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KOREA About Korea

Something you need to know!!!

Korea's full name is the Republic of Korea, the Korean name
is 대한민국. South Korea is also often referred to as South
Korea (South Korea), South Korea, etc. This is a country
under the regime of the Republic, located in the East Asian
region of Asia and on the Korean peninsula.

Final Project IT100

Name: Bùi Phương Thảo

ID: 22043700

Class: IT100
Korea Something you need to know!!! 2023

Table of Contents:
I. History:.................................................................................................1
1.1 Ancient Era:........................................................................................................1
1.2 Three Kingdoms Period (57 BCE-668 CE).......................................................1
1.3 Unified Silla and Balhae:....................................................................................1
1.4 Goryeo Dynasty (918-1392 CE):........................................................................1
1.5 Joseon Dynasty (1392-1910 CE):.......................................................................2
1.6 Japanese Annexation (1910-1945):....................................................................2
1.7 Korean War (1950-1953):...................................................................................2
1.8 Modern Korea:...................................................................................................2
II. Geography:............................................................................................2
2.1 Nature:................................................................................................................. 0
 Mountains.............................................................................................................0
 Forests..................................................................................................................0
 Coastlines.............................................................................................................0
 Rivers & Lakes.....................................................................................................0
2.2 Climate................................................................................................................0
 Spring (March – May)..........................................................................................1
 Summer (June – August)......................................................................................1
 Fall (September – November)...............................................................................1
 Winter (December – February).............................................................................1
 Rainny:.................................................................................................................1
2.3 Creature............................................................................................................... 2
III. Education:.............................................................................................0
3.1 Structure of Education the System:...................................................................0
3.2 Academic Emphasis and Competitive Admissions:.........................................1
3.3 Long History of Valuing Education:.................................................................1
3.4 Challenges and Reforms:...................................................................................1
IV. Cultural:................................................................................................2

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Korea Something you need to know!!! 2023

I. History:
Korea's history is a captivating tale of resilience, innovation, and cultural richness,
spanning over two millennia. It's a story that has unfolded across the Korean
Peninsula, a land nestled in East Asia, shaped by both its geographical location and
the interactions with its neighboring powers.

1.1 Ancient Era:

The earliest traces of human habitation on the Korean Peninsula date back to around
40,000 BCE, with hunter-gatherers roaming the land. By the Neolithic period (8000-
3000 BCE), communities had transitioned to agriculture, settling down and cultivating
crops. The Mumun Pottery Period (1000-300 BCE) witnessed significant
advancements in bronze and ironworking, laying the foundation for the emergence of
powerful kingdoms.
1.2 Three Kingdoms Period (57 BCE-668 CE)
The Three Kingdoms Period marked a dynamic era in Korean history, with three
kingdoms vying for dominance: Goguryeo, Baekje, and Silla. Each kingdom
developed its unique culture, art forms, and political systems, shaping the Korean
identity. In 668 CE, Silla unified the peninsula under its rule, bringing an end to this
tumultuous yet transformative period.
1.3 Unified Silla and Balhae:
The Unified Silla period (668-935 CE) ushered in a time of peace and prosperity.
Buddhism flourished, inspiring the construction of numerous temples and
monasteries, while diplomatic relations with China and Japan thrived. Meanwhile, in
the north, the kingdom of Balhae (698-926 CE) emerged as a formidable force,
embracing a multi-ethnic society and establishing a strong presence in the region.
1.4 Goryeo Dynasty (918-1392 CE):

The Goryeo Dynasty, founded by General Wang Geon, unified the Korean Peninsula
once again. Confucianism became the guiding principle, emphasizing education,
social order, and centralized governance. Buddhism remained influential, and Goryeo

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Korea Something you need to know!!! 2023

faced numerous invasions from the Mongols and Jurchens, demonstrating the
peninsula's strategic significance.

1.5 Joseon Dynasty (1392-1910 CE):

General Yi Seong-gye established the Joseon Dynasty, marking a new chapter in
Korean history. Confucian ideals permeated society, shaping education, culture, and
social structures. The Joseon era witnessed cultural and economic advancements,
including the development of Hangul, the Korean alphabet. However, the dynasty
faced external threats, particularly from the Japanese, highlighting the peninsula's
vulnerability to regional conflicts.
1.6 Japanese Annexation (1910-1945):
In 1910, Korea's sovereignty was shattered as Japan annexed the peninsula. The
Japanese occupation brought immense hardship and oppression, marked by forced
assimilation, suppression of Korean culture, and economic exploitation. The Korean
people valiantly resisted, sparking the March 1st Movement in 1919, a pivotal
moment in the struggle for independence.
1.7 Korean War (1950-1953):
Following World War II, Korea's liberation was short-lived as the peninsula was
divided into two zones: the Soviet-occupied north and the US-occupied south.
Ideological tensions escalated, culminating in the Korean War (1950-1953). The war
ended in a stalemate, leaving the peninsula divided along the 38th parallel, with the
establishment of North Korea and South Korea.
1.8 Modern Korea:

South Korea emerged from the Korean War as a democracy, embarking on a

remarkable path of economic development, becoming a global economic powerhouse
and a leader in technology innovation. In contrast, North Korea remained isolated
under an authoritarian regime, pursuing a nuclear weapons program and maintaining a
strained relationship with South Korea.

II. Geography:

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Korea Something you need to know!!! 2023

Korea, comprising the Korean Peninsula

and its surrounding islands, is situated in
Northeast Asia, bordered by China to the
west and northwest, Russia to the northeast,
and Japan to the east. The peninsula itself is
approximately 1,100 kilometers long from
north to south and 300 kilometers wide
from east to west, with a total area of
220,847 square kilomete.
Figure 1 – Nature of Korea

2.1 Nature:
Korea is a mountainous country, with over 70% of its land area covered by
mountains. The Taebaek Mountains are the main mountain range, running along
the eastern side of the peninsula. The mountains are home to a variety of plants
and animals, including rare and endangered species.
Korea is also home to extensive forests, covering about 64% of the country. The
forests are home to a variety of trees, including pines, oaks, and maples. The
forests are also home to a variety of animals, including deer, bears, and wild
Korea has a long and varied coastline, with over 10,000 kilometers of shoreline.
The coastline is home to a variety of beaches, cliffs, and islands. The beaches are
popular for swimming, sunbathing, and fishing. The cliffs are popular for hiking
and rock climbing. The islands are popular for camping and fishing.
Rivers & Lakes
Korea has a number of rivers and lakes. The Nakdong River is the longest river
in Korea, and it flows through the southeastern part of the country. The
Geumgang River is another major river, and it flows through the central part of
the country. Korea also has a number of lakes, including the Cheongdo Lake and
the Soyang Lake.
2.2 Climate

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Korea Something you need to know!!! 2023

Spring (March – May)

Spring is a mild and pleasant season in Korea, with average temperatures
ranging from 10 to 20 degrees Celsius. The weather is often sunny and dry,
making it a great time to enjoy the outdoors. The cherry blossoms are a popular
symbol of spring in Korea, and they bloom in late March and early April.
Summer (June – August)
Summer is hot and humid in Korea, with average temperatures ranging from 25
to 30 degrees Celsius. The monsoon season typically occurs in July and August,
bringing heavy rainfall. Summer is a popular time for Koreans to go to the
beach, and there are many popular beaches along the country's coastline.
Fall (September – November)
Autumn is a beautiful season in Korea, with average temperatures ranging from
15 to 25 degrees Celsius. The leaves of the trees change color during autumn,
creating a stunning landscape. Koreans enjoy hiking and camping in the
mountains during autumn.
Winter (December – February)
Winter is cold and dry in Korea, with average temperatures ranging from -5 to 5
degrees Celsius. Snowfall is common in the mountains, and the country
experiences some of its coldest temperatures in January and February. Winter is
a popular time for Koreans to go skiing and snowboarding.

Korea experiences a monsoon season, known as jangma, which typically runs

from mid-June to late July. During this period, heavy rains and thunderstorms are
common, particularly in the southern regions of the country. The monsoon season
brings around half of Korea's annual rainfall, with some areas receiving up to 30
inches of rain during this time.

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Korea Something you need to know!!! 2023

Table 1 – Total Rainfall

Total Rainfall



1,550 Total Rainfall




2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022

2.3 Creature
Korean Tiger

The Korean tiger is a critically

endangered subspecies of the
Siberian tiger. It's the largest
wildcat native to Korea and is
found in the mountains of the
Korean Peninsula. Korean
tigers are known for their thick
orange fur and white stripes.
Figure 2 – Korean Tiger

Korean Black-faced Spoonbill:

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Korea Something you need to know!!! 2023

Figure 3 – Korean Black-faced Spoonbill

The Korean black-faced spoonbill is a large

wading bird with a unique spoon-shaped
bill. It's found in coastal areas of Korea and
is known for its black face and white
plumage. Korean black-faced spoonbills are
considered a national treasure in Korea.

Korean Red-crowned Crane:

The Korean red-crowned crane is a

large crane with a red crown and
black and white plumage. It's found
in wetlands and marshes of Korea
and is considered a symbol of good
luck. Korean red-crowned cranes are
also considered a national treasure in
Korea. Figure 4 – Korean Red-crowned Crane

III. Education:
The education system in South Korea is highly regarded and is considered one of the
most successful in the world. It is characterized by a strong emphasis on academic
achievement, a competitive admissions process, and a long history of valuing education.

3.1 Structure of Education the System:

Table 2 – Education System

Middle School
Education Education
Preschool Education

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Korea Something you need to know!!! 2023

3.2 Academic Emphasis and Competitive Admissions:

South Korea's education system places a strong emphasis on academic achievement.

Students are expected to study hard and perform well in exams. This emphasis on
academics is reflected in the competitive admissions process for universities and
vocational schools.

3.3 Long History of Valuing Education:

The emphasis on education in South Korea has a long history. For centuries,
education has been seen as a key to social mobility and success. This belief continues
to be strong in South Korea today, and parents often make significant sacrifices to
ensure that their children receive a good education.

3.4 Challenges and Reforms:

Despite its many successes, the South Korean education system is not without its
challenges. One of the most significant challenges is the high level of stress that
students face. The competitive nature of the system can lead to anxiety and burnout,
and some students have even committed suicide due to academic pressure.

In response to these challenges, the South Korean government has implemented a

number of reforms in recent years. These reforms aim to reduce stress, promote
creativity, and make the education system more holistic.

Achievement of this Reforms:

Table 3 – Enrollment Rate

Year Primary rate Secondary rate Highschool rate Total

2018 99.9% 96.7% 63.7% 98.5%
2017 99.9% 96.2% 63.2% 89.2%
2019 99.9% 97.2% 64.2% 89.8%
2020 99.9% 97.7% 64.7% 90.1%
2021 99.9% 98.2% 71.3% 91.5%
2022 99.9% 98.7% 78.3% 93.6%

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Korea Something you need to know!!! 2023

IV. Cultural:
1. Traditional: Korea's culture is a rich and diverse tapestry of traditions,
Koreans are known for their customs, and beliefs that have been shaped over centuries.
politeness and hospitality. It is a blend of influences from neighboring countries, such
Korean culture is also home to a as China and Japan, as well as its own unique heritage.
vibrant arts scene, including
Korean culture is deeply rooted in Confucianism, which
traditional music, dance, and
emphasizes respect for authority, family, and education.

2. Modern Culture:

In recent years, Korean culture

has gained international
recognition with the global
popularity of Korean pop music,
or K-pop. K-pop is a genre of
music that combines elements of
pop, hip hop, and electronic
music. K-pop groups are known Figure 5 – Traditional Costume
for their catchy melodies,
synchronized dance moves, and
stylish fashion.

3. Korean Culture Today

Korean culture is constantly

evolving, with new trends
emerging all the time. However,
the core values of respect, Figure 6 – Typical Korean Idols
family, and tradition remain
strong. Koreans are proud of
their culture and are always
eager to share it with others.

The End!
Figure 7 – Typical Korean Food

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