Week no.1 report

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School of Business and Management

Internship Diary
Academic Year 2023-24

Name of the Student: Ragini Phul

Register Number: 2224466

Class: 4BBAH D

Contact (Mobile No): 9368109427

Email Id: ragini.phul@bba.christuniversity.in

Internship Details

Name of the Organization: THDC INDIA LIMITED


THDC INIDA LIMITED, Corporate Office Rishikesh, Pragatipuram,

By Pass Road, Rishikesh- 249201 (Uttarakhand)

Duration of the Internship: 6 weeks

Starting from: 9th May, 2024

Ending on: 19th June, 2024

Company Supervisor: (coordinator)

Name: Mr. Shubham Chaubey

Designation: Assistant Manager (HRD)

Contact Number: 8737831922

Email Id: shubhamchaubey@thdc.co.in

Weekly Report (Week No: 1)

Week No: 1 Dates From: 9th may to: 12th May

Day 1 of the Week - Activities Performed in the Organization:

Day 2 of the Week - Activities Performed in the Organization:

Day 3 of the Week - Activities Performed in the Organization:

Day 4 of the Week - Activities Performed in the Organization:

 Introduction to the Company.

 Orientation of the internship role.
 Briefing of the key roles and responsibilities of HR ESTT.
Department under which I will be interning.
 Understanding about the employee policies and guidelines in an
Day 5 of the Week - Activities Performed in the Organization:

 Understanding about the employee policies in detail.

 Drafting mail to the IE department for employees under death
benevolent scheme.

Day 6 of the Week - Activities Performed in the Organization:

 Off (Saturday)

Learnings from the Week:

From the above tasks performed during the week, I have gained insights
about the company and the services it provides to the country. Along with
that I could align with their vision, mission, and objectives to run THDC
India Limited successfully. I also learnt about the key roles and functions
of that the HR ESTT. department performs on a day-to-day basis. Through
my guide, I was given information about the death benevolent scheme run
by the company and I was asked to perform a task concerned with the
benevolent scheme of writing mail for the employees registered under the
scheme to further process their payments.
Signature of the Student Signature of the Organizational Guide
Student Internship Performance Review
Tick the rating that best describes the performance characteristics of the
Your opinion will be a major factor in the student’s evaluation for the
purpose of grading
Rating Scale:
[1] Excellent – Far exceeded expectations
[2] Good – met and exceeded expectations
[3] Satisfactory –Met expectations
[4] Fair – Somewhat met expectations, but needs improvement
[5] Unsatisfactory-Did not meet expectations

Parameters Excellent Good Satisfactory Fair Unsatisfactory

Quality of Work 
Oral / Written 

Attitude 
Productivity 
Creativity 
Ability to learn 
Time Management 
Initiative 
Competency 
Interaction with other staff 
Punctuality / Discipline 
Suggestions/ Comments you would like to share for the student:

She started the training on a good and productive note. She is punctual and
keen to learn, quite observant towards the HR practices.
Company Supervisor Signature: Date: 13/05/2024

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