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Photovoltaic cell

Photovoltaic cells or Solar cells are the semiconductor devices which converts sunlight into
direct Current electricity on illumination. The Solar cells or Photovoltaic cells are made out of
semiconductors which have the capacity to Absorb light. When n-type and p-type semiconductor
are bought together a semiconductor diode is Formed. The semiconductor diodes collect the
carrier’s and conducts the generated electrical Current preferentially in a specific direction.
Construction and working of photovoltaic cells:
A typical silicon photovoltaic cell is composed of a thin wafer consisting of an ultra thin layer Of
phosphorus doped.(n-type)silicon onto p of boron doped (p-type) silicon. Hence a p-n Junction is
formed. A metallic grid forms one of the electrical current contact so the diode and Allows light
to fall on the semiconductor between the gridlines. An anti-reflective layer between The gridlines
increases the amount of light transmitted to the semiconductor. The cell’s other Electrical
contacts is formed by a metallic layer on the back of the solar cell.
Metal finishing:
“Metal finishing defined as the modification of the surface properties of metal by deposition of
Layer of another metal or a polymer or by the formation of an oxide film”. The principles of
metal finishing are used in the Electroplating of metals, alloys and composites. Manufacture of
electronic components such as printed circuit boards, capacitors and plating of metal Over cheap
materials like plastics and other insulators.
Important electrochemical metal finishing techniques are
Electroplating of metals, alloys and composites
Electroless plating of metals, alloys and composites
Technological Importance of metal finishing:
 Metal finishing is carried out to give a decorative surface and
 To impart the following desirable characteristics to metals, alloys or composites. These
(i)To offer corrosion resistance
(ii)To impart abrasion and wear resistance
(iii)To impart thermal resistance and resistance to impact
(iv) to provide electrical and thermal conduction
(v) to offer the surface a thermal or optical reflectivity
(vi) In the manufacture the electrical and electronic components such as printed
circuit boards (PCB),capacitors and contacts.
(vii) to manufacture the metal articles entirely by electroplating
(viii) to reproduce finely engraved dies or similar finely divided articles such as
gramophone records And In electrochemical machining, polishing and etching.
Fuel cell:
Electrochemical sell that converts the chemical energy of fuel and an oxidizing agent Into
electricity through redox reaction
Methanol-Oxygen Fuel Cells:
Methanol is one of the most electro active organic fuels in the low temperature range. It is
Mainly because:
1. It has low carbon content
2. It possesses a readily oxidisable OH group
3. It has high solubility in aqueous electrolyte
 The cell produces an emf of 1.20 V at 250 C
 Methanol containing some sulphuric acid (3.7 M) and circulated through anode chamber.
 Pure oxygen is passed through the cathode chamber and sulphuric acid, is placed in the central
 Both electrodes are made of platinum
 A membrane is inserted adjacent to the cathode on the inner side to minimise diffusion of
Methanol into the cathode.
 In absence of the membrane, methanol diffuses through the electrolyte into the cathode and
Undergoes oxidation.
 An advantage of the use of an acid electrolyte is that the CO2, a product of the reaction can
Remove easily.
At anode:
CH3OH (l) + H2O (l) —> CO2 (g) + 6H (aq) + 6e-
At cathode:
1½ O2 (g) + 6H(aq) + 6e —> 3H2O (l)
Overall reaction:
CH3OH (l) + 1½ O2 (g) —> CO2 (g) + 2H2O (l)
Used in military applications and in large scale power production.

Galvanization (anodic metal coating):

Galvanization is a process of coating a base metal with more active metals which are anodic to
the base Metal.
Ex: coating of more active Zn metal on base metal iron The process of coating zinc on iron by
hot dipping is called galvanizing. It is carried as follows.
 The iron sheet is subjected to pretreatment by degreasing with organic solvents.
 The sheet is passed through dilute sulphuric acid (pickling) to remove rust and other
deposition And rinsed with water.
 The sheet is treated with a mixture of aqueous solution of zinc chloride and ammonium
chloride To prevent the oxidation of zinc and dried
 The treated sheet is dried and dipped in molten zinc at 4300-4700C.
 Excess Zinc is removed by rolling, wiping or passing blast of air.

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