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valid for any Leela Quantum Water Bottle

Strengthen your body and energetic system to enjoy the life you deserve! No one
likes to be sick. No one likes to feel bad or deficient. You definitely don’t want outer
circumstances to dictate your life. What you probably want is energy and vitality that
allow you to be present for your friends and family, do well at your job, reach your
goals and truly enjoy your life. Learn how one key thing can change many aspects of
your life all at once!

What are Leela Quantum products about?
Products developed by Leela Quantum Tech are designed to promote physical and
mental health by channeling quantum energy. Leela customers regularly report that
the health benefits of its products include increased energy, relief from pain and
muscle soreness, improved concentration, increased resistance to stress, and grea-
ter ability to relax and live in the moment. Leela Quantum Tech products have been
scientifically certified by two independent institutes, and the variety of personal pro-
ducts make self-care easy. One of the institutes also ran a dark field microscopy study
together with a Doctor’s Office and discovered that in 100% of the test persons the
blood significantly improved after wearing the respective Leela Quantum products
for only a few minutes. Here are a couple of examples:

What are the Leela Quantum Water Bottles ?

These drinking bottles charged with quantum energy not only look like cool design
pieces, they can also help you to feel better. Charged with pure quantum energy and
very supportive frequencies, the water structure and the quality improve noticea-
bly after just a few minutes. The stainless steel double-wall (which also keeps water,
tea, etc. cool or hot) is charged with H.E.A.L. frequencies, Biobase and primal healing
water frequencies. The biobase frequency set is comprised of about 80 of the most
important vitamins, minerals and organic plant extracts for the human body.
We recommend 20 minutes of charging for optimal results.
If you forget that it is charging, that is ok too, longer charging times are fine.
The Leela Quantum water bottle does not act like a filter, but any filtered water will
structurally and energetically be truly alive and taste like the most nourishing water
you can imagine. Nourish yourself with style and convenience!

Do you want to learn more about the potential
of quantum energy and frequency products?
If you are interested in learning more about the amazing possibilities of the Leela
Quantum products and related topics, feel free to join our private telegram group. It’s
a wonderful group to just listen in, share and learn. You can join here:


Thank you very much for your interest in Leela Quantum Tech and the fascinating
world of frequencies and quantum energy!
Your Leela Quantum Tech team


QUANTUM Water Bottle
Get your Bottle(s) now




Statements made in this document have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Leela Quantum Tech
products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


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