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Lesson 3: My day


A. Review:

Quiz: Vowels /ʌ/, /ɪ/, /e/, /ʊ/, and /ə/

1. Which of the following words 6. Choose the word that contains the
contains the vowel sound /ʌ/? vowel sound /ʌ/.
a) Rug a) Big
b) About b) Should
c) Bed c) Bread
d) Look d) Bus

2. Identify the word that contains the 7. Which of the following words
vowel sound /ɪ/. contains the vowel sound /ɪ/?
a) Foot a) Neighborhood
b) Milk b) Window
c) Red c) Tent
d) From d) What

3. Choose the word that contains the 8. Identify the word that contains the
vowel sound /e/. vowel sound /e/.
a) Oven a) Rest
b) City b) Country
c) Second c) Refrigerator
d) Apartment d) Is

4. Which of the following words 9. Choose the word that contains the
contains the vowel sound /ʊ/? vowel sound /ʊ/.
a) Put a) In
b) Building b) Boulevard
c) Finished c) Finished
d) Butter d) The

5. Identify the word that contains the 10. Which of the following words
schwa sound /ə/. contains the schwa sound /ə/?
a) Pull a) Public
b) Seventh b) Gun
c) Book c) Foot
d) Common d) Standard

Lesson 3: My day

B. Main Lesson:

Words that contain /ɔː/ sound:

Words IPA Meaning Example
He kicked the ball
Ball /bɔːl/ Quả bóng
into the goal.
Short /ʃɔːt/ Ngắn She has short hair.
There are four
Four /fɔːr/ Bốn
seasons in a year.
Forty /ˈfɔːrti/ Bốn mươi He is forty years old.
I enjoy taking a walk
Morning /ˈmɔːrnɪŋ/ Buổi sáng
in the morning.
She had a small scar
Forehead /ˈfɒrɪd/ Trán
on her forehead.
I usually go to the
Tiệm giặt ủi tự
Laundromat /ˈlɔːndrəʊmæt/ laundromat to wash
my clothes.
They went horse
Horse /hɔːrs/ Ngựa riding in the
He sawed the wood
Saw /sɔː/ Cưa
into smaller pieces.
She studied law at
Law /lɔː/ Luật

Words that contain /æ/ sound:

Words IPA Meaning Example
He shook my hand
Hand /hænd/ Bàn tay
when we met.
She has a sore back
Back /bæk/ Lưng
from sitting too long.
Her eyelashes were
Eyelashes /ˈaɪˌlæʃɪz/ Mi mắt
long and beautiful.
He trimmed his
Moustache /məˈstɑːʃ/ Ria mép
moustache neatly.
The cat had shiny
Black /blæk/ Đen
black fur.
Has /hæz/ Có She has a pet dog.
Afternoon /ˌæftəˈnuːn/ Buổi chiều Let's meet in the

Lesson 3: My day
Half past /hɑːf pɑːst/ Mười giờ rưỡi It's half past ten.
She is waiting at the
At /æt/ Tại
bus stop.
What's your home
Address /əˈdrɛs/ Địa chỉ

Words that contain /ɜ:/ sound:

Words IPA Meaning Example
She goes to work
Work /wɜːrk/ Công việc
every morning.
He wore a clean
Shirt /ʃɜːrt/ Áo sơ mi white shirt to the
I met her at the
Her /hɜːr/ Của cô ấy
library yesterday.
There are thirty days
Thirty /ˈθɜːrti/ Ba mươi
in April.
She turned thirteen
Thirteen /ˈθɜːrtiːn/ Mười ba
last week.
She has curly hair
Curly /ˈkɜːrli/ Tóc xoăn that she loves to
The bird chirped
Bird /bɜːrd/ Chim loudly in the
We should take care
Earth /ɜːrθ/ Trái đất
of our planet Earth.
The girl wore a pink
Girl /ɡɜːrl/ Cô gái
dress to the party.
She bought a new
Skirt /skɜːrt/ Váy
skirt for the summer.

Words that contain /eə/ sound:

Words IPA Meaning Example
He bought a juicy
Pear /pɛər/ Quả lê pear from the
She accidentally tore
Tear (v) /tɪər/ Xé, rách
her dress on a nail.
Chair /tʃɛər/ Ghế Please take a seat on
Lesson 3: My day
the chair.
He likes to share his
Share /ʃɛər/ Chia sẻ
toys with his friends.
The book is over
There /ðɛər/ Ở đó
there on the table.
Where did you leave
Where /wɛər/ Ở đâu
your keys?
She borrowed a
Library /ˈlaɪbrəri/ Thư viện novel from the
She picked some
Cherries /ˈtʃɛriz/ Quả anh đào cherries from the
He likes to eat
Berries /ˈbɛriz/ Quả dâu strawberries and

Words that contain /ʊə/ sound:

Words IPA Meaning Example
They lived in a poor
Poor /pʊər/ Nghèo
They went on a
Chuyến tham
Tour /tʊər/ guided tour of the
She drank pure
Pure /pjʊər/ Tinh khiết water from the
mountain stream.
Are you sure you
Sure /ʃʊər/ Chắc chắn
locked the door?
Farmers use manure
Manure /məˈnjʊər/ Phân bón
for their fields.

Listen and repeat

Read and guess the meaning of the provided example.

Lesson 3: My day
C. Exercise:

1. Listening:
Choose the correct answer

1. What sport does the speaker enjoy playing in their free time?
a. Tennis
b. Soccer
c. Basketball
d. Golf

2. When did the speaker start playing tennis?

a. High school
b. College
c. Junior high school
d. Elementary school

3. Who does the speaker like to watch in tennis?

a. Rafael Nadal
b. Serena Williams
c. Roger Federer
d. Novak Djokovic

4. What type of movies does the speaker enjoy watching?

a. Horror
b. Romance
c. Comedy
d. Drama

5. Who does the speaker go bowling with?

a. Friends
b. Family
c. Co-workers
d. Neighbors

Lesson 3: My day
2. Speaking:
Answer the following questions:

1. What's your favorite hobby and why?

2. How did you get into your hobby?
3. Do you prefer solitary hobbies or ones you can do with others?
4. What's the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning?
5. How do you like to start your day: with a cup of coffee, tea, or something
6. What time do you usually go to bed at night?
7. Do you have a favorite day of the week? If so, why?
8. What's your preferred way to relax after a busy day?
9. What's one thing you always make sure to do before going to sleep?

10.Open question:

Talk about your daily routine from morning to night. You should say:
What do you do in every part of the day?
Where do you usually go?
What hobbies are included?
Which part of the day is your favourite?

Lesson 3: My day
Guess the meaning of the hobbies and routines:

Words IPA Meaning Example

Indoor Activities:
She enjoys reading
Read /riːd/ novels in her free
/ˈlɪsən tuː He listens to music on
Listen to music
ˈmjuːzɪk/ his headphones.
She likes drawing
Draw /drɔː/
pictures of animals.
He plays video games
Play games /pleɪ ɡeɪmz/ with his friends after
She enjoys taking
Take photos /teɪk ˈfəʊtəʊz/ photos of landscapes
and nature.
He cooks dinner for
Cook /kʊk/ his family every
They watch movies
Watch movies /wɒtʃ ˈmuːviz/ together on Friday
She does yoga in the
Do yoga /duː ˈjoʊɡə/ morning to stay
flexible and relaxed.
Play musical /pleɪ ˈmjuːzɪkəl He plays the guitar in
instruments ˈɪnstrəmənts/ a band with friends.
He likes to write
Write /raɪt/ stories in his
She studies English
Study /ˈstʌdi/
vocabulary every day.
They sing songs
Sing /sɪŋ/ together at family
Play board /pleɪ bɔːd They play board
games ɡeɪmz/ games on weekends.
She enjoys crafting
Craft /krɑːft/
with paper and glue.
Outdoor Activities:
Lesson 3: My day
She shops for
groceries at the
Shop /ʃɒp/
supermarket every
They go walking in
Walk /wɔːk/ the park every
They enjoy playing
Play sports /pleɪ spɔːrts/
soccer on weekends.
She spends her
Garden /ˈɡɑːrdən/ weekends gardening
in her backyard.
They like to swim at
Swim /swɪm/
the beach in summer.
She enjoys dancing to
Dance /dæns/
music in her room.
He cycles around the
Cycle /ˈsaɪkl/
park on weekends.
She paints landscapes
Paint /peɪnt/
on canvas as a hobby.
She collects stamps
Collect /kəˈlɛkt/ from different
They travel to new
Travel /ˈtrævəl/ cities during their
They hike in the
Hike /haɪk/ mountains during the
He exercises at the
Exercise /ˈɛksərsaɪz/
gym to stay fit.
He enjoys fishing at
Fishing /ˈfɪʃɪŋ/ the lake on sunny
They have a picnic in
Picnic /ˈpɪknɪk/
the park on weekends.
She loves
Birdwatching /ˈbɜːdwɒtʃɪŋ/ birdwatching in the
forest during spring.

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