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The Unforgettable Farewell Party

Farewells are one of the hardest things in the world. You say good bye to the people with
whom you spent a lot of time with, take back those endless memories you created in that
place with the people there. The farewell party held to bid farewell to us being the Class 8
students and welcome to the new O level campus was an unforgettable event. The party,
organized by the school management, aimed to provide a memorable and enjoyable
experience for the students.
In the weeks leading up to the farewell party, the students had been looking forward to this
event. It was seen as a milestone in our academic journey, symbolizing the transition from
middle school to the more challenging O level curriculum. All the students were dressed
uniformly, in a black suit symbolizing their transition to the O level campus and their
readiness to take on new challenges. The black suits added a touch of formality and maturity
to the event, while the red ties added a pop of colour and liveliness. This dress code not only
created a sense of unity among the students but also made the event visually appealing. The
students meticulously planned their outfits, ensuring that they adhered to the dress code while
showcasing their individual styles. The anticipation and preparations for the farewell party
created a sense of unity and camaraderie among the students, as we eagerly awaited the big
The farewell took place in a huge hall, jazzed up with bright placards, balloons, flowers and
gaudy lights. The seats were organized in an arc. There were chairs for faculty and other
inmates of the school.
Though there was an aura of euphoria and exhilaration, yet it was tinged with an air of misery
and despair. Though sad, but feeling excited, we all occupied our seats and the function

One of our friend made an emotional farewell speech in which he mentioned our long and
deep association with the school as well as with his class. His speech, which was full of
praise and appreciation for our outgoing class, was delivered in a befitting manner. His
farewell speech was punctuated with humorous remarks and pleasantries.

After his speech, I, on behalf of my class, thanked the host students and got blessings from
my teachers and the honorable principal. In my speech, I lauded the good arrangements made
by the hosts and accepted their good wishes and feelings for all of us. While delivering the
speech, I was experiencing the mixed feelings. I was feeling happy because I was on the
verge of completing my school life successfully and was also sad because of the separation
from the institution in whose lap I had obtained education and training of my mind and body.
For me, my school was an embodiment of knowledge and learning, whose sacred atmosphere
would always be part of my memory. For me, this was not merely a school that imparted
knowledge but a cradle of decent culture and civilization.

In the end, the principal whose association with the school is as old as the history of our
school, made an impassioned speech. In his farewell message, he gave us some pieces of
advice, to be followed by us throughout our lives. He made a fervent appeal to build mind
and character on sound lines. He stressed upon us to inculcate a spirit of service and sacrifice
as well as of patriotism and nationalism. After his encouraging speech, the function came to
end. We parted after taking the blessings of our teachers and the good wishes of our friends.
While leaving, we felt sad. We shall always be grateful to our institution where we spent the
most formative period of our lives. I miss my school a lot and often give it a visit when I feel
too nostalgic.

The dinner was initially planned to be served in the lawns, allowing the students to enjoy the
pleasant weather and beautiful surroundings. However, a sudden duststorm arose just hours
before the party, making it impossible to carry on with the original plan. Despite this
unexpected turn of events, the party organizers swiftly adjusted and shifted the dinner
location to the corridors of the new campus. This impromptu change added an element of
adventure and excitement to the evening. The corridors, dimly lit with fairy lights,
transformed into cozy spaces where the students gathered in groups, sharing laughter and
Despite the change in venue, the farewell party turned out to be a truly memorable
experience. The students, dressed in their black suits and red ties, adding to the elegance,
shared laughter, stories, and heartfelt goodbyes. The food added to the charm of the occasion.
As the evening progressed, friendships deepened, and memories were created that would last
a lifetime. The unwavering enthusiasm and positive energy displayed by everyone present
made the farewell party an unforgettable event. The farewell party will forever be cherished
as a milestone in the academic journey of these students.
Yet the act of saying goodbye makes me feel so sad, especially to anyone who I’ve been
surrounded by for a while. It makes my throat tighten, my heart ache, my lips purse, and my
eyes sting with tears. Once the function ended, it just struck me; school life is over, the best
phase of my life was over. No more bunking of classes, no more sleeping in the classes which
we couldn't bunk, no more of sitting at the last bench and finishing the lunch box even before
the lunch break, no more of standing in line for morning assembly, no more insulting one
another during the lunch time and in class, no more begging for a ride back home after clubs,
no more of getting ready in the best possible way for the get togethers, and a hell lot of other
stuffs. Everything of my school life ended with that farewell what remained were the
memories I created with my friends in school, the best bunch of people I have in life.
A larva metamorphoses into a butterfly undergoing a cycle. Your school life too, is
something of that sort. You do not realize, when the cocoon transforms into an exquisite
butterfly, ready to fly with its angelic wings open in the skies. When I was heading back to
my home from the farewell party, tired and gloomy, I realized one thing which is pretty
oxymoronic about one's school life. It is, that one enters the portals of the school with wobbly
knees, a heavy heart and tears and departs from the same portals with wobbly knees, a heavy
heart and tears... I started wishing for the invention of Time Machine and oh! how I wish I
could live each day and not miss the chance to attend school.

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