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·\n) f>h) '" ,,I J1,•1111w, .11 ur,· '"li:< ·n ),

(rnen .m )"). ur h11,1n~n.,t hl1\.\:.11ri.c•,
, h<-m,uJ
\\,lier rh.11 ·""~ ""')' .,n,•ci- '" U'\' h) ·"'"
,h.,nst to
~•n ~

, No,,t · .,li11 t,,u..,._. ._

,tr.:, , rcJct ,un ,,oJ fn~h• ,

Water Pollution PiccurC'~

l'llc ch nt \\,H CI
roll utin n

. -~
, /\q11.,11c lift'
<lC!.ll uy.:d

I hH, to Au, ld \\..l1t~r Polh t h nn

, 111\l 'I, ,hnu ld ""' 1,.. Mll M POI I l, 1 t0,

"" I
t,.u I11ng
U~·t lor ,, " h
•" ms; duth\"'lo ur ✓ Not~• t,:.,n he ,imp I) J1.•fint.-d .1s
un,\ a1ucd ,,)untl .
✓The ·iOUnd is plt'.1<.tnt nr
,-H; ,ncs ling nf Rainw,11t'r IQ mc,•1 not d1..1'K'nd~
upon II~
w,11 loud n"''· dura tion, rh)t hm and thl'
er rt'qun-c,mcni\ pt'r<OO.
moo d of th<'
,. Dam11 & emh .1nk n1en 1, mu• t L - ✓Noo.,, pullu1ion nOI only ,-.,,u h, on 1mi.11iun ,,nd
' ""'<rt'.tlc-d.
,. Tht• '" "" mu. i IIUI lk.• <~l111 . IJlt:'\I,
✓ l\.nu., I c-d , Dcc1be1' (dB)
.-lnm,•r,1l1<•cl,·.1,lhod1,·" h II. •lnh ·n'lt )
uu, nct h ,
•1',-no.1,. of c,-po,urt' and

Cau ,e~ o f Noi5C' Pollu tion

✓Tr.,mc ~Oi' -'.'.

✓Am:r,111 Nm w.

✓N1J1st' lrnm com1ruc1in11,mtl ci,il <"ngineering

✓Noiw from the lndu ,trie \.

✓Nniw from oth,•rsourcc,

olhuin n
ll0 1, en \\11111 \0 1\ c- f"
nt·" mxhmM rfM
fl1<-c1, of,.,._,. 1 , uh on
,, II . ,,u ht1 0M •·n~1rt• th ,
✓ Thr f,., .. .,n,,u
,,.,.... p""11
\h .• .r,1 ....

✓ /k Jr in g l.o s-

1mhol K ,.,~,n Sc""°' llo>d>

✓ Th , -..,un.l hom<
pl"t hm.l" of
.u v ,u tn - b) Jtru
✓ C...nrrol tln hr
'1' ,1nd ,,, .,r tt Lt )O Ul
dn ,;, ,1 m°'L (,c.1tion,. m, ,un 1"

✓ \l<-cp n.. ,.. ,1>.,n cr

✓ (uluur llh nd

Pu ll u lio n
C.1u~e~ of L,rn d
N <, 0U ttt ." in 1hc fol1111, in
) m Jj or
\\'t• ca n cl .i- ,,(
b) l.tnd Cillegorie,
't' .t IS co,tr..-ct
•Ori~ fo ur th u( .ll -opl,· fo r <hl'11er.
nh w hi ch •~ oc cu pl t•d h) p< Jn d qualT}in,:.
•L in d " a ,..,,
•.\ lin in g. rm ,i un
u« Up.11100 , l'l l - · llouwhold G.1ri> r,1110n of l'opul.11i
on .
1ion ilnd C on re n1
•.\lunic1pal Solid W .b tl '
an d ll au rd vu , \\
•lndu,trial \\'a ,te
d T ~a lm t• n
· Uncnntn,llcd L in li1t·s.
m p: .,r nd fun,1
•Rurnini,: up,.-n du

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~ t trcc1"i of I.a nd l'ollu
·Th..• L.ind Ca nn o1 u,;
c 10 bu ild ho u,c ,,.

.... •:\ lan c,,.,001 !>(-farm


•D-,.uh of 1I"' .inion
JI, 1h.,1 ,nh.ih,1 1lw
1J nd

Pr c, cn tlo n of l~ nd
Po llu tio n
•\i ou · • nJ ma « ,....,...
_ , ..i -,l J t,r "" ""
"' uo dn &.naiQJ
• h,'f ' .. ~! Ud he Jll.l
,i.1t:J r\C 't)" 'ht "
•\\ •"• nu nrr IV• '" rd. •l"' "•r di. mf fln t..- ,-1 )
.a L.

• ,,, .d ,'nl bn ,; ,-..... l..a L - ~n uQ d- al ff

lt\ lll l) 10 1\1 ~•o
nd "" ,n,.M t.: Lll 11 0,
nd , ....kK lr,
• \\1 .d "" ''" ""' '~t
n• •I&IC'n • •l'°"p ir the- 1~ ,U' ll"i ):
_....,. "-"..J \\,1 ,dr ,1. 1,~ rnl ttw .... C'D laf' f• ii. lht - uf 111 Klr M -" .a ,k. an ffl1 1't~ •
•ln h"J '".t ln- l'n l ✓ Reduce •h. :h" .lft wf fln (~y ttu
t ~ lffl l." Allo
.L.•,u h 1..I IOt t
11c -A J.1 u.S eu. -...
,1n lt)
-(,uuJ• S".K ✓ Rcusc
1"'-<-"" • ~IIQQ
IU W t•~ ,}
•It- ,.,..-d.ull•~nc-• p,U ✓ Rcqclc l\-.th1tl0ft. •il l hu m a..t._..,.,I\_.
,.i.tcJ "' •
.,.. , , .. .nu l,·n n..
0 on~ "J. l1t 11! ,
.. tnrn ,cn t nl ~ & »l
> ~ c- ~ -- .: i
IN" .llm tf\l 1t'1 hrt
lQ ',6
(. ,,11 ~c~ ul H,\d10 ,c, · "
' •~c n•llution l'fft•e1, of"- II · ,
""' O,l( l l\c Pnl111t1nn
•Nudl',U ptll\l'r pl.1nts(F\ · N
• . <')ll'li, K,,lpakk;im). •'llir Di,,,.,,,,,., 111 du,lc hlooJ in ~ough
•Nuclear Weapons(!', . ,_,1... •Ulcer.
• • •~\I 1cs).
•Swclllni: of hnnc joints
•ll•~ro~.,1 of Nuclc.-ir\\l.istl•. • C,lll('N.

•Ur,m111111 Min,ng. • l.ung C;inccr.

•Skin Ci111t,•r.
•llc,11,• Canu,r.
• l)c Prnblcm\.

110\, to Pre,·cnt of R.idioac1 Ive Pollutio n

• An>1d Construcling Nucl,•,,r P111,1:r Pl,mti..

•/\\<lid u~ing Nucll',lr Wl',\J)Oll.

• H,11 c PropcrTrca tmcnl for Nuclear Waste.

• A\'Oid mining for Uranium 10 .i minim.ii.

• • n
Ada11~ by Felipe Rod,i
llwwJ,1;~ - 0
~ ~ 1 . l Kliet. ' "~
c.,us c, of Air Pollu tion
'Wh ,,1 is Al mo,1 >here
MJ:jor,ouru.°"of Air Pollution:
❖ Atmo,pherc is 1he life bl,rni<cl of
E.1r1 h.
❖ fl is 1hcrd orc essen lial th.1t "c Imo"
more abou t the ❖ lndu,trio ', ...
almo spher e and 1!1e w,,rs in whic h ii is l'ollu ❖ Automoh,ll~,.,nd Dortu.•.i,tic.- fuch.
❖Air is consi dered safo "hen il cont.1ins ❖ ltlgh Proportion of und ~lr., cw. ,w, ,uch •''
• bl ~,. ,,.
and gases. no h,,rm ful dust
<u)phur dio,«:tt" .,net c-.u-hon inmur\:1de
❖ Oul\t (~ f! t'ctni' nl ,11, <t. tou n<lry Ju,t .rnd
windblnwn ,olid ,tu~t)
❖ Mist

❖ Sn,ok('.

❖ (arhM bl,1ck.
❖ r'\cro.-.ols.

Effects of Air Pollution

How lo Avoid Air Pollu tion
Air Pollution afTects"???
Yes, we c;tn avoid pollu lton /\',, Folio ":.:
❖ I luman healt h.
❖ Animals.
❖ Us,• natur al Ga~cs. hkc I.PG (1.iqu
cfil.'d Petl'l >kum
C,\~) aulM .
❖ Plant s.
❖ Theauno~pherc as a whol e. ❖ l)o not Burst Crack ers.
❖ Globalwam ,ing.
❖ Ozone depl ction (Ozo ne hole) . ❖ Use)('~<, Amo unt of ruet for V<'hi
❖ Acid R,iin .
❖ Various respi rator y illne sses. ❖A,oid using and use elect ric Ml,,~ , (b10
O VER \l[W

Oe:fin ilion of Pulluc ic,n.

T)'Pt'' of rollu t ion.

Air Pollu tion.

\V.1ter Pollu tion.

Noi,e Pollur ion.

Land Pollu tion.

lt.Jdi oActl \·t- l1 oll11t inn.


When Harmful Substances Contaminilte
the There arc ri\'e l}J'Cl . of Pollut1ou:
Emironmenl, it is Called Pollution.

Pollution refers w I he veri bad cond ❖ Air Pollution

ition of ❖ Water
environment in terms of quantity and quality. Pollution
❖ Noise Pollution
. 'it' ❖ Land Pollution
❖ Radio Active Pollu tion

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