Gwen-Cleopatra presentation

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CLEOPATRA early years

● Cleopatra was born on January,69 BC in ancient egypt
● She inherited the throne at at 18 but with her 12 year old brother
CLEOPATRA middle years
● In a few years Cleopatra's brother and friends overthrew her. And
then Julius caesar came and Cleopatra told him to help her get back the
● They were happy for a few years and then they had a child and got
married and Julius became dictator.
● Later he was murdered by some senits.
CLEOPATRA later years
● Cleopatra died on August 10, 30 BC
● Cleopatra influenced the politics of Rome like no other woman of her era
● Cleopatra changed here society forever
CLEOPATRA interesting facts
● Cleopatra spoke nine languages including ethiopian ,Hebrew,and latin.
● Cleopatra a was part of a family line of people called the Ptolemies from
when they originally took over egypt.
CLEOPATRA interesting facts

Cleopatra inherited Julius cesar

the throne with her came 41 BC Battle of Actium
Born Died

Cleopatra was born on ?no clue? October 2nd 48 Mark Antony September Cleopatra died
January,69 BC in ancient
egypt BC came 2nd 31 BC on August 10,
30 BC
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