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Nabilla Octaviana


Casablanca, Sentul City,
Bogor, West Java, Bogor, As a recent graduate from Trisak University with a major in Financial
16810, Indonesia Management, I bring a robust founda on of knowledge coupled with two years
of professional experience in the dynamic mining industry. My eagerness to
con nuously learn and evolve professionally is matched by my proven abili es
in me management, strategic planning, and effec ve communica on. I pride
myself on being a dependable team player, showcasing excep onal leadership
LINKS quali es and a me culous eye for detail. My passion for excellence is evident
whether I am contribu ng as part of a team or excelling in individual
Linkedin: Dynamic Trisak University Financial Management graduate with 2 years in
irmansyah mining. Keen to leverage me management, strategic planning, and
communica on skills. Commi ed team player and leader eager to contribute and

Communica ons

Funding & Investment Officer

Leadership PT Wargi Santosa / DKI Jakarta / Apr 2023 - Present
• Spearheaded liaison with lessors for light vehicles, heavy equipment, and
Management mining support equipment, expertly nego a ng interest rates, tenures, and
insurance coverage.
• Managed and streamlined the leasing process, including me culous contract
review, credit simula ons, and purchase order oversight.
Market Research
• Executed the crea on of asset-related accoun ng vouchers, ensuring financial
accuracy and compliance.
• Maintained and updated the vehicle registra on (BPKB) for light vehicles,
Test Of English As A Foreign guaranteeing legal conformity.
Language (TOEFL) • Administered the masterlist of leased assets, providing a clear inventory and
status tracking.
• Oversaw and executed accoun ng journals for pe y cash across 10 mine
Sales sites, enhancing financial integrity.
• Contributed to accoun ng period-end processes with precise data
reconcilia on for leasing and pe y cash transac ons.
Planning • Nego ated lease terms, rates, and insurance for mining equipment
• Managed leasing contracts, credit simula ons, and purchase orders
• Performed pe y cash accoun ng and data reconcilia on for 10 sites
Time Management
Admin Finance Staff
PT. Bima Putera Abadi Citranusa (Bomba Grup) / Lahat, South
Accoun ng
/ Jul 2022 - Apr 2023
SAP CRM • Expertly manage and process daily invoice receipts, ensuring accurate
recording in the Odoo accoun ng system.
• Diligently update and maintain payment schedules, ensuring mely
Strategic Planning disbursements.
• Efficiently generate weekly Request of Acquisi on (ROA) documents to
facilitate procurement.
Target Market • Serve as a key point of contact for both internal and external payment
inquiries, providing prompt resolu ons.
• Oversee all bank-related transac ons, maintaining seamless financial
opera ons.
Microso Word
• Updated payment schedules
• Resolved payment & bank queries
• Managed daily invoice audits
Microso Excel

Finance Staff Intern

Research PT. Dahana (PERSERO) / DKI Jakarta / Feb 2021 - Mar 2021
• Streamlined HR data management for 100+ employees u lizing Microso
E-Commerce • Facilitated SAP data management for 10 diverse companies.
• Oversaw cos ng, daily financial transac ons, and purchase orders for 10
en es.
Microso PowerPoint • Delivered comprehensive project reports for 7 companies within a two-week
• Managed HR data for 100+ staff
Marke ng Research • Managed costs & daily expenses

Data Management
Bonne Skin (VYA.ID) / Bogor / Sep 2018 - Dec 2020
• Spearheaded comprehensive market research to inform the launch of a
cu ng-edge skincare line.
• Successfully drove online sales, achieving significant market penetra on with
LANGUAGES five dis nct skincare products.
• Orchestrated strategic marke ng ini a ves to bolster product visibility and
sales performance.
Bahasa • Led market research for skincare launch
• Boosted online sales for 5 skincare lines



Bachelor of Financial Management

Trisak University / DKI Jakarta / 2022

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