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Lesson 1: Introduction


A. Warm-up:

Introduce yourself
You should say:

1. What is your name ?

2. Where are you from ?
3. How old are you?
4. How many people are there in your family ?
5. What do you do in your free time ? Why?

B. Main Lesson:

1. How to answer common questions:

Question Answer
Hello, I am + tên: Xin chào, tôi là …
1. What is your name ? My (full) name is + tên: Tên (đầy đủ) của tôi
là …
I was born in + địa điểm: Tôi được sinh ra ở

2. Where are you from ?
My hometown is + địa điểm: Quê hương của
tôi là ở …
I am from + địa điểm: Tôi đến từ …
I am + số tuổi
3. How old are you ?
hoặc X years old
There are + số lượng + people in my family:
4. How many people are Gia đình tôi có … người.
there in you family ? I live with my … : Tôi sống cùng với …
I have … brothers and … sisters: Tôi có …
anh (em) trai và … chị (em) gái.
I’m interested in + Danh từ chỉ thói quen, sở
thích: Tôi có hứng thú với …
I’m keen on + Danh từ chỉ thói quen, sở thích:
Tôi rất kiên trì, ham mê với …
5. What do you do in I love / enjoy / like + Danh từ chỉ thói quen:
your free time ? Tôi yêu / thích …
In my free time / When I have some spare
time / When I get the time, I usually / often …
: Trong thời gian rảnh rỗi / Khi tôi có thời gian
rỗi / Khi tôi có thời gian, tôi thường …
6. What do you do ? I’m a + Tên nghề nghiệp at + Tên công ty: Tôi
Lesson 1: Introduction

hiện là … ở công ty …
I work for myself / I'm self-employed / I'm
working as a freelancer: Tôi làm việc tự do.
I am looking for a job / I am looking for
work / an internship: Tôi đang tìm kiếm việc
làm/vị trí thực tập.


- I’m Vietnamese. I was born and raised in Hung Yen city.

- In my family, there are four people. I have one older brother.
- Hello, my full name is Nguyen Ha Anh. Everyone calls me by my
nickname, so you can call me Lily.

2. Vowel /i:/, /a:/, /u:/, /ɒ/:

Words that contain /i:/ sound:

Words Meaning
He Anh ấy

She Cô ấy

We Chúng tôi, chúng ta

Sweethearts Người yêu, cưng

T-shirt Áo phông

Sleeves Tay áo, ống tay áo

Jeans Quần bò

Reading Đọc

Argentina Ác-hen-ti-na

Trees Cây cối

Lesson 1: Introduction

Words that contain /a:/ sound:

Words Meaning
Father Bố

Arm Cánh tay

Car Xe hơi

Bar Quán rượu

Barn Kho thóc

Calm Bình tĩnh

Palm Cây cọ

Star Ngôi sao

Yarn Len dệt

Sweetheart Người yêu, cưng

Words that contain /u:/ sound:

Words Meaning
You Bạn, Cậu

Blue Màu xanh nước

Two 2

New Mới

To Để

Noon Buổi trưa

Lesson 1: Introduction

Excuse Xin thứ lỗi

Shoe Giày

Spoon Thìa

Moon Mặt trăng

Words that contain /ɒ/ sound:

Words Meaning
Long Dài

Blonde Tóc vàng hoe

Not Không

Dollar Đô-la

Body Cơ thể

Clock Đồng hồ

Block (n) khối, (v) chặn

Sock Tất

Rock Cục đá

Box Cái hộp

Listen and repeat

Lesson 1: Introduction

C. Exercise:

1. Listening:

Choose the correct answer:

- What is the first person name’s?
A. Doug B. Dan C. Ben
- Where does Christiane work in?
A. Sale B. Mail C. Hotel
- What does Vanessa do?
A. In Theatre B. Teacher C. Keeper
- What does Emma do?
A. Receptionist B. Artist C. Fashionista
- What is Alvino job?
A. Retail B. Detail C. Sale

2. Speaking:

Introduce yourself again

Introduce your family members.

Open questions:

1. How would you describe your personality in 3 words?

2. What is your favorite food?
3. Do you have any pets?
4. Do you enjoy cooking?
5. What is your favorite season of the year?
6. What do you like to do on weekends?
7. What is your favorite place to visit?
8. Do you have any favorite movies or books?

Lesson 1: Introduction


Word IPA Meaning Example

She is very kind and
Kind /kaɪnd/ Tốt bụng
always helps others.
He is friendly and enjoys
Friendly /ˈfrɛndli/ Thân thiện
meeting new people.
She is quiet and prefers
Quiet /ˈkwaɪət/ Im lặng
to listen rather than talk.
He is shy and feels
Shy /ʃaɪ/ Nhút nhát uncomfortable in large
She is brave and not
Brave /breɪv/ Can đảm
afraid of the dark.
He is smart and can
Smart /smɑrt/ Thông minh
solve difficult puzzles.
She is funny and makes
Funny /ˈfʌni/ Vui nhộn
everyone laugh.
He stays calm even in
Calm /kɑm/ Bình tĩnh
stressful situations.
She is active and enjoys
Active /ˈæktɪv/ Năng động
playing sports.
He is polite and always
Polite /pəˈlaɪt/ Lịch sự says "please" and "thank
She is honest and tells
Honest /ˈɒnɪst/ Thành thật
the truth.
He is gentle and takes
Gentle /ˈdʒɛntl̩ / Dịu dàng
care of animals.
She is curious and asks
Curious /ˈkjʊəriəs/ Tò mò
a lot of questions.
Sarah is very outgoing
Outgoing /ˈaʊtˌɡəʊɪŋ/ Hướng ngoại and loves meeting new
Tom is a bit shy and
Shy /ʃaɪ/ Nhút nhát prefers smaller
Confident /ˈkɒnfɪdənt/ Tự tin She is confident in her

Lesson 1: Introduction

abilities to succeed.
He is a hardworking
Hardworkin /ˈhɑːd student who always
Chăm chỉ
g ˌwɜːrkɪŋ/ completes his
assignments on time.
The teacher is very
Patient /ˈpeɪʃənt/ Kiên nhẫn patient with her
She is very generous and
Generous /ˈdʒɛnərəs/ Rộng lượng always willing to help
John is caring and
Caring /ˈkɛərɪŋ/ Chu đáo always looks after his
She is a loyal friend who
Loyal /ˈlɔɪəl/ Trung thành always supports her

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