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Year 11

ATAR Visual Art 2024

Course Outline and Information

Year 11 ATAR Visual Art 2024

Course Outcomes
The Visual Arts course is designed to facilitate the achievement of four outcomes.

Outcome 1: Visual Arts ideas

Students use creative processes to research, develop and communicate art ideas.
In achieving this outcome, students:
o research and generate ideas;
o use visual language (elements and principles of art) to express ideas; and
o develop and refine ideas for specific purposes, contexts and audiences.

Outcome 2: Visual Arts skills, techniques and processes

Students use creative skills, techniques, processes, technologies and conventions to produce resolved artworks.
In achieving this outcome, students:
o use art elements and principles in the production of artworks;
o use skills, techniques and processes to complete artworks; and
o select and present artworks for audiences and contexts.

Outcome 3: Responses to Visual Arts

Students respond to, reflect on and critically evaluate their own art and the art of others.
In achieving this outcome, students:
o respond to the qualities of artworks;
o reflect on the thinking and creative processes of their art experiences; and
o critically evaluate artworks using visual language (the elements and principles of art and design) and art terminology.

Outcome 4: Visual Arts in society

Students understand the role of visual arts in society.
In achieving this outcome, students:
o understand how art varies according to time and place; and
o understand the social, cultural and historical contexts of visual arts.

Course content
The course content is the focus of the learning program.

The course content is divided into two content areas:

• art making
• art interpretation.

Art making
Investigation, development, planning, documentation and refinement of artwork describe the inquiry process. The development of ideas includes a range of
investigative approaches including direct observation, exploration and expressive drawing. Researching and selecting information and inspiration provides a
basis for portraying ideas, thoughts and feelings. Resource and time management are central to the creation of artworks and the development of ideas.

Visual language
Visual language involves using the elements and principles of art, signs, symbols, codes and conventions to arrive at visual solutions to communicate ideas. The
use of visual language helps shape the creation and evaluation of artworks.

Visual influence
Viewing and exploring others’ artworks and visual sources provides the challenge of considering a range of approaches to adopt, extend or reject in one’s own
work. Viewing and appraising others’ artwork informs and influences the inquiry process.

Art forms, media and techniques

Students combine and manipulate media and techniques in selected art forms. This provides opportunities to work flexibly, discover innovative solutions and
develop original approaches to art making through exploration and experimentation.

Year 11 ATAR Visual Art 2024

Art practice
This involves the use of skills and processes in order to produce and present artworks. Health and safety guidelines together with the exercise of civic, social and
environmental responsibility must be adhered to in the learning environment. Art practice requires discernment and the ability to make informed and sensitive
choices with an awareness of ethical, legal and economic issues such as appropriation, copyright, censorship and marketing.

Display of artworks provides opportunities to participate, promote and critique own and others’ artworks. Presentation therefore involves arranging, organising
and displaying ideas and artworks for audiences.

Reflection involves revisiting and reconsidering options and alternatives when developing ideas and artworks. Describing, analysing and critically evaluating
thinking and working processes enhances one’s own artistic practice.

Art Interpretation
Visual analysis
Visual analysis promotes critical thinking through strategies of formal analysis and the use of critical analysis frameworks. Analysis involves comparing,
commenting on and making informed judgements about artworks which are representative of a range of art forms from various times and places. Visual analysis
takes into account formal concerns as well as contextual factors relating to time, place, race, culture, gender identity, religion and politics in order to make
informed judgements about how meanings are communicated.

Personal response
Personal response involves sharing, discussing and justifying opinions about artworks, both first-hand and in reproductions. The field of visual arts is subject to
different interpretations and informed responses should take into account varying contexts from which a work is created and experienced. Responding to
artworks can stimulate insights, encourage deeper understandings, challenge preconceived ideas and involve making connections between oneself and others.

Meaning and purpose

Each viewer constructs their own meaning based on their own experiences and the evidence provided in artworks. Commentaries on art by critics, historians,
theorists and artists provide essential information and further access to the meanings and purposes of artworks.

Social, cultural and historical contexts

Knowledge about the relationships between artists, artworks, audiences and contextual factors is fundamental to interpreting and understanding visual
artworks. Research into contexts includes consideration of the stylistic and technical aspects of artworks in order to locate them in particular times, places and
cultures. Visual arts practice plays an important role in forming a significant part of the economy and providing career opportunities in Australia and

Art Making
o explore drawing involving observation to conceptualise ideas, explore themes and develop meaning in artwork
o use a range of investigative approaches to explore, manipulate, develop and refine artwork
o explore a variety of ways to produce, present and document a body of work
o use innovative and expressive approaches to drawing and investigate a range of ways to develop and produce artwork
o select, combine, manipulate and refine artwork developing a personal style and individual approach to visual art practice
o plan, document and produce a cohesive body of work that demonstrates sustained inquiry and exploration of concept

Visual language
o use visual language (elements and principles of art) to transform artwork and communicate concepts in a considered and insightful way
o explore, apply and refine visual language (elements and principles of art) to create innovative and personal visual solutions in the development and
production of a body of work

Visual influence
o investigate the techniques and approaches used by other artists to inform the development of own artwork
o select stylistic influences and use specific artwork relating influences to own artwork
o examine ways other artists have communicated persuasive ideas, issues or comment in artwork
o personal selection and in-depth research of artists and art forms to inform own practice
o investigate artists and artwork that represent individual, collective, innovative or challenging responses to themes, issues or points of view in the
visual arts

Art forms, media and techniques

o adapt and apply materials and techniques to create artwork in selected art forms
o experiment and refine the use of media and techniques to produce innovative artwork
o investigate, extend and refine materials and techniques in the development and production of artwork
o combine and use materials and techniques in selected art forms to purposefully construct and communicate meaning

Art practice
o explore ways to use skills and processes to create new art forms and visual art practices
o follow correct health and safety practices, respecting and acknowledging the work and rights of others
o make informed and sensitive choices when developing and presenting artwork about different religious, cultural and social practices
o apply a range of skills and processes to produce artwork demonstrating expressive and technical competence
o follow correct health and safety practices, respecting and acknowledging the work and rights of others
o make informed and sensitive choices when developing and presenting artwork about different religious, cultural and social practices

Year 11 ATAR Visual Art 2024

o plan, document and present an account of the thinking and working practices leading to the development of a body of work
o discerningly select and exhibit a body of work
o present an account of the thinking and working practices leading to the development of a body of work
o select and display artwork for exhibition considering space and audience

o reflect on and maintain documentation of the development of thinking and working practices
o provide an artist statement that describes the ideas, meaning, influences and personal direction taken in art making
o acknowledge primary and/or secondary visual influence(s)

Year 11 ATAR Visual Art 2024

Art Interpretation
Visual analysis
o use critical analysis frameworks and investigations to make comment on artwork
o analyse and respond to unfamiliar artwork representative of a range of art forms and styles
o consider visual language (elements and principles of art) which influence production and response
o make comparisons and connections between artwork using art terminology to discuss formal organisation (composition), meaning and artistic style

Personal response
o support and justify opinions by offering a range of interpretations of artwork
o provide alternative points of view when responding to artwork
o explore issues that shape critical response and discuss contextual factors that affect meaning and interpretation
o use visual analysis and research to support personal responses and different points of view

Meaning and purpose

o analyse social, religious, political and cultural commentary of artwork from different times and places
o identify alternative perspectives and meaning communicated in artwork
o identify formal, stylistic and technical elements which contribute to the function or meaning in artwork
o examine the relationship between audience, artwork and meaning using visual analysis, art history and research
o examine artwork that challenges attitudes, beliefs, values and ideologies

Social, cultural and historical contexts

o in-depth examination and research of artists, groups, movements or cultures contextualising their practice within particular social, cultural or
historical contexts
o undertake investigations and present case studies making links between art practices from different times and places
o compare artwork that has been shaped or influenced by specific social, cultural or historical concerns
o research social, cultural, historical and other contextual factors influencing art practice using criticism and specific examples
o undertake investigations and present case studies firmly locating the production and reception of selected artists, movements or groups in their
social, cultural and historical contexts

Study Skills :
• Mind mapping (R)
• Goal setting (R)
• Time management (R)
• Key words- Visual Arts Language (R)
• Note-taking (R)
• Active reading (R)
• Exam strategies- essay writing (R)
• Study environment (R)
• Critical Reflections (T/ R)

Year 11 ATAR Visual Art 2024

Unit 1 – Differences
Unit description
The focus for this unit is differences. Students may, for example, consider differences arising from cultural diversity, place,
gender, class and historical period. Differences relating to art forms, media and conventions may also provide a stimulus for
exploration and expression.

Students explore ways of collecting, compiling and recording information and documenting thinking and working practices. They
explore approaches to drawing and develop awareness that each artist has his or her particular way of making marks to convey
personal vision. Students examine how visual language and media choices contribute to the process of conveying function and
meaning, and use a range of media and technologies to explore, create, and communicate ideas.

Students recognise that visual artwork is subject to different interpretations and appreciate that informed responses should take
into account the varying contexts within which a work of art is created. They develop awareness of styles of representation,
examining distinctly individualistic approaches of artists in different times and places.

Suggested contexts:
o concepts: reality and illusion, actions and reactions, cultural and/or stylistic differences, tradition and innovation,
o styles and approaches: Romanticism, Australian figurative versus abstract, styles of representation (descriptive,
interpretive, expressive, abstract); realism and abstraction
o materials: textile fibre, oil paint, digital media, inter-media investigations
o messages and meanings: heroes and antiheroes, cultural perspectives, exploration of universal issues such as human
o purposes: celebration and ritual, representation of an issue.

Unit 2 – Identities
Unit description
The focus for this unit is identities. In working with this focus, students explore concepts or issues related to personal, social,
cultural or gender identity. They become aware that self-expression distinguishes individuals as well as cultures. Students use a
variety of stimulus materials and use a range of investigative approaches as starting points to create artwork. They develop a
personal approach to the development of ideas and concepts, making informed choices about the materials, skills, techniques
and processes used to resolve and present their artwork.

Students develop understandings of the personal and/or public functions of art in the expression of identity, for example,
spiritual expression, psychological expression, therapy, ceremony and ritual, and the purposes of art, such as narrative – telling
personal stories or exploring myths. They understand that art may give form to ideas and issues that concern the wider
Response to artwork stimulates insights, encourages deeper understandings, and challenges preconceived ideas.

Students develop an awareness of how the visual arts may be both socially confirming and questioning, analyse their own
cultural beliefs and values and develop deeper understandings of their own personal visual arts heritage.
Suggested contexts:
• concepts: spiritual identity, representation and myth, the art and science nexus, human emotion, cultural identity,
heroes and rebels, tribal art
• styles and approaches: land art, hybrid arts, art of sub-cultures, human form
• materials: multimedia, oil paint
• meanings and messages: gender, politics, the environment, feminism, stolen generation
• purposes: social/personal expression, place and identity, self-image, community, youth arts, portraiture, costume and

Year 11 ATAR Visual Art 2024

Assessment Tables 2022

Year 11 ATAR Visual Art 2024

Practical (Production) Examination Design Brief
Resolved artwork(s): artwork submitted can take a variety of forms, including individual artwork(s) linked either
conceptually or materially

Additional information
Drawing; painting; printmaking; graphic design; photography; film; video; digital works and animation; sculpture;
ceramics; glass; textiles; fibre; designed objects/environments/jewellery; interactives; documented
forms/installation/site-specific; costume; stage design; collection of works; mixed media.

Written Examination Design Brief

Time allowed
Reading time before commencing work: ten minutes
Working time for paper: two and a half hours

Permissible items
Standard items: pens (blue/black preferred), pencils (including coloured), sharpener, correction fluid/tape, eraser, ruler, highlighters

Special items: nil

Provided by the supervisor
A source booklet

Additional information
Artwork in the source booklet can be sourced from any form, period, and/or culture.

Exam Structure

Year 11 ATAR Visual Art 2024


For more information go to SCSA Visual Arts:

Year 11 ATAR Visual Art 2024

ATAR Visual Art Production 2024

‘Personal Perspectives’
The world through my eyes
Year 11 Unit 1 & 2 – Differences and Identities

Personal Perspective
adjective noun
➢ of, relating to, or coming as from a particular o a visible scene, especially one extending to a
person; individual; private: a personal distance;
opinion. o the state of one's ideas, the facts known to
➢ relating to, directed to, or intended for a one, etc., in having a meaningful
particular person interrelationship:
➢ making personal remarks or opinions o the faculty of seeing all the relevant
➢ pertaining to or characteristic of a person or information in a meaningful relationship:
self-conscious being: That is my personal o a mental view or prospect

Year 11 ATAR Visual Art 2024

Task Outline

You will be developing and creating a body of work based on the theme ‘Personal Perspectives’. Your ideas and
concepts for your artwork and processes are to be negotiated with the teacher and confirmed. All planning visual and
written such as, brainstorming, drawings, images and relating artists need to be documented in your Folio throughout
the semester and will be assessed. You are to produce a resolved artwork/s that relates to your body of work and
expresses your theme. You will then be required to write an Artist Statement, which explains your concept and artistic
influences in the project.

The theme ‘Personal Perspectives: The world through my eyes’ is for the entire year. You will create two
artworks, one artwork per semester. They are to relate to one another, they comment on the same theme
and are considered together, as body of work. You may consider:
• Series
• Diptych
• Same medium or different mediums for both pieces
• Varying sizes
• Extension piece

The medium and size for the artworks are your choice, keeping in mind however, the cost of materials (the
school can pay for some things, but not everything) and the weight and size restrictions of practical
submission (for more information go to WACE Visual Arts: https://senior-

You must discuss your ideas with your teacher before beginning your artwork.

Weightings for Production (50%)

1. Review Body of Work Semester One and Two: 10%
2. Artwork Semester One: 20%
3. Artwork Semester Two: 20%

Production is inclusive of the following:

✓ Folio documentation
Folio should be a visual and written documentation of thoughts and ideas leading up to creating artworks.
✓ Reviews- Body of Work Feedback
Evidence of in class Reviews, notes and feedback sheets.
✓ 9 Pieces of Evidence
Drawings, brainstorms, printed images and artists should support final artwork. Suggestions:
• Influencing Artist - • Influencing Artist - • Drawing
technical conceptual
• Drawing • Media Testing • Media Testing
• Final Artwork design • Photo of you working on • Photo of work in
sketched and planning final progress
✓ Final Artwork
Final art work/s produced will be resolved and executed with skill and care to the best of your ability.
Accompanied by an Artist Statement.

Year 11 ATAR Visual Art 2024

Consider the following themes and artist examples.

Socio-Political Gender Race

Ben Quilty Julie Rrap Jean-Michel Basquiat
Banksy Fiona Hall Gordon Bennett
Ai Weiwei Barbara Kruger Richard Bell
Yue Minjun Cindy Sherman Linus Onus
Mona Hatoum Tracey Moffatt Robert Campbell Jnr
Fernando Botero Dagmar Cyrylla Sally Morgan
Frank Shepherd Fairey Michael Zavros Julie Dowling
Shirin Neshat Ben Quilty John Davis
Liu Bolan David Hockney Kara Walker
Blu Tracey Emin Juilie Dowling
Goya Brendan Fantanzzo George Gittoes
Daumier Jenny Saville Kerry James Marshall
Gerald Laing Artemisia Gentileschi Jeff Wall
Diego Rivera Frida Kahlo Lorna Simpson
Don Simon Ellen Gallagher
Fiona Hall
Anne Zahalka
Patricia Piccinini
Brett Whiteley Consumerism Identity
John Wolseley Mirabel Fitzgerald Del Kathryn Barton
Jules De Balincourt Duane Hanson Chuck Close
Chris Jordan Andy Warhol Brett Whitley
Kelly Richardson Barbara Kruger Ben Quilty
Charles Blackman Juilie Dowling
John Dahslen Jean-Michel Basquiat
Alex Gross Frida Kahlo
Technique Elizabeth Peyton
Investigate the two artists use different techniques to create their artwork Shirin Neshat
Tamara de Lempicka
Edward Hooper
Painting Sculpture & Egon Schiele
Ben Quilty Mixed Media Francis Bacon
Jeffery Smart Edvard Munch
Ron Mueck
Angela Fraleigh
Tracey Emin Alex Katz
Alex Gross Patricia Piccinini Gary Hume
Franz Ackermann
Maurizio Cattelan Chris Offili
Glenn Brown Matthew Barney Michael Borremans
John Currin
Jake and Dinos Chapman John Currin
Peter Doig Keith Edmier Glenn Brown
Gary Hume
Damien Hirst Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec
Eric Zener
Alexander Kosolapov
Marcus Jansen
Frederick McSwain
Alex Pardee Choi Xoonag
Alyssa Monks
Leonid Afremond
Emil Alzamora Drawing
Nikki Rosato
Julien Chaves Mark Ryden
Michael Beitz
Sergey Ryzhov Goya
Jeremy Geddes Jason Shawn Alexander
Andy Quilty
Russ Mills
Tom French
Melissa Haslam
Year 11 ATAR Visual
Courtny Art 2024
Mercedes Helnwein
Hubert Tereszkiewicz
Year 11 Visual Art Investigation and Analysis 2024

Critical Analysis Essays

& Case Studies
Weightings for Investigation (30%)
1. Case Study Essay Semester One: 15%
2. Case Study Essay Semester Two: 15%

Weightings for Analysis (30%)

1. Compare and Contrast Semester One:15%
2. Compare and Contrast Semester Two: 15%

Weightings for Exam (40%)

• Exam Semester 1: 20%
• Exam Semester 2: 20%

The class will participate in a series of image analysis which compare and contrast artwork. There will also
be a focus on Frida Kahlo in Semester 1 for the Investigation component and an Australian Indigenous artist
in Semester 2. The focus of Unit 1 & 2 theory is to prepare for the year 12 WACE exams.

Year 11 ATAR Visual Art 2024

Assessment outline
Visual Arts – ATAR Year 11
Unit 1 and Unit 2

Assessment Assessment Submission Date Content
Assessment Type Type Task Individual Task Assessment Task
Weighting Weighting Weighting
Task 1: Reviews - Body of work feedback Art making
Semester 1 Be prepared to present and discuss body of work to teacher and peers. Body of work involves folio  Inquiry
Term 1 Week 6 documentation of all written and visual evidence demonstrating the development of ideas,
(Review- Body of work) investigative approaches including drawing, brainstorms, visual language, research, supporting  Visual language
5% artists and evidence of exploring ways to produce, present and reflect upon a body of work based  Visual influence
on the theme ‘Personal Perceptions: The world around me’  Art forms, media
50% Task 2: Resolved artwork, artist statement, Visual Portfolio and visual evidence of work in and techniques
Semester 1  Presentation
A body of work for Unit 3 that incorporates documentation, thinking processes and the resolved
Term 2 Week 3
artwork. Clear and concise artist statement reflecting on resolved artwork, ideas and processes.  Reflection
(Resolved artwork
Wix online Visual Portfolio documenting all evidence and processes during the unit. Inclusive of all
and supporting
evidence, including the development of creative and critical thinking, discerning use of media,
evidence) 20%
materials and techniques to produce art forms which express a unique response to the theme of
Examinable ‘Personal Perceptions: The world around me.’
task 100% Task 6: Reviews - Body of work feedback Art making
Be prepared to present and discuss body of work to teacher and peers. Body of work involves folio
Semester 2  Inquiry
documentation of all written and visual evidence demonstrating the development of ideas.
Term 2 Week 4
investigative approaches including drawing, brainstorms, visual language, research, supporting  Visual language
(Review- Body of work)
artists and evidence of exploring ways to produce, present and reflect upon a body of work based  Visual influence
on the theme ‘Personal Perceptions: The world around me’  Art forms, media
Task 7: Resolved artwork, artist statement, Visual Portfolio and visual evidence of work in and techniques
50% 25% progress
Semester 2 A body of work for Unit 4 that incorporates documentation, thinking processes and the resolved  Presentation
Term 4 Week 1 artwork. Clear and concise artist statement reflecting on resolved artwork, ideas and processes.  Reflection
(Resolved artwork Wix online Visual Portfolio documenting all evidence and processes during the unit. Inclusive of all
and supporting evidence, including the development of creative and critical thinking, discerning use of media,
evidence) 20% materials and techniques to produce art forms which express a unique response to the theme of
‘Personal Perceptions: The world around me’.
100% 100%
Assessment Submission Date
Type Weighting
Task Individual Task Weighting Assessment Task Content
Task 3: Compare and Contrast #1 Art interpretation
Semester 1
15% Term 1 Week 4
Essay writing on two seen artworks. Utilise critical analysis frameworks to respond to unfamiliar images which are  Visual analysis
selected to allow students to explore the theme. Investigate, compare and contrast the style, techniques, concepts,
Analysis influences and subject matter explored by two artists/images.
 Personal response
30%  Meaning and purpose
Semester 2 Task 8: Compare and Contrast #2
Essay writing on two unseen artworks. Utilise critical analysis frameworks to respond to unfamiliar images which are
15% Term 3 Week 5
selected to allow students to explore the theme. Investigate, compare and contrast the style, techniques, concepts,
influences and subject matter explored by two artists/images.

Task 4: Case Study Essay #1 Art interpretation

Semester 1 Responding, in essay form to a question which includes a quote and/or image, references to artistic techniques
Term 1 Week 7 and contexts of Case Study Artist. In-depth examination and research of Case Study Artist and two artworks,  Visual analysis
15% elaborating which social, cultural and historical context between the artist/s, artistic practice and influences are  Personal response
expressed. Students will complete this Investigation and Image analysis in class time under time pressure with no
 Meaning and purpose
30%  Social, cultural and historical
Task 9: Case Study Essay #2
Semester 2 Responding, in essay form to a question which includes a quote and/or image, references to artistic techniques and
15% Term 3 Week 3 contexts. In-depth examination and research of Case Study Artist and two artworks, elaborating which social, cultural
and historical context between the artist/s, artistic practice and influences are expressed. Students will complete this
Investigation and Image analysis in class time under time pressure with no notes.

Task 5: Semester 1 Written examination Art interpretation

Semester 1 Complete an examination covering the syllabus content from Semester 1.
Examination 1. Section 1- Short answer on Elements and Principals  Visual analysis
20% 2.
week Section 2- Art History/Compare and Contrast  Personal response
Examination 3. Section 3 – Response to Case Study Artist/s
40% Examination structure – 2.5 hours  Meaning and purpose
Semester 2 Task 10: Semester 2 Written examination  Social, cultural and historical
20% Examination Complete an examination covering the syllabus content from Unit 3 and Unit 4.
week 1. Section 1- Short answer on Elements and Principles
2. Section 2- Art History/Compare and Contrast
3. Section 3 – Response to Case Study Artist/s
4. Examination structure – 2.5 hours
100% 100%
Week Key teaching points- Semester 1

Unit focus: ‘Personal Perspectives’ – The world through my eyes.

You will be developing and creating a body of work based on the theme ‘Personal Perspectives’. First by exploring the things you are interested in, to then inspire and relate back in to the theme Differences. Your ideas and concepts for your artwork
and processes are to be negotiated with the teacher and confirmed.

All planning visual and written such as, brainstorming, drawings, images and relating artists need to be documented in your Folio throughout the semester and will be assessed as part of your Production and Body of Work.

You are to produce a resolved artwork/s that relates to your body of work and expresses your chosen idea/s. You will then be required to write an Artist Statement, which explains your concept and artistic influences in the project.

Identify and explore concepts and/or issues of personal significance that provide a broad opportunity to pursue and communicate a personal point of view. Explore factors that influence and shape points of view, such as politics, identity, gender and
religion to present an authentic body of work.

Introduction and Expectations-assessment requirements.

• Overview of course
• Marking keys
• Lesson Overview
• Task Checklist, for Folio requirements, art assessments, final artworks, due dates etc.
• Where to find all information relating to this course on Compass

Task 2: Examinable task- Final Artwork #1 – Due Term 2 Week 3.

Personal Reflection, brainstorming, discussions, research, media testing, drawing
T1W1 • Discussion on possible meanings
• Focus on social, political and cultural purposes of art making
• Conceptualisation and documentation of experiences within contemporary society
• Students begin formulating ideas and motives for own artwork
• Brainstorm all ideas
• Research 2 influencing artists, technical and conceptual
• Concept development and research
• use innovative and expressive approaches to drawing involving observation to conceptualise ideas, explore themes and develop meaning in artwork
Visual language
• explore, apply and refine visual language (elements and principles of art) to create innovative and personal visual solutions in the development of ideas
Task 4: Commence Homework Investigation
Case Study Research on Artist Frida Kahlo – Due Term 1 Week 5
Researching the artwork of Frida Kahlo. Focus on political, social and cultural contexts within her life. Investigation, research and preparation for Case Study Artist – Frida Kahlo. Investigate the style, techniques, concepts, influences and subject
matter explored by Frida Kahlo. Complete all note taking sheets and hand in handwritten written drafts. Report style submission.
Commence research of selected artist/s and art movement/s
Visual analysis
• use critical analysis frameworks and historical research to undertake in-depth contextual or cross-cultural investigations
Meaning and purpose
• examine artwork that challenges attitudes, beliefs, values and ideologies
examine the relationship between audience, artwork and meaning, using visual analysis, art history and research
Task 1: Examinable task: Body of work – Due Term 1 Week 6 and Term 1 Week 9
Project Proposal - Final Concept - Due Week 2
Artist Research
• Location of a range of artists who work is inspiring for thematic, conceptual and technical purposes
T1W2 • Replicating one or two artworks which something thematic or technical can be learnt
Concept Development
• Media testing of possible mediums for artwork
• Sketches, drawings, photos relating to ideas and concepts.
• further explore drawing to investigate ways of developing and communicating ideas and personal viewpoints
Week Key teaching points- Semester 1

• explore personal experience of contemporary society through documentation of thinking and working practices
• investigate a range of ways to develop and produce unique artwork
• organise work, demonstrating independent planning and time management
Task 1: Examinable task: Body of work – Due Term 1 Week 6 and Term 1 Week 9
Working on Folio, Concept and design development
• Sketches, drawings, photos relating to ideas and concepts.
• Media testing of possible mediums for artwork
• Artist influences, conceptual and technical.
• Multiple possible ideas and options for Final Artwork #1
• Discussions with Teacher
Visual language
• explore, apply and refine visual language (elements and principles of art) to create innovative and personal visual solutions in the development of artwork
Visual influence
• personal selection and in-depth research of artists and art forms to inform own practice

Task 2: Examinable task – continue working on Final Artwork #1 Due Term 2 Week 2
Students working on their own individual production pieces
• select, combine, manipulate and refine artwork, developing a personal style and individual approach to visual art practice
Visual language
• explore, apply and refine visual language (elements and principles of art) to create innovative and personal visual solutions in the development and production of a body of work
Visual influence
• investigate artists and artwork that represent individual, collective, innovative or challenging responses to themes, issues or points of view in the visual arts
Art forms, media and techniques
• investigate, extend and refine materials and techniques in the development of artwork
Art practice
T1W4 • make informed and sensitive choices when developing and presenting artwork about different religious, cultural and social practices

Task 6: Analysis, Compare and Contrast #1, In class essay response

Essay writing on two seen artworks using the seven stages of analysis. Utilise critical analysis frameworks to respond to images which are selected to allow students to explore the theme of Personal Perspectives. Investigate, compare and contrast
the style, techniques, concepts, influences and subject matter explored by two artists/images.

Analyse two images and respond to factors affecting points of view, such as time, place, culture, religion and/or politics, synthesising this knowledge to express a personal viewpoint or position.
Visual analysis
• use critical analysis frameworks to analyse artwork which identify and communicate alternative perspectives and meaning
• study, analyse and compare unfamiliar artworks from a variety of art forms, styles, times and places
• consider visual language (elements and principles of art) which influence production and response
using art terminology, make comparisons and connections between artworks to discuss formal organisation, meaning and artistic style
Week Key teaching points- Semester 1

Task 2: Examinable task – continue working on Final Artwork #1 Due Term 2 Week 2
Students working on their own individual production pieces
• select, combine, manipulate and refine artwork, developing a personal style and individual approach to visual art practice
Visual language
• explore, apply and refine visual language (elements and principles of art) to create innovative and personal visual solutions in the development and production of a body of work
Visual influence
• investigate artists and artwork that represent individual, collective, innovative or challenging responses to themes, issues or points of view in the visual arts
Art forms, media and techniques
• investigate, extend and refine materials and techniques in the development of artwork
Art practice
• make informed and sensitive choices when developing and presenting artwork about different religious, cultural and social practices

Task 4: Homework Investigation Matrix , Case Study Research on Artist Frida Kahlo – Due
T1W5 Researching the artwork of Frida Kahlo. Focus on political, social and cultural contexts within her life. Investigation, research and preparation for Case Study Artist – Frida Kahlo. Investigate the style, techniques, concepts, influences and subject
matter explored by Frida Kahlo. Complete all note taking sheets and hand in handwritten written drafts. Report style submission.
Visual analysis
• use critical analysis frameworks to analyse artworks which identify and communicate alternative points of view
• consider visual language – elements and principles of art, signs, symbols and conventions which determine production and response
Personal response
• explore issues that shape critical response and discuss contextual factors that affect meaning and interpretation
• use visual analysis and research to support personal responses and different points of view
Meaning and purpose
• examine artwork that challenges attitudes, beliefs, values and ideologies
• identify formal, stylistic and technical elements which contribute to the function or meaning in artworks
Social, cultural and historical contexts
• research social, cultural, historical and other contextual factors influencing art practice, using criticism and specific examples
• present research, firmly locating the production and reception of selected artists, movements or groups in their social, cultural and historical contexts

Task 1: Examinable task: Body of work – Due Term 1 Week 6

In class review of the following folio and concept development
Review Assessment
• Set up and display all production, folio, research work completed for class review.
• Present your work, concept and ideas for Final Artwork #1.
T1W6 • View your own and others work, comment, discuss.
• Class and teacher discussion to give feedback, ideas and support to get the best mark possible
• Consider what it will look like when finished – GALLERY STANDARD
• Teacher to take notes for final mark and provide feedback to student
Reflect, take notes and plan to improve and develop your work further for the best possible mark
Week Key teaching points- Semester 1

Task 2: Examinable task – continue working on Final Artwork #1 Due Term 2 Week 2
Students working on their own individual production pieces
• select, combine, manipulate and refine artwork, developing a personal style and individual approach to visual art practice
Visual language
• explore, apply and refine visual language (elements and principles of art) to create innovative and personal visual solutions in the development and production of a body of work
Visual influence
• investigate artists and artwork that represent individual, collective, innovative or challenging responses to themes, issues or points of view in the visual arts
Art forms, media and techniques
• investigate, extend and refine materials and techniques in the development of artwork
Art practice
• make informed and sensitive choices when developing and presenting artwork about different religious, cultural and social practices

T1W7 Task 4: Investigation Case Study Essay on Frida Kahlo, In class essay response
Responding, in essay form to a question which includes a quote, references to artistic techniques and contexts. In-depth examination and research of Frida Kahlo and two of her artworks, elaborating which social, cultural and historical context
between the artist/s, artistic practice and influences are expressed. Students will complete this Investigation and Image analysis in class time under time pressure with no notes.
Visual analysis
• use critical analysis frameworks to analyse artworks which identify and communicate alternative points of view
• consider visual language – elements and principles of art, signs, symbols and conventions which determine production and response
Personal response
• explore issues that shape critical response and discuss contextual factors that affect meaning and interpretation
• use visual analysis and research to support personal responses and different points of view
Meaning and purpose
• examine artwork that challenges attitudes, beliefs, values and ideologies
• identify formal, stylistic and technical elements which contribute to the function or meaning in artworks
Social, cultural and historical contexts
• research social, cultural, historical and other contextual factors influencing art practice, using criticism and specific examples
present research, firmly locating the production and reception of selected artists, movements or groups in their social, cultural and historical contexts
Task 2: Examinable task – continue working on Final Artwork #1 Due Term 2 Week 2
Students working on their own individual production pieces
• select, combine, manipulate and refine artwork, developing a personal style and individual approach to visual art practice
Visual language
• explore, apply and refine visual language (elements and principles of art) to create innovative and personal visual solutions in the development and production of a body of work
Visual influence
• investigate artists and artwork that represent individual, collective, innovative or challenging responses to themes, issues or points of view in the visual arts
Art forms, media and techniques
• investigate, extend and refine materials and techniques in the development of artwork
Art practice
• make informed and sensitive choices when developing and presenting artwork about different religious, cultural and social practices
Week Key teaching points- Semester 1

Task 2: Examinable task – continue working on Final Artwork #1 Due Term 2 Week 3
Students working on their own individual production pieces
• select, combine, manipulate and refine artwork, developing a personal style and individual approach to visual art practice
Visual language
• explore, apply and refine visual language (elements and principles of art) to create innovative and personal visual solutions in the development and production of a body of work
Visual influence
• investigate artists and artwork that represent individual, collective, innovative or challenging responses to themes, issues or points of view in the visual arts
Art forms, media and techniques
• investigate, extend and refine materials and techniques in the development of artwork
Art practice
• make informed and sensitive choices when developing and presenting artwork about different religious, cultural and social practices

Continue working on Artwork #1
Task 2: Examinable task – continue working on Final Artwork #1 Due Term 2 Week 3
Students working on refining and improving their own individual production pieces
Visual language
T2 • explore, apply and refine visual language (elements and principles of art) to create innovative and personal visual solutions in the development and production of a body of work
W1 Art practice
• make informed and sensitive choices when developing and presenting artwork about different religious, cultural and social practices
• reflect on and maintain documentation of the development of thinking and working practices, explaining ideas and justifying a point of view

Task 2: Examinable task – continue working on Final Artwork #1 Due Term 2 Week 3
Students working on refining and improving their own individual production pieces
Visual language
• explore, apply and refine visual language (elements and principles of art) to create innovative and personal visual solutions in the development and production of a body of work
T2 W2 Art practice
• make informed and sensitive choices when developing and presenting artwork about different religious, cultural and social practices
• reflect on and maintain documentation of the development of thinking and working practices, explaining ideas and justifying a point of view
Week Key teaching points- Semester 1

Task 2: Examinable task –Final Artwork #1 Due –Resolved artwork, artist statement and visual evidence of work
A body of work for Unit 1 that incorporates documentation, thinking processes and the resolved artwork. Clear and concise art ist statement reflecting on resolved artwork, ideas and processes. Wix online Visual Portfolio documenting all evidence
and processes during the unit. Inclusive of all evidence, including the development of creative and critical thinking, discerning use of media, materials and techniques to produce art forms which express a unique response to the theme of ‘Personal
Perspectives: The world through my eyes.

• plan, document and produce a cohesive body of work that demonstrates sustained inquiry and exploration of concepts
Art practice
Resolved artwork commencing Week 10
• apply a range of skills and processes to produce artwork, demonstrating expressive and technical competence
• present an account of the thinking and working practices leading to the development of a body of work
T2W3 Reflection
• reflect on and maintain documentation of the development of thinking and working practices, explaining ideas and justifying a point of view
• refine and submit artist statement to be displayed with resolved artwork
• prepare visual evidence of working practice to support resolved artwork and artist statement
• provide an artist statement that describes the ideas, meaning, influences and personal direction taken in art making
• acknowledge primary and/or secondary visual influences(s)
• discerningly select and exhibit a body of work and resolved artwork for practical assessment
• select and display artwork for exhibition, considering space and audience
• Submit resolved artwork, artist statement and visual evidence for practical assessment

Task 5: Semester 1 – Written Examination

Analysis and Investigation
Prepare for and complete Year 11 ATAR written examination, based on the syllabus content from Unit 1 and Unit 2 (modelled on the examination design brief)
• Practice and revise Art Language
T2 • Review E and P
W4 & 5 • Review studied Artists
• Revise Art History, Postmodern and Contemporary Art Movements
• In class image analysis
• In class Compare and Contrast
• In class Exam questions
• Practice Personal opinions and responses to a variety of stimuli eg quotes and images

Week Key teaching points- Semester 2

Unit focus: ‘Personal Perspectives’ – The world through my eyes.

You will be developing and creating a body of work based on the theme ‘Personal Perspectives’. First by exploring the things you are interested in, to then inspire and relate back in to the theme Identities. Your ideas and concepts for your artwork
and processes are to be negotiated with the teacher and confirmed.
Project Proposal - Final Concept - Due Week 8
All planning visual and written such as, brainstorming, drawings, images and relating artists need to be documented in your Folio throughout the semester and will be assessed as part of your Production and Body of Work.
You are to produce a resolved artwork/s that relates to your body of work and expresses your chosen idea/s. You will then be required to write an Artist Statement, which explains your concept and artistic influences in the project.
Week Key teaching points- Semester 2

Identify and explore concepts and/or issues of personal significance that provide a broad opportunity to pursue and communicate a personal point of view. Explore factors that influence and shape points of view, such as politics, identity, gender
and religion to present an authentic body of work.

Introduction and Expectations-assessment requirements.

• Overview of course
• Marking keys
• Lesson Overview
• Task Checklist, for Folio requirements, art assessments, final artworks, due dates etc.
• Letter home to parents bout course and email assignment contacts.

Task 7: Examinable task- Final Artwork #2 – Due Term 4 Week 1.

Personal Reflection, brainstorming, discussions, research, media testing, drawing
• Discussion on possible meanings
• Focus on social, political and cultural purposes of art making
• Conceptualisation and documentation of experiences within contemporary society
• Students begin formulating ideas and motives for own artwork
• Brainstorm all ideas
• Research 2 influencing artists, technical and conceptual
• Concept development and research
• use innovative and expressive approaches to drawing involving observation to conceptualise ideas, explore themes and develop meaning in artwork
Visual language
• explore, apply and refine visual language (elements and principles of art) to create innovative and personal visual solutions in the development of ideas
Task 6: Examinable task: Body of work – Review Due Term 2 Week 11 (before you go on term break)
Artist Research
• Location of a range of artists who work is inspiring for thematic, conceptual and technical purposes
• Replicating one or two artworks which something thematic or technical can be learnt
Concept Development
• Media testing of possible mediums for artwork
• Sketches, drawings, photos relating to ideas and concepts.
• further explore drawing to investigate ways of developing and communicating ideas and personal viewpoints
• explore personal experience of contemporary society through documentation of thinking and working practices
• investigate a range of ways to develop and produce unique artwork
• organise work, demonstrating independent planning and time management
Critical Analysis- Class Discussion
T2W8 Utilise critical analysis frameworks to respond to an unfamiliar images, which is selected to allow students to reflect on art styles and movements. Investigate, articulate the art style, techniques, materials, elements and principles using fluent art
language. Discuss and explain 7 stages of analysis framework, short answer and image analysis techniques. Considering artworks from Art History and Contemporary contexts, 2D and 3D works.
Visual analysis:
• use critical analysis frameworks to analyse each artwork
• refer to visual language (elements and principles of art) and use art terminology to comment on artwork/s and discuss formal organisation (composition)
Personal response:
• provide subjective and objective responses to artwork/s, giving reasons for opinion
• support arguments and interpretations when responding to artwork/s
Commence Homework Investigation
Case Study Research on Negotiated Artist
Researching the artwork of a negotiated artists. Focus on political, social and cultural contexts within their life. Investigation, research and preparation for Case Study Essay. Investigate the style, techniques, concepts, influences and subject matter
explored by the artist. Complete all note taking sheets and hand in handwritten written drafts. Report style submission.
Commence research of selected artist/s and art movement/s
Visual analysis
• use critical analysis frameworks and historical research to undertake in-depth contextual or cross-cultural investigations
Week Key teaching points- Semester 2

Meaning and purpose

• examine artwork that challenges attitudes, beliefs, values and ideologies
• examine the relationship between audience, artwork and meaning, using visual analysis, art history and research
Task 6: Examinable task: Body of work – Due Term 2 Week 11
Working on Folio, Concept and design development
• Sketches, drawings, photos relating to ideas and concepts.
• Media testing of possible mediums for artwork
• Artist influences, conceptual and technical.
T2W9 • Multiple possible ideas and options for Final Artwork #1
• Discussions with Teacher
Visual language
• explore, apply and refine visual language (elements and principles of art) to create innovative and personal visual solutions in the development of artwork
Visual influence
• personal selection and in-depth research of artists and art forms to inform own practice

Task 6: Examinable task: Body of work – Due Term 2 Week 11

Working on Folio, Concept and design development
• Sketches, drawings, photos relating to ideas and concepts.
• Media testing of possible mediums for artwork
• Artist influences, conceptual and technical.
T2W10 • Multiple possible ideas and options for Final Artwork #1
• Discussions with Teacher
Visual language
• explore, apply and refine visual language (elements and principles of art) to create innovative and personal visual solutions in the development of artwork
Visual influence
• personal selection and in-depth research of artists and art forms to inform own practice

Task 6: Examinable task: Body of work – Due Term 1 Week 6

In class review of the following folio and concept development
Review Assessment
• Set up and display all production, folio, research work completed for class review.
• Present your work, concept and ideas for Final Artwork #1.
T2W11T2 • View your own and others work, comment, discuss.
• Class and teacher discussion to give feedback, ideas and support to get the best mark possible
• Consider what it will look like when finished – GALLERY STANDARD
• Teacher to take notes for final mark and provide feedback to student
Reflect, take notes and plan to improve and develop your work further for the best possible mark


Continue working on Artwork #2
Week Key teaching points- Semester 2

Task 7: Examinable task – continue working on Final Artwork #2 Due Term 4 Week 1
Students working on their own individual production pieces
• select, combine, manipulate and refine artwork, developing a personal style and individual approach to visual art practice
Visual language
• explore, apply and refine visual language (elements and principles of art) to create innovative and personal visual solutions in the development and production of a body of work
Visual influence
• investigate artists and artwork that represent individual, collective, innovative or challenging responses to themes, issues or points of view in the visual arts
Art forms, media and techniques
• investigate, extend and refine materials and techniques in the development of artwork
Art practice
• make informed and sensitive choices when developing and presenting artwork about different religious, cultural and social practices

Task 7: Examinable task – continue working on Final Artwork #2 Due Term 4 Week 1
Students working on their own individual production pieces
• select, combine, manipulate and refine artwork, developing a personal style and individual approach to visual art practice
Visual language
• explore, apply and refine visual language (elements and principles of art) to create innovative and personal visual solutions in the development and production of a body of work
Visual influence
• investigate artists and artwork that represent individual, collective, innovative or challenging responses to themes, issues or points of view in the visual arts
Art forms, media and techniques
• investigate, extend and refine materials and techniques in the development of artwork
Art practice
• make informed and sensitive choices when developing and presenting artwork about different religious, cultural and social practices
Week Key teaching points- Semester 2

Task 7: Examinable task – continue working on Final Artwork #2 Due Term 4 Week 1
Students working on their own individual production pieces
• select, combine, manipulate and refine artwork, developing a personal style and individual approach to visual art practice
Visual language
• explore, apply and refine visual language (elements and principles of art) to create innovative and personal visual solutions in the development and production of a body of work
Visual influence
• investigate artists and artwork that represent individual, collective, innovative or challenging responses to themes, issues or points of view in the visual arts
Art forms, media and techniques
• investigate, extend and refine materials and techniques in the development of artwork
Art practice
• make informed and sensitive choices when developing and presenting artwork about different religious, cultural and social practices

T3W3 Task 9: Investigation Case Study Essay on Negotiated Artist, In class essay response
Responding, in essay form to a question which includes a quote, references to artistic techniques and contexts. In-depth examination and research of Negotiated Artist and two of their artworks, elaborating which social, cultural and historical
context between the artist/s, artistic practice and influences are expressed. Students will complete this Investigation and Image analysis in class time under time pressure with no notes.
Visual analysis
• use critical analysis frameworks to analyse artworks which identify and communicate alternative points of view
• consider visual language – elements and principles of art, signs, symbols and conventions which determine production and response
Personal response
• explore issues that shape critical response and discuss contextual factors that affect meaning and interpretation
• use visual analysis and research to support personal responses and different points of view
Meaning and purpose
• examine artwork that challenges attitudes, beliefs, values and ideologies
• identify formal, stylistic and technical elements which contribute to the function or meaning in artworks
Social, cultural and historical contexts
• research social, cultural, historical and other contextual factors influencing art practice, using criticism and specific examples
• present research, firmly locating the production and reception of selected artists, movements or groups in their social, cultural and historical contexts
Task 7: Examinable task – continue working on Final Artwork #2 Due Term 4 Week 1
Students working on their own individual production pieces
• select, combine, manipulate and refine artwork, developing a personal style and individual approach to visual art practice
Visual language
• explore, apply and refine visual language (elements and principles of art) to create innovative and personal visual solutions in the development and production of a body of work
Visual influence
• investigate artists and artwork that represent individual, collective, innovative or challenging responses to themes, issues or points of view in the visual arts
Art forms, media and techniques
• investigate, extend and refine materials and techniques in the development of artwork
T3W4 Art practice
• make informed and sensitive choices when developing and presenting artwork about different religious, cultural and social practices
Week Key teaching points- Semester 2

Task 8: Analysis, Compare and Contrast #2, In class essay response

Essay writing on two unseen artworks using the seven stages of analysis. Utilise critical analysis frameworks to respond to unfamiliar images which are selected to allow students to explore the theme of Personal Perspectives. Investigate, compare
and contrast the style, techniques, concepts, influences and subject matter explored by two artists/images.

Analyse two images and respond to factors affecting points of view, such as time, place, culture, religion and/or politics, synthesising this knowledge to express a personal viewpoint or position.
Visual analysis
• use critical analysis frameworks to analyse artwork which identify and communicate alternative perspectives and meaning
• study, analyse and compare unfamiliar artworks from a variety of art forms, styles, times and places
• consider visual language (elements and principles of art) which influence production and response
using art terminology, make comparisons and connections between artworks to discuss formal organisation, meaning and artistic style

Task 7: Examinable task – continue working on Final Artwork #2 Due Term 3 Week 10
Students working on refining and improving their own individual production pieces
Visual language
• explore, apply and refine visual language (elements and principles of art) to create innovative and personal visual solutions in the development and production of a body of work
Art practice
• make informed and sensitive choices when developing and presenting artwork about different religious, cultural and social practices
• reflect on and maintain documentation of the development of thinking and working practices, explaining ideas and justifying a point of view

Task 7: Examinable task – continue working on Final Artwork #2 Due Term 3 Week 10
Students working on refining and improving their own individual production pieces
Visual language
• explore, apply and refine visual language (elements and principles of art) to create innovative and personal visual solutions in the development and production of a body of work
Art practice
• make informed and sensitive choices when developing and presenting artwork about different religious, cultural and social practices
• reflect on and maintain documentation of the development of thinking and working practices, explaining ideas and justifying a point of view

Task 7: Examinable task – continue working on Final Artwork #2 Due Term 4 Week 1
Students working on refining and improving their own individual production pieces
Visual language
• explore, apply and refine visual language (elements and principles of art) to create innovative and personal visual solutions in the development and production of a body of work
Art practice
• make informed and sensitive choices when developing and presenting artwork about different religious, cultural and social practices
• reflect on and maintain documentation of the development of thinking and working practices, explaining ideas and justifying a point of view

Task 7: Examinable task – continue working on Final Artwork #2 Due Term 4 Week 1
Students working on refining and improving their own individual production pieces
Visual language
• explore, apply and refine visual language (elements and principles of art) to create innovative and personal visual solutions in the development and production of a body of work
T3 W9
Art practice
• make informed and sensitive choices when developing and presenting artwork about different religious, cultural and social practices
• reflect on and maintain documentation of the development of thinking and working practices, explaining ideas and justifying a point of view

Task 7: Examinable task – continue working on Final Artwork #2 Due Term 4 Week 1
Students working on refining and improving their own individual production pieces
Visual language
Week Key teaching points- Semester 2

• explore, apply and refine visual language (elements and principles of art) to create innovative and personal visual solutions in the development and production of a body of work
Art practice
• make informed and sensitive choices when developing and presenting artwork about different religious, cultural and social practices
• reflect on and maintain documentation of the development of thinking and working practices, explaining ideas and justifying a point of view

Task 7: Examinable task –Final Artwork #2 Due –Resolved artwork, artist statement and visual evidence of work
A body of work for Unit 2 that incorporates documentation, thinking processes and the resolved artwork. Clear and concise art ist statement reflecting on resolved artwork, ideas and processes. Wix online Visual Portfolio documenting all evidence
and processes during the unit. Inclusive of all evidence, including the development of creative and critical thinking, discerning use of media, materials and techniques to produce art forms which express a unique response to the theme of ‘Personal
Perspectives: The world through my eyes.
• Submit resolved artwork, artist statement and visual evidence for practical assessment

Analysis and Investigation

Prepare for and complete Year 11 ATAR written examination, based on the syllabus content from Unit 1 and Unit 2 (modelled on the examination design brief)
T4 W1 • Practice and revise Art Language
• Review E and P
• Review studied Artists
• Revise Art History, Postmodern and Contemporary Art Movements
• In class image analysis
• In class Compare and Contrast
• In class Exam questions
Practice Personal opinions and responses to a variety of stimuli eg quotes and images

Analysis and Investigation

Prepare for and complete Year 11 ATAR written examination, based on the syllabus content from Unit 1 and Unit 2 (modelled on the examination design brief)
• Practice and revise Art Language
• Review E and P
T4 W2
• Review studied Artists
• Revise Art History, Postmodern and Contemporary Art Movements
• In class image analysis
• In class Compare and Contrast
• In class Exam questions
Practice Personal opinions and responses to a variety of stimuli eg quotes and images
Task 10: Semester 2 – Written Examination
Analysis and Investigation
Prepare for and complete Year 11 ATAR written examination, based on the syllabus content from Unit 1 and Unit 2 (modelled on the examination design brief)
• Practice and revise Art Language
T4 W3-4 • Review E and P
• Review studied Artists
• Revise Art History, Postmodern and Contemporary Art Movements
• In class image analysis
• In class Compare and Contrast
• In class Exam questions
Practice Personal opinions and responses to a variety of stimuli eg quotes and images
Begin Year 12 Course
Appendix 1 – Grade descriptions Year 11
Art making (production)
A Produces artworks with skilful communication of well-considered ideas.
Shows sensitivity and control in the application of media, techniques, skills and processes.
Extensively explores, and effectively manipulates, visual language in the production of artworks.
Applies discriminating decision making in the development and presentation of resolved artworks.
Art interpretation (analysis and investigation)
Provides detailed, coherent analyses explaining construction and aesthetic organisation, and describing
layers of meaning when interpreting artworks.
Provides complex, thoughtful and detailed personal responses that are clearly justified and well
supported with specific evidence.
Undertakes thorough research, selecting and integrating relevant contextual information to formulate
informed conclusions.

Art making (production)

B Produces artworks showing clear communication of coherent and cohesive ideas.
Shows proficient application of media, techniques, skills and processes.
Thoroughly explores, and shows considered use of, visual language in the production of artworks.
Applies careful decision making in the development and presentation of resolved artworks.
Art interpretation (analysis and investigation)
Provides detailed analyses that interpret how artworks have been constructed to convey meaning.
Provides structured personal responses with interpretation and opinions that are supported with logical
reasons and relevant evidence.
Undertakes purposeful research, identifying sources and organising information to formulate thoughtful

Art making (production)

C Produces artworks that communicate simple ideas.
Shows simple application of media, techniques, skills and processes.
Explores with some purpose, and shows considered use of, visual language in the production of
Applies straightforward decision making in the development and presentation of resolved artworks.
Art interpretation (analysis and investigation)
Provides general analyses of artworks, focusing on key features and formal organisation, and offers
some appropriate interpretations of meaning.
Provides clear personal responses with plausible reasons to support opinions.
Undertakes research, identifying sources and organising information to formulate general and/or simple

Art making (production)

D Produces artworks showing rudimentary communication of simple and mostly unresolved ideas.
Shows inconsistent, and sometimes inappropriate, use of media, techniques, skills and processes.
Displays mainly uninformed and/or ineffective use of visual language in the production of artworks.
Applies minimal decision making in the development and presentation of artworks.
Art interpretation (analysis and investigation)
Provides brief analyses of artworks, with mostly obvious or superficial interpretations of meaning.
Provides personal responses with underdeveloped reasons to support opinions.
Undertakes minimal and/or superficial research, forming conclusions that are often unsupported.

Does not meet the requirements of a D grade and/or has completed insufficient assessment tasks to
E be assigned a higher grade.
Marking key for Production
Review Body of Work
Inquiry /6
Thorough exploration of ideas using Satisfactory exploration of ideas Basic exploration of ideas showing
a variety of drawings and showing some drawing and limited drawing and investigative
investigative approaches 5–6 investigative approaches 3–4 approaches 1–2
Comments: _________________________________________________________________________________

Visual language
Highly competent exploration and Sound exploration and manipulation Limited exploration and
manipulation of visual language 3 of visual language 2 manipulation of visual language 1
Comments: _________________________________________________________________________________

Visual influence /3
Highly considered influences Sound consideration given to the Limited consideration given to the
demonstrated in work 3 use of influences in work 2 use of influences in work 1
Comments: _________________________________________________________________________________

Art forms, media and techniques /6

Excellent application of media and Competent application of media and Limited application of media and
techniques used to communicate technique demonstrated in work techniques demonstrated in work
intended meaning and purpose 3–4
5–6 1–2
Comments: _________________________________________________________________________________

Art practice /3
Refined use of skills and processes Satisfactory use of skills and Basic use of skills and processes
showing a high level of discernment processes demonstrated in work demonstrated in work
3 2 1
Comments: _________________________________________________________________________________

Presentation /3
Work well documented and Work completed, soundly organised Work incomplete, insufficiently
presented to a very high standard and presented organised and presented
3 2 1
Comments: _________________________________________________________________________________

Reflection /6
Highly considered influences Sound consideration given to the Limited consideration given to the
demonstrated in work 5–6 use of influences in work 3–4 use of influences in work 1–2
Comments: _________________________________________________________________________________

Total /30
Marking key for Production Year 11
Artwork #1 & #2

Comments: _________________________________________________________________
Marking key for Written
Description Marks
Criterion 1: Visual analysis /10
Identify and discuss key Comprehensive analysis of artwork that explains media, 10–9
features of artwork aesthetic qualities and conceptual meanings, using selective
Recognise how artwork visual language
has been constructed Detailed analysis of artwork and identification of key meanings, 8–7
Discuss materials, using appropriate visual language
techniques and processes Analysis of artwork and identification of key meanings, using 6–5
used in artwork appropriate visual language
Interpret and make Basic analysis of artwork focused mainly on the formal aspects 4–3
judgements about artwork and/or key features, using a limited range of visual language
Analysis of artwork restricted to being largely descriptive 2–1
and/or emotive, with limited use of visual language
Criterion 2: Personal response /10
Express personal opinions Expresses own viewpoint articulately and supports personal 10–9
about artwork opinions with reference to comprehensive visual evidence from
Support opinions about artwork
artwork Expresses own viewpoint and supports opinion with reference 8–7
to visual evidence from artwork
Provides reasons for personal conclusions about artwork based 6–5
on some visual evidence
A few simple reasons offered to support opinions and personal 4–3
conclusions about artwork
Personal opinions about artwork stated but not supported with 2–1
Criterion 3: Meaning and purpose /10
Offer reasons why artwork Informed and thorough discussion of concepts, meaning, 10–9
is produced. purpose and value of artwork, incorporating varied or
Interpret the meaning conflicting interpretations
communicated by art Comprehensive interpretation of meaning communicated in 8–7
work artwork
Discuss alternative Straightforward and literal interpretation of artwork and its 6–5
readings of artwork meaning
Basic interpretation of artwork and its meaning 4–3
Limited interpretation of artwork 2–1
Criterion 4: Social, cultural and historical contexts /10
Discuss the context of Comprehensive discussion which clearly identifies the contexts 10–9
artist’s/artists’ practice and critical discourse surrounding artist’s/artists’ and their
and give examples of their work
work Detailed discussion which identifies the contexts and critical 8–7
Discuss the social, cultural discourse surrounding artist’s/artists’ and their work
and historical influences Satisfactory discussion which identifies some of the contexts 6–5
on the work of selected surrounding artist’s/artists’ and their work
artists Simple discussion which identifies basic and obvious contexts 4–3
Identify the impact of surrounding artist’s/artists’ and their work
artists’ socially, culturally Limited discussion which identifies few of the contexts 2–1
and historically surrounding artist’s/artists’ and their work
Final total /40
Note: Zero will be used for each criterion when there is no evidence demonstrated relating to that criterion.


Online Resources
• Empty Kingdom
• My Modern Metropolis
• Colossal
• Empty Magazine
• Saatchi Gallery
• Saatchi Art
• Sweet Station
• Western Australian Art Gallery
• Perth Institute of Contemporary Art
• National Gallery, Victoria
• Fremantle Arts Centre
• Design Sponge
• Designer Daily
• Elements and Principles
• Colour Theory
• Winsor and Newton Resource Centre
• Frida Kahlo
• WACE information
• Connect
• Thesaurus

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