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Geochemical study of laterites of the Jamnagar district, Gujarat, India:

Implications on parent rock, mineralogy and tectonics

Article in Journal of Asian Earth Sciences · November 2011

DOI: 10.1016/j.jseaes.2011.07.014


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2 authors:

Rajkumar Ramdas Meshram Kirtikumar Randive

Geological Survey of India Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University


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Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 42 (2011) 1271–1287

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Geochemical study of laterites of the Jamnagar district, Gujarat, India: Implications

on parent rock, mineralogy and tectonics
R.R. Meshram a,b, K.R. Randive a,⇑
P.G. Department of Geology, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur (MH) 440 001, India
A.M.S.E. Wing, Southern Region, Geological Survey of India, Bandlaguda, Hyderabad 500 068, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The laterite deposits occur in a linear stretch along the northern Arabian Sea coast in the Jamnagar and
Received 9 December 2009 Porbandar districts of, Gujarat state, India. These deposits are characterised by presence of gibbsite, kao-
Received in revised form 27 April 2011 line, calcite, quartz, anatase, natroalunite, goethite and hematite, and relicts of mafic minerals and plagio-
Accepted 19 July 2011
clase. On the basis of petro-mineralogy and geochemistry, these deposits are grouped as aluminous
Available online 6 August 2011
laterites (Fe2O3 – 1.45–3.84%, Av. 3.13, Al2O3 – 39.31–57.24, Av. 45.80) and laterites (Fe2O3 – 9.84–
32.21, Av. 25.13%, Al2O3 – 34.74–49.59, Av. 41.27). The major, trace and REE characteristics of laterites
indicate that these were formed in situ by the alteration of parent rocks of trachytic/andesitic composi-
tion, and the process of bauxitisation followed the path of destruction of kaolinite and deferruginisation.
Geochemistry The correlation patterns of several trace and rare earth elements and their preferential enrichment have
Palaeotectonics indicated that there is an influence of precursor rock on the distribution of trace elements.
Flood basaltic province The Jamnagar laterite deposits occur as capping over the Deccan Trap basaltic lava flows and pyroclasic
Aluminous laterite deposits. Lateritisation prevailed during Palaeocene age when India was separated from the Seychelles
Deccan traps and passing over the equator. During this time climate, morphology and drainage conditions were
favourable for lateritisation that result in the formation of Jamnagar and other laterite deposits within
the Deccan Province. Flood basaltic provinces of Deccan, Columbia, North Australia and Hawaii appear
good location for hosting laterite deposits due to their wide areal extent, small geological time span
and uniform chemical composition. However, comparison of the major flood basaltic provinces of the
world has indicated that their palaeopositions along with palaeoclimate, morphology and drainage are
equally important factors for facilitating lateritisation.
Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction 1998), cerium and other REEs (Gonzalez Lopez et al., 2005; Esmaily
et al., 2009) and an array of multiple trace elements including U,
The major and trace element geochemistry has become an Th, Zr and Nb (Mordberg, 1996).
indispensible tool to investigate various aspects of laterite/bauxite It is generally agreed that dissolution of the minerals (which is
formation such as parent rock composition, diagenetic and epige- related to the Eh–pH, solubility, water, climate), and entrapment of
netic processes related to bauxitisation, environmental condition their constituents in the crystallising or precipitating phase under
(Eh–pH, drainage, climate), mineralogical changes in parent rock surfacial conditions govern the distribution of trace elements in
(Mordberg, 1993; MacLean et al., 1997; Esmaily et al., 2009). There laterites. External influences such as, solutions percolating through
are many publications that address the trace element geochemis- the overlying sediments or brought from fractures/faults in struc-
try of bauxites, most of these though devoted to identifying pecu- turally disturbed area; precipitation of groundwater if the deposits
liarities of element distribution and behaviour in profiles of are low-lying; or evaporates if the deposit was near the sea coast
particular deposits or bauxite districts (e.g. Bardossy and Aleva, during geological past; may also sometimes contribute trace ele-
1990; Mordberg, 1996; Calagari and Abedini, 2007). Many others ments, although such influences could be accounted for only when
record mineralogical influence on the distribution of trace ele- their source is traceable. The residence, migration and redistribu-
ments such as gallium (Chowdhury et al., 1965), titanium (Paul, tion of these elements from minerals of parent rock to present
1969), zirconium, scandium, yttrium (Mordberg and Spratt, day laterites form an important topic of study.
The Jamnagar laterite deposits (Lat 21°450 –22°170 Long 69°150 –
69°230 ) in Gujarat, India, provide an interesting location for the
⇑ Corresponding author. geochemical investigation of laterites for the reasons mentioned
E-mail address: randive101@yahoo.co.in (K.R. Randive). below:

1367-9120/$ - see front matter Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Author's personal copy

1272 R.R. Meshram, K.R. Randive / Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 42 (2011) 1271–1287

(a) Spatiotemporal location of the deposition sandwiched 2. Geology

between Late Cretaceous–Eocene basaltic magmatism and
Miocene sedimentary formation. The Saurashtra region of Gujarat (Fig. 1) is composed of Meso-
(b) Occurrence of extrusive, especially, pyroclastic facies of the zoic and Cainozoic rocks. The Mesozoic rocks are divided into
Deccan Trap Magamtism in and around bauxite deposits two formations, the older Dhrangadhra Formation and the younger
(Sahasrabudhe, 1978). Wadhawan Formation of the lower Cretaceous age. The Deccan
(c) Location in the tectonically active area throughout their geo- lava flows cover large areas in the Saurashtra region and vary in
logical age (Burke and Dewey, 1973; Sychanthavong and thickness from few hundreds to thousands of metres and overlie
Patel, 1987; Biswas, 1987). 100–4000 m thick Mesozoic sediments and underlie Tertiary rocks,
(d) Occurrence of economically high-grade aluminium deposits comprised of marine and fluviomarine strata (Biswas, 1983; Merh,
(Bhatt, 1996). 1995). These Tertiary rocks are divided into lower Gaj formation,
middle Piram beds and upper Dwarka Formation. Laterites are
Besides, this study also provides an opportunity to understand sandwiched between the lower Deccan Traps and upper Tertiary
the implications of lateritisation process on palaeotectonics. rocks.

Fig. 1. Geological map of the Jamnagar laterite deposits. Key map of India shows location of Gujarat, enlarged part shows Saurashtra region and study area, lines AA0 and BB0
are shows position of the geological cross sections (C. S.). Vertical scale is highly exaggerated in comparison to the lateral scale; especially the inset along BB0 Profile is much
more exaggerated to show the laterite deposits. Sample locations: (1) AST-1 & AST-2; (2) VR-1, VR-2 & VR-3; (3) MWS-1 & MWS-2; (4) KTR-1 & KTR-2; (5) LM-1 & LM-2; (6)
STR-1, STR-2, STR-3 & STR-4.
Author's personal copy

R.R. Meshram, K.R. Randive / Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 42 (2011) 1271–1287 1273

The laterite deposits of Jamnagar district, occur in the form of gibbsite or goethite and surrounded by concentric rings. The rings
linear discontinuous outcrops stretching along NE–SW direction occur mostly in light grey and brownish shades and could result
between Gulf of Kutch in the north and Arabian Sea coast in the from the difference in enrichment of ferruginous material
south for a distance of about 52 km. The width of the lateritic out- (Fig. 2B). On the basis of their mode of occurrence, the bauxite depos-
crop varies between 1 and 6 km, covering around 200 km2 area its of Jamnagar district are broadly divided into two groups, (i) boul-
(Fig. 1). The laterite capping rises to a height of 30–60 m above dary/nodular and (ii) massive blanket type (Sahasrabudhe, 1978).
mean sea level, variable thickness, but rarely exceeding 7.5 m. Pro- The bouldary or noduler bauxite occurs as hard, compact, grey-
files exposed in the mine sections typically contains soil, younger ish or pinkish boulders and nodules which are embedded in a
sediments, laterite and host rock (Fig. 2A). These outcrops are clayey matrix. The size and concentration of boulders are variable.
sandwiched between older lava flows and younger Gaj sediments The deposits are lensoid or bun-shaped with a convex upper sur-
(Sahasrabudhe, 1978; Jayaram and Majumdar, 1979; Biswas, face. The mineralised horizon is bouldary with ellipsoidal and
1983, 1987; IBM, 1993; Merh, 1995). irregular blocks which form as an aggregate of smaller nodules
The laterite occurring in the Jamnagar district varies greatly in (Fig. 2C). The thickness of this zone is nearly 4 m. Though there
colour (pink to grey/brown to red, depending upon Al and Fe per- is a lateral repetition of lenses, connected with thin necks, vertical
centages) as well as texture (massive, pisolitic, and clayey). The repetition is not seen. The material in these lenses is highly heter-
lithomarge zone (Saprolite) displays creamy white, yellow and red ogeneous and varies in composition from low grade laterite to high
(ochreous) colours. Pisolites are most commonly observed in the re- grade, alumina-rich ore (Bhatt, 1996; Meshram, 2009).
worked ferruginous bauxite zones (Kalsotra et al., 1986). Oolites The massive blanket type of deposit is more ferruginous than
(<2 mm), pisolites (2–20 mm) and concretions (>20 mm) are spar- the bouldary type. The ore is hard, compact and massive, and over-
sely distributed within laterites and sometimes occur segregated lies a clay horizon. The massive type shows red, brown and pink
within the homogenous aluminous matrix. These are nucleated by colours and has a mottled appearance (Bhatt, 1996).

Fig. 2. Field photographs and thin section photomicrographs of Jamnagar laterites, (A) laterite profile showing various zones distinguished by different colours. The numbers
on photograph indicates 1 – soil, 2 – limestone, 3 – yellow and purple clay, 4 – laterite, (B) hand specimen showing a composite pisolite having rings of different colours in
brecciated textured bauxite, (C) grey pebble of gibbsite in the pink aluminous laterite at the contact of blunt head of the hammer. Other smaller nodules are also present, (D)
photomicrograph showing colloform texture in bauxite, (E) the multicoloured oolite of iron oxides in the laterites, (F) relict plagioclase feldspar (white laths) encircled by
opaque minerals (figure D–F are photomicrographs).
Author's personal copy

1274 R.R. Meshram, K.R. Randive / Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 42 (2011) 1271–1287

3. Definition and nomenclature may contain goethite, hematite, aluminium hydroxide, kaolinite,
and quartz. The SiO2/(Al2O3 + Fe2O3) ratio, compared to that of par-
Valeton (1972) used the term ‘laterite’ to designate Fe–Al rich ent rock, should be such that the lateritic formation does not con-
deposits of Jamnagar district, Gujarat. However, Sahasrabudhe tain more silica than retained in the residual quartz and that
(1978) used term ‘bauxite’ for these deposits and coined a term needed for formation of kaolinite (Schellmann, 1981, 1986).
‘Jamnagar Bauxite Belt’ to refer the linearly disposed outcrops in Petrographic and chemical nature of laterites vary according to
Jamnagar and adjoining Porbandar districts of Gujarat (Fig. 1). their age, nature of the climate, and the sequence of palaeoclimates
Many other workers indiscriminately used either of these terms, that have controlled their development (Tardy, 1997). The Jamna-
which created some confusion (see Jayaram and Majumdar, gar deposits occur extensively over the lava flows and pyroclastic
1979; Biswas, 1983; IBM, 1993; Merh, 1995; Bhatt, 1996). Indeed, deposits of the Deccan Trap basaltic magmatism, and not over
there are Al-rich and Fe-rich concentrations within these outcrops, the Gaj limestones. On the basis of their mineralogy and geochem-
which is clearly demonstrated in their respective chemical analy- ical attributes they may be called as lateritic bauxites as per Bard-
ses. The following discussion is aimed at addressing this issue so ossy (1982) and Bardossy and Aleva (1990). However, at some
as to provide appropriate nomenclature while referring to the Jam- places (e.g. Virpur and Lamba), the deposits may also be called as
nagar deposits. laterites (see Schellmann, op cit). However, Tardy (1997) suggested
Laterites and bauxites are the rocks enriched in iron and alu- that the soft or indurated aluminous accumulations called baux-
minium respectively. They can be ores of these metals, but also ites, as well as the ferruginous cuirasses and all the other alumi-
are mined for concentrations of Ni, Au, Nb and P (Freyssinet no-ferruginous and ferrialuminous accumulations intermediate
et al., 2005; Retallack, 2010). Bauxite is an assemblage of oxides between two principle types (i.e. laterires and bauxites) are later-
and hydroxides mainly of aluminium along with iron and titanium. itic formations.
The preponderant aluminium minerals represent more than half of Valeton (1972) in his study of the Gujarat deposits stated that
the rocks by weight. Bardossy (1982) classified bauxites as: later- all laterites of the high-level plateaus are identical with the Al late-
itic bauxite (formed in situ by weathering in hot tropical climate) rites in Gujarat, which in vertical and lateral facies changes from
and karst bauxites (formed in place, transported or trapped within fersiallites in central parts of the plateaus to allites along valley
limestone rocks). Some recent classifications (e.g. Bogatyrev and slopes. He proposed three groups: (1) laterites rich in Fe and Si
Zhukov, 2009) group them into: lateritic bauxites (residual or (in central parts of the plateaus), (2) aluminous laterites (on valley
in situ), sedimentary bauxites (proximal redepostion of bauxites edges with good drainage), and (3) siliceous facies of laterites (on
on hillsides, proluvial, colluvial and alluvial), and karstic bauxites the edges of flat fossil sources with slow rates of drainage). The
(characterised by localisation on the karstified surface of lime- Jamnagar deposits fall in the second group, and represent the
stones). Laterites on the other hand, are products of intense mete- aluminous laterites and not the bauxite. We therefore prefer to
oric alteration, and are composed of a mineral assemblage that use following terms for the Jamnagar deposits (a) laterite for the

Table 1
The field and petrographic characteristics of the studied localities of the Jamnagar laterite deposits.

Sr. Locality Field characteristics Petrography

1 Mewasa Village Mewasa is located about 5 km south of Virpur facing the Gulf of In the Mewasa area laterite is brecciated or fragmentary. Fragments
(22°170 : Kutch. The terrain comprises undulating plains with low lying plateaux vary in size, shape and composition. These fragments are dispersed in a
71°050 ) and hills. High grade pockets of laterite are located on the northern and fluidised media occupying matrix. Gibbsite occurs as: (i) fine grained
eastern hill slopes of Karamkund, at about 1.6 km NE of Mewasa. The (with yellowish tinge), (ii) dark brown (with other opaque minerals),
fawn grey, saffron and pinkish bauxite occur in pockets below (iii) forming colloform banding (Fig. 2a) and (iv) spongy textured
vermicular laterite and followed at depth by kaolinitic clay. The laterite (Fig. 2b)
is pisolitic, concretionary and bouldary with an average thickness of
1.2 m
2 Asota This area is a flat terrain with few low lying mounds, and plateaux The laterite is chiefly composed of gibbsite, which is irregular and
(22°160 : exposing Gaj limestone. Laterite horizons are present on EW trending traversed by micro-veins of calcite and Al–Fe–Ti oxides. Gibbsite is often
69°230 ) ridge towards SW of Mota Asota. The fawn grey to pinkish brown, soft rimmed by brownish-yellow limonite, opaque crystals of hematite
and friable ore body occurs below the pink clay horizon, average (Fig. 2c) and small needles of rutile/anatase
thickness being 1.5 m. Economic grade of the ore body is variable
3 Virpur Virpur is located WSW of Mota Asota facing Gulf of Kachchh. The Aluminous laterite varies in colour from earthy white, yellow to
(22°150 : concretionary and vermicular laterite occur as capping on the hill tops brownish dull, whereas laterites occur in shades of brown, earthy and
69°200 ) while saffron to grey, massive and concretionary or brecciated ore occur red. These are composed of abundant oolites and relict minerals
as pockets along the lower slopes. The average thickness of bauxite is (Fig. 2d). Laterite occasionally form pebble like structures, for which
3 m, of which the lower 1.5 m portion constitutes high grade ore. Below they were described as ‘bauxite conglomerate’
the laterite horizon, light pink, off-white and violet lithomarge clay is
4 Mahadevia Mahadevia is situated about 6.5 km SW of Mewasa. A prominent N–S Laterite is comprised of yellowish brown gibbsite, which showing
(22°110 : trending 2.4 km long laterite ridge is located towards SE of Mahadevia. liesengang banding (Fig. 2e). These bands vary in colour between
69°230 ) The deposits are bun shaped, fawn grey to greyish green, bouldary and yellowish white and dark. Irregular patches of relict minerals are
concretionary in nature. The fine, splintery and scaly gypsum bearing rimmed by dark brown bands. Oolites of variable size are sparsely
greenish black clay overlie laterite. present.
5 Satapar An extensive elongated outcrop of aluminous laterite is located towards In the Satapar area, laterites mostly occurs in three textures namely, (i)
(21°570 : 1 km NE of Navadara village amidst peneplained and low lying humps of tabular to prismatic coarse bauxite, (ii) smaller oolitic (Fig. 2f), and (iii)
69°150 ) Gaj limestone. The aluminous laterite outcrop is 1.5 to about 3 m thick, larger pisolitic. The coarse laterite is yellow to brown in colour and
grey to cream coloured, hard and compact. In the northern part, shows brecciation. Oolites vary in shape from subrounded to elongated
aluminous laterite containing patches of emery grade, whitish, greyish (elliptical) and forms chain like structures
(fawn grey to cement grey) and brownish ore are present
6 Lamba Lamba is located 8.5 km southeast of Navadara on Bhatia–Porbandar Laterite varies in colour between yellow–brown-deep red–black. The
(21°540 : road. Ore deposits are associated with a series of undulating humps and thin sections show presence of, (i) abundant ferruginous oolites, (ii)
69°190 ) low lying hillocks, which are exposed discontinuously for over 7 km in goethite–limonite and hematite, (iii) relicts of plagioclase feldspar, and
Author's personal copy

R.R. Meshram, K.R. Randive / Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 42 (2011) 1271–1287 1275

Fig. 3. Various textures and structures exhibited by the Jamnagar laterites: (a) colloform banding structure in the laterite from Mewasa area, (b) spongy texture exhibited by
the laterite from Mewasa area, (c) the gibbsite crystals separated by iron-rich opaque material imparting brecciated structure to the bauxite of Asota area, (d) relict texture
seen in the laterite from Virpur area, (e) the lisengang banding structure seen in the laterite of Mahadevia area, and, (f) oolitic texture observed in the laterite from Satapar

formation characterised by presence of gibbsite, hematite, goe- 69°180 ), Virpur (22°150 ; 69°200 ), Lamba (21°540 ; 69°190 ), and Sata-
thite, ilmenite and anatase; Fe2O3 – 9.84–32.21 Av. 25.13%, Al2O3 par (21°570 ; 69°150 ). Samples were collected at the above sites in
– 34.74–49.59, Av. 41.27; occurring in localities Virpur and Lamba, order to analyse the mineralised portions of the district. Among
and (b) aluminous laterite for the formations characterised by pres- the samples collected, 15 whole ore samples including Asota (2),
ence of gibbsite, kaolinite, calcite and quartz; Fe2O3 – 1.45–3.84%, Mahadevia/Kataria (2), Mewasa (2), Virpur (3), Lamba (2) and Sata-
Av. 3.13, Al2O3 – 39.31–57.24, Av. 45.80; occurring in localities par (4), were selected for mineralogical and geochemical study
Asota, Mewasa, Mahadevia and Satapar. (Fig. 1).
Mineralogical studies of the laterites were carried out using
4. Sampling and analytical techniques Nikon 50i POL Microscope at the Department of Geology, RTM
Nagpur University and X-ray diffraction analysis was carried out
Six localities were selected from north to south along the at the Petrology, Petrochemistry and Ore-Dressing division of
Jamnagar laterite outcrops, where rich deposits are located and AMSE Wing, Geological Survey of India, Bangalore. The analysis
working mines are also present. These localities include: Asota was carried out using PANalytical X’Pert PRO XRD System. The
(22°160 ; 69°230 ), Mahadeia (22°110 ; 69°170 ), Mewasa (22°170 ; DTA and TGA was obtained using PERKIN ELMER DIAMOND TGDTA

Table 2
X-ray diffraction analyses of the laterite deposits of Jamnagar area.

Sr. no Locality Sample no. XRD based mineralogy (in order of their decreasing abundances)
1 Asota AST-1 and AST-2 Gibbsite, kaolinite calcite and quartz
2 Mahadevia (Kotharia) KTR-1 and KTR-2 Gibbsite, kaolinite, calcite and anatase
3 Mewasa MWS-1 and MWS-2 Gibbsite, kaolinite, calcite, quartz and natroalunite
4 Virpur VR-1, VR-2 and VR-3 Gibbsite, kaolinite, goethite and natroalunite
5 Lamba LMA-1 and LMA-2 Gibbsite, hematite and anatase
6 Satapar STR-1, STR-2, STR-3 and STR-4 Gibbsite, kaolinite, calcite and anatase
Author's personal copy

1276 R.R. Meshram, K.R. Randive / Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 42 (2011) 1271–1287

equipment at Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology the Mineral Physics Division, Geological Survey of India, Hydera-
(V.N.I.T.), Nagpur. The powdered samples were heated to 850– bad, at an accelerating voltage of 15 kV and probe current of
900 °C at the standardised heating rate of 10 °C/min, and the ther- 1  108 amp.
mograms were recorded automatically by the instrument. The The whole ore XRF analysis for major and some minor elements
SEM–EDX data were obtained using JEOL JED-2300 Analysis Sta- were carried out at PPOD Laboratory, AMSE Wing, Geological Sur-
tion instrument at 20 kV accelerating voltage and 1 nA probe cur- vey of India, Bangalore using X’UNIQUE II (PHILIPS) X-ray Spec-
rent intensity at V.N.I.T., Nagpur. Electron Probe Micro Analyses trometry System. The trace element and REE analyses were
(EPMA) were carried out using JA-8600 MX Superprobe (WDS) at obtained using Perkin Elmer Sciex ELAN DRC II ICP-MS system with





Fig. 4. SEM images showing: (a) elongated crystal of gibbsite with the flower like aggregates of hydrated alumina (1200), (b) spongy textured bauxite (1300), (c)
crystalline (platy) structure shown by gibbsite (2700), (d) crystalline aggregate of hematite (1100), (e) ilmenite microcrystal within a microcavity (6000), (f) a calcite
crystal surrounded by gibbsite (1600), (g) microcryst of hydrated iron ore (3000), and (h) a microcrystal of hematite containing light coloured material which is less iron
rich (2700).
Author's personal copy

R.R. Meshram, K.R. Randive / Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 42 (2011) 1271–1287 1277

the reference standard BX-N at the National Geophysical Research fragmented within the hematite. Ferruginised portion preserves
Institute, Hyderabad, following procedure of Balaram and Rao relicts of plagioclase feldspar (Fig. 2F). The fragmented gibbsite is
(2003). The overall precision for ICP-MS analysis was found to be occasionally bordered by ferruginous material thereby imparting
better than 10% RSD. mesh like structure.
Detailed description of field and petrographic characteristics of
5. Mineralogy and petrography the Jamnagar laterites are locality wise given in Table 1 and Fig. 3.
Selected mineral phases from laterites and aluminous laterites are
The chief mineralogical constituent of the aluminous laterites is discussed below. Gibbsite is the chief mineral constituent of the
gibbsite, which is commonly traversed by secondary calcite veins. Jamnagar laterites. The presence of gibbsite is confirmed by the
Gibbsite possesses irregular outline and often shows colloform XRD analysis (Table 2) as well as SEM–EDX images. It shows micro-
banding (Fig. 2D). The colour of bands varies between yellowish textures such as elongated crystals with flower like aggregates,
white and dark brown, even cherry red to black, suggesting har- spongy, and crystalline platy habits (Fig. 4a–c). The heat flow data
monic precipitation of the aluminium, iron and titanium oxides. shows peak values in the range of 284.83–292.67 °C; whereas
Relict minerals such as plagioclase and mafic minerals are com- weight loss calculated from thermo-gravimetric curves ranges from
mon. The aluminous laterite occurring in the Mewasa area shows 11.56% to 23.99% due to presence of volatile components and hy-
brecciated or fragmentary nature. These fragments are composed droxyl ions. EPMA analyses confirm the presence of gibbsite in both
of gibbsite, which occurs in various forms such as fine-grained laterites and aluminous laterites (Table 3). Kaolinite presence in
(showing yellowish tinge), dark brown (accentuated by opaque minor quantities is confirmed by XRD analysis in most of the local-
minerals), banded, and spongy. ities barring Virpur and Lamba. Further confirmation is provided by
The abundance of reddish brown hematite and goethite charac- the endothermic peaks between 485 °C and 498 °C; and the weight
terise laterites. Microscopic study reveals conspicuous presence of: loss of 1.62–3.87%. An EPMA analysis of kaolinite is given in Table 3.
(i) ferruginous oolites, (ii) goethite–limonite and hematite (Fig. 2E), Hematite is present in the laterites of Virpur and Lamba. SEM–EDX
(iii) relict minerals such as plagioclase feldspar, and highly altered images record presence of hematite. Fig. 4d shows crystal aggre-
mafic minerals, and (iv) fragmented aluminous hydroxides within gates of hematite, whereas in Fig. 4e a dark crystal of hematite with
the ferruginous matrix. Major portion of the ore body is composed light coloured less ferruginous spots is observed. Relative concen-
of hematite followed by limonite–goethite and gibbsite. Gibbsite is tration of iron is confirmed by EPMA analysis. Goethite is also com-
mostly confined to the lighter portion of the rock and also occurs mon to the laterites. XRD data shows presence of goethite. Except

Table 3
Representative analyses of minerals occurring in the laterite deposits of Jamnagar: (1) aluminous laterite from Kataria, (2) laterite from Lamba, (3) calcite from satapar, (4)
Anatase from Lamba, (5) magnetite from Lamba, (6) kaolinite from Asota, and (7) hematite from Lamba.

Sr. no. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
SiO2 0.04 1.56 0.00 0.29 1.12 25.83 0.45
TiO2 0.01 3.17 0.00 89.47 1.07 1.60 2.31
Al2O3 71.55 67.68 0.00 3.51 2.21 28.92 9.58
Cr2O3 0.00 0.12 0.00 0.16 0.07 0.09 0.45
FeOT 0.05 2.11 0.01 0.67 76.73 5.61 65.34
MnO 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.44 0.00 0.31
MgO 0.00 0.03 0.47 0.00 0.01 0.26 0.13
CaO 0.00 0.16 57.71 0.09 0.14 0.23 0.18
Na2O 0.02 0.02 0.00 0.05 0.23 1.13 0.10
K2O 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.92 0.00
NiO 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.05 0.04 0.00 0.80
Total 71.67 74.81 58.19 94.33 82.04 64.59 78.93
Inference Gibbsite Gibbsite Calcite Anatase Magnetite Kaolinite Hematite

Table 4
Major element analysis of Jamnagar laterites.

AST-1 AST-2 VR-1 VR-2 VR-3 MWS-1 MWS-2 KTR-1 KTR-2 LMA-1 LMA-2 STR-1 STR-2 STR-3 STR-4
SiO2 9.02 18.45 1.2 4.04 3.7 1.81 8.51 6.89 27.98 1.06 1.19 2.24 10.44 7.82 8.4
TiO2 3.32 3.54 2.96 5.92 4.15 4.83 3.63 3.19 3.28 4.12 3.36 5.04 4.58 5.33 4.38
Al2O3 48.32 40.69 37.21 43.49 49.59 57.24 48.85 42.53 39.31 41.34 34.74 52.96 42.48 44.27 41.3
Fe2O3T 3.55 2.49 21.55 13.81 9.84 2.78 3.84 2.51 2.55 25.22 32.21 1.8 1.45 1.56 1.77
MnO 0.02 0.02 0.05 0.03 0.06 0.03 0.02 0.02 Bld 0.04 0.05 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01
MgO Bld Bld 0.29 0.47 0.45 0.43 Bld Bld 0.02 0.37 0.37 Bld Bld Bld Bld
CaO 5.18 7.99 0.91 0.6 0.6 0.75 4.72 12.37 4.81 0.62 0.48 3.47 10.54 8 11.81
Na2O 0.95 0.73 2.69 1.61 1.01 1.65 1.25 0.6 0.87 0.84 0.21 0.85 0.68 1.95 0.82
K2O 0.07 0.39 0.03 0.15 0.04 Bld 0.07 0.09 0.2 Bld Bld Bld 0.08 0.07 0.12
P2O5 0.15 0.19 1.01 0.21 0.16 0.12 0.17 0.09 0.11 0.16 0.11 0.16 0.12 0.11 0.13
S 0.73 0.66 0.59 0.37 0.58 0.63 0.58 0.86 0.81 0.67 0.84 1.12 Bld 0.9 0.93
Cr2O3 Bld 0.01 0.06 0.04 0.01 0.03 0.04 Bld Bld 0.02 0.04 Bld Bld Bld Bld
NiO 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 Bld Bld 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01
BaO 0.03 0.03 0.03 0 0.02 0.01 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01
LOI 28.64 24.76 31.39 29.24 29.76 29.66 28.27 30.8 19.99 25.51 26.36 32.31 29.59 29.95 30.29
Total 99.99 99.98 99.99 99.99 99.98 99.98 99.99 99.99 99.98 99.99 99.98 99.98 99.99 99.99 99.98

Total Fe represented as Fe2O3.

Bld - below limit of detection.
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1278 R.R. Meshram, K.R. Randive / Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 42 (2011) 1271–1287

one exothermic peak of 375 °C in the Lamba area, thermionic curves the aluminous laterite. The SEM–EDX confirms presence of calcite
do not depict peaks for goethite. The SEM–EDX image (Fig. 4f), how- Fig. 4h, which is surrounded by gibbsite. Quartz occurs only in
ever, show the hydrated iron oxide. Ilmenite presence is observed in traces within aluminous laterites, not in the laterites. The thermal
the SEM–EDX image Fig. 4g, and by the EDX data. Anatase is re- analyses do not record presence of free silica due to its very low
corded in minor quantities in the X-ray diffractograms of Virpur content. Natroalunite is recorded in minor quantities within laterite
and Lamba, but not in the aluminous laterites. EPMA analysis con- (Mewasa) and aluminous laterite (Virpur). An endothermic peak at
firms its presence (Table 3). Calcite is observed in minor amounts in 885 °C confirms presence of this mineral.

30 40


0 0
Slope= -5.558E-01 Int= 5.411E01 r=-.99 r'=-.98
20 40
15 30


10 20

5 10

0 0
Slope= -3.432E-01 Int= 3.404E01 r=-.99 r'=-.9
3 6
E F 5
2 4

3 TiO2
1 2

0 0
70 80 90 100 70 80 90 100

Fig. 5. Variation of major oxides against Chemical Index of Alteration (CIA) for the Jamnagar laterites (See text for discussion). Open circles: aluminous laterites, filled circles:
laterites. Symbols are common for all diagrams except Figs. 9 and 10.

Fig. 6. The Al2O3–SiO2–Fe2 OT3 triangular diagram showing classification of bauxite Fig. 7. The Al2O3–SiO2–Fe2 OT3 triangular diagram showing degree of lateritisation
(after Boulange et al., 1996). (after Schellman, 1986).
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vidual locality (Table 4), thus SiO2 shows consistently low values
for the laterites of Lamba and Virpur areas (1.06–4.04), whereas a
wide range is recorded for the aluminous laterites of Asota, Mahade-
via/Kotharia and Satapar areas (1.81–27.98). The total iron (Fe2O3)
shows variation between laterite (9.84–32.21), and aluminous lat-
erite (1.45–3.84), whereas TiO2 (laterites – 2.96–5.92; aluminous
laterites – 3.19–5.33), Al2O3 (laterites – 34.74–49.59; aluminous
laterites – 39.31–57.24); and Na2O (laterites – 0.21–2.69; alumi-
nous laterites – 0.60–1.95) do not show significant variation.
Chemical weathering strongly affects the mineralogy and major
elements geochemistry of the bed rocks. The degree of weathering
can be evaluated by quantitative measures using whole rock chem-
ical analysis such as Chemical Index of Alteration (CIA) defined by
Nesbitt and Young (1982),

CIA ¼ 100  Al2 O3 =Al2 O3 þ CaO þ Na2 O þ K2 O

This index may serve as a reasonable factor against which var-
iation in different oxides and elements can be plotted. The ob-
served variations (Fig. 5) indicate that: (i) the laterites plot
Fig. 8. Geochemical paths of dismantlement according to Beauvais (1991) indicat- towards the higher values of CIA (>90) whereas the aluminous
ing various trends followed during the process of bauxitisation depending upon laterites shows the lower values (75–90); (ii) a cluster of laterites
whether quartz is present or absent in the soft microganular matrix, here the is formed when silica is plotted against CIA (Fig. 5A). Similar cluster
shaded portion shows data of ferruginous cuirasses (Tardy, 1997). The Jamnagar
laterite samples are resulted due to destruction of kaolinite and strong
is also observed for the values of Loss on Ignition (LOI) against CIA
deferruginisation. (Fig. 5B); (iii) the best correlation however observed for CaO
against CIA, where a strong correlation (r = 0.98 and r0 = 0.97)
is seen for the aluminous laterites (Fig. 5C); (iv) CIA plotted against
6. Geochemistry total iron content shows good discrimination between laterites and
aluminous laterites (Fig. 5D); (v) in case of Na2O there is a strong
6.1. Major elements geochemistry correlation (r = 0.99 and r0 = 0.99) within the laterite, whereas
no such correlation is observed for aluminous laterite (Fig. 5E);
There is a considerable range of major elements composition (vi) several other elements such as TiO2, P2O5, MgO, MnO, S, BaO
among the different localities and among samples within an indi- and NiO that do not show any appreciable correlation (e.g. Fig. 5F).

Table 5
Trace element analysis of Jamnagar laterites.

AST-1 AST-2 VR-1 VR-2 VR-3 MWS-1 MWS-2 KTR-1 KTR-2 LMA-1 LMA-2 STR-1 STR-2 STR-3 STR-4
Sc 21.0 32.3 30.9 42.2 35.1 70.8 26.4 12.9 24.4 20.6 19.9 21.8 28.1 28.1 33.4
V 225.4 278.3 360.9 1090.9 635.1 638.5 303.8 320.1 345.4 592.3 502.9 522.1 451.0 462.9 468.2
Cr 338.6 768.2 719.7 664.2 530.8 637.1 833.9 430.1 430.2 439.8 365.5 544.9 730.2 683.1 640.9
Co 15.5 9.2 7.9 7.4 18.4 40.5 7.9 8.1 6.6 2.9 4.0 11.9 5.1 8.1 19.3
Ni 52.7 88.2 23.7 53.3 51.1 134.9 58.5 44.2 161.3 15.3 23.1 58.1 42.6 36.1 46.0
Cu 38.2 45.2 30.6 126.7 67.9 95.3 36.7 30.1 57.4 43.6 48.5 33.3 24.2 25.9 23.7
Zn 94.5 113.3 118.4 142.5 130.7 105.3 96.8 93.1 106.7 116.9 90.8 154.0 127.2 148.2 127.4
Ga 62.3 90.9 100.4 95.4 85.6 72.0 77.3 61.6 56.6 79.4 58.5 92.7 101.3 108.2 103.7
Rb 6.7 23.6 1.2 4.1 3.3 1.4 7.2 6.7 14.5 0.7 0.7 3.9 11.1 9.5 12.3
Sr 506.1 919.5 368.7 858.3 654.4 7269.1 667.6 331.2 691.3 87.4 52.5 897.3 463.5 415.8 563.7
Y 23.0 22.2 14.9 19.6 18.3 32.9 20.0 10.6 10.4 8.8 6.6 18.6 26.4 22.5 30.5
Zr 726.4 1077.8 1595.0 1048.5 911.7 548.3 810.5 766.3 844.5 1013.6 704.3 818.7 1126.0 1200.0 1049.3
Nb 37.3 57.2 86.9 74.8 57.8 21.4 42.3 38.7 41.6 84.6 59.1 65.3 85.8 101.1 85.3
Cs 0.7 2.6 0.1 0.3 0.3 0.0 0.8 0.7 1.5 0.0 0.0 0.3 1.3 1.3 1.4
Ba 82.3 176.5 44.6 82.9 54.3 156.9 72.7 54.0 95.7 25.0 20.6 69.4 60.5 74.5 71.2
La 65.7 89.3 38.9 101.4 48.9 8.2 47.0 39.9 47.3 23.3 15.6 32.8 47.7 53.1 47.3
Ce 117.7 182.2 71.3 103.0 50.4 18.3 98.2 77.8 99.5 36.9 25.2 32.7 69.7 82.7 78.0
Pr 17.3 22.8 6.5 21.9 9.2 3.1 10.4 7.8 11.7 3.8 2.7 6.6 9.8 10.4 10.3
Nd 72.3 86.1 21.0 82.4 33.4 23.6 40.1 24.3 40.5 12.3 9.0 25.5 37.7 38.0 39.6
Sm 16.1 16.3 3.2 13.4 5.9 9.0 7.5 3.4 6.0 1.8 1.4 5.6 7.4 6.9 7.3
Eu 4.8 4.0 0.7 3.5 1.6 2.5 1.6 0.7 1.2 0.4 0.3 1.5 1.7 1.6 1.8
Gd 11.0 10.3 2.5 8.5 4.4 7.5 5.1 2.8 3.9 1.5 1.1 4.3 5.3 5.1 5.9
Tb 1.7 1.5 0.4 1.2 0.8 1.3 0.8 0.4 0.6 0.2 0.2 0.8 0.9 0.9 1.0
Dy 8.3 7.7 2.6 6.1 4.3 7.1 4.3 2.1 2.8 1.6 1.1 5.2 5.8 5.1 6.4
Ho 1.4 1.3 0.6 1.1 0.9 1.3 0.8 0.5 0.5 0.3 0.3 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.3
Er 2.2 3.0 1.6 2.5 2.1 2.8 2.1 1.2 1.4 1.0 0.8 2.6 2.8 2.7 3.0
Tm 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.5
Yb 2.2 2.7 1.9 2.1 2.1 2.1 1.7 1.2 1.4 1.3 1.0 2.7 2.7 2.7 3.2
Lu 0.3 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.5
Hf 19.3 28.8 40.8 26.7 23.7 14.1 22.0 20.2 22.8 25.5 17.7 19.8 29.6 30.3 26.8
Ta 3.0 4.6 6.4 5.3 4.3 1.8 3.6 3.2 3.3 6.2 4.2 4.5 6.7 7.3 6.3
Pb 62.4 101.3 81.3 57.7 56.8 39.0 61.9 59.5 28.4 43.5 41.9 18.7 56.0 72.2 53.3
Th 16.6 32.0 33.8 18.3 18.5 7.2 16.4 18.0 19.0 18.7 12.9 13.5 23.5 22.1 19.9
U 10.8 12.7 8.6 6.1 9.2 70154.0 5.7 5.4 5042.0 5.9 3.4 7.5 8.0 8.0 7.6
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1280 R.R. Meshram, K.R. Randive / Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 42 (2011) 1271–1287

Fig. 9. The chondrite normalised trace elements spidergrams for the laterite samples from different localities of the Jamnagar area (Sun, 1980). Abbreviations indicates
localities such as AST – Asota, KTR – Kataria, MWS – Mewasa, VR – Virpur, LMA – Lamba, and STR – Satapar.

Fig. 10. The chondrite normalised rare earth elements spidergrams for the laterite samples from various localities of the Jamnagar area (Nakamura, 1974). Abbreviations as in
Fig. 9.
Author's personal copy

R.R. Meshram, K.R. Randive / Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 42 (2011) 1271–1287 1281

The triangular variation diagrams using Al2O3–SiO2–Fe2 OT3 are Rock/Chondrites Sun (1980)
commonly used to show the degree of lateritisation, mineral con- 1000
trol and bauxite classification. In this diagram (Fig. 6), majority of A
the aluminous laterites plot in the bauxite field, whereas laterites
fall in the ferruginous bauxite field of Boulange et al. (1996), imply-
ing that the classification of Jamnagar laterites into laterites and 100
aluminous laterites holds well. Fig. 7 after Schellman (1986) brings
forth the lateritisation process prevalent in the area. The overall
trend shows increased degree of lateritisation. Geochemical paths
of dismantlement (Beauvais, 1991; Tardy, 1997) shows various
trends followed during the process of bauxitisation (Fig. 8), imply-
ing that the Jamnagar laterites have resulted due to destruction of
kaolinite and strong deferruginisation.

6.2. Trace elements geochemistry 1

Rb Ba Th U Nb Ta K La Ce Sr Nd Sm Zr Ti Gd Y

The distribution and behaviour of trace elements (Table 5) in

Rock/Chondrites REEs-Nakamura, 1974
bauxites is controlled by factors like: (i) composition of the par- 1000
ent rocks, (ii) physicochemical conditions of bauxite formation,
(iii) mineral species of the bed rocks, (iv) chemical properties
of elements such as solubility, pH of hydroxide precipitation
and possibility of complex formation, (v) diagenetic, epigenetic
and recent transformation of bauxites (Mordberg, 1996).
MacLean et al. (1997) proposed the use of immobile elements
suitable to trace the source of aluminium to a particular rock
type or unit. He also indicated that some chemical elements
especially Zr, Ti and Cr are strongly immobile during weathering 10
and diagenesis of laterite. Liaghat et al. (2003) reiterated impor-
tance of trace elements and opined that study of such elements
in bauxite allows inferring their parent rock composition. It was
however observed during present study that the trace elements 1
including REE do not show direct correlation with Al2O3, TiO2 La Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu
or standard indices such as Chemical Index of Alteration (CIA), Fig. 11. Trace elements spidergrams showing the generalised (average) composi-
Mineralogical Index of Alteration (MIA) and fractionation index tion of the Jamnagar bauxites (a) trace elements spider (Sun, 1980) and (b) rare
viz., 100 Al2O3/Fe2 OT3 + Al2O3. Some of the major and trace ele- Earth Elements (Nakamura, 1974). Symbols open circles: aluminous bauxites, filled
ments which are normally very mobile under surficial conditions circles: ferruginous bauxites, plus sign: average upper continental crust (after
Taylor and McLennan, 1981).
such as K, Na, Sr, La, Mg and Pb, do not show preferred affinity
for either laterites or aluminous laterites, whereas, the less mo-
bile elements such as Nb, Th, Zr, Mo, Ga, and Cr show some indi-
rect correlation.
(d) The concentration of La ranges between 101.42 ppm and
The chondrite normalised trace element spidergrams (Sun,
8.16 ppm, average value 63.08 ppm. Similarly, the concen-
1980) were plotted for the Jamnagar laterite samples (Fig. 9).
tration of Lu ranges between 0.48 ppm and 0.16, with the
Majority of the samples show depletion peaks for K, Ba, Sr and
average value of 0.34. Fig. 11B shows the generalised REE
Nb, and peaks of enrichment for Zr, Th and U. These enrichment
curves for the Jamnagar laterites.
and depletion are apparently related to the availability or unavail-
ability of related carrier mineral phases in the source rock, e.g. K-
feldspar (K+ and Ba+), plagioclase (Sr2+, Eu2+), carbonate (P4+, V5+, 7. Discussion
Ce4+), garnet (HREE3+), apatite (LREE3+), zircon (Ga4+, Zr4+, Hf4+,
Nb4+, Ta4+, Th4+), anatase/rutile/ilmenite (Ti4+, Fe3+ and REE). The 7.1. Parent rock composition
Asota samples show strong negative K, Ce and Sr anomalies and
positive Gd, U, Nd and Zr anomalies. One of the samples from Me- Hallberg (1984) opined that Zr/Ti ratio can supply information
wasa shows very strong positive Sr anomaly, whereas the Lamba about the chemical nature of parent rock. Floyd and Winchester
samples show complete absence of K and negative Sr and positive (1978) used Zr/TiO2 against Nb/Y ratios to model the parent rock
Nd anomalies. The Satapar samples show positive Zr anomaly. The compositions of the laterites, particularly when the parent rock is
generalised trace element pattern of the laterites of Jamnagar is an extrusive igneous rock. When the Jamnagar laterites were plot-
shown in Fig. 11A. ted in Zr/Ti diagram (Fig. 12), majority of the data plot in the
The chondrite normalised REE spidergrams (Nakamura, 1974) ‘‘andesite’’ field. Similarly, the data plotted in Nb/Y–Zr/TiO2 dis-
of the Jamnagar laterites are reported in Fig. 10, the general fea- crimination diagram occupy ‘‘trachyte’’ and ‘‘trachyandesite’’ fields
tures observable indicate that: (Fig. 13). The ternary Zr–Ga–Cr trace element diagram of Calagari
and Abedini (2007), in which the data of Jamnagar laterites plots
(a) All the samples show LREE enriched and HREE depleted in the Field III, also indicates that the parent rock may be interme-
pattern diate igneous in composition (Fig. 14).
(b) Almost all the samples show pronounced negative Ce anom- Celik (1999) studied the minamite and alunite occurrences
aly, weak negative Eu and Er anomalies. formed from volcanic emanations in Turkey and opined that the
(c) In case of laterites the curve becomes flat after Eu, whereas alunites were observed mainly in altered dacitic volcanic rocks.
for aluminous laterites the curves are gently sloping after Eu. He proposed the probable parent rocks on the basis of mineral
Author's personal copy

1282 R.R. Meshram, K.R. Randive / Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 42 (2011) 1271–1287

2000 the remnants of ashes in some of the laterites (Sahasrabudhe,

1978; IBM, 1993; Meshram, 2009) reiterating that the parent rock
composition predicted above holds good.
1500 The laterite samples invariably contain gibbsite as their more
abundant mineral followed by hematite ± goethite ± anatase. How-
ever in case of ferruginous cuirassement or ferricrete (Alexander and
Zr ppm

Cady, 1962), the major mineral constituents, in order of importance,

are hematite, kaolinite, goethite, quartz and gibbsite; of these first
two are essential and other three are facultative (Tardy, 1997).
The association hematite + kaolinite represents dehydrated or
500 poorly hydrated minerals which are dismantled and replaced by
hydrated goethite + gibbsite, since the hydration enables transfor-
mation of kaolinite + hematite mixture to aluminous goethite. The
0 cuirasses on quartz rich rocks are less ferruginous and rich in kao-
1 2 3 4
linite + hematite; whereas those on quartz-poor rocks are more fer-
Ti Wt%
ruginous, richer in goethite and poorer in kaolinite + hematite
Fig. 12. The diagram showing the possible parent rocks of the Jamnagar bauxite (Tardy, 1997). Presence of gibbsite + kaolinite ± quartz in the alumi-
belt on the basis of Zr/Ti ratio (after Hallberg, 1984). nous laterites and gibbsite ± hematite ± goethite in laterites there-
fore indicates that the laterites of Jamnagar area were hydrated,
but their parent rock composition (such as quartz-rich and
1 quartz-poor) was relatively different.

7.2. Mineralogical influences on trace elements distribution

In parent rocks, trace elements are distributed between rock

forming and accessory minerals. The rock forming minerals may

dissolve during bauxitic weathering, whereas accessory minerals

are often resistant to weathering. The distribution between these
two groups determines the weathering characteristics of elements
.01 (Bardossy and Aleva, 1990; Mordberg, 1996). The mineralogical
influence is such that even very mobile elements can be concen-
trated in bauxite profiles, if the host minerals have not been dis-
solved (e.g. Boski and Herbosch, 1990; Mordberg et al., 1995).
.001 Fig. 11 A gives the generalised pattern of trace element distribution
.01 .1 1 10 of the Jamnagar laterites. The patterns shows strong negative K
Nb/Y anomaly which is apparently related to paucity of potassic mineral
in the source rock. Similarly, a smaller negative Sr anomaly proba-
Fig. 13. The diagram showing possible parent rocks for the Jamnagar deposits on
the basis of Zr/TiO2–Nb/Y ratios (after Floyd and Winchester, 1978). bly indicates absence or non-dissolution of calcium rich primary
mineral. In this context, the presence of relicts of plagioclase in
the Jamnagar laterites provides reasonable explanation for consid-
ering incomplete leaching and relative impoverishment of Sr and
Eu. Zirconium is generally considered to be relatively immobile
element during weathering due to its chemical properties and high
resistance of its most common carrier mineral zircon (Mordberg
and Spratt, 1998), strong positive anomaly of Zr therefore indicates
its enrichment in the source area. However, in the pyroclastic rocks
zirconium may not be expected in exceedingly higher amount.
Fig. 11B gives the generalised pattern of REE distribution in
the Jamnagar laterites. However, the nature of REE distribution
Fig. 14. Ternary plot for the concentration of Ga, Zr and Cr in samples of Jamnagar during mineralogical reactions associated with weathering is
laterites (after Calagari and Abedini, 2007). A–D (star) depicts the concentration
very poorly understood (Mac Lenan, 1989). Several studies have
values of Zr, Cr and Ga in ultrabasic, basic, intermediate, and acidic igneous rocks
respectively. The numbers I–IV represents the area of influence of ultramafic, mafic, suggested that REE are mobile during weathering but there is lit-
intermediate (or argillaceous), and acidic precursor rocks respectively. The samples tle agreement regarding the overall magnitude or their potential
(open and filled circles) imply intermediate parent rocks. for fractionation (Boulange and Colin, 1994). The Jamnagar late-
rites are LREE enriched – HREE depleted, showing negative Ce
and Eu anomalies. There are several possible explanations for
assemblages such as alunite–quartz (andesite), alunite–quartz– the behaviour of REE under weathering environments such as
kaolinite (dacite), quartz–kaolinite–natroalunite (dacite). The following:
assemblage of natroalunite–kaolinite–goethite in the laterites of
Jamnagar may well be considered to represent the altered volcanic (a) REE could be mobilised during intense chemical weathering
rocks such as andesite and dacite. The bauxite capping in the study under warm and humid conditions and the HREE are prefer-
area are essentially over the basaltic country unlike the adjoining entially transported in solution (Balashov et al., 1964).
Saurashtra and Kachchh regions where the capping are also ob- (b) REE may not be at all mobile during weathering
served over Gaj sediments and the supratrappean beds (Type II environment (Ronov et al., 1967; Duddy, 1980), especially
and Type III of Sahasrabudhe, 1978). Moreover, there are field evi- depending upon pH conditions (Appelo and Postma, 1993;
dences such as unusual tuffaceous appearance of the bauxite and Johannesson et al., 1996).
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R.R. Meshram, K.R. Randive / Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 42 (2011) 1271–1287 1283

Table 6 low to moderate REE concentrations are due to presence of quartz,

Correlation table for selected tetravalent elements of the Jamnagar laterites. feldspars and biotites in the parent rock (Gromet and Silver, 1983;
Ga Zr Nb Hf Ta Pb Th Ti Mariano, 1989). Moreover, strong partitioning of REEs by the oxi-
Ga 1.00 des of Ti-Nb (Gonzalez Lopez et al., 2005; Esmaily et al., 2009); fer-
Zr 0.73 1.00 ric hydroxides (Kunhel, 1987; Mongelli, 1997); and REE–carbonate
Nb 0.79 0.80 1.00 complexes (Johannesson et al., 1996; Mameli et al., 2007), is also
Hf 0.70 0.99 0.75 1.00 well documented.
Ta 0.80 0.82 0.99 0.78 1.00
Pb 0.37 0.56 0.23 0.60 0.30 1.00
Cerium exists naturally in two forms, viz. Ce3+ and Ce4+, with
Th 0.50 0.87 0.52 0.90 0.58 0.76 1.00 the latter having higher ionic potential than the other REEs and
Ti 0.56 0.02 0.37 0.04 0.32 0.23 0.29 1.00 consequently the lowest mobility (Esmaily et al., 2009). The lower
ionic potential of LREEs relative to HREEs means that they were
leached from the source and got concentrated in the laterites.
(c) The REE may get accumulated within iron crusts containing The high ionic potential of Ce4+ suggest that its behaviour was sim-
goethite (Steinberg and Courtois, 1976; Kunhel, 1987; ilar to the HREEs. The positive Ce anomaly is commonly attributed
Mongelli, 1997). to the leaching of apatite, sphene and zircons; however the latter is
(d) Weathering may result in the formation of authegenic clay a remarkably resistant mineral under the weathering conditions.
minerals and REE may easily get adsorbed at the surface of Therefore, the negative Ce anomaly is owing to the ability of Ce4+
clay minerals such as smectite and kaolinite (Roaldset, to get accommodated in the zircon structure because of the similar
1973; Aagard, 1974; Decarreau et al., 1979; Laufer et al., oxidation state and comparable ionic radii of Zr [4+, 0.84(VIII) Å ]
1984). and Ce [4+, 0.97(VIII) Å] (Murali et al., 1983; Hintor and Upton,
(e) REE distribution is greatly influenced by the presence or 1991, ionic radii after Shannon, 1976).
absence of certain minerals in the source rock, such as The negative Ce anomaly in the Jamnagar bauxites may also
phases of the bastnasite group (Nesbitt, 1979; Boulange indicate that the zircon may not be present in the source rock in
and Colin, 1994; Mameli et al., 2007). significant amount. This observation therefore leads the way to
consider the geochemical affinity of Zr4+ with the relatively immo-
It is known that high REE concentration is due to presence of bile tetravalent ions such as Ga4+, Hf4+, Ta4+, Th4+, Pb4+, and possi-
primary minerals such as sphene, apatite and zircon, whereas bly Ce4+ (not separated from Ce3+ therefore not correlated in table),

Fig. 15. Position of India and possible location of Jamnagar laterite deposits (indicated by circle) during the Palaeocene times (modified after Sychanthavong and Patel, 1987).
The fracture zones indicate Pre-Palaeocene structures in the Indian Ocean, whereas the area beyond limit of Indian Subcontinent indicate wet climate suitable for laterite
formation. The dotted area indicate humid climate with lesser rainfall, the stripped areas indicate semi-arid, and blank area within India indicate arid climatic conditions.
Author's personal copy

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Table 7
Comparison of various flood basaltic provinces of the world, their age, areal extent and laterite deposits.

Sr. Name of the flood Location Age Aerial extent Laterite

no. basaltic province deposits
1 Copper Mine River Mackenzie Large Igneous Province in the NW territories of Canada Mesoproterozoic 1,70,000 km2 Economic deposits
Group not known
2 Keweenawan Province Lake Superior on the Canadian–American Boarder Proterozoic 100,000 km Economic deposits
not known
3 North Australian North Australia between the Kimberley region and Queensland Early Cambrian 400,000 km2 Economic deposits
Province boarder. Main continuous outcrop in East Kimberley, Victoria are present
River and Daly River basin: together called Antrim Plateau
4 Emeishan Traps Sichuan Province, SW China Permian 250,000 km2 Presence indicated
5 Siberian Province Enisei and Lena Rivers, Russia. Most of the continental flood Late Permian to Early 1500,000 km2 Not known on CFB
basalts occur within the Tungaska Basin Jurassic
6 North Mountain SW Nova Scotia, Canada, stretching from Brier Island to Cape Slit, Triassic 4000 km Not known
Province Annapolis Valley to Bay of Fundy. A gigantic flood basaltic igneous (diameter)
complex along east coast of United States, Europe, NW Africa and
South America with a diameter of 4000 km
7 Wranglia flood basaltic SW Yukon, extending from Vancouver island to central Alaska Triassic 3000 km2 Not known
8 Karoo Province Barotseland in Zambia, Suurberg in eastern Cape, Etekanda in Late Triassic to Early 3000,000 km Not known
Namibia, Antonio Enes in Mozambique, Lesotho and Nuanetsi– Jurassic
9 Parana Basin Province Mostly located in Brazil, but also traced in Uruguay, Paraguay and Late Jurassic to Early 120,000 km2 Not known
Argentina Cretaceous
10 Ontong Java Plateau North of Solomon Islands, Manihiki Plateau and Hikurangi Plateau Cretaceous 2000,000 km ?
11 Caribbean flood Large Oceanic Plateau covering Costa Rica, etc. Late Cretaceous ? Economic deposits
basaltic province are present
12 Deccan Trap basaltic Western and central India and southern Pakistan Late Cretaceous to 500,000 km2 Economics deposits
province Late Eocene are present
13 North Atlantic Tertiary Subdivided into six main subprovinces: the Hebridean, northern Palaeocene to Eocene 143,750 km2 Economic deposits
Province Ireland, UK; the Facroe Islands, East Greenland; Baffin Bay, West are present
Greenland; Rockall Plateau and Voring Plateau off NW Norway
14 Ethiopian Province Highlands of Ethiopia and Yemen, Aiba Formation. Eocene to Miocene 750,000 Sq, Not known
15 Eastern China Province Eastern China Eocene to Middle ? Not known
16 Columbia River Washington, Oregon and Idaho in NW USA. This group has been Miocene 163,700 km2 Economic deposits
Province divided into four main formations: Imnaha basalt, Grande Ronde are present
basalt, Wanapum basalt and Columbia River basalt
17 Chilcotin Province Garibaldi Volcanic Belt, British Columbia, Canada Miocene to Pliocene 50,000 Sq, km Not known
18 Hawaii flood basaltic Hawaii Islands Pleistocene 10,432 km2 Economic deposits
province are present

Data compiled from Valeton (1972), Lassiter et al. (1995), Garner (1996), Taylor (2006) and Deng et al. (2009).

which show strong correlation among them (Table 6). It is likely with respect to their palaeolatitudes and palaeo-pole positioning;
that these elements are concentrated as hydrolysates by the but also helped the proponents of Continental Drift to substantiate
in situ weathering of parent rock. Mason and Moore (1991) their own hypothesis (e.g. Taling and Runcorn, 1973). Indian con-
predicted that the tetravalent elements including Ti4+ may be con- text of this hypothesis is discussed in detail by Sychanthavong
centrated in bauxite, the factor of enrichment being four to five and Patel (1987), who provided valuable information on palaeopo-
times as compared to their parent material. The lower correlation sitioning and drifting of Indian Subcontinent since Mesozoic. We
coefficients of Ti4+ with the other tetravalent elements could be discuss it further in relation to the Jamanagar laterite deposits.
due to (i) incomplete leaching of the minerals in parent rocks such The deposits of Jamnagar are bounded by a narrow zone be-
as plagioclase, clinpyroxene, zircon, and apatite and (ii) presence of tween the Deccan Traps and Tertiary Sediments. The fragmented
other influencing mineral phases, like anatase and ilmenite, which nodules of bauxites are found in the Tertiary sediments, which
are present in the laterites and aluminous laterites of the Jamnagar mean that their age is Pre-Tertiary. Considering Miocene age of
deposits. Chowdhury et al. (1965) have observed harmonic correla- the Gaj sediments and Cretaceous age of Deccan Trap magmatism,
tion of tetravalent Ga4+ with Al3+, Fe3+ and Ti4+ in several laterite– Palaeocene to Eocene age is a reasonable estimate for the laterite
bauxite deposits in India including Gujarat, which is not seen in the deposits of Jamnagar.
Jamnagar deposits due to influence of bed rock mineralogy as It is well known that lateritisation is a process of chemical
discussed above. weathering of rocks, essentially in a tropical climate comprising
of alternation of very hot summers and heavy rainfall during the
7.3. Implications on the palaeotectonics monsoon season (see for e.g. McFarlene, 1976). This type of tropical
climate is strictly restricted to the equatorial zone with the excep-
Bardossy’s (1973) stimulating discussion on the process of tion of topographically controlled areas. According to Sant (1999)
bauxite formation in relation to plate tectonics has brought new the time events shaping morphology of the Saurashtra and Lower
insight into bauxite research. The palaeo-climate, environment, Narmada Valley area have occurred around 58 ± 2 Ma, 42 ± 2 Ma,
morphology and drainage conditions that are required for forma- 32 ± 2 Ma. 21 ± 2 Ma and 14 ± 2 Ma among these, first two events
tion of bauxite and laterite deposits were provided by the drifting record the bauxitisation process. In case of Jamnagar laterite
continents over certain latitudes. Such discussion not only cor- deposits, the first event, i.e. 58 ± 2 Ma was most probably the late-
rectly predicted the positioning of the bauxite–laterite provinces ritisation event for the reasons discussed below.
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Sychanthavong and Patel (1987) opined that the age of the Ter- provinces, their palaeoclimate, palaeodrainage and palaeoslope
tiary bauxites of India decreases from north to south from Jammu are the governing factors for lateritisation.
& Kahsmir, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Kar-
nataka and southern Indian states. They attributed this to the drift- 8. Conclusions
ing and anticlockwise rotation of the Indian plate. The matured
bauxite profiles in south as compared to north India is due to more On the whole the field geology, mineralogy, petrography, and
residence time of south India at the equator and vice versa. This geochemical characteristics of the Jamnagar laterite deposits ap-
study along with those of Frakes and Kempe (1972) and Bardossy pear to indicate:
(1973) sheds light on the process of lateritisation vis-a-vis drifting
of continents. Fig. 15 shows possible location of the Jamnagar area (a) the parent rocks of Jamnagar laterites would have been pyro-
during Palaeocene. clastic igneous rocks of trachytic or andesitic composition,
The major tectonic event prevailed during this time was the drift- (b) the observed variations in the trace and rare earth elements
ing of Seychelles from greater India and development of extensional are likely to be due to several factors, most important being,
fractures along which magmas were emplaced. There was an uplift- (i) incomplete leaching of minerals from the parent rocks,
ment of the Cambay basin, whereas western continental margin re- (ii) presence of other influencing mineral phases that can
mained stable (Balasubramanyan and Snelling, 1981; Pandey, accommodate several trace elements having similar geo-
1986). In the Jamnagar laterite deposits there are no younger sedi- chemical properties, and (iii) the geochemical affinity of ele-
mentary rocks underlying laterites, indicating that this area was ments such as Ga4+, Hf4+, Zr4+, Nb4+ Ta4+, Th4+, Pb4+, and Ce4+,
not submerged since the outpouring of the Deccan basalts (Syc- which might have been concentrated as the hydrolysates,
hanthavong and Patel, 1987). The area therefore had thick lush- (c) Jamnagar laterite deposits were developed over the Deccan
green vegetation thronging on the heavy rainfall during monsoon Trap basaltic rocks during Palaeocene times when Indian
and hot climate during summer, which was conducive for Plate was passing over the equator, the morphology, drain-
lateritisation. age and climatic conditions were favourable for formation
The post Deccan Trap landscape is considered to be the ‘zero of laterites during this time,
surface’ (Sant, 1999); the minimum elevation of this surface was (d) Flood basaltic provinces are potentially good parent rocks for
considered to be 1000 m in the Saurashtra Peninsula. The flat roll- hosting laterite deposits, however, the palaeopositioning of
ing surface of the Deccan Province had westerly slope and the re- these provinces along with paeoclimate, palaeomorphology
sponse of river channels over this surface was moderate to low and palaeodrainage are the governing factors for
due to presence of thick vegetation facilitating chemical weather- lateritisation.
ing of the bedrocks. Thus, the drainage, morphology, vegetation,
and climate were all favourable for lateritisation during Palaeocene
times in this area. Acknowledgements

We gratefully acknowledge Deputy Director General and HOD,

7.4. Lateritisation and flood basaltic provinces AMSE Wing, Geological Survey of India, Bangalore for providing
necessary facilities for geochemical analysis of bauxite samples.
Flood basaltic provinces are the large accumulation of basaltic We thank Prof. T.C. Devaraju, two anonymous reviewers of JAES,
lava flows having remarkably uniform chemical composition and handling editor L. Jennifer and Editor in Chief Bor-Jahn Ming,
erupted within short time span. Many of the continental flood bas- whose comments immensely helped for the improvement of
alts are associated with early stages of continental breakup and rif- the original version of paper. The authors are thankful to Mr.
ting (White and Mckenzie, 1995; Duncan and Richards, 1991). Due Parijat Roy, Mr. Nandu Kanoje, Mr. S.T. Narhari and Mrs. Savita
to their wide areal extent and stupendous volumes, the flood basal- Gaidhane for the help and support rendered during various
tic provinces are good parent rocks to host large laterite deposits. stages of the work. KRR thanks Mr. Govindrao and Mrs. Maya
The Deccan Trap basaltic province is one such area where wide- Manapure for encouragement and support, and especially Che-
spread lateritisation is observed. Several economic deposits are tana for her patience and tolerance during preparation of this
present in Gujarat, Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh (Saha- paper.
srabudhe, 1978; IBM, 1993). Economically viable deposits of late-
rites are also associated with Columbia River Province in the
Appendix A. Supplementary material
states of Oregon, Washington and Idaho (Allen, 1948). Examples
of laterite deposits associated with flood basalts come from North
Supplementary data associated with this article can be found, in
Australian, Caribbean, North Atlantic and Hawaii flood basaltic
the online version, at doi:10.1016/j.jseaes.2011.07.014.
provinces (Valeton, 1972 and references therein; Sak et al., 2004;
Taylore and Eggleton, 2008; Bogatyrev and Zhukov, 2009). Deng
et al. (2009) indicated possibility of presence of laterite deposits
in the Emeishan Traps. Nevertheless, there are several other flood Aagard, P., 1974. Rare earth elements adsorption on clay minerals. Bulletin du
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