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Secreted by the Adrenal cortex, except:

EPINEPHRINE (other choices are cortisol,
androgens and aldosterone)
1. What is the smallest structure inside the 27. Glucocorticoid hormones increases lipolysis.
human body? ATOMS TRUE
2. The most abundant protein in the blood. 28. Proliferation of T lymphocytes is stimulated
3. The basic structure of plasma membrane is 29. All are Plasma proteins (albumin, globulins,
composed of? LIPIDS fibrinogen), except: NONE
4. The membrane proteins that move ions or 30. Waste product found in the plasma which is
molecules from one side of the plasma converted to glucose by the liver. LACTATE
m e m b r a n e t o t h e o t h e r. C A R R I E R 31. Plasma without the clotting factors. SERUM
PROTEINS 32. T h e i n t e r m e d i a t e s t e m c e l l w h i c h
5. Channel that opens when ACh binds to the differentiates to become platelets.
receptor site on the postsynaptic membrane. MEGAKARYOBLASTS
Na+ 33. Erythropoietin is produced by what organ/s?
6. The ovarian ligaments anchor the ovaries to KIDNEYS
the __. UTERUS 34. In hemoglobin breakdown, the non-iron part
7. Transport mechanism illustrated by the of the heme group is converted this.
movement of water from the intestines into BILIVERDIN
the blood. OSMOSIS 35. The correct steps in the platelet plug
8. The major event that happens in the formation is: Platelet release reaction-
seminiferous tubules. SPERMATOGENESIS >Platelet adhesion->Platelet aggregation.
9. The second major intracellular cation. Mg2+ FALSE (una ang adhesion)
10. Tr a n s p o r t m e c h a n i s m w h i c h m o v e s 36. Where/When is Fibrinogen converted into its
substances from an area of lower active form? COMMON PATHWAY
concentration to higher concentration with the 37. Heart chamber where oxygenated blood
11. Basic functional unit of the kidneys. 38. Blood vessel where deoxygenated blood from
NEPHRON the head passes through to the heart.
12. Angiotensin-converting enzyme is produced SUPERIOR VENA CAVA
by what major organ? LUNGS 39. In the cardiac cycle, when the heart is on
13. The part of the sperm cell which allows it to Atrial systole, both the semilunar and
penetrate the oocyte. ACROSOME atrioventricular valves are closed. FALSE
14. When an RBC is exposed to this solution, it 40. Cranial nerve which innervates the heart
swells and may even burst. HYPOTONIC through the Baroreceptor and Chemoreceptor
SOL’N Reflexes. VAGUS
15. Main type of blood cell in the body which 41. Receptors involved in the regulation of blood
works by phagocytosis. LEUKOCYTES pressure. BARORECEPTORS
16. Part of the cell which is involved in the 42. Effect of Angiotensin Il to blood vessels.
formation of chromosomes during cell VASOCONSTRICTION
division. CHROMATIN 43. Absorbed by lacteals in the Lymphatic
17. Vitamin that is vital in the maintenance of system. LIPIDS
bone health. VITAMIN D 44. Chemical mediator which interferes with viral
18. Epinephrine. NEUROTRANSMITTER production and infections. INTERFERONS
19. Increase glycogen breakdown. cAMP 45. Which of the following is/are stimulated during
20. PTH increases Ca2+ levels; Calcitonin the activation of the complement cascade?
decreases Ca2+ levels. ANTAGONISTIC I N F L A M M AT I O N , C H E M O TA X I S ,
21. When are hormones released into the blood? 46. Type of immunity involved in anaphylaxis.
LARGE AMOUNTS IN RESPONSE TO A 47. Antibody the is found in a mother's milk. IgA
STIMULUS, IN AN EPISODIC FASHION 48. Interleukin 2 is involved in the proliferation of?
22. All are secreted by the anterior pituitary T-CELLS
gland, except: OXYTOCIN 49. Windpipe. TRACHEA
23. Hormone that decreases prolactin secretion. 50. Lung with 3 lobes. RIGHT LUNG
DOPAMINE 51. The tendency for the lungs to decrease in
24. Target tissues of Luteinizing hormone. size after they are stretched. LUNG RECOIL
GONADS 52. E n z y m e i n v o l v e d i n g a s e x c h a n g e .
25. TRH stimulates the secretion of T3 and T4. CARBONIC ANHYDRASE
FLASE 53. Increased CO2 makes the blood? ACIDIC
54. The major functions of the oral cavity.
55. Site of water absorption. STOMACH
56. Where protein digestion starts. STOMACH
57. Where carbohydrate digestion starts. MOUTH
58. Intrinsic factor is produced by these cells.
59. The greatest amount of water is excreted
through the___. URINE
60. Inhibits both parietal and chief cells.

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