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Werewolf Rules

Villagers / Humans win if they kill all werewolves.

Werewolves win if: (1 werewolf and 1 villager remain) or (2 werewolves and 2 villagers remain), etc.
During Daytime everyone converses (telling truth, lying, bluffing, saying who they are, anything goes).
At the end of the day: Players may nominate other players for elimination from the game, explaining their reason
for nominating that player. Each player who has been nominated may then present a defense for why they should
not be eliminated. Voting takes place with (one vote each per player) and the player with most votes after all
nominations is immediately removed from the game. If there is a tie, then no one is eliminated.
During the Night everyone sleeps: (Players should all slap their knees or drum on the table throughout the
night) Starting with the werewolves, anyone with a special role will be woken up by the storyteller to take action.

**********Characters that only wake up on the first night**********
Doppelganger: The first night, choose a player. When that player is eliminated you become that role.
Masons (2): The first night, wake up to see who the other Mason is.
**********Characters that wake up each night**********
Werewolf: Each night, wake with the other Werewolves and choose a player to eliminate.
**********Characters with single use abilities**********
Alpha Wolf: Once per game following the elimination of a Werewolf during the day, you may turn the
Werewolves target into a Werewolf instead of eliminating them.
Revealer: Each night you may point to a player. If that player is a Werewolf They are eliminated. If they aren’t,
you are eliminated instead.
Witch: Once per game, you may choose any one player at night to either save or eliminate.
Troublemaker: One night per game, you may require that two players will be eliminated the following day.

Bodyguard: Each night, choose a player who cannot be eliminated that night (Must be different than previous
Seer: Each night choose a player to learn if they are a Villager or a Werewolf
Insomniac: Each night, learn if at least one of your neighbors has woken up during the night.
**********Characters that do not wake up**********
Hunter: If you are eliminated, you may immediately eliminate another player. If the hunter is eliminated at night,
they may immediately eliminate one other player as soon as everyone wakes up, and before anyone else gets to
Apprentice Seer: If the Seer is eliminated, you become the Seer, waking each night to look for Werewolves.

Villager: Villagers have no special powers other than being one of the most awesome players in the game.
Minion: Work with the werewolves to kill the villagers. Considered part of the werewolves team.
Tanner: You immediately win if you are eliminated during the day. Everyone else loses.

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