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Chapter 1 MQ Variables = {

0= talk to nun in church

1= Search the willow woods and moss lake for clues of the existance of sprite
woods or try to enter sprite woods right away
2= get through the hollow dungeon
3= go to the sprite woods (and find the fairy village to talk to the fairy
queen. She will give access to the rest of the woods.)
4= ask around the fairy village to locate the sweets cabin
5= enter and fight through the sweets cabin (a cellar door will lead to a
tunnel to the cultist's cave.)
6= Meet the cultist and decision must be made (opens dialogue with nun on how
to proceed)
7= Quest is finished

Chapter 1 MQ Cultist= {
1= decided to simply kill cultist
2= found out the name of the eldritch being, killed cultist, daughter
returned to normal appetite
3= claire made deal with cultist
4= Cultist allowed to leave

Chapter 1 MQ Cultist Fate = {

0= still alive
1= dead

Chapter 1 Daughter's fate (affects ending) = {

0= failed chapter 1 mq, still gluttonous
1= completed chapter 1 mq in a week or less, no longer gluttonous
2= completed chpater 1 mq in 8-11 days, daugher fatter but no longer
3= completed chapter 1 mq in 12-14 days, daughter is huge, not cursed but
still gluttonous
4= completed chapter 1 mq but the daughter is still cursed, daughter is huge
and still gluttonous

Chapter 1 Side Quest, Fairy Queen's curiousity (affects ending) = {

0= never completed the quest
1= discovered truth about the sweet cabin and told her
2= gave her only some of the cake (makes her a little fatter)
3= gave her the cake and told her where the cabin is (makes her massive and
all of the fairies fat)
4= same as three but a day later (same ending as 3)
5= same as three but two days later (same ending as 3)
6= same as three but three days later (same ending as 3)
7= same as three but four days later (same ending as 3)

Chapter 1 Side Quest, Alchemist Filler Plant = {

0= Quest Hasn't started
1= Started quest, looking for plant
2= Found Plant
3= Returned Plant, Plant is Prunned (end quest)
4= Returned Plant, Plant is not prunned, (triggers cutscene)
5= Alchemist became blob from plant (end quest, but there's more)
6= Looking for wizard to aid blob alchemist
7= Wizard is sent

Succubus State Variables = {

0= didn't meet succubus in chapter 1
1= met succubus, let her go in chapter 1
2= met succubus, faught her in chapter 1
3= met succubus, had sex with her in chapter 1

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