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Pit- ENDSEM~ OP-SoLUT 1eN Time: 3 Hours Marks: 100 1. Fill in the blanks in the following statements: a. A competitive exam is conducted with a cut off of top 5%. A percentile that can be used to i identify the top 5% is through computation of _ FS Pere ohy Ne. b. An agro based company does an analysis to forecast the sales of products for next financial year. This analysis falls under a broad area of analytics called as. preshithne, anadihe, ; ©. A country recorded mean GDP of 15 million with a standard deviation of 2 million in the last 7 years, The coefficient of variation for GDPis__/ 3°33 °/s (e* O'}323) d. An investment company conducts a study on association between the stock prices of two companies. The correlation between the stock prices was found to be r= 0.895. This means as the price of one stock increases, the price of the other stock vw tt s7e4 e. A hospital has data on haemoglobin levels of patients with mean = 11.5 and standard deviation = 1.2. A patient will be considered as an outlier if the patient's z-score is abve +3 or balerd 3. f. In hypotheses testing, generally the research interests are expressed under aWernchve hypothesis. g. For z= 1.45, the probability above the z-value is _ 60735 | . h. F follows F-distribution. Then, F(2, 5, 0.05) = StF i. Accepting a null hypothesis when it ought to be rejected is known as x “wp B- error x? follows a chi-square distribution. Then y? oars with 15 degrees of freedom = 6-262 (110 = 10 marks) 2. Given data on restaurants in a city. Answer the questions based on the data Price | Score for ambience Restaurant __| Restaurant Type _| ($) _| (rated out of 100) Bertucci's Italian 16 [77 ‘Angus Steakhouse Seafood/Steakhouse | 24 79 Bonefish Grill_| Seafood/Steakhouse | 26 _| 85 Bravo! Cucina Italian Italian 18 | 84 _ Little Italy Italian : 17 [84 Creek Steak House Seafood/Steakhouse | 18 | 77 Carrabin's Grill ttalian _| 23 86 Brown's Steakhouse _| Seafood/Steakhouse | 17__| 75 Olive Garden _| Italian 28 [83 2. a, Identify the variables in the data set. — Robot Py ie ee 2. b. Specify the type of measurement scale for each variable. = Rateracbshape — Non — Pie — Rastle St or ae —— Tite Q 2. c, Can we compute mean for restaurant type? Justify. a ae | Ne, Aree 4 Ppa 2. d, Compute mean for price. eee Mean Pros 4 2. e. Compute median score for ambience. aS t,t #7, Zi], 83, 84,95 ah Ma Rien Sa Bebddar Le (2 marks) (2 marks) (2 marks) (2 marks) (2 marks) 3. A manufacturing company has 5 identical machines that produce nails. The probability that a machine will break down on any given day is 0.1. Define a random variable X to be the number of machines that will break down in a day. 3. a. Identify the appropriate probability distribution for X. Ke BCS ON) Be net 2 Vite (1 mark) 3. b. Compute the ey that 4 machines will break down.,_ fxn) PD OD CD. oe = yas = doco s- 3. c. Compute the probability that at least 2 machines will break down. i) ze) — PORE POXeL) = [- P Ca=e) PC fener ZK erent at Sees = |— sar was’ = FONG: Jt =o OWS 3. d. What is the expected number of in that will break down in a day? Expt Be te oe Mt pal (1 mark) ane ten ma 3. e, What is the variance of the number of machines that will break down in a day? ‘ se Mf ea MR RE ag MEP a SS ROP eee ee 4. a. In scheduling patient appointments, a clinic wants to estimate the mean time that a doctor spends with each patient. How large a sample should be taken if the desired margin of error is two minutes at a 95% level of confidence? Based on past experience, the population wo minutes at a 95% lev ol standard deviation may be taken as eight minutes. Sam ph Ges (5 marks) v yy - . _ a vor y\ e= 4. b. Data were collected on the amount spent by 30 customers for lunch at a major restaurant in Hyderabad. The mean expenditure for the sample was Rs. 500/-. Based on past studies, the Population standard deviation can be taken as Rs. 80/-. Construct a 99% confidence interval —— IK ir 6 (5 marks) estimate for the mean amount spent for lunch. 2, Te fy So _| - YSIS pe: = Sov $ 34 box, = Sem fe | — (ln3899 » S341.) 5. a. A car manufacturer claims that the average fuel efficiency of their new hybrid model is at least 50 miles per gallon (mpg). A sample of 31 cars is selected, and the average fuel efficiency is found to be 52.5 mpg, with a sample standard deviation of 5 mpg. Perform a hypothesis test at a 0.01 level of significance to determine if there is enough evidence to support the manufacturer's claim. a } > any fut ets tre new pat i. State Null and Altemate Hypotheses te: Pom eh ee (4 marks) a wa sO n=3I FH SUS A=5 Lx] ii, Find the test statistic. + _ = _ $2550 (3 marks) 4 bw (BF = = 112839 ~ Sean = Vested - pol PhS 9899 iii. Compare critical value with test statistic and draw conclusion on the hypothesis. Cbeet Vole = ts 9 (0°01) HDs g marks) Boe Sree Veruca 2 Tere, _ we Re net hye = ‘) Nene, ere carelinte tet He manndea ae aes learh SD mfp 5.B.In a survey conducted in 2020, it was found that 65% of respondents preferred online shopping. A new survey was conducted in 2022, and out of 500 respondents, 300 preferred online shopping. Perform hypothesis testing to determine if “. has been a change the preference for online shopping at 0.05 significance level. = P= pst: por i. State Null and Alternate Hypotheses. Spree p 2 04S Ly : = O'bSsh i (1 mark) poe 06S p= 22-06 W = 510 ii. Find the test statistic. oe ed Db -oits BOs 5 ae ~ —OOsS 3. 94 = = ooo > 2 44 = Ze tstal (3 marks) lil, Find critical value, compare with test statistic and draw conclusion on the hypothesis. Crttree) Wa = Lay eZ nue cael (ema oo ie Zetursea otZoore ote a wee A AE weceees sr push al ae an we Ne eet o Oo rom fe = wos Koh pe tarre a ee coe 6. A. Independent random samples taken at two companies provided the following information regarding annual salaries of the employees. The population standard deviations are also given below. ie Company | Company B - A Sample Size 72_=h, [50 = hi ‘Sample Mean (in $1000) 482%, [43 5 Population Standard Deviation (in $1000) |12 = 6) | 10 = 6 Is there a significant difference between the average salaries of the employees at the two companies? Let P= og. Sebortog i. State the hypotheses. het h +o : a =r (4 mark) Ay ARTE ii, Compute the test statistic, z= BGC tn +46 ‘ _ ‘ . ph il, At a = .05, what is the critical value? V9 b | CRrryert Vole = Zyy, = tong oe ee iv. Draw conclusion on the hypotheses. Bree Zereusea > Zeedel , em 6. B. A poll was taken this year asking college students if they considered themselves overweight. A similar poll was taken five years ago. Results are summarized below. Has the proportion of overweight students increased significantly? Sample Size | Number Considered Themselves Overweight _ | Present Sample 300 Ay 150 |_ Previous sample 275 121 i, State the hypotheses. + apap. 4 Wor = b 1 over Syl TPIS Pe nese Ht , > by ii, Compute the test statistic, i J = @:s—o 44) cle ee cee onatax oO r8t/< + be iii, At @ = .01, what is the critical value? enh Sp eg = FE a | = Zoo = 2°33 / | Ww iv. Draw conclusion on the hypotheses. Oo My 33 Sou Len < Zeek (ep (4 mark) ed wre 6. C, The following information was obtained from matched samples regarding the productivity (in units per hour) of seven individuals using two different methods of production. Individual | Method Method NJolalalos|y= (2) 0/@|~)NJola|= ola|olalalales|e Is there a significant difference between the mean productivity of the two methods? Let a = 05. i. State the hypotheses. ii, Compute the test statistic. iil, At a = .05, what is the critical value? iv. Draw conclusion on the hypotheses. (1 mark) (4 mark) (4 mark) (1 mark) 7.A researcher wants to study the linkage between age group and mental wellbeing. He categorized the age group as15-20 years, 20-25 years and 26 - 30 years. He called these categories as juvenile, youth and matured. For the wellbeing he labeled people as happy, sad and depressed. To investigate if the wellness status is dependent on the age group, he selected a random sample of 620 individuals from a metro city of India. Following were the results of his study. | Happy | Sad | Depressed _L_ | 1 Juvenile [20 | 50_| 80 Iso_| - : Youth [30 [40 | 140 Ext | Matured |50 | 60_| 150 266 7.a. Formulate Null and Alfémate Hypotheses? ° (2 marks) 7. b, Find the test statistic. X& ee qd (5 marks) 7. c, What is the critical value at 5% level of significance? (1 mark) 7. d, Determine whether age group and mental wellbeing are independent. (2 mark) 42 8. The variance of drug weights is critical in the pharmaceutical industry. For a specific drug, the process is considered to be under control if the variance in the drug's weight is under 0.3. For this drug with weights measured in grams, a sample of 18 units provided a sample variance of 0.36. Can we consider the process to be under control at 5% level of significance? ce DVehenee sf Dep wetyhr. (5 marks) th: FV O8SR n= 18 Be o3b of = 00S oda, Teste EN = fons Leora = CUA, o9) =—Kirpas -~ gop oe Kerartes ee > Pestscck ; Seo fe Le eer + Shp "4 13 9. You are the praduction manager at a parachute company. Parachutes are woven using a synthetic fiber. Tensile strength of these fibers is the most important characteristic that ensures quality parachutes. You have three potential vendors (A, B & C) for the supply of fiber. You wish to select the vendor, whose fiber has the highest tensile strength, as your regular supplier for the manufacture of the parachutes. You conduct experiments in your laboratory on the sample fiber supplied by each of the vendor to measure the tensile strength of the synthetic fiber using a tensile-strength scale where the larger the value, the stronger the strength of fiber. The lab results for five fiber samples each from the three vendors is provided in the table below: Vendor | Vendor | Vendor A B c 20 [26 20 | 7 23 25 24 [21 24 [20 19 21 (24 24 24 22 [ 9. a. This problem focusses on which population ee On ppt ote MERN Babys (1 mark) 9. b. Identify the population(s) involved and the variable of interest. Pagurtetton Savetred Fitba fon & a) % u (2 marks) 9. c. What are the possible hypotheses? Wt h = Mw = h (2 marks) Wd Nh ot 9. d. Analyse using appropriate test statistic. \k gee VN (6 marks) 14 9. e. Evaluate the test statistic against appropriate critical value at 5% level of significance and make recommendation about the hypotheses. No > 9. f. Based on your findings in (e) above, suggest the course of action for the business. (2 marks) (2 marks) \o U/ END OF THE QUESTION PAPER 15 Question No. 9: ANOVA Problem (ep i Vendor 8 ae 26 HO: All Means equal H1: Not all means equal ‘Anova: Single Factor SUMMARY Groups Count Sum Average Variance Vendor A 5 10721 43 Vendor 8 5 120 24 35 Vendor ¢ 5 iio 2 4 ANOVA ce of Varia 55 of Ms F P-value Farit Getween § 18.5333 2 9.266667 2.355932 0.137069 3.885294 Withingre 47.2 12 3.933333 Total 65.73333, 4 As F-Cal.< F-Crit, accept HO. We conclude all means are equal, Hence any vendor can be the supplier. Question- 6C- Matched Sample Problem d= Productivity by Methodi - Productivity by Method2 HO: mud = 0 HA: mud not equal to 0 2-tail test Productiv | Productiv| ity by ity by Individual |Method 1| Method 2| d 1 6 8 2 2 9 5 4 3 7 6 1 4 7 5 2 5 8 6 2 6 9 5 4 7 6 3 3 2 2.081666 2.581956 terit=t(6, 0.025)=2.571 Since t-calculated < t-critical, we do not have enough evidence to reject HO. Hence, conclude that there is no significant difference between the mean productivity of the two methods. pte (of2~[F Question7: Chi-square problem HO: Wellness status is independent of the age group. Hi: Wellness status is dependent on the age group. Test Stat. Computation Pers Obs. Freq. [Age [Wellness status Group [Happy _[Sad___[Depressed |Total Juvenile | 20 50. 80, 150 Youth 30. 40 140 210 Matured [50 60 150 260 Total 100 150 370 620 Exp. Frea Age [Wellness status Group [Happy [Sad [Depressed |Total fruvenile | 24.19 | 36.29 | 89.52 | 150.00 Youth | 33.87 | 50.81 | 125.32 | 210.00 Matured [41.94 | 62.90 | 15516 | 260.00 Total 100 150 370 620.00 [Wellness ‘Age Groufstatus_| fi ei fij-eij__|(fij-et2_|(fi-e)2/ei} Luvenile [Happy 2024.19 ~4.19] 17.58585] 0.72688172 Sad 50| 36.29 13.71] 187.9553] 5.17921147| Depressed 80| 89.52 -9.52[ 9055671] 1.01162453 [Youth [Happy 30] 33.87 3.87] 14.98439| 0.44239631 Sad 40|__50.81 -10.81] 116.7794| 2.2985151| [Depressed s4o[_ 125.32 14.68] 215.4266 1.71897704] Matured [Happy so| 41.94 8.06] 65.03642| 1.55086849| sad 60|_ 62.90 -2.90| _ 8.42872 0.13399504| Depressed 1so|_ 155.16 16] 26.6392] 0.17168533 Calculated Chis 13.234155| Chi-sq, erit.= x2 0.05 (4) = 9.488 Since Chi-sq, calculaed > Chi.sq. Crit, Reject HO. Hence, we conclude that wellness status is dependent on the age group. —|8

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