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Extreme sports such as skydiving and skiing are very dangerous and

should be banned.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?

To entertain themselves, many people pick up exciting outdoor

activities. Some people support the ban of action sports like skydiving
and skiing due to their dangers. However, I heavily disagree with this
statement because of two reasons.
Firstly, the players are full aware of the dangers of extreme sports. To
start with, people who play skydiving or skiing have to fill in a form that
gives consent to playing such sports. The form lists all possible dangers
and injuries that may occur during the playing session, so the players
have time to think it through. In addition, because players are
knowledgeable about the dangers, they can protect themselves.
Extreme sports enjoyers wear safety gears to protect themselves and
learn first aid in case anything bad happens.
Secondly, action sports are simply the passion of many people.
Everybody needs to be able to follow whatever they like. To many
people, the thrill and excitement of the skydiving and skiing cannot be
found anywhere else. That is the reason why while players know the
risks they are facing, they keep coming back. It is because when they
face death, they feel the most alive.
In conclusion, I do not agree that extreme sports should be outlawed
due to the willingness and passion of the players. Thus, players should
be allowed to pursue what they enjoy most.
Nowadays people waste a lot of food that was bought from shops and restaurants. Why
do you think people waste food? What can be done to reduce the amount of food they
throw away?

The wastage of food is still a burning issue in our modern world. A large
percentage of wasted food comes from consumers buying pre-prepared food. In
my opinion, I think overbuying and poor planning lead to this issue, however
there are still solutions to this problem.
To start with, the consumers are buying too much food than needed. It is
common for people to overestimate how much they can eat before their bellies
are full. Or in some cases, food come in packages that are too large for a person
to fully consumed. For example, most people can only eat a few donuts, however,
bakeries often sell a box containing tens of them.
In addition, bad planning often leads to wasted food. This is when consumers buy
a large amount of items but forget to utilize them all. What’s worse is that these
forgotten foods may become spoiled and unfit for consumption, by then the
owner must throw them in the trash. Notable food that easily go bad includes
salads and pastries, which many consumers buy from vendors.
However, there are measures that can prevent the problem of wasted food.
Firstly, people can learn to better their food source better. They should sit down
and plan carefully how much food they need in what periods of time. Secondly,
people can eat at home more. While store-bought food is perishable, raw
ingredients last longer in the fridge. Thus people should learn to cook for
themselves instead of relying on pre-prepared items.
In conclusion, while excessive buying and inadequate organizing of store-bought
food lead to wastage, there are still ways to ease the situation. People should
learn to appreciate food and not let them go to waste.
The diagram illustrates the process of producing olive oil.
Overall, it is obvious that there are seven main stages in this process,
starting with picking olives and ending with putting olive oil on sale.
At the first stage of the process, workers harvest olives from their trees
and put them in containers. The next step begins when the olives are
put into a machine to be rinsed cleanly under cold water. After that, the
olives are transported through a conveyer belt to a pressure machine,
where they are smashed and divided into olive paste and olive stones.
Following this, the paste is loaded into bags with hole and then go into
the pressing machine. Coming to the final stages of the process, the
products are separated into water and oil. Finally, the obtained olive oil
is packaged and stored and can be put on sale in any supermarkets or

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