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LECTURE : Mr. Rizal Paradeso M.Pd

Created by :

1. Siti Hidayatul Aini

2. Umdatussalikah Azkari
3. Uswatun Hasanah



All praise and thanks be to Allah SWT who has bestowed physical potential (nature) on
humans in general and to writers in particular which includes the potential of faith, piety,
charity and kindness so that we can complete this scientific paper as expected. Shalawat and
greetings to our great prophet Muhammad SAW to his family, friends and to his people until
the end of time.

This paper was prepared to fulfill the assignment for the course
"SOCIOLINGUISTIC".expect constructive criticism and suggestions from readers, so that
this paper can achieve perfection.




A. Backgroun of Problem
B. Formulation of Problem
C. Objectives


A. Definition of Language, Dilect, idioleg and Varieties

B. There are 7 criterias of language
C. The relationship between dialect and idiolect





A. Background of Problem
As we know that in fact, the language in the world is not a single language but
different. Moreover, in a variety of languages have various forms, such as standard
and non-standard variations. These variations arise because of social and cultural
factors, where individuals or groups of individuals live. Shape or form of language of
a person or group of people less influenced by environmental or extra lingual factors
that come into contact with it. Therefore extra lingual factor is thus a form of
language to suit a wide-variety of social reality that reflection.
All languages exhibit internal variation, each language exists in a number of varieties
and is in one sense the sum of those varieties. Hudson (1996, p. 22). Defines a variety
of language as ‘a set of linguistic items with similar distribution,’ a definition that
allows us to say that all of the following are varieties: Canadian English, London
English, the English of football commentaries, and so on.Speakers have various ways
of saying the same thing. It may arise from the mechanical limitations of the speech
organs for instance speaker may not be fully under the speaker’s control. Linguistic
variable is linguistic unit or a sociolinguistic has variant in lexical and grammatical,
but are most often phonological.
The terms of variety language are emerged due to different systems reflecting
different varieties of the human condition. Variety is a specific set of ‘linguistic items’
or ‘human speech patterns’ (presumably, sounds, words, grammatical features, etc.)
which we can connect with some external factor apparently, a geographical area or a
social group (Hudson, 1996; Ferguson, 1972 and Wardhaugh, 2006).
B. Formulation of Problems
1. What is language?
2. What is dialects?
3. What is idiolect?
4. What is varieties?
C. Objectives
1. To know what is language
2. To know what is dialects
3. To know what is idiolect.
4. To know what is varieties


A. Definition of Language, Dialect, idiolect and Varieties

Lower part of variety language is dialect and as the main part is language. Language
and dialect can be the same when language was spoken by a few people and has only
one variety but some expert say it is unsuitable to say dialect and language is the same
because the requirement of lower part can not be found. We can say also Dialect A, B,
C and so on is the part of language X because it is spoken by many varieties dialect A,
B, C. Edward (2009) also define dialect as a variety of a language that differs from
others along three dimensions: vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation (accent).
Many people there can be no confusion at all about what language they speak. For
example, they are Chinese, Japanese, or Korean and they speak. Chinese, Japanese,
and Korean respectively. It is as simple as that; language and ethnicity are virtually
synonymous (Coulmas, 1999)

A Chinese may be surprised to find that another person who appears to be Chinese
does not speak Chinese, and some Japanese have gone so far as to claim not to be able
to understand Caucasians who speak fluent Japanese. Just as such a strong connection
between language and ethnicity may prove to be invaluable in nation-building, it can
also be fraught with problems when individuals and groups seek to realize some other
identity. Language variety refers to the various forms of language triggered by social
factors. Language may change form region to region, from one social to another, from
individual to individual, and from situation to situation. This actual changes result in
the varieties of language. There are some points of varieties of language: standard
language, dialects, registers, pidgins and ceoles.

Dialect is a varieties of language used recognizably in a specific region or by a

specific social class. The term dialect is used in two distinct ways, even by linguists.
One usege rifers to a variety of language that is a characteristics of a particular group
of the language’s speakers. The term is applied most often to regional speech petterns,
but a dialect may also be defined by other factors, such as social class. The other
usege refers to a language that is socially cognate to the standard to a regional or
national standard language, often historically cognate to the standard, but not a variety
of it or in any other sense derived from it. The study of dialect is called dialectology.
while idiolect is an individual variation of language. According to the concept of
idiolect, each person has their own variation of language or idiolect. This idiolect
variation is related to "voice color, word choice, language style, sentence structure,
and so on.

B. There are 7 criterias of language

They are:
 Standardization : Codification of language: grammars, spelling books,
 literature. It is possible to teach. To make standardization, it require choosing one
elite vernacular and it can be prestigious
 Vitality : The existence of a living community of speakers.
 Historicity : A particular group of people finds their identity by using a
particular Language
 Autonomy : Other speakers of a language must be felt different from other
 Reduction : Particular variety may be regarded as a sub-variety rather than as an

independent entity.

 Mixture : Feelings about the purity or lack of purity of variety

 De facto norms : Speakers recognize as ‘good’ speakers and ‘poor’ speakers and
that the good speakers represent the norms of proper usage.

C. The relationship between dialect and idiolect

Dialect is a region's way of speaking, including not only the words themselves but
also the pronunciation of those words. Idiolect is a person's way of speaking, which
may include some of his or her local dialect but is actually a unique combination of all
factors for one particular person.

1. The difference between dialect and idiolect

Dialect :
o A dialect is a verdiom of language spoken by a group of people. It is d a
spoken variety of a language that changes im particulare areal,
communitiel ore groups often with reetatively minor differences in
vocabula vocabulary, style and spelling with pronunciation of that same
o Dialect of the same language changed from place to place.
o Dialect of a by a language is generated community or group of people.

Idiolect :

o An idialect if the way way that a pareticulare peresom spearspiel a

language ie an idiolect it the dialect of an individual persoon at one time.
The word "idio" means personal, private ore owen and lect is the back
formation word.
o Idialect of the same ore every language differes from. individual to
o Idiolect of language is genereated by a single person.
2. Types of Dialect
A dialect is a social variety of a language or a form of a language spoken in
different region of that place. Dialect can be one of two different thing: a
variety of language that is specific to one group of speakers. That is can be
effect of the area they live in, and social class.
4 types of dialects:
o Regional or geographical dialect : varieties of a language spoken in a
geographical area.
o Temporal dialect : varieties of a language used at particular stages in it’s
historical development.
o Social dialect : varieties of a language used by people belonginng to
particular social classes.
o Idiolects : varieties of language used by individual speakers, with
particularities of pronounciation, grammar and vocabullary.
o Style : the way speakers speak, the speaker also can make a choice
weather informal and formal, it depends on circumstance and the age and
social group of participant.
3. Element of idiolect
Idiolect is an individual's unique use of language, including speech. This
unique usage encompasses vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation.



Based on the explanation above, the writer will give summarize to readers about the
“Language, Dialeg and Varieties”. The language and dialect as follow: Lower part of variety
language is dialect and as the main part is language. Register are varieties of language used in
different situations, which are identified by degrees of formality. Language may change form
region to region, from one social to another, from individual to individual, and from situation
to situation. This actual changes result in the varieties of language. There are some points of
varieties of language: standard language, dialects, registers, pidgins and ceoles. Criterias of
language: Standardization, Vitality, Historicity, Autonomy, Reduction, Mixture and De facto

The diffrences in dilect are because sometimes people who live in teh same place make a
dialect and sometimes people who are similar in some way make a dialect. Other dialects are
different types of a language that come from different places or countries. Dialect can be one
of two different thing: a variety of language that is specific to one group of speakers. That is
can be effect of the area they live in, and social class. Types of dialects: Regional or
geographical dialect, Temporal dialect, Social dialect, Idiolects and Style.


Amelia, rizki. 2013.”an introduction to sociolinguistics” .Benteng Media: Pekanbaru's

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