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เก็งขอสอบแมนภาษาอังกฤษ สําหรับพี่ ม.

โดย ครูออดดี้ (สุทธิพล หึกขุนทด)

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ไมวาสวนหนึ่งสวนใดของหนังสือเลมนี้ เพื1อเผยแพรในสื1อทุกประเภท หรือเพื1อวัตถุประสงค ใดๆ นอกจาก

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หนังสือเลมนี้ เปนอีกหนึ่งความตั้งใจในการทําแบบฝกหัดมาใหนอง ๆ ระดับมัธยมศึกษา

ตอนปลายไดฝกซอมกอนลงสนามสอบวิชาภาษาอังกฤษ เพื1อใหนอง ๆ ไดฝกซอม เตรียมตัวสอบ
เนื้อหาแนวขอสอบทั้งสิบชุด ครอบคลุมเนื้อหาวิชาภาษาอังกฤษทุกสวน ตรงตามวัตถุประสงคที่
ตองการสอบเพื1อวัดความรู ในดานตาง ๆ เชน Speaking, Writing, Vocabulary และ Reading
ผูเขียนหวังวา แนวขอสอบเลมนี้จะชวยเพิ่มความรู ความเขาใจ และความคุนเคยกับ
ตัวขอสอบ ใหนอง ๆ เกิดความมั่นใจ มีความพรอม และประสบความสําเร็จในการสอบ สุดทาย
ผูเขียนขอขอบคุณแหลงอางอิงทุกแหลงที่ไดนํามาใช ในการแบบฝกซอมในเลมนี้

ขอใหนอง ๆ โชคดีคะ

แนวขอสอบภาษาอังกฤษ Test 1 – 10 หนา

Test 1 9
Test 2 19
Test 3 27
Test 4 37
Test 5 47
Test 6 57
Test 7 67
Test 8 77
Test 9 87
Test 10 97

เฉลยแนวขอสอบภาษาอังกฤษ Test 1 – 10 หนา

เฉลย Test 1 107
เฉลย Test 2 115
เฉลย Test 3 123
เฉลย Test 4 133
เฉลย Test 5 143
6 เก็งขอสอบแมนภาษาอังกฤษ สําหรับพี่ ม.ปลาย

เฉลย Test 6 153

เฉลย Test 7 163
เฉลย Test 8 173
เฉลย Test 9 183
เฉลย Test 10 193
Test 1 – 10
เก็งขอสอบแมนภาษาอังกฤษ สําหรับพี่ ม.ปลาย 9

SECTION 1: Speaking and Writing Ability
(Items 1 – 11)
Directions: In this part of the test, you will have to answer TWO questions to gain
ONE mark. There are two parts in this section. Read the directions for
each part carefully.
Part 1: Speaking Ability (Items 1 – 3)
Directions: Read each situation and the dialogue carefully. Choose
1. the appropriate expression for the first missing part (Item A)
2. the response/reaction to the expression for the second missing part
(Item B)
Both answers (Items A and B) must be correct and make sense in order
to gain ONE mark.

1. Situation: Dean notices Sam looks unwell.

Dean: A ?
Sam: I am sick, so B .

A. 1 What happened B. 1 I would like to cancel like last time

2 What’re your symptoms 2 I am ready to have it in stock
3 What are you up to 3 I have to talk in circles
4 What do you do 4 I decided to take the day off
10 เก็งขอสอบแมนภาษาอังกฤษ สําหรับพี่ ม.ปลาย

2. Situation: Elena is now in trouble. She is calling Damon.

Elena: A I need to see you right now.

Damon: Sure. B

A. 1 I rarely have any free time. B. 1 What are you waiting for?
2 I can’t concentrate. 2 What do you think?
3 Can you hurry over here? 3 I’ll be there in no time.
4 Should I quit my job? 4 I have only one pair of hands.

3. Situation: Ben is waiting in line to buy concert tickets.

Stranger: What can I do for you?

Ben: A ? Nature’s calling.
Stranger: Sure. But hurry. B .

A. 1 What else do you want to do B. 1 The line is moving fast

2 Can you save my place for me 2 I wish you luck
3 Do you like travelling 3 It won’t be long
4 Can I call it a day 4 I couldn’t believe this

Part 2: Writing Ability (Items 4 – 11)

A. Writing (Items 4 – 7)
Directions: Choose
1. the appropriate choice for the first missing part (Item A) and
2. the choice for the second missing part (Item B).
Both answers (Items A and B) must be correct and make sense in order
to gain ONE mark.
เก็งขอสอบแมนภาษาอังกฤษ สําหรับพี่ ม.ปลาย 11

4. In countries A , malnutrition B .

A. 1 where food is scare B. 1 is inevitably a major problem

2 in where food is scare 2 a major problem is inevitable
3 which food is scare 3 was inevitable a major problem
4 why food is scare 4 an inevitable major problem

5. Elena A something to piss Jeremy off B .

A. 1 might say B. 1 because he looked so worried

2 had been 2 when he looked so worriedly
3 must have said 3 so that he was looking so
4 should have said worriedly
4 unless he will look so worried

6. Jason A B employment.

A. 1 will keep to try B. 1 before he succeeds on finding

2 will keep on trying 2 as soon as he succeeded on
3 will keep be trying finding
4 will be kept trying 3 after he succeeded in finding
4 until he succeeds in finding

7. Most directors A the company’s business premises free from further

encumbrances B .

A. 1 will like to keep B. 1 possible if at all

2 look like to keep 2 unless impossible at all
3 feel like to keep 3 when possible all at
4 would like to keep 4 if at all possible
12 เก็งขอสอบแมนภาษาอังกฤษ สําหรับพี่ ม.ปลาย

B. Usage (Items 8 – 11)

Directions: 1. Identify the incorrect part of each sentence (marked A, B, C, or D) and
2. Choose the appropriate correction from the choices (1, 2, 3, or 4).

8. Despite of reading a lot of books for the upcoming exams, Jeremy prefers to
watch cartoon.

1 Despite 1 to read
2 Because of 2 read
3 According to 3 being read
4 In addition to 4 to reading
1 upcoming exams 1 prefers watching
2 an upcoming exam 2 prefers to watching
3 the upcoming exam 3 prefer to watch
4 the exams upcoming 4 prefers to be watched

9. In our society, the work of scientists is valued more because our society
is developing materialistically and technologically.

1 Due to our society 1 are valued more
2 With our society 2 are more valued
3 For our society 3 is more valued
4 Like our society 4 is much valued
เก็งขอสอบแมนภาษาอังกฤษ สําหรับพี่ ม.ปลาย 13

1 because of 1 develops
2 before 2 is being developed
3 once 3 developed
4 while 4 was being developed

10. Travel club application forms can find in front of the main desk in the hotel lobby.

1 A travel club 1 can be founded
2 The travel club 2 can be finding
3 Traveling club 3 will find
4 Travel–clubbed 4 can be found
1 before 1 in the hotel’s lobby
2 besides 2 in the lobby of hotel
3 between 3 inside the hotel’s lobby
4 beneath 4 into the hotel lobby
14 เก็งขอสอบแมนภาษาอังกฤษ สําหรับพี่ ม.ปลาย

11. You will permanently maintain a healthy weight, a low cholesterol level and
low blood pressure if you’re careful against your diet.

1 permanently will maintain 1 a pressure of low blood
2 will maintain permanently 2 low blood pressures
3 will permanently to maintain 3 a low blood pressure
4 will to maintain permanently 4 low blooding pressure
1 because 1 upon your diet
2 although 2 during your diet
3 despite of 3 at your diet
4 as soon as 4 with your diet

SECTION 2: Reading Ability (Items 12 – 28)

Directions: In this section, you will gain ONE mark for ONE correct answer. There
are two parts in this section.
Part 1: Vocabulary (Items 12 – 20)
Directions: Choose the word that best completes each blank in the passage.

12 , for people in Thailand and other Asian countries, the

rare white elephant was important for religious reasons. Because of this, white
elephants didn’t work in the 13 . Also, they were expensive to keep
as they needed special food. For this reason, a white elephant was sometimes
14 and given as a gift to a/an 15 . Although they 16
to be happy, the receiver knew that the enormous cost of looking after the
elephant could 17 destroy them! It would also bring very bad luck if
the elephant 18 or became 19 . So “white elephant” today is
a phrase meaning something that is very 20 and of little use.
เก็งขอสอบแมนภาษาอังกฤษ สําหรับพี่ ม.ปลาย 15

12. 1 Recently 2 Suddenly 3 Traditionally 4 Clearly

13. 1 rivers 2 forests 3 cities 4 gardens
14. 1 caught 2 killed 3 shot 4 cleaned
15. 1 member 2 enemy 3 character 4 society
16. 1 laughed 2 completed 3 understood 4 pretended
17. 1 particularly 2 unfortunately 3 easily 4 powerfully
18. 1 escaped 2 died 3 insisted 4 challenged
19. 1 well 2 unhealthy 3 terrific 4 obese
20. 1 selfish 2 unhappy 3 stupid 4 expensive

Part 2: Reading Comprehension (Items 21 – 28)

Directions: Read the texts and choose the best answer to each question that follows.
Text 1 (Items 21 – 24)

Seaweeds, or algae, do not have roots like higher land plants. Some
of them attach themselves to stationary objects such as rocks or piers by the
suction of organs called holdfasts. This keeps them from being swept out to open
sea or washed ashore. Other free-floating algae, such as Sargasso weed or giant
brown kelp, live in colonies and travel with the currents and tides.

21. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?
1 Seaweeds and Land Plants 2 Composition of Seaweeds
3 The Rootless Seaweed 4 Suction and the Seaweeds

22. Another general name for seaweeds is .

1 suction weeds 2 Sargasso plants
3 kelp 4 algae
16 เก็งขอสอบแมนภาษาอังกฤษ สําหรับพี่ ม.ปลาย

23. Many seaweeds attach themselves to objects in order to .

1 remain in one place 2 suck food from the water
3 wash themselves 4 form large groups

24. According to the passage, which of the following is true of free–floating algae?
1 They are extremely large. 2 They are frequent near rocks and piers.
3 They move with the water. 4 They resemble higher land plants.

Text 2 (Items 25 – 28)

In the nineteenth century, many people accepted as scientifically valid

not only face–reading, or physiognomy, but also head–reading, or phrenology.
The bumps on a person’s cranium, they thought, revealed his or her personality;
so did the shape of the mouth or the tilt of the nose. Today’s thinking has it
that what goes on in the brain does not depend on the face, and yet, just as
astrology continues to flourish in a scientific world, so too does “phys/phren”, as
the combination has come to be called, remain with us in the 1980’s.

25. What is the main topic of the passage?

1 Physiognomy 2 Phrenology
3 Astrology 4 “Phys/phren”

26. Physiognomy can best be described as a .

1 branch of astrology
2 highly accurate psychological science
3 personality analysis of facial features
4 measurement of the potential of an individual’s brain
เก็งขอสอบแมนภาษาอังกฤษ สําหรับพี่ ม.ปลาย 17

27. Phrenology can best be described as a method of .

1 healing bumps on the head
2 preventing severe and recurring nosebleeds
3 curing diseases that enter the body through the mouth
4 analyzing character by the bumps on the skull

28. The tone of the passage can best be described as .

1 negative 2 objective
3 prophetic 4 frightening
เก็งขอสอบแมนภาษาอังกฤษ สําหรับพี่ ม.ปลาย 19

SECTION 1: Speaking and Writing Ability
(Items 1 – 11)
Directions: In this part of the test, you will have to answer TWO questions to gain
ONE mark. There are two parts in this section. Read the directions for
each part carefully.
Part 1: Speaking Ability (Items 1 – 3)
Directions: Read each situation and the dialogue carefully. Choose
1. the appropriate expression for the first missing part (Item A)
2. the response/reaction to the expression for the second missing part
(Item B)
Both answers (Items A and B) must be correct and make sense in order
to gain ONE mark.

1. Situation: Jill and Iris are having lunch at a restaurant.

Jill: A ?
Iris: Yes, please.
Jill: B Strawberry, Rum & Raisin or something else?
20 เก็งขอสอบแมนภาษาอังกฤษ สําหรับพี่ ม.ปลาย

A. 1 Would you like a cigarette B. 1 I’ve never thought about it.

2 Would you like some ice–cream 2 What type do you prefer?
3 Would you help me, please 3 What a surprise!
4 Would you give me more 4 What flavor do you want?

2. Situation: Ida is going to a grocery.

Ida: Do you want me to get anything for you at the grocery?

Eva: A .
Ida: B .

A. 1 Of course, just lend me a pen B. 1 No, cash only

2 Great idea! Let’s have Japanese 2 Thank you for your concern
food 3 Yes, sure, that sounds like fun
3 Yes, there’s a restaurant in the 4 Okay, I’ll get them
4 Yes, I want a loaf of bread,
a dozen eggs, and a carton
of milk

3. Situation: Som runs into her old classmate, Nan, at a department store.

Som: Hi, Nan. A ? I haven’t seen you for ages.

Nan: B

A. 1 How do you do B. 1 I want to go away now.

2 Where have you been 2 It’s a good day, isn’t it?
3 What’s the problem 3 I’ve been very busy these days.
4 What are you doing 4 I don’t have to see you.

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