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Q1. What is the difference between Console.Writeline and Console.Write?

Console.Writeline will print the output and move to the next line.

Console.Write will print the output and continue with the same line for the next output.

2. What is the difference between Console.Readline and Console.Readkey?

Console.ReadLine() will read the console input from the user, up until the next newline is
detected where the user can enter more than one character as input.

Console.Readkey() will get the user input, it accepts only a single character as input.

3. What does the word Dim stands for and what is it used for when writing a VB program?

Dim stands for the word Dimension, it is used to declare variables in VB program.

4. What is meant by a Constant and a Variable in a program?

A constant is a type of data where the value will not change during runtime while a variable is a
type of data where the value can change during runtime.
Module Module1
'Write a program that will ask the user to enter their name and country of origin
and display the information.

Sub Main()
Dim name, country As String
Console.Write("Enter your name: ")
name = Console.ReadLine()
Console.Write("Enter your country of origin: ")
country = Console.ReadLine()

Console.WriteLine("Your name is {0} and you are from {1}", name, country)

End Sub

End Module

Module Module2
'Write a program to allow the user to input two integer values and then
'the program print the results of adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing
among the two values.

Sub Main()
Dim x, y As Integer
Console.Write("Enter your first integer value: ")
x = Console.ReadLine()
Console.Write("Enter your second integer value: ")
y = Console.ReadLine()
Console.WriteLine("The result of: ")
Console.WriteLine("Addition: {0}", x + y)
Console.WriteLine("Subtraction: {0}", x - y)
Console.WriteLine("Multiplication: {0}", x * y)
Console.WriteLine("Division: {0}", x / y)

End Sub

End Module

Module Module3
'Write a program to convert a temperature in degrees Fahrenheit to degrees
'( Note Celsius = ( 5 /9 ) * ( Fahrenheit - 32 )
Sub Main()
Dim temp As Decimal
Console.WriteLine("What is the temperature today in {0}?", Chr(176) & "F")
temp = Console.ReadLine()
Console.WriteLine("The temperature today is {0}{1}", (5 / 9) * (temp - 32),
Chr(176) & "C")

End Sub

End Module

Module Module8
Sub Main()

Dim numberOfEggs, numberOfTrays As Integer

Console.WriteLine("Enter the number of eggs collected: ")

numberOfEggs = Console.ReadLine()

numberOfTrays = numberOfEggs \ 30

Console.WriteLine("The number of trays is: {0}", numberOfTrays)

End Sub

Module Module9
Sub Main()
Dim ratePerHour, totalPay As Single
Dim hoursWorked As Integer

Console.WriteLine("Enter hours worked: ")

hoursworked = Console.ReadLine()
Console.WriteLine("Enter rate of pay per hour: ")
rateperhour = Console.ReadLine()

totalPay = ratePerHour * hoursworked

Console.WriteLine("The salary amount is: {0}", totalPay)

End Sub

Module Module5
Sub Main()
Dim hour, minute, seconds As Decimal
Console.WriteLine("Enter hour: ")
hour = Console.ReadLine()
Console.WriteLine("Enter minute: ")
minute = Console.ReadLine()
Console.WriteLine("Enter seconds: ")
seconds = Console.ReadLine()
Console.WriteLine("Your race time in seconds is: {0}", ((hour * 3600) +
(minute * 60) + seconds))
End Sub

End Module

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