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CulLural and AdvenLure 1ravel ls a eruvlan Lravel agency founded by professlonals ln Lourlsm wlLh
a greaL experlence wlLhln Lhe domesLlc markeL and a broad knowledge abouL Lhe area

CulLural and AdvenLure 1ravel offer you an ouLsLandlng servlce ln and around eru performed by
our professlonal Leam and our local conLacLs Cur alm ls Lo make your holldays an unforgeLLable
experlence Cur headquarLers are locaLed ln Cusco Lhe old caplLal of Lhe lncas

Cur mlsslon ls Lo provlde you wlLh Lhe besL servlce avallable and we assure you a safe and healLhy
sLay ln eru Welcome Lo SouLh Amerlca and welcome Lo eru Lhe counLry wlLh noL only a
fabulous lnca hlsLory buL also one of Lhe 7 wonders of Lhe world Machu lcchu Lhe Amazon
[ungle beauLlful Lroplcal beaches nlce Andean mounLalns and much more!
TRAVEL PERU Machupicchu 2 day Departure: 8:30am

Return: 8 pm
Duration: 2 days and 1 night
Frequency: Every day

We start the tour at 9:30am in a meeting point then we will be heading to Ollantaytambo
where we`ll board the train at 12:10pm to Aguas Calientes, the trip is 2 hours long.

At the Aguas Calientes train station transIer staII will be waiting Ior you with a banner
named 'Cusco expeditions he will take you to the hotel and then you will have all day Iree
at leisure to visit the town , go to the hot springs and walk around the village.

At night 7.00pm the guide will go to the hotel to give you a brieIing about the meeting time
and what you need to bring to the tour.

This day we will go to the bus station that will take us to the Machu Picchu citadel where
the guide will be waiting Ior you to begin the tour. 2 hours approximately aIter this we will
have all the time to walk around Machu Picchu climb the Huayna Picchu and have a
wonderIul view oI one oI the wonders oI the world aIter this we will have to go back to the
bus station to go to the Aguas Calientes village; at the departure time shown on the train
ticket, we will have to be 30 minutes beIore the train leaves and then we will be heading
back to Cusco.

O Train tickets round trip
O TransIer to Ollantaytambo round trip (bus/taxi)
O Entrance Iee to Machu Picchu
O us tickets up and down the Machu Picchu
O One night hotel with breakIast included

ot included:
O unch and dinner
O Entrance Iee to the hot springs.


hone +S1842S3676
Ce|| +S1 984 796722 +S1 984 344212

<o oroI="hLLp//wwwculLuralandadvenLureLravelcom/"> Jrovol lorc<,o>

CulLural and AdvenLure 1ravel ls a eruvlan Lravel agency founded by professlonals ln Lourlsm wlLh
a greaL experlence wlLhln Lhe domesLlc markeL and a broad knowledge abouL Lhe area

CulLural and AdvenLure 1ravel offer you an ouLsLandlng servlce ln and around eru performed by
our professlonal Leam and our local conLacLs Cur alm ls Lo make your holldays an unforgeLLable
experlence Cur headquarLers are locaLed ln Cusco Lhe old caplLal of Lhe lncas

Cur mlsslon ls Lo provlde you wlLh Lhe besL servlce avallable and we assure you a safe and healLhy
sLay ln eru Welcome Lo SouLh Amerlca and welcome Lo eru Lhe counLry wlLh noL only a
fabulous lnca hlsLory buL also one of Lhe 7 wonders of Lhe world Machu lcchu Lhe Amazon
[ungle beauLlful Lroplcal beaches nlce Andean mounLalns and much more!
<o oroI="hLLp//wwwculLuralandadvenLureLravelcom/"> Jrovol lorc<,o>
Machupicchu 2 day Departure: 8:30am

Return: 8 pm
Duration: 2 days and 1 night
Frequency: Every day

<o oroI="hLLp//wwwculLuralandadvenLureLravelcom/"> Jrovol lorc<,o>
DAY 1:
We start the tour at 9:30am in a meeting point then we will be heading to
Ollantaytambo where we`ll board the train at 12:10pm to Aguas Calientes, the trip
is 2 hours long.

At the Aguas Calientes train station transIer staII will be waiting Ior you with a
banner named 'Cusco expeditions he will take you to the hotel and then you will
have all day Iree at leisure to visit the town , go to the hot springs and walk around
the village.

At night 7.00pm the guide will go to the hotel to give you a brieIing about the
meeting time and what you need to bring to the tour.

<o oroI="hLLp//wwwculLuralandadvenLureLravelcom/"> Jrovol lorc<,o>
Day 2:
This day we will go to the bus station that will take us to the Machu Picchu citadel
where the guide will be waiting Ior you to begin the tour. 2 hours approximately
aIter this we will have all the time to walk around Machu Picchu climb the Huayna
Picchu and have a wonderIul view oI one oI the wonders oI the world aIter this we
will have to go back to the bus station to go to the Aguas Calientes village; at the
departure time shown on the train ticket, we will have to be 30 minutes beIore the
train leaves and then we will be heading back to Cusco.

<o oroI="hLLp//wwwculLuralandadvenLureLravelcom/"> Jrovol lorc<,o>
O Train tickets round trip
O TransIer to Ollantaytambo round trip (bus/taxi)
O Entrance Iee to Machu Picchu
O us tickets up and down the Machu Picchu
O One night hotel with breakIast included

ot included:
O unch and dinner
O Entrance Iee to the hot springs.


crl=hLLp//wwwculLuralandadvenLureLravelcom/| Jrovol lorc ,crl|
CulLural and AdvenLure 1ravel ls a eruvlan Lravel agency founded by professlonals ln Lourlsm wlLh
a greaL experlence wlLhln Lhe domesLlc markeL and a broad knowledge abouL Lhe area

CulLural and AdvenLure 1ravel offer you an ouLsLandlng servlce ln and around eru performed by
our professlonal Leam and our local conLacLs Cur alm ls Lo make your holldays an unforgeLLable
experlence Cur headquarLers are locaLed ln Cusco Lhe old caplLal of Lhe lncas

Cur mlsslon ls Lo provlde you wlLh Lhe besL servlce avallable and we assure you a safe and healLhy
sLay ln eru Welcome Lo SouLh Amerlca and welcome Lo eru Lhe counLry wlLh noL only a
fabulous lnca hlsLory buL also one of Lhe 7 wonders of Lhe world Machu lcchu Lhe Amazon
[ungle beauLlful Lroplcal beaches nlce Andean mounLalns and much more!
crl=hLLp//wwwculLuralandadvenLureLravelcom/| Jrovol lorc ,crl|
Machupicchu 2 day Departure: 8:30am

Return: 8 pm
Duration: 2 days and 1 night
Frequency: Every day

crl=hLLp//wwwculLuralandadvenLureLravelcom/| Jrovol lorc ,crl|
DAY 1:
We start the tour at 9:30am in a meeting point then we will be heading to
Ollantaytambo where we`ll board the train at 12:10pm to Aguas Calientes, the trip
is 2 hours long.

At the Aguas Calientes train station transIer staII will be waiting Ior you with a
banner named 'Cusco expeditions he will take you to the hotel and then you will
have all day Iree at leisure to visit the town , go to the hot springs and walk around
the village.

At night 7.00pm the guide will go to the hotel to give you a brieIing about the
meeting time and what you need to bring to the tour.

crl=hLLp//wwwculLuralandadvenLureLravelcom/| Jrovol lorc ,crl|
Day 2:
This day we will go to the bus station that will take us to the Machu Picchu citadel where
the guide will be waiting Ior you to begin the tour. 2 hours approximately aIter this we will
have all the time to walk around Machu Picchu climb the Huayna Picchu and have a
wonderIul view oI one oI the wonders oI the world aIter this we will have to go back to the
bus station to go to the Aguas Calientes village; at the departure time shown on the train
ticket, we will have to be 30 minutes beIore the train leaves and then we will be heading
back to Cusco.

O Train tickets round trip
O TransIer to Ollantaytambo round trip (bus/taxi)
O Entrance Iee to Machu Picchu
O us tickets up and down the Machu Picchu
O One night hotel with breakIast included

ot included:
O unch and dinner
O Entrance Iee to the hot springs.


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