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Lesson 2: My home


A. Review:

What are some words to describe personality?

B. Main Lesson:

Words that contain /ʊ/sound:

Words Meaning
Cook Nấu ăn

Book Sách

Neighborhood Xóm, vùng lân cận

Boulevard Đại lộ

Look Nhìn

Foot Bàn chân

Good Tốt

Pull (v) Kéo

Put (v) Đặt

Should Nên

Words that contain /ɪ/ sound:

Words Meaning
Is Là

It Nó

In Vào, trong

Lesson 2: My home

City Thành phố

Building Toà nhà

Big To, lớn

Window Cửa sổ

Milk Sữa

Refrigerator Tủ lạnh

Finished Hoàn thành

Words that contain /e/ sound:

Words Meaning
Tent Cái lều

Bed Giường

Heavy Nặng

West Phía tây

Second Thứ hai (thứ tự)

Seventh Thứ bảy (thứ tự)

Tenth Thứ mười

Rest Nghỉ ngơi

Bread Bánh mì

Red Đỏ

Lesson 2: My home

Words that contain /ʌ/ sound:

Words Meaning
What Cái gì

Country Đất nước, quê hương

Apartment Căn hộ

Rug Cái thảm

Oven Lò nướng

Public Công khai

Bus Xe buýt

From Từ

Second Thứ hai

Gun Súng

Words that contain /ə/ sound:

Words Meaning
A (giới từ) Một

The (giới từ) Cái

Of (giới từ) Của

That Kia

About Về (việc gì đó)

Common Phổ biến

Standard Tiêu chuẩn

Lesson 2: My home

Butter Bơ (bơ sữa)

Listen and repeat

C. Vocabulary

No. Words IPA Meaning Example

Places in my hometown
Thị trấn/ I live in a small town
1 Town/City /taʊn/
Thành phố near the mountains.
My hometown is a quiet
2 Village /ˈvɪlɪdʒ/ Làng village surrounded by
Đường Our street is busy with
3 Street /striːt/
phố cars during rush hour.
There's a beautiful park
4 Park /pɑːrk/ Công viên near my house where
children play.
There's a grocery shop
5 Shop /ʃɒp/ Cửa hàng on the corner of my
The river flows through
6 River /ˈrɪvər/ Sông the center of my
You can see the
7 Mountain /ˈmaʊntɪn/ Núi mountains in the distance
from my house.
I live in the countryside
8 /ˈkʌntrɪsaɪd/ Nông thôn surrounded by farms and
There's a train station
9 Train /treɪn/ Tàu hỏa
near my house.
The hospital in my
10 Hospital /ˈhɒspɪtl̩ / Bệnh viện hometown is modern and
I like to visit the library
11 Library /ˈlaɪbrəri/ Thư viện
to read books.
We go to the market
12 Market /ˈmɑːrkɪt/ Chợ every weekend to buy
fresh vegetables.
13 Playground / Sân chơi There's a playground

Lesson 2: My home

near my house where I

play with my friends.
My hometown is near the
14 Beach /biːtʃ/ Bãi biển beach, and we often go
there in the summer.
There's a big square in
Quảng the center of my
15 Square /skweər/
trường hometown where people
What to describe:
Traffic can get busy in
16 Traffic /ˈtræfɪk/ my hometown during
rush hour.
The weather in my
17 Weather /ˈwɛðər/ Thời tiết hometown is usually
sunny in the summer.
My favorite season in my
hometown is spring
18 Season /ˈsiːzən/ Mùa
because of the blooming
There's a bridge over the
19 Bridge /brɪdʒ/ Cây cầu river that connects both
sides of my hometown.
My hometown has a lot
of history, and there are
20 History /ˈhɪstəri/ Lịch sử
old buildings and
The culture in my
hometown is diverse with
21 Culture /ˈkʌltʃər/ Văn hóa
many festivals and
One tradition in my
Truyền hometown is celebrating
22 Tradition /trəˈdɪʃən/
thống Lunar New Year with
Words(adjectives) to describe:
I grew up in a big city
23 Big /bɪɡ/ Lớn with lots of shops and
My hometown is quiet
24 Quiet /kwaɪət/ Yên tĩnh
and peaceful.
25 Beautiful /ˈbjuːtɪfəl/ Đẹp The sunset in my

Lesson 2: My home

hometown is beautiful.
It's a small town with
26 Small /smɔːl/ Nhỏ
friendly people.
People in my hometown
27 Friendly /ˈfrɛndli/ Thân thiện
are very friendly.
The town center is
28 Busy /ˈbɪzi/ Bận rộn always busy with people
and cars.
There are many old
29 Old /oʊld/ Cổ kính buildings in the historic
part of town.
My hometown is a safe
30 Safe /seɪf/ An toàn place to live with low
crime rates.
The streets in our town
31 Clean /kliːn/ Sạch sẽ
are always clean.
We have lots of parks
32 Green /ɡriːn/ Xanh mát and green spaces in our
Our house is small but
33 Cozy /ˈkoʊzi/ Ấm cúng cozy, perfect for our
The city center has many
34 Modern /ˈmɒdərn/ Hiện đại modern buildings and
Living in the countryside
35 Peaceful /ˈpiːsfʊl/ Bình yên
is peaceful and relaxing.

Lesson 2: My home

D. Exercise:
1. Listening:
Fill in the blank

Describing your hometown.

Donna lives in a small town near the sea in ____________(1). It's a very quiet
and beautiful place to live. It got lots of small, interesting _________(2) and
good places to _____________(3). There is a great beach and Donna like to go
_________(4) in the __________(5). There are also a couple of great art
galleries that she like to________(6). Donna lives in a small house on a
___________(7) She likes it because it gives her a good view of the
whole___________(8) There are lots of things for tourists to do in Donna's, but
the most popular place to visit is the Shining Star _________(9) Local people
like to relax on the beach and there is a very popular local _________(10)
where everyone goes to walk their dogs.

2. Speaking:

Answer the following questions:

1) Can you describe your hometown?

2) What is your favorite place in your hometown?
3) Do you like living in your hometown?
4) Are there any parks or attractions in your hometown?
5) What do people do for fun in your hometown?
6) What kind of weather do you usually have in your hometown?
7) Do you have friends or family living near your hometown?
8) Who are the members of your family?
9) What do you like to do with your family?
10) Who is the oldest person in your family?
11) What is your favorite family tradition?
12) What is your favorite memory with your family?

Lesson 2: My home

Family member:

Words IPA Meanings Example

My father works as a
Father /ˈfɑːðər/ Cha
My mother cooks
Mother /ˈmʌðər/ Mẹ
delicious meals for us.
I play soccer with my
Brother /ˈbrʌðər/ Anh em trai
brother in the park.
My sister helps me with
Sister /ˈsɪstər/ Chị em gái
my homework.
My parents love to travel
Parents /ˈpɛrənts/ Phụ huynh
during holidays.
My grandfather tells us
Grandfather /ˈɡrænfɑːðər/ Ông nội stories about his
My grandmother bakes
/ˈɡrænmʌðər/ Bà nội cookies for us every
My uncle lives in a
Uncle /ˈʌŋkəl/ Chú
different city.
My aunt visits us during
Aunt /ɑːnt/ Cô
I play games with my
Cousin /ˈkʌzən/ Anh chị em họ cousins at family
My son likes to play with
Son /sʌn/ Con trai
his toy cars.
My daughter enjoys
Daughter /ˈdɔːtər/ Con gái
drawing pictures.
/ I love playing with my
Grandchild Cháu
ˈɡræn(t)ʃaɪld/ grandchild on weekends.
My nephew is learning to
Nephew /ˈnɛfjuː/ Cháu trai
ride a bike.
My niece loves to read
Niece /niːs/ Cháu gái
Husband /ˈhʌzbənd/ Chồng My husband is a doctor.
My wife cooks delicious
Wife /waɪf/ Vợ
meals for us.

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