Reanda profile

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Fueling Success, Shaping Tomorrow,

You r Pa r tn er For A Better Fu tu r e.







“We began our journey some 10 years ago as
Rashed Abdullah Awaji – Certified Public Accoun-
tants, with Forensic Accounting and Audit as our
expertise, and have expanded significantly over
the years in service. Being true to our core values,
from the very start, we believed in practicing and
promoting correct and ethical accounting method-
ologies and supporting accounting education. We
have always acknowledged and honored the efforts
and dedication of every single team member and
have greatly believed in the growth and advance-
ment of the careers at our organization. is the Managing Partner of Reanda Saudi Ara-
bia. He has over 20 years of diversified expe-
We broadened our vision by utilizing emerging rience in auditing and accounting, forensic ac-
technologies and software, while simultaneously counting, administration, consulting, contracts
adopting innovative solutions to provide unpar- management, and financial and accounting
alleled customized service. Hence, 10 years later arbitration. He acquired his experience while
we achieved our strategic goal by joining Reanda working with King Saud University as a prin-
International, a global and prestigious network of cipal auditor and with Saudi Electricity Com-
accounting firms. pany as a financial analyst. In addition to his
Being led by a journey of growth, dynamic rein- fellowship in the Saudi Organization for Char-
vention, sustained value creation, future building, tered and Professional Accountants (SOCPA),
and with an ever-growing determination, we move Rashed is a licensed Zakat and Tax Consultant,
forward on this exciting endeavor to conquer un- a Financial Consultant, and a Bankruptcy
explored horizons”. Trustee.

Mr. Rashed Abdullah Awaji

Chairman Reanda Saudi Arabia
Founded in 2013, Reanda Saudi Arabia, marked its inception in the city of
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Initially rooted in the capital, our commitment to de-
livering unparalleled financial services resulted in expansion in 2016, when
we inaugurated our Al-Khobar office, strategically positioning ourselves to
better serve our clients across the region.
We have a team of seasoned bilingual experts, each equipped with a wealth
of knowledge and experience in a spectrum of specialized fields. Our core
competencies span reviewing and auditing, zakat and taxation, consulting,
accounting and bookkeeping, judicial
accounting, liquidation and bankruptcy, local content, and advisory ser-
vices. This diverse skill set positions us as a comprehensive financial solu-
tions provider capable of addressing the multifaceted needs of our clients.
What sets us apart is our unwavering dedication to understanding the
unique challenges faced by our clients. With an in-depth understanding of
their business landscape, we can deliver tailored solutions.
In essence, our journey from a single office in Riyadh to a multi-location
presence epitomizes our growth, adaptability, and commitment to deliver-
ing excellence in the field of financial services. With the newly added ser-
vices, we look forward to continued growth, forging lasting partnerships,
and contributing to the financial success of our diverse clientele.
To emerge as the dynamic key player in Profes-
sional Consultation Services in Saudi Arabia, spe-
cializing in securing and managing mega projects,
and setting the bar for excellence and innovation.
Our vision is to become the pivotal connection
hub, fostering global partnerships and enabling
seamless investment and business ventures for
international companies within the evolving busi-
ness landscape of Saudi Arabia

Mission Value
Statement Statement
Our mission is to provide comprehensive and ex- At our core, we uphold a commitment to integrity,
pert accountancy and professional consultancy ensuring unwavering honesty and ethical conduct
services tailored to businesses, courts, govern- in all our dealings. Transparency is the corner-
ment entities, and foreign investors in Saudi Ara- stone of our service, providing clients with clear
bia. With a commitment to excellence, we aim to and comprehensible financial insights. Reliability
serve as a vital connection hub, facilitating seam- defines our approach, as we consistently deliver
less entry and operations for global companies accurate and timely solutions. Innovation drives
looking to invest and conduct business in Saudi us forward, adopting cutting-edge technologies
Arabia. Our focus is on delivering strategic in- to enhance financial processes. Beyond business,
sights, fostering regulatory compliance, and con- community engagement is our responsibility, con-
tributing to the success and growth of our clients tributing to the betterment of society and fostering
in the vibrant Saudi Arabian market a positive impact in the communities we serve

Values Integrity Transparency Reliability Innovation
Client-Centric Excellence:
Prioritize client needs and objectives through personalized, client-centric
Foster strong relationships built on trust, transparency, and open commu-

Expert Financial Guidance:

Provide expert financial advice and strategic insights to empower clients in
making informed decisions.
Stay abreast of industry trends, regulations, and technological advance-
ments to offer cutting-edge solutions.

Precision in Compliance:
Ensure meticulous adherence to accounting standards, legal regulations,
and ethical practices.
Proactively manage compliance requirements to mitigate risks and ensure
financial integrity.

Innovative Technology Integration:

Embrace and integrate innovative technologies to streamline processes and
enhance efficiency.
Offer digital solutions for real-time financial reporting, data analytics, and
collaborative client engagement.
Continuous Professional Development:
Foster a culture of continuous learning and professional development among our
team members.
Stay ahead in industry knowledge to provide clients with the latest insights and

Sustainability and Social Responsibility:

Integrate sustainable practices in our operations and encourage responsible finan-
cial management.
Contribute to the community through initiatives that align with our values of so-
cial responsibility.

Scalable Solutions for Growth:

Design scalable financial solutions that accommodate clients’ current needs while
anticipating future growth.
Collaborate with clients on strategic financial planning to support long-term sus-
tainability and success.

Proactive Communication:
Maintain proactive and transparent communication with clients, keeping them
informed about financial developments, opportunities, and potential challenges.

Agile and Adaptable:

Embrace an agile and adaptable approach to respond swiftly to changing econom-
ic, regulatory, and technological landscapes.
Customize services based on individual client requirements and evolving market

Measurable Performance and Continuous Improvement:

Implement key performance indicators to measure the effectiveness of our perfor-
mance and services.
Commit to a culture of continuous improvement, actively seeking feedback, and
adapting our approach to better serve our clients.

This approach reflects our commitment to delivering exceptional

value, staying ahead in the ever-evolving financial landscape, and
being a trusted partner in our clients’ success.

Audit and Assurance

Zakat and Tax
Forensic Accounting
Local Content
Audit and Assurance
In the current highly scrutinized audit en-
vironment, clients require confidence in
auditors and their methodologies. Manage-

Audit and ment expects a thorough audit with audi-

tors offering fresh insights while maintain-
ing independence to meticulously inspect
Assurance practices. Our commitment is to provide
clients with assurance, conducting a trans-
parent audit that avoids surprises, and pre-
senting value-adding ideas. With a proven
track record, we deliver robust audits, in-
stilling confidence in financial reporting in-
tegrity and control operations quality. Our
approach involves assessing financial and
business risks, designing targeted tests, and
20 prioritizing critical areas of judgment and
24 management concern over routine transac-
tion testing.

The audit objectives encompass acting as
the designated auditor for the entity, ex-
pressing a persuasive opinion on its fi-
nancial statements, and bringing attention
to key issues integral to shaping our audit
opinion. Beyond these formal objectives,
our aims extend to providing advice and
support for resolving pivotal issues and
interpreting new accounting requirements.
We are dedicated to delivering a high-quali-
ty audit and client service, ensuring that our
clients receive comprehensive support. Ad-
ditionally, our commitment involves issu-
ing timely warnings on issues that demand
immediate attention from the management,
reinforcing our proactive approach to the
audit process.
Audit and


Audit Process Overview: Risk Evaluation:

• Meetings for understanding business objec- • Analysis and identification of audit
tives, risks, controls, and expectations risks
• Preliminary analytical reviews • Focus on business issues and audit
• Assessment of the control and IT environ- areas
ments • Assessment, identification, and evalu-
• Evaluation of assumptions and estimates for ation of controls and risks
financial statements

Audit Conduct: Completion & Reporting:

• Systems and procedures audit. • Discussion of disclosure issues
• Execution of the audit plan, detailed tests, and • Clearance meeting with management for audit
evidence-gathering conclusions
• Timely issue resolution through discussions • Obtain representations and issue the auditor’s
with management report
• Documentation of audit procedures and evalu- • Issuance of the audit opinion
ation of results • Attendance at Board of Directors meetings as
• Frequent formal and informal feedback on key needed
issues and improvement opportunities

Liquidation of Companies
In the company liquidation process, tasks include reviewing reasons for liquidation, inspecting assets and liabilities, cre-
ating an accounting program, and reviewing files with tax authorities. Additionally, the company’s activity is managed
throughout the liquidation period, involving periodic reports, asset sales, payment of obligations, and the preparation of
the final account to conclude the procedure.

Liquidation of Estates
The department streamlines estate liquidation through various tasks, including planning aligned with estate elements, in-
specting and evaluating assets and liabilities, obtaining necessary licenses from authorities, verifying title deeds, and con-
ducting cadastral surveys. Responsibilities extend to settling inheritor debts, reviewing contracts, releasing mortgages on
fixed funds, and providing periodic reports with recommendations. The department also oversees judicial guardianship of
inherited estate elements, culminating in the preparation of the final account and report for the estate liquidation process.

Liquidation of Real Estate investments

In Real Estate Investments liquidation, the department undertakes tasks such as collecting shareholder data, reviewing con-
tracts, listing contribution rights and expenses, preserving assets, and maintaining bank accounts. Additionally, responsibil-
ities include judicial guardianship, preparing periodic reports with recommendations for owners, monitoring contribution
sales, and distributing sale proceeds among shareholders. The process concludes with the preparation of the final account
and report for the liquidation of the contribution.

Tax advisory services are considered one of

the best tools available in the world of busi-
ness and companies. They can be employed
to legally analyze the financial and tax sit-
uation to improve financial performance by
avoiding tax risks and achieving tax compli-
The continuous changes and developments
in the practices and requirements set by gov-
erning authorities and regulations regarding
zakat and taxes make professional manage-
ment of these variables more challenging.
At Reanda Professional Consulting Com-
pany, we offer a wide range of consultancy
solutions specifically designed to meet the
needs of taxpayers and help them reduce tax
or zakat obligations and effectively handle
general audits and unexpected field examina-
tions conducted by the regulatory authority.
Providing Zakat and Income Tax Services:
Registering and updating zakat and tax files for tax-

Zakat payers.
Reviewing and submitting zakat and tax declarations
through the portal of the Zakat, Tax, and Customs Au-
and thority.
Studying the tax assessments and decisions from ZA-

Tax TCA and preparing zakat and tax objection memoran-

da, submitting them to the portal of the ZATCA, Tax,
and Customs Authority, and the General Secretariat of
the Zakat, Tax, and Customs Committees.
Representing the taxpayer against the Zakat, Tax, and
Customs Authority and the relevant committees for
violations and tax, zakat, and customs disputes.
Providing specialized zakat and tax consultations per
the regulations and directives issued by the Zakat,
Tax, and Customs Authority.
Value Added Tax
(VAT) Services:

• Value Added Tax is an indirect tax • Registration and follow-up

imposed on all goods and services pur- of the taxpayer’s file with the
chased and sold by businesses, with Zakat, Tax, and Customs Au-
some exceptions. VAT is implemented thority.
in more than 160 countries around the
world and serves as a main source of
income contributing to the enhance- • Preparation and submission of
ment of national budgets. At Reanda VAT declarations through the
Professional Consultancy, we offer the portal of the Zakat, Tax, and Cus-
following VAT services: toms Authority.

• Reviewing amendment decisions from • Representing the taxpayer

the authority and drafting a memo- against the Zakat, Tax, and
randum of objection to the authority’s Customs Authority and the rel-
report regarding VAT, and submitting it evant committees in tax, zakat,
on the authority’s website and the Gen- and customs violations and dis-
eral Secretariat of the Committees. putes.

• Providing specialized tax con-

sultancy services related to Val-
ue Added Tax.
Transfer Pricing:
It is the pricing of transactions conducted between related parties or en-
tities under common control. The significance of transfer pricing standards
is in maintaining compliance with the arm’s length pricing concept., which
means that transactions between related parties or entities under common con-
trol are priced as if they were conducted between independent parties. We work
on studying transfer pricing with related parties, preparing the local file for compa-
nies using updated global automation software in this regard, and preparing special
reports for companies and individuals.

Withholding Tax and Excise Tax:

Withholding tax is defined as a specified percentage of income earned by a non-resident
entity providing services within Saudi Arabia and generating income sources. On the
other hand, the excise tax is a tax imposed on goods that have negative effects on public
health, the environment, or luxury goods, at varying rates. These goods include carbon-
ated beverages, energy drinks, tobacco, and its derivatives. At Reanda Professional Con-
sulting, we have experts capable of providing withholding tax and excise tax consulting
services and related tax services.
Forensic Forensic Accounting
Accounting: Services We Offer:

1. Preparation of Reports for Cases As-

Forensic accounting is a branch of ac- signed by Courts and Arbitrators:
counting that focuses on providing legal • Gathering sufficient evidence from the documents
and judicial accounting services. Forensic of the disputing parties.
accountants handle cases related to finan- • Conducting analytical tests on financial statements
and accounting records according to the approved
cial investigation and accounting scrutiny accounting standards.
to determine the financial aspects of legal • Providing a report that includes a neutral profes-
matters. They analyze financial records, sional opinion to assist in clarifying legal issues.
examine accounts, and provide technical
reports to help understand the financial
aspects of the court or relevant legal au-
thorities. Forensic accountants play a cru- 2. Preparation of Special Reports for Com-
cial role in providing reliable and trans- panies and Individuals:
parent financial information, contributing • Providing financial and accounting expertise in
to achieving financial justice in legal cas- commercial cases.
es. • Handling labor and criminal cases, such as cal-
culating labor dues or dealing with embezzlement,
Reanda Company is committed to se- through agreements with clients on specific proce-
lecting the best expertise in the fields of dures and report preparation based on agreed-upon
accounting and law, harnessing them to procedures. We are certified experts with several
deliver outstanding services in forensic expert departments in commercial and public courts,
in addition to an experienced platform.
accounting and consulting. The company
strives to meet the needs of its clients by
recruiting top academic and professional
qualifications, and offering ideas and ini-
3. Judicial Custody of Companies or Assets:
tiatives that contribute to achieving their
goals in the financial and consulting ser- • Managing fixed and movable assets according to
vices sector. legal regulations and approved accounting stan-
• Ensuring the continuity of companies or assets and
achieving maximum profitability possible.
Local content is a national agenda for all economic sectors. They
Local contribute towards its development and empowerment starting with
community members, the private sector, and the public sector. It is
also highly cost-effective due to maximum procurement from within
content the Kingdom. Obtaining the local content certificate is a prerequisite
for entry into government competitions at present. Our company is
a company licensed by the Local Content and Government Procure-
ment Authority to issue local content reports by the International Re-
Our services view Standards Agreed Procedure 4400 (updated) standard.

01 02
Measure the degree of Measure the degree of
local content at the local content at the contract
facility level (baseline) level


03 04
Measure the degree of Provide an advisory
local content at the level of plan for developing
large-scale contracts local content for


Reanda Saudi Arabia:

Riyadh – Olaya Main Road
Al Khobar – Prince Faisal Bin Fahd Road
+966 (0) 11 2290 444

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