Dhiya Sarah Din Silmi 121911233186_Business Correspondance_Week 4

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Name : Dhiya Sarah Din Silmi

NIM : 121911233186

The Wilis Hotel

Dear Mr Jonathan
I am writing this letter asking for a reservation of your hotel. Our managing director and his wife and also
our finance director will be staying at your hotel. Furthermore, I am writing this letter to ask you to
provide one single and one double room with showers, and if possible on the on the top floor, are needed
for the nights of 17 and 18. The Managing Director and his party are likely to arrive at about 4.30 p.m. on
17 October. I hope you can provide it well. Thank you

Secretary of National Electronic

Confirmation Letter

Dear Ms Sarah
Secretary of National Electronic

Thank you for your trust to hold your managing director birthday party in our hotel. However, I am so
sorry, because I cannot fulfil your wish. Unfortunately, the single room is on the fourth floor as all the
rooms on the top floor-are doubles. If you do not mind to change the room, I will surely reserve it for you.

(The Willis Hotel)
Dear Mr Bradman
We are organising (1) a celebration party to celebrate (2) the 50th anniversary of the Indonesian
Import Company and we would (3) like to invite you to the party .
The dinner will be held (4) 10 September at (5) the International
Club of Jakarta at 8.15 p.m. (or 9.00 p.m.). Dress (6) will be formal .
If you require hotel accommodation in Jakarta please (7) contact me at 085795667952 .
We very much hope you will be able to attend our dinner and (8) celabration.
Yours sincerely
H Tan
Managing Director
Formal way
Dear Mr Bradman
We would like to organize (1) a celebration party to celebrate (2) The 50th Anniversary of The Indonesian
Import Company and we would (3) like to invite you to the party .
The dinner will be held (4) 10 September at (5) The International
Club of Jakarta at 8.15 p.m. (or 9.00 p.m.). The Dress (6) will be formal .
If you require hotel accommodation in Jakarta please (7) contact me at 085795667952 .
We are very much hope you will be able to attend our dinner and (8) celebration.
Yours sincerely
H Tan
Managing Director
Formal Acceptance

Dear Mr H Tan

First of all, I would like to say thank you for your invitation. I am glad that now the birthday party of our
company held in the day that I do not have any schedule. I am also very grateful that our company is built
long time ago and we are still here to celebrate it. Here, I would obviously attend our company birthday
party. Once again, thank you for the invitation.

Mr. Bradman
Formal Decline
Dear Mr H Tan
First of all, I would like to say thank you for your invitation. I am also very grateful that our company is
built long time ago and we are still here to celebrate it. However, I am so sorry, I cannot attend the party
because at that time I will be in Dubai to meet some of our client. Once again, thank you for the invitation
and I hope the party is fun and a lot of employee are happy.
Mr. Bradman

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