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Lesson 4: My job


A. Warm-up

Answer these questions

1. Which word is pronounced 6. Which word is pronounced

with /ɔː/? with /ɔː/?
a. Hand a. Forehead
b. Work b. Cherries
c. Earth c. There
d. Horse d. Moustache

2. Which word is pronounced 7. Which word is pronounced

with /æ/? with /æ/?
a. Where a. Morning
b. Afternoon b. Eyelashes
c. Thirty c. Pear
d. Her d. Law

3. Which word is pronounced 8. Which word is pronounced

with /ɜ:/? with /eə/?
a. Short a. Bird
b. Black b. Share
c. Curly c. Laundromat
d. Manure d. Has

4. Which word is pronounced 9. Which word is pronounced

with /eə/? with /ɜ:/?
a. Library a. Sure
b. Ball b. Skirt
c. Back c. Saw
d. Earth d. Berries

5. Which word is pronounced 10. Which word is pronounced

with /ʊə/? with /ʊə/?
a. Address a. Thirteen
b. For b. tear
c. Tour c. Pure
d. Girl d. Shirt

Lesson 4: My job

B. Main Lesson:

Words that contain /eɪ/sound:

Words IPA Meaning Example

Name /neɪm/ tên My name is David.
She bought a new bathing
Bathing suit /ˈbeɪðɪŋ s(j)uːt/ đồ bơi
suit for Hawaii vacation.
Would you like a piece of
Cake /keɪk/ bánh
The baby is sleeping
Baby /ˈbeɪbi/ em bé
Please pass me a plate for
Plate /pleɪt/ đĩa
the bread.
He enjoys eating grapes
Grapes /ɡreɪps/ nho
as a snack.
We sat around the table
Table /ˈteɪbl/ cái bàn
for dinner.
Grey /ɡreɪ/ màu xám His cat has grey fur.

Words that contain /aɪ/ sound:

Words IPA Meaning Example

I /aɪ/ tôi I am going to the store.
Time /taɪm/ thời gian What time is it?
My /maɪ/ của tôi This is my book.
She wore a beautiful
White /waɪt/ màu trắng
white dress.
Eye /aɪ/ mắt His eye color is brown.
There are five apples on
Five /faɪv/ số năm
the table.
Nine /naɪn/ số chín She is nine years old.
He found a dime on the
Dime /daɪm/ đồng xu mười xu
Light /laɪt/ ánh sáng Turn on the light, please.
What type of music do
Type /taɪp/ loại
you like?

Lesson 4: My job

Words that contain /ɔɪ/ sound:

Words IPA Meaning Example

The boy is playing in the
Boy /bɔɪ/ con trai
She bought a new toy for
Toy /tɔɪ/ đồ chơi
her dog.
The children shouted
Joy /dʒɔɪ/ niềm vui
with joy.
Plants grow in fertile
Soil /sɔɪl/ đất
He wrapped the
Foil /fɔɪl/ lá bạc
sandwich in foil.
Olive oil is good for
Oil /ɔɪl/ dầu
The water began to boil
Boil /bɔɪl/ sôi
on the stove.
The snake curled into a
Coil /kɔɪl/ cuộn
tight coil.
The butcher cut a piece
Loin /lɔɪn/ thịt lợn
of pork loin.
Please don't annoy your
Annoy /əˈnɔɪ/ làm phiền

Words that contain /aʊ/ sound:

Words IPA Meaning Example

Now /naʊ/ bây giờ Can we leave now?
Brown /braʊn/ màu nâu Her hair is dark brown.
How did you find the
How /haʊ/ làm sao
She plucked her
Eyebrow /ˈaɪbraʊ/ lông mày
eyebrows carefully.
There are a thousand
Thousand /ˈθaʊzənd/ nghìn
stars in the sky.
He worked for several
Hours /aʊərz/ giờ
Their house is painted
House /haʊs/ ngôi nhà
Towel /ˈtaʊəl/ khăn tắm Please hand me a towel
Lesson 4: My job
after I shower.
She received a bouquet
Flower /ˈflaʊər/ hoa of flowers on her
The children laughed
Clown /klaʊn/ hề
at the funny clown.

Words that contain /əʊ/ sound:

Words IPA Meaning Example

I know the answer to
Know /nəʊ/ biết
that question.
Don’t /dəʊnt/ đừng Don't worry about it.
Go /ɡoʊ/ đi Let's go to the park.
He carried the bag on
Shoulder /ˈʃoʊldər/ vai
his shoulder.
She stubbed her toe on
Toe /təʊ/ ngón chân
the chair.
He has a cold and his
Nose /nəʊz/ mũi
nose is red.
Those /ðəʊz/ những Are those your keys?
Plants grow in
Grow /ɡrəʊ/ mọc
I'll call you on the
Phone /fəʊn/ điện thoại
She used a comb to
Comb /kəʊm/ lược
style her hair.

Lesson 4: My job

Words that contain /ɪə/ sound:

Words IPA Meaning Example

Peer /pɪər/ bạn đồng trang He looked at his peers
lứa for approval.
Tear (n) /tɪər/ nước mắt She wiped away a tear
from her eye.
Cheer /tʃɪər/ cổ vũ The crowd began to
cheer for the winning
Sheer /ʃɪər/ tuyệt đẹp The dress was made of
sheer fabric.
Near /nɪər/ gần There is a gas station
near here.

Listen and repeat

Make example with the provided vocabulary

C. Exercise:

1. Listening:
Decide whether these statements are True or False
True – if the statement is correct
False – if the statement is incorrect

Talk about your job

1, Rhia is a writer for a lifestyle magazine in France.

2, Rhia works alone and does not have any colleagues.
3, Rhia enjoys the atmosphere in her office.
4, Rhia has been working for the company for five years.
5, Rhia applied to work for the company because of the high salary.
6, Rhia's typical day starts with a meeting where topics are discussed.
7, Rhia meets with a designer to discuss photos for her articles.
8, Rhia ends her day by going to the gym.

Lesson 4: My job

2. Speaking:

Answer the following questions:

1, What do you do for work?

2, Do you work at a company or are you self-employed?
3, How many hours do you work each day?
4, Have you ever had a part-time job? If so, what was it ?
5, Where is your workplace located?
6, Do you like your job? Why or why not?
7, What do you usually do at work?
8, Do you wear a uniform or special clothes for your job?
9, How do you get to work every day?
10, Do you work with other people? If yes, how many colleagues do you have?

Write 5-7 sentences about your dream job. You should say:
What’s your dream job?
What will you do to become a/an…?
Why do you want to have that job (salary, worktime, location, day off)?

Guess the meaning of these jobs:

Word IPA Meaning Example

Teacher /ˈtiːtʃər/ She is an English teacher.
The doctor is examining
Doctor /ˈdɒktər/
the patient.
The nurse is taking care of
Nurse /nɜːs/
the children.
He works as a software
Engineer /ˌendʒɪˈnɪər/
The chef is cooking in the
Chef /ʃef/
Police The police officer patrols
/pəˈliːs ˈɒfɪsər/
officer the streets.
The firefighter
Firefighter /ˈfaɪəfaɪtər/
extinguished the fire.
The pilot is flying the
Pilot /ˈpaɪlət/
The artist painted a
Artist /ˈɑːtɪst/
beautiful landscape.

Lesson 4: My job
The musician plays the
Musician /mjuːˈzɪʃən/
The actor performed in the
Actor /ˈæktər/
The lawyer defended her
Lawyer /ˈlɔːjər/
client in court.
The mechanic fixed the car
Mechanic /məˈkænɪk/
The carpenter built the
Carpenter /ˈkɑːrpəntər/
wooden table.
The electrician repaired the
Electrician /ɪˌlekˈtrɪʃən/
The plumber fixed the
Plumber /ˈplʌmbər/
leaky pipe.
The farmer grows
Farmer /ˈfɑːmər/
vegetables on his farm.
Waiter/ /ˈweɪtər/ The waiter served us
Waitress /ˈweɪtrəs/ dinner.
The salesperson helped me
Salesperson /ˈseɪlzˌpɜːrsən/
choose a new phone.

Words that related to jobs and work:

Word IPA Meaning Example

She has a new job at the
Job /dʒɑːb/ công việc
He goes to work every
Work /wɜːrk/ làm việc
Her boss is very
Boss /bɒs/ sếp
The company hired several
Employee /ɪmˈplɔɪiː/ nhân viên
new employees.
She works in an office
Office /ˈɒfɪs/ văn phòng
He works for a large
Company /ˈkʌmpəni/ công ty
She received a raise in her
Salary /ˈsæləri/ lương
He gets paid every two
Pay /peɪ/ Trả (lương)
Meeting /ˈmiːtɪŋ/ cuộc họp There is a meeting at 3
Lesson 4: My job
They work together as a
Team /tiːm/ nhóm
The manager is responsible
Manager /ˈmænɪdʒər/ quản lý
for the project.
The factory employs many
Worker /ˈwɜːrkər/ công nhân
She has an interview for a
Interview /ˈɪntəvjuː/ phỏng vấn
new job.
He is planning his career
Career /kəˈrɪər/ nghề nghiệp
in finance.
She got a promotion last
Promotion /prəˈməʊʃən/ thăng chức
He submitted an
Application /ˌæplɪˈkeɪʃən/ đơn xin việc application for the
She has strong
Skills /skɪlz/ kỹ năng
communication skills.
She updated her resume
Resume /ˈrezjʊmeɪ/ sơ yếu lý lịch
with her new experience.
His task is to finish the
Task /tɑːsk/ nhiệm vụ
report by Friday.
They wear uniforms at the
Uniform /ˈjuːnɪfɔːm/ đồng phục

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