The Humanity of Humans

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“The greatness of humanity is not in being human, but in being humane.” – Mahatma Gandhi

Who is human??
A human is the most intelligent creation in this universe.
Human evolution is a lengthy process of change by which
people originated from ape like ancestors. It took about six
million years for the complete evolution. Human is said to
have features like communication, intelligence and the
most important aspect is “humanity”. This makes a
human being different from other creations in the universe.
The value of the society is based on the extent of
“humanity” present in the people. Evolution does not
change any single individual. Instead, it changes the
inherited means of growth and development that typify a population. Evange
What is Humanity??
The term “Humanity” refers to the human race which includes every person on the Earth. It is the
quality of being kind, thoughtful and sympathetic
towards others. It shows the person’s capacity to
offer kindness, gentle nature and politeness
towards their fellow human beings. A human need
not be well educated, wealthy and big status
holder in the society. The humanity nature makes
a person rich by heart and they always hold a
special place in the society. In present society
people are reaching peak stages in education,
innovations, jobs, careers and various other aspects, but humanity is rarely scene. This lack of gentle
nature among humans brings many problems to society including poverty, inequality, lack of good
mental health, wars and other social issues.
Incidents that question our Humanity!!!
There are uncountable incidents that are happening in day-to-day life that indicate we are just
intelligent by mind and we are “failing as a society”. Some of the most general and shameful
incidents are as follows:
1.Taking selfies and videos at accident spots without aiding help.
After the evolution of social media and smart phones people are mainly focused on getting “likes”
and everyone wants their post to be on “#trending”.
There will be a person in the pool of blood fighting between life and death but here people are found
taking videos of the incident and streaming it live on social media instead of calling an “ambulance”.
The question that has to be considerable should be “Is a single like on social media much more
important than a dying life??”. This is one indication of the level to which humanity has descended.
2.Serving the poor for publicity
This was mostly seen during the “COVID-19” pandemic, due to
home quarantine the daily wage workers were not even able to have a
single meal. Some people have started distributing food to the poor
people. Filming it is as a proof to invite donors is not a problem, but
some people started making videos and posting them for publicity
while donating. People started showing off even charity and social
service for getting fame. Poor and needy people also have a thing
called “self-respect”. This shows how hungry people have become for
fame and this also uncovers some organizations scandals who collect
money in the name of charity for their self needs.
3.Bullying and body shaming
A recent incident regarding a girl shows how much negativity
is being spread in the society. A girl in India topped her “10 th
Class Board Exams”. She was the state topper.Media
surrounded her and took her pictures and then shared her
story. The disgusting part starts now. She was not appreciated
instead she was bullied of her “looks”. The bullying was very
huge that the girl stated “I wish I was not a topper”.

How to save humanity??

 Find yourself in serving others.

 Keep your cameras at home while donating.
 Stop judging people of their looks.
 Children must be taught about being kind and gentle towards
 Before filming others think by standing in their shoes.
 Get inspiration from leaders and freedom fighters who gave selfless service.
 Always remember a human becomes special because of only his behaviour.
 If you desire change, be the change.
“We cannot despair of humanity, since we ourselves are human beings”- Albert Einstein

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