to formulating and proving it (as well as variations

Of it).

Zero-knowledge as a Paradigm

A major tool inside the creation of cryptographic protocols is the idea of zeroknowledge proof
systems and the fact that zero-information evidence structures exist for all

Languages in N P (furnished that one-manner features exist). Loosely talking, a zeroknowledge

evidence yields not anything however the validity of the declaration. Zero-knowledge proofs
Offer a tool for “forcing” events to observe a given protocol properly.

To demonstrate the role of zero-know-how proofs, consider a setting wherein a celebration,

Referred to as Alice, upon receiving an encrypted message from Bob, is to ship Carol the

Least substantial little bit of the message. Sincerely, if Alice sends simplest the (least massive)

Bit (of the message), then there is no manner for Carol to recognize Alice did now not cheat.

Alice may want to show that she did now not cheat with the aid of revealing to Carol the entire
message as

Well as its decryption key, but that might yield statistics some distance beyond what had been


Required. A far better idea is to allow Alice increase the bit she sends Carol with a

0-know-how evidence that this bit is indeed the least full-size little bit of the message. We

Stress that the foregoing announcement is of the “N P kind” (since the evidence detailed earlier

Can be correctly established), and consequently the life of 0-expertise proofs for

N P-statements means that the foregoing announcement may be proved with out revealing

Whatever past its validity.

The point of interest of chapter 4, dedicated to zero-know-how proofs, is at the foregoing end result

(i.e., the construction of 0-expertise proofs for any N P-assertion). In addition,

We shall recollect severa variations and factors of the belief of zero-understanding proofs

And their results at the applicability of this notion.

1.2. Some background from opportunity theory

Chance plays a imperative function in cryptography. Specifically, probability is vital

As a way to allow a dialogue of facts or loss of statistics (i.e., secrecy). We

Anticipate that the reader is acquainted with the basic notions of opportunity principle. On this

Section, we merely present the probabilistic notations that are used in the course of this ebook

And three beneficial probabilistic inequalities.

1.2.1. Notational Conventions

For the duration of this entire book we will talk to best discrete opportunity distributions.

Typically, the opportunity space includes the set of all strings of a sure length

, fascinated about uniform opportunity distribution. That is, the pattern area is the set

Of all -bit-lengthy strings, and every such string is assigned possibility degree 2−

Traditionally, capabilities from the sample area to the reals are referred to as random variables.

Abusing trendy terminology, we permit ourselves to use the time period random variable also

While regarding capabilities mapping the pattern area into the set of binary strings.

We frequently do now not specify the possibility space, but alternatively talk directly approximately

Variables. As an instance, we may additionally say that X is a random variable assigned values in

The set of all strings, in order that Pr[X = 00] = 1

Four and Pr[X = 111] = 3

Four . (any such random

Variable can be defined over the sample space {zero, 1}2, so that X(11) = 00 and X(00) =

X(01) = X(10) = 111.) In most cases the chance space includes all strings of

A particular duration. Commonly, these strings represent random picks made by means of some

Randomized system (see next section), and the random variable is the output of the


A way to examine Probabilistic Statements. All our probabilistic statements consult with

Functions of random variables which can be described ahead. Typically, we will write

Pr[ f (X) = 1], wherein X is a random variable described in advance (and f is a function).

An critical convention is that all occurrences of a given image in a probabilistic

Assertion talk to the same (specific) random variable. Therefore, if B(·, ·) is a Boolean

Expression depending on variables and X is a random variable, then Pr[B(X, X)]

Denotes the chance that B(x, x) holds whilst x is chosen with probabilitypr[X = x].


1.2. A few historical past FROM possibility principle


Pr[B(X, X)] =

Pr[X = x] · χ(B(x, x))

Where χ is a trademark feature, in order that χ(B) = 1 if event B holds, and equals 0 otherwise. As an
instance, for every random variable X, we've Pr[X = X] = 1. We strain

That if one needs to discuss the opportunity that B(x, y) holds when x and y are selected
Independently with the same opportunity distribution, then one needs to outline two impartial
random variables, each with the identical chance distribution. Hence, if X and

Y are impartial random variables, then Pr[B(X, Y )] denotes the probability that

B(x, y) holds while the pair (x, y) is chosen with possibility Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y].


Pr[B(X, Y )] =


Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y] · χ(B(x, y))

As an example, for every impartial random variables, X and Y , we've

Pr[X = Y ] = 1 simplest if both X and Y are trivial (i.e., assign the entire chance

Mass to a unmarried string).

Regular Random Variables. Throughout this complete book, Un denotes a random variable uniformly
dispensed over the set of strings of duration n. Namely,Pr[Un =α] equals

2−n if α ∈ {0, 1}n, and equals zero in any other case. Further, we will sometimes use

Random variables (arbitrarily) distributed over {0, 1}n or {0, 1}

L(n) for some function l :

N→N. Such random variables are typically denoted through Xn, Yn, Zn, and many others. We
pressure that in

A few instances Xn is distributed over{zero, 1}n, while in others it's far allotted over{0, 1}


For some characteristic l(·), that's usually a polynomial. Every other type of random variable,

The output of a randomized algorithm on a set input, is mentioned in section 1.three.

1.2.2. Three Inequalities

The subsequent probabilistic inequalities could be very useful inside the path of this book.

All inequalities discuss with random variables which are assigned actual values. The maximum
primary inequality is the Markov inequality, which asserts that for random variables with

Bounded maximum or minimal values, some relation have to exist between the deviation of a value
from the expectancy of the random variable and the opportunity that the

Random variable is assigned this price. Particularly, letting E(X) def

V Pr[X =v] · v

Denote the expectation of the random variable X, we've the following:

Markov Inequality: allow X be a non-poor random variable and v a actual

Wide variety. Then

Pr[X ≥ v] ≤


Equivalently, Pr[X ≥ r · E(X)] ≤ 1




E(X) =

Pr[X = x] · x

Pr[X = x] · 0 +


Pr[X = x] · v

= Pr[X ≥ v] · v

The claim follows.

The Markov inequality is typically used in cases in which one knows very little about

The distribution of the random variable; it suffices to know its expectation and at least

One bound on the range of its values. See Exercise 1.

Using Markov’s inequality, one gets a “possibly stronger” bound for the deviation

Of a random variable from its expectation. This bound, called Chebyshev’s inequality, is useful
provided one has additional knowledge concerning the random variable

(specifically, a good upper bound on its variance). For a random variable X of finite

Expectation, we denote by Var(X) def

= E[(X − E(X))2] the variance of X and observe

That Var(X) = E(X2) − E(X)

Chebyshev’s Inequality: Let X be a random variable, and δ > zero. Then

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] ≤



Evidence: We define a random variable Y def

= (X − E(X))2 and apply the Markov

Inequality. We get

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] = Pr[(X − E(X))2 ≥ δ2

E[(X − E(X))2]


And the claim follows.

Chebyshev’s inequality is particularly beneficial for evaluation of the mistake opportunity of

Approximation through repeated sampling. It suffices to count on that the samples are picked

In a pairwise-independent manner.

Corollary (Pairwise-unbiased Sampling): permit X1, X2,..., Xn be pairwiseindependent random

variables with the equal expectation, denotedµ, and the identical

Variance, denoted σ2. Then, for each ε > zero,


I=1 Xi





The Xi’s are called pairwise-independent if for each i = j and all a and b, it holds

That Pr[Xi = a ∧ X j = b] equals Pr[Xi = a] · Pr[X j = b].


1.2. A few history FROM possibility principle

Proof: define the random variables Xi


= Xi − E(Xi). Note that the Xi’s are

Pairwise-unbiased and each has 0 expectation. Making use of Chebyshev’s inequality to the random
variable described by way of the sumn



N , and the use of the linearity

Of the expectancy operator, we get





Var n





I=1 Xi

Ε2 · n2

Now (again the usage of the linearity of E)






1≤i= j≤n

E[ Xi X j]

By way of the pairwise independence of the Xi’s, we get E[Xi X j] = E[Xi] · E[X j], and

The use of E[Xi] = 0, we get



 = n · σ2

The corollary follows.

The usage of pairwise-independent sampling, the mistake probability within the approximation

Is reducing linearly with the wide variety of pattern points. The use of absolutely independent

Sampling factors, the mistake opportunity inside the approximation may be proven to decrease

Exponentially with the number of pattern points. (The random variables X1, X2,..., Xn

Are said to be completely unbiased if for each series a1, a2,..., an it holds that


I=1Xi = ai] equals n

I=1 Pr[Xi = ai].) Chance bounds helping the foregoing assertion are given subsequent. The primary
sure, normally called the Chernoff

Sure, issues 0-1 random variables (i.e., random variables which are assigned values

Of both 0 or 1).

Chernoff bound: permit p ≤ 1

2 , and let X1, X2,..., Xn be unbiased zero-1 random

Variables, in order that Pr[Xi = 1] = p for every i. Then for all ε, zero < ε ≤ p(1 − p),

We have


I=1 Xi


< 2 · e− ε2

2p(1−p) ·n

We shall commonly practice the sure with a regular p ≈ 1

2 . In this example, n unbiased

Samples provide an approximation that deviates by means of ε from the expectancy with probability

This is exponentially decreasing with ε2n. Such an approximation is called an (ε, δ)-

Approximation and can be executed the use of n = O(ε−2 · log(1/δ)) pattern factors. It's far

Important to understand that the sufficient quantity of pattern points is polynomially

Related to ε−1 and logarithmically related to δ−1. So using poly(n) many samples, the



Blunders chance (i.e., δ) can be made negligible (as a feature in n), however the accuracy of

The estimation (i.e., ε) may be bounded above only with the aid of any fixed polynomial fraction

Can't be made negligible).2 We strain that the dependence of the number of samples

On ε isn't always better than in the case of pairwise-unbiased sampling; the advantage of
Completely independent samples lies most effective within the dependence of the range of samples
on δ.

Simultaneity troubles

A typical example of a simultaneity trouble is that of simultaneous exchange of secrets,

Of which agreement signing is a unique case. The placing for a simultaneous alternate

Of secrets and techniques consists of events, every preserving a “secret.” The intention is to execute

Protocol such that if both parties comply with it successfully, then at termination every will keep

Its counterpart’s secret, and anyways (even though one celebration cheats) the first party will

Hold the second one birthday celebration’s secret if and handiest if the second birthday celebration
holds the first birthday celebration’s

Secret. Perfectly simultaneous exchange of secrets and techniques can be carried out most effective
if we assume

The life of 0.33 events that are relied on to some extent. In truth, simultaneous

Alternate of secrets and techniques can without problems be carried out the use of the lively
participation of a trusted

1/3 birthday celebration: each celebration sends its secret to the trusted third party (the usage of a
relaxed channel).

The 0.33 birthday party, on receiving both secrets and techniques, sends the first party’s mystery to
the second

Celebration and the second one party’s secret to the first party. There are issues with this


1. The solution calls for the active participation of an “outside” birthday celebration in all instances
(i.e., also

In case each parties are honest). We observe that different solutions requiring milder styles of

Participation of outside events do exist.

2. The answer calls for the life of a totally depended on 0.33 entity. In a few applications,

Such an entity does now not exist. Despite the fact that, inside the sequel we will speak the trouble

1.1. CRYPTOGRAPHY: principal topics

Of implementing a trusted 0.33 birthday party by way of a fixed of customers with an honest
majority (despite the fact that

The identity of the honest customers isn't acknowledged).

Secure Implementation of Functionalities and relied on events

A unique kind of protocol hassle is concerned with the cozy implementation of

Functionalities. To be greater unique, we speak the trouble of evaluating a characteristic of nearby

inputs each of which is held via a distinct person. An illustrative and

Motivating example is vote casting, in which the feature is majority, and the nearby enter

Held through user A is a unmarried bit representing the vote of person A (e.g., “seasoned” or “con”).

Loosely speakme, a protocol for securely evaluating a selected characteristic ought to satisfy the


• privateness: No celebration can “benefit statistics” on the input of different events, beyond what's

Deduced from the value of the function.

• Robustness: No birthday celebration can “influence” the price of the function, past the have an
effect on

Exerted by deciding on its personal enter.

It is once in a while required that those situations maintain with admire to “small” (e.g., minority)
coalitions of parties (rather than unmarried events).

Truly, if one of the users is understood to be completely straightforward, then there exists a

Easy way to the hassle of comfortable evaluation of any function. Each user truely

Sends its enter to the relied on party (using a comfy channel), who, upon receiving all

Inputs, computes the feature, sends the outcome to all customers, and erases all intermediate
computations (along with the inputs obtained) from its memory. Clearly, it's far

Unrealistic to anticipate that a party can be relied on to such an extent (e.g., that it will

Voluntarily erase what it has “discovered”). Though, the problem of imposing

Comfortable characteristic evaluation reduces to the problem of implementing a relied on


It seems that a trusted party may be applied by way of a hard and fast of users with an honest
majority (even supposing the identity of the honest customers isn't always recognized). That is
indeed a

Fundamental bring about this area, and plenty of chapter 7, with a purpose to appear within the 2nd

Volume of this paintings, may be committed to formulating and proving it (as well as variations

Of it).

Zero-knowledge as a Paradigm

A major tool inside the creation of cryptographic protocols is the idea of zeroknowledge proof
systems and the fact that zero-information evidence structures exist for all

Languages in N P (furnished that one-manner features exist). Loosely talking, a zeroknowledge

evidence yields not anything however the validity of the declaration. Zero-knowledge proofs
Offer a tool for “forcing” events to observe a given protocol properly.

To demonstrate the role of zero-know-how proofs, consider a setting wherein a celebration,

Referred to as Alice, upon receiving an encrypted message from Bob, is to ship Carol the

Least substantial little bit of the message. Sincerely, if Alice sends simplest the (least massive)

Bit (of the message), then there is no manner for Carol to recognize Alice did now not cheat.

Alice may want to show that she did now not cheat with the aid of revealing to Carol the entire
message as

Well as its decryption key, but that might yield statistics some distance beyond what had been


Required. A far better idea is to allow Alice increase the bit she sends Carol with a

0-know-how evidence that this bit is indeed the least full-size little bit of the message. We

Stress that the foregoing announcement is of the “N P kind” (since the evidence detailed earlier

Can be correctly established), and consequently the life of 0-expertise proofs for

N P-statements means that the foregoing announcement may be proved with out revealing

Whatever past its validity.

The point of interest of chapter 4, dedicated to zero-know-how proofs, is at the foregoing end result

(i.e., the construction of 0-expertise proofs for any N P-assertion). In addition,

We shall recollect severa variations and factors of the belief of zero-understanding proofs

And their results at the applicability of this notion.

1.2. Some background from opportunity theory

Chance plays a imperative function in cryptography. Specifically, probability is vital

As a way to allow a dialogue of facts or loss of statistics (i.e., secrecy). We

Anticipate that the reader is acquainted with the basic notions of opportunity principle. On this

Section, we merely present the probabilistic notations that are used in the course of this ebook

And three beneficial probabilistic inequalities.

1.2.1. Notational Conventions

For the duration of this entire book we will talk to best discrete opportunity distributions.

Typically, the opportunity space includes the set of all strings of a sure length

, fascinated about uniform opportunity distribution. That is, the pattern area is the set

Of all -bit-lengthy strings, and every such string is assigned possibility degree 2−

Traditionally, capabilities from the sample area to the reals are referred to as random variables.

Abusing trendy terminology, we permit ourselves to use the time period random variable also

While regarding capabilities mapping the pattern area into the set of binary strings.

We frequently do now not specify the possibility space, but alternatively talk directly approximately

Variables. As an instance, we may additionally say that X is a random variable assigned values in

The set of all strings, in order that Pr[X = 00] = 1

Four and Pr[X = 111] = 3

Four . (any such random

Variable can be defined over the sample space {zero, 1}2, so that X(11) = 00 and X(00) =

X(01) = X(10) = 111.) In most cases the chance space includes all strings of

A particular duration. Commonly, these strings represent random picks made by means of some

Randomized system (see next section), and the random variable is the output of the


A way to examine Probabilistic Statements. All our probabilistic statements consult with

Functions of random variables which can be described ahead. Typically, we will write

Pr[ f (X) = 1], wherein X is a random variable described in advance (and f is a function).

An critical convention is that all occurrences of a given image in a probabilistic

Assertion talk to the same (specific) random variable. Therefore, if B(·, ·) is a Boolean

Expression depending on variables and X is a random variable, then Pr[B(X, X)]

Denotes the chance that B(x, x) holds whilst x is chosen with probabilitypr[X = x].


1.2. A few historical past FROM possibility principle


Pr[B(X, X)] =

Pr[X = x] · χ(B(x, x))

Where χ is a trademark feature, in order that χ(B) = 1 if event B holds, and equals 0 otherwise. As an
instance, for every random variable X, we've Pr[X = X] = 1. We strain

That if one needs to discuss the opportunity that B(x, y) holds when x and y are selected
Independently with the same opportunity distribution, then one needs to outline two impartial
random variables, each with the identical chance distribution. Hence, if X and

Y are impartial random variables, then Pr[B(X, Y )] denotes the probability that

B(x, y) holds while the pair (x, y) is chosen with possibility Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y].


Pr[B(X, Y )] =


Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y] · χ(B(x, y))

As an example, for every impartial random variables, X and Y , we've

Pr[X = Y ] = 1 simplest if both X and Y are trivial (i.e., assign the entire chance

Mass to a unmarried string).

Regular Random Variables. Throughout this complete book, Un denotes a random variable uniformly
dispensed over the set of strings of duration n. Namely,Pr[Un =α] equals

2−n if α ∈ {0, 1}n, and equals zero in any other case. Further, we will sometimes use

Random variables (arbitrarily) distributed over {0, 1}n or {0, 1}

L(n) for some function l :

N→N. Such random variables are typically denoted through Xn, Yn, Zn, and many others. We
pressure that in

A few instances Xn is distributed over{zero, 1}n, while in others it's far allotted over{0, 1}


For some characteristic l(·), that's usually a polynomial. Every other type of random variable,

The output of a randomized algorithm on a set input, is mentioned in section 1.three.

1.2.2. Three Inequalities

The subsequent probabilistic inequalities could be very useful inside the path of this book.

All inequalities discuss with random variables which are assigned actual values. The maximum
primary inequality is the Markov inequality, which asserts that for random variables with

Bounded maximum or minimal values, some relation have to exist between the deviation of a value
from the expectancy of the random variable and the opportunity that the

Random variable is assigned this price. Particularly, letting E(X) def

V Pr[X =v] · v

Denote the expectation of the random variable X, we've the following:

Markov Inequality: allow X be a non-poor random variable and v a actual

Wide variety. Then

Pr[X ≥ v] ≤


Equivalently, Pr[X ≥ r · E(X)] ≤ 1




E(X) =

Pr[X = x] · x

Pr[X = x] · 0 +


Pr[X = x] · v

= Pr[X ≥ v] · v

The claim follows.

The Markov inequality is typically used in cases in which one knows very little about

The distribution of the random variable; it suffices to know its expectation and at least

One bound on the range of its values. See Exercise 1.

Using Markov’s inequality, one gets a “possibly stronger” bound for the deviation

Of a random variable from its expectation. This bound, called Chebyshev’s inequality, is useful
provided one has additional knowledge concerning the random variable

(specifically, a good upper bound on its variance). For a random variable X of finite

Expectation, we denote by Var(X) def

= E[(X − E(X))2] the variance of X and observe

That Var(X) = E(X2) − E(X)

Chebyshev’s Inequality: Let X be a random variable, and δ > zero. Then

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] ≤



Evidence: We define a random variable Y def

= (X − E(X))2 and apply the Markov

Inequality. We get

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] = Pr[(X − E(X))2 ≥ δ2

E[(X − E(X))2]


And the claim follows.

Chebyshev’s inequality is particularly beneficial for evaluation of the mistake opportunity of

Approximation through repeated sampling. It suffices to count on that the samples are picked

In a pairwise-independent manner.

Corollary (Pairwise-unbiased Sampling): permit X1, X2,..., Xn be pairwiseindependent random

variables with the equal expectation, denotedµ, and the identical

Variance, denoted σ2. Then, for each ε > zero,


I=1 Xi





The Xi’s are called pairwise-independent if for each i = j and all a and b, it holds

That Pr[Xi = a ∧ X j = b] equals Pr[Xi = a] · Pr[X j = b].


1.2. A few history FROM possibility principle

Proof: define the random variables Xi


= Xi − E(Xi). Note that the Xi’s are

Pairwise-unbiased and each has 0 expectation. Making use of Chebyshev’s inequality to the random
variable described by way of the sumn



N , and the use of the linearity

Of the expectancy operator, we get





Var n





I=1 Xi

Ε2 · n2

Now (again the usage of the linearity of E)






1≤i= j≤n

E[ Xi X j]

By way of the pairwise independence of the Xi’s, we get E[Xi X j] = E[Xi] · E[X j], and

The use of E[Xi] = 0, we get



 = n · σ2

The corollary follows.

The usage of pairwise-independent sampling, the mistake probability within the approximation

Is reducing linearly with the wide variety of pattern points. The use of absolutely independent

Sampling factors, the mistake opportunity inside the approximation may be proven to decrease

Exponentially with the number of pattern points. (The random variables X1, X2,..., Xn

Are said to be completely unbiased if for each series a1, a2,..., an it holds that


I=1Xi = ai] equals n

I=1 Pr[Xi = ai].) Chance bounds helping the foregoing assertion are given subsequent. The primary
sure, normally called the Chernoff

Sure, issues 0-1 random variables (i.e., random variables which are assigned values

Of both 0 or 1).

Chernoff bound: permit p ≤ 1

2 , and let X1, X2,..., Xn be unbiased zero-1 random

Variables, in order that Pr[Xi = 1] = p for every i. Then for all ε, zero < ε ≤ p(1 − p),

We have


I=1 Xi


< 2 · e− ε2

2p(1−p) ·n

We shall commonly practice the sure with a regular p ≈ 1

2 . In this example, n unbiased

Samples provide an approximation that deviates by means of ε from the expectancy with probability

This is exponentially decreasing with ε2n. Such an approximation is called an (ε, δ)-

Approximation and can be executed the use of n = O(ε−2 · log(1/δ)) pattern factors. It's far

Important to understand that the sufficient quantity of pattern points is polynomially

Related to ε−1 and logarithmically related to δ−1. So using poly(n) many samples, the



Blunders chance (i.e., δ) can be made negligible (as a feature in n), however the accuracy of

The estimation (i.e., ε) may be bounded above only with the aid of any fixed polynomial fraction

Can't be made negligible).2 We strain that the dependence of the number of samples

On ε isn't always better than in the case of pairwise-unbiased sampling; the advantage of
Completely independent samples lies most effective within the dependence of the range of samples
on δ.

Simultaneity troubles

A typical example of a simultaneity trouble is that of simultaneous exchange of secrets,

Of which agreement signing is a unique case. The placing for a simultaneous alternate

Of secrets and techniques consists of events, every preserving a “secret.” The intention is to execute

Protocol such that if both parties comply with it successfully, then at termination every will keep

Its counterpart’s secret, and anyways (even though one celebration cheats) the first party will

Hold the second one birthday celebration’s secret if and handiest if the second birthday celebration
holds the first birthday celebration’s

Secret. Perfectly simultaneous exchange of secrets and techniques can be carried out most effective
if we assume

The life of 0.33 events that are relied on to some extent. In truth, simultaneous

Alternate of secrets and techniques can without problems be carried out the use of the lively
participation of a trusted

1/3 birthday celebration: each celebration sends its secret to the trusted third party (the usage of a
relaxed channel).

The 0.33 birthday party, on receiving both secrets and techniques, sends the first party’s mystery to
the second

Celebration and the second one party’s secret to the first party. There are issues with this


1. The solution calls for the active participation of an “outside” birthday celebration in all instances
(i.e., also

In case each parties are honest). We observe that different solutions requiring milder styles of

Participation of outside events do exist.

2. The answer calls for the life of a totally depended on 0.33 entity. In a few applications,

Such an entity does now not exist. Despite the fact that, inside the sequel we will speak the trouble

1.1. CRYPTOGRAPHY: principal topics

Of implementing a trusted 0.33 birthday party by way of a fixed of customers with an honest
majority (despite the fact that

The identity of the honest customers isn't acknowledged).

Secure Implementation of Functionalities and relied on events

A unique kind of protocol hassle is concerned with the cozy implementation of

Functionalities. To be greater unique, we speak the trouble of evaluating a characteristic of nearby

inputs each of which is held via a distinct person. An illustrative and

Motivating example is vote casting, in which the feature is majority, and the nearby enter

Held through user A is a unmarried bit representing the vote of person A (e.g., “seasoned” or “con”).

Loosely speakme, a protocol for securely evaluating a selected characteristic ought to satisfy the


• privateness: No celebration can “benefit statistics” on the input of different events, beyond what's

Deduced from the value of the function.

• Robustness: No birthday celebration can “influence” the price of the function, past the have an
effect on

Exerted by deciding on its personal enter.

It is once in a while required that those situations maintain with admire to “small” (e.g., minority)
coalitions of parties (rather than unmarried events).

Truly, if one of the users is understood to be completely straightforward, then there exists a

Easy way to the hassle of comfortable evaluation of any function. Each user truely

Sends its enter to the relied on party (using a comfy channel), who, upon receiving all

Inputs, computes the feature, sends the outcome to all customers, and erases all intermediate
computations (along with the inputs obtained) from its memory. Clearly, it's far

Unrealistic to anticipate that a party can be relied on to such an extent (e.g., that it will

Voluntarily erase what it has “discovered”). Though, the problem of imposing

Comfortable characteristic evaluation reduces to the problem of implementing a relied on


It seems that a trusted party may be applied by way of a hard and fast of users with an honest
majority (even supposing the identity of the honest customers isn't always recognized). That is
indeed a

Fundamental bring about this area, and plenty of chapter 7, with a purpose to appear within the 2nd

Volume of this paintings, may be committed to formulating and proving it (as well as variations

Of it).

Zero-knowledge as a Paradigm

A major tool inside the creation of cryptographic protocols is the idea of zeroknowledge proof
systems and the fact that zero-information evidence structures exist for all

Languages in N P (furnished that one-manner features exist). Loosely talking, a zeroknowledge

evidence yields not anything however the validity of the declaration. Zero-knowledge proofs
Offer a tool for “forcing” events to observe a given protocol properly.

To demonstrate the role of zero-know-how proofs, consider a setting wherein a celebration,

Referred to as Alice, upon receiving an encrypted message from Bob, is to ship Carol the

Least substantial little bit of the message. Sincerely, if Alice sends simplest the (least massive)

Bit (of the message), then there is no manner for Carol to recognize Alice did now not cheat.

Alice may want to show that she did now not cheat with the aid of revealing to Carol the entire
message as

Well as its decryption key, but that might yield statistics some distance beyond what had been


Required. A far better idea is to allow Alice increase the bit she sends Carol with a

0-know-how evidence that this bit is indeed the least full-size little bit of the message. We

Stress that the foregoing announcement is of the “N P kind” (since the evidence detailed earlier

Can be correctly established), and consequently the life of 0-expertise proofs for

N P-statements means that the foregoing announcement may be proved with out revealing

Whatever past its validity.

The point of interest of chapter 4, dedicated to zero-know-how proofs, is at the foregoing end result

(i.e., the construction of 0-expertise proofs for any N P-assertion). In addition,

We shall recollect severa variations and factors of the belief of zero-understanding proofs

And their results at the applicability of this notion.

1.2. Some background from opportunity theory

Chance plays a imperative function in cryptography. Specifically, probability is vital

As a way to allow a dialogue of facts or loss of statistics (i.e., secrecy). We

Anticipate that the reader is acquainted with the basic notions of opportunity principle. On this

Section, we merely present the probabilistic notations that are used in the course of this ebook

And three beneficial probabilistic inequalities.

1.2.1. Notational Conventions

For the duration of this entire book we will talk to best discrete opportunity distributions.

Typically, the opportunity space includes the set of all strings of a sure length

, fascinated about uniform opportunity distribution. That is, the pattern area is the set

Of all -bit-lengthy strings, and every such string is assigned possibility degree 2−

Traditionally, capabilities from the sample area to the reals are referred to as random variables.

Abusing trendy terminology, we permit ourselves to use the time period random variable also

While regarding capabilities mapping the pattern area into the set of binary strings.

We frequently do now not specify the possibility space, but alternatively talk directly approximately

Variables. As an instance, we may additionally say that X is a random variable assigned values in

The set of all strings, in order that Pr[X = 00] = 1

Four and Pr[X = 111] = 3

Four . (any such random

Variable can be defined over the sample space {zero, 1}2, so that X(11) = 00 and X(00) =

X(01) = X(10) = 111.) In most cases the chance space includes all strings of

A particular duration. Commonly, these strings represent random picks made by means of some

Randomized system (see next section), and the random variable is the output of the


A way to examine Probabilistic Statements. All our probabilistic statements consult with

Functions of random variables which can be described ahead. Typically, we will write

Pr[ f (X) = 1], wherein X is a random variable described in advance (and f is a function).

An critical convention is that all occurrences of a given image in a probabilistic

Assertion talk to the same (specific) random variable. Therefore, if B(·, ·) is a Boolean

Expression depending on variables and X is a random variable, then Pr[B(X, X)]

Denotes the chance that B(x, x) holds whilst x is chosen with probabilitypr[X = x].


1.2. A few historical past FROM possibility principle


Pr[B(X, X)] =

Pr[X = x] · χ(B(x, x))

Where χ is a trademark feature, in order that χ(B) = 1 if event B holds, and equals 0 otherwise. As an
instance, for every random variable X, we've Pr[X = X] = 1. We strain

That if one needs to discuss the opportunity that B(x, y) holds when x and y are selected
Independently with the same opportunity distribution, then one needs to outline two impartial
random variables, each with the identical chance distribution. Hence, if X and

Y are impartial random variables, then Pr[B(X, Y )] denotes the probability that

B(x, y) holds while the pair (x, y) is chosen with possibility Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y].


Pr[B(X, Y )] =


Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y] · χ(B(x, y))

As an example, for every impartial random variables, X and Y , we've

Pr[X = Y ] = 1 simplest if both X and Y are trivial (i.e., assign the entire chance

Mass to a unmarried string).

Regular Random Variables. Throughout this complete book, Un denotes a random variable uniformly
dispensed over the set of strings of duration n. Namely,Pr[Un =α] equals

2−n if α ∈ {0, 1}n, and equals zero in any other case. Further, we will sometimes use

Random variables (arbitrarily) distributed over {0, 1}n or {0, 1}

L(n) for some function l :

N→N. Such random variables are typically denoted through Xn, Yn, Zn, and many others. We
pressure that in

A few instances Xn is distributed over{zero, 1}n, while in others it's far allotted over{0, 1}


For some characteristic l(·), that's usually a polynomial. Every other type of random variable,

The output of a randomized algorithm on a set input, is mentioned in section 1.three.

1.2.2. Three Inequalities

The subsequent probabilistic inequalities could be very useful inside the path of this book.

All inequalities discuss with random variables which are assigned actual values. The maximum
primary inequality is the Markov inequality, which asserts that for random variables with

Bounded maximum or minimal values, some relation have to exist between the deviation of a value
from the expectancy of the random variable and the opportunity that the

Random variable is assigned this price. Particularly, letting E(X) def

V Pr[X =v] · v

Denote the expectation of the random variable X, we've the following:

Markov Inequality: allow X be a non-poor random variable and v a actual

Wide variety. Then

Pr[X ≥ v] ≤


Equivalently, Pr[X ≥ r · E(X)] ≤ 1




E(X) =

Pr[X = x] · x

Pr[X = x] · 0 +


Pr[X = x] · v

= Pr[X ≥ v] · v

The claim follows.

The Markov inequality is typically used in cases in which one knows very little about

The distribution of the random variable; it suffices to know its expectation and at least

One bound on the range of its values. See Exercise 1.

Using Markov’s inequality, one gets a “possibly stronger” bound for the deviation

Of a random variable from its expectation. This bound, called Chebyshev’s inequality, is useful
provided one has additional knowledge concerning the random variable

(specifically, a good upper bound on its variance). For a random variable X of finite

Expectation, we denote by Var(X) def

= E[(X − E(X))2] the variance of X and observe

That Var(X) = E(X2) − E(X)

Chebyshev’s Inequality: Let X be a random variable, and δ > zero. Then

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] ≤



Evidence: We define a random variable Y def

= (X − E(X))2 and apply the Markov

Inequality. We get

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] = Pr[(X − E(X))2 ≥ δ2

E[(X − E(X))2]


And the claim follows.

Chebyshev’s inequality is particularly beneficial for evaluation of the mistake opportunity of

Approximation through repeated sampling. It suffices to count on that the samples are picked

In a pairwise-independent manner.

Corollary (Pairwise-unbiased Sampling): permit X1, X2,..., Xn be pairwiseindependent random

variables with the equal expectation, denotedµ, and the identical

Variance, denoted σ2. Then, for each ε > zero,


I=1 Xi





The Xi’s are called pairwise-independent if for each i = j and all a and b, it holds

That Pr[Xi = a ∧ X j = b] equals Pr[Xi = a] · Pr[X j = b].


1.2. A few history FROM possibility principle

Proof: define the random variables Xi


= Xi − E(Xi). Note that the Xi’s are

Pairwise-unbiased and each has 0 expectation. Making use of Chebyshev’s inequality to the random
variable described by way of the sumn



N , and the use of the linearity

Of the expectancy operator, we get





Var n





I=1 Xi

Ε2 · n2

Now (again the usage of the linearity of E)






1≤i= j≤n

E[ Xi X j]

By way of the pairwise independence of the Xi’s, we get E[Xi X j] = E[Xi] · E[X j], and

The use of E[Xi] = 0, we get



 = n · σ2

The corollary follows.

The usage of pairwise-independent sampling, the mistake probability within the approximation

Is reducing linearly with the wide variety of pattern points. The use of absolutely independent

Sampling factors, the mistake opportunity inside the approximation may be proven to decrease

Exponentially with the number of pattern points. (The random variables X1, X2,..., Xn

Are said to be completely unbiased if for each series a1, a2,..., an it holds that


I=1Xi = ai] equals n

I=1 Pr[Xi = ai].) Chance bounds helping the foregoing assertion are given subsequent. The primary
sure, normally called the Chernoff

Sure, issues 0-1 random variables (i.e., random variables which are assigned values

Of both 0 or 1).

Chernoff bound: permit p ≤ 1

2 , and let X1, X2,..., Xn be unbiased zero-1 random

Variables, in order that Pr[Xi = 1] = p for every i. Then for all ε, zero < ε ≤ p(1 − p),

We have


I=1 Xi


< 2 · e− ε2

2p(1−p) ·n

We shall commonly practice the sure with a regular p ≈ 1

2 . In this example, n unbiased

Samples provide an approximation that deviates by means of ε from the expectancy with probability

This is exponentially decreasing with ε2n. Such an approximation is called an (ε, δ)-

Approximation and can be executed the use of n = O(ε−2 · log(1/δ)) pattern factors. It's far

Important to understand that the sufficient quantity of pattern points is polynomially

Related to ε−1 and logarithmically related to δ−1. So using poly(n) many samples, the



Blunders chance (i.e., δ) can be made negligible (as a feature in n), however the accuracy of

The estimation (i.e., ε) may be bounded above only with the aid of any fixed polynomial fraction

Can't be made negligible).2 We strain that the dependence of the number of samples

On ε isn't always better than in the case of pairwise-unbiased sampling; the advantage of
Completely independent samples lies most effective within the dependence of the range of samples
on δ.

Simultaneity troubles

A typical example of a simultaneity trouble is that of simultaneous exchange of secrets,

Of which agreement signing is a unique case. The placing for a simultaneous alternate

Of secrets and techniques consists of events, every preserving a “secret.” The intention is to execute

Protocol such that if both parties comply with it successfully, then at termination every will keep

Its counterpart’s secret, and anyways (even though one celebration cheats) the first party will

Hold the second one birthday celebration’s secret if and handiest if the second birthday celebration
holds the first birthday celebration’s

Secret. Perfectly simultaneous exchange of secrets and techniques can be carried out most effective
if we assume

The life of 0.33 events that are relied on to some extent. In truth, simultaneous

Alternate of secrets and techniques can without problems be carried out the use of the lively
participation of a trusted

1/3 birthday celebration: each celebration sends its secret to the trusted third party (the usage of a
relaxed channel).

The 0.33 birthday party, on receiving both secrets and techniques, sends the first party’s mystery to
the second

Celebration and the second one party’s secret to the first party. There are issues with this


1. The solution calls for the active participation of an “outside” birthday celebration in all instances
(i.e., also

In case each parties are honest). We observe that different solutions requiring milder styles of

Participation of outside events do exist.

2. The answer calls for the life of a totally depended on 0.33 entity. In a few applications,

Such an entity does now not exist. Despite the fact that, inside the sequel we will speak the trouble

1.1. CRYPTOGRAPHY: principal topics

Of implementing a trusted 0.33 birthday party by way of a fixed of customers with an honest
majority (despite the fact that

The identity of the honest customers isn't acknowledged).

Secure Implementation of Functionalities and relied on events

A unique kind of protocol hassle is concerned with the cozy implementation of

Functionalities. To be greater unique, we speak the trouble of evaluating a characteristic of nearby

inputs each of which is held via a distinct person. An illustrative and

Motivating example is vote casting, in which the feature is majority, and the nearby enter

Held through user A is a unmarried bit representing the vote of person A (e.g., “seasoned” or “con”).

Loosely speakme, a protocol for securely evaluating a selected characteristic ought to satisfy the


• privateness: No celebration can “benefit statistics” on the input of different events, beyond what's

Deduced from the value of the function.

• Robustness: No birthday celebration can “influence” the price of the function, past the have an
effect on

Exerted by deciding on its personal enter.

It is once in a while required that those situations maintain with admire to “small” (e.g., minority)
coalitions of parties (rather than unmarried events).

Truly, if one of the users is understood to be completely straightforward, then there exists a

Easy way to the hassle of comfortable evaluation of any function. Each user truely

Sends its enter to the relied on party (using a comfy channel), who, upon receiving all

Inputs, computes the feature, sends the outcome to all customers, and erases all intermediate
computations (along with the inputs obtained) from its memory. Clearly, it's far

Unrealistic to anticipate that a party can be relied on to such an extent (e.g., that it will

Voluntarily erase what it has “discovered”). Though, the problem of imposing

Comfortable characteristic evaluation reduces to the problem of implementing a relied on


It seems that a trusted party may be applied by way of a hard and fast of users with an honest
majority (even supposing the identity of the honest customers isn't always recognized). That is
indeed a

Fundamental bring about this area, and plenty of chapter 7, with a purpose to appear within the 2nd

Volume of this paintings, may be committed to formulating and proving it (as well as variations

Of it).

Zero-knowledge as a Paradigm

A major tool inside the creation of cryptographic protocols is the idea of zeroknowledge proof
systems and the fact that zero-information evidence structures exist for all

Languages in N P (furnished that one-manner features exist). Loosely talking, a zeroknowledge

evidence yields not anything however the validity of the declaration. Zero-knowledge proofs
Offer a tool for “forcing” events to observe a given protocol properly.

To demonstrate the role of zero-know-how proofs, consider a setting wherein a celebration,

Referred to as Alice, upon receiving an encrypted message from Bob, is to ship Carol the

Least substantial little bit of the message. Sincerely, if Alice sends simplest the (least massive)

Bit (of the message), then there is no manner for Carol to recognize Alice did now not cheat.

Alice may want to show that she did now not cheat with the aid of revealing to Carol the entire
message as

Well as its decryption key, but that might yield statistics some distance beyond what had been


Required. A far better idea is to allow Alice increase the bit she sends Carol with a

0-know-how evidence that this bit is indeed the least full-size little bit of the message. We

Stress that the foregoing announcement is of the “N P kind” (since the evidence detailed earlier

Can be correctly established), and consequently the life of 0-expertise proofs for

N P-statements means that the foregoing announcement may be proved with out revealing

Whatever past its validity.

The point of interest of chapter 4, dedicated to zero-know-how proofs, is at the foregoing end result

(i.e., the construction of 0-expertise proofs for any N P-assertion). In addition,

We shall recollect severa variations and factors of the belief of zero-understanding proofs

And their results at the applicability of this notion.

1.2. Some background from opportunity theory

Chance plays a imperative function in cryptography. Specifically, probability is vital

As a way to allow a dialogue of facts or loss of statistics (i.e., secrecy). We

Anticipate that the reader is acquainted with the basic notions of opportunity principle. On this

Section, we merely present the probabilistic notations that are used in the course of this ebook

And three beneficial probabilistic inequalities.

1.2.1. Notational Conventions

For the duration of this entire book we will talk to best discrete opportunity distributions.

Typically, the opportunity space includes the set of all strings of a sure length

, fascinated about uniform opportunity distribution. That is, the pattern area is the set

Of all -bit-lengthy strings, and every such string is assigned possibility degree 2−

Traditionally, capabilities from the sample area to the reals are referred to as random variables.

Abusing trendy terminology, we permit ourselves to use the time period random variable also

While regarding capabilities mapping the pattern area into the set of binary strings.

We frequently do now not specify the possibility space, but alternatively talk directly approximately

Variables. As an instance, we may additionally say that X is a random variable assigned values in

The set of all strings, in order that Pr[X = 00] = 1

Four and Pr[X = 111] = 3

Four . (any such random

Variable can be defined over the sample space {zero, 1}2, so that X(11) = 00 and X(00) =

X(01) = X(10) = 111.) In most cases the chance space includes all strings of

A particular duration. Commonly, these strings represent random picks made by means of some

Randomized system (see next section), and the random variable is the output of the


A way to examine Probabilistic Statements. All our probabilistic statements consult with

Functions of random variables which can be described ahead. Typically, we will write

Pr[ f (X) = 1], wherein X is a random variable described in advance (and f is a function).

An critical convention is that all occurrences of a given image in a probabilistic

Assertion talk to the same (specific) random variable. Therefore, if B(·, ·) is a Boolean

Expression depending on variables and X is a random variable, then Pr[B(X, X)]

Denotes the chance that B(x, x) holds whilst x is chosen with probabilitypr[X = x].


1.2. A few historical past FROM possibility principle


Pr[B(X, X)] =

Pr[X = x] · χ(B(x, x))

Where χ is a trademark feature, in order that χ(B) = 1 if event B holds, and equals 0 otherwise. As an
instance, for every random variable X, we've Pr[X = X] = 1. We strain

That if one needs to discuss the opportunity that B(x, y) holds when x and y are selected
Independently with the same opportunity distribution, then one needs to outline two impartial
random variables, each with the identical chance distribution. Hence, if X and

Y are impartial random variables, then Pr[B(X, Y )] denotes the probability that

B(x, y) holds while the pair (x, y) is chosen with possibility Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y].


Pr[B(X, Y )] =


Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y] · χ(B(x, y))

As an example, for every impartial random variables, X and Y , we've

Pr[X = Y ] = 1 simplest if both X and Y are trivial (i.e., assign the entire chance

Mass to a unmarried string).

Regular Random Variables. Throughout this complete book, Un denotes a random variable uniformly
dispensed over the set of strings of duration n. Namely,Pr[Un =α] equals

2−n if α ∈ {0, 1}n, and equals zero in any other case. Further, we will sometimes use

Random variables (arbitrarily) distributed over {0, 1}n or {0, 1}

L(n) for some function l :

N→N. Such random variables are typically denoted through Xn, Yn, Zn, and many others. We
pressure that in

A few instances Xn is distributed over{zero, 1}n, while in others it's far allotted over{0, 1}


For some characteristic l(·), that's usually a polynomial. Every other type of random variable,

The output of a randomized algorithm on a set input, is mentioned in section 1.three.

1.2.2. Three Inequalities

The subsequent probabilistic inequalities could be very useful inside the path of this book.

All inequalities discuss with random variables which are assigned actual values. The maximum
primary inequality is the Markov inequality, which asserts that for random variables with

Bounded maximum or minimal values, some relation have to exist between the deviation of a value
from the expectancy of the random variable and the opportunity that the

Random variable is assigned this price. Particularly, letting E(X) def

V Pr[X =v] · v

Denote the expectation of the random variable X, we've the following:

Markov Inequality: allow X be a non-poor random variable and v a actual

Wide variety. Then

Pr[X ≥ v] ≤


Equivalently, Pr[X ≥ r · E(X)] ≤ 1




E(X) =

Pr[X = x] · x

Pr[X = x] · 0 +


Pr[X = x] · v

= Pr[X ≥ v] · v

The claim follows.

The Markov inequality is typically used in cases in which one knows very little about

The distribution of the random variable; it suffices to know its expectation and at least

One bound on the range of its values. See Exercise 1.

Using Markov’s inequality, one gets a “possibly stronger” bound for the deviation

Of a random variable from its expectation. This bound, called Chebyshev’s inequality, is useful
provided one has additional knowledge concerning the random variable

(specifically, a good upper bound on its variance). For a random variable X of finite

Expectation, we denote by Var(X) def

= E[(X − E(X))2] the variance of X and observe

That Var(X) = E(X2) − E(X)

Chebyshev’s Inequality: Let X be a random variable, and δ > zero. Then

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] ≤



Evidence: We define a random variable Y def

= (X − E(X))2 and apply the Markov

Inequality. We get

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] = Pr[(X − E(X))2 ≥ δ2

E[(X − E(X))2]


And the claim follows.

Chebyshev’s inequality is particularly beneficial for evaluation of the mistake opportunity of

Approximation through repeated sampling. It suffices to count on that the samples are picked

In a pairwise-independent manner.

Corollary (Pairwise-unbiased Sampling): permit X1, X2,..., Xn be pairwiseindependent random

variables with the equal expectation, denotedµ, and the identical

Variance, denoted σ2. Then, for each ε > zero,


I=1 Xi





The Xi’s are called pairwise-independent if for each i = j and all a and b, it holds

That Pr[Xi = a ∧ X j = b] equals Pr[Xi = a] · Pr[X j = b].


1.2. A few history FROM possibility principle

Proof: define the random variables Xi


= Xi − E(Xi). Note that the Xi’s are

Pairwise-unbiased and each has 0 expectation. Making use of Chebyshev’s inequality to the random
variable described by way of the sumn



N , and the use of the linearity

Of the expectancy operator, we get





Var n





I=1 Xi

Ε2 · n2

Now (again the usage of the linearity of E)






1≤i= j≤n

E[ Xi X j]

By way of the pairwise independence of the Xi’s, we get E[Xi X j] = E[Xi] · E[X j], and

The use of E[Xi] = 0, we get



 = n · σ2

The corollary follows.

The usage of pairwise-independent sampling, the mistake probability within the approximation

Is reducing linearly with the wide variety of pattern points. The use of absolutely independent

Sampling factors, the mistake opportunity inside the approximation may be proven to decrease

Exponentially with the number of pattern points. (The random variables X1, X2,..., Xn

Are said to be completely unbiased if for each series a1, a2,..., an it holds that


I=1Xi = ai] equals n

I=1 Pr[Xi = ai].) Chance bounds helping the foregoing assertion are given subsequent. The primary
sure, normally called the Chernoff

Sure, issues 0-1 random variables (i.e., random variables which are assigned values

Of both 0 or 1).

Chernoff bound: permit p ≤ 1

2 , and let X1, X2,..., Xn be unbiased zero-1 random

Variables, in order that Pr[Xi = 1] = p for every i. Then for all ε, zero < ε ≤ p(1 − p),

We have


I=1 Xi


< 2 · e− ε2

2p(1−p) ·n

We shall commonly practice the sure with a regular p ≈ 1

2 . In this example, n unbiased

Samples provide an approximation that deviates by means of ε from the expectancy with probability

This is exponentially decreasing with ε2n. Such an approximation is called an (ε, δ)-

Approximation and can be executed the use of n = O(ε−2 · log(1/δ)) pattern factors. It's far

Important to understand that the sufficient quantity of pattern points is polynomially

Related to ε−1 and logarithmically related to δ−1. So using poly(n) many samples, the



Blunders chance (i.e., δ) can be made negligible (as a feature in n), however the accuracy of

The estimation (i.e., ε) may be bounded above only with the aid of any fixed polynomial fraction

Can't be made negligible).2 We strain that the dependence of the number of samples

On ε isn't always better than in the case of pairwise-unbiased sampling; the advantage of
Completely independent samples lies most effective within the dependence of the range of samples
on δ.

Simultaneity troubles

A typical example of a simultaneity trouble is that of simultaneous exchange of secrets,

Of which agreement signing is a unique case. The placing for a simultaneous alternate

Of secrets and techniques consists of events, every preserving a “secret.” The intention is to execute

Protocol such that if both parties comply with it successfully, then at termination every will keep

Its counterpart’s secret, and anyways (even though one celebration cheats) the first party will

Hold the second one birthday celebration’s secret if and handiest if the second birthday celebration
holds the first birthday celebration’s

Secret. Perfectly simultaneous exchange of secrets and techniques can be carried out most effective
if we assume

The life of 0.33 events that are relied on to some extent. In truth, simultaneous

Alternate of secrets and techniques can without problems be carried out the use of the lively
participation of a trusted

1/3 birthday celebration: each celebration sends its secret to the trusted third party (the usage of a
relaxed channel).

The 0.33 birthday party, on receiving both secrets and techniques, sends the first party’s mystery to
the second

Celebration and the second one party’s secret to the first party. There are issues with this


1. The solution calls for the active participation of an “outside” birthday celebration in all instances
(i.e., also

In case each parties are honest). We observe that different solutions requiring milder styles of

Participation of outside events do exist.

2. The answer calls for the life of a totally depended on 0.33 entity. In a few applications,

Such an entity does now not exist. Despite the fact that, inside the sequel we will speak the trouble

1.1. CRYPTOGRAPHY: principal topics

Of implementing a trusted 0.33 birthday party by way of a fixed of customers with an honest
majority (despite the fact that

The identity of the honest customers isn't acknowledged).

Secure Implementation of Functionalities and relied on events

A unique kind of protocol hassle is concerned with the cozy implementation of

Functionalities. To be greater unique, we speak the trouble of evaluating a characteristic of nearby

inputs each of which is held via a distinct person. An illustrative and

Motivating example is vote casting, in which the feature is majority, and the nearby enter

Held through user A is a unmarried bit representing the vote of person A (e.g., “seasoned” or “con”).

Loosely speakme, a protocol for securely evaluating a selected characteristic ought to satisfy the


• privateness: No celebration can “benefit statistics” on the input of different events, beyond what's

Deduced from the value of the function.

• Robustness: No birthday celebration can “influence” the price of the function, past the have an
effect on

Exerted by deciding on its personal enter.

It is once in a while required that those situations maintain with admire to “small” (e.g., minority)
coalitions of parties (rather than unmarried events).

Truly, if one of the users is understood to be completely straightforward, then there exists a

Easy way to the hassle of comfortable evaluation of any function. Each user truely

Sends its enter to the relied on party (using a comfy channel), who, upon receiving all

Inputs, computes the feature, sends the outcome to all customers, and erases all intermediate
computations (along with the inputs obtained) from its memory. Clearly, it's far

Unrealistic to anticipate that a party can be relied on to such an extent (e.g., that it will

Voluntarily erase what it has “discovered”). Though, the problem of imposing

Comfortable characteristic evaluation reduces to the problem of implementing a relied on


It seems that a trusted party may be applied by way of a hard and fast of users with an honest
majority (even supposing the identity of the honest customers isn't always recognized). That is
indeed a

Fundamental bring about this area, and plenty of chapter 7, with a purpose to appear within the 2nd

Volume of this paintings, may be committed to formulating and proving it (as well as variations

Of it).

Zero-knowledge as a Paradigm

A major tool inside the creation of cryptographic protocols is the idea of zeroknowledge proof
systems and the fact that zero-information evidence structures exist for all

Languages in N P (furnished that one-manner features exist). Loosely talking, a zeroknowledge

evidence yields not anything however the validity of the declaration. Zero-knowledge proofs
Offer a tool for “forcing” events to observe a given protocol properly.

To demonstrate the role of zero-know-how proofs, consider a setting wherein a celebration,

Referred to as Alice, upon receiving an encrypted message from Bob, is to ship Carol the

Least substantial little bit of the message. Sincerely, if Alice sends simplest the (least massive)

Bit (of the message), then there is no manner for Carol to recognize Alice did now not cheat.

Alice may want to show that she did now not cheat with the aid of revealing to Carol the entire
message as

Well as its decryption key, but that might yield statistics some distance beyond what had been


Required. A far better idea is to allow Alice increase the bit she sends Carol with a

0-know-how evidence that this bit is indeed the least full-size little bit of the message. We

Stress that the foregoing announcement is of the “N P kind” (since the evidence detailed earlier

Can be correctly established), and consequently the life of 0-expertise proofs for

N P-statements means that the foregoing announcement may be proved with out revealing

Whatever past its validity.

The point of interest of chapter 4, dedicated to zero-know-how proofs, is at the foregoing end result

(i.e., the construction of 0-expertise proofs for any N P-assertion). In addition,

We shall recollect severa variations and factors of the belief of zero-understanding proofs

And their results at the applicability of this notion.

1.2. Some background from opportunity theory

Chance plays a imperative function in cryptography. Specifically, probability is vital

As a way to allow a dialogue of facts or loss of statistics (i.e., secrecy). We

Anticipate that the reader is acquainted with the basic notions of opportunity principle. On this

Section, we merely present the probabilistic notations that are used in the course of this ebook

And three beneficial probabilistic inequalities.

1.2.1. Notational Conventions

For the duration of this entire book we will talk to best discrete opportunity distributions.

Typically, the opportunity space includes the set of all strings of a sure length

, fascinated about uniform opportunity distribution. That is, the pattern area is the set

Of all -bit-lengthy strings, and every such string is assigned possibility degree 2−

Traditionally, capabilities from the sample area to the reals are referred to as random variables.

Abusing trendy terminology, we permit ourselves to use the time period random variable also

While regarding capabilities mapping the pattern area into the set of binary strings.

We frequently do now not specify the possibility space, but alternatively talk directly approximately

Variables. As an instance, we may additionally say that X is a random variable assigned values in

The set of all strings, in order that Pr[X = 00] = 1

Four and Pr[X = 111] = 3

Four . (any such random

Variable can be defined over the sample space {zero, 1}2, so that X(11) = 00 and X(00) =

X(01) = X(10) = 111.) In most cases the chance space includes all strings of

A particular duration. Commonly, these strings represent random picks made by means of some

Randomized system (see next section), and the random variable is the output of the


A way to examine Probabilistic Statements. All our probabilistic statements consult with

Functions of random variables which can be described ahead. Typically, we will write

Pr[ f (X) = 1], wherein X is a random variable described in advance (and f is a function).

An critical convention is that all occurrences of a given image in a probabilistic

Assertion talk to the same (specific) random variable. Therefore, if B(·, ·) is a Boolean

Expression depending on variables and X is a random variable, then Pr[B(X, X)]

Denotes the chance that B(x, x) holds whilst x is chosen with probabilitypr[X = x].


1.2. A few historical past FROM possibility principle


Pr[B(X, X)] =

Pr[X = x] · χ(B(x, x))

Where χ is a trademark feature, in order that χ(B) = 1 if event B holds, and equals 0 otherwise. As an
instance, for every random variable X, we've Pr[X = X] = 1. We strain

That if one needs to discuss the opportunity that B(x, y) holds when x and y are selected
Independently with the same opportunity distribution, then one needs to outline two impartial
random variables, each with the identical chance distribution. Hence, if X and

Y are impartial random variables, then Pr[B(X, Y )] denotes the probability that

B(x, y) holds while the pair (x, y) is chosen with possibility Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y].


Pr[B(X, Y )] =


Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y] · χ(B(x, y))

As an example, for every impartial random variables, X and Y , we've

Pr[X = Y ] = 1 simplest if both X and Y are trivial (i.e., assign the entire chance

Mass to a unmarried string).

Regular Random Variables. Throughout this complete book, Un denotes a random variable uniformly
dispensed over the set of strings of duration n. Namely,Pr[Un =α] equals

2−n if α ∈ {0, 1}n, and equals zero in any other case. Further, we will sometimes use

Random variables (arbitrarily) distributed over {0, 1}n or {0, 1}

L(n) for some function l :

N→N. Such random variables are typically denoted through Xn, Yn, Zn, and many others. We
pressure that in

A few instances Xn is distributed over{zero, 1}n, while in others it's far allotted over{0, 1}


For some characteristic l(·), that's usually a polynomial. Every other type of random variable,

The output of a randomized algorithm on a set input, is mentioned in section 1.three.

1.2.2. Three Inequalities

The subsequent probabilistic inequalities could be very useful inside the path of this book.

All inequalities discuss with random variables which are assigned actual values. The maximum
primary inequality is the Markov inequality, which asserts that for random variables with

Bounded maximum or minimal values, some relation have to exist between the deviation of a value
from the expectancy of the random variable and the opportunity that the

Random variable is assigned this price. Particularly, letting E(X) def

V Pr[X =v] · v

Denote the expectation of the random variable X, we've the following:

Markov Inequality: allow X be a non-poor random variable and v a actual

Wide variety. Then

Pr[X ≥ v] ≤


Equivalently, Pr[X ≥ r · E(X)] ≤ 1




E(X) =

Pr[X = x] · x

Pr[X = x] · 0 +


Pr[X = x] · v

= Pr[X ≥ v] · v

The claim follows.

The Markov inequality is typically used in cases in which one knows very little about

The distribution of the random variable; it suffices to know its expectation and at least

One bound on the range of its values. See Exercise 1.

Using Markov’s inequality, one gets a “possibly stronger” bound for the deviation

Of a random variable from its expectation. This bound, called Chebyshev’s inequality, is useful
provided one has additional knowledge concerning the random variable

(specifically, a good upper bound on its variance). For a random variable X of finite

Expectation, we denote by Var(X) def

= E[(X − E(X))2] the variance of X and observe

That Var(X) = E(X2) − E(X)

Chebyshev’s Inequality: Let X be a random variable, and δ > zero. Then

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] ≤



Evidence: We define a random variable Y def

= (X − E(X))2 and apply the Markov

Inequality. We get

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] = Pr[(X − E(X))2 ≥ δ2

E[(X − E(X))2]


And the claim follows.

Chebyshev’s inequality is particularly beneficial for evaluation of the mistake opportunity of

Approximation through repeated sampling. It suffices to count on that the samples are picked

In a pairwise-independent manner.

Corollary (Pairwise-unbiased Sampling): permit X1, X2,..., Xn be pairwiseindependent random

variables with the equal expectation, denotedµ, and the identical

Variance, denoted σ2. Then, for each ε > zero,


I=1 Xi





The Xi’s are called pairwise-independent if for each i = j and all a and b, it holds

That Pr[Xi = a ∧ X j = b] equals Pr[Xi = a] · Pr[X j = b].


1.2. A few history FROM possibility principle

Proof: define the random variables Xi


= Xi − E(Xi). Note that the Xi’s are

Pairwise-unbiased and each has 0 expectation. Making use of Chebyshev’s inequality to the random
variable described by way of the sumn



N , and the use of the linearity

Of the expectancy operator, we get





Var n





I=1 Xi

Ε2 · n2

Now (again the usage of the linearity of E)






1≤i= j≤n

E[ Xi X j]

By way of the pairwise independence of the Xi’s, we get E[Xi X j] = E[Xi] · E[X j], and

The use of E[Xi] = 0, we get



 = n · σ2

The corollary follows.

The usage of pairwise-independent sampling, the mistake probability within the approximation

Is reducing linearly with the wide variety of pattern points. The use of absolutely independent

Sampling factors, the mistake opportunity inside the approximation may be proven to decrease

Exponentially with the number of pattern points. (The random variables X1, X2,..., Xn

Are said to be completely unbiased if for each series a1, a2,..., an it holds that


I=1Xi = ai] equals n

I=1 Pr[Xi = ai].) Chance bounds helping the foregoing assertion are given subsequent. The primary
sure, normally called the Chernoff

Sure, issues 0-1 random variables (i.e., random variables which are assigned values

Of both 0 or 1).

Chernoff bound: permit p ≤ 1

2 , and let X1, X2,..., Xn be unbiased zero-1 random

Variables, in order that Pr[Xi = 1] = p for every i. Then for all ε, zero < ε ≤ p(1 − p),

We have


I=1 Xi


< 2 · e− ε2

2p(1−p) ·n

We shall commonly practice the sure with a regular p ≈ 1

2 . In this example, n unbiased

Samples provide an approximation that deviates by means of ε from the expectancy with probability

This is exponentially decreasing with ε2n. Such an approximation is called an (ε, δ)-

Approximation and can be executed the use of n = O(ε−2 · log(1/δ)) pattern factors. It's far

Important to understand that the sufficient quantity of pattern points is polynomially

Related to ε−1 and logarithmically related to δ−1. So using poly(n) many samples, the



Blunders chance (i.e., δ) can be made negligible (as a feature in n), however the accuracy of

The estimation (i.e., ε) may be bounded above only with the aid of any fixed polynomial fraction

Can't be made negligible).2 We strain that the dependence of the number of samples

On ε isn't always better than in the case of pairwise-unbiased sampling; the advantage of
Completely independent samples lies most effective within the dependence of the range of samples
on δ.

Simultaneity troubles

A typical example of a simultaneity trouble is that of simultaneous exchange of secrets,

Of which agreement signing is a unique case. The placing for a simultaneous alternate

Of secrets and techniques consists of events, every preserving a “secret.” The intention is to execute

Protocol such that if both parties comply with it successfully, then at termination every will keep

Its counterpart’s secret, and anyways (even though one celebration cheats) the first party will

Hold the second one birthday celebration’s secret if and handiest if the second birthday celebration
holds the first birthday celebration’s

Secret. Perfectly simultaneous exchange of secrets and techniques can be carried out most effective
if we assume

The life of 0.33 events that are relied on to some extent. In truth, simultaneous

Alternate of secrets and techniques can without problems be carried out the use of the lively
participation of a trusted

1/3 birthday celebration: each celebration sends its secret to the trusted third party (the usage of a
relaxed channel).

The 0.33 birthday party, on receiving both secrets and techniques, sends the first party’s mystery to
the second

Celebration and the second one party’s secret to the first party. There are issues with this


1. The solution calls for the active participation of an “outside” birthday celebration in all instances
(i.e., also

In case each parties are honest). We observe that different solutions requiring milder styles of

Participation of outside events do exist.

2. The answer calls for the life of a totally depended on 0.33 entity. In a few applications,

Such an entity does now not exist. Despite the fact that, inside the sequel we will speak the trouble

1.1. CRYPTOGRAPHY: principal topics

Of implementing a trusted 0.33 birthday party by way of a fixed of customers with an honest
majority (despite the fact that

The identity of the honest customers isn't acknowledged).

Secure Implementation of Functionalities and relied on events

A unique kind of protocol hassle is concerned with the cozy implementation of

Functionalities. To be greater unique, we speak the trouble of evaluating a characteristic of nearby

inputs each of which is held via a distinct person. An illustrative and

Motivating example is vote casting, in which the feature is majority, and the nearby enter

Held through user A is a unmarried bit representing the vote of person A (e.g., “seasoned” or “con”).

Loosely speakme, a protocol for securely evaluating a selected characteristic ought to satisfy the


• privateness: No celebration can “benefit statistics” on the input of different events, beyond what's

Deduced from the value of the function.

• Robustness: No birthday celebration can “influence” the price of the function, past the have an
effect on

Exerted by deciding on its personal enter.

It is once in a while required that those situations maintain with admire to “small” (e.g., minority)
coalitions of parties (rather than unmarried events).

Truly, if one of the users is understood to be completely straightforward, then there exists a

Easy way to the hassle of comfortable evaluation of any function. Each user truely

Sends its enter to the relied on party (using a comfy channel), who, upon receiving all

Inputs, computes the feature, sends the outcome to all customers, and erases all intermediate
computations (along with the inputs obtained) from its memory. Clearly, it's far

Unrealistic to anticipate that a party can be relied on to such an extent (e.g., that it will

Voluntarily erase what it has “discovered”). Though, the problem of imposing

Comfortable characteristic evaluation reduces to the problem of implementing a relied on


It seems that a trusted party may be applied by way of a hard and fast of users with an honest
majority (even supposing the identity of the honest customers isn't always recognized). That is
indeed a

Fundamental bring about this area, and plenty of chapter 7, with a purpose to appear within the 2nd

Volume of this paintings, may be committed to formulating and proving it (as well as variations

Of it).

Zero-knowledge as a Paradigm

A major tool inside the creation of cryptographic protocols is the idea of zeroknowledge proof
systems and the fact that zero-information evidence structures exist for all

Languages in N P (furnished that one-manner features exist). Loosely talking, a zeroknowledge

evidence yields not anything however the validity of the declaration. Zero-knowledge proofs
Offer a tool for “forcing” events to observe a given protocol properly.

To demonstrate the role of zero-know-how proofs, consider a setting wherein a celebration,

Referred to as Alice, upon receiving an encrypted message from Bob, is to ship Carol the

Least substantial little bit of the message. Sincerely, if Alice sends simplest the (least massive)

Bit (of the message), then there is no manner for Carol to recognize Alice did now not cheat.

Alice may want to show that she did now not cheat with the aid of revealing to Carol the entire
message as

Well as its decryption key, but that might yield statistics some distance beyond what had been


Required. A far better idea is to allow Alice increase the bit she sends Carol with a

0-know-how evidence that this bit is indeed the least full-size little bit of the message. We

Stress that the foregoing announcement is of the “N P kind” (since the evidence detailed earlier

Can be correctly established), and consequently the life of 0-expertise proofs for

N P-statements means that the foregoing announcement may be proved with out revealing

Whatever past its validity.

The point of interest of chapter 4, dedicated to zero-know-how proofs, is at the foregoing end result

(i.e., the construction of 0-expertise proofs for any N P-assertion). In addition,

We shall recollect severa variations and factors of the belief of zero-understanding proofs

And their results at the applicability of this notion.

1.2. Some background from opportunity theory

Chance plays a imperative function in cryptography. Specifically, probability is vital

As a way to allow a dialogue of facts or loss of statistics (i.e., secrecy). We

Anticipate that the reader is acquainted with the basic notions of opportunity principle. On this

Section, we merely present the probabilistic notations that are used in the course of this ebook

And three beneficial probabilistic inequalities.

1.2.1. Notational Conventions

For the duration of this entire book we will talk to best discrete opportunity distributions.

Typically, the opportunity space includes the set of all strings of a sure length

, fascinated about uniform opportunity distribution. That is, the pattern area is the set

Of all -bit-lengthy strings, and every such string is assigned possibility degree 2−

Traditionally, capabilities from the sample area to the reals are referred to as random variables.

Abusing trendy terminology, we permit ourselves to use the time period random variable also

While regarding capabilities mapping the pattern area into the set of binary strings.

We frequently do now not specify the possibility space, but alternatively talk directly approximately

Variables. As an instance, we may additionally say that X is a random variable assigned values in

The set of all strings, in order that Pr[X = 00] = 1

Four and Pr[X = 111] = 3

Four . (any such random

Variable can be defined over the sample space {zero, 1}2, so that X(11) = 00 and X(00) =

X(01) = X(10) = 111.) In most cases the chance space includes all strings of

A particular duration. Commonly, these strings represent random picks made by means of some

Randomized system (see next section), and the random variable is the output of the


A way to examine Probabilistic Statements. All our probabilistic statements consult with

Functions of random variables which can be described ahead. Typically, we will write

Pr[ f (X) = 1], wherein X is a random variable described in advance (and f is a function).

An critical convention is that all occurrences of a given image in a probabilistic

Assertion talk to the same (specific) random variable. Therefore, if B(·, ·) is a Boolean

Expression depending on variables and X is a random variable, then Pr[B(X, X)]

Denotes the chance that B(x, x) holds whilst x is chosen with probabilitypr[X = x].


1.2. A few historical past FROM possibility principle


Pr[B(X, X)] =

Pr[X = x] · χ(B(x, x))

Where χ is a trademark feature, in order that χ(B) = 1 if event B holds, and equals 0 otherwise. As an
instance, for every random variable X, we've Pr[X = X] = 1. We strain

That if one needs to discuss the opportunity that B(x, y) holds when x and y are selected
Independently with the same opportunity distribution, then one needs to outline two impartial
random variables, each with the identical chance distribution. Hence, if X and

Y are impartial random variables, then Pr[B(X, Y )] denotes the probability that

B(x, y) holds while the pair (x, y) is chosen with possibility Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y].


Pr[B(X, Y )] =


Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y] · χ(B(x, y))

As an example, for every impartial random variables, X and Y , we've

Pr[X = Y ] = 1 simplest if both X and Y are trivial (i.e., assign the entire chance

Mass to a unmarried string).

Regular Random Variables. Throughout this complete book, Un denotes a random variable uniformly
dispensed over the set of strings of duration n. Namely,Pr[Un =α] equals

2−n if α ∈ {0, 1}n, and equals zero in any other case. Further, we will sometimes use

Random variables (arbitrarily) distributed over {0, 1}n or {0, 1}

L(n) for some function l :

N→N. Such random variables are typically denoted through Xn, Yn, Zn, and many others. We
pressure that in

A few instances Xn is distributed over{zero, 1}n, while in others it's far allotted over{0, 1}


For some characteristic l(·), that's usually a polynomial. Every other type of random variable,

The output of a randomized algorithm on a set input, is mentioned in section 1.three.

1.2.2. Three Inequalities

The subsequent probabilistic inequalities could be very useful inside the path of this book.

All inequalities discuss with random variables which are assigned actual values. The maximum
primary inequality is the Markov inequality, which asserts that for random variables with

Bounded maximum or minimal values, some relation have to exist between the deviation of a value
from the expectancy of the random variable and the opportunity that the

Random variable is assigned this price. Particularly, letting E(X) def

V Pr[X =v] · v

Denote the expectation of the random variable X, we've the following:

Markov Inequality: allow X be a non-poor random variable and v a actual

Wide variety. Then

Pr[X ≥ v] ≤


Equivalently, Pr[X ≥ r · E(X)] ≤ 1




E(X) =

Pr[X = x] · x

Pr[X = x] · 0 +


Pr[X = x] · v

= Pr[X ≥ v] · v

The claim follows.

The Markov inequality is typically used in cases in which one knows very little about

The distribution of the random variable; it suffices to know its expectation and at least

One bound on the range of its values. See Exercise 1.

Using Markov’s inequality, one gets a “possibly stronger” bound for the deviation

Of a random variable from its expectation. This bound, called Chebyshev’s inequality, is useful
provided one has additional knowledge concerning the random variable

(specifically, a good upper bound on its variance). For a random variable X of finite

Expectation, we denote by Var(X) def

= E[(X − E(X))2] the variance of X and observe

That Var(X) = E(X2) − E(X)

Chebyshev’s Inequality: Let X be a random variable, and δ > zero. Then

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] ≤



Evidence: We define a random variable Y def

= (X − E(X))2 and apply the Markov

Inequality. We get

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] = Pr[(X − E(X))2 ≥ δ2

E[(X − E(X))2]


And the claim follows.

Chebyshev’s inequality is particularly beneficial for evaluation of the mistake opportunity of

Approximation through repeated sampling. It suffices to count on that the samples are picked

In a pairwise-independent manner.

Corollary (Pairwise-unbiased Sampling): permit X1, X2,..., Xn be pairwiseindependent random

variables with the equal expectation, denotedµ, and the identical

Variance, denoted σ2. Then, for each ε > zero,


I=1 Xi





The Xi’s are called pairwise-independent if for each i = j and all a and b, it holds

That Pr[Xi = a ∧ X j = b] equals Pr[Xi = a] · Pr[X j = b].


1.2. A few history FROM possibility principle

Proof: define the random variables Xi


= Xi − E(Xi). Note that the Xi’s are

Pairwise-unbiased and each has 0 expectation. Making use of Chebyshev’s inequality to the random
variable described by way of the sumn



N , and the use of the linearity

Of the expectancy operator, we get





Var n





I=1 Xi

Ε2 · n2

Now (again the usage of the linearity of E)






1≤i= j≤n

E[ Xi X j]

By way of the pairwise independence of the Xi’s, we get E[Xi X j] = E[Xi] · E[X j], and

The use of E[Xi] = 0, we get



 = n · σ2

The corollary follows.

The usage of pairwise-independent sampling, the mistake probability within the approximation

Is reducing linearly with the wide variety of pattern points. The use of absolutely independent

Sampling factors, the mistake opportunity inside the approximation may be proven to decrease

Exponentially with the number of pattern points. (The random variables X1, X2,..., Xn

Are said to be completely unbiased if for each series a1, a2,..., an it holds that


I=1Xi = ai] equals n

I=1 Pr[Xi = ai].) Chance bounds helping the foregoing assertion are given subsequent. The primary
sure, normally called the Chernoff

Sure, issues 0-1 random variables (i.e., random variables which are assigned values

Of both 0 or 1).

Chernoff bound: permit p ≤ 1

2 , and let X1, X2,..., Xn be unbiased zero-1 random

Variables, in order that Pr[Xi = 1] = p for every i. Then for all ε, zero < ε ≤ p(1 − p),

We have


I=1 Xi


< 2 · e− ε2

2p(1−p) ·n

We shall commonly practice the sure with a regular p ≈ 1

2 . In this example, n unbiased

Samples provide an approximation that deviates by means of ε from the expectancy with probability

This is exponentially decreasing with ε2n. Such an approximation is called an (ε, δ)-

Approximation and can be executed the use of n = O(ε−2 · log(1/δ)) pattern factors. It's far

Important to understand that the sufficient quantity of pattern points is polynomially

Related to ε−1 and logarithmically related to δ−1. So using poly(n) many samples, the



Blunders chance (i.e., δ) can be made negligible (as a feature in n), however the accuracy of

The estimation (i.e., ε) may be bounded above only with the aid of any fixed polynomial fraction

Can't be made negligible).2 We strain that the dependence of the number of samples

On ε isn't always better than in the case of pairwise-unbiased sampling; the advantage of
Completely independent samples lies most effective within the dependence of the range of samples
on δ.

Simultaneity troubles

A typical example of a simultaneity trouble is that of simultaneous exchange of secrets,

Of which agreement signing is a unique case. The placing for a simultaneous alternate

Of secrets and techniques consists of events, every preserving a “secret.” The intention is to execute

Protocol such that if both parties comply with it successfully, then at termination every will keep

Its counterpart’s secret, and anyways (even though one celebration cheats) the first party will

Hold the second one birthday celebration’s secret if and handiest if the second birthday celebration
holds the first birthday celebration’s

Secret. Perfectly simultaneous exchange of secrets and techniques can be carried out most effective
if we assume

The life of 0.33 events that are relied on to some extent. In truth, simultaneous

Alternate of secrets and techniques can without problems be carried out the use of the lively
participation of a trusted

1/3 birthday celebration: each celebration sends its secret to the trusted third party (the usage of a
relaxed channel).

The 0.33 birthday party, on receiving both secrets and techniques, sends the first party’s mystery to
the second

Celebration and the second one party’s secret to the first party. There are issues with this


1. The solution calls for the active participation of an “outside” birthday celebration in all instances
(i.e., also

In case each parties are honest). We observe that different solutions requiring milder styles of

Participation of outside events do exist.

2. The answer calls for the life of a totally depended on 0.33 entity. In a few applications,

Such an entity does now not exist. Despite the fact that, inside the sequel we will speak the trouble

1.1. CRYPTOGRAPHY: principal topics

Of implementing a trusted 0.33 birthday party by way of a fixed of customers with an honest
majority (despite the fact that

The identity of the honest customers isn't acknowledged).

Secure Implementation of Functionalities and relied on events

A unique kind of protocol hassle is concerned with the cozy implementation of

Functionalities. To be greater unique, we speak the trouble of evaluating a characteristic of nearby

inputs each of which is held via a distinct person. An illustrative and

Motivating example is vote casting, in which the feature is majority, and the nearby enter

Held through user A is a unmarried bit representing the vote of person A (e.g., “seasoned” or “con”).

Loosely speakme, a protocol for securely evaluating a selected characteristic ought to satisfy the


• privateness: No celebration can “benefit statistics” on the input of different events, beyond what's

Deduced from the value of the function.

• Robustness: No birthday celebration can “influence” the price of the function, past the have an
effect on

Exerted by deciding on its personal enter.

It is once in a while required that those situations maintain with admire to “small” (e.g., minority)
coalitions of parties (rather than unmarried events).

Truly, if one of the users is understood to be completely straightforward, then there exists a

Easy way to the hassle of comfortable evaluation of any function. Each user truely

Sends its enter to the relied on party (using a comfy channel), who, upon receiving all

Inputs, computes the feature, sends the outcome to all customers, and erases all intermediate
computations (along with the inputs obtained) from its memory. Clearly, it's far

Unrealistic to anticipate that a party can be relied on to such an extent (e.g., that it will

Voluntarily erase what it has “discovered”). Though, the problem of imposing

Comfortable characteristic evaluation reduces to the problem of implementing a relied on


It seems that a trusted party may be applied by way of a hard and fast of users with an honest
majority (even supposing the identity of the honest customers isn't always recognized). That is
indeed a

Fundamental bring about this area, and plenty of chapter 7, with a purpose to appear within the 2nd

Volume of this paintings, may be committed to formulating and proving it (as well as variations

Of it).

Zero-knowledge as a Paradigm

A major tool inside the creation of cryptographic protocols is the idea of zeroknowledge proof
systems and the fact that zero-information evidence structures exist for all

Languages in N P (furnished that one-manner features exist). Loosely talking, a zeroknowledge

evidence yields not anything however the validity of the declaration. Zero-knowledge proofs
Offer a tool for “forcing” events to observe a given protocol properly.

To demonstrate the role of zero-know-how proofs, consider a setting wherein a celebration,

Referred to as Alice, upon receiving an encrypted message from Bob, is to ship Carol the

Least substantial little bit of the message. Sincerely, if Alice sends simplest the (least massive)

Bit (of the message), then there is no manner for Carol to recognize Alice did now not cheat.

Alice may want to show that she did now not cheat with the aid of revealing to Carol the entire
message as

Well as its decryption key, but that might yield statistics some distance beyond what had been


Required. A far better idea is to allow Alice increase the bit she sends Carol with a

0-know-how evidence that this bit is indeed the least full-size little bit of the message. We

Stress that the foregoing announcement is of the “N P kind” (since the evidence detailed earlier

Can be correctly established), and consequently the life of 0-expertise proofs for

N P-statements means that the foregoing announcement may be proved with out revealing

Whatever past its validity.

The point of interest of chapter 4, dedicated to zero-know-how proofs, is at the foregoing end result

(i.e., the construction of 0-expertise proofs for any N P-assertion). In addition,

We shall recollect severa variations and factors of the belief of zero-understanding proofs

And their results at the applicability of this notion.

1.2. Some background from opportunity theory

Chance plays a imperative function in cryptography. Specifically, probability is vital

As a way to allow a dialogue of facts or loss of statistics (i.e., secrecy). We

Anticipate that the reader is acquainted with the basic notions of opportunity principle. On this

Section, we merely present the probabilistic notations that are used in the course of this ebook

And three beneficial probabilistic inequalities.

1.2.1. Notational Conventions

For the duration of this entire book we will talk to best discrete opportunity distributions.

Typically, the opportunity space includes the set of all strings of a sure length

, fascinated about uniform opportunity distribution. That is, the pattern area is the set

Of all -bit-lengthy strings, and every such string is assigned possibility degree 2−

Traditionally, capabilities from the sample area to the reals are referred to as random variables.

Abusing trendy terminology, we permit ourselves to use the time period random variable also

While regarding capabilities mapping the pattern area into the set of binary strings.

We frequently do now not specify the possibility space, but alternatively talk directly approximately

Variables. As an instance, we may additionally say that X is a random variable assigned values in

The set of all strings, in order that Pr[X = 00] = 1

Four and Pr[X = 111] = 3

Four . (any such random

Variable can be defined over the sample space {zero, 1}2, so that X(11) = 00 and X(00) =

X(01) = X(10) = 111.) In most cases the chance space includes all strings of

A particular duration. Commonly, these strings represent random picks made by means of some

Randomized system (see next section), and the random variable is the output of the


A way to examine Probabilistic Statements. All our probabilistic statements consult with

Functions of random variables which can be described ahead. Typically, we will write

Pr[ f (X) = 1], wherein X is a random variable described in advance (and f is a function).

An critical convention is that all occurrences of a given image in a probabilistic

Assertion talk to the same (specific) random variable. Therefore, if B(·, ·) is a Boolean

Expression depending on variables and X is a random variable, then Pr[B(X, X)]

Denotes the chance that B(x, x) holds whilst x is chosen with probabilitypr[X = x].


1.2. A few historical past FROM possibility principle


Pr[B(X, X)] =

Pr[X = x] · χ(B(x, x))

Where χ is a trademark feature, in order that χ(B) = 1 if event B holds, and equals 0 otherwise. As an
instance, for every random variable X, we've Pr[X = X] = 1. We strain

That if one needs to discuss the opportunity that B(x, y) holds when x and y are selected
Independently with the same opportunity distribution, then one needs to outline two impartial
random variables, each with the identical chance distribution. Hence, if X and

Y are impartial random variables, then Pr[B(X, Y )] denotes the probability that

B(x, y) holds while the pair (x, y) is chosen with possibility Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y].


Pr[B(X, Y )] =


Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y] · χ(B(x, y))

As an example, for every impartial random variables, X and Y , we've

Pr[X = Y ] = 1 simplest if both X and Y are trivial (i.e., assign the entire chance

Mass to a unmarried string).

Regular Random Variables. Throughout this complete book, Un denotes a random variable uniformly
dispensed over the set of strings of duration n. Namely,Pr[Un =α] equals

2−n if α ∈ {0, 1}n, and equals zero in any other case. Further, we will sometimes use

Random variables (arbitrarily) distributed over {0, 1}n or {0, 1}

L(n) for some function l :

N→N. Such random variables are typically denoted through Xn, Yn, Zn, and many others. We
pressure that in

A few instances Xn is distributed over{zero, 1}n, while in others it's far allotted over{0, 1}


For some characteristic l(·), that's usually a polynomial. Every other type of random variable,

The output of a randomized algorithm on a set input, is mentioned in section 1.three.

1.2.2. Three Inequalities

The subsequent probabilistic inequalities could be very useful inside the path of this book.

All inequalities discuss with random variables which are assigned actual values. The maximum
primary inequality is the Markov inequality, which asserts that for random variables with

Bounded maximum or minimal values, some relation have to exist between the deviation of a value
from the expectancy of the random variable and the opportunity that the

Random variable is assigned this price. Particularly, letting E(X) def

V Pr[X =v] · v

Denote the expectation of the random variable X, we've the following:

Markov Inequality: allow X be a non-poor random variable and v a actual

Wide variety. Then

Pr[X ≥ v] ≤


Equivalently, Pr[X ≥ r · E(X)] ≤ 1




E(X) =

Pr[X = x] · x

Pr[X = x] · 0 +


Pr[X = x] · v

= Pr[X ≥ v] · v

The claim follows.

The Markov inequality is typically used in cases in which one knows very little about

The distribution of the random variable; it suffices to know its expectation and at least

One bound on the range of its values. See Exercise 1.

Using Markov’s inequality, one gets a “possibly stronger” bound for the deviation

Of a random variable from its expectation. This bound, called Chebyshev’s inequality, is useful
provided one has additional knowledge concerning the random variable

(specifically, a good upper bound on its variance). For a random variable X of finite

Expectation, we denote by Var(X) def

= E[(X − E(X))2] the variance of X and observe

That Var(X) = E(X2) − E(X)

Chebyshev’s Inequality: Let X be a random variable, and δ > zero. Then

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] ≤



Evidence: We define a random variable Y def

= (X − E(X))2 and apply the Markov

Inequality. We get

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] = Pr[(X − E(X))2 ≥ δ2

E[(X − E(X))2]


And the claim follows.

Chebyshev’s inequality is particularly beneficial for evaluation of the mistake opportunity of

Approximation through repeated sampling. It suffices to count on that the samples are picked

In a pairwise-independent manner.

Corollary (Pairwise-unbiased Sampling): permit X1, X2,..., Xn be pairwiseindependent random

variables with the equal expectation, denotedµ, and the identical

Variance, denoted σ2. Then, for each ε > zero,


I=1 Xi





The Xi’s are called pairwise-independent if for each i = j and all a and b, it holds

That Pr[Xi = a ∧ X j = b] equals Pr[Xi = a] · Pr[X j = b].


1.2. A few history FROM possibility principle

Proof: define the random variables Xi


= Xi − E(Xi). Note that the Xi’s are

Pairwise-unbiased and each has 0 expectation. Making use of Chebyshev’s inequality to the random
variable described by way of the sumn



N , and the use of the linearity

Of the expectancy operator, we get





Var n





I=1 Xi

Ε2 · n2

Now (again the usage of the linearity of E)






1≤i= j≤n

E[ Xi X j]

By way of the pairwise independence of the Xi’s, we get E[Xi X j] = E[Xi] · E[X j], and

The use of E[Xi] = 0, we get



 = n · σ2

The corollary follows.

The usage of pairwise-independent sampling, the mistake probability within the approximation

Is reducing linearly with the wide variety of pattern points. The use of absolutely independent

Sampling factors, the mistake opportunity inside the approximation may be proven to decrease

Exponentially with the number of pattern points. (The random variables X1, X2,..., Xn

Are said to be completely unbiased if for each series a1, a2,..., an it holds that


I=1Xi = ai] equals n

I=1 Pr[Xi = ai].) Chance bounds helping the foregoing assertion are given subsequent. The primary
sure, normally called the Chernoff

Sure, issues 0-1 random variables (i.e., random variables which are assigned values

Of both 0 or 1).

Chernoff bound: permit p ≤ 1

2 , and let X1, X2,..., Xn be unbiased zero-1 random

Variables, in order that Pr[Xi = 1] = p for every i. Then for all ε, zero < ε ≤ p(1 − p),

We have


I=1 Xi


< 2 · e− ε2

2p(1−p) ·n

We shall commonly practice the sure with a regular p ≈ 1

2 . In this example, n unbiased

Samples provide an approximation that deviates by means of ε from the expectancy with probability

This is exponentially decreasing with ε2n. Such an approximation is called an (ε, δ)-

Approximation and can be executed the use of n = O(ε−2 · log(1/δ)) pattern factors. It's far

Important to understand that the sufficient quantity of pattern points is polynomially

Related to ε−1 and logarithmically related to δ−1. So using poly(n) many samples, the



Blunders chance (i.e., δ) can be made negligible (as a feature in n), however the accuracy of

The estimation (i.e., ε) may be bounded above only with the aid of any fixed polynomial fraction

Can't be made negligible).2 We strain that the dependence of the number of samples

On ε isn't always better than in the case of pairwise-unbiased sampling; the advantage of
Completely independent samples lies most effective within the dependence of the range of samples
on δ.

Simultaneity troubles

A typical example of a simultaneity trouble is that of simultaneous exchange of secrets,

Of which agreement signing is a unique case. The placing for a simultaneous alternate

Of secrets and techniques consists of events, every preserving a “secret.” The intention is to execute

Protocol such that if both parties comply with it successfully, then at termination every will keep

Its counterpart’s secret, and anyways (even though one celebration cheats) the first party will

Hold the second one birthday celebration’s secret if and handiest if the second birthday celebration
holds the first birthday celebration’s

Secret. Perfectly simultaneous exchange of secrets and techniques can be carried out most effective
if we assume

The life of 0.33 events that are relied on to some extent. In truth, simultaneous

Alternate of secrets and techniques can without problems be carried out the use of the lively
participation of a trusted

1/3 birthday celebration: each celebration sends its secret to the trusted third party (the usage of a
relaxed channel).

The 0.33 birthday party, on receiving both secrets and techniques, sends the first party’s mystery to
the second

Celebration and the second one party’s secret to the first party. There are issues with this


1. The solution calls for the active participation of an “outside” birthday celebration in all instances
(i.e., also

In case each parties are honest). We observe that different solutions requiring milder styles of

Participation of outside events do exist.

2. The answer calls for the life of a totally depended on 0.33 entity. In a few applications,

Such an entity does now not exist. Despite the fact that, inside the sequel we will speak the trouble

1.1. CRYPTOGRAPHY: principal topics

Of implementing a trusted 0.33 birthday party by way of a fixed of customers with an honest
majority (despite the fact that

The identity of the honest customers isn't acknowledged).

Secure Implementation of Functionalities and relied on events

A unique kind of protocol hassle is concerned with the cozy implementation of

Functionalities. To be greater unique, we speak the trouble of evaluating a characteristic of nearby

inputs each of which is held via a distinct person. An illustrative and

Motivating example is vote casting, in which the feature is majority, and the nearby enter

Held through user A is a unmarried bit representing the vote of person A (e.g., “seasoned” or “con”).

Loosely speakme, a protocol for securely evaluating a selected characteristic ought to satisfy the


• privateness: No celebration can “benefit statistics” on the input of different events, beyond what's

Deduced from the value of the function.

• Robustness: No birthday celebration can “influence” the price of the function, past the have an
effect on

Exerted by deciding on its personal enter.

It is once in a while required that those situations maintain with admire to “small” (e.g., minority)
coalitions of parties (rather than unmarried events).

Truly, if one of the users is understood to be completely straightforward, then there exists a

Easy way to the hassle of comfortable evaluation of any function. Each user truely

Sends its enter to the relied on party (using a comfy channel), who, upon receiving all

Inputs, computes the feature, sends the outcome to all customers, and erases all intermediate
computations (along with the inputs obtained) from its memory. Clearly, it's far

Unrealistic to anticipate that a party can be relied on to such an extent (e.g., that it will

Voluntarily erase what it has “discovered”). Though, the problem of imposing

Comfortable characteristic evaluation reduces to the problem of implementing a relied on


It seems that a trusted party may be applied by way of a hard and fast of users with an honest
majority (even supposing the identity of the honest customers isn't always recognized). That is
indeed a

Fundamental bring about this area, and plenty of chapter 7, with a purpose to appear within the 2nd

Volume of this paintings, may be committed to formulating and proving it (as well as variations

Of it).

Zero-knowledge as a Paradigm

A major tool inside the creation of cryptographic protocols is the idea of zeroknowledge proof
systems and the fact that zero-information evidence structures exist for all

Languages in N P (furnished that one-manner features exist). Loosely talking, a zeroknowledge

evidence yields not anything however the validity of the declaration. Zero-knowledge proofs
Offer a tool for “forcing” events to observe a given protocol properly.

To demonstrate the role of zero-know-how proofs, consider a setting wherein a celebration,

Referred to as Alice, upon receiving an encrypted message from Bob, is to ship Carol the

Least substantial little bit of the message. Sincerely, if Alice sends simplest the (least massive)

Bit (of the message), then there is no manner for Carol to recognize Alice did now not cheat.

Alice may want to show that she did now not cheat with the aid of revealing to Carol the entire
message as

Well as its decryption key, but that might yield statistics some distance beyond what had been


Required. A far better idea is to allow Alice increase the bit she sends Carol with a

0-know-how evidence that this bit is indeed the least full-size little bit of the message. We

Stress that the foregoing announcement is of the “N P kind” (since the evidence detailed earlier

Can be correctly established), and consequently the life of 0-expertise proofs for

N P-statements means that the foregoing announcement may be proved with out revealing

Whatever past its validity.

The point of interest of chapter 4, dedicated to zero-know-how proofs, is at the foregoing end result

(i.e., the construction of 0-expertise proofs for any N P-assertion). In addition,

We shall recollect severa variations and factors of the belief of zero-understanding proofs

And their results at the applicability of this notion.

1.2. Some background from opportunity theory

Chance plays a imperative function in cryptography. Specifically, probability is vital

As a way to allow a dialogue of facts or loss of statistics (i.e., secrecy). We

Anticipate that the reader is acquainted with the basic notions of opportunity principle. On this

Section, we merely present the probabilistic notations that are used in the course of this ebook

And three beneficial probabilistic inequalities.

1.2.1. Notational Conventions

For the duration of this entire book we will talk to best discrete opportunity distributions.

Typically, the opportunity space includes the set of all strings of a sure length

, fascinated about uniform opportunity distribution. That is, the pattern area is the set

Of all -bit-lengthy strings, and every such string is assigned possibility degree 2−

Traditionally, capabilities from the sample area to the reals are referred to as random variables.

Abusing trendy terminology, we permit ourselves to use the time period random variable also

While regarding capabilities mapping the pattern area into the set of binary strings.

We frequently do now not specify the possibility space, but alternatively talk directly approximately

Variables. As an instance, we may additionally say that X is a random variable assigned values in

The set of all strings, in order that Pr[X = 00] = 1

Four and Pr[X = 111] = 3

Four . (any such random

Variable can be defined over the sample space {zero, 1}2, so that X(11) = 00 and X(00) =

X(01) = X(10) = 111.) In most cases the chance space includes all strings of

A particular duration. Commonly, these strings represent random picks made by means of some

Randomized system (see next section), and the random variable is the output of the


A way to examine Probabilistic Statements. All our probabilistic statements consult with

Functions of random variables which can be described ahead. Typically, we will write

Pr[ f (X) = 1], wherein X is a random variable described in advance (and f is a function).

An critical convention is that all occurrences of a given image in a probabilistic

Assertion talk to the same (specific) random variable. Therefore, if B(·, ·) is a Boolean

Expression depending on variables and X is a random variable, then Pr[B(X, X)]

Denotes the chance that B(x, x) holds whilst x is chosen with probabilitypr[X = x].


1.2. A few historical past FROM possibility principle


Pr[B(X, X)] =

Pr[X = x] · χ(B(x, x))

Where χ is a trademark feature, in order that χ(B) = 1 if event B holds, and equals 0 otherwise. As an
instance, for every random variable X, we've Pr[X = X] = 1. We strain

That if one needs to discuss the opportunity that B(x, y) holds when x and y are selected
Independently with the same opportunity distribution, then one needs to outline two impartial
random variables, each with the identical chance distribution. Hence, if X and

Y are impartial random variables, then Pr[B(X, Y )] denotes the probability that

B(x, y) holds while the pair (x, y) is chosen with possibility Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y].


Pr[B(X, Y )] =


Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y] · χ(B(x, y))

As an example, for every impartial random variables, X and Y , we've

Pr[X = Y ] = 1 simplest if both X and Y are trivial (i.e., assign the entire chance

Mass to a unmarried string).

Regular Random Variables. Throughout this complete book, Un denotes a random variable uniformly
dispensed over the set of strings of duration n. Namely,Pr[Un =α] equals

2−n if α ∈ {0, 1}n, and equals zero in any other case. Further, we will sometimes use

Random variables (arbitrarily) distributed over {0, 1}n or {0, 1}

L(n) for some function l :

N→N. Such random variables are typically denoted through Xn, Yn, Zn, and many others. We
pressure that in

A few instances Xn is distributed over{zero, 1}n, while in others it's far allotted over{0, 1}


For some characteristic l(·), that's usually a polynomial. Every other type of random variable,

The output of a randomized algorithm on a set input, is mentioned in section 1.three.

1.2.2. Three Inequalities

The subsequent probabilistic inequalities could be very useful inside the path of this book.

All inequalities discuss with random variables which are assigned actual values. The maximum
primary inequality is the Markov inequality, which asserts that for random variables with

Bounded maximum or minimal values, some relation have to exist between the deviation of a value
from the expectancy of the random variable and the opportunity that the

Random variable is assigned this price. Particularly, letting E(X) def

V Pr[X =v] · v

Denote the expectation of the random variable X, we've the following:

Markov Inequality: allow X be a non-poor random variable and v a actual

Wide variety. Then

Pr[X ≥ v] ≤


Equivalently, Pr[X ≥ r · E(X)] ≤ 1




E(X) =

Pr[X = x] · x

Pr[X = x] · 0 +


Pr[X = x] · v

= Pr[X ≥ v] · v

The claim follows.

The Markov inequality is typically used in cases in which one knows very little about

The distribution of the random variable; it suffices to know its expectation and at least

One bound on the range of its values. See Exercise 1.

Using Markov’s inequality, one gets a “possibly stronger” bound for the deviation

Of a random variable from its expectation. This bound, called Chebyshev’s inequality, is useful
provided one has additional knowledge concerning the random variable

(specifically, a good upper bound on its variance). For a random variable X of finite

Expectation, we denote by Var(X) def

= E[(X − E(X))2] the variance of X and observe

That Var(X) = E(X2) − E(X)

Chebyshev’s Inequality: Let X be a random variable, and δ > zero. Then

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] ≤



Evidence: We define a random variable Y def

= (X − E(X))2 and apply the Markov

Inequality. We get

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] = Pr[(X − E(X))2 ≥ δ2

E[(X − E(X))2]


And the claim follows.

Chebyshev’s inequality is particularly beneficial for evaluation of the mistake opportunity of

Approximation through repeated sampling. It suffices to count on that the samples are picked

In a pairwise-independent manner.

Corollary (Pairwise-unbiased Sampling): permit X1, X2,..., Xn be pairwiseindependent random

variables with the equal expectation, denotedµ, and the identical

Variance, denoted σ2. Then, for each ε > zero,


I=1 Xi





The Xi’s are called pairwise-independent if for each i = j and all a and b, it holds

That Pr[Xi = a ∧ X j = b] equals Pr[Xi = a] · Pr[X j = b].


1.2. A few history FROM possibility principle

Proof: define the random variables Xi


= Xi − E(Xi). Note that the Xi’s are

Pairwise-unbiased and each has 0 expectation. Making use of Chebyshev’s inequality to the random
variable described by way of the sumn



N , and the use of the linearity

Of the expectancy operator, we get





Var n





I=1 Xi

Ε2 · n2

Now (again the usage of the linearity of E)






1≤i= j≤n

E[ Xi X j]

By way of the pairwise independence of the Xi’s, we get E[Xi X j] = E[Xi] · E[X j], and

The use of E[Xi] = 0, we get



 = n · σ2

The corollary follows.

The usage of pairwise-independent sampling, the mistake probability within the approximation

Is reducing linearly with the wide variety of pattern points. The use of absolutely independent

Sampling factors, the mistake opportunity inside the approximation may be proven to decrease

Exponentially with the number of pattern points. (The random variables X1, X2,..., Xn

Are said to be completely unbiased if for each series a1, a2,..., an it holds that


I=1Xi = ai] equals n

I=1 Pr[Xi = ai].) Chance bounds helping the foregoing assertion are given subsequent. The primary
sure, normally called the Chernoff

Sure, issues 0-1 random variables (i.e., random variables which are assigned values

Of both 0 or 1).

Chernoff bound: permit p ≤ 1

2 , and let X1, X2,..., Xn be unbiased zero-1 random

Variables, in order that Pr[Xi = 1] = p for every i. Then for all ε, zero < ε ≤ p(1 − p),

We have


I=1 Xi


< 2 · e− ε2

2p(1−p) ·n

We shall commonly practice the sure with a regular p ≈ 1

2 . In this example, n unbiased

Samples provide an approximation that deviates by means of ε from the expectancy with probability

This is exponentially decreasing with ε2n. Such an approximation is called an (ε, δ)-

Approximation and can be executed the use of n = O(ε−2 · log(1/δ)) pattern factors. It's far

Important to understand that the sufficient quantity of pattern points is polynomially

Related to ε−1 and logarithmically related to δ−1. So using poly(n) many samples, the



Blunders chance (i.e., δ) can be made negligible (as a feature in n), however the accuracy of

The estimation (i.e., ε) may be bounded above only with the aid of any fixed polynomial fraction

Can't be made negligible).2 We strain that the dependence of the number of samples

On ε isn't always better than in the case of pairwise-unbiased sampling; the advantage of
Completely independent samples lies most effective within the dependence of the range of samples
on δ.

Simultaneity troubles

A typical example of a simultaneity trouble is that of simultaneous exchange of secrets,

Of which agreement signing is a unique case. The placing for a simultaneous alternate

Of secrets and techniques consists of events, every preserving a “secret.” The intention is to execute

Protocol such that if both parties comply with it successfully, then at termination every will keep

Its counterpart’s secret, and anyways (even though one celebration cheats) the first party will

Hold the second one birthday celebration’s secret if and handiest if the second birthday celebration
holds the first birthday celebration’s

Secret. Perfectly simultaneous exchange of secrets and techniques can be carried out most effective
if we assume

The life of 0.33 events that are relied on to some extent. In truth, simultaneous

Alternate of secrets and techniques can without problems be carried out the use of the lively
participation of a trusted

1/3 birthday celebration: each celebration sends its secret to the trusted third party (the usage of a
relaxed channel).

The 0.33 birthday party, on receiving both secrets and techniques, sends the first party’s mystery to
the second

Celebration and the second one party’s secret to the first party. There are issues with this


1. The solution calls for the active participation of an “outside” birthday celebration in all instances
(i.e., also

In case each parties are honest). We observe that different solutions requiring milder styles of

Participation of outside events do exist.

2. The answer calls for the life of a totally depended on 0.33 entity. In a few applications,

Such an entity does now not exist. Despite the fact that, inside the sequel we will speak the trouble

1.1. CRYPTOGRAPHY: principal topics

Of implementing a trusted 0.33 birthday party by way of a fixed of customers with an honest
majority (despite the fact that

The identity of the honest customers isn't acknowledged).

Secure Implementation of Functionalities and relied on events

A unique kind of protocol hassle is concerned with the cozy implementation of

Functionalities. To be greater unique, we speak the trouble of evaluating a characteristic of nearby

inputs each of which is held via a distinct person. An illustrative and

Motivating example is vote casting, in which the feature is majority, and the nearby enter

Held through user A is a unmarried bit representing the vote of person A (e.g., “seasoned” or “con”).

Loosely speakme, a protocol for securely evaluating a selected characteristic ought to satisfy the


• privateness: No celebration can “benefit statistics” on the input of different events, beyond what's

Deduced from the value of the function.

• Robustness: No birthday celebration can “influence” the price of the function, past the have an
effect on

Exerted by deciding on its personal enter.

It is once in a while required that those situations maintain with admire to “small” (e.g., minority)
coalitions of parties (rather than unmarried events).

Truly, if one of the users is understood to be completely straightforward, then there exists a

Easy way to the hassle of comfortable evaluation of any function. Each user truely

Sends its enter to the relied on party (using a comfy channel), who, upon receiving all

Inputs, computes the feature, sends the outcome to all customers, and erases all intermediate
computations (along with the inputs obtained) from its memory. Clearly, it's far

Unrealistic to anticipate that a party can be relied on to such an extent (e.g., that it will

Voluntarily erase what it has “discovered”). Though, the problem of imposing

Comfortable characteristic evaluation reduces to the problem of implementing a relied on


It seems that a trusted party may be applied by way of a hard and fast of users with an honest
majority (even supposing the identity of the honest customers isn't always recognized). That is
indeed a

Fundamental bring about this area, and plenty of chapter 7, with a purpose to appear within the 2nd

Volume of this paintings, may be committed to formulating and proving it (as well as variations

Of it).

Zero-knowledge as a Paradigm

A major tool inside the creation of cryptographic protocols is the idea of zeroknowledge proof
systems and the fact that zero-information evidence structures exist for all

Languages in N P (furnished that one-manner features exist). Loosely talking, a zeroknowledge

evidence yields not anything however the validity of the declaration. Zero-knowledge proofs
Offer a tool for “forcing” events to observe a given protocol properly.

To demonstrate the role of zero-know-how proofs, consider a setting wherein a celebration,

Referred to as Alice, upon receiving an encrypted message from Bob, is to ship Carol the

Least substantial little bit of the message. Sincerely, if Alice sends simplest the (least massive)

Bit (of the message), then there is no manner for Carol to recognize Alice did now not cheat.

Alice may want to show that she did now not cheat with the aid of revealing to Carol the entire
message as

Well as its decryption key, but that might yield statistics some distance beyond what had been


Required. A far better idea is to allow Alice increase the bit she sends Carol with a

0-know-how evidence that this bit is indeed the least full-size little bit of the message. We

Stress that the foregoing announcement is of the “N P kind” (since the evidence detailed earlier

Can be correctly established), and consequently the life of 0-expertise proofs for

N P-statements means that the foregoing announcement may be proved with out revealing

Whatever past its validity.

The point of interest of chapter 4, dedicated to zero-know-how proofs, is at the foregoing end result

(i.e., the construction of 0-expertise proofs for any N P-assertion). In addition,

We shall recollect severa variations and factors of the belief of zero-understanding proofs

And their results at the applicability of this notion.

1.2. Some background from opportunity theory

Chance plays a imperative function in cryptography. Specifically, probability is vital

As a way to allow a dialogue of facts or loss of statistics (i.e., secrecy). We

Anticipate that the reader is acquainted with the basic notions of opportunity principle. On this

Section, we merely present the probabilistic notations that are used in the course of this ebook

And three beneficial probabilistic inequalities.

1.2.1. Notational Conventions

For the duration of this entire book we will talk to best discrete opportunity distributions.

Typically, the opportunity space includes the set of all strings of a sure length

, fascinated about uniform opportunity distribution. That is, the pattern area is the set

Of all -bit-lengthy strings, and every such string is assigned possibility degree 2−

Traditionally, capabilities from the sample area to the reals are referred to as random variables.

Abusing trendy terminology, we permit ourselves to use the time period random variable also

While regarding capabilities mapping the pattern area into the set of binary strings.

We frequently do now not specify the possibility space, but alternatively talk directly approximately

Variables. As an instance, we may additionally say that X is a random variable assigned values in

The set of all strings, in order that Pr[X = 00] = 1

Four and Pr[X = 111] = 3

Four . (any such random

Variable can be defined over the sample space {zero, 1}2, so that X(11) = 00 and X(00) =

X(01) = X(10) = 111.) In most cases the chance space includes all strings of

A particular duration. Commonly, these strings represent random picks made by means of some

Randomized system (see next section), and the random variable is the output of the


A way to examine Probabilistic Statements. All our probabilistic statements consult with

Functions of random variables which can be described ahead. Typically, we will write

Pr[ f (X) = 1], wherein X is a random variable described in advance (and f is a function).

An critical convention is that all occurrences of a given image in a probabilistic

Assertion talk to the same (specific) random variable. Therefore, if B(·, ·) is a Boolean

Expression depending on variables and X is a random variable, then Pr[B(X, X)]

Denotes the chance that B(x, x) holds whilst x is chosen with probabilitypr[X = x].


1.2. A few historical past FROM possibility principle


Pr[B(X, X)] =

Pr[X = x] · χ(B(x, x))

Where χ is a trademark feature, in order that χ(B) = 1 if event B holds, and equals 0 otherwise. As an
instance, for every random variable X, we've Pr[X = X] = 1. We strain

That if one needs to discuss the opportunity that B(x, y) holds when x and y are selected
Independently with the same opportunity distribution, then one needs to outline two impartial
random variables, each with the identical chance distribution. Hence, if X and

Y are impartial random variables, then Pr[B(X, Y )] denotes the probability that

B(x, y) holds while the pair (x, y) is chosen with possibility Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y].


Pr[B(X, Y )] =


Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y] · χ(B(x, y))

As an example, for every impartial random variables, X and Y , we've

Pr[X = Y ] = 1 simplest if both X and Y are trivial (i.e., assign the entire chance

Mass to a unmarried string).

Regular Random Variables. Throughout this complete book, Un denotes a random variable uniformly
dispensed over the set of strings of duration n. Namely,Pr[Un =α] equals

2−n if α ∈ {0, 1}n, and equals zero in any other case. Further, we will sometimes use

Random variables (arbitrarily) distributed over {0, 1}n or {0, 1}

L(n) for some function l :

N→N. Such random variables are typically denoted through Xn, Yn, Zn, and many others. We
pressure that in

A few instances Xn is distributed over{zero, 1}n, while in others it's far allotted over{0, 1}


For some characteristic l(·), that's usually a polynomial. Every other type of random variable,

The output of a randomized algorithm on a set input, is mentioned in section 1.three.

1.2.2. Three Inequalities

The subsequent probabilistic inequalities could be very useful inside the path of this book.

All inequalities discuss with random variables which are assigned actual values. The maximum
primary inequality is the Markov inequality, which asserts that for random variables with

Bounded maximum or minimal values, some relation have to exist between the deviation of a value
from the expectancy of the random variable and the opportunity that the

Random variable is assigned this price. Particularly, letting E(X) def

V Pr[X =v] · v

Denote the expectation of the random variable X, we've the following:

Markov Inequality: allow X be a non-poor random variable and v a actual

Wide variety. Then

Pr[X ≥ v] ≤


Equivalently, Pr[X ≥ r · E(X)] ≤ 1




E(X) =

Pr[X = x] · x

Pr[X = x] · 0 +


Pr[X = x] · v

= Pr[X ≥ v] · v

The claim follows.

The Markov inequality is typically used in cases in which one knows very little about

The distribution of the random variable; it suffices to know its expectation and at least

One bound on the range of its values. See Exercise 1.

Using Markov’s inequality, one gets a “possibly stronger” bound for the deviation

Of a random variable from its expectation. This bound, called Chebyshev’s inequality, is useful
provided one has additional knowledge concerning the random variable

(specifically, a good upper bound on its variance). For a random variable X of finite

Expectation, we denote by Var(X) def

= E[(X − E(X))2] the variance of X and observe

That Var(X) = E(X2) − E(X)

Chebyshev’s Inequality: Let X be a random variable, and δ > zero. Then

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] ≤



Evidence: We define a random variable Y def

= (X − E(X))2 and apply the Markov

Inequality. We get

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] = Pr[(X − E(X))2 ≥ δ2

E[(X − E(X))2]


And the claim follows.

Chebyshev’s inequality is particularly beneficial for evaluation of the mistake opportunity of

Approximation through repeated sampling. It suffices to count on that the samples are picked

In a pairwise-independent manner.

Corollary (Pairwise-unbiased Sampling): permit X1, X2,..., Xn be pairwiseindependent random

variables with the equal expectation, denotedµ, and the identical

Variance, denoted σ2. Then, for each ε > zero,


I=1 Xi





The Xi’s are called pairwise-independent if for each i = j and all a and b, it holds

That Pr[Xi = a ∧ X j = b] equals Pr[Xi = a] · Pr[X j = b].


1.2. A few history FROM possibility principle

Proof: define the random variables Xi


= Xi − E(Xi). Note that the Xi’s are

Pairwise-unbiased and each has 0 expectation. Making use of Chebyshev’s inequality to the random
variable described by way of the sumn



N , and the use of the linearity

Of the expectancy operator, we get





Var n





I=1 Xi

Ε2 · n2

Now (again the usage of the linearity of E)






1≤i= j≤n

E[ Xi X j]

By way of the pairwise independence of the Xi’s, we get E[Xi X j] = E[Xi] · E[X j], and

The use of E[Xi] = 0, we get



 = n · σ2

The corollary follows.

The usage of pairwise-independent sampling, the mistake probability within the approximation

Is reducing linearly with the wide variety of pattern points. The use of absolutely independent

Sampling factors, the mistake opportunity inside the approximation may be proven to decrease

Exponentially with the number of pattern points. (The random variables X1, X2,..., Xn

Are said to be completely unbiased if for each series a1, a2,..., an it holds that


I=1Xi = ai] equals n

I=1 Pr[Xi = ai].) Chance bounds helping the foregoing assertion are given subsequent. The primary
sure, normally called the Chernoff

Sure, issues 0-1 random variables (i.e., random variables which are assigned values

Of both 0 or 1).

Chernoff bound: permit p ≤ 1

2 , and let X1, X2,..., Xn be unbiased zero-1 random

Variables, in order that Pr[Xi = 1] = p for every i. Then for all ε, zero < ε ≤ p(1 − p),

We have


I=1 Xi


< 2 · e− ε2

2p(1−p) ·n

We shall commonly practice the sure with a regular p ≈ 1

2 . In this example, n unbiased

Samples provide an approximation that deviates by means of ε from the expectancy with probability

This is exponentially decreasing with ε2n. Such an approximation is called an (ε, δ)-

Approximation and can be executed the use of n = O(ε−2 · log(1/δ)) pattern factors. It's far

Important to understand that the sufficient quantity of pattern points is polynomially

Related to ε−1 and logarithmically related to δ−1. So using poly(n) many samples, the



Blunders chance (i.e., δ) can be made negligible (as a feature in n), however the accuracy of

The estimation (i.e., ε) may be bounded above only with the aid of any fixed polynomial fraction

Can't be made negligible).2 We strain that the dependence of the number of samples

On ε isn't always better than in the case of pairwise-unbiased sampling; the advantage of
Completely independent samples lies most effective within the dependence of the range of samples
on δ.

Simultaneity troubles

A typical example of a simultaneity trouble is that of simultaneous exchange of secrets,

Of which agreement signing is a unique case. The placing for a simultaneous alternate

Of secrets and techniques consists of events, every preserving a “secret.” The intention is to execute

Protocol such that if both parties comply with it successfully, then at termination every will keep

Its counterpart’s secret, and anyways (even though one celebration cheats) the first party will

Hold the second one birthday celebration’s secret if and handiest if the second birthday celebration
holds the first birthday celebration’s

Secret. Perfectly simultaneous exchange of secrets and techniques can be carried out most effective
if we assume

The life of 0.33 events that are relied on to some extent. In truth, simultaneous

Alternate of secrets and techniques can without problems be carried out the use of the lively
participation of a trusted

1/3 birthday celebration: each celebration sends its secret to the trusted third party (the usage of a
relaxed channel).

The 0.33 birthday party, on receiving both secrets and techniques, sends the first party’s mystery to
the second

Celebration and the second one party’s secret to the first party. There are issues with this


1. The solution calls for the active participation of an “outside” birthday celebration in all instances
(i.e., also

In case each parties are honest). We observe that different solutions requiring milder styles of

Participation of outside events do exist.

2. The answer calls for the life of a totally depended on 0.33 entity. In a few applications,

Such an entity does now not exist. Despite the fact that, inside the sequel we will speak the trouble

1.1. CRYPTOGRAPHY: principal topics

Of implementing a trusted 0.33 birthday party by way of a fixed of customers with an honest
majority (despite the fact that

The identity of the honest customers isn't acknowledged).

Secure Implementation of Functionalities and relied on events

A unique kind of protocol hassle is concerned with the cozy implementation of

Functionalities. To be greater unique, we speak the trouble of evaluating a characteristic of nearby

inputs each of which is held via a distinct person. An illustrative and

Motivating example is vote casting, in which the feature is majority, and the nearby enter

Held through user A is a unmarried bit representing the vote of person A (e.g., “seasoned” or “con”).

Loosely speakme, a protocol for securely evaluating a selected characteristic ought to satisfy the


• privateness: No celebration can “benefit statistics” on the input of different events, beyond what's

Deduced from the value of the function.

• Robustness: No birthday celebration can “influence” the price of the function, past the have an
effect on

Exerted by deciding on its personal enter.

It is once in a while required that those situations maintain with admire to “small” (e.g., minority)
coalitions of parties (rather than unmarried events).

Truly, if one of the users is understood to be completely straightforward, then there exists a

Easy way to the hassle of comfortable evaluation of any function. Each user truely

Sends its enter to the relied on party (using a comfy channel), who, upon receiving all

Inputs, computes the feature, sends the outcome to all customers, and erases all intermediate
computations (along with the inputs obtained) from its memory. Clearly, it's far

Unrealistic to anticipate that a party can be relied on to such an extent (e.g., that it will

Voluntarily erase what it has “discovered”). Though, the problem of imposing

Comfortable characteristic evaluation reduces to the problem of implementing a relied on


It seems that a trusted party may be applied by way of a hard and fast of users with an honest
majority (even supposing the identity of the honest customers isn't always recognized). That is
indeed a

Fundamental bring about this area, and plenty of chapter 7, with a purpose to appear within the 2nd

Volume of this paintings, may be committed to formulating and proving it (as well as variations

Of it).

Zero-knowledge as a Paradigm

A major tool inside the creation of cryptographic protocols is the idea of zeroknowledge proof
systems and the fact that zero-information evidence structures exist for all

Languages in N P (furnished that one-manner features exist). Loosely talking, a zeroknowledge

evidence yields not anything however the validity of the declaration. Zero-knowledge proofs
Offer a tool for “forcing” events to observe a given protocol properly.

To demonstrate the role of zero-know-how proofs, consider a setting wherein a celebration,

Referred to as Alice, upon receiving an encrypted message from Bob, is to ship Carol the

Least substantial little bit of the message. Sincerely, if Alice sends simplest the (least massive)

Bit (of the message), then there is no manner for Carol to recognize Alice did now not cheat.

Alice may want to show that she did now not cheat with the aid of revealing to Carol the entire
message as

Well as its decryption key, but that might yield statistics some distance beyond what had been


Required. A far better idea is to allow Alice increase the bit she sends Carol with a

0-know-how evidence that this bit is indeed the least full-size little bit of the message. We

Stress that the foregoing announcement is of the “N P kind” (since the evidence detailed earlier

Can be correctly established), and consequently the life of 0-expertise proofs for

N P-statements means that the foregoing announcement may be proved with out revealing

Whatever past its validity.

The point of interest of chapter 4, dedicated to zero-know-how proofs, is at the foregoing end result

(i.e., the construction of 0-expertise proofs for any N P-assertion). In addition,

We shall recollect severa variations and factors of the belief of zero-understanding proofs

And their results at the applicability of this notion.

1.2. Some background from opportunity theory

Chance plays a imperative function in cryptography. Specifically, probability is vital

As a way to allow a dialogue of facts or loss of statistics (i.e., secrecy). We

Anticipate that the reader is acquainted with the basic notions of opportunity principle. On this

Section, we merely present the probabilistic notations that are used in the course of this ebook

And three beneficial probabilistic inequalities.

1.2.1. Notational Conventions

For the duration of this entire book we will talk to best discrete opportunity distributions.

Typically, the opportunity space includes the set of all strings of a sure length

, fascinated about uniform opportunity distribution. That is, the pattern area is the set

Of all -bit-lengthy strings, and every such string is assigned possibility degree 2−

Traditionally, capabilities from the sample area to the reals are referred to as random variables.

Abusing trendy terminology, we permit ourselves to use the time period random variable also

While regarding capabilities mapping the pattern area into the set of binary strings.

We frequently do now not specify the possibility space, but alternatively talk directly approximately

Variables. As an instance, we may additionally say that X is a random variable assigned values in

The set of all strings, in order that Pr[X = 00] = 1

Four and Pr[X = 111] = 3

Four . (any such random

Variable can be defined over the sample space {zero, 1}2, so that X(11) = 00 and X(00) =

X(01) = X(10) = 111.) In most cases the chance space includes all strings of

A particular duration. Commonly, these strings represent random picks made by means of some

Randomized system (see next section), and the random variable is the output of the


A way to examine Probabilistic Statements. All our probabilistic statements consult with

Functions of random variables which can be described ahead. Typically, we will write

Pr[ f (X) = 1], wherein X is a random variable described in advance (and f is a function).

An critical convention is that all occurrences of a given image in a probabilistic

Assertion talk to the same (specific) random variable. Therefore, if B(·, ·) is a Boolean

Expression depending on variables and X is a random variable, then Pr[B(X, X)]

Denotes the chance that B(x, x) holds whilst x is chosen with probabilitypr[X = x].


1.2. A few historical past FROM possibility principle


Pr[B(X, X)] =

Pr[X = x] · χ(B(x, x))

Where χ is a trademark feature, in order that χ(B) = 1 if event B holds, and equals 0 otherwise. As an
instance, for every random variable X, we've Pr[X = X] = 1. We strain

That if one needs to discuss the opportunity that B(x, y) holds when x and y are selected
Independently with the same opportunity distribution, then one needs to outline two impartial
random variables, each with the identical chance distribution. Hence, if X and

Y are impartial random variables, then Pr[B(X, Y )] denotes the probability that

B(x, y) holds while the pair (x, y) is chosen with possibility Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y].


Pr[B(X, Y )] =


Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y] · χ(B(x, y))

As an example, for every impartial random variables, X and Y , we've

Pr[X = Y ] = 1 simplest if both X and Y are trivial (i.e., assign the entire chance

Mass to a unmarried string).

Regular Random Variables. Throughout this complete book, Un denotes a random variable uniformly
dispensed over the set of strings of duration n. Namely,Pr[Un =α] equals

2−n if α ∈ {0, 1}n, and equals zero in any other case. Further, we will sometimes use

Random variables (arbitrarily) distributed over {0, 1}n or {0, 1}

L(n) for some function l :

N→N. Such random variables are typically denoted through Xn, Yn, Zn, and many others. We
pressure that in

A few instances Xn is distributed over{zero, 1}n, while in others it's far allotted over{0, 1}


For some characteristic l(·), that's usually a polynomial. Every other type of random variable,

The output of a randomized algorithm on a set input, is mentioned in section 1.three.

1.2.2. Three Inequalities

The subsequent probabilistic inequalities could be very useful inside the path of this book.

All inequalities discuss with random variables which are assigned actual values. The maximum
primary inequality is the Markov inequality, which asserts that for random variables with

Bounded maximum or minimal values, some relation have to exist between the deviation of a value
from the expectancy of the random variable and the opportunity that the

Random variable is assigned this price. Particularly, letting E(X) def

V Pr[X =v] · v

Denote the expectation of the random variable X, we've the following:

Markov Inequality: allow X be a non-poor random variable and v a actual

Wide variety. Then

Pr[X ≥ v] ≤


Equivalently, Pr[X ≥ r · E(X)] ≤ 1




E(X) =

Pr[X = x] · x

Pr[X = x] · 0 +


Pr[X = x] · v

= Pr[X ≥ v] · v

The claim follows.

The Markov inequality is typically used in cases in which one knows very little about

The distribution of the random variable; it suffices to know its expectation and at least

One bound on the range of its values. See Exercise 1.

Using Markov’s inequality, one gets a “possibly stronger” bound for the deviation

Of a random variable from its expectation. This bound, called Chebyshev’s inequality, is useful
provided one has additional knowledge concerning the random variable

(specifically, a good upper bound on its variance). For a random variable X of finite

Expectation, we denote by Var(X) def

= E[(X − E(X))2] the variance of X and observe

That Var(X) = E(X2) − E(X)

Chebyshev’s Inequality: Let X be a random variable, and δ > zero. Then

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] ≤



Evidence: We define a random variable Y def

= (X − E(X))2 and apply the Markov

Inequality. We get

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] = Pr[(X − E(X))2 ≥ δ2

E[(X − E(X))2]


And the claim follows.

Chebyshev’s inequality is particularly beneficial for evaluation of the mistake opportunity of

Approximation through repeated sampling. It suffices to count on that the samples are picked

In a pairwise-independent manner.

Corollary (Pairwise-unbiased Sampling): permit X1, X2,..., Xn be pairwiseindependent random

variables with the equal expectation, denotedµ, and the identical

Variance, denoted σ2. Then, for each ε > zero,


I=1 Xi





The Xi’s are called pairwise-independent if for each i = j and all a and b, it holds

That Pr[Xi = a ∧ X j = b] equals Pr[Xi = a] · Pr[X j = b].


1.2. A few history FROM possibility principle

Proof: define the random variables Xi


= Xi − E(Xi). Note that the Xi’s are

Pairwise-unbiased and each has 0 expectation. Making use of Chebyshev’s inequality to the random
variable described by way of the sumn



N , and the use of the linearity

Of the expectancy operator, we get





Var n





I=1 Xi

Ε2 · n2

Now (again the usage of the linearity of E)






1≤i= j≤n

E[ Xi X j]

By way of the pairwise independence of the Xi’s, we get E[Xi X j] = E[Xi] · E[X j], and

The use of E[Xi] = 0, we get



 = n · σ2

The corollary follows.

The usage of pairwise-independent sampling, the mistake probability within the approximation

Is reducing linearly with the wide variety of pattern points. The use of absolutely independent

Sampling factors, the mistake opportunity inside the approximation may be proven to decrease

Exponentially with the number of pattern points. (The random variables X1, X2,..., Xn

Are said to be completely unbiased if for each series a1, a2,..., an it holds that


I=1Xi = ai] equals n

I=1 Pr[Xi = ai].) Chance bounds helping the foregoing assertion are given subsequent. The primary
sure, normally called the Chernoff

Sure, issues 0-1 random variables (i.e., random variables which are assigned values

Of both 0 or 1).

Chernoff bound: permit p ≤ 1

2 , and let X1, X2,..., Xn be unbiased zero-1 random

Variables, in order that Pr[Xi = 1] = p for every i. Then for all ε, zero < ε ≤ p(1 − p),

We have


I=1 Xi


< 2 · e− ε2

2p(1−p) ·n

We shall commonly practice the sure with a regular p ≈ 1

2 . In this example, n unbiased

Samples provide an approximation that deviates by means of ε from the expectancy with probability

This is exponentially decreasing with ε2n. Such an approximation is called an (ε, δ)-

Approximation and can be executed the use of n = O(ε−2 · log(1/δ)) pattern factors. It's far

Important to understand that the sufficient quantity of pattern points is polynomially

Related to ε−1 and logarithmically related to δ−1. So using poly(n) many samples, the



Blunders chance (i.e., δ) can be made negligible (as a feature in n), however the accuracy of

The estimation (i.e., ε) may be bounded above only with the aid of any fixed polynomial fraction

Can't be made negligible).2 We strain that the dependence of the number of samples

On ε isn't always better than in the case of pairwise-unbiased sampling; the advantage of
Completely independent samples lies most effective within the dependence of the range of samples
on δ.

Simultaneity troubles

A typical example of a simultaneity trouble is that of simultaneous exchange of secrets,

Of which agreement signing is a unique case. The placing for a simultaneous alternate

Of secrets and techniques consists of events, every preserving a “secret.” The intention is to execute

Protocol such that if both parties comply with it successfully, then at termination every will keep

Its counterpart’s secret, and anyways (even though one celebration cheats) the first party will

Hold the second one birthday celebration’s secret if and handiest if the second birthday celebration
holds the first birthday celebration’s

Secret. Perfectly simultaneous exchange of secrets and techniques can be carried out most effective
if we assume

The life of 0.33 events that are relied on to some extent. In truth, simultaneous

Alternate of secrets and techniques can without problems be carried out the use of the lively
participation of a trusted

1/3 birthday celebration: each celebration sends its secret to the trusted third party (the usage of a
relaxed channel).

The 0.33 birthday party, on receiving both secrets and techniques, sends the first party’s mystery to
the second

Celebration and the second one party’s secret to the first party. There are issues with this


1. The solution calls for the active participation of an “outside” birthday celebration in all instances
(i.e., also

In case each parties are honest). We observe that different solutions requiring milder styles of

Participation of outside events do exist.

2. The answer calls for the life of a totally depended on 0.33 entity. In a few applications,

Such an entity does now not exist. Despite the fact that, inside the sequel we will speak the trouble

1.1. CRYPTOGRAPHY: principal topics

Of implementing a trusted 0.33 birthday party by way of a fixed of customers with an honest
majority (despite the fact that

The identity of the honest customers isn't acknowledged).

Secure Implementation of Functionalities and relied on events

A unique kind of protocol hassle is concerned with the cozy implementation of

Functionalities. To be greater unique, we speak the trouble of evaluating a characteristic of nearby

inputs each of which is held via a distinct person. An illustrative and

Motivating example is vote casting, in which the feature is majority, and the nearby enter

Held through user A is a unmarried bit representing the vote of person A (e.g., “seasoned” or “con”).

Loosely speakme, a protocol for securely evaluating a selected characteristic ought to satisfy the


• privateness: No celebration can “benefit statistics” on the input of different events, beyond what's

Deduced from the value of the function.

• Robustness: No birthday celebration can “influence” the price of the function, past the have an
effect on

Exerted by deciding on its personal enter.

It is once in a while required that those situations maintain with admire to “small” (e.g., minority)
coalitions of parties (rather than unmarried events).

Truly, if one of the users is understood to be completely straightforward, then there exists a

Easy way to the hassle of comfortable evaluation of any function. Each user truely

Sends its enter to the relied on party (using a comfy channel), who, upon receiving all

Inputs, computes the feature, sends the outcome to all customers, and erases all intermediate
computations (along with the inputs obtained) from its memory. Clearly, it's far

Unrealistic to anticipate that a party can be relied on to such an extent (e.g., that it will

Voluntarily erase what it has “discovered”). Though, the problem of imposing

Comfortable characteristic evaluation reduces to the problem of implementing a relied on


It seems that a trusted party may be applied by way of a hard and fast of users with an honest
majority (even supposing the identity of the honest customers isn't always recognized). That is
indeed a

Fundamental bring about this area, and plenty of chapter 7, with a purpose to appear within the 2nd

Volume of this paintings, may be committed to formulating and proving it (as well as variations

Of it).

Zero-knowledge as a Paradigm

A major tool inside the creation of cryptographic protocols is the idea of zeroknowledge proof
systems and the fact that zero-information evidence structures exist for all

Languages in N P (furnished that one-manner features exist). Loosely talking, a zeroknowledge

evidence yields not anything however the validity of the declaration. Zero-knowledge proofs
Offer a tool for “forcing” events to observe a given protocol properly.

To demonstrate the role of zero-know-how proofs, consider a setting wherein a celebration,

Referred to as Alice, upon receiving an encrypted message from Bob, is to ship Carol the

Least substantial little bit of the message. Sincerely, if Alice sends simplest the (least massive)

Bit (of the message), then there is no manner for Carol to recognize Alice did now not cheat.

Alice may want to show that she did now not cheat with the aid of revealing to Carol the entire
message as

Well as its decryption key, but that might yield statistics some distance beyond what had been


Required. A far better idea is to allow Alice increase the bit she sends Carol with a

0-know-how evidence that this bit is indeed the least full-size little bit of the message. We

Stress that the foregoing announcement is of the “N P kind” (since the evidence detailed earlier

Can be correctly established), and consequently the life of 0-expertise proofs for

N P-statements means that the foregoing announcement may be proved with out revealing

Whatever past its validity.

The point of interest of chapter 4, dedicated to zero-know-how proofs, is at the foregoing end result

(i.e., the construction of 0-expertise proofs for any N P-assertion). In addition,

We shall recollect severa variations and factors of the belief of zero-understanding proofs

And their results at the applicability of this notion.

1.2. Some background from opportunity theory

Chance plays a imperative function in cryptography. Specifically, probability is vital

As a way to allow a dialogue of facts or loss of statistics (i.e., secrecy). We

Anticipate that the reader is acquainted with the basic notions of opportunity principle. On this

Section, we merely present the probabilistic notations that are used in the course of this ebook

And three beneficial probabilistic inequalities.

1.2.1. Notational Conventions

For the duration of this entire book we will talk to best discrete opportunity distributions.

Typically, the opportunity space includes the set of all strings of a sure length

, fascinated about uniform opportunity distribution. That is, the pattern area is the set

Of all -bit-lengthy strings, and every such string is assigned possibility degree 2−

Traditionally, capabilities from the sample area to the reals are referred to as random variables.

Abusing trendy terminology, we permit ourselves to use the time period random variable also

While regarding capabilities mapping the pattern area into the set of binary strings.

We frequently do now not specify the possibility space, but alternatively talk directly approximately

Variables. As an instance, we may additionally say that X is a random variable assigned values in

The set of all strings, in order that Pr[X = 00] = 1

Four and Pr[X = 111] = 3

Four . (any such random

Variable can be defined over the sample space {zero, 1}2, so that X(11) = 00 and X(00) =

X(01) = X(10) = 111.) In most cases the chance space includes all strings of

A particular duration. Commonly, these strings represent random picks made by means of some

Randomized system (see next section), and the random variable is the output of the


A way to examine Probabilistic Statements. All our probabilistic statements consult with

Functions of random variables which can be described ahead. Typically, we will write

Pr[ f (X) = 1], wherein X is a random variable described in advance (and f is a function).

An critical convention is that all occurrences of a given image in a probabilistic

Assertion talk to the same (specific) random variable. Therefore, if B(·, ·) is a Boolean

Expression depending on variables and X is a random variable, then Pr[B(X, X)]

Denotes the chance that B(x, x) holds whilst x is chosen with probabilitypr[X = x].


1.2. A few historical past FROM possibility principle


Pr[B(X, X)] =

Pr[X = x] · χ(B(x, x))

Where χ is a trademark feature, in order that χ(B) = 1 if event B holds, and equals 0 otherwise. As an
instance, for every random variable X, we've Pr[X = X] = 1. We strain

That if one needs to discuss the opportunity that B(x, y) holds when x and y are selected
Independently with the same opportunity distribution, then one needs to outline two impartial
random variables, each with the identical chance distribution. Hence, if X and

Y are impartial random variables, then Pr[B(X, Y )] denotes the probability that

B(x, y) holds while the pair (x, y) is chosen with possibility Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y].


Pr[B(X, Y )] =


Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y] · χ(B(x, y))

As an example, for every impartial random variables, X and Y , we've

Pr[X = Y ] = 1 simplest if both X and Y are trivial (i.e., assign the entire chance

Mass to a unmarried string).

Regular Random Variables. Throughout this complete book, Un denotes a random variable uniformly
dispensed over the set of strings of duration n. Namely,Pr[Un =α] equals

2−n if α ∈ {0, 1}n, and equals zero in any other case. Further, we will sometimes use

Random variables (arbitrarily) distributed over {0, 1}n or {0, 1}

L(n) for some function l :

N→N. Such random variables are typically denoted through Xn, Yn, Zn, and many others. We
pressure that in

A few instances Xn is distributed over{zero, 1}n, while in others it's far allotted over{0, 1}


For some characteristic l(·), that's usually a polynomial. Every other type of random variable,

The output of a randomized algorithm on a set input, is mentioned in section 1.three.

1.2.2. Three Inequalities

The subsequent probabilistic inequalities could be very useful inside the path of this book.

All inequalities discuss with random variables which are assigned actual values. The maximum
primary inequality is the Markov inequality, which asserts that for random variables with

Bounded maximum or minimal values, some relation have to exist between the deviation of a value
from the expectancy of the random variable and the opportunity that the

Random variable is assigned this price. Particularly, letting E(X) def

V Pr[X =v] · v

Denote the expectation of the random variable X, we've the following:

Markov Inequality: allow X be a non-poor random variable and v a actual

Wide variety. Then

Pr[X ≥ v] ≤


Equivalently, Pr[X ≥ r · E(X)] ≤ 1




E(X) =

Pr[X = x] · x

Pr[X = x] · 0 +


Pr[X = x] · v

= Pr[X ≥ v] · v

The claim follows.

The Markov inequality is typically used in cases in which one knows very little about

The distribution of the random variable; it suffices to know its expectation and at least

One bound on the range of its values. See Exercise 1.

Using Markov’s inequality, one gets a “possibly stronger” bound for the deviation

Of a random variable from its expectation. This bound, called Chebyshev’s inequality, is useful
provided one has additional knowledge concerning the random variable

(specifically, a good upper bound on its variance). For a random variable X of finite

Expectation, we denote by Var(X) def

= E[(X − E(X))2] the variance of X and observe

That Var(X) = E(X2) − E(X)

Chebyshev’s Inequality: Let X be a random variable, and δ > zero. Then

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] ≤



Evidence: We define a random variable Y def

= (X − E(X))2 and apply the Markov

Inequality. We get

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] = Pr[(X − E(X))2 ≥ δ2

E[(X − E(X))2]


And the claim follows.

Chebyshev’s inequality is particularly beneficial for evaluation of the mistake opportunity of

Approximation through repeated sampling. It suffices to count on that the samples are picked

In a pairwise-independent manner.

Corollary (Pairwise-unbiased Sampling): permit X1, X2,..., Xn be pairwiseindependent random

variables with the equal expectation, denotedµ, and the identical

Variance, denoted σ2. Then, for each ε > zero,


I=1 Xi





The Xi’s are called pairwise-independent if for each i = j and all a and b, it holds

That Pr[Xi = a ∧ X j = b] equals Pr[Xi = a] · Pr[X j = b].


1.2. A few history FROM possibility principle

Proof: define the random variables Xi


= Xi − E(Xi). Note that the Xi’s are

Pairwise-unbiased and each has 0 expectation. Making use of Chebyshev’s inequality to the random
variable described by way of the sumn



N , and the use of the linearity

Of the expectancy operator, we get





Var n





I=1 Xi

Ε2 · n2

Now (again the usage of the linearity of E)






1≤i= j≤n

E[ Xi X j]

By way of the pairwise independence of the Xi’s, we get E[Xi X j] = E[Xi] · E[X j], and

The use of E[Xi] = 0, we get



 = n · σ2

The corollary follows.

The usage of pairwise-independent sampling, the mistake probability within the approximation

Is reducing linearly with the wide variety of pattern points. The use of absolutely independent

Sampling factors, the mistake opportunity inside the approximation may be proven to decrease

Exponentially with the number of pattern points. (The random variables X1, X2,..., Xn

Are said to be completely unbiased if for each series a1, a2,..., an it holds that


I=1Xi = ai] equals n

I=1 Pr[Xi = ai].) Chance bounds helping the foregoing assertion are given subsequent. The primary
sure, normally called the Chernoff

Sure, issues 0-1 random variables (i.e., random variables which are assigned values

Of both 0 or 1).

Chernoff bound: permit p ≤ 1

2 , and let X1, X2,..., Xn be unbiased zero-1 random

Variables, in order that Pr[Xi = 1] = p for every i. Then for all ε, zero < ε ≤ p(1 − p),

We have


I=1 Xi


< 2 · e− ε2

2p(1−p) ·n

We shall commonly practice the sure with a regular p ≈ 1

2 . In this example, n unbiased

Samples provide an approximation that deviates by means of ε from the expectancy with probability

This is exponentially decreasing with ε2n. Such an approximation is called an (ε, δ)-

Approximation and can be executed the use of n = O(ε−2 · log(1/δ)) pattern factors. It's far

Important to understand that the sufficient quantity of pattern points is polynomially

Related to ε−1 and logarithmically related to δ−1. So using poly(n) many samples, the



Blunders chance (i.e., δ) can be made negligible (as a feature in n), however the accuracy of

The estimation (i.e., ε) may be bounded above only with the aid of any fixed polynomial fraction

Can't be made negligible).2 We strain that the dependence of the number of samples

On ε isn't always better than in the case of pairwise-unbiased sampling; the advantage of
Completely independent samples lies most effective within the dependence of the range of samples
on δ.

Simultaneity troubles

A typical example of a simultaneity trouble is that of simultaneous exchange of secrets,

Of which agreement signing is a unique case. The placing for a simultaneous alternate

Of secrets and techniques consists of events, every preserving a “secret.” The intention is to execute

Protocol such that if both parties comply with it successfully, then at termination every will keep

Its counterpart’s secret, and anyways (even though one celebration cheats) the first party will

Hold the second one birthday celebration’s secret if and handiest if the second birthday celebration
holds the first birthday celebration’s

Secret. Perfectly simultaneous exchange of secrets and techniques can be carried out most effective
if we assume

The life of 0.33 events that are relied on to some extent. In truth, simultaneous

Alternate of secrets and techniques can without problems be carried out the use of the lively
participation of a trusted

1/3 birthday celebration: each celebration sends its secret to the trusted third party (the usage of a
relaxed channel).

The 0.33 birthday party, on receiving both secrets and techniques, sends the first party’s mystery to
the second

Celebration and the second one party’s secret to the first party. There are issues with this


1. The solution calls for the active participation of an “outside” birthday celebration in all instances
(i.e., also

In case each parties are honest). We observe that different solutions requiring milder styles of

Participation of outside events do exist.

2. The answer calls for the life of a totally depended on 0.33 entity. In a few applications,

Such an entity does now not exist. Despite the fact that, inside the sequel we will speak the trouble

1.1. CRYPTOGRAPHY: principal topics

Of implementing a trusted 0.33 birthday party by way of a fixed of customers with an honest
majority (despite the fact that

The identity of the honest customers isn't acknowledged).

Secure Implementation of Functionalities and relied on events

A unique kind of protocol hassle is concerned with the cozy implementation of

Functionalities. To be greater unique, we speak the trouble of evaluating a characteristic of nearby

inputs each of which is held via a distinct person. An illustrative and

Motivating example is vote casting, in which the feature is majority, and the nearby enter

Held through user A is a unmarried bit representing the vote of person A (e.g., “seasoned” or “con”).

Loosely speakme, a protocol for securely evaluating a selected characteristic ought to satisfy the


• privateness: No celebration can “benefit statistics” on the input of different events, beyond what's

Deduced from the value of the function.

• Robustness: No birthday celebration can “influence” the price of the function, past the have an
effect on

Exerted by deciding on its personal enter.

It is once in a while required that those situations maintain with admire to “small” (e.g., minority)
coalitions of parties (rather than unmarried events).

Truly, if one of the users is understood to be completely straightforward, then there exists a

Easy way to the hassle of comfortable evaluation of any function. Each user truely

Sends its enter to the relied on party (using a comfy channel), who, upon receiving all

Inputs, computes the feature, sends the outcome to all customers, and erases all intermediate
computations (along with the inputs obtained) from its memory. Clearly, it's far

Unrealistic to anticipate that a party can be relied on to such an extent (e.g., that it will

Voluntarily erase what it has “discovered”). Though, the problem of imposing

Comfortable characteristic evaluation reduces to the problem of implementing a relied on


It seems that a trusted party may be applied by way of a hard and fast of users with an honest
majority (even supposing the identity of the honest customers isn't always recognized). That is
indeed a

Fundamental bring about this area, and plenty of chapter 7, with a purpose to appear within the 2nd

Volume of this paintings, may be committed to formulating and proving it (as well as variations

Of it).

Zero-knowledge as a Paradigm

A major tool inside the creation of cryptographic protocols is the idea of zeroknowledge proof
systems and the fact that zero-information evidence structures exist for all

Languages in N P (furnished that one-manner features exist). Loosely talking, a zeroknowledge

evidence yields not anything however the validity of the declaration. Zero-knowledge proofs
Offer a tool for “forcing” events to observe a given protocol properly.

To demonstrate the role of zero-know-how proofs, consider a setting wherein a celebration,

Referred to as Alice, upon receiving an encrypted message from Bob, is to ship Carol the

Least substantial little bit of the message. Sincerely, if Alice sends simplest the (least massive)

Bit (of the message), then there is no manner for Carol to recognize Alice did now not cheat.

Alice may want to show that she did now not cheat with the aid of revealing to Carol the entire
message as

Well as its decryption key, but that might yield statistics some distance beyond what had been


Required. A far better idea is to allow Alice increase the bit she sends Carol with a

0-know-how evidence that this bit is indeed the least full-size little bit of the message. We

Stress that the foregoing announcement is of the “N P kind” (since the evidence detailed earlier

Can be correctly established), and consequently the life of 0-expertise proofs for

N P-statements means that the foregoing announcement may be proved with out revealing

Whatever past its validity.

The point of interest of chapter 4, dedicated to zero-know-how proofs, is at the foregoing end result

(i.e., the construction of 0-expertise proofs for any N P-assertion). In addition,

We shall recollect severa variations and factors of the belief of zero-understanding proofs

And their results at the applicability of this notion.

1.2. Some background from opportunity theory

Chance plays a imperative function in cryptography. Specifically, probability is vital

As a way to allow a dialogue of facts or loss of statistics (i.e., secrecy). We

Anticipate that the reader is acquainted with the basic notions of opportunity principle. On this

Section, we merely present the probabilistic notations that are used in the course of this ebook

And three beneficial probabilistic inequalities.

1.2.1. Notational Conventions

For the duration of this entire book we will talk to best discrete opportunity distributions.

Typically, the opportunity space includes the set of all strings of a sure length

, fascinated about uniform opportunity distribution. That is, the pattern area is the set

Of all -bit-lengthy strings, and every such string is assigned possibility degree 2−

Traditionally, capabilities from the sample area to the reals are referred to as random variables.

Abusing trendy terminology, we permit ourselves to use the time period random variable also

While regarding capabilities mapping the pattern area into the set of binary strings.

We frequently do now not specify the possibility space, but alternatively talk directly approximately

Variables. As an instance, we may additionally say that X is a random variable assigned values in

The set of all strings, in order that Pr[X = 00] = 1

Four and Pr[X = 111] = 3

Four . (any such random

Variable can be defined over the sample space {zero, 1}2, so that X(11) = 00 and X(00) =

X(01) = X(10) = 111.) In most cases the chance space includes all strings of

A particular duration. Commonly, these strings represent random picks made by means of some

Randomized system (see next section), and the random variable is the output of the


A way to examine Probabilistic Statements. All our probabilistic statements consult with

Functions of random variables which can be described ahead. Typically, we will write

Pr[ f (X) = 1], wherein X is a random variable described in advance (and f is a function).

An critical convention is that all occurrences of a given image in a probabilistic

Assertion talk to the same (specific) random variable. Therefore, if B(·, ·) is a Boolean

Expression depending on variables and X is a random variable, then Pr[B(X, X)]

Denotes the chance that B(x, x) holds whilst x is chosen with probabilitypr[X = x].


1.2. A few historical past FROM possibility principle


Pr[B(X, X)] =

Pr[X = x] · χ(B(x, x))

Where χ is a trademark feature, in order that χ(B) = 1 if event B holds, and equals 0 otherwise. As an
instance, for every random variable X, we've Pr[X = X] = 1. We strain

That if one needs to discuss the opportunity that B(x, y) holds when x and y are selected
Independently with the same opportunity distribution, then one needs to outline two impartial
random variables, each with the identical chance distribution. Hence, if X and

Y are impartial random variables, then Pr[B(X, Y )] denotes the probability that

B(x, y) holds while the pair (x, y) is chosen with possibility Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y].


Pr[B(X, Y )] =


Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y] · χ(B(x, y))

As an example, for every impartial random variables, X and Y , we've

Pr[X = Y ] = 1 simplest if both X and Y are trivial (i.e., assign the entire chance

Mass to a unmarried string).

Regular Random Variables. Throughout this complete book, Un denotes a random variable uniformly
dispensed over the set of strings of duration n. Namely,Pr[Un =α] equals

2−n if α ∈ {0, 1}n, and equals zero in any other case. Further, we will sometimes use

Random variables (arbitrarily) distributed over {0, 1}n or {0, 1}

L(n) for some function l :

N→N. Such random variables are typically denoted through Xn, Yn, Zn, and many others. We
pressure that in

A few instances Xn is distributed over{zero, 1}n, while in others it's far allotted over{0, 1}


For some characteristic l(·), that's usually a polynomial. Every other type of random variable,

The output of a randomized algorithm on a set input, is mentioned in section 1.three.

1.2.2. Three Inequalities

The subsequent probabilistic inequalities could be very useful inside the path of this book.

All inequalities discuss with random variables which are assigned actual values. The maximum
primary inequality is the Markov inequality, which asserts that for random variables with

Bounded maximum or minimal values, some relation have to exist between the deviation of a value
from the expectancy of the random variable and the opportunity that the

Random variable is assigned this price. Particularly, letting E(X) def

V Pr[X =v] · v

Denote the expectation of the random variable X, we've the following:

Markov Inequality: allow X be a non-poor random variable and v a actual

Wide variety. Then

Pr[X ≥ v] ≤


Equivalently, Pr[X ≥ r · E(X)] ≤ 1




E(X) =

Pr[X = x] · x

Pr[X = x] · 0 +


Pr[X = x] · v

= Pr[X ≥ v] · v

The claim follows.

The Markov inequality is typically used in cases in which one knows very little about

The distribution of the random variable; it suffices to know its expectation and at least

One bound on the range of its values. See Exercise 1.

Using Markov’s inequality, one gets a “possibly stronger” bound for the deviation

Of a random variable from its expectation. This bound, called Chebyshev’s inequality, is useful
provided one has additional knowledge concerning the random variable

(specifically, a good upper bound on its variance). For a random variable X of finite

Expectation, we denote by Var(X) def

= E[(X − E(X))2] the variance of X and observe

That Var(X) = E(X2) − E(X)

Chebyshev’s Inequality: Let X be a random variable, and δ > zero. Then

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] ≤



Evidence: We define a random variable Y def

= (X − E(X))2 and apply the Markov

Inequality. We get

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] = Pr[(X − E(X))2 ≥ δ2

E[(X − E(X))2]


And the claim follows.

Chebyshev’s inequality is particularly beneficial for evaluation of the mistake opportunity of

Approximation through repeated sampling. It suffices to count on that the samples are picked

In a pairwise-independent manner.

Corollary (Pairwise-unbiased Sampling): permit X1, X2,..., Xn be pairwiseindependent random

variables with the equal expectation, denotedµ, and the identical

Variance, denoted σ2. Then, for each ε > zero,


I=1 Xi





The Xi’s are called pairwise-independent if for each i = j and all a and b, it holds

That Pr[Xi = a ∧ X j = b] equals Pr[Xi = a] · Pr[X j = b].


1.2. A few history FROM possibility principle

Proof: define the random variables Xi


= Xi − E(Xi). Note that the Xi’s are

Pairwise-unbiased and each has 0 expectation. Making use of Chebyshev’s inequality to the random
variable described by way of the sumn



N , and the use of the linearity

Of the expectancy operator, we get





Var n





I=1 Xi

Ε2 · n2

Now (again the usage of the linearity of E)






1≤i= j≤n

E[ Xi X j]

By way of the pairwise independence of the Xi’s, we get E[Xi X j] = E[Xi] · E[X j], and

The use of E[Xi] = 0, we get



 = n · σ2

The corollary follows.

The usage of pairwise-independent sampling, the mistake probability within the approximation

Is reducing linearly with the wide variety of pattern points. The use of absolutely independent

Sampling factors, the mistake opportunity inside the approximation may be proven to decrease

Exponentially with the number of pattern points. (The random variables X1, X2,..., Xn

Are said to be completely unbiased if for each series a1, a2,..., an it holds that


I=1Xi = ai] equals n

I=1 Pr[Xi = ai].) Chance bounds helping the foregoing assertion are given subsequent. The primary
sure, normally called the Chernoff

Sure, issues 0-1 random variables (i.e., random variables which are assigned values

Of both 0 or 1).

Chernoff bound: permit p ≤ 1

2 , and let X1, X2,..., Xn be unbiased zero-1 random

Variables, in order that Pr[Xi = 1] = p for every i. Then for all ε, zero < ε ≤ p(1 − p),

We have


I=1 Xi


< 2 · e− ε2

2p(1−p) ·n

We shall commonly practice the sure with a regular p ≈ 1

2 . In this example, n unbiased

Samples provide an approximation that deviates by means of ε from the expectancy with probability

This is exponentially decreasing with ε2n. Such an approximation is called an (ε, δ)-

Approximation and can be executed the use of n = O(ε−2 · log(1/δ)) pattern factors. It's far

Important to understand that the sufficient quantity of pattern points is polynomially

Related to ε−1 and logarithmically related to δ−1. So using poly(n) many samples, the



Blunders chance (i.e., δ) can be made negligible (as a feature in n), however the accuracy of

The estimation (i.e., ε) may be bounded above only with the aid of any fixed polynomial fraction

Can't be made negligible).2 We strain that the dependence of the number of samples

On ε isn't always better than in the case of pairwise-unbiased sampling; the advantage of
Completely independent samples lies most effective within the dependence of the range of samples
on δ.

Simultaneity troubles

A typical example of a simultaneity trouble is that of simultaneous exchange of secrets,

Of which agreement signing is a unique case. The placing for a simultaneous alternate

Of secrets and techniques consists of events, every preserving a “secret.” The intention is to execute

Protocol such that if both parties comply with it successfully, then at termination every will keep

Its counterpart’s secret, and anyways (even though one celebration cheats) the first party will

Hold the second one birthday celebration’s secret if and handiest if the second birthday celebration
holds the first birthday celebration’s

Secret. Perfectly simultaneous exchange of secrets and techniques can be carried out most effective
if we assume

The life of 0.33 events that are relied on to some extent. In truth, simultaneous

Alternate of secrets and techniques can without problems be carried out the use of the lively
participation of a trusted

1/3 birthday celebration: each celebration sends its secret to the trusted third party (the usage of a
relaxed channel).

The 0.33 birthday party, on receiving both secrets and techniques, sends the first party’s mystery to
the second

Celebration and the second one party’s secret to the first party. There are issues with this


1. The solution calls for the active participation of an “outside” birthday celebration in all instances
(i.e., also

In case each parties are honest). We observe that different solutions requiring milder styles of

Participation of outside events do exist.

2. The answer calls for the life of a totally depended on 0.33 entity. In a few applications,

Such an entity does now not exist. Despite the fact that, inside the sequel we will speak the trouble

1.1. CRYPTOGRAPHY: principal topics

Of implementing a trusted 0.33 birthday party by way of a fixed of customers with an honest
majority (despite the fact that

The identity of the honest customers isn't acknowledged).

Secure Implementation of Functionalities and relied on events

A unique kind of protocol hassle is concerned with the cozy implementation of

Functionalities. To be greater unique, we speak the trouble of evaluating a characteristic of nearby

inputs each of which is held via a distinct person. An illustrative and

Motivating example is vote casting, in which the feature is majority, and the nearby enter

Held through user A is a unmarried bit representing the vote of person A (e.g., “seasoned” or “con”).

Loosely speakme, a protocol for securely evaluating a selected characteristic ought to satisfy the


• privateness: No celebration can “benefit statistics” on the input of different events, beyond what's

Deduced from the value of the function.

• Robustness: No birthday celebration can “influence” the price of the function, past the have an
effect on

Exerted by deciding on its personal enter.

It is once in a while required that those situations maintain with admire to “small” (e.g., minority)
coalitions of parties (rather than unmarried events).

Truly, if one of the users is understood to be completely straightforward, then there exists a

Easy way to the hassle of comfortable evaluation of any function. Each user truely

Sends its enter to the relied on party (using a comfy channel), who, upon receiving all

Inputs, computes the feature, sends the outcome to all customers, and erases all intermediate
computations (along with the inputs obtained) from its memory. Clearly, it's far

Unrealistic to anticipate that a party can be relied on to such an extent (e.g., that it will

Voluntarily erase what it has “discovered”). Though, the problem of imposing

Comfortable characteristic evaluation reduces to the problem of implementing a relied on


It seems that a trusted party may be applied by way of a hard and fast of users with an honest
majority (even supposing the identity of the honest customers isn't always recognized). That is
indeed a

Fundamental bring about this area, and plenty of chapter 7, with a purpose to appear within the 2nd

Volume of this paintings, may be committed to formulating and proving it (as well as variations

Of it).

Zero-knowledge as a Paradigm

A major tool inside the creation of cryptographic protocols is the idea of zeroknowledge proof
systems and the fact that zero-information evidence structures exist for all

Languages in N P (furnished that one-manner features exist). Loosely talking, a zeroknowledge

evidence yields not anything however the validity of the declaration. Zero-knowledge proofs
Offer a tool for “forcing” events to observe a given protocol properly.

To demonstrate the role of zero-know-how proofs, consider a setting wherein a celebration,

Referred to as Alice, upon receiving an encrypted message from Bob, is to ship Carol the

Least substantial little bit of the message. Sincerely, if Alice sends simplest the (least massive)

Bit (of the message), then there is no manner for Carol to recognize Alice did now not cheat.

Alice may want to show that she did now not cheat with the aid of revealing to Carol the entire
message as

Well as its decryption key, but that might yield statistics some distance beyond what had been


Required. A far better idea is to allow Alice increase the bit she sends Carol with a

0-know-how evidence that this bit is indeed the least full-size little bit of the message. We

Stress that the foregoing announcement is of the “N P kind” (since the evidence detailed earlier

Can be correctly established), and consequently the life of 0-expertise proofs for

N P-statements means that the foregoing announcement may be proved with out revealing

Whatever past its validity.

The point of interest of chapter 4, dedicated to zero-know-how proofs, is at the foregoing end result

(i.e., the construction of 0-expertise proofs for any N P-assertion). In addition,

We shall recollect severa variations and factors of the belief of zero-understanding proofs

And their results at the applicability of this notion.

1.2. Some background from opportunity theory

Chance plays a imperative function in cryptography. Specifically, probability is vital

As a way to allow a dialogue of facts or loss of statistics (i.e., secrecy). We

Anticipate that the reader is acquainted with the basic notions of opportunity principle. On this

Section, we merely present the probabilistic notations that are used in the course of this ebook

And three beneficial probabilistic inequalities.

1.2.1. Notational Conventions

For the duration of this entire book we will talk to best discrete opportunity distributions.

Typically, the opportunity space includes the set of all strings of a sure length

, fascinated about uniform opportunity distribution. That is, the pattern area is the set

Of all -bit-lengthy strings, and every such string is assigned possibility degree 2−

Traditionally, capabilities from the sample area to the reals are referred to as random variables.

Abusing trendy terminology, we permit ourselves to use the time period random variable also

While regarding capabilities mapping the pattern area into the set of binary strings.

We frequently do now not specify the possibility space, but alternatively talk directly approximately

Variables. As an instance, we may additionally say that X is a random variable assigned values in

The set of all strings, in order that Pr[X = 00] = 1

Four and Pr[X = 111] = 3

Four . (any such random

Variable can be defined over the sample space {zero, 1}2, so that X(11) = 00 and X(00) =

X(01) = X(10) = 111.) In most cases the chance space includes all strings of

A particular duration. Commonly, these strings represent random picks made by means of some

Randomized system (see next section), and the random variable is the output of the


A way to examine Probabilistic Statements. All our probabilistic statements consult with

Functions of random variables which can be described ahead. Typically, we will write

Pr[ f (X) = 1], wherein X is a random variable described in advance (and f is a function).

An critical convention is that all occurrences of a given image in a probabilistic

Assertion talk to the same (specific) random variable. Therefore, if B(·, ·) is a Boolean

Expression depending on variables and X is a random variable, then Pr[B(X, X)]

Denotes the chance that B(x, x) holds whilst x is chosen with probabilitypr[X = x].


1.2. A few historical past FROM possibility principle


Pr[B(X, X)] =

Pr[X = x] · χ(B(x, x))

Where χ is a trademark feature, in order that χ(B) = 1 if event B holds, and equals 0 otherwise. As an
instance, for every random variable X, we've Pr[X = X] = 1. We strain

That if one needs to discuss the opportunity that B(x, y) holds when x and y are selected
Independently with the same opportunity distribution, then one needs to outline two impartial
random variables, each with the identical chance distribution. Hence, if X and

Y are impartial random variables, then Pr[B(X, Y )] denotes the probability that

B(x, y) holds while the pair (x, y) is chosen with possibility Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y].


Pr[B(X, Y )] =


Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y] · χ(B(x, y))

As an example, for every impartial random variables, X and Y , we've

Pr[X = Y ] = 1 simplest if both X and Y are trivial (i.e., assign the entire chance

Mass to a unmarried string).

Regular Random Variables. Throughout this complete book, Un denotes a random variable uniformly
dispensed over the set of strings of duration n. Namely,Pr[Un =α] equals

2−n if α ∈ {0, 1}n, and equals zero in any other case. Further, we will sometimes use

Random variables (arbitrarily) distributed over {0, 1}n or {0, 1}

L(n) for some function l :

N→N. Such random variables are typically denoted through Xn, Yn, Zn, and many others. We
pressure that in

A few instances Xn is distributed over{zero, 1}n, while in others it's far allotted over{0, 1}


For some characteristic l(·), that's usually a polynomial. Every other type of random variable,

The output of a randomized algorithm on a set input, is mentioned in section 1.three.

1.2.2. Three Inequalities

The subsequent probabilistic inequalities could be very useful inside the path of this book.

All inequalities discuss with random variables which are assigned actual values. The maximum
primary inequality is the Markov inequality, which asserts that for random variables with

Bounded maximum or minimal values, some relation have to exist between the deviation of a value
from the expectancy of the random variable and the opportunity that the

Random variable is assigned this price. Particularly, letting E(X) def

V Pr[X =v] · v

Denote the expectation of the random variable X, we've the following:

Markov Inequality: allow X be a non-poor random variable and v a actual

Wide variety. Then

Pr[X ≥ v] ≤


Equivalently, Pr[X ≥ r · E(X)] ≤ 1




E(X) =

Pr[X = x] · x

Pr[X = x] · 0 +


Pr[X = x] · v

= Pr[X ≥ v] · v

The claim follows.

The Markov inequality is typically used in cases in which one knows very little about

The distribution of the random variable; it suffices to know its expectation and at least

One bound on the range of its values. See Exercise 1.

Using Markov’s inequality, one gets a “possibly stronger” bound for the deviation

Of a random variable from its expectation. This bound, called Chebyshev’s inequality, is useful
provided one has additional knowledge concerning the random variable

(specifically, a good upper bound on its variance). For a random variable X of finite

Expectation, we denote by Var(X) def

= E[(X − E(X))2] the variance of X and observe

That Var(X) = E(X2) − E(X)

Chebyshev’s Inequality: Let X be a random variable, and δ > zero. Then

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] ≤



Evidence: We define a random variable Y def

= (X − E(X))2 and apply the Markov

Inequality. We get

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] = Pr[(X − E(X))2 ≥ δ2

E[(X − E(X))2]


And the claim follows.

Chebyshev’s inequality is particularly beneficial for evaluation of the mistake opportunity of

Approximation through repeated sampling. It suffices to count on that the samples are picked

In a pairwise-independent manner.

Corollary (Pairwise-unbiased Sampling): permit X1, X2,..., Xn be pairwiseindependent random

variables with the equal expectation, denotedµ, and the identical

Variance, denoted σ2. Then, for each ε > zero,


I=1 Xi





The Xi’s are called pairwise-independent if for each i = j and all a and b, it holds

That Pr[Xi = a ∧ X j = b] equals Pr[Xi = a] · Pr[X j = b].


1.2. A few history FROM possibility principle

Proof: define the random variables Xi


= Xi − E(Xi). Note that the Xi’s are

Pairwise-unbiased and each has 0 expectation. Making use of Chebyshev’s inequality to the random
variable described by way of the sumn



N , and the use of the linearity

Of the expectancy operator, we get





Var n





I=1 Xi

Ε2 · n2

Now (again the usage of the linearity of E)






1≤i= j≤n

E[ Xi X j]

By way of the pairwise independence of the Xi’s, we get E[Xi X j] = E[Xi] · E[X j], and

The use of E[Xi] = 0, we get



 = n · σ2

The corollary follows.

The usage of pairwise-independent sampling, the mistake probability within the approximation

Is reducing linearly with the wide variety of pattern points. The use of absolutely independent

Sampling factors, the mistake opportunity inside the approximation may be proven to decrease

Exponentially with the number of pattern points. (The random variables X1, X2,..., Xn

Are said to be completely unbiased if for each series a1, a2,..., an it holds that


I=1Xi = ai] equals n

I=1 Pr[Xi = ai].) Chance bounds helping the foregoing assertion are given subsequent. The primary
sure, normally called the Chernoff

Sure, issues 0-1 random variables (i.e., random variables which are assigned values

Of both 0 or 1).

Chernoff bound: permit p ≤ 1

2 , and let X1, X2,..., Xn be unbiased zero-1 random

Variables, in order that Pr[Xi = 1] = p for every i. Then for all ε, zero < ε ≤ p(1 − p),

We have


I=1 Xi


< 2 · e− ε2

2p(1−p) ·n

We shall commonly practice the sure with a regular p ≈ 1

2 . In this example, n unbiased

Samples provide an approximation that deviates by means of ε from the expectancy with probability

This is exponentially decreasing with ε2n. Such an approximation is called an (ε, δ)-

Approximation and can be executed the use of n = O(ε−2 · log(1/δ)) pattern factors. It's far

Important to understand that the sufficient quantity of pattern points is polynomially

Related to ε−1 and logarithmically related to δ−1. So using poly(n) many samples, the



Blunders chance (i.e., δ) can be made negligible (as a feature in n), however the accuracy of

The estimation (i.e., ε) may be bounded above only with the aid of any fixed polynomial fraction

Can't be made negligible).2 We strain that the dependence of the number of samples

On ε isn't always better than in the case of pairwise-unbiased sampling; the advantage of
Completely independent samples lies most effective within the dependence of the range of samples
on δ.

Simultaneity troubles

A typical example of a simultaneity trouble is that of simultaneous exchange of secrets,

Of which agreement signing is a unique case. The placing for a simultaneous alternate

Of secrets and techniques consists of events, every preserving a “secret.” The intention is to execute

Protocol such that if both parties comply with it successfully, then at termination every will keep

Its counterpart’s secret, and anyways (even though one celebration cheats) the first party will

Hold the second one birthday celebration’s secret if and handiest if the second birthday celebration
holds the first birthday celebration’s

Secret. Perfectly simultaneous exchange of secrets and techniques can be carried out most effective
if we assume

The life of 0.33 events that are relied on to some extent. In truth, simultaneous

Alternate of secrets and techniques can without problems be carried out the use of the lively
participation of a trusted

1/3 birthday celebration: each celebration sends its secret to the trusted third party (the usage of a
relaxed channel).

The 0.33 birthday party, on receiving both secrets and techniques, sends the first party’s mystery to
the second

Celebration and the second one party’s secret to the first party. There are issues with this


1. The solution calls for the active participation of an “outside” birthday celebration in all instances
(i.e., also

In case each parties are honest). We observe that different solutions requiring milder styles of

Participation of outside events do exist.

2. The answer calls for the life of a totally depended on 0.33 entity. In a few applications,

Such an entity does now not exist. Despite the fact that, inside the sequel we will speak the trouble

1.1. CRYPTOGRAPHY: principal topics

Of implementing a trusted 0.33 birthday party by way of a fixed of customers with an honest
majority (despite the fact that

The identity of the honest customers isn't acknowledged).

Secure Implementation of Functionalities and relied on events

A unique kind of protocol hassle is concerned with the cozy implementation of

Functionalities. To be greater unique, we speak the trouble of evaluating a characteristic of nearby

inputs each of which is held via a distinct person. An illustrative and

Motivating example is vote casting, in which the feature is majority, and the nearby enter

Held through user A is a unmarried bit representing the vote of person A (e.g., “seasoned” or “con”).

Loosely speakme, a protocol for securely evaluating a selected characteristic ought to satisfy the


• privateness: No celebration can “benefit statistics” on the input of different events, beyond what's

Deduced from the value of the function.

• Robustness: No birthday celebration can “influence” the price of the function, past the have an
effect on

Exerted by deciding on its personal enter.

It is once in a while required that those situations maintain with admire to “small” (e.g., minority)
coalitions of parties (rather than unmarried events).

Truly, if one of the users is understood to be completely straightforward, then there exists a

Easy way to the hassle of comfortable evaluation of any function. Each user truely

Sends its enter to the relied on party (using a comfy channel), who, upon receiving all

Inputs, computes the feature, sends the outcome to all customers, and erases all intermediate
computations (along with the inputs obtained) from its memory. Clearly, it's far

Unrealistic to anticipate that a party can be relied on to such an extent (e.g., that it will

Voluntarily erase what it has “discovered”). Though, the problem of imposing

Comfortable characteristic evaluation reduces to the problem of implementing a relied on


It seems that a trusted party may be applied by way of a hard and fast of users with an honest
majority (even supposing the identity of the honest customers isn't always recognized). That is
indeed a

Fundamental bring about this area, and plenty of chapter 7, with a purpose to appear within the 2nd

Volume of this paintings, may be committed to formulating and proving it (as well as variations

Of it).

Zero-knowledge as a Paradigm

A major tool inside the creation of cryptographic protocols is the idea of zeroknowledge proof
systems and the fact that zero-information evidence structures exist for all

Languages in N P (furnished that one-manner features exist). Loosely talking, a zeroknowledge

evidence yields not anything however the validity of the declaration. Zero-knowledge proofs
Offer a tool for “forcing” events to observe a given protocol properly.

To demonstrate the role of zero-know-how proofs, consider a setting wherein a celebration,

Referred to as Alice, upon receiving an encrypted message from Bob, is to ship Carol the

Least substantial little bit of the message. Sincerely, if Alice sends simplest the (least massive)

Bit (of the message), then there is no manner for Carol to recognize Alice did now not cheat.

Alice may want to show that she did now not cheat with the aid of revealing to Carol the entire
message as

Well as its decryption key, but that might yield statistics some distance beyond what had been


Required. A far better idea is to allow Alice increase the bit she sends Carol with a

0-know-how evidence that this bit is indeed the least full-size little bit of the message. We

Stress that the foregoing announcement is of the “N P kind” (since the evidence detailed earlier

Can be correctly established), and consequently the life of 0-expertise proofs for

N P-statements means that the foregoing announcement may be proved with out revealing

Whatever past its validity.

The point of interest of chapter 4, dedicated to zero-know-how proofs, is at the foregoing end result

(i.e., the construction of 0-expertise proofs for any N P-assertion). In addition,

We shall recollect severa variations and factors of the belief of zero-understanding proofs

And their results at the applicability of this notion.

1.2. Some background from opportunity theory

Chance plays a imperative function in cryptography. Specifically, probability is vital

As a way to allow a dialogue of facts or loss of statistics (i.e., secrecy). We

Anticipate that the reader is acquainted with the basic notions of opportunity principle. On this

Section, we merely present the probabilistic notations that are used in the course of this ebook

And three beneficial probabilistic inequalities.

1.2.1. Notational Conventions

For the duration of this entire book we will talk to best discrete opportunity distributions.

Typically, the opportunity space includes the set of all strings of a sure length

, fascinated about uniform opportunity distribution. That is, the pattern area is the set

Of all -bit-lengthy strings, and every such string is assigned possibility degree 2−

Traditionally, capabilities from the sample area to the reals are referred to as random variables.

Abusing trendy terminology, we permit ourselves to use the time period random variable also

While regarding capabilities mapping the pattern area into the set of binary strings.

We frequently do now not specify the possibility space, but alternatively talk directly approximately

Variables. As an instance, we may additionally say that X is a random variable assigned values in

The set of all strings, in order that Pr[X = 00] = 1

Four and Pr[X = 111] = 3

Four . (any such random

Variable can be defined over the sample space {zero, 1}2, so that X(11) = 00 and X(00) =

X(01) = X(10) = 111.) In most cases the chance space includes all strings of

A particular duration. Commonly, these strings represent random picks made by means of some

Randomized system (see next section), and the random variable is the output of the


A way to examine Probabilistic Statements. All our probabilistic statements consult with

Functions of random variables which can be described ahead. Typically, we will write

Pr[ f (X) = 1], wherein X is a random variable described in advance (and f is a function).

An critical convention is that all occurrences of a given image in a probabilistic

Assertion talk to the same (specific) random variable. Therefore, if B(·, ·) is a Boolean

Expression depending on variables and X is a random variable, then Pr[B(X, X)]

Denotes the chance that B(x, x) holds whilst x is chosen with probabilitypr[X = x].


1.2. A few historical past FROM possibility principle


Pr[B(X, X)] =

Pr[X = x] · χ(B(x, x))

Where χ is a trademark feature, in order that χ(B) = 1 if event B holds, and equals 0 otherwise. As an
instance, for every random variable X, we've Pr[X = X] = 1. We strain

That if one needs to discuss the opportunity that B(x, y) holds when x and y are selected
Independently with the same opportunity distribution, then one needs to outline two impartial
random variables, each with the identical chance distribution. Hence, if X and

Y are impartial random variables, then Pr[B(X, Y )] denotes the probability that

B(x, y) holds while the pair (x, y) is chosen with possibility Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y].


Pr[B(X, Y )] =


Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y] · χ(B(x, y))

As an example, for every impartial random variables, X and Y , we've

Pr[X = Y ] = 1 simplest if both X and Y are trivial (i.e., assign the entire chance

Mass to a unmarried string).

Regular Random Variables. Throughout this complete book, Un denotes a random variable uniformly
dispensed over the set of strings of duration n. Namely,Pr[Un =α] equals

2−n if α ∈ {0, 1}n, and equals zero in any other case. Further, we will sometimes use

Random variables (arbitrarily) distributed over {0, 1}n or {0, 1}

L(n) for some function l :

N→N. Such random variables are typically denoted through Xn, Yn, Zn, and many others. We
pressure that in

A few instances Xn is distributed over{zero, 1}n, while in others it's far allotted over{0, 1}


For some characteristic l(·), that's usually a polynomial. Every other type of random variable,

The output of a randomized algorithm on a set input, is mentioned in section 1.three.

1.2.2. Three Inequalities

The subsequent probabilistic inequalities could be very useful inside the path of this book.

All inequalities discuss with random variables which are assigned actual values. The maximum
primary inequality is the Markov inequality, which asserts that for random variables with

Bounded maximum or minimal values, some relation have to exist between the deviation of a value
from the expectancy of the random variable and the opportunity that the

Random variable is assigned this price. Particularly, letting E(X) def

V Pr[X =v] · v

Denote the expectation of the random variable X, we've the following:

Markov Inequality: allow X be a non-poor random variable and v a actual

Wide variety. Then

Pr[X ≥ v] ≤


Equivalently, Pr[X ≥ r · E(X)] ≤ 1




E(X) =

Pr[X = x] · x

Pr[X = x] · 0 +


Pr[X = x] · v

= Pr[X ≥ v] · v

The claim follows.

The Markov inequality is typically used in cases in which one knows very little about

The distribution of the random variable; it suffices to know its expectation and at least

One bound on the range of its values. See Exercise 1.

Using Markov’s inequality, one gets a “possibly stronger” bound for the deviation

Of a random variable from its expectation. This bound, called Chebyshev’s inequality, is useful
provided one has additional knowledge concerning the random variable

(specifically, a good upper bound on its variance). For a random variable X of finite

Expectation, we denote by Var(X) def

= E[(X − E(X))2] the variance of X and observe

That Var(X) = E(X2) − E(X)

Chebyshev’s Inequality: Let X be a random variable, and δ > zero. Then

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] ≤



Evidence: We define a random variable Y def

= (X − E(X))2 and apply the Markov

Inequality. We get

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] = Pr[(X − E(X))2 ≥ δ2

E[(X − E(X))2]


And the claim follows.

Chebyshev’s inequality is particularly beneficial for evaluation of the mistake opportunity of

Approximation through repeated sampling. It suffices to count on that the samples are picked

In a pairwise-independent manner.

Corollary (Pairwise-unbiased Sampling): permit X1, X2,..., Xn be pairwiseindependent random

variables with the equal expectation, denotedµ, and the identical

Variance, denoted σ2. Then, for each ε > zero,


I=1 Xi





The Xi’s are called pairwise-independent if for each i = j and all a and b, it holds

That Pr[Xi = a ∧ X j = b] equals Pr[Xi = a] · Pr[X j = b].


1.2. A few history FROM possibility principle

Proof: define the random variables Xi


= Xi − E(Xi). Note that the Xi’s are

Pairwise-unbiased and each has 0 expectation. Making use of Chebyshev’s inequality to the random
variable described by way of the sumn



N , and the use of the linearity

Of the expectancy operator, we get





Var n





I=1 Xi

Ε2 · n2

Now (again the usage of the linearity of E)






1≤i= j≤n

E[ Xi X j]

By way of the pairwise independence of the Xi’s, we get E[Xi X j] = E[Xi] · E[X j], and

The use of E[Xi] = 0, we get



 = n · σ2

The corollary follows.

The usage of pairwise-independent sampling, the mistake probability within the approximation

Is reducing linearly with the wide variety of pattern points. The use of absolutely independent

Sampling factors, the mistake opportunity inside the approximation may be proven to decrease

Exponentially with the number of pattern points. (The random variables X1, X2,..., Xn

Are said to be completely unbiased if for each series a1, a2,..., an it holds that


I=1Xi = ai] equals n

I=1 Pr[Xi = ai].) Chance bounds helping the foregoing assertion are given subsequent. The primary
sure, normally called the Chernoff

Sure, issues 0-1 random variables (i.e., random variables which are assigned values

Of both 0 or 1).

Chernoff bound: permit p ≤ 1

2 , and let X1, X2,..., Xn be unbiased zero-1 random

Variables, in order that Pr[Xi = 1] = p for every i. Then for all ε, zero < ε ≤ p(1 − p),

We have


I=1 Xi


< 2 · e− ε2

2p(1−p) ·n

We shall commonly practice the sure with a regular p ≈ 1

2 . In this example, n unbiased

Samples provide an approximation that deviates by means of ε from the expectancy with probability

This is exponentially decreasing with ε2n. Such an approximation is called an (ε, δ)-

Approximation and can be executed the use of n = O(ε−2 · log(1/δ)) pattern factors. It's far

Important to understand that the sufficient quantity of pattern points is polynomially

Related to ε−1 and logarithmically related to δ−1. So using poly(n) many samples, the



Blunders chance (i.e., δ) can be made negligible (as a feature in n), however the accuracy of

The estimation (i.e., ε) may be bounded above only with the aid of any fixed polynomial fraction

Can't be made negligible).2 We strain that the dependence of the number of samples

On ε isn't always better than in the case of pairwise-unbiased sampling; the advantage of
Completely independent samples lies most effective within the dependence of the range of samples
on δ.

Simultaneity troubles

A typical example of a simultaneity trouble is that of simultaneous exchange of secrets,

Of which agreement signing is a unique case. The placing for a simultaneous alternate

Of secrets and techniques consists of events, every preserving a “secret.” The intention is to execute

Protocol such that if both parties comply with it successfully, then at termination every will keep

Its counterpart’s secret, and anyways (even though one celebration cheats) the first party will

Hold the second one birthday celebration’s secret if and handiest if the second birthday celebration
holds the first birthday celebration’s

Secret. Perfectly simultaneous exchange of secrets and techniques can be carried out most effective
if we assume

The life of 0.33 events that are relied on to some extent. In truth, simultaneous

Alternate of secrets and techniques can without problems be carried out the use of the lively
participation of a trusted

1/3 birthday celebration: each celebration sends its secret to the trusted third party (the usage of a
relaxed channel).

The 0.33 birthday party, on receiving both secrets and techniques, sends the first party’s mystery to
the second

Celebration and the second one party’s secret to the first party. There are issues with this


1. The solution calls for the active participation of an “outside” birthday celebration in all instances
(i.e., also

In case each parties are honest). We observe that different solutions requiring milder styles of

Participation of outside events do exist.

2. The answer calls for the life of a totally depended on 0.33 entity. In a few applications,

Such an entity does now not exist. Despite the fact that, inside the sequel we will speak the trouble

1.1. CRYPTOGRAPHY: principal topics

Of implementing a trusted 0.33 birthday party by way of a fixed of customers with an honest
majority (despite the fact that

The identity of the honest customers isn't acknowledged).

Secure Implementation of Functionalities and relied on events

A unique kind of protocol hassle is concerned with the cozy implementation of

Functionalities. To be greater unique, we speak the trouble of evaluating a characteristic of nearby

inputs each of which is held via a distinct person. An illustrative and

Motivating example is vote casting, in which the feature is majority, and the nearby enter

Held through user A is a unmarried bit representing the vote of person A (e.g., “seasoned” or “con”).

Loosely speakme, a protocol for securely evaluating a selected characteristic ought to satisfy the


• privateness: No celebration can “benefit statistics” on the input of different events, beyond what's

Deduced from the value of the function.

• Robustness: No birthday celebration can “influence” the price of the function, past the have an
effect on

Exerted by deciding on its personal enter.

It is once in a while required that those situations maintain with admire to “small” (e.g., minority)
coalitions of parties (rather than unmarried events).

Truly, if one of the users is understood to be completely straightforward, then there exists a

Easy way to the hassle of comfortable evaluation of any function. Each user truely

Sends its enter to the relied on party (using a comfy channel), who, upon receiving all

Inputs, computes the feature, sends the outcome to all customers, and erases all intermediate
computations (along with the inputs obtained) from its memory. Clearly, it's far

Unrealistic to anticipate that a party can be relied on to such an extent (e.g., that it will

Voluntarily erase what it has “discovered”). Though, the problem of imposing

Comfortable characteristic evaluation reduces to the problem of implementing a relied on


It seems that a trusted party may be applied by way of a hard and fast of users with an honest
majority (even supposing the identity of the honest customers isn't always recognized). That is
indeed a

Fundamental bring about this area, and plenty of chapter 7, with a purpose to appear within the 2nd

Volume of this paintings, may be committed to formulating and proving it (as well as variations

Of it).

Zero-knowledge as a Paradigm

A major tool inside the creation of cryptographic protocols is the idea of zeroknowledge proof
systems and the fact that zero-information evidence structures exist for all

Languages in N P (furnished that one-manner features exist). Loosely talking, a zeroknowledge

evidence yields not anything however the validity of the declaration. Zero-knowledge proofs
Offer a tool for “forcing” events to observe a given protocol properly.

To demonstrate the role of zero-know-how proofs, consider a setting wherein a celebration,

Referred to as Alice, upon receiving an encrypted message from Bob, is to ship Carol the

Least substantial little bit of the message. Sincerely, if Alice sends simplest the (least massive)

Bit (of the message), then there is no manner for Carol to recognize Alice did now not cheat.

Alice may want to show that she did now not cheat with the aid of revealing to Carol the entire
message as

Well as its decryption key, but that might yield statistics some distance beyond what had been


Required. A far better idea is to allow Alice increase the bit she sends Carol with a

0-know-how evidence that this bit is indeed the least full-size little bit of the message. We

Stress that the foregoing announcement is of the “N P kind” (since the evidence detailed earlier

Can be correctly established), and consequently the life of 0-expertise proofs for

N P-statements means that the foregoing announcement may be proved with out revealing

Whatever past its validity.

The point of interest of chapter 4, dedicated to zero-know-how proofs, is at the foregoing end result

(i.e., the construction of 0-expertise proofs for any N P-assertion). In addition,

We shall recollect severa variations and factors of the belief of zero-understanding proofs

And their results at the applicability of this notion.

1.2. Some background from opportunity theory

Chance plays a imperative function in cryptography. Specifically, probability is vital

As a way to allow a dialogue of facts or loss of statistics (i.e., secrecy). We

Anticipate that the reader is acquainted with the basic notions of opportunity principle. On this

Section, we merely present the probabilistic notations that are used in the course of this ebook

And three beneficial probabilistic inequalities.

1.2.1. Notational Conventions

For the duration of this entire book we will talk to best discrete opportunity distributions.

Typically, the opportunity space includes the set of all strings of a sure length

, fascinated about uniform opportunity distribution. That is, the pattern area is the set

Of all -bit-lengthy strings, and every such string is assigned possibility degree 2−

Traditionally, capabilities from the sample area to the reals are referred to as random variables.

Abusing trendy terminology, we permit ourselves to use the time period random variable also

While regarding capabilities mapping the pattern area into the set of binary strings.

We frequently do now not specify the possibility space, but alternatively talk directly approximately

Variables. As an instance, we may additionally say that X is a random variable assigned values in

The set of all strings, in order that Pr[X = 00] = 1

Four and Pr[X = 111] = 3

Four . (any such random

Variable can be defined over the sample space {zero, 1}2, so that X(11) = 00 and X(00) =

X(01) = X(10) = 111.) In most cases the chance space includes all strings of

A particular duration. Commonly, these strings represent random picks made by means of some

Randomized system (see next section), and the random variable is the output of the


A way to examine Probabilistic Statements. All our probabilistic statements consult with

Functions of random variables which can be described ahead. Typically, we will write

Pr[ f (X) = 1], wherein X is a random variable described in advance (and f is a function).

An critical convention is that all occurrences of a given image in a probabilistic

Assertion talk to the same (specific) random variable. Therefore, if B(·, ·) is a Boolean

Expression depending on variables and X is a random variable, then Pr[B(X, X)]

Denotes the chance that B(x, x) holds whilst x is chosen with probabilitypr[X = x].


1.2. A few historical past FROM possibility principle


Pr[B(X, X)] =

Pr[X = x] · χ(B(x, x))

Where χ is a trademark feature, in order that χ(B) = 1 if event B holds, and equals 0 otherwise. As an
instance, for every random variable X, we've Pr[X = X] = 1. We strain

That if one needs to discuss the opportunity that B(x, y) holds when x and y are selected
Independently with the same opportunity distribution, then one needs to outline two impartial
random variables, each with the identical chance distribution. Hence, if X and

Y are impartial random variables, then Pr[B(X, Y )] denotes the probability that

B(x, y) holds while the pair (x, y) is chosen with possibility Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y].


Pr[B(X, Y )] =


Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y] · χ(B(x, y))

As an example, for every impartial random variables, X and Y , we've

Pr[X = Y ] = 1 simplest if both X and Y are trivial (i.e., assign the entire chance

Mass to a unmarried string).

Regular Random Variables. Throughout this complete book, Un denotes a random variable uniformly
dispensed over the set of strings of duration n. Namely,Pr[Un =α] equals

2−n if α ∈ {0, 1}n, and equals zero in any other case. Further, we will sometimes use

Random variables (arbitrarily) distributed over {0, 1}n or {0, 1}

L(n) for some function l :

N→N. Such random variables are typically denoted through Xn, Yn, Zn, and many others. We
pressure that in

A few instances Xn is distributed over{zero, 1}n, while in others it's far allotted over{0, 1}


For some characteristic l(·), that's usually a polynomial. Every other type of random variable,

The output of a randomized algorithm on a set input, is mentioned in section 1.three.

1.2.2. Three Inequalities

The subsequent probabilistic inequalities could be very useful inside the path of this book.

All inequalities discuss with random variables which are assigned actual values. The maximum
primary inequality is the Markov inequality, which asserts that for random variables with

Bounded maximum or minimal values, some relation have to exist between the deviation of a value
from the expectancy of the random variable and the opportunity that the

Random variable is assigned this price. Particularly, letting E(X) def

V Pr[X =v] · v

Denote the expectation of the random variable X, we've the following:

Markov Inequality: allow X be a non-poor random variable and v a actual

Wide variety. Then

Pr[X ≥ v] ≤


Equivalently, Pr[X ≥ r · E(X)] ≤ 1




E(X) =

Pr[X = x] · x

Pr[X = x] · 0 +


Pr[X = x] · v

= Pr[X ≥ v] · v

The claim follows.

The Markov inequality is typically used in cases in which one knows very little about

The distribution of the random variable; it suffices to know its expectation and at least

One bound on the range of its values. See Exercise 1.

Using Markov’s inequality, one gets a “possibly stronger” bound for the deviation

Of a random variable from its expectation. This bound, called Chebyshev’s inequality, is useful
provided one has additional knowledge concerning the random variable

(specifically, a good upper bound on its variance). For a random variable X of finite

Expectation, we denote by Var(X) def

= E[(X − E(X))2] the variance of X and observe

That Var(X) = E(X2) − E(X)

Chebyshev’s Inequality: Let X be a random variable, and δ > zero. Then

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] ≤



Evidence: We define a random variable Y def

= (X − E(X))2 and apply the Markov

Inequality. We get

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] = Pr[(X − E(X))2 ≥ δ2

E[(X − E(X))2]


And the claim follows.

Chebyshev’s inequality is particularly beneficial for evaluation of the mistake opportunity of

Approximation through repeated sampling. It suffices to count on that the samples are picked

In a pairwise-independent manner.

Corollary (Pairwise-unbiased Sampling): permit X1, X2,..., Xn be pairwiseindependent random

variables with the equal expectation, denotedµ, and the identical

Variance, denoted σ2. Then, for each ε > zero,


I=1 Xi





The Xi’s are called pairwise-independent if for each i = j and all a and b, it holds

That Pr[Xi = a ∧ X j = b] equals Pr[Xi = a] · Pr[X j = b].


1.2. A few history FROM possibility principle

Proof: define the random variables Xi


= Xi − E(Xi). Note that the Xi’s are

Pairwise-unbiased and each has 0 expectation. Making use of Chebyshev’s inequality to the random
variable described by way of the sumn



N , and the use of the linearity

Of the expectancy operator, we get





Var n





I=1 Xi

Ε2 · n2

Now (again the usage of the linearity of E)






1≤i= j≤n

E[ Xi X j]

By way of the pairwise independence of the Xi’s, we get E[Xi X j] = E[Xi] · E[X j], and

The use of E[Xi] = 0, we get



 = n · σ2

The corollary follows.

The usage of pairwise-independent sampling, the mistake probability within the approximation

Is reducing linearly with the wide variety of pattern points. The use of absolutely independent

Sampling factors, the mistake opportunity inside the approximation may be proven to decrease

Exponentially with the number of pattern points. (The random variables X1, X2,..., Xn

Are said to be completely unbiased if for each series a1, a2,..., an it holds that


I=1Xi = ai] equals n

I=1 Pr[Xi = ai].) Chance bounds helping the foregoing assertion are given subsequent. The primary
sure, normally called the Chernoff

Sure, issues 0-1 random variables (i.e., random variables which are assigned values

Of both 0 or 1).

Chernoff bound: permit p ≤ 1

2 , and let X1, X2,..., Xn be unbiased zero-1 random

Variables, in order that Pr[Xi = 1] = p for every i. Then for all ε, zero < ε ≤ p(1 − p),

We have


I=1 Xi


< 2 · e− ε2

2p(1−p) ·n

We shall commonly practice the sure with a regular p ≈ 1

2 . In this example, n unbiased

Samples provide an approximation that deviates by means of ε from the expectancy with probability

This is exponentially decreasing with ε2n. Such an approximation is called an (ε, δ)-

Approximation and can be executed the use of n = O(ε−2 · log(1/δ)) pattern factors. It's far

Important to understand that the sufficient quantity of pattern points is polynomially

Related to ε−1 and logarithmically related to δ−1. So using poly(n) many samples, the



Blunders chance (i.e., δ) can be made negligible (as a feature in n), however the accuracy of

The estimation (i.e., ε) may be bounded above only with the aid of any fixed polynomial fraction

Can't be made negligible).2 We strain that the dependence of the number of samples

On ε isn't always better than in the case of pairwise-unbiased sampling; the advantage of
Completely independent samples lies most effective within the dependence of the range of samples
on δ.

Simultaneity troubles

A typical example of a simultaneity trouble is that of simultaneous exchange of secrets,

Of which agreement signing is a unique case. The placing for a simultaneous alternate

Of secrets and techniques consists of events, every preserving a “secret.” The intention is to execute

Protocol such that if both parties comply with it successfully, then at termination every will keep

Its counterpart’s secret, and anyways (even though one celebration cheats) the first party will

Hold the second one birthday celebration’s secret if and handiest if the second birthday celebration
holds the first birthday celebration’s

Secret. Perfectly simultaneous exchange of secrets and techniques can be carried out most effective
if we assume

The life of 0.33 events that are relied on to some extent. In truth, simultaneous

Alternate of secrets and techniques can without problems be carried out the use of the lively
participation of a trusted

1/3 birthday celebration: each celebration sends its secret to the trusted third party (the usage of a
relaxed channel).

The 0.33 birthday party, on receiving both secrets and techniques, sends the first party’s mystery to
the second

Celebration and the second one party’s secret to the first party. There are issues with this


1. The solution calls for the active participation of an “outside” birthday celebration in all instances
(i.e., also

In case each parties are honest). We observe that different solutions requiring milder styles of

Participation of outside events do exist.

2. The answer calls for the life of a totally depended on 0.33 entity. In a few applications,

Such an entity does now not exist. Despite the fact that, inside the sequel we will speak the trouble

1.1. CRYPTOGRAPHY: principal topics

Of implementing a trusted 0.33 birthday party by way of a fixed of customers with an honest
majority (despite the fact that

The identity of the honest customers isn't acknowledged).

Secure Implementation of Functionalities and relied on events

A unique kind of protocol hassle is concerned with the cozy implementation of

Functionalities. To be greater unique, we speak the trouble of evaluating a characteristic of nearby

inputs each of which is held via a distinct person. An illustrative and

Motivating example is vote casting, in which the feature is majority, and the nearby enter

Held through user A is a unmarried bit representing the vote of person A (e.g., “seasoned” or “con”).

Loosely speakme, a protocol for securely evaluating a selected characteristic ought to satisfy the


• privateness: No celebration can “benefit statistics” on the input of different events, beyond what's

Deduced from the value of the function.

• Robustness: No birthday celebration can “influence” the price of the function, past the have an
effect on

Exerted by deciding on its personal enter.

It is once in a while required that those situations maintain with admire to “small” (e.g., minority)
coalitions of parties (rather than unmarried events).

Truly, if one of the users is understood to be completely straightforward, then there exists a

Easy way to the hassle of comfortable evaluation of any function. Each user truely

Sends its enter to the relied on party (using a comfy channel), who, upon receiving all

Inputs, computes the feature, sends the outcome to all customers, and erases all intermediate
computations (along with the inputs obtained) from its memory. Clearly, it's far

Unrealistic to anticipate that a party can be relied on to such an extent (e.g., that it will

Voluntarily erase what it has “discovered”). Though, the problem of imposing

Comfortable characteristic evaluation reduces to the problem of implementing a relied on


It seems that a trusted party may be applied by way of a hard and fast of users with an honest
majority (even supposing the identity of the honest customers isn't always recognized). That is
indeed a

Fundamental bring about this area, and plenty of chapter 7, with a purpose to appear within the 2nd

Volume of this paintings, may be committed to formulating and proving it (as well as variations

Of it).

Zero-knowledge as a Paradigm

A major tool inside the creation of cryptographic protocols is the idea of zeroknowledge proof
systems and the fact that zero-information evidence structures exist for all

Languages in N P (furnished that one-manner features exist). Loosely talking, a zeroknowledge

evidence yields not anything however the validity of the declaration. Zero-knowledge proofs
Offer a tool for “forcing” events to observe a given protocol properly.

To demonstrate the role of zero-know-how proofs, consider a setting wherein a celebration,

Referred to as Alice, upon receiving an encrypted message from Bob, is to ship Carol the

Least substantial little bit of the message. Sincerely, if Alice sends simplest the (least massive)

Bit (of the message), then there is no manner for Carol to recognize Alice did now not cheat.

Alice may want to show that she did now not cheat with the aid of revealing to Carol the entire
message as

Well as its decryption key, but that might yield statistics some distance beyond what had been


Required. A far better idea is to allow Alice increase the bit she sends Carol with a

0-know-how evidence that this bit is indeed the least full-size little bit of the message. We

Stress that the foregoing announcement is of the “N P kind” (since the evidence detailed earlier

Can be correctly established), and consequently the life of 0-expertise proofs for

N P-statements means that the foregoing announcement may be proved with out revealing

Whatever past its validity.

The point of interest of chapter 4, dedicated to zero-know-how proofs, is at the foregoing end result

(i.e., the construction of 0-expertise proofs for any N P-assertion). In addition,

We shall recollect severa variations and factors of the belief of zero-understanding proofs

And their results at the applicability of this notion.

1.2. Some background from opportunity theory

Chance plays a imperative function in cryptography. Specifically, probability is vital

As a way to allow a dialogue of facts or loss of statistics (i.e., secrecy). We

Anticipate that the reader is acquainted with the basic notions of opportunity principle. On this

Section, we merely present the probabilistic notations that are used in the course of this ebook

And three beneficial probabilistic inequalities.

1.2.1. Notational Conventions

For the duration of this entire book we will talk to best discrete opportunity distributions.

Typically, the opportunity space includes the set of all strings of a sure length

, fascinated about uniform opportunity distribution. That is, the pattern area is the set

Of all -bit-lengthy strings, and every such string is assigned possibility degree 2−

Traditionally, capabilities from the sample area to the reals are referred to as random variables.

Abusing trendy terminology, we permit ourselves to use the time period random variable also

While regarding capabilities mapping the pattern area into the set of binary strings.

We frequently do now not specify the possibility space, but alternatively talk directly approximately

Variables. As an instance, we may additionally say that X is a random variable assigned values in

The set of all strings, in order that Pr[X = 00] = 1

Four and Pr[X = 111] = 3

Four . (any such random

Variable can be defined over the sample space {zero, 1}2, so that X(11) = 00 and X(00) =

X(01) = X(10) = 111.) In most cases the chance space includes all strings of

A particular duration. Commonly, these strings represent random picks made by means of some

Randomized system (see next section), and the random variable is the output of the


A way to examine Probabilistic Statements. All our probabilistic statements consult with

Functions of random variables which can be described ahead. Typically, we will write

Pr[ f (X) = 1], wherein X is a random variable described in advance (and f is a function).

An critical convention is that all occurrences of a given image in a probabilistic

Assertion talk to the same (specific) random variable. Therefore, if B(·, ·) is a Boolean

Expression depending on variables and X is a random variable, then Pr[B(X, X)]

Denotes the chance that B(x, x) holds whilst x is chosen with probabilitypr[X = x].


1.2. A few historical past FROM possibility principle


Pr[B(X, X)] =

Pr[X = x] · χ(B(x, x))

Where χ is a trademark feature, in order that χ(B) = 1 if event B holds, and equals 0 otherwise. As an
instance, for every random variable X, we've Pr[X = X] = 1. We strain

That if one needs to discuss the opportunity that B(x, y) holds when x and y are selected
Independently with the same opportunity distribution, then one needs to outline two impartial
random variables, each with the identical chance distribution. Hence, if X and

Y are impartial random variables, then Pr[B(X, Y )] denotes the probability that

B(x, y) holds while the pair (x, y) is chosen with possibility Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y].


Pr[B(X, Y )] =


Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y] · χ(B(x, y))

As an example, for every impartial random variables, X and Y , we've

Pr[X = Y ] = 1 simplest if both X and Y are trivial (i.e., assign the entire chance

Mass to a unmarried string).

Regular Random Variables. Throughout this complete book, Un denotes a random variable uniformly
dispensed over the set of strings of duration n. Namely,Pr[Un =α] equals

2−n if α ∈ {0, 1}n, and equals zero in any other case. Further, we will sometimes use

Random variables (arbitrarily) distributed over {0, 1}n or {0, 1}

L(n) for some function l :

N→N. Such random variables are typically denoted through Xn, Yn, Zn, and many others. We
pressure that in

A few instances Xn is distributed over{zero, 1}n, while in others it's far allotted over{0, 1}


For some characteristic l(·), that's usually a polynomial. Every other type of random variable,

The output of a randomized algorithm on a set input, is mentioned in section 1.three.

1.2.2. Three Inequalities

The subsequent probabilistic inequalities could be very useful inside the path of this book.

All inequalities discuss with random variables which are assigned actual values. The maximum
primary inequality is the Markov inequality, which asserts that for random variables with

Bounded maximum or minimal values, some relation have to exist between the deviation of a value
from the expectancy of the random variable and the opportunity that the

Random variable is assigned this price. Particularly, letting E(X) def

V Pr[X =v] · v

Denote the expectation of the random variable X, we've the following:

Markov Inequality: allow X be a non-poor random variable and v a actual

Wide variety. Then

Pr[X ≥ v] ≤


Equivalently, Pr[X ≥ r · E(X)] ≤ 1




E(X) =

Pr[X = x] · x

Pr[X = x] · 0 +


Pr[X = x] · v

= Pr[X ≥ v] · v

The claim follows.

The Markov inequality is typically used in cases in which one knows very little about

The distribution of the random variable; it suffices to know its expectation and at least

One bound on the range of its values. See Exercise 1.

Using Markov’s inequality, one gets a “possibly stronger” bound for the deviation

Of a random variable from its expectation. This bound, called Chebyshev’s inequality, is useful
provided one has additional knowledge concerning the random variable

(specifically, a good upper bound on its variance). For a random variable X of finite

Expectation, we denote by Var(X) def

= E[(X − E(X))2] the variance of X and observe

That Var(X) = E(X2) − E(X)

Chebyshev’s Inequality: Let X be a random variable, and δ > zero. Then

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] ≤



Evidence: We define a random variable Y def

= (X − E(X))2 and apply the Markov

Inequality. We get

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] = Pr[(X − E(X))2 ≥ δ2

E[(X − E(X))2]


And the claim follows.

Chebyshev’s inequality is particularly beneficial for evaluation of the mistake opportunity of

Approximation through repeated sampling. It suffices to count on that the samples are picked

In a pairwise-independent manner.

Corollary (Pairwise-unbiased Sampling): permit X1, X2,..., Xn be pairwiseindependent random

variables with the equal expectation, denotedµ, and the identical

Variance, denoted σ2. Then, for each ε > zero,


I=1 Xi





The Xi’s are called pairwise-independent if for each i = j and all a and b, it holds

That Pr[Xi = a ∧ X j = b] equals Pr[Xi = a] · Pr[X j = b].


1.2. A few history FROM possibility principle

Proof: define the random variables Xi


= Xi − E(Xi). Note that the Xi’s are

Pairwise-unbiased and each has 0 expectation. Making use of Chebyshev’s inequality to the random
variable described by way of the sumn



N , and the use of the linearity

Of the expectancy operator, we get





Var n





I=1 Xi

Ε2 · n2

Now (again the usage of the linearity of E)






1≤i= j≤n

E[ Xi X j]

By way of the pairwise independence of the Xi’s, we get E[Xi X j] = E[Xi] · E[X j], and

The use of E[Xi] = 0, we get



 = n · σ2

The corollary follows.

The usage of pairwise-independent sampling, the mistake probability within the approximation

Is reducing linearly with the wide variety of pattern points. The use of absolutely independent

Sampling factors, the mistake opportunity inside the approximation may be proven to decrease

Exponentially with the number of pattern points. (The random variables X1, X2,..., Xn

Are said to be completely unbiased if for each series a1, a2,..., an it holds that


I=1Xi = ai] equals n

I=1 Pr[Xi = ai].) Chance bounds helping the foregoing assertion are given subsequent. The primary
sure, normally called the Chernoff

Sure, issues 0-1 random variables (i.e., random variables which are assigned values

Of both 0 or 1).

Chernoff bound: permit p ≤ 1

2 , and let X1, X2,..., Xn be unbiased zero-1 random

Variables, in order that Pr[Xi = 1] = p for every i. Then for all ε, zero < ε ≤ p(1 − p),

We have


I=1 Xi


< 2 · e− ε2

2p(1−p) ·n

We shall commonly practice the sure with a regular p ≈ 1

2 . In this example, n unbiased

Samples provide an approximation that deviates by means of ε from the expectancy with probability

This is exponentially decreasing with ε2n. Such an approximation is called an (ε, δ)-

Approximation and can be executed the use of n = O(ε−2 · log(1/δ)) pattern factors. It's far

Important to understand that the sufficient quantity of pattern points is polynomially

Related to ε−1 and logarithmically related to δ−1. So using poly(n) many samples, the



Blunders chance (i.e., δ) can be made negligible (as a feature in n), however the accuracy of

The estimation (i.e., ε) may be bounded above only with the aid of any fixed polynomial fraction

Can't be made negligible).2 We strain that the dependence of the number of samples

On ε isn't always better than in the case of pairwise-unbiased sampling; the advantage of
Completely independent samples lies most effective within the dependence of the range of samples
on δ.

Simultaneity troubles

A typical example of a simultaneity trouble is that of simultaneous exchange of secrets,

Of which agreement signing is a unique case. The placing for a simultaneous alternate

Of secrets and techniques consists of events, every preserving a “secret.” The intention is to execute

Protocol such that if both parties comply with it successfully, then at termination every will keep

Its counterpart’s secret, and anyways (even though one celebration cheats) the first party will

Hold the second one birthday celebration’s secret if and handiest if the second birthday celebration
holds the first birthday celebration’s

Secret. Perfectly simultaneous exchange of secrets and techniques can be carried out most effective
if we assume

The life of 0.33 events that are relied on to some extent. In truth, simultaneous

Alternate of secrets and techniques can without problems be carried out the use of the lively
participation of a trusted

1/3 birthday celebration: each celebration sends its secret to the trusted third party (the usage of a
relaxed channel).

The 0.33 birthday party, on receiving both secrets and techniques, sends the first party’s mystery to
the second

Celebration and the second one party’s secret to the first party. There are issues with this


1. The solution calls for the active participation of an “outside” birthday celebration in all instances
(i.e., also

In case each parties are honest). We observe that different solutions requiring milder styles of

Participation of outside events do exist.

2. The answer calls for the life of a totally depended on 0.33 entity. In a few applications,

Such an entity does now not exist. Despite the fact that, inside the sequel we will speak the trouble

1.1. CRYPTOGRAPHY: principal topics

Of implementing a trusted 0.33 birthday party by way of a fixed of customers with an honest
majority (despite the fact that

The identity of the honest customers isn't acknowledged).

Secure Implementation of Functionalities and relied on events

A unique kind of protocol hassle is concerned with the cozy implementation of

Functionalities. To be greater unique, we speak the trouble of evaluating a characteristic of nearby

inputs each of which is held via a distinct person. An illustrative and

Motivating example is vote casting, in which the feature is majority, and the nearby enter

Held through user A is a unmarried bit representing the vote of person A (e.g., “seasoned” or “con”).

Loosely speakme, a protocol for securely evaluating a selected characteristic ought to satisfy the


• privateness: No celebration can “benefit statistics” on the input of different events, beyond what's

Deduced from the value of the function.

• Robustness: No birthday celebration can “influence” the price of the function, past the have an
effect on

Exerted by deciding on its personal enter.

It is once in a while required that those situations maintain with admire to “small” (e.g., minority)
coalitions of parties (rather than unmarried events).

Truly, if one of the users is understood to be completely straightforward, then there exists a

Easy way to the hassle of comfortable evaluation of any function. Each user truely

Sends its enter to the relied on party (using a comfy channel), who, upon receiving all

Inputs, computes the feature, sends the outcome to all customers, and erases all intermediate
computations (along with the inputs obtained) from its memory. Clearly, it's far

Unrealistic to anticipate that a party can be relied on to such an extent (e.g., that it will

Voluntarily erase what it has “discovered”). Though, the problem of imposing

Comfortable characteristic evaluation reduces to the problem of implementing a relied on


It seems that a trusted party may be applied by way of a hard and fast of users with an honest
majority (even supposing the identity of the honest customers isn't always recognized). That is
indeed a

Fundamental bring about this area, and plenty of chapter 7, with a purpose to appear within the 2nd

Volume of this paintings, may be committed to formulating and proving it (as well as variations

Of it).

Zero-knowledge as a Paradigm

A major tool inside the creation of cryptographic protocols is the idea of zeroknowledge proof
systems and the fact that zero-information evidence structures exist for all

Languages in N P (furnished that one-manner features exist). Loosely talking, a zeroknowledge

evidence yields not anything however the validity of the declaration. Zero-knowledge proofs
Offer a tool for “forcing” events to observe a given protocol properly.

To demonstrate the role of zero-know-how proofs, consider a setting wherein a celebration,

Referred to as Alice, upon receiving an encrypted message from Bob, is to ship Carol the

Least substantial little bit of the message. Sincerely, if Alice sends simplest the (least massive)

Bit (of the message), then there is no manner for Carol to recognize Alice did now not cheat.

Alice may want to show that she did now not cheat with the aid of revealing to Carol the entire
message as

Well as its decryption key, but that might yield statistics some distance beyond what had been


Required. A far better idea is to allow Alice increase the bit she sends Carol with a

0-know-how evidence that this bit is indeed the least full-size little bit of the message. We

Stress that the foregoing announcement is of the “N P kind” (since the evidence detailed earlier

Can be correctly established), and consequently the life of 0-expertise proofs for

N P-statements means that the foregoing announcement may be proved with out revealing

Whatever past its validity.

The point of interest of chapter 4, dedicated to zero-know-how proofs, is at the foregoing end result

(i.e., the construction of 0-expertise proofs for any N P-assertion). In addition,

We shall recollect severa variations and factors of the belief of zero-understanding proofs

And their results at the applicability of this notion.

1.2. Some background from opportunity theory

Chance plays a imperative function in cryptography. Specifically, probability is vital

As a way to allow a dialogue of facts or loss of statistics (i.e., secrecy). We

Anticipate that the reader is acquainted with the basic notions of opportunity principle. On this

Section, we merely present the probabilistic notations that are used in the course of this ebook

And three beneficial probabilistic inequalities.

1.2.1. Notational Conventions

For the duration of this entire book we will talk to best discrete opportunity distributions.

Typically, the opportunity space includes the set of all strings of a sure length

, fascinated about uniform opportunity distribution. That is, the pattern area is the set

Of all -bit-lengthy strings, and every such string is assigned possibility degree 2−

Traditionally, capabilities from the sample area to the reals are referred to as random variables.

Abusing trendy terminology, we permit ourselves to use the time period random variable also

While regarding capabilities mapping the pattern area into the set of binary strings.

We frequently do now not specify the possibility space, but alternatively talk directly approximately

Variables. As an instance, we may additionally say that X is a random variable assigned values in

The set of all strings, in order that Pr[X = 00] = 1

Four and Pr[X = 111] = 3

Four . (any such random

Variable can be defined over the sample space {zero, 1}2, so that X(11) = 00 and X(00) =

X(01) = X(10) = 111.) In most cases the chance space includes all strings of

A particular duration. Commonly, these strings represent random picks made by means of some

Randomized system (see next section), and the random variable is the output of the


A way to examine Probabilistic Statements. All our probabilistic statements consult with

Functions of random variables which can be described ahead. Typically, we will write

Pr[ f (X) = 1], wherein X is a random variable described in advance (and f is a function).

An critical convention is that all occurrences of a given image in a probabilistic

Assertion talk to the same (specific) random variable. Therefore, if B(·, ·) is a Boolean

Expression depending on variables and X is a random variable, then Pr[B(X, X)]

Denotes the chance that B(x, x) holds whilst x is chosen with probabilitypr[X = x].


1.2. A few historical past FROM possibility principle


Pr[B(X, X)] =

Pr[X = x] · χ(B(x, x))

Where χ is a trademark feature, in order that χ(B) = 1 if event B holds, and equals 0 otherwise. As an
instance, for every random variable X, we've Pr[X = X] = 1. We strain

That if one needs to discuss the opportunity that B(x, y) holds when x and y are selected
Independently with the same opportunity distribution, then one needs to outline two impartial
random variables, each with the identical chance distribution. Hence, if X and

Y are impartial random variables, then Pr[B(X, Y )] denotes the probability that

B(x, y) holds while the pair (x, y) is chosen with possibility Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y].


Pr[B(X, Y )] =


Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y] · χ(B(x, y))

As an example, for every impartial random variables, X and Y , we've

Pr[X = Y ] = 1 simplest if both X and Y are trivial (i.e., assign the entire chance

Mass to a unmarried string).

Regular Random Variables. Throughout this complete book, Un denotes a random variable uniformly
dispensed over the set of strings of duration n. Namely,Pr[Un =α] equals

2−n if α ∈ {0, 1}n, and equals zero in any other case. Further, we will sometimes use

Random variables (arbitrarily) distributed over {0, 1}n or {0, 1}

L(n) for some function l :

N→N. Such random variables are typically denoted through Xn, Yn, Zn, and many others. We
pressure that in

A few instances Xn is distributed over{zero, 1}n, while in others it's far allotted over{0, 1}


For some characteristic l(·), that's usually a polynomial. Every other type of random variable,

The output of a randomized algorithm on a set input, is mentioned in section 1.three.

1.2.2. Three Inequalities

The subsequent probabilistic inequalities could be very useful inside the path of this book.

All inequalities discuss with random variables which are assigned actual values. The maximum
primary inequality is the Markov inequality, which asserts that for random variables with

Bounded maximum or minimal values, some relation have to exist between the deviation of a value
from the expectancy of the random variable and the opportunity that the

Random variable is assigned this price. Particularly, letting E(X) def

V Pr[X =v] · v

Denote the expectation of the random variable X, we've the following:

Markov Inequality: allow X be a non-poor random variable and v a actual

Wide variety. Then

Pr[X ≥ v] ≤


Equivalently, Pr[X ≥ r · E(X)] ≤ 1




E(X) =

Pr[X = x] · x

Pr[X = x] · 0 +


Pr[X = x] · v

= Pr[X ≥ v] · v

The claim follows.

The Markov inequality is typically used in cases in which one knows very little about

The distribution of the random variable; it suffices to know its expectation and at least

One bound on the range of its values. See Exercise 1.

Using Markov’s inequality, one gets a “possibly stronger” bound for the deviation

Of a random variable from its expectation. This bound, called Chebyshev’s inequality, is useful
provided one has additional knowledge concerning the random variable

(specifically, a good upper bound on its variance). For a random variable X of finite

Expectation, we denote by Var(X) def

= E[(X − E(X))2] the variance of X and observe

That Var(X) = E(X2) − E(X)

Chebyshev’s Inequality: Let X be a random variable, and δ > zero. Then

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] ≤



Evidence: We define a random variable Y def

= (X − E(X))2 and apply the Markov

Inequality. We get

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] = Pr[(X − E(X))2 ≥ δ2

E[(X − E(X))2]


And the claim follows.

Chebyshev’s inequality is particularly beneficial for evaluation of the mistake opportunity of

Approximation through repeated sampling. It suffices to count on that the samples are picked

In a pairwise-independent manner.

Corollary (Pairwise-unbiased Sampling): permit X1, X2,..., Xn be pairwiseindependent random

variables with the equal expectation, denotedµ, and the identical

Variance, denoted σ2. Then, for each ε > zero,


I=1 Xi





The Xi’s are called pairwise-independent if for each i = j and all a and b, it holds

That Pr[Xi = a ∧ X j = b] equals Pr[Xi = a] · Pr[X j = b].


1.2. A few history FROM possibility principle

Proof: define the random variables Xi


= Xi − E(Xi). Note that the Xi’s are

Pairwise-unbiased and each has 0 expectation. Making use of Chebyshev’s inequality to the random
variable described by way of the sumn



N , and the use of the linearity

Of the expectancy operator, we get





Var n





I=1 Xi

Ε2 · n2

Now (again the usage of the linearity of E)






1≤i= j≤n

E[ Xi X j]

By way of the pairwise independence of the Xi’s, we get E[Xi X j] = E[Xi] · E[X j], and

The use of E[Xi] = 0, we get



 = n · σ2

The corollary follows.

The usage of pairwise-independent sampling, the mistake probability within the approximation

Is reducing linearly with the wide variety of pattern points. The use of absolutely independent

Sampling factors, the mistake opportunity inside the approximation may be proven to decrease

Exponentially with the number of pattern points. (The random variables X1, X2,..., Xn

Are said to be completely unbiased if for each series a1, a2,..., an it holds that


I=1Xi = ai] equals n

I=1 Pr[Xi = ai].) Chance bounds helping the foregoing assertion are given subsequent. The primary
sure, normally called the Chernoff

Sure, issues 0-1 random variables (i.e., random variables which are assigned values

Of both 0 or 1).

Chernoff bound: permit p ≤ 1

2 , and let X1, X2,..., Xn be unbiased zero-1 random

Variables, in order that Pr[Xi = 1] = p for every i. Then for all ε, zero < ε ≤ p(1 − p),

We have


I=1 Xi


< 2 · e− ε2

2p(1−p) ·n

We shall commonly practice the sure with a regular p ≈ 1

2 . In this example, n unbiased

Samples provide an approximation that deviates by means of ε from the expectancy with probability

This is exponentially decreasing with ε2n. Such an approximation is called an (ε, δ)-

Approximation and can be executed the use of n = O(ε−2 · log(1/δ)) pattern factors. It's far

Important to understand that the sufficient quantity of pattern points is polynomially

Related to ε−1 and logarithmically related to δ−1. So using poly(n) many samples, the



Blunders chance (i.e., δ) can be made negligible (as a feature in n), however the accuracy of

The estimation (i.e., ε) may be bounded above only with the aid of any fixed polynomial fraction

Can't be made negligible).2 We strain that the dependence of the number of samples

On ε isn't always better than in the case of pairwise-unbiased sampling; the advantage of
Completely independent samples lies most effective within the dependence of the range of samples
on δ.

Simultaneity troubles

A typical example of a simultaneity trouble is that of simultaneous exchange of secrets,

Of which agreement signing is a unique case. The placing for a simultaneous alternate

Of secrets and techniques consists of events, every preserving a “secret.” The intention is to execute

Protocol such that if both parties comply with it successfully, then at termination every will keep

Its counterpart’s secret, and anyways (even though one celebration cheats) the first party will

Hold the second one birthday celebration’s secret if and handiest if the second birthday celebration
holds the first birthday celebration’s

Secret. Perfectly simultaneous exchange of secrets and techniques can be carried out most effective
if we assume

The life of 0.33 events that are relied on to some extent. In truth, simultaneous

Alternate of secrets and techniques can without problems be carried out the use of the lively
participation of a trusted

1/3 birthday celebration: each celebration sends its secret to the trusted third party (the usage of a
relaxed channel).

The 0.33 birthday party, on receiving both secrets and techniques, sends the first party’s mystery to
the second

Celebration and the second one party’s secret to the first party. There are issues with this


1. The solution calls for the active participation of an “outside” birthday celebration in all instances
(i.e., also

In case each parties are honest). We observe that different solutions requiring milder styles of

Participation of outside events do exist.

2. The answer calls for the life of a totally depended on 0.33 entity. In a few applications,

Such an entity does now not exist. Despite the fact that, inside the sequel we will speak the trouble

1.1. CRYPTOGRAPHY: principal topics

Of implementing a trusted 0.33 birthday party by way of a fixed of customers with an honest
majority (despite the fact that

The identity of the honest customers isn't acknowledged).

Secure Implementation of Functionalities and relied on events

A unique kind of protocol hassle is concerned with the cozy implementation of

Functionalities. To be greater unique, we speak the trouble of evaluating a characteristic of nearby

inputs each of which is held via a distinct person. An illustrative and

Motivating example is vote casting, in which the feature is majority, and the nearby enter

Held through user A is a unmarried bit representing the vote of person A (e.g., “seasoned” or “con”).

Loosely speakme, a protocol for securely evaluating a selected characteristic ought to satisfy the


• privateness: No celebration can “benefit statistics” on the input of different events, beyond what's

Deduced from the value of the function.

• Robustness: No birthday celebration can “influence” the price of the function, past the have an
effect on

Exerted by deciding on its personal enter.

It is once in a while required that those situations maintain with admire to “small” (e.g., minority)
coalitions of parties (rather than unmarried events).

Truly, if one of the users is understood to be completely straightforward, then there exists a

Easy way to the hassle of comfortable evaluation of any function. Each user truely

Sends its enter to the relied on party (using a comfy channel), who, upon receiving all

Inputs, computes the feature, sends the outcome to all customers, and erases all intermediate
computations (along with the inputs obtained) from its memory. Clearly, it's far

Unrealistic to anticipate that a party can be relied on to such an extent (e.g., that it will

Voluntarily erase what it has “discovered”). Though, the problem of imposing

Comfortable characteristic evaluation reduces to the problem of implementing a relied on


It seems that a trusted party may be applied by way of a hard and fast of users with an honest
majority (even supposing the identity of the honest customers isn't always recognized). That is
indeed a

Fundamental bring about this area, and plenty of chapter 7, with a purpose to appear within the 2nd

Volume of this paintings, may be committed to formulating and proving it (as well as variations

Of it).

Zero-knowledge as a Paradigm

A major tool inside the creation of cryptographic protocols is the idea of zeroknowledge proof
systems and the fact that zero-information evidence structures exist for all

Languages in N P (furnished that one-manner features exist). Loosely talking, a zeroknowledge

evidence yields not anything however the validity of the declaration. Zero-knowledge proofs
Offer a tool for “forcing” events to observe a given protocol properly.

To demonstrate the role of zero-know-how proofs, consider a setting wherein a celebration,

Referred to as Alice, upon receiving an encrypted message from Bob, is to ship Carol the

Least substantial little bit of the message. Sincerely, if Alice sends simplest the (least massive)

Bit (of the message), then there is no manner for Carol to recognize Alice did now not cheat.

Alice may want to show that she did now not cheat with the aid of revealing to Carol the entire
message as

Well as its decryption key, but that might yield statistics some distance beyond what had been


Required. A far better idea is to allow Alice increase the bit she sends Carol with a

0-know-how evidence that this bit is indeed the least full-size little bit of the message. We

Stress that the foregoing announcement is of the “N P kind” (since the evidence detailed earlier

Can be correctly established), and consequently the life of 0-expertise proofs for

N P-statements means that the foregoing announcement may be proved with out revealing

Whatever past its validity.

The point of interest of chapter 4, dedicated to zero-know-how proofs, is at the foregoing end result

(i.e., the construction of 0-expertise proofs for any N P-assertion). In addition,

We shall recollect severa variations and factors of the belief of zero-understanding proofs

And their results at the applicability of this notion.

1.2. Some background from opportunity theory

Chance plays a imperative function in cryptography. Specifically, probability is vital

As a way to allow a dialogue of facts or loss of statistics (i.e., secrecy). We

Anticipate that the reader is acquainted with the basic notions of opportunity principle. On this

Section, we merely present the probabilistic notations that are used in the course of this ebook

And three beneficial probabilistic inequalities.

1.2.1. Notational Conventions

For the duration of this entire book we will talk to best discrete opportunity distributions.

Typically, the opportunity space includes the set of all strings of a sure length

, fascinated about uniform opportunity distribution. That is, the pattern area is the set

Of all -bit-lengthy strings, and every such string is assigned possibility degree 2−

Traditionally, capabilities from the sample area to the reals are referred to as random variables.

Abusing trendy terminology, we permit ourselves to use the time period random variable also

While regarding capabilities mapping the pattern area into the set of binary strings.

We frequently do now not specify the possibility space, but alternatively talk directly approximately

Variables. As an instance, we may additionally say that X is a random variable assigned values in

The set of all strings, in order that Pr[X = 00] = 1

Four and Pr[X = 111] = 3

Four . (any such random

Variable can be defined over the sample space {zero, 1}2, so that X(11) = 00 and X(00) =

X(01) = X(10) = 111.) In most cases the chance space includes all strings of

A particular duration. Commonly, these strings represent random picks made by means of some

Randomized system (see next section), and the random variable is the output of the


A way to examine Probabilistic Statements. All our probabilistic statements consult with

Functions of random variables which can be described ahead. Typically, we will write

Pr[ f (X) = 1], wherein X is a random variable described in advance (and f is a function).

An critical convention is that all occurrences of a given image in a probabilistic

Assertion talk to the same (specific) random variable. Therefore, if B(·, ·) is a Boolean

Expression depending on variables and X is a random variable, then Pr[B(X, X)]

Denotes the chance that B(x, x) holds whilst x is chosen with probabilitypr[X = x].


1.2. A few historical past FROM possibility principle


Pr[B(X, X)] =

Pr[X = x] · χ(B(x, x))

Where χ is a trademark feature, in order that χ(B) = 1 if event B holds, and equals 0 otherwise. As an
instance, for every random variable X, we've Pr[X = X] = 1. We strain

That if one needs to discuss the opportunity that B(x, y) holds when x and y are selected
Independently with the same opportunity distribution, then one needs to outline two impartial
random variables, each with the identical chance distribution. Hence, if X and

Y are impartial random variables, then Pr[B(X, Y )] denotes the probability that

B(x, y) holds while the pair (x, y) is chosen with possibility Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y].


Pr[B(X, Y )] =


Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y] · χ(B(x, y))

As an example, for every impartial random variables, X and Y , we've

Pr[X = Y ] = 1 simplest if both X and Y are trivial (i.e., assign the entire chance

Mass to a unmarried string).

Regular Random Variables. Throughout this complete book, Un denotes a random variable uniformly
dispensed over the set of strings of duration n. Namely,Pr[Un =α] equals

2−n if α ∈ {0, 1}n, and equals zero in any other case. Further, we will sometimes use

Random variables (arbitrarily) distributed over {0, 1}n or {0, 1}

L(n) for some function l :

N→N. Such random variables are typically denoted through Xn, Yn, Zn, and many others. We
pressure that in

A few instances Xn is distributed over{zero, 1}n, while in others it's far allotted over{0, 1}


For some characteristic l(·), that's usually a polynomial. Every other type of random variable,

The output of a randomized algorithm on a set input, is mentioned in section 1.three.

1.2.2. Three Inequalities

The subsequent probabilistic inequalities could be very useful inside the path of this book.

All inequalities discuss with random variables which are assigned actual values. The maximum
primary inequality is the Markov inequality, which asserts that for random variables with

Bounded maximum or minimal values, some relation have to exist between the deviation of a value
from the expectancy of the random variable and the opportunity that the

Random variable is assigned this price. Particularly, letting E(X) def

V Pr[X =v] · v

Denote the expectation of the random variable X, we've the following:

Markov Inequality: allow X be a non-poor random variable and v a actual

Wide variety. Then

Pr[X ≥ v] ≤


Equivalently, Pr[X ≥ r · E(X)] ≤ 1




E(X) =

Pr[X = x] · x

Pr[X = x] · 0 +


Pr[X = x] · v

= Pr[X ≥ v] · v

The claim follows.

The Markov inequality is typically used in cases in which one knows very little about

The distribution of the random variable; it suffices to know its expectation and at least

One bound on the range of its values. See Exercise 1.

Using Markov’s inequality, one gets a “possibly stronger” bound for the deviation

Of a random variable from its expectation. This bound, called Chebyshev’s inequality, is useful
provided one has additional knowledge concerning the random variable

(specifically, a good upper bound on its variance). For a random variable X of finite

Expectation, we denote by Var(X) def

= E[(X − E(X))2] the variance of X and observe

That Var(X) = E(X2) − E(X)

Chebyshev’s Inequality: Let X be a random variable, and δ > zero. Then

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] ≤



Evidence: We define a random variable Y def

= (X − E(X))2 and apply the Markov

Inequality. We get

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] = Pr[(X − E(X))2 ≥ δ2

E[(X − E(X))2]


And the claim follows.

Chebyshev’s inequality is particularly beneficial for evaluation of the mistake opportunity of

Approximation through repeated sampling. It suffices to count on that the samples are picked

In a pairwise-independent manner.

Corollary (Pairwise-unbiased Sampling): permit X1, X2,..., Xn be pairwiseindependent random

variables with the equal expectation, denotedµ, and the identical

Variance, denoted σ2. Then, for each ε > zero,


I=1 Xi





The Xi’s are called pairwise-independent if for each i = j and all a and b, it holds

That Pr[Xi = a ∧ X j = b] equals Pr[Xi = a] · Pr[X j = b].


1.2. A few history FROM possibility principle

Proof: define the random variables Xi


= Xi − E(Xi). Note that the Xi’s are

Pairwise-unbiased and each has 0 expectation. Making use of Chebyshev’s inequality to the random
variable described by way of the sumn



N , and the use of the linearity

Of the expectancy operator, we get





Var n





I=1 Xi

Ε2 · n2

Now (again the usage of the linearity of E)






1≤i= j≤n

E[ Xi X j]

By way of the pairwise independence of the Xi’s, we get E[Xi X j] = E[Xi] · E[X j], and

The use of E[Xi] = 0, we get



 = n · σ2

The corollary follows.

The usage of pairwise-independent sampling, the mistake probability within the approximation

Is reducing linearly with the wide variety of pattern points. The use of absolutely independent

Sampling factors, the mistake opportunity inside the approximation may be proven to decrease

Exponentially with the number of pattern points. (The random variables X1, X2,..., Xn

Are said to be completely unbiased if for each series a1, a2,..., an it holds that


I=1Xi = ai] equals n

I=1 Pr[Xi = ai].) Chance bounds helping the foregoing assertion are given subsequent. The primary
sure, normally called the Chernoff

Sure, issues 0-1 random variables (i.e., random variables which are assigned values

Of both 0 or 1).

Chernoff bound: permit p ≤ 1

2 , and let X1, X2,..., Xn be unbiased zero-1 random

Variables, in order that Pr[Xi = 1] = p for every i. Then for all ε, zero < ε ≤ p(1 − p),

We have


I=1 Xi


< 2 · e− ε2

2p(1−p) ·n

We shall commonly practice the sure with a regular p ≈ 1

2 . In this example, n unbiased

Samples provide an approximation that deviates by means of ε from the expectancy with probability

This is exponentially decreasing with ε2n. Such an approximation is called an (ε, δ)-

Approximation and can be executed the use of n = O(ε−2 · log(1/δ)) pattern factors. It's far

Important to understand that the sufficient quantity of pattern points is polynomially

Related to ε−1 and logarithmically related to δ−1. So using poly(n) many samples, the



Blunders chance (i.e., δ) can be made negligible (as a feature in n), however the accuracy of

The estimation (i.e., ε) may be bounded above only with the aid of any fixed polynomial fraction

Can't be made negligible).2 We strain that the dependence of the number of samples

On ε isn't always better than in the case of pairwise-unbiased sampling; the advantage of
Completely independent samples lies most effective within the dependence of the range of samples
on δ.

Simultaneity troubles

A typical example of a simultaneity trouble is that of simultaneous exchange of secrets,

Of which agreement signing is a unique case. The placing for a simultaneous alternate

Of secrets and techniques consists of events, every preserving a “secret.” The intention is to execute

Protocol such that if both parties comply with it successfully, then at termination every will keep

Its counterpart’s secret, and anyways (even though one celebration cheats) the first party will

Hold the second one birthday celebration’s secret if and handiest if the second birthday celebration
holds the first birthday celebration’s

Secret. Perfectly simultaneous exchange of secrets and techniques can be carried out most effective
if we assume

The life of 0.33 events that are relied on to some extent. In truth, simultaneous

Alternate of secrets and techniques can without problems be carried out the use of the lively
participation of a trusted

1/3 birthday celebration: each celebration sends its secret to the trusted third party (the usage of a
relaxed channel).

The 0.33 birthday party, on receiving both secrets and techniques, sends the first party’s mystery to
the second

Celebration and the second one party’s secret to the first party. There are issues with this


1. The solution calls for the active participation of an “outside” birthday celebration in all instances
(i.e., also

In case each parties are honest). We observe that different solutions requiring milder styles of

Participation of outside events do exist.

2. The answer calls for the life of a totally depended on 0.33 entity. In a few applications,

Such an entity does now not exist. Despite the fact that, inside the sequel we will speak the trouble

1.1. CRYPTOGRAPHY: principal topics

Of implementing a trusted 0.33 birthday party by way of a fixed of customers with an honest
majority (despite the fact that

The identity of the honest customers isn't acknowledged).

Secure Implementation of Functionalities and relied on events

A unique kind of protocol hassle is concerned with the cozy implementation of

Functionalities. To be greater unique, we speak the trouble of evaluating a characteristic of nearby

inputs each of which is held via a distinct person. An illustrative and

Motivating example is vote casting, in which the feature is majority, and the nearby enter

Held through user A is a unmarried bit representing the vote of person A (e.g., “seasoned” or “con”).

Loosely speakme, a protocol for securely evaluating a selected characteristic ought to satisfy the


• privateness: No celebration can “benefit statistics” on the input of different events, beyond what's

Deduced from the value of the function.

• Robustness: No birthday celebration can “influence” the price of the function, past the have an
effect on

Exerted by deciding on its personal enter.

It is once in a while required that those situations maintain with admire to “small” (e.g., minority)
coalitions of parties (rather than unmarried events).

Truly, if one of the users is understood to be completely straightforward, then there exists a

Easy way to the hassle of comfortable evaluation of any function. Each user truely

Sends its enter to the relied on party (using a comfy channel), who, upon receiving all

Inputs, computes the feature, sends the outcome to all customers, and erases all intermediate
computations (along with the inputs obtained) from its memory. Clearly, it's far

Unrealistic to anticipate that a party can be relied on to such an extent (e.g., that it will

Voluntarily erase what it has “discovered”). Though, the problem of imposing

Comfortable characteristic evaluation reduces to the problem of implementing a relied on


It seems that a trusted party may be applied by way of a hard and fast of users with an honest
majority (even supposing the identity of the honest customers isn't always recognized). That is
indeed a

Fundamental bring about this area, and plenty of chapter 7, with a purpose to appear within the 2nd

Volume of this paintings, may be committed to formulating and proving it (as well as variations

Of it).

Zero-knowledge as a Paradigm

A major tool inside the creation of cryptographic protocols is the idea of zeroknowledge proof
systems and the fact that zero-information evidence structures exist for all

Languages in N P (furnished that one-manner features exist). Loosely talking, a zeroknowledge

evidence yields not anything however the validity of the declaration. Zero-knowledge proofs
Offer a tool for “forcing” events to observe a given protocol properly.

To demonstrate the role of zero-know-how proofs, consider a setting wherein a celebration,

Referred to as Alice, upon receiving an encrypted message from Bob, is to ship Carol the

Least substantial little bit of the message. Sincerely, if Alice sends simplest the (least massive)

Bit (of the message), then there is no manner for Carol to recognize Alice did now not cheat.

Alice may want to show that she did now not cheat with the aid of revealing to Carol the entire
message as

Well as its decryption key, but that might yield statistics some distance beyond what had been


Required. A far better idea is to allow Alice increase the bit she sends Carol with a

0-know-how evidence that this bit is indeed the least full-size little bit of the message. We

Stress that the foregoing announcement is of the “N P kind” (since the evidence detailed earlier

Can be correctly established), and consequently the life of 0-expertise proofs for

N P-statements means that the foregoing announcement may be proved with out revealing

Whatever past its validity.

The point of interest of chapter 4, dedicated to zero-know-how proofs, is at the foregoing end result

(i.e., the construction of 0-expertise proofs for any N P-assertion). In addition,

We shall recollect severa variations and factors of the belief of zero-understanding proofs

And their results at the applicability of this notion.

1.2. Some background from opportunity theory

Chance plays a imperative function in cryptography. Specifically, probability is vital

As a way to allow a dialogue of facts or loss of statistics (i.e., secrecy). We

Anticipate that the reader is acquainted with the basic notions of opportunity principle. On this

Section, we merely present the probabilistic notations that are used in the course of this ebook

And three beneficial probabilistic inequalities.

1.2.1. Notational Conventions

For the duration of this entire book we will talk to best discrete opportunity distributions.

Typically, the opportunity space includes the set of all strings of a sure length

, fascinated about uniform opportunity distribution. That is, the pattern area is the set

Of all -bit-lengthy strings, and every such string is assigned possibility degree 2−

Traditionally, capabilities from the sample area to the reals are referred to as random variables.

Abusing trendy terminology, we permit ourselves to use the time period random variable also

While regarding capabilities mapping the pattern area into the set of binary strings.

We frequently do now not specify the possibility space, but alternatively talk directly approximately

Variables. As an instance, we may additionally say that X is a random variable assigned values in

The set of all strings, in order that Pr[X = 00] = 1

Four and Pr[X = 111] = 3

Four . (any such random

Variable can be defined over the sample space {zero, 1}2, so that X(11) = 00 and X(00) =

X(01) = X(10) = 111.) In most cases the chance space includes all strings of

A particular duration. Commonly, these strings represent random picks made by means of some

Randomized system (see next section), and the random variable is the output of the


A way to examine Probabilistic Statements. All our probabilistic statements consult with

Functions of random variables which can be described ahead. Typically, we will write

Pr[ f (X) = 1], wherein X is a random variable described in advance (and f is a function).

An critical convention is that all occurrences of a given image in a probabilistic

Assertion talk to the same (specific) random variable. Therefore, if B(·, ·) is a Boolean

Expression depending on variables and X is a random variable, then Pr[B(X, X)]

Denotes the chance that B(x, x) holds whilst x is chosen with probabilitypr[X = x].


1.2. A few historical past FROM possibility principle


Pr[B(X, X)] =

Pr[X = x] · χ(B(x, x))

Where χ is a trademark feature, in order that χ(B) = 1 if event B holds, and equals 0 otherwise. As an
instance, for every random variable X, we've Pr[X = X] = 1. We strain

That if one needs to discuss the opportunity that B(x, y) holds when x and y are selected
Independently with the same opportunity distribution, then one needs to outline two impartial
random variables, each with the identical chance distribution. Hence, if X and

Y are impartial random variables, then Pr[B(X, Y )] denotes the probability that

B(x, y) holds while the pair (x, y) is chosen with possibility Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y].


Pr[B(X, Y )] =


Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y] · χ(B(x, y))

As an example, for every impartial random variables, X and Y , we've

Pr[X = Y ] = 1 simplest if both X and Y are trivial (i.e., assign the entire chance

Mass to a unmarried string).

Regular Random Variables. Throughout this complete book, Un denotes a random variable uniformly
dispensed over the set of strings of duration n. Namely,Pr[Un =α] equals

2−n if α ∈ {0, 1}n, and equals zero in any other case. Further, we will sometimes use

Random variables (arbitrarily) distributed over {0, 1}n or {0, 1}

L(n) for some function l :

N→N. Such random variables are typically denoted through Xn, Yn, Zn, and many others. We
pressure that in

A few instances Xn is distributed over{zero, 1}n, while in others it's far allotted over{0, 1}


For some characteristic l(·), that's usually a polynomial. Every other type of random variable,

The output of a randomized algorithm on a set input, is mentioned in section 1.three.

1.2.2. Three Inequalities

The subsequent probabilistic inequalities could be very useful inside the path of this book.

All inequalities discuss with random variables which are assigned actual values. The maximum
primary inequality is the Markov inequality, which asserts that for random variables with

Bounded maximum or minimal values, some relation have to exist between the deviation of a value
from the expectancy of the random variable and the opportunity that the

Random variable is assigned this price. Particularly, letting E(X) def

V Pr[X =v] · v

Denote the expectation of the random variable X, we've the following:

Markov Inequality: allow X be a non-poor random variable and v a actual

Wide variety. Then

Pr[X ≥ v] ≤


Equivalently, Pr[X ≥ r · E(X)] ≤ 1




E(X) =

Pr[X = x] · x

Pr[X = x] · 0 +


Pr[X = x] · v

= Pr[X ≥ v] · v

The claim follows.

The Markov inequality is typically used in cases in which one knows very little about

The distribution of the random variable; it suffices to know its expectation and at least

One bound on the range of its values. See Exercise 1.

Using Markov’s inequality, one gets a “possibly stronger” bound for the deviation

Of a random variable from its expectation. This bound, called Chebyshev’s inequality, is useful
provided one has additional knowledge concerning the random variable

(specifically, a good upper bound on its variance). For a random variable X of finite

Expectation, we denote by Var(X) def

= E[(X − E(X))2] the variance of X and observe

That Var(X) = E(X2) − E(X)

Chebyshev’s Inequality: Let X be a random variable, and δ > zero. Then

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] ≤



Evidence: We define a random variable Y def

= (X − E(X))2 and apply the Markov

Inequality. We get

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] = Pr[(X − E(X))2 ≥ δ2

E[(X − E(X))2]


And the claim follows.

Chebyshev’s inequality is particularly beneficial for evaluation of the mistake opportunity of

Approximation through repeated sampling. It suffices to count on that the samples are picked

In a pairwise-independent manner.

Corollary (Pairwise-unbiased Sampling): permit X1, X2,..., Xn be pairwiseindependent random

variables with the equal expectation, denotedµ, and the identical

Variance, denoted σ2. Then, for each ε > zero,


I=1 Xi





The Xi’s are called pairwise-independent if for each i = j and all a and b, it holds

That Pr[Xi = a ∧ X j = b] equals Pr[Xi = a] · Pr[X j = b].


1.2. A few history FROM possibility principle

Proof: define the random variables Xi


= Xi − E(Xi). Note that the Xi’s are

Pairwise-unbiased and each has 0 expectation. Making use of Chebyshev’s inequality to the random
variable described by way of the sumn



N , and the use of the linearity

Of the expectancy operator, we get





Var n





I=1 Xi

Ε2 · n2

Now (again the usage of the linearity of E)






1≤i= j≤n

E[ Xi X j]

By way of the pairwise independence of the Xi’s, we get E[Xi X j] = E[Xi] · E[X j], and

The use of E[Xi] = 0, we get



 = n · σ2

The corollary follows.

The usage of pairwise-independent sampling, the mistake probability within the approximation

Is reducing linearly with the wide variety of pattern points. The use of absolutely independent

Sampling factors, the mistake opportunity inside the approximation may be proven to decrease

Exponentially with the number of pattern points. (The random variables X1, X2,..., Xn

Are said to be completely unbiased if for each series a1, a2,..., an it holds that


I=1Xi = ai] equals n

I=1 Pr[Xi = ai].) Chance bounds helping the foregoing assertion are given subsequent. The primary
sure, normally called the Chernoff

Sure, issues 0-1 random variables (i.e., random variables which are assigned values

Of both 0 or 1).

Chernoff bound: permit p ≤ 1

2 , and let X1, X2,..., Xn be unbiased zero-1 random

Variables, in order that Pr[Xi = 1] = p for every i. Then for all ε, zero < ε ≤ p(1 − p),

We have


I=1 Xi


< 2 · e− ε2

2p(1−p) ·n

We shall commonly practice the sure with a regular p ≈ 1

2 . In this example, n unbiased

Samples provide an approximation that deviates by means of ε from the expectancy with probability

This is exponentially decreasing with ε2n. Such an approximation is called an (ε, δ)-

Approximation and can be executed the use of n = O(ε−2 · log(1/δ)) pattern factors. It's far

Important to understand that the sufficient quantity of pattern points is polynomially

Related to ε−1 and logarithmically related to δ−1. So using poly(n) many samples, the



Blunders chance (i.e., δ) can be made negligible (as a feature in n), however the accuracy of

The estimation (i.e., ε) may be bounded above only with the aid of any fixed polynomial fraction

Can't be made negligible).2 We strain that the dependence of the number of samples

On ε isn't always better than in the case of pairwise-unbiased sampling; the advantage of
Completely independent samples lies most effective within the dependence of the range of samples
on δ.

Simultaneity troubles

A typical example of a simultaneity trouble is that of simultaneous exchange of secrets,

Of which agreement signing is a unique case. The placing for a simultaneous alternate

Of secrets and techniques consists of events, every preserving a “secret.” The intention is to execute

Protocol such that if both parties comply with it successfully, then at termination every will keep

Its counterpart’s secret, and anyways (even though one celebration cheats) the first party will

Hold the second one birthday celebration’s secret if and handiest if the second birthday celebration
holds the first birthday celebration’s

Secret. Perfectly simultaneous exchange of secrets and techniques can be carried out most effective
if we assume

The life of 0.33 events that are relied on to some extent. In truth, simultaneous

Alternate of secrets and techniques can without problems be carried out the use of the lively
participation of a trusted

1/3 birthday celebration: each celebration sends its secret to the trusted third party (the usage of a
relaxed channel).

The 0.33 birthday party, on receiving both secrets and techniques, sends the first party’s mystery to
the second

Celebration and the second one party’s secret to the first party. There are issues with this


1. The solution calls for the active participation of an “outside” birthday celebration in all instances
(i.e., also

In case each parties are honest). We observe that different solutions requiring milder styles of

Participation of outside events do exist.

2. The answer calls for the life of a totally depended on 0.33 entity. In a few applications,

Such an entity does now not exist. Despite the fact that, inside the sequel we will speak the trouble

1.1. CRYPTOGRAPHY: principal topics

Of implementing a trusted 0.33 birthday party by way of a fixed of customers with an honest
majority (despite the fact that

The identity of the honest customers isn't acknowledged).

Secure Implementation of Functionalities and relied on events

A unique kind of protocol hassle is concerned with the cozy implementation of

Functionalities. To be greater unique, we speak the trouble of evaluating a characteristic of nearby

inputs each of which is held via a distinct person. An illustrative and

Motivating example is vote casting, in which the feature is majority, and the nearby enter

Held through user A is a unmarried bit representing the vote of person A (e.g., “seasoned” or “con”).

Loosely speakme, a protocol for securely evaluating a selected characteristic ought to satisfy the


• privateness: No celebration can “benefit statistics” on the input of different events, beyond what's

Deduced from the value of the function.

• Robustness: No birthday celebration can “influence” the price of the function, past the have an
effect on

Exerted by deciding on its personal enter.

It is once in a while required that those situations maintain with admire to “small” (e.g., minority)
coalitions of parties (rather than unmarried events).

Truly, if one of the users is understood to be completely straightforward, then there exists a

Easy way to the hassle of comfortable evaluation of any function. Each user truely

Sends its enter to the relied on party (using a comfy channel), who, upon receiving all

Inputs, computes the feature, sends the outcome to all customers, and erases all intermediate
computations (along with the inputs obtained) from its memory. Clearly, it's far

Unrealistic to anticipate that a party can be relied on to such an extent (e.g., that it will

Voluntarily erase what it has “discovered”). Though, the problem of imposing

Comfortable characteristic evaluation reduces to the problem of implementing a relied on


It seems that a trusted party may be applied by way of a hard and fast of users with an honest
majority (even supposing the identity of the honest customers isn't always recognized). That is
indeed a

Fundamental bring about this area, and plenty of chapter 7, with a purpose to appear within the 2nd

Volume of this paintings, may be committed to formulating and proving it (as well as variations

Of it).

Zero-knowledge as a Paradigm

A major tool inside the creation of cryptographic protocols is the idea of zeroknowledge proof
systems and the fact that zero-information evidence structures exist for all

Languages in N P (furnished that one-manner features exist). Loosely talking, a zeroknowledge

evidence yields not anything however the validity of the declaration. Zero-knowledge proofs
Offer a tool for “forcing” events to observe a given protocol properly.

To demonstrate the role of zero-know-how proofs, consider a setting wherein a celebration,

Referred to as Alice, upon receiving an encrypted message from Bob, is to ship Carol the

Least substantial little bit of the message. Sincerely, if Alice sends simplest the (least massive)

Bit (of the message), then there is no manner for Carol to recognize Alice did now not cheat.

Alice may want to show that she did now not cheat with the aid of revealing to Carol the entire
message as

Well as its decryption key, but that might yield statistics some distance beyond what had been


Required. A far better idea is to allow Alice increase the bit she sends Carol with a

0-know-how evidence that this bit is indeed the least full-size little bit of the message. We

Stress that the foregoing announcement is of the “N P kind” (since the evidence detailed earlier

Can be correctly established), and consequently the life of 0-expertise proofs for

N P-statements means that the foregoing announcement may be proved with out revealing

Whatever past its validity.

The point of interest of chapter 4, dedicated to zero-know-how proofs, is at the foregoing end result

(i.e., the construction of 0-expertise proofs for any N P-assertion). In addition,

We shall recollect severa variations and factors of the belief of zero-understanding proofs

And their results at the applicability of this notion.

1.2. Some background from opportunity theory

Chance plays a imperative function in cryptography. Specifically, probability is vital

As a way to allow a dialogue of facts or loss of statistics (i.e., secrecy). We

Anticipate that the reader is acquainted with the basic notions of opportunity principle. On this

Section, we merely present the probabilistic notations that are used in the course of this ebook

And three beneficial probabilistic inequalities.

1.2.1. Notational Conventions

For the duration of this entire book we will talk to best discrete opportunity distributions.

Typically, the opportunity space includes the set of all strings of a sure length

, fascinated about uniform opportunity distribution. That is, the pattern area is the set

Of all -bit-lengthy strings, and every such string is assigned possibility degree 2−

Traditionally, capabilities from the sample area to the reals are referred to as random variables.

Abusing trendy terminology, we permit ourselves to use the time period random variable also

While regarding capabilities mapping the pattern area into the set of binary strings.

We frequently do now not specify the possibility space, but alternatively talk directly approximately

Variables. As an instance, we may additionally say that X is a random variable assigned values in

The set of all strings, in order that Pr[X = 00] = 1

Four and Pr[X = 111] = 3

Four . (any such random

Variable can be defined over the sample space {zero, 1}2, so that X(11) = 00 and X(00) =

X(01) = X(10) = 111.) In most cases the chance space includes all strings of

A particular duration. Commonly, these strings represent random picks made by means of some

Randomized system (see next section), and the random variable is the output of the


A way to examine Probabilistic Statements. All our probabilistic statements consult with

Functions of random variables which can be described ahead. Typically, we will write

Pr[ f (X) = 1], wherein X is a random variable described in advance (and f is a function).

An critical convention is that all occurrences of a given image in a probabilistic

Assertion talk to the same (specific) random variable. Therefore, if B(·, ·) is a Boolean

Expression depending on variables and X is a random variable, then Pr[B(X, X)]

Denotes the chance that B(x, x) holds whilst x is chosen with probabilitypr[X = x].


1.2. A few historical past FROM possibility principle


Pr[B(X, X)] =

Pr[X = x] · χ(B(x, x))

Where χ is a trademark feature, in order that χ(B) = 1 if event B holds, and equals 0 otherwise. As an
instance, for every random variable X, we've Pr[X = X] = 1. We strain

That if one needs to discuss the opportunity that B(x, y) holds when x and y are selected
Independently with the same opportunity distribution, then one needs to outline two impartial
random variables, each with the identical chance distribution. Hence, if X and

Y are impartial random variables, then Pr[B(X, Y )] denotes the probability that

B(x, y) holds while the pair (x, y) is chosen with possibility Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y].


Pr[B(X, Y )] =


Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y] · χ(B(x, y))

As an example, for every impartial random variables, X and Y , we've

Pr[X = Y ] = 1 simplest if both X and Y are trivial (i.e., assign the entire chance

Mass to a unmarried string).

Regular Random Variables. Throughout this complete book, Un denotes a random variable uniformly
dispensed over the set of strings of duration n. Namely,Pr[Un =α] equals

2−n if α ∈ {0, 1}n, and equals zero in any other case. Further, we will sometimes use

Random variables (arbitrarily) distributed over {0, 1}n or {0, 1}

L(n) for some function l :

N→N. Such random variables are typically denoted through Xn, Yn, Zn, and many others. We
pressure that in

A few instances Xn is distributed over{zero, 1}n, while in others it's far allotted over{0, 1}


For some characteristic l(·), that's usually a polynomial. Every other type of random variable,

The output of a randomized algorithm on a set input, is mentioned in section 1.three.

1.2.2. Three Inequalities

The subsequent probabilistic inequalities could be very useful inside the path of this book.

All inequalities discuss with random variables which are assigned actual values. The maximum
primary inequality is the Markov inequality, which asserts that for random variables with

Bounded maximum or minimal values, some relation have to exist between the deviation of a value
from the expectancy of the random variable and the opportunity that the

Random variable is assigned this price. Particularly, letting E(X) def

V Pr[X =v] · v

Denote the expectation of the random variable X, we've the following:

Markov Inequality: allow X be a non-poor random variable and v a actual

Wide variety. Then

Pr[X ≥ v] ≤


Equivalently, Pr[X ≥ r · E(X)] ≤ 1




E(X) =

Pr[X = x] · x

Pr[X = x] · 0 +


Pr[X = x] · v

= Pr[X ≥ v] · v

The claim follows.

The Markov inequality is typically used in cases in which one knows very little about

The distribution of the random variable; it suffices to know its expectation and at least

One bound on the range of its values. See Exercise 1.

Using Markov’s inequality, one gets a “possibly stronger” bound for the deviation

Of a random variable from its expectation. This bound, called Chebyshev’s inequality, is useful
provided one has additional knowledge concerning the random variable

(specifically, a good upper bound on its variance). For a random variable X of finite

Expectation, we denote by Var(X) def

= E[(X − E(X))2] the variance of X and observe

That Var(X) = E(X2) − E(X)

Chebyshev’s Inequality: Let X be a random variable, and δ > zero. Then

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] ≤



Evidence: We define a random variable Y def

= (X − E(X))2 and apply the Markov

Inequality. We get

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] = Pr[(X − E(X))2 ≥ δ2

E[(X − E(X))2]


And the claim follows.

Chebyshev’s inequality is particularly beneficial for evaluation of the mistake opportunity of

Approximation through repeated sampling. It suffices to count on that the samples are picked

In a pairwise-independent manner.

Corollary (Pairwise-unbiased Sampling): permit X1, X2,..., Xn be pairwiseindependent random

variables with the equal expectation, denotedµ, and the identical

Variance, denoted σ2. Then, for each ε > zero,


I=1 Xi





The Xi’s are called pairwise-independent if for each i = j and all a and b, it holds

That Pr[Xi = a ∧ X j = b] equals Pr[Xi = a] · Pr[X j = b].


1.2. A few history FROM possibility principle

Proof: define the random variables Xi


= Xi − E(Xi). Note that the Xi’s are

Pairwise-unbiased and each has 0 expectation. Making use of Chebyshev’s inequality to the random
variable described by way of the sumn



N , and the use of the linearity

Of the expectancy operator, we get





Var n





I=1 Xi

Ε2 · n2

Now (again the usage of the linearity of E)






1≤i= j≤n

E[ Xi X j]

By way of the pairwise independence of the Xi’s, we get E[Xi X j] = E[Xi] · E[X j], and

The use of E[Xi] = 0, we get



 = n · σ2

The corollary follows.

The usage of pairwise-independent sampling, the mistake probability within the approximation

Is reducing linearly with the wide variety of pattern points. The use of absolutely independent

Sampling factors, the mistake opportunity inside the approximation may be proven to decrease

Exponentially with the number of pattern points. (The random variables X1, X2,..., Xn

Are said to be completely unbiased if for each series a1, a2,..., an it holds that


I=1Xi = ai] equals n

I=1 Pr[Xi = ai].) Chance bounds helping the foregoing assertion are given subsequent. The primary
sure, normally called the Chernoff

Sure, issues 0-1 random variables (i.e., random variables which are assigned values

Of both 0 or 1).

Chernoff bound: permit p ≤ 1

2 , and let X1, X2,..., Xn be unbiased zero-1 random

Variables, in order that Pr[Xi = 1] = p for every i. Then for all ε, zero < ε ≤ p(1 − p),

We have


I=1 Xi


< 2 · e− ε2

2p(1−p) ·n

We shall commonly practice the sure with a regular p ≈ 1

2 . In this example, n unbiased

Samples provide an approximation that deviates by means of ε from the expectancy with probability

This is exponentially decreasing with ε2n. Such an approximation is called an (ε, δ)-

Approximation and can be executed the use of n = O(ε−2 · log(1/δ)) pattern factors. It's far

Important to understand that the sufficient quantity of pattern points is polynomially

Related to ε−1 and logarithmically related to δ−1. So using poly(n) many samples, the



Blunders chance (i.e., δ) can be made negligible (as a feature in n), however the accuracy of

The estimation (i.e., ε) may be bounded above only with the aid of any fixed polynomial fraction

Can't be made negligible).2 We strain that the dependence of the number of samples

On ε isn't always better than in the case of pairwise-unbiased sampling; the advantage of
Completely independent samples lies most effective within the dependence of the range of samples
on δ.

Simultaneity troubles

A typical example of a simultaneity trouble is that of simultaneous exchange of secrets,

Of which agreement signing is a unique case. The placing for a simultaneous alternate

Of secrets and techniques consists of events, every preserving a “secret.” The intention is to execute

Protocol such that if both parties comply with it successfully, then at termination every will keep

Its counterpart’s secret, and anyways (even though one celebration cheats) the first party will

Hold the second one birthday celebration’s secret if and handiest if the second birthday celebration
holds the first birthday celebration’s

Secret. Perfectly simultaneous exchange of secrets and techniques can be carried out most effective
if we assume

The life of 0.33 events that are relied on to some extent. In truth, simultaneous

Alternate of secrets and techniques can without problems be carried out the use of the lively
participation of a trusted

1/3 birthday celebration: each celebration sends its secret to the trusted third party (the usage of a
relaxed channel).

The 0.33 birthday party, on receiving both secrets and techniques, sends the first party’s mystery to
the second

Celebration and the second one party’s secret to the first party. There are issues with this


1. The solution calls for the active participation of an “outside” birthday celebration in all instances
(i.e., also

In case each parties are honest). We observe that different solutions requiring milder styles of

Participation of outside events do exist.

2. The answer calls for the life of a totally depended on 0.33 entity. In a few applications,

Such an entity does now not exist. Despite the fact that, inside the sequel we will speak the trouble

1.1. CRYPTOGRAPHY: principal topics

Of implementing a trusted 0.33 birthday party by way of a fixed of customers with an honest
majority (despite the fact that

The identity of the honest customers isn't acknowledged).

Secure Implementation of Functionalities and relied on events

A unique kind of protocol hassle is concerned with the cozy implementation of

Functionalities. To be greater unique, we speak the trouble of evaluating a characteristic of nearby

inputs each of which is held via a distinct person. An illustrative and

Motivating example is vote casting, in which the feature is majority, and the nearby enter

Held through user A is a unmarried bit representing the vote of person A (e.g., “seasoned” or “con”).

Loosely speakme, a protocol for securely evaluating a selected characteristic ought to satisfy the


• privateness: No celebration can “benefit statistics” on the input of different events, beyond what's

Deduced from the value of the function.

• Robustness: No birthday celebration can “influence” the price of the function, past the have an
effect on

Exerted by deciding on its personal enter.

It is once in a while required that those situations maintain with admire to “small” (e.g., minority)
coalitions of parties (rather than unmarried events).

Truly, if one of the users is understood to be completely straightforward, then there exists a

Easy way to the hassle of comfortable evaluation of any function. Each user truely

Sends its enter to the relied on party (using a comfy channel), who, upon receiving all

Inputs, computes the feature, sends the outcome to all customers, and erases all intermediate
computations (along with the inputs obtained) from its memory. Clearly, it's far

Unrealistic to anticipate that a party can be relied on to such an extent (e.g., that it will

Voluntarily erase what it has “discovered”). Though, the problem of imposing

Comfortable characteristic evaluation reduces to the problem of implementing a relied on


It seems that a trusted party may be applied by way of a hard and fast of users with an honest
majority (even supposing the identity of the honest customers isn't always recognized). That is
indeed a

Fundamental bring about this area, and plenty of chapter 7, with a purpose to appear within the 2nd

Volume of this paintings, may be committed to formulating and proving it (as well as variations

Of it).

Zero-knowledge as a Paradigm

A major tool inside the creation of cryptographic protocols is the idea of zeroknowledge proof
systems and the fact that zero-information evidence structures exist for all

Languages in N P (furnished that one-manner features exist). Loosely talking, a zeroknowledge

evidence yields not anything however the validity of the declaration. Zero-knowledge proofs
Offer a tool for “forcing” events to observe a given protocol properly.

To demonstrate the role of zero-know-how proofs, consider a setting wherein a celebration,

Referred to as Alice, upon receiving an encrypted message from Bob, is to ship Carol the

Least substantial little bit of the message. Sincerely, if Alice sends simplest the (least massive)

Bit (of the message), then there is no manner for Carol to recognize Alice did now not cheat.

Alice may want to show that she did now not cheat with the aid of revealing to Carol the entire
message as

Well as its decryption key, but that might yield statistics some distance beyond what had been


Required. A far better idea is to allow Alice increase the bit she sends Carol with a

0-know-how evidence that this bit is indeed the least full-size little bit of the message. We

Stress that the foregoing announcement is of the “N P kind” (since the evidence detailed earlier

Can be correctly established), and consequently the life of 0-expertise proofs for

N P-statements means that the foregoing announcement may be proved with out revealing

Whatever past its validity.

The point of interest of chapter 4, dedicated to zero-know-how proofs, is at the foregoing end result

(i.e., the construction of 0-expertise proofs for any N P-assertion). In addition,

We shall recollect severa variations and factors of the belief of zero-understanding proofs

And their results at the applicability of this notion.

1.2. Some background from opportunity theory

Chance plays a imperative function in cryptography. Specifically, probability is vital

As a way to allow a dialogue of facts or loss of statistics (i.e., secrecy). We

Anticipate that the reader is acquainted with the basic notions of opportunity principle. On this

Section, we merely present the probabilistic notations that are used in the course of this ebook

And three beneficial probabilistic inequalities.

1.2.1. Notational Conventions

For the duration of this entire book we will talk to best discrete opportunity distributions.

Typically, the opportunity space includes the set of all strings of a sure length

, fascinated about uniform opportunity distribution. That is, the pattern area is the set

Of all -bit-lengthy strings, and every such string is assigned possibility degree 2−

Traditionally, capabilities from the sample area to the reals are referred to as random variables.

Abusing trendy terminology, we permit ourselves to use the time period random variable also

While regarding capabilities mapping the pattern area into the set of binary strings.

We frequently do now not specify the possibility space, but alternatively talk directly approximately

Variables. As an instance, we may additionally say that X is a random variable assigned values in

The set of all strings, in order that Pr[X = 00] = 1

Four and Pr[X = 111] = 3

Four . (any such random

Variable can be defined over the sample space {zero, 1}2, so that X(11) = 00 and X(00) =

X(01) = X(10) = 111.) In most cases the chance space includes all strings of

A particular duration. Commonly, these strings represent random picks made by means of some

Randomized system (see next section), and the random variable is the output of the


A way to examine Probabilistic Statements. All our probabilistic statements consult with

Functions of random variables which can be described ahead. Typically, we will write

Pr[ f (X) = 1], wherein X is a random variable described in advance (and f is a function).

An critical convention is that all occurrences of a given image in a probabilistic

Assertion talk to the same (specific) random variable. Therefore, if B(·, ·) is a Boolean

Expression depending on variables and X is a random variable, then Pr[B(X, X)]

Denotes the chance that B(x, x) holds whilst x is chosen with probabilitypr[X = x].


1.2. A few historical past FROM possibility principle


Pr[B(X, X)] =

Pr[X = x] · χ(B(x, x))

Where χ is a trademark feature, in order that χ(B) = 1 if event B holds, and equals 0 otherwise. As an
instance, for every random variable X, we've Pr[X = X] = 1. We strain

That if one needs to discuss the opportunity that B(x, y) holds when x and y are selected
Independently with the same opportunity distribution, then one needs to outline two impartial
random variables, each with the identical chance distribution. Hence, if X and

Y are impartial random variables, then Pr[B(X, Y )] denotes the probability that

B(x, y) holds while the pair (x, y) is chosen with possibility Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y].


Pr[B(X, Y )] =


Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y] · χ(B(x, y))

As an example, for every impartial random variables, X and Y , we've

Pr[X = Y ] = 1 simplest if both X and Y are trivial (i.e., assign the entire chance

Mass to a unmarried string).

Regular Random Variables. Throughout this complete book, Un denotes a random variable uniformly
dispensed over the set of strings of duration n. Namely,Pr[Un =α] equals

2−n if α ∈ {0, 1}n, and equals zero in any other case. Further, we will sometimes use

Random variables (arbitrarily) distributed over {0, 1}n or {0, 1}

L(n) for some function l :

N→N. Such random variables are typically denoted through Xn, Yn, Zn, and many others. We
pressure that in

A few instances Xn is distributed over{zero, 1}n, while in others it's far allotted over{0, 1}


For some characteristic l(·), that's usually a polynomial. Every other type of random variable,

The output of a randomized algorithm on a set input, is mentioned in section 1.three.

1.2.2. Three Inequalities

The subsequent probabilistic inequalities could be very useful inside the path of this book.

All inequalities discuss with random variables which are assigned actual values. The maximum
primary inequality is the Markov inequality, which asserts that for random variables with

Bounded maximum or minimal values, some relation have to exist between the deviation of a value
from the expectancy of the random variable and the opportunity that the

Random variable is assigned this price. Particularly, letting E(X) def

V Pr[X =v] · v

Denote the expectation of the random variable X, we've the following:

Markov Inequality: allow X be a non-poor random variable and v a actual

Wide variety. Then

Pr[X ≥ v] ≤


Equivalently, Pr[X ≥ r · E(X)] ≤ 1




E(X) =

Pr[X = x] · x

Pr[X = x] · 0 +


Pr[X = x] · v

= Pr[X ≥ v] · v

The claim follows.

The Markov inequality is typically used in cases in which one knows very little about

The distribution of the random variable; it suffices to know its expectation and at least

One bound on the range of its values. See Exercise 1.

Using Markov’s inequality, one gets a “possibly stronger” bound for the deviation

Of a random variable from its expectation. This bound, called Chebyshev’s inequality, is useful
provided one has additional knowledge concerning the random variable

(specifically, a good upper bound on its variance). For a random variable X of finite

Expectation, we denote by Var(X) def

= E[(X − E(X))2] the variance of X and observe

That Var(X) = E(X2) − E(X)

Chebyshev’s Inequality: Let X be a random variable, and δ > zero. Then

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] ≤



Evidence: We define a random variable Y def

= (X − E(X))2 and apply the Markov

Inequality. We get

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] = Pr[(X − E(X))2 ≥ δ2

E[(X − E(X))2]


And the claim follows.

Chebyshev’s inequality is particularly beneficial for evaluation of the mistake opportunity of

Approximation through repeated sampling. It suffices to count on that the samples are picked

In a pairwise-independent manner.

Corollary (Pairwise-unbiased Sampling): permit X1, X2,..., Xn be pairwiseindependent random

variables with the equal expectation, denotedµ, and the identical

Variance, denoted σ2. Then, for each ε > zero,


I=1 Xi





The Xi’s are called pairwise-independent if for each i = j and all a and b, it holds

That Pr[Xi = a ∧ X j = b] equals Pr[Xi = a] · Pr[X j = b].


1.2. A few history FROM possibility principle

Proof: define the random variables Xi


= Xi − E(Xi). Note that the Xi’s are

Pairwise-unbiased and each has 0 expectation. Making use of Chebyshev’s inequality to the random
variable described by way of the sumn



N , and the use of the linearity

Of the expectancy operator, we get





Var n





I=1 Xi

Ε2 · n2

Now (again the usage of the linearity of E)






1≤i= j≤n

E[ Xi X j]

By way of the pairwise independence of the Xi’s, we get E[Xi X j] = E[Xi] · E[X j], and

The use of E[Xi] = 0, we get



 = n · σ2

The corollary follows.

The usage of pairwise-independent sampling, the mistake probability within the approximation

Is reducing linearly with the wide variety of pattern points. The use of absolutely independent

Sampling factors, the mistake opportunity inside the approximation may be proven to decrease

Exponentially with the number of pattern points. (The random variables X1, X2,..., Xn

Are said to be completely unbiased if for each series a1, a2,..., an it holds that


I=1Xi = ai] equals n

I=1 Pr[Xi = ai].) Chance bounds helping the foregoing assertion are given subsequent. The primary
sure, normally called the Chernoff

Sure, issues 0-1 random variables (i.e., random variables which are assigned values

Of both 0 or 1).

Chernoff bound: permit p ≤ 1

2 , and let X1, X2,..., Xn be unbiased zero-1 random

Variables, in order that Pr[Xi = 1] = p for every i. Then for all ε, zero < ε ≤ p(1 − p),

We have


I=1 Xi


< 2 · e− ε2

2p(1−p) ·n

We shall commonly practice the sure with a regular p ≈ 1

2 . In this example, n unbiased

Samples provide an approximation that deviates by means of ε from the expectancy with probability

This is exponentially decreasing with ε2n. Such an approximation is called an (ε, δ)-

Approximation and can be executed the use of n = O(ε−2 · log(1/δ)) pattern factors. It's far

Important to understand that the sufficient quantity of pattern points is polynomially

Related to ε−1 and logarithmically related to δ−1. So using poly(n) many samples, the



Blunders chance (i.e., δ) can be made negligible (as a feature in n), however the accuracy of

The estimation (i.e., ε) may be bounded above only with the aid of any fixed polynomial fraction

Can't be made negligible).2 We strain that the dependence of the number of samples

On ε isn't always better than in the case of pairwise-unbiased sampling; the advantage of
Completely independent samples lies most effective within the dependence of the range of samples
on δ.

Simultaneity troubles

A typical example of a simultaneity trouble is that of simultaneous exchange of secrets,

Of which agreement signing is a unique case. The placing for a simultaneous alternate

Of secrets and techniques consists of events, every preserving a “secret.” The intention is to execute

Protocol such that if both parties comply with it successfully, then at termination every will keep

Its counterpart’s secret, and anyways (even though one celebration cheats) the first party will

Hold the second one birthday celebration’s secret if and handiest if the second birthday celebration
holds the first birthday celebration’s

Secret. Perfectly simultaneous exchange of secrets and techniques can be carried out most effective
if we assume

The life of 0.33 events that are relied on to some extent. In truth, simultaneous

Alternate of secrets and techniques can without problems be carried out the use of the lively
participation of a trusted

1/3 birthday celebration: each celebration sends its secret to the trusted third party (the usage of a
relaxed channel).

The 0.33 birthday party, on receiving both secrets and techniques, sends the first party’s mystery to
the second

Celebration and the second one party’s secret to the first party. There are issues with this


1. The solution calls for the active participation of an “outside” birthday celebration in all instances
(i.e., also

In case each parties are honest). We observe that different solutions requiring milder styles of

Participation of outside events do exist.

2. The answer calls for the life of a totally depended on 0.33 entity. In a few applications,

Such an entity does now not exist. Despite the fact that, inside the sequel we will speak the trouble

1.1. CRYPTOGRAPHY: principal topics

Of implementing a trusted 0.33 birthday party by way of a fixed of customers with an honest
majority (despite the fact that

The identity of the honest customers isn't acknowledged).

Secure Implementation of Functionalities and relied on events

A unique kind of protocol hassle is concerned with the cozy implementation of

Functionalities. To be greater unique, we speak the trouble of evaluating a characteristic of nearby

inputs each of which is held via a distinct person. An illustrative and

Motivating example is vote casting, in which the feature is majority, and the nearby enter

Held through user A is a unmarried bit representing the vote of person A (e.g., “seasoned” or “con”).

Loosely speakme, a protocol for securely evaluating a selected characteristic ought to satisfy the


• privateness: No celebration can “benefit statistics” on the input of different events, beyond what's

Deduced from the value of the function.

• Robustness: No birthday celebration can “influence” the price of the function, past the have an
effect on

Exerted by deciding on its personal enter.

It is once in a while required that those situations maintain with admire to “small” (e.g., minority)
coalitions of parties (rather than unmarried events).

Truly, if one of the users is understood to be completely straightforward, then there exists a

Easy way to the hassle of comfortable evaluation of any function. Each user truely

Sends its enter to the relied on party (using a comfy channel), who, upon receiving all

Inputs, computes the feature, sends the outcome to all customers, and erases all intermediate
computations (along with the inputs obtained) from its memory. Clearly, it's far

Unrealistic to anticipate that a party can be relied on to such an extent (e.g., that it will

Voluntarily erase what it has “discovered”). Though, the problem of imposing

Comfortable characteristic evaluation reduces to the problem of implementing a relied on


It seems that a trusted party may be applied by way of a hard and fast of users with an honest
majority (even supposing the identity of the honest customers isn't always recognized). That is
indeed a

Fundamental bring about this area, and plenty of chapter 7, with a purpose to appear within the 2nd

Volume of this paintings, may be committed to formulating and proving it (as well as variations

Of it).

Zero-knowledge as a Paradigm

A major tool inside the creation of cryptographic protocols is the idea of zeroknowledge proof
systems and the fact that zero-information evidence structures exist for all

Languages in N P (furnished that one-manner features exist). Loosely talking, a zeroknowledge

evidence yields not anything however the validity of the declaration. Zero-knowledge proofs
Offer a tool for “forcing” events to observe a given protocol properly.

To demonstrate the role of zero-know-how proofs, consider a setting wherein a celebration,

Referred to as Alice, upon receiving an encrypted message from Bob, is to ship Carol the

Least substantial little bit of the message. Sincerely, if Alice sends simplest the (least massive)

Bit (of the message), then there is no manner for Carol to recognize Alice did now not cheat.

Alice may want to show that she did now not cheat with the aid of revealing to Carol the entire
message as

Well as its decryption key, but that might yield statistics some distance beyond what had been


Required. A far better idea is to allow Alice increase the bit she sends Carol with a

0-know-how evidence that this bit is indeed the least full-size little bit of the message. We

Stress that the foregoing announcement is of the “N P kind” (since the evidence detailed earlier

Can be correctly established), and consequently the life of 0-expertise proofs for

N P-statements means that the foregoing announcement may be proved with out revealing

Whatever past its validity.

The point of interest of chapter 4, dedicated to zero-know-how proofs, is at the foregoing end result

(i.e., the construction of 0-expertise proofs for any N P-assertion). In addition,

We shall recollect severa variations and factors of the belief of zero-understanding proofs

And their results at the applicability of this notion.

1.2. Some background from opportunity theory

Chance plays a imperative function in cryptography. Specifically, probability is vital

As a way to allow a dialogue of facts or loss of statistics (i.e., secrecy). We

Anticipate that the reader is acquainted with the basic notions of opportunity principle. On this

Section, we merely present the probabilistic notations that are used in the course of this ebook

And three beneficial probabilistic inequalities.

1.2.1. Notational Conventions

For the duration of this entire book we will talk to best discrete opportunity distributions.

Typically, the opportunity space includes the set of all strings of a sure length

, fascinated about uniform opportunity distribution. That is, the pattern area is the set

Of all -bit-lengthy strings, and every such string is assigned possibility degree 2−

Traditionally, capabilities from the sample area to the reals are referred to as random variables.

Abusing trendy terminology, we permit ourselves to use the time period random variable also

While regarding capabilities mapping the pattern area into the set of binary strings.

We frequently do now not specify the possibility space, but alternatively talk directly approximately

Variables. As an instance, we may additionally say that X is a random variable assigned values in

The set of all strings, in order that Pr[X = 00] = 1

Four and Pr[X = 111] = 3

Four . (any such random

Variable can be defined over the sample space {zero, 1}2, so that X(11) = 00 and X(00) =

X(01) = X(10) = 111.) In most cases the chance space includes all strings of

A particular duration. Commonly, these strings represent random picks made by means of some

Randomized system (see next section), and the random variable is the output of the


A way to examine Probabilistic Statements. All our probabilistic statements consult with

Functions of random variables which can be described ahead. Typically, we will write

Pr[ f (X) = 1], wherein X is a random variable described in advance (and f is a function).

An critical convention is that all occurrences of a given image in a probabilistic

Assertion talk to the same (specific) random variable. Therefore, if B(·, ·) is a Boolean

Expression depending on variables and X is a random variable, then Pr[B(X, X)]

Denotes the chance that B(x, x) holds whilst x is chosen with probabilitypr[X = x].


1.2. A few historical past FROM possibility principle


Pr[B(X, X)] =

Pr[X = x] · χ(B(x, x))

Where χ is a trademark feature, in order that χ(B) = 1 if event B holds, and equals 0 otherwise. As an
instance, for every random variable X, we've Pr[X = X] = 1. We strain

That if one needs to discuss the opportunity that B(x, y) holds when x and y are selected
Independently with the same opportunity distribution, then one needs to outline two impartial
random variables, each with the identical chance distribution. Hence, if X and

Y are impartial random variables, then Pr[B(X, Y )] denotes the probability that

B(x, y) holds while the pair (x, y) is chosen with possibility Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y].


Pr[B(X, Y )] =


Pr[X = x] · Pr[Y = y] · χ(B(x, y))

As an example, for every impartial random variables, X and Y , we've

Pr[X = Y ] = 1 simplest if both X and Y are trivial (i.e., assign the entire chance

Mass to a unmarried string).

Regular Random Variables. Throughout this complete book, Un denotes a random variable uniformly
dispensed over the set of strings of duration n. Namely,Pr[Un =α] equals

2−n if α ∈ {0, 1}n, and equals zero in any other case. Further, we will sometimes use

Random variables (arbitrarily) distributed over {0, 1}n or {0, 1}

L(n) for some function l :

N→N. Such random variables are typically denoted through Xn, Yn, Zn, and many others. We
pressure that in

A few instances Xn is distributed over{zero, 1}n, while in others it's far allotted over{0, 1}


For some characteristic l(·), that's usually a polynomial. Every other type of random variable,

The output of a randomized algorithm on a set input, is mentioned in section 1.three.

1.2.2. Three Inequalities

The subsequent probabilistic inequalities could be very useful inside the path of this book.

All inequalities discuss with random variables which are assigned actual values. The maximum
primary inequality is the Markov inequality, which asserts that for random variables with

Bounded maximum or minimal values, some relation have to exist between the deviation of a value
from the expectancy of the random variable and the opportunity that the

Random variable is assigned this price. Particularly, letting E(X) def

V Pr[X =v] · v

Denote the expectation of the random variable X, we've the following:

Markov Inequality: allow X be a non-poor random variable and v a actual

Wide variety. Then

Pr[X ≥ v] ≤


Equivalently, Pr[X ≥ r · E(X)] ≤ 1




E(X) =

Pr[X = x] · x

Pr[X = x] · 0 +


Pr[X = x] · v

= Pr[X ≥ v] · v

The claim follows.

The Markov inequality is typically used in cases in which one knows very little about

The distribution of the random variable; it suffices to know its expectation and at least

One bound on the range of its values. See Exercise 1.

Using Markov’s inequality, one gets a “possibly stronger” bound for the deviation

Of a random variable from its expectation. This bound, called Chebyshev’s inequality, is useful
provided one has additional knowledge concerning the random variable

(specifically, a good upper bound on its variance). For a random variable X of finite

Expectation, we denote by Var(X) def

= E[(X − E(X))2] the variance of X and observe

That Var(X) = E(X2) − E(X)

Chebyshev’s Inequality: Let X be a random variable, and δ > zero. Then

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] ≤



Evidence: We define a random variable Y def

= (X − E(X))2 and apply the Markov

Inequality. We get

Pr[|X − E(X)| ≥ δ] = Pr[(X − E(X))2 ≥ δ2

E[(X − E(X))2]


And the claim follows.

Chebyshev’s inequality is particularly beneficial for evaluation of the mistake opportunity of

Approximation through repeated sampling. It suffices to count on that the samples are picked

In a pairwise-independent manner.

Corollary (Pairwise-unbiased Sampling): permit X1, X2,..., Xn be pairwiseindependent random

variables with the equal expectation, denotedµ, and the identical

Variance, denoted σ2. Then, for each ε > zero,


I=1 Xi





The Xi’s are called pairwise-independent if for each i = j and all a and b, it holds

That Pr[Xi = a ∧ X j = b] equals Pr[Xi = a] · Pr[X j = b].


1.2. A few history FROM possibility principle

Proof: define the random variables Xi


= Xi − E(Xi). Note that the Xi’s are

Pairwise-unbiased and each has 0 expectation. Making use of Chebyshev’s inequality to the random
variable described by way of the sumn



N , and the use of the linearity

Of the expectancy operator, we get





Var n





I=1 Xi

Ε2 · n2

Now (again the usage of the linearity of E)






1≤i= j≤n

E[ Xi X j]

By way of the pairwise independence of the Xi’s, we get E[Xi X j] = E[Xi] · E[X j], and

The use of E[Xi] = 0, we get



 = n · σ2

The corollary follows.

The usage of pairwise-independent sampling, the mistake probability within the approximation

Is reducing linearly with the wide variety of pattern points. The use of absolutely independent

Sampling factors, the mistake opportunity inside the approximation may be proven to decrease

Exponentially with the number of pattern points. (The random variables X1, X2,..., Xn

Are said to be completely unbiased if for each series a1, a2,..., an it holds that


I=1Xi = ai] equals n

I=1 Pr[Xi = ai].) Chance bounds helping the foregoing assertion are given subsequent. The primary
sure, normally called the Chernoff

Sure, issues 0-1 random variables (i.e., random variables which are assigned values

Of both 0 or 1).

Chernoff bound: permit p ≤ 1

2 , and let X1, X2,..., Xn be unbiased zero-1 random

Variables, in order that Pr[Xi = 1] = p for every i. Then for all ε, zero < ε ≤ p(1 − p),

We have


I=1 Xi


< 2 · e− ε2

2p(1−p) ·n

We shall commonly practice the sure with a regular p ≈ 1

2 . In this example, n unbiased

Samples provide an approximation that deviates by means of ε from the expectancy with probability

This is exponentially decreasing with ε2n. Such an approximation is called an (ε, δ)-

Approximation and can be executed the use of n = O(ε−2 · log(1/δ)) pattern factors. It's far

Important to understand that the sufficient quantity of pattern points is polynomially

Related to ε−1 and logarithmically related to δ−1. So using poly(n) many samples, the



Blunders chance (i.e., δ) can be made negligible (as a feature in n), however the accuracy of

The estimation (i.e., ε) may be bounded above only with the aid of any fixed polynomial fraction

Can't be made negligible).2 We strain that the dependence of the number of samples

On ε isn't always better than in the case of pairwise-unbiased sampling; the advantage of
Completely independent samples lies most effective within the dependence of the range of samples
on δ.

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