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Of course I would not stay at home if I knew

a demon is conquering our world, I mean if I
had time to do anything before world
conquering, I wouldn’t be least bothered to
get out of my house . When death was at my
doorstep all I could think of was my amateur
days that had my life going at its best. Those
days when nobody cared about any kid
going to park, or anywhere, we just had to
get home by dinner. Then it clicked me, my
childhood days were not normal, I mean I

am sure nobody’s was. But not in a negative

or positive way, I always mostly stayed at
my aunt’s place because my parents thought
that it would be great for me to live with my
aunt’s lads, but little did she knew, a 5 foot 6
inch damp black haired with glasses ,
wearing a girls shorts, couldn’t even talk
back to them even if I was right So the only
thing that kept me from murdering the
whole block, were my friends. Jasel the
eldest one of us and after them were the two
idiotic and the most disturbing backstory
men’s I ever encountered in milky way
Drezel and strip. And then the most
youngest one, me James, my name is James
but I am not the prince or king of any
fairytale. We as the most annoying bunch
there could ever exist were average in
studies. Every one was normal within us

except Drezel. Although I at that time was

always had a disturbing dream about a door,
I know it sounds stupid but this was nothing
funny, not like I had a trauma of doors
because it nearly got me killed one time, in
my dream I would be standing in front of a
blue door looking really terrified as if I was
running from something, I would try to open
the door which was kind of sturdy standing
in the middle of nowhere. And in that state I
was opening the door as if I was scared of
something or someone catching up to me.
Further I in the possession of fear open the
door but every time before I open the door I
wake up from the dream. Whenever I told
my friends that I had a bad dream they
would laugh and say “it should be because
you couldn’t give up on Jennifer” only
drezel believed me but his support was not
counted in our group because he was stupid.

Jennifer was my first crush but she was into

guys who had muscles slightly bigger than
turtles, so there was no chance for me
because of that. She was a beautiful
incarnation of God with blond hair with dark
blue eyes, I heard that she has dated like 10
guys this semester, and here I am who has
only talked to one girl, my gym instructor
who has muscles that could even defeat
superman. My mother consoles me by
saying that God is Jesus and Jesus is a man
so we could never be together, but I choose
Greek gods there are so many of them and
some are girls too, so that is why I am not
even married yet. My friend jasel had a
family shop of ammunition and of course it
was licensed. He would brag and show us
some of the guns.

At that time of the year kidnapping was like,
doing a job like someone had made it legal.
Children’s were getting kidnapped every
where but that did not stopped us from going
outside because our parents did not really
care about anything. So me and my friends
took our cycle and rode everywhere in the
city when we got across Jenifer’s house I
took the all the courage there was me to go
and meet her. When I rang the doorbell my
all confidence had left my body at that time
it was like I was a living scoundrel but, with
no muscle. When I heard footsteps coming
my way but they were too deep for a 15 girl
this was the reason or she is definitely

working out, the door knob Rotating and my

heartbeat synced perfectly. The door opened
and my soul left my body that’s how
nervous I was, her mother was standing at
the step with a face like she has been crying
a lot she took the courage to tell me that
Jenifer had been kidnapped. After hearing
the news I was feeling very sad, she told me
that they are arranging a funeral for her
tomorrow. When I asked about telling the
police she said that they have already filed a
missing file of her but there was no research
and she is missing from 10 month’s. Then
she closed the door. Certainly if someone
else had got missing I couldn’t bother less,
but here we are talking about Jenifer I
quickly got of her house stair and decided
that if someone is going to find her it’s me. I
told my friends about the situation and they
were ready to help me, well they had

because they had nothing planned on that

day. So we got everything we need. And
started searching for Jenifer. Her mom told
us that the last time she saw her was at the
church, which was a bit confusing as people
here are very religious and there are
Church’s everywhere. Trust me these people
would had build a church after every house
if it was not for privacy issue. So we thought
of going to the Church’s near her house
there were only two Church’s near her house
1 at elm road and second just after the city’s
main intersection. It could take a lot of time
to find her in these two location but for the
love of my life I would even get lost.
Drezel’s father was policeman so we asked
Drezel’s theory about the case he said that if
we talk about the first location, it was pretty
far from her house and being the only child
of her family someone must have came with

her, to drop her or to stay with her. Hearing

this one thing clicked me, that she was
nowhere religious like the rest of her family
members that means she was kind of forced.
And after knowing that her father was
running for the mayor of the city my doubt
was clear. But strip interrupted saying that
she could have gone with her friend sancha.



Sancha was a brunette haired, nerdy girl

with large specs like she can see the whole
universe from her eyes. I can believe that
Jenifer had became friends with her because
of her kindness but some people in the world
do not deserve it. So we got her address and
got to her house, we ran the doorbell and the
door was opened by her mother that had
some resemblance of her. We said that we
are here to see her daughter and she smiled
and called her. She came downstairs running
and asked “ what happened “ in her squeaky
little voice we asked if she had gone with
Jenifer to the local church, she with a
surprised face said “how did you know”
turns out strips theory was correct we had
caught her red handed. We called her out

and I asked” what did you do to Jenifer” she

said that she didn’t did anything to her. In
fact Jenifer urged her to come. I was
confused because if she was not a religious
why did she go to the church, with a person
she met few weeks. So we all decided to
investigate the church. We came to know
that the Church’s name was nomed. It was
made in mid of world war 2 for Christian
nomads. With this much information we
took off to the church. The road was straight
for few distance but a big unnecessary
intersection came I thought that road would
get busy in morning so they build this to
avoid traffic, but jasel told us that there
should not have been enough traffic as
residents don’t usually go from here as the
roads are not strong and all the roads that
diverge from here go to the other town. As
usual the mayor uses the money we give to

make unnecessary builds like he is playing

Minecraft but when are pipes are dirty and
black we are called ‘Racist’ for cleaning
them. We crossed the intersection and came
across a church but it was not nemod. It was
a another church and besides it was Nemod.
Seriously speaking why do you want two
Church’s one after the other. We parked our
cycle and got to the door, but Drezel felt
weird as there were no houses near by. As
we came closer to the doorstep the image of
the door became clear and clear, as we saw
the door we were surprised that it was
locked, if you don’t know why are we
surprised it’s because Church’s are never
locked the only reason locking it should be
either the church is not in function or no
body uses it frequently. We entered through
another door, a window that was broken, we
saw that it was clearly abandoned because

there was clearly no cleaning going around

this church. But as we continued further
down to birch diamond shaped stairs we
decided that this was a bad idea but then
strip saw something lurking in between the
chairs of the hall, frightened I looked down
just to see a rectangular plastic type thing so
I decided to pick it up. Thank God I did it, it
was Jenifer’s phone but then suddenly we
heard someone approaching us in a flash
speed, we quickly got outside before the
noice got louder. When we got outside we
saw nothing we thought that it must have
been a very heavy animal or a bear so we
picked up our cycle and rode back home. At
home as usual no one asked anyone one of
us where we went as if they want to talk
about everything on the dinning table.
Quickly without wasting any time we had a
meeting in my basement. As we talked we

had no clue about the disappearance of

Jenifer except one, the phone, we opened the
phone only to see that there was not a lock!!
Literally my grandma has a lock on her
phone. And a girl! The girls those days even
lock their body if they could except Carol.
That day was the worst day of everyone’s
life I mean who keeps a video of a freaking
working food chain of animals in their
phone and not lock it you see not everyone’s
turtle. Coming back we opened it very
easily, strip told us that wether this girl is
modern or not ‘a girl is a girl’ she must have
taken thousands of hundreds of photos in
church so we should go through her gallery.
And when we saw her latest photo we were
shocked it was a photo of her cheering in a
BTS concert. The reason we were shocked
was that the concert she had gone to was
literally yesterday.

We were very confused about where did this
photo came from and how is Jenifer not
missing. All this happened very fast but it
was normal for Drezel this was normal. So
he thought of two possibilities of what had
happene, either Jenifer ran from or this
photo was edited. We thought over this and
came at a decision that the concert was in
korea which was a 4 day flight from here so
this was humanly impossible for her to get
there this fast, or sancha was lying the
sooner we were getting close to revealing
the truth louder the sound of someone
approaching us.


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