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Chapter 4 MQ Variables = {

0 = Try to enter the mines

1 = find someone who is able to pay tribute, or have 500G on hand
2 = Go through the mine until you reach the dragon's lair
3 = Choose Dragon's outcome
11 = Prepare for fight with dragon
12 = Dragon is defeated, quest is completed
21 = Dragon's offer has been taken, return to town mayor
22 = Mayor must be removed from office, do the election side quest to
23 = Return to dragon with the new mayor now in power, Dragon owns town,
quest complete
31 = search around ruins to discover how the original magic seal was made
32 = gather the ingrediants and learn the necessary amount of spells, return
to library
33 = battle dragon, use seal once phase 2 begins, otherwise set to stage 12
34 = Dragon is sealed, return to mayor, quest complete
41 = Begin feeding dragon units of food (req. fetish perk, Sarah glut., or
global glut. >= 20)
42 = Dragon has gotten fat, keep feeding food
43 = Dragon is obese, continue feeding
44 = Dragon will become a blob in cutscene upon new day, quest complete
51 = Discorvered gluttony cultist and decided to go with his idea (overwrites
other pick)
52 = gather materials for ritual
53 = Give materials to cultist
54 = take cultist past entrance of mine, quest complete, dragon becomes blob
in event

Chapter 4 MQ, Dragon outcome = {

0 = Dragon destroys town once the tribute dries up, is slain by Veronica if
able in ending
1 = Dragon was slain by heroes
2 = Dragon now runs the town
3 = Dragon is sealed away
4 = Dragon is a blob from normal food, town prevents weight loss through
force feeding
5 = Dragon is a blob from ritual self replicating food, town is free from

Chapter 4 SQ, Veronica's troop resupply = {

0 = MQ isn't done yet, quest unactivated
1 = MQ is completed, give Veronica (30 + chapter days remaining since MQ
complete) field rations
2 = field rations delivered, Veronica now needs food herself (15 pies or
3 = Quest completed, gave her mostly rations
4 = Quest completed, gave her mostly pies (begins quest in chapter 7)

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