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Class exercise due Thursday 11 July 2024

Students are required to work in groups of 10.

The group leader must submit 1 solution per group to

For each of the following questions write an algorithm, pseudocode and draw a

1. Write a python program that asks the user to enter three numbers from a
keyboard, then calculate and display the sum, average, product of the three

2. Write a python program which will ask the user to input two numbers. calculate
and display the sum of the numbers and the difference between the first and
second number.

3. Write a a python program which will ask the user to input two prices and then add
them together. If the total is greater than 100 then 10% discount must be
subtracted from the total. The final total (after discount) must be displayed.

4. write a python program to calculate and display a student’s final mark. The
program should accept the student’s year mark and exam mark. The final mark is
the sum of 40% of the year mark and 60% of the exam mark. If the final mark is
greater than or equal to 50, display the message “PASS”. if the final mark less
than 50, display is ‘’FAIL.’’

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