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1.0 INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................1
1.1 Services.............................................................................................................1
2.0 PECUNIARY TERMS IN TEGANU INDAH BATIK...................................................1
2.1. Finance derivations.........................................................................................2
2.2. Bonus..............................................................................................................3
UNDAH BATIK.................................................................................................................4
3.1. Span Of Work..................................................................................................5
3.2. Day off.............................................................................................................6
4.1 Enhancements for Pecuniary Term...................................................................8
4.2 Bonuses and ex-gratia......................................................................................9
4.3 Upgrades Not pecuniary....................................................................................9
5.0 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION................................................................................9

Teganu Indah Batik Sdn.Bhd is an organization enlisted for the deal and supply of Prepared
Clothing Batik Silk, chiffon, songket, Side, Extras, Shirt, Cloaks, Regular Baju, Batik
Kebaya, Batik Dress Authority and some more. The organization was established on 27 July
2006 at Karamunsing Complex, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. Teganu Indah Batik have branches
and batik production line in Kuala Lumpur and the organization is possessed by a 100 percent
Bumiputera established by Mrs. Yoshi. Teganu Indah Batik shirts likewise give the private
and government bodies all through the state Sabah and batik clothing orders from different

1.1 Services
Administrations or merchandise given by Teganu Indah Batik as follows;
 Batik clothing discount and retail.
 Batik clothing requests to government divisions, corporate bodies, private
 people, associations and schools.
 Batik clothing orders for gatherings or formal occasions.
 Get request as a designer men's and a lady's garments.
 Batik design plan and style.


Employment Act, 1955 (AK1955) gives the base privileges that should be given by the
business to the representative. Assuming the arrangement of the employment contract is not
as much as what is given by AK 1955, Segment 7 will apply. One of the genuine terms in the
agreement is the terms pecuniary, the terms of the monetary issues. It incorporates wages and
pay rates, stipends, bonuses and ex-gratia installments and benefits pecuniary. Terms in
regard of wages and recompenses will normally be expressed obviously in the assistance
contract. Pecuniary benefits will comprise of the end of benefits, retirement or expulsion of
benefits, end benefits
of mass employment cutbacks, retirement, renunciation benefits, maternity benefits, clinical
benefits and insurance benefits.
2.1. Finance derivations

Segment 24(1) AK 1955 states that businesses are not permitted to make any derivation of the
compensations of its representatives, aside from those given by the Demonstration just, The
states of the compensation derivation made as per the Demonstration under Segment 24(2) is
the following;
 Derivations from pay to the degree that any installment is made for mistakes manager
in somewhere around 90 days sooner.
 derivation for the reimbursement to be paid by the representative to the business
under Section 13(1)
 Derivation for recuperation of pay advances of wages made under Section 22 with no
interest charged
 The derivation permitted by regulation to another.

Section 24(3) records the derivations to be made exclusively with earlier composed demand
from the representative. Some compensation cuts are:
 Derivation in regard of pay installments to an enlisted worker's guild or society, and
credit relationship for any charge, portion and fardah or other obligation, and
 Derivation in regard of any installment for any offers in the's business proposed to

Section 24 (4) specifies that the derivations that can't be made besides upon composed
solicitation of the representative, along with the composed consent of the Chief General.
Allowances are:
 any derivation for installment of benefits, opportune assets, representative
government assistance plans, insurance plans and different installments for
representative benefits
 any derivation for the reimbursement of advances of wages made to representatives
under Section 22, which bears interest
 any derivation in regard of the installment to an outsider for the benefit o
 any allowance for products business of the business
 Any derivation in regard of rental installments and cost of convenience
administrations, food and beverages given by the business to the representative at the
solicitation of the worker, or under the terms of administration.

The Chief General will just permit a derivation under Section 24 (4) (e) assuming he is
fulfilled that the arrangement of convenience, administration, food/drink is for the advantage
of workers (Section 24 (5). Be that as it may, Section 24 (7) has locale of the Chief General to
prohibit any derivation for compensation, in line with the business, subject to specific
circumstances as it naturally suspects fit. Notwithstanding the issues under Section 24 (9), the
complete derivation will be not in excess of half of the wages procured by workers during the
month (Section 24 (8)).

As per the arrangements of the Demonstration, the Teganu Indah Batik Organization deduct
every one of laborers' wages to EPF is to guarantee the fate of the specialists at the rate per
set. Managers likewise are charged EPF for representatives. Since this organization didn't
discharge explicit compensation slips, no specific allowances made by managers. Workers
just get a complete compensation in the wake of deducting EPF. All reserve funds and
obligation installments made by the worker.

I emphatically concur in regard of each pay cuts made subsequent to getting assent from the
worker with a letter of utilization to make derivations. This step can forestall misuse from
happening to laborers. EPF derivation is additionally a powerful measure to guarantee the
eventual fate of the specialists.

2.2. Bonus

An arrangement connecting with the bonus isn't determined in that frame of mind of
employment. This is since the bonus is the right business. Bosses reserve the privilege to
incorporate arrangement on this, etc. Be that as it may, many honors were given according to
the bonus question. As indicated by the Oxford Word reference, the bonus is characterized as
"a prize to representatives other than compensation." all in all, not an obligation upon
managers to give bonuses to its representatives, however it tends to be given as a motivation
for administrations delivered by workers. The majority of the inquiries brought up in the
court was whether the bonus should be given etc.

On account of Malaya Provinces of Insurance Affiliation and the Public Association of

Business Laborers (Grant 157/1980), the court decided that the bonus isn't needed is the
installment is questionable. It is possibly paid when the business that beneficial. Kind of
bonus is authoritative bonus is viewed as mandatory. This implies that this bonus has been
determined in the agreement of administration as a mandatory installment made by the
business, other than pay. Time and way of installment typically have been not set in stone in
the understanding. That sum not set in stone. It will in any case be paid whether the business
infers benefit etc. The business likewise can express that a change in structure and measure of
the bonus ought to be changed occasionally. This relies upon the financial circumstance that
is once in a while splendid and at times not very good.

Teganu Indah Batik Organization likewise gives bonuses to its workers relying upon the
benefit procured by the organization. In the event that the organization arrives at an extensive
benefit, the bonus sum will be expanded. Regularly, bonuses are granted toward the year's
end. The bonus installment, a cycle of a drive and can work on the soul of the laborers to
work better. The bonus is additionally ready to ensure the existences of laborers as well as to
meet the lack of work pay.

As I would see it, this bonus is extremely powerful in working on the nature of their
execution in working on their efficiency. This will assist the organization with working on a
organization's benefit. (Kamal Halili Hassan (1994) Relations Regulation Managers and
Workers. London.
Oxford College Press.)



Terms not pecuniary in an employment agreement will cover the accompanying issues:
1. Time of work
2. Extra time
3. Day off
4. public occasions, yearly leave and debilitated leave
5. Different Benefits
The law of the time of work, rest days, public occasions, yearly leave, debilitated leave and
maternity leave accommodated to a limited extent XII of the Employment Act, 1955 (AK
1955). Leave about dealing with the issues of Worker's organizations has been given by the
Modern Relations Act 1967 (Application 1967) Benefits other than those predetermined in
the, still up in the air by the Modern Court to consider what is going on. (Remarks Zaharah
Cho (1997) Prologue to Work Act, 1955 K. Lumpur, Universiti Malaya).

3.1. Span Of Work

Employment Act, 1955 has set a most extreme time of work for a representative. Section 60 A
(1) gives that a time of work will not be needed under his agreement of administration work:
 In excess of five continuous hours without a lot of at the very least 30 minutes span.
 Over eight hours every day
 Over ten hours every day
 Over 48 hours out of every week

Nonetheless, the business might expect employees to labor for eight back-to-back hours for
work including consistent consideration. The necessity here is that businesses need to give a
rest time of at the very least 45 minutes so it gets an opportunity to eat. To do as such, as
well, should have the earlier understanding between the worker and manager, which permits
employees expected to work eight hours on one day, yet under eight hours on different days
of the week. Be that as it may, no representative might be constrained to work over nine
hours out of each day or 48 hours in multi week. This large number of arrangements are
contained on Section 60A (1) (I), (ii) and (iii).

Managers are additionally permitted to expand the functioning time in abundance of

conventional working hours, yet something like the cutoff recommended in Section 60A (1)
(a), (b) and (c), gave the composed authorization of the Chief General, in the wake of
expressing unbiased circumstances that require more work time than the ordinary working
time. This is set out in Section 60 A (1A). The Chief General may out of the blue renounce
this endorsement. Guided employees to work more than the period being referred to will be
considered as 'extra time'.

Section 60A (3) (a) states that extra time work acted in overabundance of ordinary working
hours of employees, will be paid at the very least 1 ½ times the rate each hour. For instance,
in instances of Sun Blend Concrete Sdn Bhd and Non Metallic Mineral Items Producing
Employees Association (Grant 115/1987), the court has perceived the the executives of the
business to decide or adjust the work. Notwithstanding, this power is dependent upon the law
to be as per what exists in the demonstration and as per the circumstance or the kind of work.
In view of the arrangement of the Demonstration, the Teganu Indah Batik Organization has
set working hours for all employees is to begin from 8.30 am to 5.00 pm. Every worker is
given downtime for an hour for lunch on a turn that will begin at 12:00 early afternoon to
2:00 pm. After 5.00 pm, no additional time brought about. With appropriately working hours,
it won't trouble the employees while employees have satisfactory rest periods. This activity
will influence the presentation of some employees, particularly working with full energy and
consideration. Rest periods thusly additionally makes a task isn't interfered with and proceeds
to run and under the observation of laborers.

In light of the arrangement of the Demonstration, the Teganu Indah Batik Organization has
fixed working hours for all employees is to begin from 8.30 am to 5.00 pm. Every worker is
given downtime for 60 minutes for lunch on a turn that will begin at 12:00 early afternoon to
2:00 pm. After 5.00 pm, no extra time brought about. With appropriately working hours, it
won't trouble the employees while employees have satisfactory rest periods. This activity will
influence the presentation of certain employees, particularly working with full energy and
consideration. Rest periods thusly likewise makes some work isn't hindered and proceeds to
run and under the reconnaissance of laborers.

I unequivocally concur with what has been given in the Demonstration to work period. This
is on the grounds that the presence of this demonstration, bosses are not only erratic to
mistreat the needy individuals to work with no matter what the real time worked. This action
likewise would make occupations and guarantee the viability of specialist security.
3.2. Day off

Arrangement of rest days is contained To some degree XII of the Employment Act, 1955.
Section 59 (1) states that each be permitted one rest day of the week entire day as might be
recommended from time to time by the business, and in the event that a worker is permitted
more than one rest day in seven days, then, at that point, break the last day of the days the rest
ought to be a rest day for the reasons for this segment. For employees who don't have
ordinary rest days, Section 59 (2) expresses that businesses must give a timetable to
illuminate employees when their rest days, to permit employees to pick regardless of whether
to work. Any business who disregards this arrangement will be at real fault for an offense
under the Demonstration (Section 59 (4).

This has been demonstrated for the situation V. Sundram. Veemah (1972) MLJ 83, which
shows the court, expressed that Part 59 doesn't give different choices to bosses, however set
the remainder of the days determined ahead of time to employees, and gives a timetable of
these occasions to be shown to the representative. This will work with the employees to plan
and know-day occasion which they are qualified simple or additional time remittances.
Section 60 (1) expresses that as per the arrangements of Section 60A, will any representative
be compelled to deal with rest days, except if it includes a sort of ceaseless or shift work.
Segment 60 (3) (a) likewise gives that in case of a representative expected to deal with rest
days and paid by a day-to-day wage, he will be paid for any time of work:
 Not the greater part the ordinary working hours, he will get compensation for a day's
wages at common pace of pay, or
 The greater part however not surpassing the typical working time, two days
compensation at common pace of pay.

Section 60 (3) (b) likewise accommodates the wages of laborers expected to chip away very
still days and paid in month-to-month compensation. It will be paid for any time of work:
 Not the greater part the typical working time, compensation are equivalent to a
portion of the ordinary working compensation, or
 The greater part however not surpassing the typical working time, a day's wages at
common pace of pay.
Section 60 (3) (c) accommodates the additional time work done on rest days. The
representative will be paid at a rate at the very least twice the pace of wages, continuously.
Section 60 (three dimensional) specifies that, assuming the representative is utilized and paid
with respect to follow the work, he will be paid twofold the compensation rate which is
normally for a task.
As accommodated in the Demonstration, the Teganu Indah Batik Organization has set Friday
was a rest day for all employees. On that day, the premises didn't work. Teganu Indah Batik
Organization likewise doesn't give extra time after ordinary working hours on employees. All
employees ought to just work on typical working hours. So in the organization, no issue to
compensate double time or request that employees work on rest days. With this leave, all
employees will not feel worried have the opportunity to loosen up their body and psyche
following six working days, and it can additionally reestablish the lost energy while working.
This leave can give employees an open door to invest energy with their families.

I concur with the demonstration that has been made on this rest day. Businesses should give
a rest day at least one day seven days to every representative. On that day, employees have
the chance to rest their bodies and psyches of occupied work. Without leave, might have the
option to compromise the exhibition of the laborers. Managers additionally need to consider
the privileges of different employees to get benefits. With this demonstration, laborers will
have a cheerful outlook on having their privileges would it be a good idea for them they be.
(Maimunah Aminuddin (1999) Malaysian Modern Relations Employment Law. McGrawang-



4.1 Enhancements for Pecuniary Term

 Wages and pay rates
 Allotment of Wages

The Organization is in consistence with the Demonstration and gives that the installments of
pay rates of the laborers are as per a time of months. Pay rates are paid by the months of the
schedule Promotion. In any case, the organization can make enhancements for the wages and
compensations as follows: -
  Compensations might be paid continuously Businesses might pay compensation for
a time of short of what one month. Businesses can pay the pay rates of employees by
the week. This condition doesn't abuse the principles however it is to support their
  With perfect timing to pay rates - Fitting compensation installments are paid each
month. This condition can be executed utilizing the heading of bank charges.
Justification for shutting the bank bosses on ends of the week is normal to postpone
the matter of laborers' compensations.

4.2 Bonuses and ex-gratia.

This is for the advantage and government assistance of laborers. Employees will be more
spurred and faithful to the organization whenever given a bonus. Bonus is a type of
appreciation to employees. Bonuses might be allowed at regular intervals or when a year
least. Bonuses can be given indeed, even a modest quantity and albeit not expressed in the
law that the bonus is mandatory arrangements to the specialists. Yet, it is a profoundly
expected by employees. The bonus is a inspiration to employees. Bosses ought to give
bonuses despite the fact that the sum is huge. It is a recognition for. In the mean time, ex-
gratia installments might be paid to employees in combination with specific days like ex-
gratia installment on the representative's birthday or on certain gala days.

4.3 Upgrades Not pecuniary

As needs be the organization accommodates additional time to laborers. This is a decent

sampler for extra pay laborers. Benefits of extra time is by implication setting up the work
could not be finished during typical working days. Be that as it may, it's anything but a
condition for not finishing the work as expected on the typical working day. Organization's
consistence with the rest days as per the predefined worker, anyway the organization can give
a substitution excursion on the off chance that the worker educated laborers to chip away at
excursion leave.

Today, with the developing mindfulness among individuals is high, far and wide media
openness the boldness and immovability of the public authority and non-legislative
associations (NGOs) saw the destiny of laborers in this nation progressively supported.
Assortment of arrangements, regulations and acts established to guarantee the freedoms and
honors of laborers are continually protected. Every worker has their own exceptional honors
and can partake in the delight, through the power got. Addressing the honors procured by the
specialists, still numerous other people who don't be aware how much laborers in Malaysia
get the right protections.

The connection among employees and businesses are safeguarded under the Employment Act
1955 (Employment Act 1955). This Act for the most part covers and safeguards the privileges
of laborers in employment connections. It gives the base benefits and laborers' privileges, for
example, working time limit, the quantity of day's yearly leave and public occasions,
additional time least, the quantity of days debilitated leave, hospitalization, maternity leave,
and so on.

Every representative ought to learn and know the items in this Demonstration and makes sure
to remind your manager and on the off chance that fundamental make a move against bosses
who neglect to consent with every one of the subtleties contained in the regulations and
guidelines that have been set. Different demonstrations have been authorized to safeguard the
freedoms and honors you as a representative. Nonetheless, many would rather not have some
familiarity with it. You want to be aware, simple to make use of bosses felt that employees
have barely any insight into their privileges. Therefore, you will be smothered inconspicuous.
It turned into the obligation to know your freedoms as an worker.

Having made a review of Teganu Indah Batik Organization States, found the organization has
satisfied all specified in the demonstration of laborers and managers. All guidelines and
arrangements contained in the provisional laborers, extremely evident that there is no
infringement of the demonstration. Laborers' privileges are thought about and consideration
and the obligation of the business to employees is good.


1. Assoc Prof Dr Asmah Laili Yeoh, Che Thalbi Md Ismail, Khadijah Mohamed dan
Asiah Bidin (2008), Employment and Industrial Law,Meteor Doc. Sdn Bhd, Selangor.

2. Siti Zaharah Jamaluddin (1997) Pengenalan Kepada Akta Kerja, 1955 K. Lumpur,
Universiti Malaya

3. Maimunah Aminuddin (1999)Malaysian Industrial Relations ang Employment


4. TEGANU INDAH BATIK COMPANY. [On-line], Retrieved:

5. Panduan pemberhentian pekerja. Undang-undang Buruh Sabah. . [On-line], Retrieved:

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