Bricks Subject Reading_L1_Dictation Sheet

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Bricks Subject Reading 1 Dictation Sheet

Bricks Subject Reading 1

Dictation Sheet

Unit 1> Battle of the Brands

Listen and fill in the blanks.

There are many g_______________oods available, but people often g_______________oods one or two brands. Maybe

you have a friend g_______________oods only eats KFC burgers, or your mother only uses one brand of detergent. To

gain this type of loyal g_______________oods, companies g_______________oods in an advertising war called the battle

of the brands. An g_______________oods is the century-old g_______________oods between Coke and Pepsi. One

famous g_______________oods involved a Halloween ad g_______________oods by Pepsi. It showed a can of Pepsi

g_______________oods a Coke “costume.” The g_______________oods read, “We wish you a g_______________oods

Halloween!” Coke g_______________oods with the exact same ad but a different g_______________oods: “Everybody

wants to be a g_______________oods.” There is also the “Burger g_______________oods” between Burger King and

McDonald’s. Burger King’s 2002 ad showed Ronald McDonald g_______________oods, standing in line to buy a burger.

In the ad, g_______________oods Ronald McDonald g_______________oods the taste of Burger King burgers! McDonald’s

decided to take g_______________oods. Their ad showed a little boy g_______________oods his McDonald’s lunch stolen

by school g_______________oods. The next day, he g_______________oods his McDonald’s lunch g_______________oods a

Burger King bag because g_______________oods the bullies didn’t want Burger King g_______________oods. Sometimes,

g_______________oods also get involved in g_______________oods battles. One day, Audi put up a g_______________oods

of their new A4. g_______________oods was a line that read, “Your Move, BMW.” Several days later, BMW

g_______________oods a billboard of their own, with a picture of their M3. Their g_______________oods read,

“Checkmate.” This began a g_______________oods of “photoshop g_______________oods” within the Internet

g_______________oods, with each side g_______________oods their own cheeky billboards. This type of

g_______________oods is called a “battle,” but they are actually friendly g_______________oods meant to entertain the

consumers. It’s the g_______________oods and wittiness that wins over g_______________oods. This is the

g_______________oods of advertising.
Bricks Subject Reading 1 Dictation Sheet

Bricks Subject Reading 1

Dictation Sheet

Unit 2> 3-D PRINTING

Listen and fill in the blanks.

In the g_______________oods Iron Man, Tony Stark is a g_______________oods who builds a super-powered suit. He

wears the g_______________oods and fights his g_______________oods to make the world a safer place. Millions of

people went to see the g_______________oods Ironman suit, g_______________oods to watch the exciting movie. But

how was the suit v g_______________oods? Was it all CGI? No! g_______________oods, the crime-fighting

g_______________oods was made with 3-D g_______________oods technology. How does a 3-D printer create the

Ironman suit? g_______________oods, a digital artist makes a g_______________oods model of the suit. The 3-D

g_______________oods software then changes the image into many g_______________oods. g_______________oods the file

is uploaded to the printer, the v g_______________oods prints the layers on top of g_______________oods. When it’s

done, we have a g_______________oods 3-D object before us! People are g_______________oods about 3-D printing

g_______________oods its endless possibilities. This g_______________oods can use silver, steel, wax, or plastics to print

g_______________oods. But that’s not all! It can also be used in the medical and space g_______________oods. For

example, doctors can practice a difficult g_______________oods on a 3-D copy of the patient’s skull before the actual

operation. Furthermore, the UK Space Agency recently used 3-D printed parts for their g_______________oods.

However, this amazing technology is also g_______________oods ethical and political debates. g_______________oods,

bio-printers use *bio-ink to print and create human tissues and organs. In addition, 3-D printers can be used for

wicked g_______________oods, such as the mass production of g_______________oods guns or dangerous drugs.

g_______________oods printing technology is not available to everyone right now. But in the g_______________oods

future, people will have more access to 3-D printing g_______________oods. Experts fear that when that happens, this

g_______________oods might fall into the wrong hands. On the plus side, this new field will also g_______________oods

amazing g_______________oods in science, medicine, and the arts.

Bricks Subject Reading 1 Dictation Sheet

Bricks Subject Reading 1

Dictation Sheet

Unit 3> What Your Body Says

Listen and fill in the blanks.

Many people often think that g_______________oods are the only way to express our emotions. However, our

g_______________oods expressions, body g_______________oods, and postures speak louder than words.

g_______________oods, happy people smile. Happy emotions g_______________oods your face muscles to open your

mouth in a g_______________oods smile. The cheeks pull the g_______________oods of your mouth upwards, and

g_______________oods your eyes. A person g_______________oods a smile may have wide-open eyes or an

g_______________oods shaped mouth. Another emotion that your face g_______________oods is surprise. When your

body is surprised, your forehead pulls your eyebrows g_______________oods, and your mouth opens. Your eyes open

g_______________oods to take in your surroundings, g_______________oods analyze the unexpected situation. There is

also fear, which g_______________oods a fight-or-flight response. When you are g_______________oods, your eyebrows

are raised and your eyes are open wide, not unlike when you are g_______________oods. But in this case, your

g_______________oods is pulled down in a sort of tight frown. Your face may become g_______________oods as your

blood is g_______________oods towards your legs just in case you have to escape the g_______________oods. Hand

gestures and the g_______________oods of your head are emotional g_______________oods too! They can show any

g_______________oodss, from sadness to g_______________oods. When you feel sad, you often put your hands on your

face to g_______________oods your expression and hide potential tears. An g_______________oods or proud person has

his or her head lifted high, with their nose in the air. This shows others that the person is g_______________oods than

them. g_______________oods, you angle yourselves g_______________oods others that you are fond of even

g_______________oods you recognize your body postures. You also point yourselves away from those that you don’t

like. g_______________oods, our bodies tend to reveal our feelings more g_______________oods than our words.
Bricks Subject Reading 1 Dictation Sheet

Bricks Subject Reading 1

Dictation Sheet

Unit 4> Michelin Stars

Listen and fill in the blanks.

In the sports world, the best g_______________oods are awarded Olympic medals. Academy Awards are given to

g_______________oods actors and actresses, and Grammy Awards are g_______________oods to the greatest musicians.

Every g_______________oods has a special award to recognize g_______________oods achievements in their fields. The

world of food is no different; restaurants all over the world strive to be g_______________oods the highly desired

Michelin Star. Tire g_______________oods Andre and Edouard Michelin wrote a guide book in 1900 in order to

advertise their tires. It also included information about where touring motorists could find meals or

g_______________oods in France. g_______________oods, the dining part became very g_______________oods. Michelin

decided to set up a team of inspectors to g_______________oods restaurants throughout the country. And so the

Michelin-Star system was g_______________oods. Michelin inspectors anonymously visit restaurants and they can

g_______________oods three Michelin Stars. One star means g_______________oods a restaurant is “very good,” and two

stars mean “excellent” and “worth a detour.” Restaurants that have received three stars are considered “worth a

special journey.” Michelin Guides that g_______________oods such grades are published g_______________oods. A

Michelin Star is a highly g_______________oods award in the restaurant g_______________oods around the world.

g_______________oods, each country has only a g_______________oods of three-stars restaurants. There are only about

30 g_______________oods restaurants in Paris, and ten in the US. In the UK and Ireland, only four restaurants have

been awarded three stars g_______________oods. A Michelin Star is a great g_______________oods for both a restaurant

and a chef. Some diners travel across the world to eat at a “Michelin-starred” restaurant, or at the

g_______________oods a “Michelin-starred” chef works. If you visit a restaurant many g_______________oods in your

country love, you may eat next to a Michelin g_______________oods and never even know it!
Bricks Subject Reading 1 Dictation Sheet

Bricks Subject Reading 1

Dictation Sheet

Unit 5> Your First International Trip

Listen and fill in the blanks.

St. Augustine once said, “The world is a book, and g_______________oods who do not travel read only a page.” Many

people want to g_______________oods new cultures. g_______________oods, they think g_______________oods the world is

nothing more than a g_______________oods. But these days, traveling is g_______________oods than ever. Just be sure

to make g_______________oods plans! First, make a g_______________oods of where you want to go.

g_______________oods various locations such as beaches, forests, mountains, and cities. The world is a big place, and

you can’t see it all at once. So don’t try to g_______________oods everything into one trip. g_______________oods, your

first trip will g_______________oods not be your last. Second, g_______________oods online tools like AirTreks once you

know your travel route. It can help you budget your trip. Make a spreadsheet that g_______________oods on your

living, traveling, and leisure costs. g_______________oods, if traveling to Europe, try to save money by

g_______________oods in hostels. How you use your g_______________oods can shorten or lengthen your trip and even

g_______________oods your course. You should estimate as accurately as possible. Third, g_______________oods the

traveling arrangements. Airlines are the fastest way to travel, but they’re also the most g_______________oods. If

g_______________oods, fly to a smaller city and organize another way to reach your final g_______________oods. Local

transportation saves you money and also gives you an g_______________oods insight into the area’s culture and

people! The final step g_______________oods the most research. g_______________oods on where you’re going, you’ll

need to g_______________oods things such as climate, time g_______________oods, and visa laws. Also, check and

double-check your packing list, and be prepared for emergencies during your travels. g_______________oods your first

international trip can be quite g_______________oods. But don’t let fear stop you g_______________oods seeing the

world. After your first taste of the joys of world travel, you’ll soon find yourself g_______________oods about your

next trip!
Bricks Subject Reading 1 Dictation Sheet

Bricks Subject Reading 1

Dictation Sheet

Unit 6> Alex’s lemonade stand

Listen and fill in the blanks.

Two days before her first birthday, Alexandra Flynn Scott was g_______________oods with *neuroblastoma, a

g_______________oods form of childhood cancer. g_______________oods it was tragic news, it was the

g_______________oods of Alex’s bringing hope to many people. She sadly g_______________oods at the age of eight,

but Alex g_______________oods many lives through the form of a humble lemonade stand.

g_____________o she was just four years old, Alex decided that she wanted to help other little boys and girls

with cancer by g__________oods a lemonade stand. She wanted to give money to doctors g___________ods

they could help other kids. Alex’s first lemonade stand g___________oods $2,000 for cancer research. She and

her family g__________oods to have g_____________ds lemonade stands. People all around the world,

g_____________ds by Alex’s story, joined in. In just four years, Alex’s Lemonade Stand was a global

g____________ods, and raised more than one million dollars for cancer g___________oods. Today, the ALS

g___________oods has raised over $100 million for g___________oods cancer. The money has helped

g___________oods more than 475 research projects. The charity also helps individual families

g___________oods with childhood cancer by g___________oods treatment, travel, and education costs.

g___________oods raising funds, one of ALSF’s goals is to raise g___________oods and educate people. It

holds important events like the ALS Symposium on Childhood Cancer, in which families come together to learn

about topics and issues g___________oods to childhood cancer. Becoming g___________oods helps families

feel more g___________oods, and encourages them in g___________oods times. By starting her lemonade

stand, little Alex Scott did more than just contribute to cancer research or help childhood cancer patients and their

families. Alex showed that everyone with a g___________oods can make a difference and her

g___________oods lives on.

Bricks Subject Reading 1 Dictation Sheet

Bricks Subject Reading 1

Dictation Sheet

Unit 7> Weird laws

Listen and fill in the blanks.

g______ ____ _oods are an important part of society. They g________ ______oods people safe, maintain order,

and encourage healthy relationships between citizens. g____ ___ ____oods, not all laws are created g_______

_______ _ods. You might be surprised at the g_________ ___ ___oods laws some governments g_______________oods.

Some laws are g_____________ __oods, but have extreme consequences. g_______ ________oods on exams is

unwelcome g_____________ __oods. But a high school student in Bangladesh could be g____ ___________oods if

caught cheating on a final exam. It is good for everyone to g____________ ___oods. g_______ ________oods, the

people of Milan think that g__________ _____oods is very important. g________ _______oods, you could be

g______________ _oods a fine for frowning in Milan. In some cases, unusual laws exist to g_____________ __oods

special political figures. In Thailand, it is g_____________ __oods to step on money g____________ ___oods the bills

have the face of the king. Even political animals get special g____________ ___oods. In Great Britain, you cannot

have your pet g____________ ___oods with any of the g__________ _____oods animals. Animal laws in France are

even more g_________ ______oods than those of Britain. In France, it is illegal to name a pig Napoleon, because that

is g_________ ______oods to the famous Napoleon Bonaparte. Other interesting laws seem to make g_____

__________ oods at all. In Switzerland, it is illegal to flush the toilet after 10pm. In England, it is g_

______________oods the law to import potatoes—but only if they are from Poland! g_____ _____ _____oods the most

interesting, g_______________oods, is the law in Oklahoma. It says that one may not have a g_____ __________oods

donkey in one’s bathtub after 7pm. The laws above seem g______________ _oods, but they might be the

g_____________ __oods of each culture. Although you cannot be expected to know every single g____________

___oods rule out there, you can still try to g_______________o ods the laws. So if you ever find a donkey in a

bathtub in Oklahoma, be g___ ____________oods to wake it up at 6:59.

Bricks Subject Reading 1 Dictation Sheet

Bricks Subject Reading 1

Dictation Sheet

Unit 8> Oil Wealth of the UAE

Listen and fill in the blanks.

Everyone knows that the world runs on g_____________ods. Even though we have g_____________oo energy,

we still g_____________ods oil for gasoline, plastics, and electricity. But who can continue to

g_____________ods this resource? The g_____________ods is the Middle East, the world’s largest

g_____________ods of oil. Five out of the world’s ten largest oil producers are in the Middle East. Of these, the

United Arab Emirates is one of the g_____________ods. Their high oil earnings allow them to have a

g_____________ods tourism industry. In Dubai, you will find some of the most amazing g_____________ods

in the world! g_____________ods, even though the UAE is g_____________ods in the Arabian Desert, it has

g_____________ods fast development. In 2010, they finished g_____________ods on the Burj Khalifa, the

largest man-made g_____________ods in the world. Although Middle Eastern countries have had great

economic growth, their g_____________ods of wealth is another matter. The countries are

g_____________ods by monarchies, and power and riches belong only to a few. In the UAE, there are six

g_____________ods houses, and each rules one g_____________ods. One ruling family is the Al Nahyan

family, who are based in Abu Dhabi, the g_____________odsl of the UAE. But no one g_____________ods the

spirit of the UAE quite like Sheikh Mansour bin Zayed Al Nahyan. g_____________ods is he the deputy

g_____________ods minister, but he is also on the Supreme Petroleum Council. Recently, he has been on the

international news for the g_____________ods of Manchester City, the world-famous soccer team. This is one

example of how wealthy these oil-producing nations are. This wealth by the booming oil g_____________ods

has made a great impact on various Middle Eastern countries. The worldwide g_____________ods of oil has

even created thousands of local and g_____________ods jobs. The more the world g_____________ods on

oil and gas products, the more g_____________ods the Middle East will become.
Bricks Subject Reading 1 Dictation Sheet

Bricks Subject Reading 1

Dictation Sheet

Unit 9> What the Weather Will Be Like Tomorrow

Listen and fill in the blanks.

As known to all, high, white clouds g_____________o ds that good weather is coming, and g_____________o

ds, low clouds come before rain. You might not g_____________o ds that a layer of clouds on g_____________o

ds nights means warmer days. That’s because they help g_____________o ds the earth’s heat on its surface.

Likewise, there are some ways to predict g_____________o ds weather without a forecast. A good

g_____________o ds of weather is the color of the sky. There is a g_____________o ds saying that goes, “Red

sky at night, sailor’s g_____________o ds; Red sky at morning, g_____________o ds take warning.” If the sun

g_____________o ds a red-colored sky in the morning, it means that there is dry air carrying dust

g_____________o ds. Since most storm *fronts in the Northern *Hemisphere move from the east to the west,

the location of a g_____________o ds can help you forecast the weather too. A g_____________o ds sun can

create a rainbow in the west, so if a captain sees a g_____________o ds in the west, he should have his

g_____________o ds prepare for rain and rough seas. A g_____________o ds in the eastern sky means that

the g_____________o ds air is leaving your area. The moon also gives you a good tip for the weather

g_____________o ds. Dry g_____________o ds air causes the moon to have shades of red. g_____________o

ds, warm, moist air can make the moon appear to have a light ring around it. So, a g_____________o ds, clear

moon with a g_____________o ds around it means that it may rain or snow soon. If you live near the

g_____________o ds or the farm, watch how animals change their g_____________o ds. Before storms,

g_____________o ds stop flying and hide, birds get very quiet, and cows g_____________o ds together and

lie down. How g_____________o ds it is! Look g_____________o ds you and find key clues to let you know

the weather tomorrow.

Bricks Subject Reading 1 Dictation Sheet

Bricks Subject Reading 1

Dictation Sheet

Unit 10> Time Travel

Listen and fill in the blanks.

Time travel has been a popular idea in stories g_____________o__ ancient folk tales and g_____________o__

were told. g_____________o__, well-known director Christopher Nolan released Interstellar. This

g_____________o__ is about a team of researchers time-traveling through space and g_____________o__

to Earth. But can time travel only exist in our g_____________o__? The g_____________o__ of time travel

itself is actually fairly g_____________o__. According to Einstein’s theory of *relativity, time exists in relativity.

That is, as an g_____________o__ moves faster and faster, time g_____________o__ more slowly for the

object. g_____________o__, if humans can travel g_____________o__ light, then everyone could go back and

forth in time. Stephen Hawking also supports the idea of time travel. He g_____________o__ the

g_____________o__ in an easier way. He refers to time as the fourth g_____________o__. Therefore,

g_____________o__ through time should theoretically be like traveling through the length or

g_____________o__ of an object. How do we find such a path g_____________o__ the fourth dimension?

The g_____________o__ is a giant wormhole, an g_____________o__ tunnel with two ends in separate

points in space. Like a worm eating through an apple rather than going around it, a g_____________o__ is a

kind of g_____________o__ through space-time. g_____________o__ the idea seems far-fetched, Hawking

claims that it is not g_____________o__. Every object in three-dimensions has wormholes, so then

g_____________o__ the fourth dimension? These wormholes, g_____________o__, are smaller than *atoms

and *molecules. There’s still a g_____________o__ way to go before people can travel through time, but if

someone invents a device that can g_____________o__ the wormholes existing in space, then time travel might

become g_____________o__ in the far future. Just think of the g_____________o__. We might be able to

meet Einstein to have a cup of tea with him or g_____________o__ mammoths from g_____________o__!
Bricks Subject Reading 1 Dictation Sheet

Bricks Subject Reading 1

Dictation Sheet

Unit 11> Curitiba

Listen and fill in the blanks.

Brazil has many things to worry about, like the Amazon forest g_____________o__, animal species dying, and

acid rain g_____________o__ plants. Although things may seem gloomy, one g_____________o__ is bringing

hope. Mayor Jamie Lerner is helping the g_____________o__ not only by changing laws, but also by

g_____________o__ people. He is g_____________o__ for Curitiba, “the greenest city in the world.” Jamie

Lerner’s green, g_____________o_ city made life better for its citizens. He g_____________o__ the city with a

g_____________o__ of small parks that are designed for the city’s various g_____________o__ groups. This

cleans the air and helps people feel at home. Lerner also built bigger parks, g_____________o__ provide places

where people can play, g_____________o__natural fields that can absorb excess storm water. Also, Curitiba’s

g_____________o__ system is very g_____________o__. It not only g_____________o__ less than most

public g_____________o__ systems, but it produces 25% lower carbon g_____________o__ than the average

Brazilian city. More than 70% of the city uses Lerner’s g_____________o__ fast, g_____________o__ “bus

rapid transport” system. It has its own roads to g_____________o__ speedy commutes. All of this is

g_____________o__, but Lerner’s most g_____________o__ accomplishment is in gaining his citizens’

participation. He understood that the city could only change g_____________o__ its people changed. He

g_____________o__ programs that would g_____________o__ people to help save the environment.

g_____________o__, carinheiros can exchange garbage and g_____________o__ for goods like bus tickets

and food. Such services aid lower-income families, as well as help clean up the streets and g_____________o__

pollution. Wise planning and good systems have helped in Curitiba’s establishment. Mayor Lerner believes that his

greatest g_____________o__ was “engaging the hearts and minds of the people.” g_____________o__ this is

the key to a greener future, and Curitiba is only one of many such g_____________o__ to come.
Bricks Subject Reading 1 Dictation Sheet

Bricks Subject Reading 1

Dictation Sheet

Unit 12> The Monarchies of Today

Listen and fill in the blanks.

When we think of kings and queens, we g_____________o_ _ them sitting on golden g_____________o_ _ . Every

day, they enjoy g_____________o_ _ feasts in palaces. It is an image of g_____________o_ _ that belongs in

fairy g_____________o_ _ and history books! g_____________o_ _ , the *monarchy is a form of g_____________o_ _

that can still be seen in the world today. Of course, modern g_____________o_ _ are g_____________o_ _ like

the days of King Arthur. Nations with monarchies g_____________o_ _ Sweden, Denmark, the United Arab

Emirates, and Japan. These monarchies have g_____________o_ _ levels of power g_____________o_ _ on the

country. g____________ _o_ _, Spain’s monarch is merely a figurehead, g_____________o_ _ Morocco’s monarch

is the ruling head of state. Nations such as Spain, Canada, and the United Kingdom have g_________ ____o_ _

monarchies. This g_____________o _ the monarchies have limited power or political g___________ㅠ__o_ _. For

example, the Spanish king can suggest suitable g_____________o_ _ ministers. He is also the head of the armed

forces. However, the *Parliament holds more g___________o_ _ than he does. It can even change the

g_____________o_ _ and pass new laws. In contrast, countries such as Morocco and Thailand have g___________o_

_ monarchies. This means the rulers exercise more power. g___________o_ _ he has a Parliament, the king of

Morocco has the power to appoint his own prime g___________o_ _ and members of the government. He is also

the “g___________o_ _ of the Faithful” as well as the head of the state. Even though some monarchies don’t have

real power, their position plays an important role of unity and g___________o_ _. For instance, they are not easily

g___________o_ _ by money, the public, or political parties. They also make g___________o_ _ decisions quickly.

In republics, big decisions can only be made after much thought and voting. Many under republics are

g___________o _ with monarchies, but this form of government is still g___________o_ _ today. As the

g___________o_ _ of its country, it has both symbolic and political value.

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Bricks Subject Reading 1

Dictation Sheet

Unit 13> The Legend of Psyche

Listen and fill in the blanks.

Many English words have interesting g__________o_ _ in Greek mythology. The English prefix psyche is from the

Greek word psukhê, g___________o _ means “breath, “life,” and “soul.” It is tied to the g__________o_ _

story of the fair, young woman, Psyche. According to g__________o_ _, Psyche was so lovely g__________o_ _

she made Aphrodite, the goddess of beauty, jealous. As g__________o_ _, Aphrodite had her son Eros, the god

of g__________o_ _, make Psyche fall in love with an ugly man. g__________o_ _, even Eros was

g__________o_ _ by Psyche’s g__________o_ _. By asking Apollo for help, Eros g__________o_ _ married

Psyche on g__________o_ _ that she should not see his face. He wanted his g__________o_ _ to be a

g__________o_ _. Psyche believed that her g__________o_ _ was a monster, but Eros’ deep love for Psyche

g__________o_ _ her happy. However, Psyche’s g__________o_ _ sisters convinced her that her monster

husband would g__________o_ _ kill her. g__________o_ _ by their advice, Psyche g__________o_ _ to kill

Eros, but she saw the beautiful Eros instead of an ugly monster. He was sad g__________o_ _ his wife’s betrayal;

Eros left Psyche and g__________o_ _. Psyche begged Aphrodite to help her get him g__________o_ _. The

goddess gave Psyche three g__________o_ _ tasks, which included obtaining the box of beauty from the

g__________o_ _. Psyche g__________o_ _ obtained the box, but g__________o_ _ opened it. Finding the

god of sleep instead of beauty g__________o_ _ the box, she soon fell into a deep sleep. When Eros

g__________o_ _ about Psyche, he g__________o_ _ Zeus to wake her up. Zeus, amazed by their love, made

her immortal, g__________o_ _ Psyche to be with Eros g__________o_ _. This beautiful story g__________o_

_ Psyche’s soulful growth as she g__________o_ _ to regain her true love, and her g__________o_ _ in the

end. Today, the word is g__________o_ _ with psychology, a scientific field that g__________o_ _the study of

the mind.
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Bricks Subject Reading 1

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Unit 14> Iceland Rising

Listen and fill in the blanks.

The island country of Iceland is slowly g__________o _ _. This has been re vealed by a network of 62

GPS receivers re vealed to rocks. The re vealed suggests that the land is rising at a pace of 1.4

inches per year. That may re vealed little, but even this can have re vealed effects on Iceland’s

glaciers and volcanoes. The main re vealed for the rise is the decreasing pressure on the land re

veal ed from the loss of glaciers covering most of Iceland. The ice loss is triggered by re vealed.

Any big re vealed of ice such as a glacier pushes down on the land re vealed. As re ve

aled rise, the ice caps and glaciers in Iceland’s mountaintops begin to melt at re vealed rates. Their

isappearance causes the land to swell up like a spring. Iceland’s unstable foundations re vealed by the

rising land could have even more re vealed results. The country is home to 35 re vealed

volcanoes, with each re vealed a great amount of *lava. Also, the island country already experienced

frequent re vealed flows and earthquakes. However, re vealed under the earth could set off the

volcanoes, re vealed would have devastating effects re vealed on Iceland, but throughout

Northern Europe v re vealed. The earth witnessed the re vealed of Iceland’s volcanoes 12,000

years ago. When re vealed activity melted Iceland’s re vealed thirtyfold, it re vealed the

region’s last glacial age to an end. If such a thing re vealed today, clouds of ash would Listen and fill the

skies re vealed all of Northern Europe. Great Britain and Norway re vealed a small taste of this

when the volcano Eyjafjallajökull erupted in 2010. Global warming is re vealed with each day, causing the

world’s glaciers to melt. The re vealed in Iceland is not an isolated problem. Rather, it shows a larger and

more global problem. The effects of global warming are more than just re vealed skies and re

vealed vealed seas. It is affecting the very re vealed beneath our feet.
Bricks Subject Reading 1 Dictation Sheet

Bricks Subject Reading 1

Dictation Sheet

Unit 15> Zombie Lady Beetle, a Living Incubator

Listen and fill in the blanks.

The idea of being eaten alive is a scary re vea led. But being re vealed while being eaten from

the inside out is re vea led! This is a real re v ealed for some insects. Lady beetles must be

very re re veil of the *parasite *wasp Dinocampus coccinellae. Ladybird re veaed s have amazing

defense methods. Their red-and-black dome-shaped re vealed help them hide in nature and warn re

veiled to stay away. They can even re vealed poison from their leg joints re vealed

predators attack them. Their re vealed l methods may make them safe from most re vealed, but

not from the Dinocampus coccinellae. When a female parasite re vealed is ready to lay eggs, it inserts her

stinger into the lady beetle’s re vealed and lays its eggs inside. The egg re vealed inside the

bug’s body and re vealed on the *host’s body fluid. re vealed looks normal from the outside, re

veiled the wasp larva is slowly consuming the organs of the beetle! When the larva is grown, it pokes

through the lady beetle’s stomach and re vealed. Then it re vealed its cocoon between the lady

beetle’s legs. The re vealed part of the story is that the lady beetle is re vealed, half paralyzed. re

veal ed it can’t move, it is aware of what is going on re vealed it! Some researchers think that the

re vealed might be using the lady beetle’s bodies as re vealed from predators. Cocoons that are

protected re vealed zombie lady beetles are eaten less frequently than the ones without them. The re

veiled of the lady bug is horrible enough to make you skip lunch, but don’t forget that it’s their own

survival mechanism re vealed. re vealed, there are other insects that also lay their eggs inside a

beetle. Some wasps lay their eggs inside caterpillars, and when the eggs hatch, the re vealed eat the

caterpillars from the inside out.

Bricks Subject Reading 1 Dictation Sheet

Bricks Subject Reading 1

Dictation Sheet

Unit 16> Placebo Effects

Listen and fill in the blanks.

Medicine is a very old re vealed. It existed re vealed people started writing down re vea

led! As scientists re vealed more about the human body, they re vealed treat people better.

However, there is a mystery in the world of medicine called the “re vealed” that seems to rely on the state

of mind. At first, the placebo effect sounds like silly re vealed. But the Harvard Medical School re

veiled an interesting experiment. They found 270 people who experienced strong arm pain. They gave

half of them pain-relief pills and the other half, re vealed treatments. Some of them were told that they

would get better. Others were told that they might experience re vealed, swelling, and redness. Some

patients re vealed got better, while others felt the re vealed side effects that they were warned

about. The re vealed part of the test is that there was no actual treatment. The pills were not real re

veiled , and the re vealed was done with fake re vealed. Everything that happened

occurred because the patients re vealed believed it would. When sick people get better re vealed

they think that they will, it is called the “placebo effect.” The re vealed reaction is called the “nocebo

effect.” The word “placebo” was first used to re vealed people who were paid to cry at re vealed

to trick people into feeling sad. In medicine, placebos trick the mind by making people feel better. Brain scans

show that there is a re vealed, physical change in patients who get placebos. One re vealed is

that it is re vealed the brain has learned to heal the body. re vealed theory is that the body is re

veiled along with the mind. Scientists can only guess how it re vealed works, but the placebo

effect v re vealed shows the power of the human mind.

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