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Hi, I’m Inquisitive Indu! Today I am going to

tell you the secrets of being a Language
Wizard! I explored them with your parents on
Language Orientation Day. It’s time for us to
try these activities too!


1. The activities given below are focused on

strengthening reading skills and vocabulary.
2. Read through all the activities and choose
one activity from the reading section that
you would like to do. Do both the activities from the vocabulary
building section.
3. Write the answers to the prompts for the activity you have
chosen on the plain sheet provided to you.
4. There are some optional worksheets for you to practice
handwriting. Do try them out to improve your handwriting!
5. Answer the reflection questions after completing the

Inquisitive Indu is ready to explore different strategies to

build her Language skills! Do you want to be like Inquisitive
Indu? Move to the next page to know how you can be like her!

LO – I will be able to build my reading skills by trying out the

activities given below.

Instructions –

a) Choose one activity from this section.

b) Write the answers to the prompts for the activity chosen on
the plain sheet provided to you


This strategy will be useful for you to
pick just the right book for yourself!
Follow the instructions given in the

Let’s try this strategy for ourselves-

- The book I have chosen is _________________

- I did not know the meaning of the following words-
- According to the Five-finger rule, how many fingers did I put
up after reading the page - ____
- According to the five-finger rule, is the book JUST RIGHT for
me? (Yes/ No)

Another detailed strategy to select the JUST RIGHT BOOK!

2. ‘ROLL AND RETELL!’ Identifying Story Elements-
Here is a fun way to retell different elements of a story. You
will need a dice for this strategy!
a) Roll the dice and see the number that you get.
b) Go through the chart given below. Each number denotes an
instruction. For example, if you got 6 on your dice, follow
the sixth instruction on the chart.

Let’s try this strategy!

- The book I am reading is ________________________
- The number on my dice was ______
- Let’s answer the questions based on the number-




LO – IWBAT build my vocabulary by trying out the activities

given below.


a) Go through both the activities in this section.

b) Write the answers to the prompts on the plain sheet provided
to you.

1. Inferring meanings of new words!

a) Go through the presentation and read
the sentence with the highlighted word.
Here is the link to the presentation.
b) Observe the picture carefully. Does it give us a clue about
what the word means?
c) Read the sentence again. Does the sentence have any clues
about the meaning of the word?
d) Learning by Doing – That’s what Inquisitive Indu does! After
you infer the meaning, make a sentence using the word.

Let’s try this strategy for ourselves –

- Choose one word that you would like to infer the meaning of.
The word I have chosen is ____________________
- The clues that are helping me to infer the meaning of the word
are ___________________________________________
- The meaning of the word is __________________________
- A sentence using this word-

Synonyms are the words that share the same meaning. You
would need a Thesaurus for this activity.

a) Read all the sentences given in this worksheet.
b) Select any two out of the ten.
c) Read the highlighted word.
d) Try to find a synonym for the word by asking your loved
ones/ searching on the internet or reading books.
e) Now, replace the highlighted word with
its synonym and rewrite the sentences.
E.g.: He was angry to find the door locked.
He was infuriated to find the door locked.

Let’s try this strategy for ourselves –

- Word 1 - _____________________
- Synonyms of this word - ____________________________
- Let’s rewrite the sentence by replacing the word with its

- Word 2 - _____________________
- Synonyms of this word - ____________________________
- Let’s rewrite the sentence by replacing the word with its

Here are some activities for you to practice your


Take a print of these worksheets to practice and improve

your handwriting!

A-Z Cursive Mini beasts - Print Sentence Handwriting -


Let’s Reflect!

1. The activity that I chose was-

2. Which activity did I like the most?

3. Why did I like this activity?

Success Criteria-
1. I have chosen one activity from the reading section and
completed both the activities from the vocabulary section.
2. I have followed the instructions for doing the activity.
3. I have answered the reflection questions.

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