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Lesson 7: Shopping


A. Warm-up

Guess the shops:

Words IPA Meaning

/ˈɡroʊsəri stɔːr/ Cửa hàng tạp hóa
/ˈkloʊðɪŋ stɔːr/ Cửa hàng quần áo
/ɪˌlɛkˈtrɒnɪks stɔːr/ Cửa hàng điện tử
/ˈbʊkstɔːr/ Cửa hàng sách
/tɔɪ stɔːr/ Cửa hàng đồ chơi
/pɛt stɔːr/ Cửa hàng thú cưng
/ˈdʒuːəlri stɔːr/ Cửa hàng trang sức
/ˈfɜːrnɪtʃər stɔːr/ Cửa hàng nội thất
/ˈfɑːrməsi/ Nhà thuốc
/dɪˈpɑːrtmənt stɔːr/ Cửa hàng bách hóa
/kənˈviːnjəns stɔːr/ Cửa hàng tiện lợi
/ˈsuːpərmɑːrkɪt/ Siêu thị
/ˈbeɪkəri/ Tiệm bánh mì
/ˈbʊtʃər ʃɒp/ Tiệm thịt
/fɪʃ ˈmɑːrkɪt/ Chợ cá
/ˈɡriːnˌɡrəʊsər/ Tiệm rau quả
Tiệm thực phẩm đặc
/ˈlɪkər stɔːr/ Cửa hàng rượu bia
Cửa hàng văn phòng
/ˈsteɪʃənəri stɔːr/

Lesson 7: Shopping

B. Main Lesson:

Words that contain /g/ sound:

Words IPA Meaning

Dog /dɔɡ/ Con chó
Pig /pɪɡ/ Con lợn
Dig(ging) /dɪɡ/ Đào bới
Burglary /ˈbɜːɡləri/ Sự trộm cắp
Egg /ɛɡ/ Quả trứng
Rug /rʌɡ/ Thảm trải sàn
Ignition /ɪɡˈnɪʃən/ Sự đánh lửa
Green /ɡriːn/ Màu xanh lá cây
Wagon /ˈwæɡən/ Xe ngựa, xe kéo
Flag /flæɡ/ Cờ

Words that contain /k/ sound:

Words IPA Meaning

Walk /wɔːk/ Đi bộ
Block /blɒk/ Khối, phân khu
Back /bæk/ Lưng, phía sau
Park /pɑːk/ Công viên
Thank /θæŋk/ Cảm ơn
Bank /bæŋk/ Ngân hàng
Sick /sɪk/ Bệnh, ốm
Lời xin lỗi, lời phải biện
Excuse /ɪkˈskjuːz/
Brake /breɪk/ Phanh (xe)
Thân cây, khoang hành
Trunk /trʌŋk/
lý xe hơi

Lesson 7: Shopping
Words that contain /d/ sound:

Words IPA Meaning

Stand /stænd/ Đứng
Wood /wʊd/ Gỗ
Bed /bɛd/ Giường
Red /rɛd/ Màu đỏ
Head /hɛd/ Đầu
Inside /ɪnˈsaɪd/ Bên trong
Windshield /ˈwɪndʃiːld/ Kính chắn gió
Bird /bɜːrd/ Chim
Hand /hænd/ Tay
Outside /ˌaʊtˈsaɪd/ Bên ngoài

Words that contain /t/ sound:

Words IPA Meaning

Wait /weɪt/ Đợi
Start /stɑːt/ Bắt đầu
Front /frʌnt/ Phía trước
That /ðæt/ Đó, kia
Post /poʊst/ Cột, bưu điện
Left /lɛft/ Bên trái
It /ɪt/ Nó
Right /raɪt/ Bên phải
Exhausted /ɪɡˈzɔːstɪd/ Mệt mỏi
At /æt/ Tại

Listen and repeat

Make example with the provided vocabulary

C. Exercise:

Lesson 7: Shopping

1. Listening:
People are asking for help in a store. Complete the sentences.

1. I’d ______ a DVD.

2. Can you ______ me a DVD of the World Cup?
3. ______ you help me?
4. Yes, I ______ like a soccer DVD.
5. Can ______ see it?
6. Can I ______ this one, please?

Listen to five short conversations. For each question, choose the

correct answer.
1. You will hear Katie talking about a present for her mother. What did she
A something to wear
B something to read
C something to eat
2. You will hear two friends talking during their lunch break. What do they
decide to do together after school?
A go to the girl’s house
B go to the swimming pool
C go to the library
3. You will hear a man talking to his daughter. What does his daughter
want to buy?
A some shoes
B a dress
C a jacket
4. You will hear a teenager talking to his mother. What does he want to do?
A He wants to ride his bike.
B He wants to sell his bike.
C He wants to take his bike on holiday.
5. You will hear a boy talking to a shop assistant. Why does he buy the
yellow T-shirt?
A because it’s cheap
B because it’s big
C because he likes the colour

2. Speaking:

Lesson 7: Shopping

Match 1-13 with a-m to make phrases.

1 How can I a in cash?

2 I’m just b debit card / by credit card?
3 Next, c like anything else?
4 How much d (£10), please.
5 That comes to e is it / are they?
6 How would you f a receipt, please?
7 Can I pay by g help you?
8 Can I pay h looking, thanks.
9 Enter your i put it in a bag?
10 Here’s your j like to pay?
11 Could I have k change and receipt.
12 Would you like to l PIN, please.
13 Would you m please!

Role play: Imagine you are in a store (don’t say what store):
Student A: You are the customer.
– Say what you are looking for.
– Ask a question about the items.
– Ask how much the products are.
– Say which product you would like.
– Ask about the payment method.
Student B: You work in a shop. Serve the customer.
Other classmate guess the shop that they are in.

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