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SCHOOL YEAR 2023-2024

3rd Quarter Handout

Lesson 5: Types of Media

End in mind:

1. Classify contents of different media types (MIL11/12TYM-IIId-10);

2. Define media convergence through current examples (MIL11/12TYM-IIId-11); and
3. Discuss to class on how a particular individual/ or society is portrayed in public using different type of
media (MIL11/12TYM-IIId-12).

Media is everywhere. From the moment you wake up until before you sleep, media can be present and be
utilized by people. As 21st century learners, you have to learn what are those media that consumes most of
your time. You have to know what the kinds of media are you are using.

Types of Media

Print Media
Print Media is a means of mass communication in the form of printed publications.

Types of Print Media

1. Newspaper is a printed media consists of news, feature articles, and advertisements about current issues and
Two kinds:
*Broadsheet newspapers are for audience who are usually professional and into formal reading and in-depth
analysis of issues. Therefore, it is for those who wants an elaborated content of the current issue or event.

Tabloid, on the other hand, are for readers who prefer to know only the important facts about the issue or news
and those who are looking for entertainment.

2. Books are print media that may contain educational information or simply be used or produce for
entertainment. Some examples of books are atlas, dictionary, and fiction or non-fiction novels.
Atlas is a collection of various maps of the earth or a specific region of the earth, such as the U.S. or Europe.
The maps in atlases show geographic features, the topography of an area's landscape and political boundaries.
They also show climatic, social, religious and economic statistics of an area.

Dictionary is a book or electronic resource that lists the words of a language (typically in alphabetical order)
and gives their meaning, or gives the equivalent words in a different language, often also providing information
about pronunciation, origin, and usage.
Fiction and non-fiction novels are kinds that may contain information that is purely created by the author’s
imagination (fiction) and/or a real-life story or a self-help guide (non-fiction).

Magazine contains articles that is based on different topics depending on the area of interest that the said
published material is focusing. Magazines are often used for entertainment.

Brochures, leaflets, and flyers are published media that is often used for advertising, promoting services or
products offered by a company or organization. Brochures contain detailed information about the services or
products of a company. Leaflets and flyers usually contain a brief information about the offer and used to easily
spread information by giving it out to people or posting it.

Billboards are large outdoor boards that commonly displays advertisements. These boards can usually be found
along highways. This may contain an advertisement about a product, movie, etc.

Broadcast Media

Broadcast Media is the type of media that uses electronic mass communication medium to deliver information
to the widest possible audience. The messages are broken down into waves that is being transmitted to the
audience with the help of soundwaves or airwaves.

Radio is a broadcast media that uses sound formats to convey entertaining, educational, commercial, and
informational shows.

Television is another broadcast media that uses video format to convey entertaining, educational, commercial,
and informational shows.

New Media

New Media is the type of media that uses digital technology such as the Internet and social media platforms to
convey information to a wider audience.

Examples are websites, social media applications, mobile applications, digital cameras, streaming audio and
video, email, etc. Mobile phones are smart devices not only used for interaction but also for technical utilities.
These phones keep on developing and as it evolves, its usefulness also improves. It can be utilized for
communication and also for controlling another device.

Websites are virtual location on the World Wide Web. It contains several webpages and data files that Internet
users can access through a browser such as Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox.

Blogs are online diary or journal located on a website.

Vlogs are online diary or journal, however, this one includes or being posted in a form of video that serves as an
explanation on what the blog is all about. The difference between the two is that blog is purely text based and a
vlog uses video and sometimes combine it with texts to explain or tell the events or happening.

Social Media are websites that allow profile creation and communication. These social media application or
sites include Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, YouTube, LinkedIn, etc. These sites are being used as a
platform not only for sharing daily happenings in life, thoughts and ideas but also for discussion or debate for
current issues and events. Also, at the present time, it also serves as a platform for online classes as it is the
most accessible among all online classrooms.

Electronic Mail or e-mail is a digital mechanism for exchanging messages through the Internet or Intranet
communication platforms. It is used for sending documents for work or school. The commonly used e-mail sites
are Gmail and Yahoo Mail.

Activity # 5

I. Answer each question concisely.

1. Enumerate and discuss the different types of media

Print Media,Broadcast Media,New Media
- as the name it significant that if it is print media it is all about print (paper,magazine,etc) and
when it comes to broadcast media it talks about radio and anything that we can hear nor see
and when it comes to new media it tackles about the internet we are using nowadays and how we
use it in our daily lives.
2. What is media convergence?
- Media convergence refers to the merging of traditional media platforms with digital
technologies and the integration of various forms of media content into a single platform or
device. It represents the coming together of previously distinct forms of media.
3. What are the examples of media convergence?
- such as television, radio, print, and the internet, facilitated by advances in technology
and changes in consumer behavior.

4. Why media convergence a trend that cannot be done away?

-media convergence is not a temporary trend but a fundamental paradigm shift driven by
technological, economic, cultural, and social factors. As long as these factors continue to shape the
media landscape, media convergence will remain a prominent and enduring feature of the digital

5. How important is it to become information literate in accessing information coming from

different types of media?
information literacy is essential for navigating the vast and complex landscape of information
and media in the digital age. It empowers individuals to think critically, engage responsibly,
and participate meaningfully in society, fostering informed citizenship, lifelong learning, and
ethical decision-making.
I. Underline what type of media these media format belongs and state your reason why that particular
media format is classified as print, broadcast or new media.

1. Magazine is a (print, broadcast, new) media because (state your reason)

magazines are in print media because they are using paper to communicate or to give entertainment to other

2. Television is a (print, broadcast, new) media because

broadcast media because they are using electronic devices that broadcast information or entertainment also to
other people.

3. YouTube is a (print, broadcast, new) media because

It is a new media because as the technology evolves the ways to share information is also evolving and I think
that youtube is a new media because it is new and advanced.

4. Film is a (print, broadcast, new) media because

It is a new media since I said there's no such as film before and it is evolving in our present time now and it is
still new in our society but I also think that it is also in broadcast media since film is in the television before.

5. Social media is a (print, broadcast, new) media because

It is surely a new media since social media is a new platform where we can share infos, talk with each other and
use it for entertainment purposes.

Output # 1

Create your own magazine cover using any photo editing application that you have. You should be the model in
your magazine cover. You can think of any theme but reminder that you have to make it presentable and/or

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