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พิชิตโจทย์แนวข้อสอบภาษาอังกฤษ ม.

โดย ครูอ๊อดดี้ (สุทธิพล หึกขุนทด)

สงวนลิขสิทธิ์ตามกฎหมาย โดย สุทธิพล หึกขุนทด © พ.ศ. 2565

ห้ามคัดลอก ลอกเลียน ดัดแปลง ท�ำซ�้ำ จัดพิมพ์ หรือกระท�ำอื่นใด โดยวิธีการใดๆ ในรูปแบบใดๆ
ไม่ว่าส่วนหนึ่งส่วนใดของหนังสือเล่มนี้ เพื่อเผยแพร่ในสื่อทุกประเภท หรือเพื่อวัตถุประสงค์ ใดๆ

สุทธิพล หึกขุนทด.
พิชิตโจทย์แนวข้อสอบภาษาอังกฤษ ม.ปลาย.—พิมพ์ครั้งที่ 2.—กรุงเทพฯ : ซีเอ็ดยูเคชั่น, 2565.
276 หน้า.
1. ภาษาอังกฤษ – ข้อสอบและเฉลย. 2. ภาษาอังกฤษ – การศึกษาและการสอน (มัธยมศึกษา).
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หากมีค�ำแนะน�ำหรือติชม สามารถติดต่อได้ที่


หนังสือเล่มนี้ เป็นอีกหนึ่งความตั้งใจในการท�ำแบบฝึกหัดมาให้น้อง ๆ ระดับมัธยมศึกษา

ตอนปลายได้ฝึกซ้อมก่อนลงสนามสอบวิชาภาษาอังกฤษ เพื่อให้น้อง ๆ ได้ฝึกซ้อม เตรียมตัวสอบ
เนื้อหาแนวข้อสอบทั้งแปดชุด ครอบคลุมเนื้อหาวิชาภาษาอังกฤษทุกส่วน ตรงตามวัตถุประสงค์
ที่ต้องการสอบเพื่อวัดความรู้ ในด้านต่าง ๆ เป็นรูปแบบข้อสอบภาษาอังกฤษแนวใหม่ ประกอบ
ไปด้วย Dialogs, Situational Dialogs, Sentence Completion, Text Completion,
Vocabulary, Reading Comprehension และ Error Identification
ผู้เขียนหวังว่า แนวข้อสอบเล่มนี้จะช่วยเพิ่มความรู้ ความเข้าใจ และความคุ้นเคยกับ
ตัวข้อสอบ ให้น้อง ๆ เกิดความมั่นใจ มีความพร้อม และประสบความส�ำเร็จในการสอบ สุดท้าย
ผู้เขียนขอขอบคุณแหล่งอ้างอิงทุกแหล่งที่ได้นำ� มาใช้ ในการแบบฝึกซ้อมในเล่มนี้

ขอให้น้อง ๆ โชคดีค่ะ

แนวข้อสอบภาษาอังกฤษ Test 1 – 8
Test 1 9
Test 2 25
Test 3 41
Test 4 57
Test 5 73
Test 6 89
Test 7 107
Test 8 123

เฉลยแนวข้อสอบภาษาอังกฤษ Test 1 – 8
เฉลย Test 1 141
เฉลย Test 2 157
เฉลย Test 3 175
เฉลย Test 4 191
เฉลย Test 5 207
เฉลย Test 6 223
เฉลย Test 7 241
เฉลย Test 8 259
Test 1 – 8
Directions : Read the dialog and choose the expression that best completes each
missing part.

Situation : Captain and Nawat are talking about what they can do.
Captain : 1
Nawat : 2 It’s raining.
Captain : I like walking when it’s raining.
Nawat : 3 We can go out tomorrow.
Captain : Why? What’s the weather forecast for tomorrow?
Nawat : 4
Captain : I don’t like walking 5
Nawat : And I don’t like walking when it’s raining.

1. 1 Walking is a good exercise.

2 What will we do?
3 Let’s go out for a walk.
4 Will you be home tomorrow?
5 Do you want to come with me?
10 พิชิตโจทย์แนวข้อสอบภาษาอังกฤษ ม.ปลาย

2. 1 That’s not a very good idea. 2 That sounds good.

3 I need time to think it over. 4 I like it, too.
5 That looks interesting.

3. 1 That’s right. 2 Don’t be silly.

3 Of course. 4 Beats me.
5 You may be right.

4. 1 Nice day, isn’t it? 2 It’s too warm today.

3 I strongly agree about that. 4 It’s a long weekend.
5 It’s going to be hot.

5. 1 when there’re a lot of people. 2 without you.

3 but we have no plan. 4 when it’s hot.
5 if you join me.

Directions : Read each situation and choose the most appropriate answer.

6. Situation : Jenny is at a store, and she wants to try on a dress. So, she asks a
shop assistant if she can try on it or not. She says :
1 I’ll take it. 2 Is this on sale?
3 I’m just browsing. 4 I’d like to return this.
5 Can I try it on?
Test 1 : พิชิตโจทย์แนวข้อสอบภาษาอังกฤษ ม.ปลาย 11

7. Situation : You are in a restaurant and there is no ashtray. You ask the
waiter to get you one. You say :
1 I need an ashtray right now!
2 Don’t forget to bring me an ashtray.
3 Please remember to bring me an ashtray.
4 Where is an ashtray?
5 Could you bring me an ashtray, please?

8. Situation : Your fellow worker requires confidential information from you, but
you don’t have permission to give it, so you say :
1 Why do you want to know?
2 Mind your own business.
3 I’m not at liberty to say.
4 It’s not my responsibility.
5 I hope you’re able to keep it a secret.

9. Situation : David did not have time to go to the bank today. In the pub, he
asks William to lend him some money. David says :
1 How is one thousand baht?
2 Can you borrow one thousand baht?
3 Could you lend me one thousand baht?
4 Let’s call it one thousand baht.
5 Could I loan you one thousand baht?
12 พิชิตโจทย์แนวข้อสอบภาษาอังกฤษ ม.ปลาย

10. Situation : Emmie, who failed the math course again, has blamed herself.
Nawat tries to cheer her up by saying :
1 Again? I can’t believe you. It’s time you started to study.
2 Don’t blame yourself. You studied as hard as you could.
3 You shouldn’t criticize him so harshly.
4 I don’t think you should worry about it.
5 What about the other courses? Are you doing any better?

Directions : Read each sentence and choose the alternative that best completes it.

11. Not only my birthday, but she also didn’t even apologize for
forgetting it.
1 she has forgotten 2 did she forget
3 forget she did 4 she forgot
5 she forgets

12. Our neighbors should get their recyclable trash by the municipal
trash collectors.
1 collect 2 collects
3 collected 4 collecting
5 to collect

13. The swimmer name has been in the news for winning several
gold medals in the Olympics is in town today.
1 the 2 who his
3 his 4 whose
5 that
Test 1 : พิชิตโจทย์แนวข้อสอบภาษาอังกฤษ ม.ปลาย 13

14. I think Emmie and Nawat are dating. They a lot of each other
1 saw 2 had seen
3 will have seen 4 were seeing
5 have been seeing

15. a mechanical problem, we probably would have arrived in

Korea by now.
1 Unless the airplane has
2 Even though the airplane has not been
3 Only if the airplane doesn’t have
4 If the airplane had not had
5 When the airplane didn’t have

Directions : Choose the phrase or choice that best completes each blank in the
passage below.
High emotional intelligence can help a manager improve workplace
communication skills, employee motivation and 16 . If a manager has
high empathy, a key component of emotional intelligence, he or she 17
to the concerns of employees and will be more understanding of their needs,
wants and concerns. This will most likely translate into increased motivation and
satisfaction of employees and ultimately will have a positive effect on the
effectiveness of the business.
It is important to note, however, that emotional intelligence is a concept
that 18 to have the same meaning and 19 to be a
key determiner of business success. Highly authoritarian, top-down approaches
20 in many successful businesses today.
14 พิชิตโจทย์แนวข้อสอบภาษาอังกฤษ ม.ปลาย

16. 1 organize effectiveness

2 effectively organized
3 organizational effectiveness
4 having effectiveness organized
5 to organize effectiveness

17. 1 will be able to listen 2 would be able to listen

3 would have been able to listen 4 will be listened
5 would be listening

18. 1 being not understood universally

2 is not universally understood
3 did not understand universally
4 is not universally understanding
5 never universally understanding

19. 1 being not believed universally

2 did not believe universally
3 is not universally believing
4 never universally understanding
5 is not universally believed

20. 1 employed 2 were employed

3 will employ 4 are employed
5 are employing
Test 1 : พิชิตโจทย์แนวข้อสอบภาษาอังกฤษ ม.ปลาย 15


Directions : Choose the best alternative to complete the passage below.
Muscle Dysmorphia (or Bigorexia) is a disorder that 21 a
person to constantly obsess and/or worry about being too small, underdeveloped,
and/or underweight. Typically those who have Muscle Dysmorphia are not frail or
underdeveloped at all, and actually have 22 muscle mass. They obsess
about having the perfect physique and believe their muscles are 23 .
This disorder is a 24 of Body Dysmorphic Disorder and is
related to Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Those with Muscle Dysmorphia constantly
25 over their imperfections, further distorting their self perception.
This can significantly impair the person’s mood, often causing depression or other
26 distress. Feelings of inadequacy may affect many areas of their lives.
Both men and women can be 27 by this disorder although
men are most susceptible. It is estimated that 28 10% of the men
who are obsessive gym-goers have this disorder. Many of these people may
29 in body building competitions and are addicted to lifting weights.
One reason Muscle Dysmorphia may be a common disorder is due to the common
30 that men are supposed to be big and strong.

21. 1 causes 2 persuades

3 forces 4 allows
5 orders

22. 1 deadly 2 large

3 critical 4 peculiar
5 popular
16 พิชิตโจทย์แนวข้อสอบภาษาอังกฤษ ม.ปลาย

23. 1 hard 2 flexible

3 obtainable 4 efficient
5 inadequate

24. 1 design 2 weight

3 form 4 value
5 service

25. 1 arrange 2 bring

3 gather 4 obsess
5 attract

26. 1 complete 2 practical

3 gradual 4 emotional
5 independent

27. 1 conflicted 2 reflected

3 affected 4 improved
5 punished

28. 1 obviously 2 publicly

3 closely 4 moderately
5 approximately

29. 1 attack 2 compete

3 compare 4 interact
5 interfere
Test 1 : พิชิตโจทย์แนวข้อสอบภาษาอังกฤษ ม.ปลาย 17

30. 1 stereotype 2 demand

3 argument 4 decision
5 comment

Directions : Read the extracts below and answer the questions that follow.
Extract 1


December 11–15, 2015

Get ready to have your mind blown at the annual gadget gala! Come
see the latest in home electronics and innovations at the Convention Center.
Hundreds of exhibitors and companies from around the globe will display new
model stereos, televisions, and sound systems for home use, as well as the latest
in home security devices. Don’t miss the special domestic robot demonstrations.
See robots clean floors, wash dishes, and even take out the garbage!
Admission to the show costs $10 for adults, and $5 for children from
5 to 12. Children under 5 will not be admitted. An extra $3 fee is charged
for some special events. These include:
December 11 Movie : “Innovate Your Future”
December 12 Speaker : Keith Nosbusch, President of Rockwell
Topic : “Innovations That Will Change Your Tomorrow”
18 พิชิตโจทย์แนวข้อสอบภาษาอังกฤษ ม.ปลาย

December 13 Speaker : Dr. Stephen Schwartz, CEO of Brooks

Topic : “Innovations That Will Transform Home of
the Future”
December 14 Demonstration : Home Security Systems
December 15 Reception with Dyson Company, the Designers of
RoboVac, an autonomous robotic vacuum cleaner
Tickets are available at the Convention Center or online. An extra of $1
per ticket is charged for online purchases. Buy your tickets today! Last year’s
show sold out!

31. Which of the following CANNOT be seen at the show?

1 Wireless audio 2 Apple iTV
3 Home theater systems 4 Fast moving consumer goods
5 Wireless burglar alarms

32. What will robots demonstrate at the convention?

1 Playing stereos
2 Watching TV
3 Doing housework
4 Operating security systems
5 Selling home electronics
Test 1 : พิชิตโจทย์แนวข้อสอบภาษาอังกฤษ ม.ปลาย 19

33. If you want to see a movie, when will you visit this event?
1 December 11 2 December 12
3 December 13 4 December 14
5 December 15

34. If you want to see the security demonstration, how much extra will you have
to pay?
1 $1 2 $3
3 $5 4 $7
5 $10

35. According to the extract, what happened to last year’s show?

1 Small numbers of visitors flocked into the event.
2 More than 3,200 companies exhibited at the show.
3 All of the tickets were sold out.
4 Visitors didn’t see plenty of new hardware, software and gadgets.
5 Participants could buy life insurance at the show.

Extract 2
1 I hear the elephant eating fruit just outside the cottage. Gently pushing
aside the mosquito net, I rise from the bed and walk quietly through the dark
to the washroom, which has a tiny window. All I can see in the window is
a large eye, like a whale’s eye, blinking at me in the morning light.
5 One step at a time, I move closer to the window until I am just below
it. Then, standing on an old box, I pull myself up to the window and see
Survivor’s eye only a foot away. Long, straight eyelashes partially cover his
eye as he looks toward the ground searching for fruit. Then, as he picks up
one with his long trunk and puts it into his mouth, he lifts his eyes and looks
10 directly at me. He shows neither surprise nor concern, and I stare into the
gray forever of an elephant’s eye.
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This kind of thing may happen in other areas of Africa, but not in the
Luangwa Valley of Zambia. In the last fifteen years, one hundred thousand
elephants have been slaughtered by poachers in this valley. Here, elephants
15 usually run at the first sight or smell of man. I want to remember always the
deep wrinkles in the skin above Survivor’s eyelashes, his wet and shining
eye, which now reflects the sunrise. Surely this will never happen to me
again; the memory must last a lifetime. And I must never forget the way I
feel, for at this moment I can see everything so clearly.

36. It can be inferred that this incident is unusual because .

1 there was a lot of noise at the time
2 there are no elephants left in Africa
3 elephants there are usually frightened of humans
4 the elephant wasn’t hungry
5 the elephant can’t chew effectively and may starve

37. It can also be inferred that elephants in that area are normally frightened of
humans because .
1 people try to ride them
2 people have a strange smell
3 the sight of humans is unfamiliar
4 the elephants are hunted by poachers
5 people buy elephant artwork from galleries

38. When the elephant saw the author, .

1 it was scared 2 it became friendly
3 it ignored her 4 it looked at her
5 it ran away
Test 1 : พิชิตโจทย์แนวข้อสอบภาษาอังกฤษ ม.ปลาย 21

39. When the author saw the elephant, she thought .

1 the elephant must be hungry 2 she was very lucky
3 she should tell other people 4 she was in danger
5 the elephant look frightened

40. This incident happened .

1 at sunrise 2 in the evening
3 at midnight 4 in the afternoon
5 at sunset


Directions : Identify the incorrect part of each sentence (marked 1, 2, 3, or 4) and
choose the appropriate correction from the choices (A, B, C, or D).
41. (1) Despite of (2) reading a lot of books for (3) the upcoming exams, Jeremy
(4) prefers to watch cartoon.
1. A Despite B Because of
C According to D In addition to
2. A to read B read
C being read D to reading
3. A upcoming exams B an upcoming exam
C the upcoming exam D the exams upcoming
4. A prefers watching B prefers to watching
C prefer to watch D prefers to be watched
22 พิชิตโจทย์แนวข้อสอบภาษาอังกฤษ ม.ปลาย

42. (1) In our society, the work of scientists (2) is valued more (3) because our
society (4) is developing materialistically and technologically
1. A Due to our society B With our society
C For our society D Like our society
2. A are valued more B are more valued
C is more valued D is much valued
3. A because of B before
C once D while
4. A develops B is being developed
C developed D was being developed

43. (1) Travel club application forms (2) can find (3) in front of the main desk
(4) in the hotel lobby.
1. A A travel club B The travel club
C Traveling club D Travel–clubbed
2. A can be founded B can be finding
C will find D can be found
3. A before B besides
C between D beneath
4. A in the hotel’s lobby B in the lobby of hotel
C inside the hotel’s lobby D into the hotel lobby
Test 1 : พิชิตโจทย์แนวข้อสอบภาษาอังกฤษ ม.ปลาย 23

44. You (1) will permanently maintain a healthy weight, a (2) low cholesterol
level and low blood pressure (3) if you’re careful (4) against your diet.
1. A permanently will maintain
B will maintain permanently
C will permanently to maintain
D will to maintain permanently
2. A a pressure of low blood B low blood pressures
C a low blood pressure D low blooding pressure
3. A because B although
C despite of D as soon as
4. A upon your diet B during your diet
C at your diet D with your diet

45. (1) Most teachers do not understand the AEC (2) good enough while officials
at the Education Ministry (3) who shape policies show (4) inadequate
1. A Much teachers B Mostly teachers
C Almost teachers D Many teachers
2. A well enough B enough well
C enough good D goodly enough
3. A which shapes B where shapes
C who shaped D that shapes
4. A an inadequate preparation B inadequate preparations
C unadequate preparation D an unadequate preparation
Directions : Read the dialog and choose the expression that best completes each
missing part.

Situation : James is thinking of whether or not he should quit and look for another
job somewhere else because he hasn’t gotten a raise for years.
Thiti : What are the chances of getting a raise this year?
James : 1
Thiti : Wow! You haven’t gotten a raise for how many years now?
James : (Heave a sigh). 2 The company keeps losing money
and they can’t afford to give anyone a raise.
Thiti : 3 Did you ever think of working somewhere else?
James : Yes. 4 I have an interview next Monday.
Thiti : 5

1. 1 I have a good chance. 2 I haven’t got a chance.

3 It’s been a tough year. 4 Chances are slim!
5 Should I quit my job?
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2. 1 Maybe I should ask for a raise.

2 It’s not as easy as it seems.
3 It’s been three years!
4 I’ve been working here for 4 years.
5 I’ve been so busy the last two weeks.

3. 1 Oh, come on. 2 It can be a nice change.

3 That’s too bad. 4 That’s a good idea.
5 Nothing much.

4. 1 In my opinion, 2 In fact,
3 I am wondering 4 In this case,
5 I don’t think

5. 1 Please try it. 2 How nice!

3 I’d love to. 4 Good for you!
5 Good luck!

Directions : Read each situation and choose the most appropriate answer.

6. Situation : After school, your friend doesn’t feel well, so you offer her a ride
by saying :
1 I can help you. 2 I can give you a lift home.
3 You can come and get me. 4 You can get along with me.
5 I can pick you up.
Test 2 : พิชิตโจทย์แนวข้อสอบภาษาอังกฤษ ม.ปลาย 27

7. Situation : You have found major problems with the job, and you think you
should take responsibility for them. So, you say :
1 Oops, sorry.
2 It’s your fault.
3 I apologize for the problems.
4 I promise it won’t happen again.
5 I can’t thank you enough.

8. Situation : You are short of salt, so you ring your neighbor’s bell and say :
1 Give me some salt.
2 Can I use your salt?
3 May I borrow some salt?
4 I would like to take your salt.
5 You should buy me some salt.

9. Situation : Grey and Carol are listening to some records. In the apartment
below, Nancy can hear the record player, and because she
has got a headache, she goes to the girls’ apartment and asks
them to turn the music down. Nancy says :
1 Could you possibly turn the record player down?
2 Why do you make me angry?
3 Why don’t you think of the other people in here?
4 Do you want to get kicked out of your apartment?
5 All residents should follow the rules.

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