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Yakuniy nazorat savollari.

1. Lope de Vega

2. Sharl Sorel (1597-1674)

3. What were the different views regarding man in the Renaissance?

4. Jean Racin (1639-1699)

5. Write on the most popular direction in France in the XVIII c. – classicism

6. Write on Renaissance realism, classicism and the Baroque.

7. What does the word “renaissance” mean?

8. Lope de Vega

9. Who were the Humanists?

10. What do you know about the Renaissance in Italy?

11. What did the literature of the Renaissance teach?

12. . What was especially characteristic of the humanists.

13. . What else do you know about Knight literature

14. William Shakespeare (1564-1616)

15. . Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra (1547-1616)

16. Giovanni Boccaccio (1313-1375)

17. Dante Aligiere

18. Write about 2 periods of feudalism

19. Who were the first creators of the Middle Aged literature?

20. What directions did the literature of the Middle Ages develop in?

21. When were the first Sagas written in?

22. Who is the greatest hero of the celtic Sagas?

23. What heroic eposes of feudalism do you know?

24. What event was taken on the basis of the poem “The song about Roland”?

25. Write on 3 factors that influenced on the development of the Middle Ages literature.

26. What do you know about townsfolk, and knights literature.

27. Roman mythology

28. Aristophanus - a comedy writer. His creation “The Riders”
29. Write about the development of the drama.

30. Describe the first ancient theatre

31. What does the word “tragedy” mean? How did Aristotel explain the origin of the tragedy?

32. Write about the tragedy before Aeschylus.

33. Why is Aeshylus considered as “the father of tragedy”?

34. Who is Sophocles? What works by him do you know?

35. Greek Myths about descend of earth and world

36. Poems by Homer “The Iliad” and “Odyssey”

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