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Lesson 4: My job


A. Warm-up

1. Review:
Answer these questions
1. Which word is pronounced with /ɔː/?
a. Hand
b. Work
c. Poor
d. Hourse

2. Which word is pronounced with /æ/?

a. Where
b. Afternoon
c. Thirty
d. Her

3. Which word is pronounced with /ɜ:/?

a. Short
b. Black
c. Curly
d. Manure

4. Which word is pronounced with /eə/?

a. Library
b. Ball
c. Back
d. Earth

5. Which word is pronounced with /ʊə/?

a. Address
b. For
c. Tour
d. Girl

6. Which word is pronounced with /ɔː/?

a. Forhead
b. Cherries
c. There
d. Moustache

7. Which word is pronounced with /æ/?

Lesson 4: My job
a. Morning
b. Eyelashes
c. Pear
d. Law

8. Which word is pronounced with /eə/?

a. Bird
b. Share
c. Laundromat
d. Has

9. Which word is pronounced with /ɜ:/?

a. Sure
b. Skirt
c. Saw
d. Berries

10. Which word is pronounced with /ʊə/?

a. Thirteen
b. tear
c. Pure
d. Shirt

2. Listing:

Name as many jobs as you can.

Lesson 4: My job

B. Main Lesson:

Words that contain /eɪ/sound:

Words Meaning
They Họ, chúng

Name Tên

David Tên riêng David

Bathing suit Đồ bơi

Cake Bánh ga-tô

Baby Em bé

Plate Cái đĩa

Grapes Nho

Table Cái bàn

Grey Màu xám

Words that contain /aɪ/ sound:

Words Meaning
I Tôi

Time Thời gian

My Của tôi

White Màu trắng

Lesson 4: My job

Eye Mắt

Five Số năm

Nine Số chín

Dime Đồng xu

Light Đèn

Type Loại, kiểu

Words that contain /ɔɪ/ sound:

Words Meaning
Boy Con trai

Toy Đồ chơi

Joy Niềm vui

Soil Đất

Foil Lá (kim loại) ví dụ: tin foil: lá thiếc

Oil Dầu

Boil Luộc

Coil Cuộn, quấn

Loin Chỗ thắt lưng (trên cơ thể)

Annoy Phiền toái

Lesson 4: My job

Words that contain /aʊ/ sound:

Words Meaning
Now Bây giờ

Brown Màu nâu

How Bằng cách nào

Eyebrow Lông mày

Thousand Nghìn

Hours Giờ

House Nhà

Towel Khăn tắm

Flower Hoa

Clown Chú hề

Words that contain /əʊ/ sound:

Words Meaning
Know Biết

Don’t Không

Go Đi

Shoulder Vai

Toe Ngón chân

Lesson 4: My job

Nose Mũi

Those Chúng (chỉ vật)

Grow Phát triển, lớn

Phone Điện thoại

Comb Cái lược

Words that contain /ɪə/ sound:

Words Meaning
Peer Người cùng địa vị

Tear (n) Nước mắt

Cheer Cổ vũ

Sheer Mỏng, nhẹ và trong (đồ dệt)

Near Gần

Listen and repeat

Make example with the provided vocabulary

Lesson 4: My job

C. Exercise:

1. Listening:
Decide whether these statements are True or False
True – if the statement is correct
False – if the statement is incorrect

Talk about your job

1, Rhia is a writer for a lifestyle magazine in France.

2, Rhia works alone and does not have any colleagues.
3, Rhia enjoys the atmosphere in her office.
4, Rhia has been working for the company for five years.
5, Rhia applied to work for the company because of the high salary.
6, Rhia's typical day starts with a meeting where topics are discussed.
7, Rhia meets with a designer to discuss photos for her articles.
8, Rhia ends her day by going to the gym.

2. Speaking:
Answer the following questions:

1, What do you do for work?

2, Do you work at a company or are you self-employed?
3, How many hours do you work each day?
4, Have you ever had a part-time job? If so, what was it ?
5, Where is your workplace located?
6, Do you like your job? Why or why not?
7, What do you usually do at work?
8, Do you wear a uniform or special clothes for your job?
9, How do you get to work every day?
10, Do you work with other people? If yes, how many colleagues do you have?

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