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Kelas/ Program : X (Kurikulum Merdeka)

1. Isilah data anda di sebelah kanan kertas folio yang meliputi : Nama, No. Absen, Kelas, dan
Tanggal Pengerjaan
2. Kerjakan soal – soal dengan runtut (Nomor boleh harus urut)
3. Laporkan kepada Pengawas Ulangan bila terdapat tulisan yang kurang jelas, rusak, atau
lembar soal tidak lengkap
4. Periksalah kembali Lembar Jawaban anda sebelum diserahkan/ dikumpulkan kepada
Pengawas Ulangan

Selamat Mengerjakan Sendiri

A. Use the words in the brackets to complete the sentences!

Past Simple
1. I… the butterfly in front of my home yesterday. (see)
2. He ,,,, stones to the army last week. (throw)
3. How … You … in the morning? (do, eat)
4. Tamara was not hungry, so she …. anything (eat)
5. I knew my sister was very busy, So I …. her. (disturb)
Past Continuous
6. Tamara and Silvia … to Malang at this time last month?. (go)
7. John … me when you arrived. (call)
8. Was Salisa … my house at this time yesterday?.(visit)
9. I invited Sabrina at this event last night, but Sabrina … to us. (come)
10. My teacher taught me this formula yesterday, But Abdillah … to understand it. he couldn’t use
it. (confuse)
Past Perfect
11. We … (drive) for two hours when we saw the hotel.
12. It was the first time that he … (invite) me for lunch.
13. She just … (just go) out when I called at her house.
14. My friend … (not see) me for many years when I met him last week.
15. Mr. Smith retired last year after he … (be) with his company for over 30 years.

B. Read the letter carefully and answer the questions.

A trip to Mount Fuji

July 2016, I went to West Tokyo by
plane. It was my first journey to
Japan. I took a trip to Mount Fuji. I
stayed at Sakura’s house. She is my
friend in Japan. We were a classmate
at Senior High School. Sakura’s house
has a big garden with lots of green
flowers and beautiful sand. It was so
perfect element of a traditional
wooden house.
On Sunday morning, I started a
journey to the Mountain. At Shizuoka
Prefecture, I met Yamato. He was my
guiding to Mount Fuji. We took sushi for
breakfast. Oh my God, It was delicious.
At 9:00 am. local time, we prepared
and checked our stuff to continue this
journey. I couldn’t say anything when I
looked at the beautiful scenery from
the foot of the mountain. Yamato
looked and smiled at me. He said in
Japan language “Kore Wa
subarashīdesu.” It means that it was
amazing. Then, I replayed “Hai,-
sōdesu.” It means that yes, it was.
We reached the top of the mountain
after a long and tiring trip. I screamed
to blow up my emotion and said
thanks to God for this beautiful life.
We enjoyed the view from the peak
and waiting for the next day. The day
that I couldn’t forget. It was called
“Hatsu Hinode” It means that it was
my first time to see the sun rises in
Mount Fuji.
Finally, Yamato, the other traveler,
and I went home by the blessing of
Mount Fuji. That was a very pleasant
moment that I ever got.


1. When did the writer go to Tokyo?

2. How did the writer go there?
3. Where did the writer stay in Tokyo?
4. Who is Sakura?
5. When did the writer go to Mount Fuji?
6. Where did the writer meet Yamato?
7. Who was Yamato?
8. What did they take for their breakfast?
9. What time did they prepare and check their stuff to continue the journey?
10. What is the meaning of Kore Wa subarashīdesu?
11. How was the trip to Mount Fuji?
12. Why did the writer scream at the top of the mountain?
13. Did they enjoy the view from the peak?
14. What is the meaning of Hatsu Hinode?
15. What was the writer brought from Mount Fuji?

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