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Individuals and Society

Culture conflict
Culture barrier
Salad bowl
Melting pot
Factors affecting culture
Aspect of diversity
Culture heritage

Culture is a lifestyle where individuals have their own norms and beliefs which
show different characteristics of different ppl.


- Tradition
- food
- Religion
- Fashion
- Art

DISCRIMINATION: Discrimination is when a group or society makes an unfair
judgment of other groups with prejudice.

Exp: when the Americans think that Italians eating snails is disgusting

ETHNOCENTRISM: When a certain type of group or people judge others based

on their cultural standards, and they think that they are better than them.

Exp: white thinking they are superior over the blacks

STEREOTYPING: To standardize a certain group or society of people.

Exp: Asians are bad at driving

CULTURAL DOMINANCE: Cultural dominance is when a popular society or a

trend or a popular thing that is in their own category is more powerful in wealth,
popularity, and influence.

Exp: White, Anglo-Saxon Protestants (WASPs) belonging to the upper class have
dominated American society, culture, and politics.

Communication, ethnocentrism, culture values


Communication: different language meaning it would be hard to communicate

leading the culture barrier

Ethnocentrism: When a certain type of group or people judge others based on

their cultural standards, and they think that they are better than them.

Culture Values: When a culture values more things than other things, it's about
religion and political views.


● What is multiculturalism & examples?

Multiculturalism is the theory of multiple cultures combining to form a society.

Exp: singapore, because there is a lot of different cultures in singapore

Vocabulary definitions
- Culture - Shows characteristics of a certain group of people and how they
live their daily lives: from art, music, values, and even legends people
- Multiculturalism - different cultures are found in the society and they are
followed by members of a community. A multicultural society encourages
respect and shows the diversity of an individual's identity. / The
coexistence of different cultures within a single society, and to policies +
practices that promote coexistence. Multiculturalism also involves
tolerance of cultural diversity but an active engagement for harmony and
- Diversity: The range of human differences, including but not limited to
race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, age, socio-economic status,
physical abilities, religious beliefs, and political beliefs.
- Inclusivity: The practice or policy of including people who might otherwise
be excluded or marginalized, particularly in social or cultural contexts, to
ensure equitable participation and access.
- Cultural Relativism: The principle that a person's beliefs, values, and
practices should be understood based on that person's own culture, rather
than being judged against the criteria of another culture.
- Identity: The conception, qualities, beliefs, and expressions that make a
person or group unique, especially in relation to cultural, social, or
personal factors.
- Cultural Pluralism: The coexistence of multiple cultural groups within a
single society, wherein each retains its cultural identity while contributing
to the larger social fabric.
- Integration: The process of bringing together different cultural or social
groups into a harmonious and cohesive whole, often involving mutual
adaptation and acceptance.
- Assimilation: The process by which individuals or groups adopt the cultural
norms, values, and practices of the dominant or host culture, often leading
to a loss or suppression of their own cultural identity.
- Stereotype: To standardize a certain group or community unfairly to a
certain type of characteristic
- Prejudice: A preconceived opinion or attitude, usually negative, formed
without just grounds or sufficient knowledge, often directed towards
individuals or groups based on their perceived differences.
- Discrimination: When a dominant class or group treats others with
prejudice and unfairness.
- Cultural Competence: The ability to interact effectively and respectfully
with people from diverse cultural backgrounds, demonstrating awareness,
understanding, and sensitivity to cultural differences.
- Ethnocentrism: When one community or society judges other cultures
based on their cultural standards and thinks that they are better than
- Cultural Dominance: When certain values, norms and practices of a group
within the society that is the most powerful in wealth, prestige, status and
What is Subculture? Subculture, subculture is a small or big group of people
forming a culture that branches off a bigger one. It could be a combination of 2
big cultures into one.

Salad bowl vs Melting pot

Salad bowl: A salad bowl is multiple cultures in one place like Singapore. A salad
bowl is a society in which many people can express their culture and practice
their culture, despite everyone being different and individuals having their norms
they are still able to coexist with each other. z

Melting pot: A melting pot society is when individuals blends into one cultural

Factors affecting culture

Time period
Technology innovation

Environment: Human necessities, change clothing based on the temperature of

the environment

Government: the amount of freedom, the taxes

Time period: A period between two times when something happened.

Technology innovation: A technological innovation is a new or improved product

or process whose technological characteristics are significantly different from

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