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Lesson 5: Sports


A. Warm-up

1. Review:

Pronunciation Quiz:

1. Which word contains the /eɪ/

6. Which word have the /eɪ/ sound?
a) plate
a) cake
b) honor
b) oil
c) hour
c) pear
d) white
d) nine
7. In which word is the /aɪ/ sound
2. In which word is the /aɪ/ sound
a) towel
a) light
b) house
b) name
c) coin
c) foil
d) type
d) dog
8. Which word contains the /ɔɪ/
3. Which word includes the /ɔɪ/
a) choice
a) toy
b) grape
b) five
c) kite
c) house
d) My
d) book
9. Which word includes the /aʊ/
4. Which word contains the /aʊ/
a) baby
a) annoy
b) cow
b) mouth
c) coin
c) I
d) main
d) rain
10. In which word is the /əʊ/ sound
5. In which word is the /əʊ/ sound
a) bathing suits
a) dime
b) white
b) phone
c) boat
c) table
d) rain
d) house

Lesson 5: Sports

2. What is that word:

1. /ˈfʊtˌbɔl/:
2. /ˈbæs.kɪtˌbɔl/:
3. /ˈtɛn.ɪs/:
4. /ˈsɑk.ər/:
5. /ˈbeɪsˌbɔl/:
6. /ˈvɒl.iˌbɔl/:
7. /ˈswɪm.ɪŋ/:
8. /ɡɒlf/:
9. /ˈsaɪ.kəl.ɪŋ/:

B. Main Lesson:

Words that contain /n/ sound:

Words Meaning
Rain Mưa

On (Giới từ) trên

Fender Hàng rào/ chắn bùn (xe)

Turn (v) Rẽ/ (n) lượt

Between Giữa

Department Bộ phận

One Một

Phone Điện thoại

Emergency Khẩn cấp

Station Ga tàu

Lesson 5: Sports

Words that contain /m/ sound:

Words Meaning
Swim Bơi

Team Đội

From Đến từ

Welcome Chào mừng

Ice cream Kem

Ambulance Xe cấp cứu

Number Số

Come Đến

Arm Cánh tay

Comb Cái lược

Words that contain /v/ sound:

Words Meaning
Five Số năm

Of Của

Seven Số bảy

Sleeve Tay áo

Very Rất

Lesson 5: Sports

Leave Rời đi

River Dòng sông

Drive Lái

Move Di chuyển

Stove Lò nướng bánh

Words that contain /f/ sound:

Words Meaning
Knife Con dao

Leaf Lá cây

Half Một nửa

Finger Ngón tay

Elephant Con voi

Laugh Cười

Off Tắt

Telephone Điện thoại

Fire Lửa

Roof Mái nhà

Listen and repeat

Make example with the provided vocabulary

Lesson 5: Sports
C. Exercise:

1. Listening:
Choose the correct answer:

6. What might Cameron need to buy

1. How old is Michael?
for tennis?
A. 5
A. Whistle
B. 7
B. Cones
C. 9
C. Tennis shoes
D. 11
D. Basketball team jerseys
2. When is Kevin's birthday?
7. What sport equipment does
A. October 2nd
Cameron need for badminton?
B. October 5th
A. Ball and two nets
C. October 7th
B. Rackets, net, and tennis balls
D. October 9th
C. Rackets, high net, and birdies
D. Basketball and two hoops
3. What sport equipment does
Cameron need for soccer?
8. What might Cameron need to mark
A. Ball and two nets
the court for badminton?
B. Rackets, net, and tennis balls
A. Whistle
C. Rackets, high net, and birdies
B. Cones
D. Basketball and two hoops
C. Tennis shoes
D. Basketball team jerseys
4. What might Cameron buy to be the
‘referee for soccer? (might/may: có
9. What sport equipment does
thể, referee: trọng tài)
Cameron need for ‘basketball?
A. Whistle
A. Ball and two nets
B. Cones
B. Rackets, net, and tennis balls
C. Tennis shoes
C. Rackets, high net, and birdies
D. Basketball team jerseys
D. Basketball and two hoops
5. What sport e’quipment does
10. What might Cameron buy for
Cameron need for tennis?
A. Ball and two nets
A. Whistle
B. Rackets, net, and tennis balls
B. Cones
C. Rackets, high net, and birdies
C. Tennis shoes
D. Basketball and two hoops
D. Basketball team jerseys

Lesson 5: Sports

Words IPA Meaning Example

The volleyball net was set
Net /nɛt/ lưới
up on the beach.
The playground is a fun
Playarea /pleɪ ˈɛriə/ khu vực chơi
playarea for children.
The referee blew the
A whistle /ə ˈwɪsəl/ còi
whistle to start the match.
He played tennis with a
Racket /ˈrækɪt/ vợt new racket he bought last
The badminton court has
a high net to prevent the
High net /haɪ nɛt/ lưới cao
shuttlecock from going
They played a game of
badminton with
Birdies /ˈbɜːrdiz/ cầu lông
shuttlecocks, also known
as birdies.
The coach set up cones to
Cone /koʊn/ côn mark the training area for
the soccer team.
The basketball players
Hoop /huːp/ vòng practiced shooting hoops
at the court.
He proudly wore his
Jersey /ˈdʒɜːrzi/ áo thun đội tuyển favorite basketball jersey
to the game.
The hockey players wore
Protective /prəˈtɛktɪv
đồ bảo hộ protective gear to avoid
gear ɡɪr/
He swung the cricket bat
Bat /bæt/ gậy
and hit the ball for a six.

Lesson 5: Sports
2. Speaking:

Describe one of the following sports:

1. Soccer (Football) (Example)

2. Basketball
3. Tennis
4. Baseball
5. Swimming
6. Golf
7. Volleyball
8. Cycling

Using these criteria:

1. Name of the sport: Start by stating the name of the sport you want to talk
2. Basic rules: Explain some basic rules of the sport in simple terms. For
example, in soccer, you could say, "The players try to kick the ball into
the goal to score points."
3. Equipment: Describe the equipment needed to play the sport. This could
include items like a ball, racket, bat, or protective gear.
4. Playing field: Explain where the sport is typically played. Describe the
size and layout of the playing field or court.
5. Number of players: Mention how many players are typically involved in
the sport. For example, in basketball, there are usually five players on
each team.
6. Objective: Describe the main objective of the sport. For example, in
basketball, the objective is to score points by shooting the ball into the
opponent's basket.
7. Duration: Mention how long a typical game or match lasts. This could be
in terms of minutes or innings, depending on the sport.
8. Popularity: Discuss the popularity of the sport, both globally and locally.
You could mention how many people play or watch the sport.
9. Personal experience: Share any personal experiences you have had with
the sport, such as playing it with friends or watching it on TV.
10.Favorite aspect: Talk about what you enjoy most about the sport. This
could be the excitement of watching a game, the adrenaline rush of
playing, or the sense of teamwork.

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