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How many people need to be surveyed?

A primer on selecting an appropriate sample size.

Cheryl A. Boglarsky, Ph.D.

Quite often we get the question, “What is a See Appendix A for strategies for
significant sample size for my increasing response rate.
organization?” In the past we would
recommend at least 40% of the Well, that answers a few questions.
organization’s employees be surveyed to However…how did the original number of
get valid results. However this rule of 500 come about?
thumb is no longer being accepted by
clients – they want to know why this is Sampling and Sample Size
appropriate. As you can imagine, this is
not a simple question to answer. Basically, sampling can be defined as the
process of selecting units (e.g., people)
As always, there is a need for clarification from a population of interest so that by
of terms. First we must make a distinction studying the sample we may fairly
between response rate and sample size. generalize our results back to the
population from which they were chosen.
Response Rate
Determining how large a sample is needed
Response rate can be defined as the requires several steps:
number of respondents who complete a
questionnaire compared to the number of 1) Define your population;
questionnaires assigned (this is usually 2) Determine how sure you want to be in
expressed as a percentage). For example: your “guesstimate;”
Acme Company buys enough OCIs to 3) Determine your sampling method; and
survey 500 of its members. After two 4) Draw your sample.
weeks (and many reminders) 368 OCIs are
mailed back to HSI. Based on Acme Define your population
timelines, our scoring department decides
to close the collection phase of the project The group you wish to generalize to is
and begins entering the data. At this time, called the population in your study. This is
the response rate is 74% – that is, divide the group from which you will choose a
368 by 500 and then multiply by 100. sample. In the Acme Company, the
population is all of the employees –
The next question is usually, "What including the leaders (n=16), managers
response rates can we expect from a (n=250) and non-managers (n=1234). This
successful culture study?" Of course, the would mean that the population of Acme
question has no general answer. For some Company is n=1500.
studies, in some industries, a 2% response
rate is about as good as you can expect, Determine how sure you want to be in your
and may be highly informative. In other “guesstimate
studies, with other topics, a 90% response
rate can be achieved. The key is to sample just enough people to
assure confidence in the results, but no
All in all, a well accepted, satisfactory more. For most survey work in the social
response rate for organizational surveys is sciences, a frequently used standard of
70%. Therefore, Acme Company’s confidence is expressed this way: "a
response rate can be viewed as acceptable.

margin of error of less than 5 percentage has an equal chance of being chosen to
points at a 95-percent confidence level." take the survey. There are many ways to
do this – from picking a name out of a hat,
This means that if 100 different random or choosing the short straw. However we
samples of that certain size are drawn from tend to use computers to generate random
the same population, in 95 of those numbers and assign them to individuals as
samples (95 percent of them), the results the basis for random selection. Because
will not vary more than five percentage this simple random sampling is a fair way
points, higher or lower, from the results to select a sample, it is reasonable to
which would have been obtained if all generalize the results from the sample back
respondents in the study population had to the population.
been surveyed.
But what happens if you have several
What is meant by "vary no more than five groups (e.g., departments or locations) that
percentage points?" Since we can never be need to be surveyed? This would entail
sure that a single sample's results (e.g., 58 stratified random sampling, which
percent in favor) will match the results we involves dividing your population into
would get if all employees were surveyed, subgroups and then taking a simple
we have to be cautious and say something random sample in each subgroup.
like, "we are 95-percent sure that the true
percentage of people who feel this way is There are several reasons why you might
between 53 percent and 63 percent," or prefer stratified sampling over simple
five percentage points on either side of the random sampling:
sample's 58 percent. 1) it assures that you will be able to
represent not only the overall
When this is applied to OCI results population, but also key subgroups
(Humanistic-Encouraging average raw of the population, especially small
score = 35), we can say something like, groups.
“we are 95% sure that the Humanistic- 2) If you want to be able to talk about
Encouraging raw score truly expresses the subgroups, this may be the only
how the entire population of Acme way to effectively assure you'll be
Company feels is between 33.25 and able to.
36.75,” or 35 minus 5% and 35 plus 5%. 3) There will generally be more
statistical precision than simple
Determine your sampling method random sampling (especially if the
groups are similar on important
There are two general ways to choose the variables).
group of people, from your population, to
be in your study – namely simple random Draw your sample
sampling and stratified random sampling.
Let’s review:
A probability sampling method is any
method of sampling that uses some form of 1. Population defined – you have
random selection. In order to have a defined the group to which you
random selection method, you must make would like your results to
sure that each member of your population generalize;

2. Standard set – you determined an should have the same chance of being
acceptable confidence level and chosen. The best way to do this is to assign
confidence interval; and each person a random number. Your
3. Sampling method chosen – you spreadsheet program has this capability.1
chose between a simple random
sample and a stratified random Step 5. Decide how you are going to use
sample. the random numbers. That is, once each
person has been assigned a number (by the
Now, how large a sample do you need spreadsheet program) – what decision rule
from your population to achieve the are you going to use to choose people?
standards that you set? Historically I have used the random
numbers to order the people in the
Well, once you establish the conditions for population and start with the lowest
your investigation (e.g., population, random number. From this list I choose the
confidence level and interval, and appropriate number of people starting with
sampling method) – the rest is quite the lowest number.
For example, let’s say that we are
Step 1. Collect the names and contact interested in Acme Company’s managers,
information of ALL members of your of which there are 250. We choose a 95%
population. confidence level and a 5% confidence
interval. Looking at Table 1 we see that the
Step 2. If you chose simple random appropriate sample size is 124. So now we
sampling all you need to do is place the go to the spreadsheet that has all of the
names in a spreadsheet program (such as managers’ names. In a separate column we
Microsoft Excel). If you chose stratified use the program to generate a random
random sampling you will need several number for each manager. Once that is
separate spreadsheets – one for each group. done we sort the spreadsheet by random
Place the names in the appropriate group. number (lowest to highest). From this list
we choose the 124 names with the lowest
Step 3. To determine the number of people random number. These names will be in
needed to secure a specified confidence our sample.
interval, a relatively complicated formula
is used. But instead of giving a formula Now … run your survey
and then having you derive an answer, we
included Table 1 for your convenience. Now that you have determined an
Table 1 lists two confidence levels (95% appropriate sample size, you are confident
and 99%) and three confidence intervals that as long as you get the number of
(1, 3 and 5 percents) and associated sample people you can appropriately generalize.
sizes for several populations. Use this table
to determine the number of people needed However there is one requirement: The
to survey. people you choose through random
sampling must be the only people who
Step 4. Now that you know how many
people you need, how do you decide which 1
For example, in Microsoft Excel it is under the
people to survey? Remember, every person Tools – Data Analysis – Random Number
Generation command.

answer your survey. It’s not good enough surveyed don’t want to answer and
to just get a certain number of people – you some not chosen want to answer.
must survey the specific people you Can I switch respondents? No, you
randomly chose. must survey only those who were
chosen by the random number
Let’s use the previous example – surveying assignment. If you do it the way
1500 employees of the Acme Company. suggested you will not have a fair
Using stratified random sampling and representation of the entire
choosing a 95% confidence level and 5% population – you will only get the
confidence interval we determine that the answers of people who like filling
following sample is appropriate: out surveys.
3. OK—I gave the surveys to the
Population Sample2 Acceptable people chosen by random
Response sampling. However all of these
Rate3 people didn’t return the surveys!
Leaders 16 15 11 Can I now give the surveys to some
Managers 250 124 87 people who want to fill them out?
Non- 1234 205 144 No, only the people who were
Managers chosen should be sampled. This is
Total 1500 344 242 where we address response rate.
Remember, a 70% response rate is
After listing the employees and assigning a acceptable in organizational
random number, we choose the appropriate surveys – so if you get 70% for
number of people from each group. each group it is considered
Sounds easy, right? It is, and it’s
statistically sound. However there are Granted, there will be more questions and
some questions that may arise while concerns – but if you follow the guidelines
performing the assessment. you will have a representative sample and
be very sure of your results.
1. Since there are only 16 Leaders,
why just survey 15 of them? Why
don’t I just survey all 16? You
must sample only the amount
specified by the equation because
you don’t want to give too much
weight to one group. If you
oversample one group (sample over
the statistically determined
number), your results will not
represent the entire group.
2. I know some of the people who
were chosen (and not chosen).
Some of the people chosen to be

Derived from the formula in Table 1.
Based on 70% response rate.

Table 1. Confidence levels, confidence intervals and associated sample sizes .

Confidence level 95% 99%

Confidence ±1% ±3% ±5% ±1% ±3% ±5%
Population Size
25 25 24 23 25 25 24
50 50 47 42 50 48 45
100 98 87 71 99 92 81
250 240 183 124 244 202 158
500 462 289 165 478 351 230
750 669 358 185 701 459 271
1000 860 406 197 914 541 298
1250 1039 442 206 1118 607 317
1500 1206 470 211 1314 661 331
1750 1362 491 216 1502 705 342
2000 1509 509 219 1683 742 350
3500 2230 572 230 2632 883 379

The formula used to derive the sample size values:

n = M / ((((E / ZCL)2 * (M - 1)) / (pq))) + 1)


M = size of the population to be sampled

E = maximum margin of error we choose (expressed as a percentage).

ZCL = Confidence level expressed as a Z score

ZCL = 1.96 for a 95% confidence level

ZCL = 2.576 for a 99% confidence level

p = probability of choosing a specific answer – expressed as a percentage.

q = probability of not choosing a specific answer– expressed as a percentage.

NOTE: Since the OCI uses a response scale with five choices (e.g., 1: Not at all through
5: To a very great extent), the value of p will always be 20 (20% or .20 probability of
choosing one of the five response options) and the value of q will always be 80 (80%
or .80 probability of choosing one of the other four response options).

Appendix A: Tips to increase o Provide both web-based and
response rate e-mail options where possible
o Be aggressive about tracking
 Ensure that the survey topics and responses and sending reminders
questions are of interest, concern and
value to the participants.
 Produce a professional looking
 Develop a value proposition for questionnaire.
participants  Provide incentives - sweepstakes,
 Communicate ahead of time. etc.
Alert everyone that the survey is  Follow-up communications after
coming. Have managers questionnaire is distributed (memo,
communicate with their people, phone, e-mail, voice-mail,
explain the value and importance of newsletters, etc.) to stimulate
the survey and encourage their participation.
participation.  Communicate feedback on survey
 Make participation voluntary, findings -- meetings, articles, videos,
anonymous and confidential. etc.
 Use a cover letter signed by the
highest ranking executive possible
which explains:
 Purpose of survey and the
value to the participant
 How the survey
information will be used
 How to return the
completed questionnaire
 Assure confidentiality or anonymity

For paper and pencil questionnaires -

Make it easy to return:

 Postage paid, pre-addressed

return envelope

 Fax back questionnaire

 800# telephone touch-tone
 e-mail questionnaire with auto-
programmed return

For e-Surveys:

o Keep it simple and user-


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